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文化社会性智力低下病因初探 被引量:2
作者 傅桂英 孙晓红 《健康心理学杂志》 1997年第4期211-213,共3页
根据1987年全国0~14岁儿童智力低下的调查,我国智力低下患病率为1.2%.除重度智力低下外.60%为轻度智力低下,即文化社会性智力低下。由于这类患者可以通过早期教育得到防治,所以,探讨其发病原因对文化社会性智力低下的综合防治... 根据1987年全国0~14岁儿童智力低下的调查,我国智力低下患病率为1.2%.除重度智力低下外.60%为轻度智力低下,即文化社会性智力低下。由于这类患者可以通过早期教育得到防治,所以,探讨其发病原因对文化社会性智力低下的综合防治就显得尤为重要。本文通过对智力低下患者的病因分析发现:文化社会性智力低下的病因除围产期的不良刺激外.还与父母的文化程度、祖父母代养以及家庭破裂有密切关系。因此,要做好文化社会性智力低下的防治工作、需从提高父母自身文化修养、创造和睦的家庭气氛、尽量避免祖父母代养以及减少早产、窒息等高危因素这几个方面着手,才能从根本上降低文化社会性智力低下的发病率。本次调查还发现,智商水平处于71~89之间的儿童,学习困难、多动症的发生率明显高于智商正常(IQ90以上)的儿童。目前这部分儿童是否应划入文化社会性智力低下尚无定论。我们认为,将这种情况称为边缘性智力低下比较合适,它可以提醒我们及早对这些儿童进行干预,促使其智力向正常方向发展。 展开更多
关键词 智力低下 文化社会性 病因 儿童
作者 李蕾蕾 《纺织教育》 2005年第5期17-19,共3页
大学是一个社会性文化组织,其组织主体、组织活动、组织形式都离不开文化的熏陶,呈现出鲜明的文化特色.大学组织目标的模糊性和系统的松散性,决定了大学并非是一个完全整合、具有一致性的组织.随着大学组织规模的增大,结构的日益复杂,... 大学是一个社会性文化组织,其组织主体、组织活动、组织形式都离不开文化的熏陶,呈现出鲜明的文化特色.大学组织目标的模糊性和系统的松散性,决定了大学并非是一个完全整合、具有一致性的组织.随着大学组织规模的增大,结构的日益复杂,大学组织的文化呈现出多元化、复杂化发展,大学组织内部越来越多地充斥着文化冲突. 展开更多
关键词 社会性文化组织 组织主体 组织形式 大学 文化冲突 行政权力 学术权力 学校管理
两岸文化的本质差异 被引量:16
作者 陈孔立 《台湾研究集刊》 CSSCI 2013年第4期1-6,共6页
开展两岸文化交流,必须深入、准确地了解两岸文化的现状,才能有的放矢收到实效。目前大陆方面谈论两岸文化的共同性较多,谈论差异性较少,两岸文化是否存在本质的差异,还没有明确的结论。通过查阅学术界对两岸文化差异的各种说法,说明多... 开展两岸文化交流,必须深入、准确地了解两岸文化的现状,才能有的放矢收到实效。目前大陆方面谈论两岸文化的共同性较多,谈论差异性较少,两岸文化是否存在本质的差异,还没有明确的结论。通过查阅学术界对两岸文化差异的各种说法,说明多数人认定两岸文化没有本质的差异。本文从两岸社会性质、社会制度的差异出发,运用文化社会学的"文化突变"概念,论证两岸文化存在本质差异并探讨其原因,进而从当前大陆社会主义主流文化的三个组成部分,分别说明两岸文化本质差异的具体表现。在这个基础上,提出开展两岸文化交流必须重视解决的三个问题:对两岸文化异同的评估、文化交流的目的、对两岸文化差异的态度,并针对一些不同的看法提出商榷意见。 展开更多
关键词 本质差异 社会性质与文化性质 文化突变 主流文化 和而不同
多元文化政策中的民族国家构建——读《少数的权利——民族主义、多元文化主义和公民》 被引量:1
作者 谢燕 《今日南国(理论创新版)》 2010年第1期204-205,共2页
加拿大哲学教授威尔·金里卡的论文集《少数的权利》是关于少数群体权利研究中较具影响力的一部著作,书中通过对西方国家中族裔文化群体的地位和权利问题进行了研究,探讨了移民多元文化主义的各种形式以及多民族联邦制度等民主国家... 加拿大哲学教授威尔·金里卡的论文集《少数的权利》是关于少数群体权利研究中较具影响力的一部著作,书中通过对西方国家中族裔文化群体的地位和权利问题进行了研究,探讨了移民多元文化主义的各种形式以及多民族联邦制度等民主国家建构方略,提出要公正地对待少数群体,公正地对待其文化。本文拟通过介绍和分析作者独到的观点,重新认识少数群体权利主张的价值,了解多元文化政策在处理少数群体权利的意义。 展开更多
关键词 少数群体 社会性文化 多元文化主义
从维柯到康德:前马克思时期的文化哲学 被引量:6
作者 黄力之 《社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第11期122-134,共13页
文化哲学发轫于18世纪,首推意大利思想家维柯。在质疑西方传统的形而上学时,维柯在《新科学》用"人类的形而上学"或者"人类心智上的形而上学"概念,以对抗科学理性的形而上学,创立了事实上的文化哲学。此后的康德认... 文化哲学发轫于18世纪,首推意大利思想家维柯。在质疑西方传统的形而上学时,维柯在《新科学》用"人类的形而上学"或者"人类心智上的形而上学"概念,以对抗科学理性的形而上学,创立了事实上的文化哲学。此后的康德认为,理性胜利的思想要远远高于只关心人的自然生存的本能。自然本身不包含人类事业的理性构造,达不到真正的"人"的目的。使人从自然物过渡为一个理性物的中介就是文化。康德关于文化的思考是从自然与社会之关系着眼的。康德的文化哲学理念是以人的社会性(类特性)为中心的。18世纪是"文化史观"的世纪,马克思面临的问题是:如何在新世界观的基础上批判地接受文化过程对人的形成意义,以及如何使之更科学化。 展开更多
关键词 维柯 “人类的形而上学” 康德 文化的“非社会社会性
浅谈企业文化的特征及功能 被引量:1
作者 孙杰 孙涛 《沿海企业与科技》 2005年第8期25-26,共2页
关键词 企业文化:依附性:社会性
浅谈青少年文化艺术教育工作——以乌兰察布市群众艺术馆为例 被引量:1
作者 熊新 田小丁 《内蒙古教育(B)》 2017年第12期111-112,共2页
新时期、新形势下,群众文化工作不仅需要面向普通民众,更要多方位面向各个特殊群体开展服务工作.青少年是祖国的未来,是未来的国之栋梁,针对青少年的素质教育、文化艺术教育是不可或缺的重要内容.它有利于提升青少年的智慧和创造力,同时... 新时期、新形势下,群众文化工作不仅需要面向普通民众,更要多方位面向各个特殊群体开展服务工作.青少年是祖国的未来,是未来的国之栋梁,针对青少年的素质教育、文化艺术教育是不可或缺的重要内容.它有利于提升青少年的智慧和创造力,同时,对于提高青少年的审美能力,丰富精神世界,树立健全人格,培养创新意识,促进全面发展具有其他教育学科不可替代的作用,为青少年的身心健康成长提供了坚强的保障,也为实现“中国梦”奠定了殷实的精神文化基础. 展开更多
关键词 青少年 文化艺术教育:社会性 公益性
传统吉祥图案与现代设计教学研究 被引量:1
作者 郑凌 《教育与职业》 北大核心 2006年第35期161-162,共2页
传统吉祥图案是现代设计艺术的渊源和基础,把其精神元素融八现代设计教学之中,传承与发扬传统图案的审美思想、吉祥寓意以及造型方法,让学生通过挖掘、变化和改造传统图案,从而设计出具有个性化、时代性甚至国际性的作品,必定使设... 传统吉祥图案是现代设计艺术的渊源和基础,把其精神元素融八现代设计教学之中,传承与发扬传统图案的审美思想、吉祥寓意以及造型方法,让学生通过挖掘、变化和改造传统图案,从而设计出具有个性化、时代性甚至国际性的作品,必定使设计更具有文化性与社会性。 展开更多
关键词 传统吉祥图案 现代设计教学 文化社会性
生态人类学的方法论 被引量:12
作者 麻春霞 《贵州民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2006年第6期9-11,共3页
