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论数学教育社会学的“理论背景”“体系建构”与“实践价值” 被引量:5
作者 黄秦安 黄晓林 《数学教育学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第2期1-5,共5页
数学教育社会学在学理上具有跨学科和交叉学科的性质。它受到知识社会学和数学社会学的交互作用和影响。科学知识社会学和数学知识社会学关于科学与数学的认识对数学教育的社会学研究都有很好的启迪。在借鉴上述两种知识社会学理论成果... 数学教育社会学在学理上具有跨学科和交叉学科的性质。它受到知识社会学和数学社会学的交互作用和影响。科学知识社会学和数学知识社会学关于科学与数学的认识对数学教育的社会学研究都有很好的启迪。在借鉴上述两种知识社会学理论成果的基础上,作为21世纪以来全球范围内数学教育研究的一个热点和重点,探讨了数学教育社会学的内涵、层次和基本范畴以及对于中国数学教育实践的现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 科学知识社会 数学知识社会 数学教育社会 教学实践
数学知识社会学下学习理论框架新观 被引量:1
作者 单妍炎 黄秦安 《现代基础教育研究》 2016年第1期77-80,共4页
数学知识社会学的发展,奠定了数学知识新形式在数学教育中的重要地位。隐性知识根植于先前经验,促进了数学认知向深层水平的发展。在知识的转化过程中,数学语言及修辞起到桥梁的作用。通常以显性知识形式出现的结晶体概念,代表了数学三... 数学知识社会学的发展,奠定了数学知识新形式在数学教育中的重要地位。隐性知识根植于先前经验,促进了数学认知向深层水平的发展。在知识的转化过程中,数学语言及修辞起到桥梁的作用。通常以显性知识形式出现的结晶体概念,代表了数学三个世界理论的更高发展水平。这三种力量的交织和平衡,形成了一个动态的学习理论框架。在数学知识社会学的影响下,整合与连结成为数学学习理论发展的自然选择和努力方向。 展开更多
关键词 数学知识社会 数学结构 先前经验 隐性知识 整合 平衡 连结
作者 张胜 《教育导刊》 2022年第8期69-75,共7页
社会性数学议题教学是立足学习者身心发展规律与数学课程标准要求,基于社会性数学议题设置合理的开放性真实情境,促使数学教与学共同体经历丰富的实践活动,旨在通过建立数学与社会的联系,同时提升学习者数学学科核心素养与学生发展核心... 社会性数学议题教学是立足学习者身心发展规律与数学课程标准要求,基于社会性数学议题设置合理的开放性真实情境,促使数学教与学共同体经历丰富的实践活动,旨在通过建立数学与社会的联系,同时提升学习者数学学科核心素养与学生发展核心素养的教学。社会性数学议题教学作为落实数学综合与实践教学的一条新进路,具有促成数学学习与数学应用的水乳交融,发展学习者正确价值观、必备品格和关键能力的实践价值意蕴,融通学生发展核心素养、学科核心素养壁垒的理论价值意蕴。社会性数学议题教学的实施路径主要包括基于教科书的顺应式实施路径,基于课程标准的嵌入式实施路径,基于地方课程、校本课程、综合实践活动课程等的系统式实施路径。 展开更多
关键词 综合与实践 数学综合与实践教学 社会数学议题 数学学科育人 核心素养
作者 张晓蓓 《俪人(教师)》 2014年第17期199-199,共1页
关键词 社会生活数学素质教育
作者 谢进如 《中学历史教学研究》 2006年第3期35-36,共2页
关键词 数学方法 计算法 人文社会学科 学科交叉与渗透
作者 蔡攻 《江汉学术》 1994年第6期26-30,共5页
关键词 潜科学 大众数学 数学教育的社会 文化观念 和谐理论
作者 章文 《教育传播与技术》 2012年第2期35-38,共4页
充分运用现代信息技术,从学生的需要出发,迎合学生的兴趣爱好,才能激发学生学习数学的兴趣和学好数学的信心。运用现代信息技术,使学生学习不仅仅局限在课堂内,还延伸到课堂外,培养学乍乐于动手、勤于实践的习惯和能力,促进学生... 充分运用现代信息技术,从学生的需要出发,迎合学生的兴趣爱好,才能激发学生学习数学的兴趣和学好数学的信心。运用现代信息技术,使学生学习不仅仅局限在课堂内,还延伸到课堂外,培养学乍乐于动手、勤于实践的习惯和能力,促进学生形成积极的生活和学习态度,形成良好的学习能力。 展开更多
关键词 拓展型课程 数学社会价值 数学素养 数学文化 潜能开发
作者 奇达拉图 《课程教育研究(学法教法研究)》 2017年第33期147-147,共1页
本文是根据“十三五”全国数字化学习规划的指导思想,要求和新课标的内容要求及其多年的教学经验:必要性,利用信息技术指导数学课堂教学的理念,存在的问题,《信息技术环境下指导初中数学课堂教学》的目标、内容、指导思想、方法等... 本文是根据“十三五”全国数字化学习规划的指导思想,要求和新课标的内容要求及其多年的教学经验:必要性,利用信息技术指导数学课堂教学的理念,存在的问题,《信息技术环境下指导初中数学课堂教学》的目标、内容、指导思想、方法等方面阐述了自己的观点,其重点是农村牧区教育中如何利用信息化技术教学,供广大教育工作者和专家们叁考批评。 展开更多
关键词 “智能技术”“动手操作”“关系多样化”“消化不良”“学而无效果”“闲饭”“健康”“困惑”“曲解”“误 会”“社会道德”“做数学 数学 数学的实践活动”“行为 态度 价值观”“最佳的教学效果”“渗透”
中古算书中的田地面积算法与土地制度——以《五曹算经》“田曹”卷为中心的考察 被引量:3
作者 陈巍 邹大海 《自然科学史研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期426-436,共11页
关注了前人少有深入探究的一些中古实用算书的特点和相关社会制度背景。通过对有关社会经济史料和算书中的田地面积算题进行纵向和横向的比较与细密的分析,指出《五曹算经》中"田曹"的面积计算法具有求多而不求精的特点,与北... 关注了前人少有深入探究的一些中古实用算书的特点和相关社会制度背景。通过对有关社会经济史料和算书中的田地面积算题进行纵向和横向的比较与细密的分析,指出《五曹算经》中"田曹"的面积计算法具有求多而不求精的特点,与北朝田制特别是均田制下出现频繁测量、分划田地的急切需要有着密切的关系,《敦煌算书》、《夏侯阳算经》等书中田地面积计算法的特点,不仅与均田制的盛衰,而且与整个社会的文化和数学的发展有关,其中后者还带有编者讲求学理和精简的意图。社会因素不仅可以影响到数学讨论的对象,还可以影响到数学知识的本身。 展开更多
关键词 《五曹算经》 《敦煌算书》 《夏侯阳算经》 面积计算法 均田制 中古数学社会
作者 刘达卓 黄秦安 《科学技术哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期23-26,共4页
数学知识社会学是研究社会因素与机制如何作用于数学发展的一门交叉学科。广义上属于科学知识社会学的一个门类。布鲁尔和欧内斯特在其研究中都特别关注了数学知识在社会学层面的意义。数学知识社会学的深入研究,需要从其内涵、关联范... 数学知识社会学是研究社会因素与机制如何作用于数学发展的一门交叉学科。广义上属于科学知识社会学的一个门类。布鲁尔和欧内斯特在其研究中都特别关注了数学知识在社会学层面的意义。数学知识社会学的深入研究,需要从其内涵、关联范畴和理论维度入手,并凸显数学知识的独特性。 展开更多
关键词 数学社会 数学共同体 GLMD 坐标系
Application of the theory of linear algebra on mathematical modeling practice 被引量:1
作者 Jing Wan 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第12期83-85,共3页
