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作者 张继才 《理论月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期152-156,共5页
1928年,武汉设立社会行政管理机构——社会局,1931年之后,社会局之名虽不复存在,但仍有专门机构负责社会行政事宜。城市社会行政的职责范围相当大,社会救济是其中一部分。武汉官方的社会救济活动分为临时性救灾与日常性救济两个方面,以... 1928年,武汉设立社会行政管理机构——社会局,1931年之后,社会局之名虽不复存在,但仍有专门机构负责社会行政事宜。城市社会行政的职责范围相当大,社会救济是其中一部分。武汉官方的社会救济活动分为临时性救灾与日常性救济两个方面,以后者为主。以政府为主导的社会救济体制的建立,改变了过去经费无法保障、组织体系混乱、救济范围较小等弊端。在社会救济中,武汉社会行政部门也表现出很强的主体意识。抗战前,其主导的社会救济取得了一定的成绩,但在当时内忧外患的环境下,社会救济受到政治、经济等各种条件的制约,难有大的建树。 展开更多
关键词 武汉社会局 社会行政 社会救济
作者 王慎 《海军工程大学学报(综合版)》 2010年第1期93-96,共4页
1929年1月,南京市政府设置了社会局,分管着全市的社会行政事务。"一·二八事变"爆发后,南京因系首府,且距离上海较近,受到较大影响。此时,为了维持南京市社会的稳定,社会局针对具体情况,相应地采取了一些举措,其中主要有&... 1929年1月,南京市政府设置了社会局,分管着全市的社会行政事务。"一·二八事变"爆发后,南京因系首府,且距离上海较近,受到较大影响。此时,为了维持南京市社会的稳定,社会局针对具体情况,相应地采取了一些举措,其中主要有"火警预防"、"市面金融维持"和"粮食供应之保障"三项,收效甚佳,从而为国民政府首府的稳定作出了贡献。 展开更多
关键词 一·二八事变 南京市社会局 火警预防 金融维持 粮食保障
作者 付燕鸿 庞治法 《城市史研究》 2022年第2期236-255,共20页
抗战胜利后北平市儿童问题严峻,贫困儿童数量激增,生存状况恶劣,待救方殷。北平市社会局作为官方救助的主要机构,承担着儿童救助的责任和义务,战后通过改组、扩充儿童救济机构和办理临时急赈等方式,在救助儿童方面发挥着一定的积极作用... 抗战胜利后北平市儿童问题严峻,贫困儿童数量激增,生存状况恶劣,待救方殷。北平市社会局作为官方救助的主要机构,承担着儿童救助的责任和义务,战后通过改组、扩充儿童救济机构和办理临时急赈等方式,在救助儿童方面发挥着一定的积极作用。然而社会局经费短缺,行政效率低下,加之国民党将主要精力放在与中共的角力上,造成局势的动荡和社会力量的式微,导致儿童救助的范围狭窄,救助整体水平低下,救助效果欠佳。 展开更多
关键词 抗战后 北平市社会局 儿童救助
《北京档案史料》 2007年第4期124-133,共10页
重庆社会部长谷钧鉴:顷准曹特派员沛滋先后转到钧部福五子微、子俭两电,饬查报本市工人及冬令救济暨善后设施办理情形。等因。兹谨列表电陈,恭请鉴核。北平市社会局长温○○ 。崇三文叩。附表一份。
关键词 北平市社会局 冬令救济委员会 慈善设施 慈善团体
作者 张继才 《理论月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第11期108-113,共6页
中国城市社会行政组织的创设,始于国民政府《特别市组织法》、《市组织法》之颁布。城市社会行政机构的设置,在中国属于首创。其职责范围很大,管理的社会事务相当多。在草创阶段,城市社会行政工作的重心主要是设立机构,建章立制,当然,... 中国城市社会行政组织的创设,始于国民政府《特别市组织法》、《市组织法》之颁布。城市社会行政机构的设置,在中国属于首创。其职责范围很大,管理的社会事务相当多。在草创阶段,城市社会行政工作的重心主要是设立机构,建章立制,当然,在社会事业上也有一些举措。城市社会行政组织的建立,开创了城市社会管理新格局,推动了有关都市文明与城市社会管理知识的普及,促进了城市社会管理理念的更新。但在国民党统治时期的旧中国,其效果则未尽人意。 展开更多
关键词 城市社会局 社会行政 社会建设
作者 付燕鸿 《史学月刊》 2024年第10期67-79,共13页
抗日战争的硝烟刚刚散去,国共内战再起,战争制造了数量庞大的难民群体。地处华北入关要道的北平,成为难民的重要汇聚地。北平市难民数量庞大,生活维艰,不仅加重了政府的救助负担,而且严重影响到战后社会秩序的稳定。为重建战后社会秩序... 抗日战争的硝烟刚刚散去,国共内战再起,战争制造了数量庞大的难民群体。地处华北入关要道的北平,成为难民的重要汇聚地。北平市难民数量庞大,生活维艰,不仅加重了政府的救助负担,而且严重影响到战后社会秩序的稳定。为重建战后社会秩序,北平市社会局作为官方唯一的救助机构,承担着社会救助的责任,增设难民临时收养所、难民临时招待委员会、北平市救济福利事业审议委员会等救助机构,同时推出收容、急赈、工赈及借贷等措施,这对于缓解战后北平难民问题发挥了一定的积极作用。随着国共战事的扩大,北平待救难民数日增,然政府救助经费短缺,救助制度混乱,加之动荡不安局势的制约,致使社会局难民救助的整体效果寥寥,国民政府重建社会秩序的努力最终归于失败。 展开更多
关键词 北平社会局 难民救助 社会秩序
作者 张文翕 《河北开放大学学报》 2023年第2期6-9,共4页
受国货运动与国货思潮的影响,天津特别市于1928年举办了第一次国货展览会。虽然筹备所需的场地、资金、人员等资源匮乏,作为主办方的天津社会局缺乏相应办会经验,但在社会各界的支持下,此次国货展览会得以顺利举办。此次展览会展出了种... 受国货运动与国货思潮的影响,天津特别市于1928年举办了第一次国货展览会。虽然筹备所需的场地、资金、人员等资源匮乏,作为主办方的天津社会局缺乏相应办会经验,但在社会各界的支持下,此次国货展览会得以顺利举办。此次展览会展出了种类繁多的展品,并且实行展销结合,取得了较好的效果,社会各界反响热烈,为之后天津国货展览会的举办积累了宝贵经验。 展开更多
关键词 国货展览会 天津特别市 国货运动 社会局
作者 叶加申 《杭州(生活品质)》 2008年第6期63-63,共1页
沈奏廷,字谏初。1904年11月17日出生于浙江省余杭县,1919年入余杭县高等小学,后入杭州安定中学读书,1921年考入上海交通大学附属中学,1924年考取上海交通大学铁路管理科。1928年在上海交通大学毕业时,以四年成绩总平均93的高分名列全班... 沈奏廷,字谏初。1904年11月17日出生于浙江省余杭县,1919年入余杭县高等小学,后入杭州安定中学读书,1921年考入上海交通大学附属中学,1924年考取上海交通大学铁路管理科。1928年在上海交通大学毕业时,以四年成绩总平均93的高分名列全班第一。 展开更多
关键词 中国铁路运输 高等小学 铁路管理 上海交通大学 铁路公司 上海市社会局 铁路事业 南京国民政府 日本
作者 高明勇 《青年记者》 北大核心 2015年第22期89-90,共2页
近期读学者冉云飞的《每个人的故乡都在沦陷》,其中提到一个细节,即民国时期民生公司普通职员何现伦六十年前的日记。日记中,何现伦写道:"《观察》这个杂志,我非常兴(欣)赏它,因为它的言论很有许多精彩的地方,实在直爽,敢说敢写…... 近期读学者冉云飞的《每个人的故乡都在沦陷》,其中提到一个细节,即民国时期民生公司普通职员何现伦六十年前的日记。日记中,何现伦写道:"《观察》这个杂志,我非常兴(欣)赏它,因为它的言论很有许多精彩的地方,实在直爽,敢说敢写……这一本每期不到七八页(原文如此,疑有误——冉注)的小册子,现在都四千多元一本,真吓人!"这段日记,透露了两个信息,一是《观察》在当时影响很大,言论犀利; 展开更多
关键词 安平 民生公司 七八 一本 出版史 领导人物 编辑方针 上海市社会局 文艺刊物 言论自由
作者 吴忠富 《江淮文史》 1994年第3期28-38,共11页
关键词 章啸衡 傅秋涛 陈春圃 抗日武装 第三战区 上海市社会局 边区政府 日本侵略者 地下工作 副师长