生态人类学立足于民族文化对人类生态行为及其后果进行分析,在分析时必然受到时间、空间制约及其它多种因素的干扰。本文提出“终端验证”的生态人类学研究方法,“终端验证法”的适用范围不仅在于文化的生物性适应方面,更在于文化的社... 生态人类学立足于民族文化对人类生态行为及其后果进行分析,在分析时必然受到时间、空间制约及其它多种因素的干扰。本文提出“终端验证”的生态人类学研究方法,“终端验证法”的适用范围不仅在于文化的生物性适应方面,更在于文化的社会性适应方面。借助“终端验证法”,从文化的同质度、抗风险度和储备度三方面着手,可最大限度减少干扰,满足生态人类学的研究需要。 展开更多
关键词 “终端验证法” 文化社会性适应 文化同质度 文化抗风险度 文化储备度
作者 敖素 《广西大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2022年第2期84-94,共11页
至善论与中立性之争是自由与社群之争后西方政治哲学向纵深发展的一条重要线索,如何回应它们之间的争论成为一个重要话题。对此,威尔·金里卡明确否认它们之间争论的关键是“正当与善何者优先”的问题,并把出现这一问题的起因归咎... 至善论与中立性之争是自由与社群之争后西方政治哲学向纵深发展的一条重要线索,如何回应它们之间的争论成为一个重要话题。对此,威尔·金里卡明确否认它们之间争论的关键是“正当与善何者优先”的问题,并把出现这一问题的起因归咎于罗尔斯本人的误述。通过分析罗尔斯语境中正当优先性的两种含义及其与中立性的关系可以表明,金里卡的归因并不正确,他对罗尔斯的解释存在两个误解。尽管如此,在回答至善论与罗尔斯之间的真正分歧时,金里卡也试图反思中立性原则。此种反思从人们的根本利益在于过一种美好生活之判断出发,论证个人自主性的重要性进而强调社会性文化也应作为平等关心的一部分。金里卡的回应因此既坚持了国家中立性,也明确援引社会至善论,从而打破了中立性和至善论两种主张之间的截然对立,并显示出中立性走向与至善论和解的趋势。 展开更多
关键词 金里卡 正当的优先性 中立性 社会至善论 个人自主性 社会性文化
作者 李莉莉 《外语与翻译》 2012年第2期52-60,共9页
国外文学批评界在马拉默德研究领域已经形成一定的研究体系,他们主要从以下几个方面开展论证:文化和社会性研究、主题研究以及叙事策略与创作技巧研究等。探讨国外的研究现状、研究动态和研究特点,可以深入发掘马拉默德研究在关注重... 国外文学批评界在马拉默德研究领域已经形成一定的研究体系,他们主要从以下几个方面开展论证:文化和社会性研究、主题研究以及叙事策略与创作技巧研究等。探讨国外的研究现状、研究动态和研究特点,可以深入发掘马拉默德研究在关注重点、研究方法和理论视角等方面展现出来的特色,从而提供进一步研究的空间。 展开更多
关键词 马拉默德 文化社会性研究 主题研究 叙事策略与创作技巧研究
Questioning the Adaptive Reuse of Industrial Heritage and Its Interventions in the Context of Sustainability 被引量:1
作者 Kagan Gunce Damla Mlslrhsoy 《Sociology Study》 2015年第9期718-727,共10页
Industrial buildings are valuable heritage structures that should be sustained as well as historic buildings since the preservation of the traditional values in the context of conservation is important in terms of a s... Industrial buildings are valuable heritage structures that should be sustained as well as historic buildings since the preservation of the traditional values in the context of conservation is important in terms of a sense of the continuity of the culture. Kadir Has University building has been selected as the case study of the research. Success of the conversion and interventions in terms of sustainability will be discussed. The aim of the study is to question adaptive reuse project of the Cibali Tobacco Factory as university within the framework of urban regeneration of Cibali district. The relation between adaptive reuse projects and its relationship among socio-cultural, economic, and physical dimensions of the sustainability, also its effects on the environment and region has been discussed. Adaptive reuse examples should not be accepted as single projects. Its contribution to the environment and the region is also crucial. Preservation of an individual building can be a catalyst to renewal of others. It can help the transformation of the whole area. There is always an interaction between the conversion projects and the environment. In order to achieve a successful conversion, appropriate functions should be given to the industrial heritage buildings according to the needs of the region. 展开更多
关键词 CONSERVATION adaptive reuse industrial heritage SUSTAINABILITY urban regeneration
Cultural Pattern of Rhetorical Move in Indonesian Students' Speeches
作者 Oikurema Purwati 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2018年第4期659-679,共21页
