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舆论正负能量的社会定律 被引量:11
作者 刘建明 《新闻爱好者》 2014年第12期43-46,共4页
舆论的正负能量是创造文明的两种不同公众意识及功能。诤言、褒扬与曝光执着地追求真理,坚定地捍卫公共利益与正义;浮言、假话、谬理和谣言则套话连篇、颠倒是非,贻害国家和人民。两种舆论能量产生了增益和毁损文明的定律,也形成了社会... 舆论的正负能量是创造文明的两种不同公众意识及功能。诤言、褒扬与曝光执着地追求真理,坚定地捍卫公共利益与正义;浮言、假话、谬理和谣言则套话连篇、颠倒是非,贻害国家和人民。两种舆论能量产生了增益和毁损文明的定律,也形成了社会治理的政治定律。 展开更多
关键词 正负舆论 舆论能量定律 舆情资源 社会治理定律
作者 章立早 《中小学校长谋略》 2004年第1期55-55,共1页
关键词 社会定律 成就定律 中学 语文 课外阅读
社会引力定律追根溯源 被引量:9
作者 闫小勇 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第8期250-257,共8页
在交通出行、人口迁移、商品贸易、信息流通、社会交往、科研合作等大量人、物、信息的空间流动现象中,都存在类似万有引力定律的规律,即两地之间的某种流动量与两地活力的乘积成正比、与两地距离的幂成反比.类比万有引力定律建立的引... 在交通出行、人口迁移、商品贸易、信息流通、社会交往、科研合作等大量人、物、信息的空间流动现象中,都存在类似万有引力定律的规律,即两地之间的某种流动量与两地活力的乘积成正比、与两地距离的幂成反比.类比万有引力定律建立的引力模型也在交通出行分布预测、人口迁移量预测、地区间贸易量预测等诸多方面获得了广泛应用.但复杂的社会系统中为何会有这样简单的引力定律存在?这是个非常有趣也有价值的问题.本文对从统计物理学、微观经济学和博弈论等不同视角探索社会引力定律根源的研究进行了综述. 展开更多
关键词 社会引力定律 最大熵原理 离散选择模型 拥挤博弈
作者 刘小兵 《湖南商学院学报》 2004年第1期12-13,16,共3页
随着我国加入世贸组织 ,我国的国内市场与世界市场正式接轨 ;世界市场上的价值规律在我国国内市场的作用也日益加强。我国是发展中国家 ,根据世贸组织的协议对我国属于幼稚工业的产业施加保护政策。本文运用社会福利定律和幼稚工业发展... 随着我国加入世贸组织 ,我国的国内市场与世界市场正式接轨 ;世界市场上的价值规律在我国国内市场的作用也日益加强。我国是发展中国家 ,根据世贸组织的协议对我国属于幼稚工业的产业施加保护政策。本文运用社会福利定律和幼稚工业发展的规律 ,分析政府的扶持政策对本国该产业的影响与本国消费者的福利益损 。 展开更多
关键词 中国 工业经济 幼稚工业 扶持政策 社会福利定律 产业保护
作者 MBA 《检察风云》 2015年第20期8-9,共2页
1.捷径定律 大家都在走的捷径,其实是最难的路。 2.本事定律 永远不要让你的脾气大过现在的本事。 3.成长定律 成长就是将你哭声调成静音的过程。 4.馅饼定律 当天上掉下馅饼的时候,小心地上也有个陷阱在等着你。
关键词 社会定律 人生感悟 人生哲学 人生态度
作者 李安定 瞿国全 《科技传播》 2010年第24期61-61,56,共2页
关键词 社会定律 学生管理 思想教育 应用
作者 李辉 《黄冈师范学院学报》 2015年第3期225-227,共3页
关键词 社会定律 军队学术期刊 选题 审稿 校对
不可抗拒的反例——纳人亲属制度的意义,兼回应C.列维-斯特劳斯 被引量:3
作者 蔡华 《云南社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第5期67-72,共6页
近一个世纪来,亲属制度人类学对人类性生活模式的多样性的认识经历了曲折的过程,最终形成了单系血统理论与联姻理论,但纳人的实例对其构成了一定挑战。所以,只能以"社会血亲关系"概念和"社会血亲性排斥"定律来解释... 近一个世纪来,亲属制度人类学对人类性生活模式的多样性的认识经历了曲折的过程,最终形成了单系血统理论与联姻理论,但纳人的实例对其构成了一定挑战。所以,只能以"社会血亲关系"概念和"社会血亲性排斥"定律来解释纳人社会的个案,并对各民族的性行为方式的多样性中是否存在同一性这个难题有更深的认识。 展开更多
关键词 纳人 亲属关系 社会血亲关系 社会血亲性排斥定律
作者 刘永森 《文教资料》 2010年第27期140-141,共2页
关注学生的情感需要和生活体验,不仅是《思想品德课程标准》的要求,而且是提升思想品德教学质量的现实需要。为丰富学生的情感体验,在课堂教学中.教师不仅要善于发掘与引导学生已有的情感体验,而且要创设恰当的课堂教学情境,更要... 关注学生的情感需要和生活体验,不仅是《思想品德课程标准》的要求,而且是提升思想品德教学质量的现实需要。为丰富学生的情感体验,在课堂教学中.教师不仅要善于发掘与引导学生已有的情感体验,而且要创设恰当的课堂教学情境,更要注意引导学生深入社会,以使学生升华情感,加深道德情感的体验,从而提高思想品德教学的实效性。 展开更多
关键词 思想品德教学 情感体验 社会定律
Kaixin001 Network with Random Hierarchical Model
作者 张娟 张瀚青 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2011年第4期371-374,共4页
A new random hierarchical model to describe the neighborhood properties of Kaixin001 network is developed in this paper. The degree distribution of this network model follows P(k) k-γ with y = 1. It means the netw... A new random hierarchical model to describe the neighborhood properties of Kaixin001 network is developed in this paper. The degree distribution of this network model follows P(k) k-γ with y = 1. It means the network model has a power-law distribution. Through calculating the clustering coefficients and average path length (APL), the result reflects that the model has the properties of high clustering coefficients and low APL. 展开更多
关键词 power-law distribution social network sites(SNS) Kaixin001 network
Japanese Social Mentality and the Change in the Approval Rates of the Abe Administration