Analysis of Dynamics and Driving Factors of Wetland Landscape in Zoige,Eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau 被引量:19
作者 QIU Pengfei WU Ning +2 位作者 LUO Peng WANG Zuyuan LI Maihe 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第1期42-55,共14页
Zoige Wetland is one of the largest plateau wetlands in the world. This paper provides a dynamic analysis of spatial and temporal patterns of the wetland in Zoige, Eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, supported by ERDAS8.... Zoige Wetland is one of the largest plateau wetlands in the world. This paper provides a dynamic analysis of spatial and temporal patterns of the wetland in Zoige, Eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, supported by ERDAS8.7 and ArcGIS9.0. It is the first comparative analysis of a system of rapidly changing wetland with landscape patterns in Zoige, using 3 classified landsat Thematic Mapper images of 1977, 1994 and 2001. The classified images were used to generate wetland distributing maps, and shape index (S), diversity index (H), dominance index (D), evenness index (E), fragmentation index (F) and fractal dimension (Fd) were calculated and analyzed spatiotemporally across pure grazing area in Zoige for each landscape type and in different periods (before 1977, during 1977-1994 and 1994-2001), as well as the driving forces of natural and anthropogenic. The study shows that for a comprehensive understanding of the shapes and trajectories of the shrinking and desertificated land expansion of the wetland, a spatiotemporal landscape metrics analysis in different periods is an improvement than only with landscape changing rates. This type of analysis can also be used to infer underlying social, economic, and political processes that drive the observed wetland forms. The results indicate that wetland patterns can be changed over relatively short periods of time. The total area of lake reduced by 164.86 km^2, grassland extended by 141.74 km^2, semi-marsh extended by 105.94 km^2, marsh reduced by 86.00 km^2 the number of landscape patches reduced by 56, and their average area decreased by 2.68 km^2, the successions within lake, marsh, semi-marsh and grassland were found obviously. S decreased stepwise: D and F increased but H decreased: The changing rate after 1994 was 2.3 to 2.9 times greater than that before. The change of the wetland landscape patterns resulted in the interaction between socio-ceenomic and natural forces of positive and negative aspects; and natural factors affected as assistant aspect. Some important human activities in this period led to the change of the landscape patterns in this region directly. Some measurements made by government and NGO delayed the converting process partly. 展开更多
关键词 Landscape pattern driving force FRAGMENTATION MARSH PASTURE metrics Zoige Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
Spatial-temporal Characteristics of Land Use Intensity of Coastal Zone in China During 2000–2010 被引量:23
作者 DI Xianghong HOU Xiyong +1 位作者 WANG Yuandong WU Li 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第1期51-61,共11页