In analysing a speech genre, genre analysis is applied. Genre analysis is a recent trend in discourse analysis. It combines socio-cultural and psycholinguistic aspect of text construction and interpretation. This anal... In analysing a speech genre, genre analysis is applied. Genre analysis is a recent trend in discourse analysis. It combines socio-cultural and psycholinguistic aspect of text construction and interpretation. This analysis aims to show what extent surface linguistic forms align with given standardized communicative events. To construct a text, a speaker should master its schematic structure. The schematic structure consists of organizing the rhetoric. It covers the macro-stages which can be classified into introductory stage, body stage, and concluding stage. The rhetorical organization/structure (micro moves) of a speech genre includes "opening marker", "gambit", "narration", and "marker" in the introductory stage; "claim", "confutation", "confirmation", and "concession" in the body stage; "marker", "appeal/recommendation", and a closing in the body stage. By studying the schematic structure, it can be recognized how the students construct the genre, whether they follow the linear pattern offered or their construction of speech is influenced by their native cultural way of thinking. In sequencing the micro moves, the students followed the sequence offered in the framework of speech genre. Although there was a slight difference in sequencing the moves, in general the students have conformed to the proposed sequence. The variety of sequencing the moves was prompted by the native language and cultural background (Javanese and Chinese). Since rhetorical organization varies from culture to culotte, it can be tolerated that the students have a variety in sequencing the moves. 展开更多
关键词 genre analysis MOVE hortatory exposition CULTURE SPEECH
The Research of Value of Female Costume in Ethnic Group Construction Based on the Social Gender
作者 TAO Hui CHEN Dong-sheng 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第1期20-24,共5页
The social gender theory is a historical analysis method which is benificial to explore the system of human organization activities around "male"or "female" activities. Historically, the process of human socializa... The social gender theory is a historical analysis method which is benificial to explore the system of human organization activities around "male"or "female" activities. Historically, the process of human socialization is also a process of social gender institutionalization. Therefore, the paper tried to analyze the connotation of ethnic women's costume from the social gender perspective to help people realize further the women's state in sexism society and value in ethnic group constructing and developing. Firstly, the paper sets forth the characteristic of "group" of ethnic people female costumes. The next, the paper explored the costume how to set up a system of ethic standard in inner group so as to maintain the social order. Subsequently, the paper points out, with the rapid evolution of society, more and more ethnic people men participate cities construction and outer social activities Consequently, most of minority men wear modem clothing instead of their traditional clothing, only women still insist in wearing the traditional clothing. Finally, according to research above, the authors consider that ethnic people female costumes emerge strong gender content which reflects more constraints rather than equality between men and women. Besides, it is certain that women have irreplaceable value in ethinc group construction and development. 展开更多
关键词 ethnic group female clothing social gender development
Blood is not always thicker than water:The limited effect of kin selection on human kinship in the traditional Chinese family 被引量:1
作者 Lixing Sun 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期182-189,共8页
