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论图书馆是社会文化力的核心 被引量:5
作者 刘世文 《图书馆建设》 CSSCI 北大核心 1996年第6期2-4,共3页
论图书馆是社会文化力的核心刘世文(辽阳市图书馆111000)社会是由经济、文化、政治三大板块构成。一个国家的综合国力包括经济力、政治力和文化力。无论经济发展还是社会发展,从本质意义上讲都是文化发展,因此文化力问题已广... 论图书馆是社会文化力的核心刘世文(辽阳市图书馆111000)社会是由经济、文化、政治三大板块构成。一个国家的综合国力包括经济力、政治力和文化力。无论经济发展还是社会发展,从本质意义上讲都是文化发展,因此文化力问题已广泛受到世人关注。本文谨就图书馆在社... 展开更多
关键词 图书馆 社会文化力 理论研究
作者 许瑶瑶 许慈惠 陆健 《西安外国语大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第1期27-31,共5页
汉日语非逻辑动宾结构可解释为“手段动宾结构V1O1”+“目的动宾结构V2O2”之两个常规逻辑连动动宾结构的交叉糅合为一,其生成模式是截取一个结构的动词和另一结构的宾语,有V2O1型(“恢复疲劳”「疲労を回復する」)和V1O2型(“打扫卫生... 汉日语非逻辑动宾结构可解释为“手段动宾结构V1O1”+“目的动宾结构V2O2”之两个常规逻辑连动动宾结构的交叉糅合为一,其生成模式是截取一个结构的动词和另一结构的宾语,有V2O1型(“恢复疲劳”「疲労を回復する」)和V1O2型(“打扫卫生”)两类。交叉糅合为一后,句法表层看似不符合逻辑,但语义深层仍保留着原本的完整信息而自洽,得以在凸显重点的同时,实现经济原则,事半功倍。其生成反映出语言背后强大的社会文化力,具体有二:一是社会共同尊崇的“除坏取好”原则,在认知上做引导和制约;二是所谓的非逻辑带出幽默语用效应,吸人眼球。 展开更多
关键词 非逻辑动宾结构 交叉糅合为一 社会文化力 除坏取好原则 非逻辑幽默
论道德观的社会文化力对语用义实现的决定性作用——以「XはYものだ」「(Xは)Yことだ」句式为例 被引量:1
作者 许慈惠 《日语学习与研究》 CSSCI 2021年第4期83-90,共8页
本文尝试在社会文化语言关联的视角下考察论证共享的善的、本份的、良知的道德观所具有的强大社会文化力,以及它在语言共同体内部于填补语面义的逻辑缺损、实现语用义方面的决定性作用。道德观的社会文化力特性对构式的产生与理解的认... 本文尝试在社会文化语言关联的视角下考察论证共享的善的、本份的、良知的道德观所具有的强大社会文化力,以及它在语言共同体内部于填补语面义的逻辑缺损、实现语用义方面的决定性作用。道德观的社会文化力特性对构式的产生与理解的认知机制提供了另一种解释的可能性。 展开更多
关键词 语言关联 语言共同体 道德观 社会文化力 逻辑缺损
关于大学科研文化力的思考 被引量:4
作者 丁红玲 《中国成人教育》 北大核心 2011年第1期34-38,共5页
科研文化力是大学彰显其魅力的气和神,是大学可持续发展之源。强有力的科研文化力可促使大学更好地发挥其职能与责任,实现大学的不断超越。大学科研文化力需要通过学术精神文化力、团队协作文化力、社会实践文化力和管理制度文化力的联... 科研文化力是大学彰显其魅力的气和神,是大学可持续发展之源。强有力的科研文化力可促使大学更好地发挥其职能与责任,实现大学的不断超越。大学科研文化力需要通过学术精神文化力、团队协作文化力、社会实践文化力和管理制度文化力的联动,方能得到提升。 展开更多
关键词 大学 科研文化 学术精神文化 团队协作文化 社会实践文化 管理制度文化
作者 倪祥保 《苏州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2007年第4期75-78,共4页
在人们盛赞中国"人文纪录片"取得巨大成就的同时,特别强调关注纪录片不可或缺的真正的人文关怀及其社会文化影响力,这也许是关于国内纪录片发展讨论中的一个冷点问题,而这个问题对于媒体、创作者和理论研究工作者来说,都应该... 在人们盛赞中国"人文纪录片"取得巨大成就的同时,特别强调关注纪录片不可或缺的真正的人文关怀及其社会文化影响力,这也许是关于国内纪录片发展讨论中的一个冷点问题,而这个问题对于媒体、创作者和理论研究工作者来说,都应该是一个不容忽视的重要问题。 展开更多
关键词 纪录片 人文关怀 社会文化影响
The Dynamics of the Sociological Imagination
作者 SergeyA. Kravchenko 《Sociology Study》 2013年第11期825-834,共10页
This article focuses on the factors that influence the dynamics of the sociological imagination. The author argues for the codependence of sociological theorizing, thinking, and imagination that are analyzed through t... This article focuses on the factors that influence the dynamics of the sociological imagination. The author argues for the codependence of sociological theorizing, thinking, and imagination that are analyzed through the prism of the increasing complexity of social and cultural dynamics of the society, the accelerated complex development of human communities within the "arrow of time". He critically discusses the types of sociological imagination worked out by C. Wright Mills, P. Sztompka, S. Fuller, and U. Beck, and proposes his own model of sociological imagination in the form of a non-linear humanistic one that is based on the synthesis of social, hard and humane science. It deals with the acceleration of socio-cultural dynamics and glocal complexity, the integrity of the interdependent humanity, and synergetically takes into consideration paradoxical synthesis, breaks, risks, and dispersions of socium, its obiective, subjectively constructed, and virtual realities, searching for new forms of humanism, based on men's existential needs. It presupposes humane praxis--nowadays the world needs the passing over from technological to humane modernization that can be achieved due to a humanistic turn in sociology, its orientation on a non-linear humanistic sociological imagination. 展开更多
关键词 History of sociology sociological imagination innovative thinking generations of the sociological metatheorizing non-linearand humanistic sociological imagination humanistic turn
Empirical Study on the Chinese Culture Transmission and Effects
作者 ZHANG Jie 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第12期969-974,共6页