Based on remote sensing and GIS techniques, land use maps in 2000, 2005 and 2010 in China′s coastal zone were produced, and structural raster data of land use were further generated to calculate land use intensity co... Based on remote sensing and GIS techniques, land use maps in 2000, 2005 and 2010 in China′s coastal zone were produced, and structural raster data of land use were further generated to calculate land use intensity comprehensive index(LUICI) for analyzing land use spatial-temporal characteristics at 1 km scale. Results show that: 1) from the perspective of spatial patterns of landforms at a macro scale, there is a significant difference in land use intensity between the north and the south of China′s coastal zone. Hotspots of changes mainly concentrated in metropolitan areas, estuaries and coastal wetlands; 2) elevation is an important factor that controlling land use spatial patterns at local scale. Land use intensity is much higher within areas below the elevation of 400 m and it decreased significantly as the elevation increasing; 3) there is a significant land-ocean gradient for land use intensity, which is low in island and near-shore areas, but high in the regions that 4–30 km far away the coastline because of much intensive human activities; however, in recent decades land use intensity had been promoted significantly in low near-shore area due to extensive sea reclamations; 4) significant differences of land use intensity were also found among provincial administrative units. A rising trend of land use intensity was found in provincial-level administrative units from 2000 to 2010. To sum up, elevation, land-ocean gradient, socio-economic status and policy are all influencing factors to the spatial patterns and temporal variations of land use intensity in China′s coastal zone. 展开更多
关键词 coastal zone land use intensity land use intensity comprehensive index(LUICI) spatial pattern ELEVATION land-ocean gradient
Spatial Patterns of Car Sales and Their Socio-economic Attributes in China 被引量:1
作者 LIU Daqian LO Kevin +1 位作者 SONG Wei XIE Chunyan 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第5期684-696,共13页
Using data from the Economic Advisory Center of the State Information Center(SIC), we examined the spatial patterns of car sales in China at the prefectural level in 2012. We first analyzed the spatial distributions o... Using data from the Economic Advisory Center of the State Information Center(SIC), we examined the spatial patterns of car sales in China at the prefectural level in 2012. We first analyzed the spatial distributions of car sales of different kinds of automakers(foreign automakers, Sino-foreign joint automakers, and Chinese automakers), and then identified spatial clusters using the local Moran's indexes. Location quotient analysis was applied to examine the relative advantage of each type of automaker in the local markets. To explain the variations of car sales across cities, we collected several socioeconomic variables and conducted regression analyses. Further, factor analysis was used to extract independent variables to avoid the problem of multicollinearity. By incorporating a spatial lag or spatial error in the models, we calibrated our spatial regression models to address the spatial dependence problem. The analytical results show that car sales varied significantly across cities in China, and most of the cities with higher car sales were the developed cities. Different automakers exhibit diverse spatial patterns in terms of car sales volume, spatial clusters, and location quotients. The scale and incomes factor were extracted and verified as the two most significant and positive factors that shape the spatial distributions of car sales, and together with the spatial effect, explained most of the variations of car sales across cities. 展开更多