To examine the importance of kin selection in shaping human societies, this study analyzed the kinship system practiced in traditional China for two millennia and teased apart its underlying genetic and other, presuma... To examine the importance of kin selection in shaping human societies, this study analyzed the kinship system practiced in traditional China for two millennia and teased apart its underlying genetic and other, presumably cultural, components. The results demonstrate that, in the traditional patrilineal Chinese family, both genetic relatedness and the cultural factor of generation were important in determining kinship status for male agnates (genetically related relatives). For female agnates, however, only genetic relatedness was important. Another surprising finding was that the influence of gender was not as important as genetic relatedness. The most interesting finding in this study, however, was that kin selection and culture (i.e., seniority in generation and age) played vastly different roles in different lineages in the Chinese family: for collateral (indirect) agnates, genetic relatedness was the most important factor in determining their kinship status, but for lineal (direct) agnates, its importance was overridden by seniority in generation and age, a cultural factor. Several other bio-cultural factors also explained a considerable amount of variance in kinship status. Since kinship profoundly affected, and was often the foundation of, the legal and social systems in dynastic China, kin selection, while its strength may differ remarkably between lineal and collateral relatives, could act as a selective force in Chinese families 展开更多
关键词 KINSHIP Kin selection Genetic relatedness Chinese family Culture
Core Conceptions of the Theory of Self-cultivation in East Asian Confucian Philosophy
作者 Chun-chieh Huang 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2017年第1期1-14,共14页
The present study examines the four core concepts that underpin the various theories of cultivation of East Asian Confucian philosophy: self (ji,已), cultivation (xiu, 修), transformation (hua, 化), and nurture... The present study examines the four core concepts that underpin the various theories of cultivation of East Asian Confucian philosophy: self (ji,已), cultivation (xiu, 修), transformation (hua, 化), and nurture (yang,餋). The discussion is divided into six sections. The first section, the introduction, explains the significance of the issue in question. The second section examines the substantial notion of "self" as expounded in the Confucian intellectual tradition and the corresponding concept of selthood or personhood. Confucianism stresses that (1) personal selthood is based on the freedom of subjectivity (subjective volition), and (2) society's values and norms originate in this freedom of subjectivity. The third section discusses the functional concept of cultivation, focusing on the fact that in Confucian theories the terms "cultivation" and "body" are always combined to form the concept of "self-cultivation." Moreover, Confucian thinkers tend to discuss the effort of self-cultivation in the context of a body-mind continuum. Indeed, they often use orientational metaphors in order to describe the efforts entailed by cultivation. The fourth section analyzes the linguistic setting and context of the functional concept of transformation within Confucian philosophy of the concrete self. The term "transformation" indicates clearly that Confucian philosophy is a transformative philosophy. The