The application level of mathematics in each science discipline signs the level of development of this science. With the advancement of science and technology, especially the rapid development of computer technology, ... The application level of mathematics in each science discipline signs the level of development of this science. With the advancement of science and technology, especially the rapid development of computer technology, mathematics has permeated from natural scientific technology to agricultural construction, from economic activities to all areas of social life. Generally, when the actual problem requires us to provide quantitative results of analysis, forecasting, decision making, control and other aspects for real object under study, we are often inseparable from the application of mathematics. Mathematical modeling is the key to this process, whose purpose is to make mathematics applied to social and social services, and using mathematics to solve practical problems is through mathematical models. When using mathematical methods to solve some practical problems, we usually first transfer practical problems into mathematical language, and then abstract them into a mathematical model. 展开更多
关键词 linear algebra mathematical modeling practice functional design
Sociological Features of the Casualties from the 1996 M_S7.0 Lijiang Earthquake, Yunnan Province 被引量:1
作者 Li Yongqiang Yang Jieying Yang Dongsheng 《Earthquake Research in China》 2012年第2期252-258,共7页
A statistics analysis was conducted on the basic information about fatalities from the Lijiang MS7.0 earthquake in 1996. The factors include age, gender, educational background, occupation, cause of death, death place... A statistics analysis was conducted on the basic information about fatalities from the Lijiang MS7.0 earthquake in 1996. The factors include age, gender, educational background, occupation, cause of death, death place, etc. We found that even though deaths caused by the Lijiang earthquake had some common features with those from earthquakes in other places in China, it also showed some specific features because of the multiracial and economically-underdeveloped situation of Lijiang area. The results reached in the paper can serve as a reference for studying the features of casualties caused by future strong earthquakes in Yunnan, and for the delicate and human-oriented emergency treatment. 展开更多
关键词 Earthquake-caused death Sociological feature Emergency treatment Lijiangearthquake
Psychological and Philosophical Readings of the Spectatorship of Bollywood and Indian Tamil Film in Sri Lanka
作者 Manoj Jinadasa 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2016年第4期201-212,共12页
The objective of this study is to explore the psychic, moral, ethical and logical significances in the spectatorship of Bollywood and Tamil film in the Sri Lanka. Bollywood and Tamil film has been taking a very popula... The objective of this study is to explore the psychic, moral, ethical and logical significances in the spectatorship of Bollywood and Tamil film in the Sri Lanka. Bollywood and Tamil film has been taking a very popular cultural performance in Sri Lanka. The original Indian spectatorship of these film traditions has been diverted by the cultural and political psychology of Sri Lanka. Hence, this local orientation of the Indian cinema remains a quite metamorphosis and deconstruction in its appreciation and screening in terms of the social, cultural and political features that deeply-rooted in Sri Lankan history, culture and geographical limitations. For this study, several film texts, which include typical Bollywood and Tamil film characteristic features were used and observed on how they have been absorbed in the Sri Lankan cultural society. And on the other hand, some audience surveys specific to different film appreciation contexts were conducted. They included urban slums, semi-rural Muslim societies, north and east areas of Tamil villages, Colombo urban society, Tamil state areas and Kandyan Sinhala rural villages. In the textual analysis of the film content, implicit psychological narrations and their social and aesthetic interpretations were revealed in the analytical explanations. Using the audience surveys, many different opinions that can be traditionally filtered in the screening and appreciation of these film traditions specific to their living cultural settings were also identified. In conclusion, perception in Sinhala film has been considerably designed by the experience of Bollywood and Tamil film spectatorship is deducted by this study. Hence, not only this social trend affected to the appreciation of film in local general audience but also in all the facets of film production (script writing, shooting, acting, dialoguing, music and choreography and screening) has also significantly being influenced by the Bollywood and Tamil film. As a result of this evolution of local film culture, most recent trend in Sinhala film noir is also being followed by the early subjective consequences of Bollywood and Tamil film culture in Sri Lanka. 展开更多
