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克隆技术概念的社会扩散与媒体的社会职责 被引量:1
作者 刘科 《河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2004年第2期61-65,共5页
在现代信息发达的社会中,一种新技术概念在社会的扩散,一种新技术成果在社会的推广,一种新技术产品在社会的应用,均离不开众多媒体强大的中介传播作用。一种技术在媒体宣传中的形象,将直接影响到社会公众对此项技术的接受态度。因此,在... 在现代信息发达的社会中,一种新技术概念在社会的扩散,一种新技术成果在社会的推广,一种新技术产品在社会的应用,均离不开众多媒体强大的中介传播作用。一种技术在媒体宣传中的形象,将直接影响到社会公众对此项技术的接受态度。因此,在对待技术的公众形象问题时,决不能忽视媒体的重要引导作用。我们通过对克隆技术概念社会扩散现状的分析,指出了媒体在传播技术概念中的社会职责和传播原则。 展开更多
关键词 克隆技术概念 社会扩散 媒体 社会职责
平山县人民法院严格掌握不公开审理案件 防止精神污染向社会扩散
作者 何庆祥 《河北法学》 1984年第1期36-36,共1页
过去对涉及国家机密、个人阴私和未成年人犯罪等不公开审理的案件,没有严格控制,在审理时,有少数干部及其家属,有的还让青少年到场旁听,散布了不良影响.有的在旁听后竟说:“性自由了,性解放了,就没有强奸罪了”.在清除精神污染斗争中,... 过去对涉及国家机密、个人阴私和未成年人犯罪等不公开审理的案件,没有严格控制,在审理时,有少数干部及其家属,有的还让青少年到场旁听,散布了不良影响.有的在旁听后竟说:“性自由了,性解放了,就没有强奸罪了”.在清除精神污染斗争中,对此问题引起了院领导的重视,立即采取了以下措施:①认真组织干警学习《邓小平文选》,提高大家对清除精神污染重要意义的认识;②对不公开审理的案件,由参与案件审理的干警负责,坚决禁止其他任何人到场旁听;③对不公开审理而公开宣判的判决书要求作到“三不写”,即:不写犯罪的具体细节,不写低级下流话语,不写受害人的名字;④参加不公开案件审理的干警,不准向社会上任何人传播不应该传播的内容. 展开更多
关键词 不公开审理 社会扩散 清除精神污染 平山县 人民法院 案件审理 下流话 警学 阴私 强奸罪
从社会传染到社会扩散:社交机器人的社会扩散传播机制研究 被引量:37
作者 郑晨予 范红 《新闻界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第3期51-62,共12页
本文基于网络结构功能主义视角下的社会传染理论,对社交机器人驱动社会扩散的机制进行探究揭示:社交机器人是通过按需高效地改变社交网络的动态结构,来相应控制社会扩散的范围和速率。即:通过不同社会传染类型建构社交网络动态结构,以... 本文基于网络结构功能主义视角下的社会传染理论,对社交机器人驱动社会扩散的机制进行探究揭示:社交机器人是通过按需高效地改变社交网络的动态结构,来相应控制社会扩散的范围和速率。即:通过不同社会传染类型建构社交网络动态结构,以不同信息传输方式改变社交网络动态结构,依托双层覆盖网络驱动社交网络动态结构,以及集群化与智能化,从而共同构成了从社会传染到社会扩散的高效驱动传播机制。并基于这一原理机制的新阐释、新解构,初步探讨揭示在智能传播时代下对社交机器人相关治理的原则思路。 展开更多
关键词 社交机器人 社会传染 社会扩散 原理机制 治理思路
作者 刘蕾 张江丰 《社会治理》 2019年第1期50-57,共8页
社会创新的扩散是一个过程,其扩散速度快慢受到外部因素和内部因素的共同影响。本文基于同为"共享经济"社会背景下的"分享冰箱"和"共享单车"两个社会创新扩散案例的比较研究,来验证内外部因素对社会创新... 社会创新的扩散是一个过程,其扩散速度快慢受到外部因素和内部因素的共同影响。本文基于同为"共享经济"社会背景下的"分享冰箱"和"共享单车"两个社会创新扩散案例的比较研究,来验证内外部因素对社会创新扩散速度产生的影响,并提出了促进社会创新项目扩散的相关建议。 展开更多
关键词 社会创新扩散 认知属性 比较研究
南京城市社会经济聚集与产业波的研究 被引量:1
作者 洪昌仕 王玉凤 《南京社会科学》 CSSCI 2002年第C00期139-146,共8页
城市是在一些地域范围内 ,由经济实体、社会实体和物质实体组成的综合有机整体和聚集区。城市社会经济的聚集和扩散是城市发展和演替过程中一对矛盾的统一体。聚集和扩散在概念上是相逆的过程 ,但并非彼此排斥的对立面 ,而是两个过程在... 城市是在一些地域范围内 ,由经济实体、社会实体和物质实体组成的综合有机整体和聚集区。城市社会经济的聚集和扩散是城市发展和演替过程中一对矛盾的统一体。聚集和扩散在概念上是相逆的过程 ,但并非彼此排斥的对立面 ,而是两个过程在同一城市中不同阶段进行而已。本文前面是对南京城市聚集内容和特点进行了分析 ,后面是对南京城市社会经济扩散过程作了论述 。 展开更多
关键词 城市社会经济聚集 城市社会经济扩散 南京市 经济实体 社会实体 物质实体 产业波
作者 罗桂成 《枣庄学院学报》 2016年第6期66-76,共11页
软战争是以隐性暴力主要手段的社会冲突方式。软战争的管理过程也遵循一般的管理规律,重视管理的系统性原则与信息第一性原则。当前我国大陆处于社会转型期,其政治权力配置方式为垄断的权力市场,但它又压抑显性暴力,隐性暴力和软战争在... 软战争是以隐性暴力主要手段的社会冲突方式。软战争的管理过程也遵循一般的管理规律,重视管理的系统性原则与信息第一性原则。当前我国大陆处于社会转型期,其政治权力配置方式为垄断的权力市场,但它又压抑显性暴力,隐性暴力和软战争在我国大陆因此有了制度基础。权力利益集团大量应用软战争和隐性暴力进行政治利益的无序竞争,维护威权压迫,保护既得政治利益。权力利益集团及当权者败德是社会隐性暴力的最大来源,它形成了社会系统的核腐败扩散、回流及二者相互强化的消极循环。大量的社会软战争和隐性暴力紊乱了社会价值观念,扭曲了社会公平正,增加了社会交易成本,社会成员为了生存和发展要为此付出更大的代价,其个人管理费用上升。社会为获得更低的公平定价或降低交易成本,进行制度变迁是必然的。 展开更多
关键词 潜语言 暴力的委托代理 当权者败德 社会系统的核腐败扩散与回流 社会公平价格曲线
作者 孙青松 胡海波 汪洋 《昆明理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第5期224-231,共8页
考虑到信息内容与用户之间的相关性,提出了与之有关的信息扩散模型,不考虑该相关性因素时则可以简化为一般模型.针对该模型进行了基本再生数的计算、无信息扩散平衡点的局部与全局稳定性分析.实验结果表明,当与信息内容有关的用户比例... 考虑到信息内容与用户之间的相关性,提出了与之有关的信息扩散模型,不考虑该相关性因素时则可以简化为一般模型.针对该模型进行了基本再生数的计算、无信息扩散平衡点的局部与全局稳定性分析.实验结果表明,当与信息内容有关的用户比例较大时,信息扩散比例在WS网络要大于BA网络,反之亦反.该用户比例较大时,参数α与信息扩散比例同向变化,参数β和θ则与其相反.特别是网络平均度较大时,随着用户比例的逐渐增加,信息扩散比例有先增加后减少的现象. 展开更多