关键词 car sales spatial clusters Location Quotient socio-economic attributes China
作者 陈汝衡 《上海戏剧》 1980年第1期43-44,共2页
关键词 顾仲彝 中国话剧 上海剧艺社 对我说 秀州中学 上海市社会局 法租界 国民党军队 野火花 张士一
The Empirical Study of Social Insurance for Migrant Workers
作者 Yang Hui 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第4期101-103,共3页
The social insurance problem of migrant workers is one of the main social problems that need to be solved in the city modernization and industrialization construction in China. The outstanding reflections are that att... The social insurance problem of migrant workers is one of the main social problems that need to be solved in the city modernization and industrialization construction in China. The outstanding reflections are that attaching less importance to social insurance system, too high insurance fee and not perfect security system and other phenomena. This paper focuses on the empirical study and analysis of this type of problems, in order to put forward the feasible solution of social insurance for migrant workers. The migrant workers generally refer to the labor workers of household registration as farmers working in towns for non-agricultural occupation. At present, China' s migrant workers has exceeded 2.6 billion, and this group has been long in the city and rural edge, difficult to get the social insurance policy. According to the National Bureau statistics data, the migrant workers of not buying industrial injury insurance, endowment insurance, medical insurance and unemployment insurance are respectively 67.64%, 73.37%, 73.77% and 84.65%. In order to guarantee the interests of vulnerable groups in the marginalized position, the social insurance problems of migrant workers have become the our focus. 展开更多
关键词 migrant workers social insurance empirical study
Analyzing Land-use Change in Farming-pastoral Transitional Region Using Autologistic Model and Household Survey Approach 被引量:3
作者 ZHU Likai MENG Jijun MAO Xiyan 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第6期716-728,共13页
Land change science (LCS) strives to understand and model land-use change, which will further advance the understanding of multiple issues in the socio-ecological systems. Based on GIS/RS techniques, autologistic mo... Land change science (LCS) strives to understand and model land-use change, which will further advance the understanding of multiple issues in the socio-ecological systems. Based on GIS/RS techniques, autologistic model, and household survey method, this study investigated major land use changes and their causes from 1978 to 2008 in Uxin Banner (county-level), Inner Mongolia in China and then developed an understanding of the relationships between household livelihood and land-use pattern. Results showed that cultivated land increased from 1988 to 2000, and leveled offafter 2000. Built-up land increased stably for the period 1978 2008. The change of grassland and bare land differed among the three periods. From 1978 to 1988, grassland increased by 23.3%, and bare land decreased by 20.48%. From 1988 to 2000, bare land expanded by 1.7%, but grassland declined by 1.3%. From 2000 to 2008, an increase in grassland area by 1.8% was observed, but a decrease in bare land area by 9.0% was witnessed. The autologistic models performed better than logistic models as indicated by lower Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) values. Factors associated with human activities significantly correlated with the change of