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化解社会矛盾纠纷要注重“治病于未病” 被引量:2
作者 徐林 《国家治理》 2020年第40期22-25,共4页
现阶段很多地方正在大力建设的社会矛盾纠纷调处化解中心虽然对于及时受理和快速解决群众的矛盾纠纷起到了重要作用,但大部分还未能做到从源头上抑制矛盾纠纷的产生,实现“治病于未病”。对此,一方面,应从创新社会治理机制的视角重新定... 现阶段很多地方正在大力建设的社会矛盾纠纷调处化解中心虽然对于及时受理和快速解决群众的矛盾纠纷起到了重要作用,但大部分还未能做到从源头上抑制矛盾纠纷的产生,实现“治病于未病”。对此,一方面,应从创新社会治理机制的视角重新定位矛盾调解工作,在社会综合治理的整体框架下建构多元、多层次矛盾调解体系;另一方面,应优化“矛调中心”这一实体的工作流程与机制,引导更多的社会主体参与进来,充分发挥社会自身的力量。 展开更多
关键词 调中心”社会治理机制 流程优化 多元主体参与
关于整顿市场经济秩序的若干思考 被引量:6
作者 陈淮 《经济要参》 2001年第60期22-28,共7页
关键词 中国 市场经济秩序 法治 社会矛
从网络媒体传播特征看其宣泄功能的有效性 被引量:2
作者 金秋 《青年记者》 2011年第2Z期60-61,共2页
近几年,由于我国处于社会转型期,突发性公共事件日益频发,社会矛盾和冲突不断,大众社会心理趋于失衡,不满情绪高涨,压力、浮躁、信仰危机等社会不良心理膨胀。此时的社会就像一个高压炉,急需一只有力的手为之"揭盖、排气、解压&qu... 近几年,由于我国处于社会转型期,突发性公共事件日益频发,社会矛盾和冲突不断,大众社会心理趋于失衡,不满情绪高涨,压力、浮躁、信仰危机等社会不良心理膨胀。此时的社会就像一个高压炉,急需一只有力的手为之"揭盖、排气、解压"。在心理学上,宣泄是指人们通过某些行为排解或释放紧张情绪的过程。 展开更多
关键词 网络媒体传播 信仰危机 情绪高涨 突发性公共事件 大众社会 传播特征 传播流 分众传播 其特 社会矛
作者 傅康生 徐建飞 《唯实》 2014年第3期27-29,共3页
在新的历史条件下,中国的改革进入了攻坚期、深水区。中国共产党第十八届中央委员会第三次全体会议于2013年11月9日至12日在北京隆重召开。会议通过了《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》(以下简称《决定》),全文约21000多... 在新的历史条件下,中国的改革进入了攻坚期、深水区。中国共产党第十八届中央委员会第三次全体会议于2013年11月9日至12日在北京隆重召开。会议通过了《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》(以下简称《决定》),全文约21000多字,分3板块16个部分,涉及60个基本点。作为中国未来发展提纲挈领式的文件,《决定》科学指出:" 展开更多
关键词 全面深化改革 中国梦 未来社会 关键抉择 三个有利于 亡党亡国 社会改革 中央领导 社会事业 社会矛
在推进“两个加快”中争当先锋争做模范——省委书记刘奇葆在优秀县(市区)委书记表彰暨创先争优推进会上作重要讲话 被引量:1
《西部广播电视》 2010年第6X期4-4,共1页
在中国共产党成立89周年之际,7月1日,省委召开全省优秀县(市区)委书记表彰暨创先争优活动推进会议。省委书记刘奇葆出席会议并作重要讲话,他要求全省广大基层党组织和党员干部积极投入到创先争优活动中来,在推进"两个加快"中... 在中国共产党成立89周年之际,7月1日,省委召开全省优秀县(市区)委书记表彰暨创先争优活动推进会议。省委书记刘奇葆出席会议并作重要讲话,他要求全省广大基层党组织和党员干部积极投入到创先争优活动中来,在推进"两个加快"中争当先锋、争做模范。 展开更多
关键词 基层党组织 创先 党员干部 生机活力 分类指导 党的建设 科学化水平 党建工作创新 领导体制 社会矛
Environmental Risks in China and Their Countermeasures
作者 夏光 《China Economist》 2015年第4期4-21,共18页
The 13th Five-year Plan period (2016-2020) is a crucial period for environmental protection in China and represents the last chance for the achievement of the environmental objective under the goal of building a wel... The 13th Five-year Plan period (2016-2020) is a crucial period for environmental protection in China and represents the last chance for the achievement of the environmental objective under the goal of building a well-off society in an all-round manner. During this period of time, China' s environment is confronted with the following major risks: risks of environmental quality, human health, ecological security, balanced regional development and international influence. The overall conclusion is that the tendencies of changing eco-environment are complex, problems remain outstanding, and some risks have abated while others have intensified with possible improvements in the future. Future prospects mainly depend on the intensity of actions taken. It is suggested that environmental protection strategy of"overall optimization" be adopted for the 13th Five-year Plan period, i.e. environmental protection requirements should be incorporated into political, economic, social and cultural spheres, so that these areas with major influence on the natural environment will improve and transform towards an environmentally friendly direction and ultimately help achieve the objective of improving eco-environment and people's welfare. In order to fundamentally reverse mainstream understanding on environmental protection, it is suggested to define the "contradiction between environmental pressures arising from growing economic development and China ' s limited and fragile environmental capacity" as a major contradiction of Chinese society. 展开更多