关键词 信息内容 用户相关性 社会网络信息扩散模型
作者 陈省平 郭汝丽 张忠 《科学中国人》 1999年第7期20-21,共2页
邓小平科技思想是邓小平理论的重要组成部分。是在对当今世界科技发展趋势、时代特征进行了深刻的分析和准确判断,对新中国建立以来科技工作的经验和教训进行了全面总结后提出来的。“科学技术是第一生产力”,知识分子“已经是工人阶级... 邓小平科技思想是邓小平理论的重要组成部分。是在对当今世界科技发展趋势、时代特征进行了深刻的分析和准确判断,对新中国建立以来科技工作的经验和教训进行了全面总结后提出来的。“科学技术是第一生产力”,知识分子“已经是工人阶级自己的一部分”两个著名论断,为新时期我国制定科教兴国、实施可持续发展战略,提供了最重要的理论和政策依据。 展开更多
关键词 加强科普工作 学习邓小平理论 科普宣传 高校 社会扩散 科学技术普及 邓小平科技思想 “科学技术是第一生产力” 想象力 科教兴国
Effect of Technology Support for Social Network on Agricultural Technology Diffusion 被引量:1
作者 旷浩源 应若平 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第1期98-102,共5页
[Objective] To analyze the key factor in agricultural technology diffusion- technology support, and to explore the method to quicken the diffusion of agricultural technology. [Method] The technology acquisition advant... [Objective] To analyze the key factor in agricultural technology diffusion- technology support, and to explore the method to quicken the diffusion of agricultural technology. [Method] The technology acquisition advantage of social network was il- lustrated by summarizing the status and characteristics of agricultural technology and technology supporting types in the process of agriculture technology diffusion. [Result] The multi-layer, complex, persistence, systematization features of agricultural technol- ogy require support and help of technology from surrounding social network to ulti- mately internalize the technology. [Conclusion] Using social networks for the technol- ogy support will be a powerful supplement to the system of agricultural technology diffusion. 展开更多
关键词 Agricultural technology diffusion Social network Technology support
作者 邹毅 《广西大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1992年第5期115-118,共4页
编辑学研究的对象和内容是什么?这是目前编辑学研究中争论最多、分歧最大的问题之一,也是编辑学研究的热点。如果统辑学是一门科学的学科,那么它就必须有它自己的独立的研究对象和内容,否则编辑学就不可能形成一个完整的、系统的、科学... 编辑学研究的对象和内容是什么?这是目前编辑学研究中争论最多、分歧最大的问题之一,也是编辑学研究的热点。如果统辑学是一门科学的学科,那么它就必须有它自己的独立的研究对象和内容,否则编辑学就不可能形成一个完整的、系统的、科学的学科体系,也就很难得到社会。 展开更多
关键词 文化产品 编辑目的 编辑活动 编辑学研究 扩散传播 研究方向 文化产品生产 编辑工作 效益函数 社会扩散
作者 杨思春 《中国哲学史》 1994年第4期23-24,共2页
自从1987年9月在安徽宣州召开了第一次全国性的“现代新儒学(家)思潮”学术讨论会以后,关于现代新儒学的研究引起了学术界的普遍关注和重视,有些阶段性成果已从“思想库”向“知识界”传播,使得新儒家思潮逐级向社会扩散。从北京大学每... 自从1987年9月在安徽宣州召开了第一次全国性的“现代新儒学(家)思潮”学术讨论会以后,关于现代新儒学的研究引起了学术界的普遍关注和重视,有些阶段性成果已从“思想库”向“知识界”传播,使得新儒家思潮逐级向社会扩散。从北京大学每周一次的“国学研究专题讲座”爆满情况来看,新儒学的一些理论已得到许多青年特别是知识青年的认同。 展开更多
关键词 现代新儒学 精神家园 当代青年 儒家伦理 现代人 文化使命 中国现代化道路 儒家人文精神 社会扩散 国学研究
A Survey of Information Diffusion Prediction in Online Social Networks
作者 ZHOU Longfang 《International English Education Research》 2017年第1期65-68,共4页