cultivated land, forest land, grassland, and built-up land. The produce prices and extensive cultivated land use are major issues in the farming area. This study suggests that completing land circulation systems and maintaining the stability of price are effective solutions. By contrast, reclamation and overgrazing are major concerns in the pastoral areas. Implementing environmental policies effectively, transferring population out of rural pastoral areas, and developing modem animal husbandry are effective ways to address these issues. 展开更多
关键词 farming-pastoral transitional region land use change driving force LIVELIHOOD autologistic model Uxin Banner(county-level) Inner Mongolia
A Study of Space in the Novel Ragtime
作者 JING Xian-yu 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2017年第4期206-214,共9页
The novel Ragtime, written by the contemporary American writer Edgar Lawrence Doctorow, imaginatively reconstructs the urban space in the Progressive Era. In the period of social transformation and change, all kinds o... The novel Ragtime, written by the contemporary American writer Edgar Lawrence Doctorow, imaginatively reconstructs the urban space in the Progressive Era. In the period of social transformation and change, all kinds of contradictions in New York City are becoming increasingly acute. The division of space reflects the power discourse of different classes, races, and genders. The connection, extension and expansion of space promote the features of urban modernity and open up new patterns of social behavior and opportunities for survival, but cannot fundamentally alleviate the capitalist crisis. Spatial layout and distribution of the city are not only the reflection of social relations, but also the "time capsule", bearing the history of the city, and the writing of space offers a mirror for the author's emotion and value judgment. 展开更多
关键词 Progressive Era CITY SPACE RECONSTRUCTION modemity
底层政治:民国北平东岳庙道士的日常生活与社会治理 被引量:2
作者 李俊领 《福建论坛(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期149-157,共9页
在国民政府的训政体制下,北平东岳庙的人事变更与财物管理不能自主,均由该市社会局直接监管。由于宪法规定的信仰自由权利未能成为社会共识与政府行为依据,东岳庙庙会被视为"迷信"活动,于1929年遭到查禁。该庙道士的宗教信仰... 在国民政府的训政体制下,北平东岳庙的人事变更与财物管理不能自主,均由该市社会局直接监管。由于宪法规定的信仰自由权利未能成为社会共识与政府行为依据,东岳庙庙会被视为"迷信"活动,于1929年遭到查禁。该庙道士的宗教信仰趋于衰落,日常生活逐渐背离清微派戒律。抗战胜利后,这种境况并未得以改观,直至庙中道士陆续还俗。北平东岳庙道士日常生活的世俗化固然有其持戒不严的自身因素,但更多在于国民政府在社会治理上以权威为重,轻视民间文化传统与生活常识,且有意从道教庙产中取利。这不仅减弱了道教的社会教化功能,而且加剧底层日常生活的秩序变乱与道德失范。 展开更多
关键词 南京国民政府 北平 东岳庙 道士 日常生活 社会治理 北平社会局
作者 袁雪芬 《上海戏剧》 1959年第1期11-12,共2页
愈是在旧社会遭受过苦难、迫害的人,愈是感到新社会是无穷的美好、幸福。特别是在欢庆我国人民伟大的节日——建国十周年的日子里,作为一个越剧演员的我,曾经在旧中国被反动派贱视为与娼妓并列的“戏子”,而在新中国为党与人民尊称为人... 愈是在旧社会遭受过苦难、迫害的人,愈是感到新社会是无穷的美好、幸福。特别是在欢庆我国人民伟大的节日——建国十周年的日子里,作为一个越剧演员的我,曾经在旧中国被反动派贱视为与娼妓并列的“戏子”,而在新中国为党与人民尊称为人类灵魂的工程师,更是感到万分的激动与欢欣鼓舞。 展开更多
关键词 筱丹桂 戏曲剧种 上海越剧院 表演风格 梁祝 小妹妹 上海市社会局 艺术才能 社会主义文化 艺术交流
歧路与拯救:1928年上海的自杀与政府应对 被引量:6
作者 刘长林 彭小松 《史学月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第11期80-90,共11页
南京国民政府统治初期,上海特别市政府面对日益严重的自杀问题,为了稳定呈人心惶惶状态的社会秩序,巩固其新政权,指示社会局处理与应对自杀问题。社会局将解决自杀这一社会病态问题,纳入到改良社会风化的社会事业之中,会同教育局、公安... 南京国民政府统治初期,上海特别市政府面对日益严重的自杀问题,为了稳定呈人心惶惶状态的社会秩序,巩固其新政权,指示社会局处理与应对自杀问题。社会局将解决自杀这一社会病态问题,纳入到改良社会风化的社会事业之中,会同教育局、公安局、公用局、救生局等部门积极应对,提出发布教育意志薄弱者布告、函请公安局加派警士巡逻、树立自杀警告牌、请报馆慎登自杀案件、查禁自杀题材的戏剧、编制自杀统计等六项举措。教育局借助教育轻生者的方式,进行社会风俗的改良;公安局通过处理自杀案件,张扬惩恶扬善的精神;救生局积极搜救轻生者。各部门配合社会局,通力合作,使应对自杀的措施得到了较为有效的实施,初步遏制了日益严重的自杀问题,为上海特别市开展政治、经济、社会等各方面的建设创造了条件。从社会管理角度及实施效果看,上海特别市应对与预防自杀的措施,不但有治标的作用,也有治本的意义。 展开更多
关键词 上海特别市社会局 自杀 应对与预防
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