关键词 China ecological environment RISK environmental protection strategy overall optimization major contradiction of Chinese society
作者 崔长琪 《中外企业家》 2015年第9X期3 7-,共2页
新常态的概念,是习近平总书记在2014年5月份对我国经济总体走势及社会宏观发展的综合把握下,提出来的政治战略话题。新常态包含有重要的政治或政策信息,在更多场合反复出现并逐步被系统化,直至正式成为治国的新理念和决策依据。中央经... 新常态的概念,是习近平总书记在2014年5月份对我国经济总体走势及社会宏观发展的综合把握下,提出来的政治战略话题。新常态包含有重要的政治或政策信息,在更多场合反复出现并逐步被系统化,直至正式成为治国的新理念和决策依据。中央经济工作会议对新常态的历史性阶段进行了全面系统的总结和阐述;"新常态"要求我们正确对待当下经济增速下滑,着力改革攻坚,充分发挥政府、市场和社会的作用,让一切劳动、知识、技术、管理及资本的活力竞相迸发,让一切创造社会财富的源泉充分涌动,实现经济、社会的可持续发展。 展开更多
关键词 经济创新 政治战略 总体走势 政策信息 改革攻坚 创造社会财富 经济发展 决策依据 投资驱动 社会矛
作者 海晓明 《法治与社会》 2015年第11期63-,共1页
镇安县保障性安居工程坚持"促和谐、稳民生、可持续发展"的理念,坚持以人为本,立足县情加快发展保障性公共租赁住房,不断强化措施,狠抓工作落实,住房保障工作顺利推进。既解决了贫困人口住房难题,又推进了新城镇化建设,提升... 镇安县保障性安居工程坚持"促和谐、稳民生、可持续发展"的理念,坚持以人为本,立足县情加快发展保障性公共租赁住房,不断强化措施,狠抓工作落实,住房保障工作顺利推进。既解决了贫困人口住房难题,又推进了新城镇化建设,提升了城市品位。一、加强领导班子建设,执政能力显着增强局班子认真学习十八大及习近平总书记系列讲话精神,扎实践行群众路线,以建设"四好班子"为目标。 展开更多
关键词 房产管理局 领导班子建设 干部工作 共有产权 居民住房条件 领导干部 保障房 干部作风 三实 社会矛
《延安市人民政府政报》 2008年第3期25-27,共3页
陕政办发[2008]10号各设区市人民政府,省人民政府各工作部门、各直属机构:经省政府同意,现将《陕西省2008年依法行政工作要点》印发给你们,请结合实际,认真贯彻执行。省政府法制办在做好具体工作的同时,要切实加强督促检查,确保我省依... 陕政办发[2008]10号各设区市人民政府,省人民政府各工作部门、各直属机构:经省政府同意,现将《陕西省2008年依法行政工作要点》印发给你们,请结合实际,认真贯彻执行。省政府法制办在做好具体工作的同时,要切实加强督促检查,确保我省依法行政各项工作任务真正落到实处。 展开更多
关键词 工作要点 工作部门 直属机构 审批方式 执法文书 信息公开指南 机关工作 法定权限 省级部门 社会矛
《广西壮族自治区人民政府公报》 2013年第35期12-13,共2页
桂政发[2013]54号各市、县人民政府,自治区农垦局,自治区人民政府各组成部门、各直属机构:近年来,我区各级人民政府和政府各部门深入贯彻落实科学发展观和依法治国基本方略,按照《国务院关于印发全面推进依法行政实施纲要的通知》(国发[... 桂政发[2013]54号各市、县人民政府,自治区农垦局,自治区人民政府各组成部门、各直属机构:近年来,我区各级人民政府和政府各部门深入贯彻落实科学发展观和依法治国基本方略,按照《国务院关于印发全面推进依法行政实施纲要的通知》(国发[2004]10号)、《国务院关于加强市县政府依法行政的决定》(国发[2008]17号)。 展开更多
关键词 农垦局 法治政府建设 直属机构 依法行政意识 法治国家 城乡建设厅 玉林市玉州区 公路管理局 社会矛
"Some Things Must Be Left Unsaid!" On How Macherey Is Dialogically Engaged with Post-Marxism1 被引量:1
作者 Billy Bin Feng Huang 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2018年第3期487-508,共22页
This paper aims to examine how Macherey is dialogically engaged with post-Marxism in formulating his reading strategy. First Macherey thinks that the author must have left something unsaid in his text. The unsaid or t... This paper aims to examine how Macherey is dialogically engaged with post-Marxism in formulating his reading strategy. First Macherey thinks that the author must have left something unsaid in his text. The unsaid or the narrative rupture is responsible for the multiplicity of the voices in the text, enabling the text to exist. Most of all, Macherey argues that a text, embedded in History, is where the author represents ideology inaccurately. And it is from this inaccuracy where the narrative rupture emerges. At this point, Macherey is dialogically correlated with several major post-Marxists, such as Althusser, Eagleton, and Jameson. First, all three of them give their own definitions to ideology, and they all define the relationship between the text, ideology, and History in a similar fashion. For Althusser, ideology is men's imaginary relation to History and is insufficiently reflected in the text, which perfectly corresponds to Macherey's claim. For Eagleton, a text absorbs ideology and puts it into contradiction, establishing its relationship with History. As Eagleton himself has stated, his so-called "ideological contradiction" is tantamount to Macherey's so-called "narrative rupture." In Jameson's opinion, ideology is designed to repress social contradictions, and a text, a symbolic act, is supposed to offer imaginary solutions to them. Above all, they end up as the latent meanings of a text. As for History, it is the inaccessible Real. In speaking of "the latent meanings of a text," Jameson literally echoes Machery's said/unsaid model. Thus, we can confirm how Macherey is dialogically engaged with post-Marxism. 展开更多