关键词 technical terms psychological and philosophical reading Bollywood and Tamil Film film culture SPECTATORSHIP
Industrial Design Graduates in the Nigerian Labour Market: Unemployed or Unemployable
作者 Femi Kayode Gordy Iyama 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2018年第2期67-77,共11页
The annual turnout of faculty graduates in Nigeria is not only increasing numerically but it is ironically, unemployed and other times unemployable. This assertion is supported by researches in the social sciences and... The annual turnout of faculty graduates in Nigeria is not only increasing numerically but it is ironically, unemployed and other times unemployable. This assertion is supported by researches in the social sciences and reasons adduced to the trend range from lack of qualitative and unavailability of teaching and research facilities, as well as insufficient capable human resources among others. This paper x-rayed the case of Industrial Design graduates and their post training outcome, to understand whether or not graduates of Industrial Design are gainfully employed, unemployed, or unemployable; and why? Research design used was survey, while the instrument administered on the sample size was structured questionnaire. Two hundred and thirty-three (233) students of Industrial Design constituted the sample size. The research questions were analyzed with the aid of Table of frequency distribution, while a non-parametric test by way of Friedman's two-way ANOVA was used to analyze the hypotheses. The outcome of the study revealed that, though the programme of Industrial Design is evolving as craft-based, it is viable. Graduates of the programme are not unemployable in the Nigerian labour market. Finally, the paper proffers solutions and recommendations in form of ideas and deductions to enhance the aim of the study. 展开更多
关键词 GRADUATE labour market competences UNEMPLOYMENT specialization collaboration
Contribution of ecotourism to poverty alleviation in Nyanga,Zimbabwe 被引量:2
作者 Leonard Itayi Chirenje 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2017年第2期87-92,共6页
This paper assesses the contribution of ecotourism to local communities and the environment.Livelihoods of local communities are examined to understand the socioeconomic situation of people living in proximity to ecot... This paper assesses the contribution of ecotourism to local communities and the environment.Livelihoods of local communities are examined to understand the socioeconomic situation of people living in proximity to ecotourism areas and their participation in ecotourism activities. The impact of ecotourism on the environment in Nyanga is also examined. The paper employs both literature review(secondary data) and a field survey(primary data) to achieve these objectives. To gather socioeconomic data of households and tourist traits, questionnaires were administered to120 households and 30 tourists in the study area. Key informant interviews were held in the survey to gather expert knowledge about ecotourism trends and environmental data in the area.Data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences. Descriptive and inferential analyses were used for quantitative data while content and structural-functional analyses were used for qualitative data. The research revealed that ecotourism offers the highest salaries when compared to other sources of formal employment. Ecotourism activities were shown to positively impact the environment through the protection, preservation, and management of natural resources. The study concludes that ecotourism is a useful and sustainable poverty alleviation strategy which has not yet been fully exploited in Zimbabwe. 展开更多
