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作者 李爱真 《中国当代医药》 2014年第18期156-158,共3页
目的调查临床检验人员的职业自我概念与社会支持状况,以探讨两者之间的相关性。方法采用社会支持评定量表(SSRS)和职业自我概念量表(PSCS)对82名临床检验人员进行问卷调查。结果临床检验人员SSRS总分评分为(35.56±4.37)分,为一般水... 目的调查临床检验人员的职业自我概念与社会支持状况,以探讨两者之间的相关性。方法采用社会支持评定量表(SSRS)和职业自我概念量表(PSCS)对82名临床检验人员进行问卷调查。结果临床检验人员SSRS总分评分为(35.56±4.37)分,为一般水平,PSCS总分评分为(34.29±5.48)分,处于低水平。相关分析显示,职业自我概念与社会支持具有高度相关性(P<0.01)。结论临床检验人员社会支持和职业自我概念状况不佳,社会支持是影响职业自我概念的因素。 展开更多
关键词 临床检验人员 职业自我概念 社支持 相关性
社会组织参与困境儿童社会支持网络构建的服务策略研究--以广州市S组织困境儿童服务项目为例 被引量:3
作者 朱媛媛 王兴龙 吴君霞 《社会工作与管理》 2023年第2期18-29,共12页
要妥善回应深化改革过程中困境儿童多元化的需求,须从困境儿童社会支持着手,通过发挥社会组织联动多元主体的作用来筑实困境儿童社会支持网络。研究聚焦S组织困境儿童服务实践策略,分析其回应需求的服务过程,旨在为社会组织参与构建困... 要妥善回应深化改革过程中困境儿童多元化的需求,须从困境儿童社会支持着手,通过发挥社会组织联动多元主体的作用来筑实困境儿童社会支持网络。研究聚焦S组织困境儿童服务实践策略,分析其回应需求的服务过程,旨在为社会组织参与构建困境儿童支持网络提供实务参考。研究发现,S组织在开展困境儿童服务时能够充分发挥枢纽平台优势,在一定程度上促进了儿童主体发展和多元主体参与,但组织存在建设局限性、服务内容与形式创新不足、服务不够规范、机制缺失等方面的问题。推动儿童福利事业发展的关键在于要坚持政府主导的公共服务供给格局,拓宽社会参与渠道和门槛,整合跨界创新力量,动员多元主体在困境儿童服务中积极投入服务和资源,强化其社会支持网络。 展开更多
关键词 会组织 困境儿童 支持 网络
作者 龙江 孙灵 《英语广场(学术研究)》 2011年第Z2期8-11,共4页
本论文试图阐释《老人与海》中桑提亚哥的性格特征,认为桑提亚哥是一个矛盾的集合体。一方面,在陆地上,桑提亚哥总是保持沉默,与其他人保持着有限的交流,借此来证明自己身虽迟暮、心犹豪壮;在海上,他久战马林鱼、大战鲨鱼、挑战身心极限... 本论文试图阐释《老人与海》中桑提亚哥的性格特征,认为桑提亚哥是一个矛盾的集合体。一方面,在陆地上,桑提亚哥总是保持沉默,与其他人保持着有限的交流,借此来证明自己身虽迟暮、心犹豪壮;在海上,他久战马林鱼、大战鲨鱼、挑战身心极限,在大自然面前永不服输。另一方面,桑提亚哥超脱不了人性。陆上生活中马诺林和其他村人的帮助和关照维系了老人的物质和精神存在;只身在海上捕鱼时老人希望马诺林在身边,视海鸟和鱼为"他"们,渴求对社群的参与。在某种意义上,海明威的英雄分裂为对个人英雄主义的追求和对社群支持的内在需求,他在这两个极点之间摇摆不定。本论文认为,海明威便属于这类人群,在孤独和社群之间孤独地旅行。 展开更多
关键词 孤独 支持 英雄式个人主义 相依共存
互联网时代视力障碍人士的社会支持标准重构 被引量:1
作者 张俐颖 戴睿敏 +2 位作者 邓汝 莫旖潼 黄子俊 《中国标准化》 2021年第22期52-54,共3页
本文运用深度访谈和网络田野观察法,对互联网时代下视障人士获取社会支持的现状进行探讨。研究发现,网络无障碍技术的发展正在逐步弥合视障人群与健全人群的数字鸿沟,他们寻求社会支持的途径正在被重构。依靠关系亲密度和空间环境的传... 本文运用深度访谈和网络田野观察法,对互联网时代下视障人士获取社会支持的现状进行探讨。研究发现,网络无障碍技术的发展正在逐步弥合视障人群与健全人群的数字鸿沟,他们寻求社会支持的途径正在被重构。依靠关系亲密度和空间环境的传统社会支持被构建在虚拟空间中的网络社会支持所取代。 展开更多
关键词 数字鸿沟 视障人群 网络支持 标准化 信息支持
后疫情时代扶贫工作与乡村振兴深度融合路径研究--基于社群支持农业(CSA)视角 被引量:2