关键词 Macherey (un)said narrative rupture post-Marxism ALTHUSSER EAGLETON JAMESON
Central and Peripheral Cultures and the Problem of Social Conflict in Vietnam
作者 Nguyen Van Dan 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2014年第2期148-153,共6页
This article deals with relationship between cultural globalization and local cultures, seen mostly as conflict between centre and peripheries on the world scale and also as conflict among ethnicities in the societies... This article deals with relationship between cultural globalization and local cultures, seen mostly as conflict between centre and peripheries on the world scale and also as conflict among ethnicities in the societies. It also suggests some solutions to the problem of conflict on the global scale in general and in Vietnam in particular. In the era of globalization, there exists a risk of cultural imperialism rising as a cultural centre. Nevertheless, the cultural imperialism always bears the economic and political motives. This is the very cause which leads to politico-cultural conflict. Therefore, in essence, cultural hegemony is also the very economic hegemony and it serves the economy. Thus, in fact, social conflicts are often the contradictions, but these contradictions could lead to conflict only when they are pushed to political and economic interests level, and then they are the truly economic and political conflicts and not cultural ones. Therefore, in essence, there are not purely cultural conflicts, but culture is only the medium for politico-economic conflict. There may be various kinds of solutions for the problem of conflict: the economic solutions, the social solutions, the political solutions, and the cultural ones. Vietnarrv--as a multi-ethnic natiorv--is not a country without social conflict. To solve the problem of conflict is to solve the contradictions in economic interests and to overcome the lack of democracy. Therefore, the most important solutions for the problem of conflict are the cultural and political solutions. Especially, the article emphasizes the democracy and the rule of law as the critical points in solving the problem of social conflict. 展开更多
关键词 culture centre and periphery social conflict cultural globalization MULTICULTURALISM policies on religionplural language policies DEMOCRACY
Critical Theory Between Tradition and Innovation: Axel Honneth and the New Paradigm of Recognition
作者 Irene Strazzeri 《Sociology Study》 2011年第3期221-229,共9页
In the actual political philosophical debate terms as dialectic, emancipation, social conflicts seem'to have lost every actuality and the attempts to revitalize them often assume a nostalgic tone. in that tradition, ... In the actual political philosophical debate terms as dialectic, emancipation, social conflicts seem'to have lost every actuality and the attempts to revitalize them often assume a nostalgic tone. in that tradition, only the term "criticism" is not looked with suspicious, hut rather it is associated in an automatic way to every analysis of the society, that has some normative claims and doesn't limit itself to a mere empirical description of the social reality. One of the few exceptions in this scenario is the attempt of Axel Honneth to connect the category of recognition to the original idea of the critical theory, without depriving it of his theoretical pregnancy, but at the same time eliminating his premises of philosophy of history. This study will start from the Honneth's reading of the first critical theory to analyze, secondly, the limits individualized by Honneth from the Habermas' sociological perspective, particularly those referred to his two levels model of society. The study will finally analyze the actuality of the category of recognition in relation to three problematic spheres: the cultural pluralism, the normativism, the connection between political philosophy and social theory. 展开更多