作者 Huo Jiangang 《Contemporary International Relations》 2018年第1期43-65,共23页
From June to July of 2017, the approval rates of the Abe administration fell sharply, in stark contrast to the long-term stability since 2012. The stability of Abe' s approval rates originated from the people' s neg... From June to July of 2017, the approval rates of the Abe administration fell sharply, in stark contrast to the long-term stability since 2012. The stability of Abe' s approval rates originated from the people' s negative support for him and their opposition to the Security Laws and other important events as well as the scandals under his administration. The opposition and negative support originated from the people's "acquired helplessness", "Abenomics", the sharp drop in the opporttmity costs of voting and other conditions. The sudden fall of Abe' s approval rates was not due to the change in the aforementioned conditions, rather because of the collapse of his image including personality owing to Abe' s perceived arrogance and his estrangement with the people. In the context of the temporary stabilization of approval rates, Abe dissolved the House of Representatives ahead of schedule and held a general election, taking full advantage of the internal strife between the opposition parties, to achieve his goal of ruling until the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. His victory in the recent election does not accurately demonstrate that Abe is completely immune to negative impact, thus he will to use the Korean Peninsula crisis and other issues to demonstrate his ability of safeguarding Japan's security, seek reconstruction of his image, and further enhance his approval rate to stabilize his administration. 展开更多
关键词 Japanese politics Abe administration approval rate social mentality
A Redemptive Analysis of Suffering
作者 Daihyun Chung 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2015年第10期530-536,共7页
The notion of suffering carries with it aspects which are private and individual on the one hand, and social and lingual on the other. I would pay attention to the latter part of the suffering notion, where the notion... The notion of suffering carries with it aspects which are private and individual on the one hand, and social and lingual on the other. I would pay attention to the latter part of the suffering notion, where the notion of suffering is recognized to be primitive by almost all the theories of human values. This primitive character allows a commensurable basis on the basis of which most plural theories share something in common to talk objectively to each other. In this paper, I would like to offer three arguments in order to advance a thesis that one's suffering is redemptive of others. First, the conservation law of mass says that matter of a closed system can neither be created nor destroyed, although it may be differently rearranged. This may be applied to the experience of suffering, to allow the conservation law of suffering: My unjust self-interest costs pains in others to the level of the same amount but if I voluntarily suffer a sacrifice, others will have their pains lightened to the analogous