In the new historical period, China needs to show the nation's values and national spirit. With the advent of the era of globalization, the strength of a country is not only reflected in the economy, cultural factors... In the new historical period, China needs to show the nation's values and national spirit. With the advent of the era of globalization, the strength of a country is not only reflected in the economy, cultural factors will play an increasingly important role in the social development process in 2 lth century. The impact of cultural soft power and communication is essential for a country to power. In the process of going to the world, and in line with the international community, the Chinese culture will inevitably have a dialogue with the West. China will catch up with the world's advanced level. We must pay attention to enhance the competitiveness of culture and penetration. The paper analyzes the historical and present Chinese culture oversea transmission and the effects of the transmissions. The paper has three parts---the first part is the history of Chinese culture transmission; the second part is the present Chinese transmission; and the third part is the effects of Chinese culture transmission. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese culture TRANSMISSION EFFECTS
The Power of Money in FS. Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby
作者 Hasnul Insani Djohar 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2015年第3期151-157,共7页
The topic of this paper is the pursuit of cultural studies focusing on cultural hegemony, introduces the notion of the dominant groups' power to control society. It will also raise the issue of how hegemonic classes ... The topic of this paper is the pursuit of cultural studies focusing on cultural hegemony, introduces the notion of the dominant groups' power to control society. It will also raise the issue of how hegemonic classes live in 1920s. The objective is to analyze, using cultural studies, Antonio Gramsci's Hegemony, Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby in order to come to some conclusions about depictions of aristocratic classes and powers in order to dominate powerless groups. Specifically, the research focuses on Jay Gatsby's struggles to face the hegemony of aristocratic groups, whose affluent supremacy. In the story, the new moneyed group, represented by Jay Gatsby, lives in West Egg while the aristocratic group, represented by Tom Buchanan, lives in East Egg. Tom is always the winner because he comes from the aristocratic groups, whose prestigious family. Therefore, Gatsby always loses compete against Tom no matter how hard Gatsby tries. By learning Gatsby's struggle in this novel, we gain a better understanding of how other powerless groups, not only in American society, but also other society in the world, who also struggle to compete with the aristocratic groups. 展开更多
关键词 F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby HEGEMONY class aristocratic group
Explaining the Private College Students' English Academic Ability by Social Cultural Perspective
作者 Guo Fengxia 《International English Education Research》 2015年第4期83-86,共4页
From the perspective of the sociocultural theory (SCI), this article examines Chinese students' present states of English academic achievements in some private colleges by investigating teacher-student interaction.... From the perspective of the sociocultural theory (SCI), this article examines Chinese students' present states of English academic achievements in some private colleges by investigating teacher-student interaction. It then analyzes underlying factors influencing learner's academic ability. Finally it investigates some efficient class teaching strategies to promote their academic development, using class interventions such as the know-want-learn strategy (KWL), the object-explore-success-happy strategy (OESH), the cooperative project between students and teacher's strategy (CPST) and so on. Theoretically, the paper aims to place the SCT perspectives in the foreground. Pedagogically, it attempts to raise teacher-practitioners' wisdom so as to enhance learners' English academic achievements from the affective perspective. 展开更多
关键词 social cultural perspective the private colleges students' English academic ability
Bridging Sociality and New Media Practice as a Lever to Intercultural Competency
作者 Maria Giovanna Onorati 《Sociology Study》 2013年第5期321-333,共13页