With the development of Web 2.0 and the gradual maturity of online social media, social network has become an indispensable platform for people' s social interaction, information sharing and news transmission.The stu... With the development of Web 2.0 and the gradual maturity of online social media, social network has become an indispensable platform for people' s social interaction, information sharing and news transmission.The study of social networks has become the consensus and urgent need of the academic and industrial circles. The prediction of information communication is the core function of social network, and it is also the core content.To be specific, this paper briefly introduces the concept of social network, then summarizes the diffusion prediction models and methods from five aspects, namely, user attributes-based, information characteristics-based,user groups-based, statistic and inference-based and network topology -based models. Finally, the directions for the future research are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 social network information diffusion prediction model
Literary Art as a Vehicle for the Diffusion of Cultural Imperialism in the Nigerian Society: The Example of Chimamanda Adichie's Purple Hibiscus
作者 Adam Ezinwanyi E. E. Michael Adam 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第6期419-425,共7页
This paper takes a cursory look at the conceptual framework of what cultural imperialism entails with particular study of its socio-political consequences in contemporary Nigerian society, and a closer look at the tra... This paper takes a cursory look at the conceptual framework of what cultural imperialism entails with particular study of its socio-political consequences in contemporary Nigerian society, and a closer look at the transportation and importation of western cultural values and the implantation of same in Nigeria thereby almost completely eclipsing the hitherto African cultural conservatism of the Nigerian state. Clear examples of this cultural transplant are given in this work, including but not limited to the use of English language in place of the indigenous languages for communication even when there are no foreigners, smoking of cigarettes, ladies putting on trousers, abortions as a means of birth control, free premarital and extramarital sexual relationships, and homosexuality and gay practices. These which were viewed as an anathema to Nigeria's cultural values have supplanted the traditional conservatism of the Nigerian people. This work particularly looks at Chimamanda Adichie's Purple Hibiscus and distills classical cases of cultural imperialism. Adichie through the character Eugene, captures cultural imperialism as seen in the life of this vastly brainwashed "been-to" who is clearly portrayed as an imperial lackey, capitalist, and apologist. Also, the character of Rev. Father Benedict, a Briton, who often found any indigenous songs in St. Agnes Parish was quite offensive. The work also captures cultural imperialism in the ironical contempt with which the catholic devotee, Eugene, treats his own father, Papa Nnukwu, steeped in the traditional African cultural values, and Eugene viewes him as Godlessness. The essay concludes by identifying the cultural crises that cultural imperialism creates in the Nigerian state, and recommends ways of diluting and diffusing the present cultural imperialism as a solution to the myriad of socio-political crises currently experienced by the Nigerian society. 展开更多