level. Second, notion of yin-yang helps to support the redemptive thesis of suffering. The notion says that all things in the reality consist of two complementary opposite Capacities that interact within a greater whole, as part of a dynamic system. Then, my acceptance of suffering and the decrease of other's pain are two complementary capacities of one reality. Third, any person is responsible for his own act, so is a society as a whole. Then, as an individual restores his damaged person, when he commits a crime, by being suffered or punished, a society restores itself to its own proper state, when any member of the society is wronged, by suffering communally in one way or other. 展开更多
作者 冯景元 《上海纺织》 2004年第6期32-32,共1页
关键词 生活哲学 人生哲理 幸福定律 艺术定律 社会定律
名落孙山 更攀新峰——高考落榜的启示
作者 李明媚 《今日南国》 2008年第11期10-12,共3页
长期以来,在人们的潜意识中.“大学”、“创业”、“成功”这三个词是紧密联系在一起的。“上大学:好的工作单位=有保障的生活”,这在中国几乎成了一条人人认可的社会定律。人们往往认为,考上大学.就意味着获得大学文凭.也就意... 长期以来,在人们的潜意识中.“大学”、“创业”、“成功”这三个词是紧密联系在一起的。“上大学:好的工作单位=有保障的生活”,这在中国几乎成了一条人人认可的社会定律。人们往往认为,考上大学.就意味着获得大学文凭.也就意味着推开了通往成功的大门。 展开更多
关键词 高考 “成功” 工作单位 社会定律 大学 潜意识 意味 文凭
作者 颜鹏飞 安慧 《马克思主义研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第4期80-84,共5页
西方国家自二战以来,在工人运动的压力下并为了自身的经济发展而力图维护社会正常秩序和社会制度运行的稳定性,因而在某些观念、生产关系和具体政策上作了局部调整和变革。西方和谐-冲突思潮以及稀释和缓解社会矛盾和非和谐的若干政策... 西方国家自二战以来,在工人运动的压力下并为了自身的经济发展而力图维护社会正常秩序和社会制度运行的稳定性,因而在某些观念、生产关系和具体政策上作了局部调整和变革。西方和谐-冲突思潮以及稀释和缓解社会矛盾和非和谐的若干政策和举措,对中国有一定的借鉴意义和参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 西方和谐-冲突思潮李嘉图定律和谐社会理论
Inherent Nature & Dynamics of Political Stability in China
作者 Adetoro Olaniyi Banwo 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2015年第2期291-311,共21页
For any society to progress, there must be sensitive leadership that is willing to stir the affairs of the country toward the right direction, the provision of a good life, security, opportunity to exist peacefully, a... For any society to progress, there must be sensitive leadership that is willing to stir the affairs of the country toward the right direction, the provision of a good life, security, opportunity to exist peacefully, a functioning legal system, responsive government, economic prosperity are all fundamental elements for sta- bility, and progress in any society. With a strong leadership in China, it has grown to become the newest and emerging super economic power bloc of the twenty-first century. Government adoption of philosophies such as the Mandate of Heaven, putting the people first, rule by virtue and deep economic reforms has not only bolstered it's authority to rule but has fortified the ruling party position as the only legitimate ruler of the greatest populated country in the world. This article develops a perception that stability of any society can only be achieved when it is deeply rooted in the philosophical ideology of that society and pursuing the core interests of the people. This work sets out to explain and examine the nature of the Chinese Communist Party dynamics in ensuring political stability in China over the decades of its inception into the political stream of the nation state. 展开更多
关键词 LEGITIMACY Civil order EFFICIENCY Chinese Communist Party
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