关键词 Political philosophy social theory RECOGNITION cultural pluralism normativism
IVaqoyqatsi Between Freedom and Necessity: A Thematic and Modal Analysis
作者 Riccardo Migliore 《Sociology Study》 2014年第9期783-790,共8页
This paper refers to the analysis of Naqoyqatsi's (2002) contents, which have to be approached through some key questions: What is the director Godfrey Reggio communicating through this non-fictional work? What i... This paper refers to the analysis of Naqoyqatsi's (2002) contents, which have to be approached through some key questions: What is the director Godfrey Reggio communicating through this non-fictional work? What is the film's main theme? What is the relationship between its parts? And above all, which underlying concept attains a central place for the understanding of this film that can be considered as an audiovisual poem? In these terms, the paper's purpose is to unveil Naqoyqatsi's meaning through a thematic and modal analysis. The aim is to contemplate both the film's narrative and formal aspect, in order to deeply understand the way it represents a basic human contradiction: the subjugation provoked by gravity (necessity) and the will to overcome this superior structural force through action (freedom). Therefore, this paper intends to show that such a monumental audiovisual work is a very profound cinematographic thesis about human condition, also reflecting about the reason of social conflicts and sorrows. The method adopted in this paper implies both a conceptual film analysis and a glance over the audiovisual style, considering the intersections between the varieties of languages used by Reggio to compose this huge film indexed as a documentary and literally being a creative treatment of"reality". 展开更多
Research on the problem of delaying retiring age in China
作者 Ge ZhiYong 《International English Education Research》 2015年第4期45-47,共3页
In recent years, China's aging population continues to accelerate the process, so that our aging population and the pension system is generated between the sustainable development of the serious contradictions, resul... In recent years, China's aging population continues to accelerate the process, so that our aging population and the pension system is generated between the sustainable development of the serious contradictions, resulting in a waste of human resources, increasing the operating pressure pensions, working hours inequity the negative impact on the existing retirement system challenges. Recently, the delay of the retirement age controversy sparked widespread concern in the community, the paper is as a starting point, a comprehensive analysis of the social contradictions of the current status of China's current retirement system, drawing on the successful adjustment of retirement abroad experience from multiple perspectives demonstrates the urgency of delayed retirement age and feasibility. This paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter proposes the research background and significance of the age of retirement, as well as domestic and foreign scholars on the issue of research in the retirement age. The second chapter describes the status of China's retirement system, the contradiction between the implementation of the background, family problems and the current retirement age and the aging population about three aspects. The third chapter analyzes the feasibility to extend the retirement age. Chapter IV presents a delayed retirement policies and recommendations, with emphasis on "flexible retirement system." 展开更多