关键词 culture cultural imperialism cultural values Purple Hibiscus
E-Government in Social and Economic Development: The Asymmetric Roles of Information, Institutionalization and Diffusion
作者 Bongani Ngwenya 《Computer Technology and Application》 2012年第10期657-667,共11页
There are documented differences between the success and failure factors in the developed and developing countries with regard to the adoption and embracement of Openness in e-Government practice models. This paper po... There are documented differences between the success and failure factors in the developed and developing countries with regard to the adoption and embracement of Openness in e-Government practice models. This paper posits that e-Government constitutes a critical context for social and economic development in both developed and developing countries. The paper also suggests that e-Government encompasses more than just technology, that is, attempts to highlight the social and economic implications of changes that have occurred in recent years as a result of the transparency and accountability of government and how software usage can influence digital inclusion, trust and privacy and possible strategies to eliminate the digital divide by encouraging greater public and commercial use and re-use of government information through putting govermnent data on the Web. In addition to leveraging economic development, e-Government also helps to stream line govemment services to more social based values of inclusion and citizens' participation, accessibility and power relationship ratios. Although e-Government is not a new phenomenon in most developed countries such as the US, UK, Japan, most of the European countries and some developing countries in Asia and Africa which have already announced their Open Government Initiatives and data portals it also leads to greater information asymmetry among citizens and government and also, institutionalization and diffusion asymmetry of the practice of the current Openness in e-Government models within developed and developing countries. Drawing on organizational decision-making research and following the explorative and grounded based research approach the findings of this research are that the information asymmetry between citizens and government and asymmetry in institutionalization and diffusion within developed and developing countries are widely attributed to socio-economic and political variations in developed and developing countries. Unless these differences are skill fully identified and accommodated as such into the development and use models, Openness in e-Government efforts would not help achieve the social and economic development goals by both developed and developing countries. 展开更多
关键词 E-GOVERNMENT INSTITUTIONALIZATION DIFFUSION asymmetric roles social and economic development.