This paper is based on the findings of a survey on 120 students involved in the Interdisciplinary Course on Intercultural Competences (ICIC), a three-year EU Lifelong Intensive Program project aimed at developing in... This paper is based on the findings of a survey on 120 students involved in the Interdisciplinary Course on Intercultural Competences (ICIC), a three-year EU Lifelong Intensive Program project aimed at developing intercultural competency in the education, social work and health care professions. The Program approached intercultural competency as a culturally aware ability to cope with unfamiliar situations continuously arising in the current ever-changing society, in which learning has become an "endemic condition", and the new media have created symbolic resources for actively expressing and constructing identities as an in-progress and negotiated project. Intercultural competency is therefore rethought from a holistic perspective as a part of an educational mission that particularly values one's communicative and social experiences as a strategic resource for facilitating learning processes and enhancing professional competency. The presented data show sociality as a clustering factor for intercultural learning and displays a factorial structure, from which a model for intercultural education is inferred, in which bridging social capital, media practice and reflective attitude become crucial for gaining and valuing competency in terms of human capital. 展开更多
关键词 Intercultural competency lifelong learning experience CONVERGENCE bridging social capital
Translation and Enculturation as a Process of Acculturation
作者 Turgut Gumusoglu 《Sociology Study》 2015年第3期245-254,共10页
When we look through the world history, it can be seen clearly that language has a great role on culture, arts, and social movements, and the translation is an important player in this context. A commonly shared Europ... When we look through the world history, it can be seen clearly that language has a great role on culture, arts, and social movements, and the translation is an important player in this context. A commonly shared European culture together with its values has emerged as a product of such sociolinguistic dynamics. Following these encounters, whether at word borrowing level or morpho-syntactical level, European languages have had positive and/or negative effects on each other and have evolved ever since in this way as they have permeated themselves into culture. From the point of view on translation's intermediary role in enabling interaction between cultures throughout the history, the aim of the present study is to problematize the answers to the following questions: What are cultural ramifications that stem from linguistic encounter? What are the contributions of translated language to acculturation and enculturation processes? Can the new information through translation produce a culture translation phenomenon? How the hybrid understanding functions? Translation itself is a language encounter that makes impact on targeted languages as well as on its source. In this study, the dynamics that form this encounter space as a meta textual phenomenon has been problematized. 展开更多
关键词 Cultural translation culture and language contact SOCIOLINGUISTICS transit place
Dangerous Frictions: The Condition of Modernity and Its Possible Repair
作者 Jeffrey C. Alexander 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2011年第4期1-11,共11页
Whether from a liberal or a radical perspective, the transition to modernity has been hailed not only as a great achievement but as providing the cultural and institutional foundations for a good society. Yet, moderni... Whether from a liberal or a radical perspective, the transition to modernity has been hailed not only as a great achievement but as providing the cultural and institutional foundations for a good society. Yet, modernity has been driven by terrible social stsains, immense conflicts, searing social stigmas, and radical exclusion. A satisfactory social theory must conceptualize the dark side of modernity as well as the ligt. This essay identifies nine dangerous frictions inherent in modernity and also defines mechanisms for their possible repair. Critics of modernity have ignored the fact that it does provide self-correcting capacities, though these capacities are never fully developed and never adequately applied. 展开更多
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