关键词 Ecotourism livelihoods poverty alleviation leakages environmental conservation
Attitude, Secondary Schools and Student Success in a Tertiary Mathematics Unit
作者 Luz Centeno Stenberg Maria Estela Varua Jackie Yong 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第4期480-487,共8页
There is a consensus in the literature that mathematical ability contributes to student success in tertiary education. More importantly, mathematical skills are necessary when successfully completing mathematics- and/... There is a consensus in the literature that mathematical ability contributes to student success in tertiary education. More importantly, mathematical skills are necessary when successfully completing mathematics- and/or science-based degrees. Social sciences such as psychology and economics require statistical skills which also require knowledge of mathematics. Even business students, such as marketing and accounting students need the necessary mathematical skills to successfully complete their degrees at university. This paper suggests that student success in a core business subject is dependent on their mathematical aptitude, attitude, and type of secondary schooling whether government or non-government schools. There is urgency for universities to recognize that high failure rates are due to insufficient mathematics exposure in secondary schooling and remedial classes might not be enough. Specifying a minimum (maths, e.g., two units) requirement for entry and/or providing bridging programs to ensure students have the necessary basic mathematical skills would increase student success in quantitative units. 展开更多
关键词 quantitative units mathematics aptitude mathematical attitude secondary schooling
The Relationship Between Mathematics Excellency and Efficiency of Accounting Students
作者 Gholamreza Zandi Alireza Shahabi . . Mojtaba Bagheri 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第10期1419-1427,共9页
Many organizations, educational institutes, and universities wish to identify efficient and high caliber applicants who could excel over the accounting discipline, while scholarships and admissions are still not offer... Many organizations, educational institutes, and universities wish to identify efficient and high caliber applicants who could excel over the accounting discipline, while scholarships and admissions are still not offered. However, it is believed that undergraduate accounting students with majors in mathematics from pre-university institutes perform much better than those with arts or social sciences backgrounds. Therefore, this paper~ takes the mathematics perception level as well as pre-university's cumulative grade point averages (CGPAs) as the main indicators of efficiency and better performance of undergraduate accounting students. In order to test the hypotheses, a multiple regression analysis has been used. By choosing all undergraduate accounting candidates, who had been admitted for academic calendars of 2009-2010 in four different universities (one public, two semi-publics, and one private university) and testing their mathematics excellency, as well as extracting their CGPAs, the authors find that students' mathematical talents are high, and to a lower extent, the CGPAs will positively influence the performance in accounting courses. 展开更多
关键词 SCHOLARSHIP cumulative grade point average (CGPA) mathematical talents ACCOUNTING
Position and Perspective of Statistics in Sociology
作者 Valentina Sokolovska 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第10期924-929,共6页