实时的社会信息与互联网产品众筹的动态性——基于大数据的采集与挖掘研究 被引量:9
作者 顾乃康 赵坤霞 《金融研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期168-187,共20页
本文使用互联网大数据实时采集工具,针对我国三家典型的互联网产品众筹平台逐日抓取了2015年10月至2016年2月共130天的在线产品众筹项目的实时大数据,基于实时的社会信息探索了产品众筹过程中的动态性。本文依据社会责任扩散效应与目标... 本文使用互联网大数据实时采集工具,针对我国三家典型的互联网产品众筹平台逐日抓取了2015年10月至2016年2月共130天的在线产品众筹项目的实时大数据,基于实时的社会信息探索了产品众筹过程中的动态性。本文依据社会责任扩散效应与目标梯度效应构建了理论预期,经检验发现,在产品众筹的起始阶段,新增的支持金额(人数)与累计支持金额(人数)的回归系数显著为正且呈明显的下降趋势,而在结束阶段,两者的回归系数又重新显著为正且呈上升的趋势,但上升趋势不够明显。此外,随着日趋接近于众筹的目标金额,新增的支持金额(人数)存在显著的加速过程。这种产品众筹中体现出来的动态性意味着,众筹的起始阶段和结束阶段由实时的社会信息所决定的筹资状况以及尽快实现众筹目标金额过半的筹资是决定产品众筹成败的关键。 展开更多
关键词 实时的社会信息 互联网产品众筹 社会责任扩散效应 目标梯度效应
鲁绣:源远流长 被引量:3
作者 鲍家虎 杨少杰 《走向世界》 1995年第6期50-50,共1页
中国刺绣起源很早。据《尚书》记载,远在四千多年前的章服制度,就规定"衣画而裳绣",至周代有"绣缋共职"的记载。刺绣在上古时期使用范围极小,衣绣只限帝王公卿享用。到了春秋战国时期,由于战乱的冲击,礼制统治开始... 中国刺绣起源很早。据《尚书》记载,远在四千多年前的章服制度,就规定"衣画而裳绣",至周代有"绣缋共职"的记载。刺绣在上古时期使用范围极小,衣绣只限帝王公卿享用。到了春秋战国时期,由于战乱的冲击,礼制统治开始衰微,刺绣便由帝王公卿的上流社会扩散到民间。当时齐鲁的织绣最为发达,齐国妇女高超的刺绣技艺已闻名全国,产品行销各地。《史记·货殖列传》上有所谓"冠带衣履天下"之称。汉代学者王充也曾在《论衡》一书中感叹道:"齐郡世刺绣,恒女无不能",说明刺绣已相当普及。汉代的统治者在一些刺绣工艺高度发展的地区还有所谓"服官"的设置,《汉书》记载:"齐三服官作工各数千人,一岁费数巨万",以后即沿袭有"鲁绣"之称。民间日用服饰品。 展开更多
关键词 中国刺绣 刺绣工艺 春秋战国时期 民间 社会扩散 上古时期 使用范围 货殖列传 服饰品 汉代
《兵器知识》 2009年第12期11-11,共1页
历史上技术容易由较先进的社会向较落后的社会扩散使后发者形成"后发优势"而后发国家容易犯下的毛病恰恰就是更乐于进行技术引进而不进行制度创新从历史上看,国家和军队建设存在着"后发优势",也就是说,军事和经济... 历史上技术容易由较先进的社会向较落后的社会扩散使后发者形成"后发优势"而后发国家容易犯下的毛病恰恰就是更乐于进行技术引进而不进行制度创新从历史上看,国家和军队建设存在着"后发优势",也就是说,军事和经济技术容易由较先进的社会,向较落后的社会扩散,从而使不同社会的技术差距缩小,使后发者形成"后发优势"。尽管技术是昂贵的并且不容易创造,但一旦被创造出来, 展开更多
关键词 后发优势 后发国家 制度创新 技术引进 战略产业 军队建设 第一次世界大战 技术扩散 社会扩散 外来技术
Natal dispersal in a social landscape: Considering individual behavioral phenotypes and social environment in dispersal ecology 被引量:2
作者 Tina W. WEY Orr SPIEGEL +1 位作者 Pierre-Olivier MONTIGLIO Karen E. MABRY 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第3期543-556,共14页
Natal dispersal, the movement of an organism from its birthplace to the site of first reproduction, is fundamental to many ecological and evolutionary processes. Mechanistically, individual dispersal decisions can dep... Natal dispersal, the movement of an organism from its birthplace to the site of first reproduction, is fundamental to many ecological and evolutionary processes. Mechanistically, individual dispersal decisions can depend on both individual phe- notype and environmental cues. In particular, many established evolutionary theories of dispersal highlight the importance of the social environment. More recent research in behavioral ecology has focused on the importance of individual behavioral pheno- types. We reviewed the literature on individual behavioral phenotypes and dispersal and suggest that how individual behavioral phenotypes interact with the immediate social environment experienced by individuals in influencing dispersal is still poorly un- derstood, despite growing interest. We found that very few studies had examined the interaction of individual