fifth section analyzes the functional concept of nurture, stressing that Confucius' two greatest followers, Mencius and Xunzi, represent two opposed approaches to nurturing. Meneius stresses that one should undertake the effort of "nurturing qi," that is, produce culture through natural cultivation, while Xunzi advocates artificially instilling culture in order to discipline, tame, and order nature. Mencius and Xunzi both turn to the container metaphor in their discussions of self-cultivation. The article concludes that the various cultivation activities advocated by these two disparate Confucians are based on two assumptions: (1) the self coincides with the physical body, and (2) the physical self is steeped in and interactive with the cultural values of society. In sum, the functional concept of self-cultivation is an important pillar of Confucian theories of self-cultivation. 展开更多
关键词 East Asia CONFUCIANISM CONFUCIUS MENCIUS XUNZI philosophy of the body transformation NURTURE cultivation physical manifestation
Bridging Sociality and New Media Practice as a Lever to Intercultural Competency
作者 Maria Giovanna Onorati 《Sociology Study》 2013年第5期321-333,共13页
This paper is based on the findings of a survey on 120 students involved in the Interdisciplinary Course on Intercultural Competences (ICIC), a three-year EU Lifelong Intensive Program project aimed at developing in... This paper is based on the findings of a survey on 120 students involved in the Interdisciplinary Course on Intercultural Competences (ICIC), a three-year EU Lifelong Intensive Program project aimed at developing intercultural competency in the education, social work and health care professions. The Program approached intercultural competency as a culturally aware ability to cope with unfamiliar situations continuously arising in the current ever-changing society, in which learning has become an "endemic condition", and the new media have created symbolic resources for actively expressing and constructing identities as an in-progress and negotiated project. Intercultural competency is therefore rethought from a holistic perspective as a part of an educational mission that particularly values one's communicative and social experiences as a strategic resource for facilitating learning processes and enhancing professional competency. The presented data show sociality as a clustering factor for intercultural learning and displays a factorial structure, from which a model for intercultural education is inferred, in which bridging social capital, media practice and reflective attitude become crucial for gaining and valuing competency in terms of human capital. 展开更多
关键词 Intercultural competency lifelong learning experience CONVERGENCE bridging social capital
Democratic Barricades: The Presence of Radio in the Resistance to the 1964 Military Coup
作者 Carla Reis Longhi 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2014年第1期26-35,共10页
This paper articulates two great discussions within the history of this country: the discussions about the circumstances prior to the military coup and the role of the radio media in the political context of the conf... This paper articulates two great discussions within the history of this country: the discussions about the circumstances prior to the military coup and the role of the radio media in the political context of the conflict. Individually, each of these aspects will allow us a reflection over different points of view here articulated in a sociocultural approach. We have, thus, organized this discussion based on two main themes. We will start with the "Campanha da Legalidade" (Campaign for Legality), the occasion which congregates both themes, and then we will discuss both the historical context of the 1964 military coup and the role of the radio media and its strong social and political presence. 展开更多