The paper first gives a brief overview of the use of statistical methods in sociology in order to show the continuity and importance of these methods in the development of sociology as a science. Therefore, education ... The paper first gives a brief overview of the use of statistical methods in sociology in order to show the continuity and importance of these methods in the development of sociology as a science. Therefore, education of sociologists requires, among other things, training in statistical methods applicable in data processing and analysis in sociological research. Then the research continues with a comparative analysis of the curricula of undergraduate academic studies of sociology, and especially the presence of statistics teaching in them, in the Republic of Serbia and the neighbouring countries. Different programs of the Department of Sociology of the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad are analyzed together with the results of the students' evaluations for the academic years 2007/2008 and 2009/2010. 展开更多
关键词 SOCIOLOGY statistics undergraduate academic studies curriculum students' evaluations
Mathematical Modeling in Social Network Analysis: Using TOPSIS to Find Node Influences in a Social Network 被引量:4
作者 William P Fox Sean F. Everton 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2013年第10期531-541,共11页
In a social network analysis the output provided includes many measures and metrics. For each of these measures and metric, the output provides the ability to obtain a rank ordering of the nodes in terms of these meas... In a social network analysis the output provided includes many measures and metrics. For each of these measures and metric, the output provides the ability to obtain a rank ordering of the nodes in terms of these measures. We might use this information in decision making concerning disrupting or deceiving a given network. All is fine when all the measures indicate the same node as the key or influential node. What happens when the measures indicate different key nodes? Our goal in this paper is to explore two methodologies to identify the key players or nodes in a given network. We apply TOPSIS to analyze these outputs to find the most influential nodes as a function of the decision makers' inputs as a process to consider both subjective and objectives inputs through pairwise comparison matrices. We illustrate our results using two common networks from the literature: the Kite network and the Information flow network from Knoke and Wood. We discuss some basic sensitivity analysis can may be applied to the methods. We find the use of TOPSIS as a flexible method to weight the criterion based upon the decision makers' inputs or the topology of the network. 展开更多
关键词 Social network analysis multi-attribute decision making Analytical hierarchy process (AHP) weighted criterion TOPSIS node influence
Understanding "Shanghai mathematics exchange" between Shanghai and Britain from social and cultural perspectives
作者 SHI Jiaxiang 《International English Education Research》 2016年第1期66-68,共3页
"Shanghai mathematics exchange" has been a prevalent theme, as well as a controversial topic. The program of"mathematics exchange" which was executed by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission and the Department o... "Shanghai mathematics exchange" has been a prevalent theme, as well as a controversial topic. The program of"mathematics exchange" which was executed by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission and the Department of Education: which is the highest performing jurisdiction in the world for mathematics. It is important to analyse and understand this project from political, cultural, social and other different perspectives. Meanwhile, This article applies Foucault and Bourdieu theories to illustrate the exchange programme and the changes of curriculum reform both in Britain and China. Practical evidences have provided the functions and the driving forces will be supplied for the further development of education continuously. 展开更多
关键词 Shanghai mathematics exchange Curriculum reform Mathematics curriculum
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