behavioral pheno- types and social factors, and behavioral phenotypes related to social tendencies were less commonly measured than were beha- vioral phenotypes related to exploration or response to risk. Further, and unsurprisingly, studies on social behavioral phenotypes and dispersal behaviors during the transience stage of dispersal were underrepresented compared to the departure or settlement stages. Future studies in this area should aim to" a) make explicit links between behavioral traits and their proposed effects on dispersal decisions throughout multiple stages of dispersal, b) integrate more continuous dispersal variables, and c) consider the effects of the spatial distribution and phenotypes of conspecifics (i.e., the social landscape) encountered by individual dispersers 展开更多
关键词 Animal dispersal Animal personality Behavioral syndromes Individual differences Social landscape
Social Policy Diffusion from the Perspective of Intergovernmental Relations: An Empirical Study of the Urban Subsistence Allowance System in China (1993-1999) 被引量:5
作者 Zhu Xufeng Zhao Hui 《Social Sciences in China》 2018年第1期78-97,共20页
Universal access to China's social welfare system involves a process of diffusion from localities to the whole country on the basis of social policy innovations in which intergovernmental relations play a key role as... Universal access to China's social welfare system involves a process of diffusion from localities to the whole country on the basis of social policy innovations in which intergovernmental relations play a key role as a facilitator. The rapid establishment of the urban subsistence allowance system in more than 200 cities throughout the country in seven years (1993-1999) serves as a case for our empirical analysis of the diffusion mechanism of social policy innovations at different levels of government. Our findings show, firstly, that in adopting a new social policy, city governments have to respond to the social desire of local citizens while keeping fiscal constraints in mind; at the same time, they are affected by administrative orders from higher-level governments and the vertical fiscal relations between governments at different levels, and are also subject to competitive pressures from other cities at the same level. Secondly, city governments' policy innovations offer an opportunity for higher levels of government to learn from their experience. Thirdly, central government orders exert both a direct and indirect influence upon city governments, with provincial orders acting as intermediaries. And lastly, there is a clear difference in the time lag effect of orders from the central government and those at provincial level upon city governments' policy adoption. 展开更多
关键词 policy diffusion intergovernmental relations social policy urban subsistenceallowance
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