关键词 radio and politics campaign for legality history and media Brazil military coup
Impact of Urban Areas on Historical and Archaeological Buildings
作者 Mahmoud Ali Alsubeh 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2018年第3期198-204,共7页
The present paper is talking about the recent situation of the archeological buildings which exist through modern urban environments. Urban expansion has a large effect on the archeological buildings continuity since ... The present paper is talking about the recent situation of the archeological buildings which exist through modern urban environments. Urban expansion has a large effect on the archeological buildings continuity since such type of development impresses several serious challenges which conservation plans as well as preservation polices must deal with. A number of that main challenges are mega-constructions (tunnels, damps, roads, etc.), pollution, socio-cultural impacts and traffic. Within Um Qias, the archeological buildings face similar challenges consistent with the urban environment where it is presented and that challenges are reviewed in the local community behavior. 展开更多
关键词 Archaeological buildings urban context Umm Qais
The Social Limitations in the Development of Asian American Literature
作者 LIANG Ying 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第11期886-897,共12页
This paper traces the social limitations in the development of Asian American literature. The label "Asian American literature" is so instrumental in instituting the literature, can also regulate creativity. As a st... This paper traces the social limitations in the development of Asian American literature. The label "Asian American literature" is so instrumental in instituting the literature, can also regulate creativity. As a strategic term and group identification, "Asian American" lends itself to the illusion of unity and homogeneity. Scholars differ in the way they elect to demarcate Asian American literature. One of the fundamental barriers to understanding and appreciating Asian American literary expression has been the existence of race stereotypes about Asians in American popular culture. For many Asian American writers, ethnic authenticity is a necessary but weak choice Most early immigrant writers write to challenge the negative view of Asia in the West and see themselves as ambassadors of goodwill to the West. The purpose is to mark difference as exotica and appeal to the benign curiosity of the Western readers while appeal to notions of universal humanity. This type of strong ethnic quotient writing continues to exist in various guises even today. The trade publishers have a predilection for Asian American personal narratives that stress the "model minority" discourse, "good workers" image, and Asian Americans' ability to accommodate to the basic rules of American society. Asian American writers never stop attempting to build bridges. But we should remind ourselves that boundary crossing must not be merely an aesthetic and intellectual exercise . 展开更多
关键词 ambassadors of goodwill HOMOGENEITY ethnic authenticity artistic freedom
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