关键词 Aging population the retirement system delayed retirement age flexible retirement system
Legal regulation of enterprises' environmental impact:a survey
作者 Gu Ming'an Tong Liechun Wang Lei 《Ecological Economy》 2008年第3期346-356,共11页
The enterprise coordinates social resources, which changes the dialogue between human and the environment into that between enterprise and environment. The profit-making character of enterprise leads to the abandonmen... The enterprise coordinates social resources, which changes the dialogue between human and the environment into that between enterprise and environment. The profit-making character of enterprise leads to the abandonment of environmental ethics. Enterprise, which has the capability to solve environmental problems, however, lacks the motive to do it. It has controlling power over society and should assume the responsibility of environmental protection. For its lack of environmental conscience, the external institutional arrangements should be made for enterprise. The strategy for environmental cost should be designed in connection with the interest orientation of enterprise. And various legal measures in constitutional law, social law, civil law, administrative law and criminal lave should be utilized to regulate enterprise's behaviors regarding environmental protection. 展开更多
关键词 ENTERPRISES Environmental impact Legal regulation
深入推进我国社会治理方式的转型 被引量:1
作者 施煜 《西安政治学院学报》 2014年第5期122-124,共3页
随着改革开放进程的不断推进,我国经济、政治、社会面临着一系列转型升级的问题。传统的社会管理方式已经逐渐不适用于现在的环境,政府的强制性管理亟须转变成政府管理与社会自治相结合的模式。党的十八届三中全会提出:"创新社会治... 随着改革开放进程的不断推进,我国经济、政治、社会面临着一系列转型升级的问题。传统的社会管理方式已经逐渐不适用于现在的环境,政府的强制性管理亟须转变成政府管理与社会自治相结合的模式。党的十八届三中全会提出:"创新社会治理,必须着眼于维护最广大人民根本利益,最大限度增加和谐因素,增强社会发展活力,提高社会治理水平,全面推进平安中国建设,维护国家安全,确保人民安居乐业、社会安定有序。" 展开更多
关键词 社会治理方式 强制性管理 社会管理方式 社会自治 中国建设 社会环境 国家安全 全球治理委员 社会矛
作者 曹俊 《才智》 2014年第8期252-252,共1页
司法,是一种诉讼活动,既是"刑事诉讼由国家专门机关主持进行,是属于国家的司法活动。"司法思想既是我们贯穿于诉讼活动中的理论依据和原则。近年来随着我国依法治国方略的不断推进,司法制度的改革也一直成为党和人民关心的问... 司法,是一种诉讼活动,既是"刑事诉讼由国家专门机关主持进行,是属于国家的司法活动。"司法思想既是我们贯穿于诉讼活动中的理论依据和原则。近年来随着我国依法治国方略的不断推进,司法制度的改革也一直成为党和人民关心的问题,怎样切实保障公民的权力,使司法活动真正体现公正、公平、效率等法治理念,是我们必须要思考的问题。结合我国法治建设国情,"推进司法改革,从制度上保证司法机关依法独立公正行使审判权和监察权,建立冤案、错案责任追究制度。加强执法和司法队[1] 展开更多
关键词 国家专门机关 高效权威 审判程序 执行法律 法官中立 案件处理 立法程序 监察机关 西方国家 社会矛
作者 娄胜华 《当代港澳研究》 2013年第3期108-109,共2页
自20世纪八九十年代以来,作为反思传统政府管理遭遇严峻挑战的产物,治理概念被重新发现,随后,治理理论迅速勃兴。学术界因其广泛的包容性与可欲性而热情拥抱,政府部门因其极强的效用性与操作性而格外亲睐。即使作为理论形态的治理仍在... 自20世纪八九十年代以来,作为反思传统政府管理遭遇严峻挑战的产物,治理概念被重新发现,随后,治理理论迅速勃兴。学术界因其广泛的包容性与可欲性而热情拥抱,政府部门因其极强的效用性与操作性而格外亲睐。即使作为理论形态的治理仍在探索与形成之中,却并未妨碍其成为观察与解释复杂社会现象的理论工具,以至被引入实践之中,为解决现实管治困境寻找新的思路。与许多地区一样,澳门特区成立以来,特别是2002年博彩经营权开放之后,澳门社会发生了急剧变化,经济发展迅猛,利益格局调整,社会结构分化,社会矛盾剧增,社会运动频发,文化价值冲突……素以和谐与稳定而著称的澳门社会逐步迈进以利益分化与结构重塑为重点的加速社会转型期。 展开更多
关键词 编者按语 社会结构分化 澳门特区 澳门社会 利益格局调整 社会运动 治理概念 可欲 利益分化 社会矛
作者 张志红 《杭州(我们)》 2012年第1期40-42,共3页
在城市管理体制的创新中,"我们的价值观"构建,并不是简单的精神家园的建设,而是杭州市政府为寻求推动城市可持续发展的动力,主动探索城市治理结构的创新。"我们"的价值观绝不是人为的凭空架构出来,实质上,"我... 在城市管理体制的创新中,"我们的价值观"构建,并不是简单的精神家园的建设,而是杭州市政府为寻求推动城市可持续发展的动力,主动探索城市治理结构的创新。"我们"的价值观绝不是人为的凭空架构出来,实质上,"我们的价值观" 展开更多
关键词 城市管理体制 社会管理 精神家园 民生建设 协同治理 政治生活 社会秩序 中国特色 重建社会 社会矛
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