作者 高杨 韩天琪 《山东农业工程学院学报》 2021年第9期10-15,共6页
由于后疫情时代与后扶贫时期双期叠加在2020年,加之全球经济下行明显,使我国的新阶段扶贫工作和乡村振兴同时面临着艰巨的任务,新冠肺炎疫情不仅促使社会整体消费升级与生活方式改变,也引发人们对城乡关系的深刻反思和对社群经济的重新... 由于后疫情时代与后扶贫时期双期叠加在2020年,加之全球经济下行明显,使我国的新阶段扶贫工作和乡村振兴同时面临着艰巨的任务,新冠肺炎疫情不仅促使社会整体消费升级与生活方式改变,也引发人们对城乡关系的深刻反思和对社群经济的重新认知。从共生理论角度看,社群支持农业(CSA)作为一种新兴的食品供应短链业态,在实践中体现着良好的农业多功能性,同时可以实现非排他性并分享目标和利益,有利于达成城乡社群双向流动和互动互通。通过改进共生模式和共生环境可借由发展CSA扶贫农场从而实现扶贫工作与乡村振兴深度融合与衔接。 展开更多
关键词 新冠肺炎疫情 支持农业(CSA) 共生系统
CSA社群氛围对顾客忠诚的影响——社群意识的中介作用和CSA模式的调节作用 被引量:6
作者 吴宁 杨宜苗 朱良帅 《东北财经大学学报》 2021年第4期59-67,共9页
从社群氛围出发探索其对顾客忠诚的影响及其作用机制是CSA社群研究中一个有价值的研究主题。本文基于SOR范式,建立CSA社群氛围(奖励氛围、共享氛围、支持氛围、临场氛围和控制氛围)、社群意识与顾客忠诚的关系模型,同时选取CSA模式作为... 从社群氛围出发探索其对顾客忠诚的影响及其作用机制是CSA社群研究中一个有价值的研究主题。本文基于SOR范式,建立CSA社群氛围(奖励氛围、共享氛围、支持氛围、临场氛围和控制氛围)、社群意识与顾客忠诚的关系模型,同时选取CSA模式作为社群氛围和顾客忠诚关系的调节变量。通过对302份有效样本的实证分析,结果表明:CSA社群氛围直接影响顾客忠诚;CSA社群氛围通过社群意识间接影响顾客忠诚。此外,CSA模式在社群氛围与顾客忠诚关系中有调节作用,其中奖励氛围、共享氛围对顾客忠诚的影响在订单模式下更大;而支持氛围、临场氛围和控制氛围对顾客忠诚的影响在不同CSA模式下没有显著差异。 展开更多
关键词 支持农业(CSA模式) 群氛围 群意识 顾客忠诚
虚拟品牌社群成员社群认同的前因与后效研究——自我建构的调节作用 被引量:2
作者 肖阳 潘伟平 《中国石油大学学报(社会科学版)》 2020年第1期34-40,共7页
基于支持源差异将品牌社群支持分为企业支持和成员支持,探究虚拟品牌社群成员社群认同的前因。对社群认同进行高低层次划分,并引入自我建构作为调节变量,探究社群认同对知识贡献行为的后效影响。结果表明,成员支持相较于企业支持更能够... 基于支持源差异将品牌社群支持分为企业支持和成员支持,探究虚拟品牌社群成员社群认同的前因。对社群认同进行高低层次划分,并引入自我建构作为调节变量,探究社群认同对知识贡献行为的后效影响。结果表明,成员支持相较于企业支持更能够促进社群成员产生社群认同,而社群认同对知识贡献行为有正向显著影响。在低社群认同的情形下,独立自我的社群成员更愿意进行知识贡献;在高社群认同的情形下,互依自我与独立自我的社群成员的知识贡献行为无显著差异。 展开更多
关键词 品牌支持 群认同 知识贡献行为 自我建构
社会临场感对旅游在线社群价值共创行为的影响 被引量:2
作者 邹燕 《安徽师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2022年第1期78-84,共7页
旅游在线社群中价值共创行为对旅游企业的发展至关重要,对旅游在线社群中价值共创行为的前因研究值得我们思考。目前已有的学术研究更多关注非社会性因素对价值共创行为的影响,忽略了社会性因素的影响。探讨社会性因素中社会临场感对价... 旅游在线社群中价值共创行为对旅游企业的发展至关重要,对旅游在线社群中价值共创行为的前因研究值得我们思考。目前已有的学术研究更多关注非社会性因素对价值共创行为的影响,忽略了社会性因素的影响。探讨社会性因素中社会临场感对价值共创行为影响的内在机制,有助于帮助企业更好的理解自身在社群内的角色和作用,以促进旅游在线社群长远发展。基于社会助长和社会需求理论,提出社会临场感影响旅游在线社群中价值共创行为的条件过程模型。实证研究发现,高社会临场感的旅游在线社群顾客具有较高程度的心理相容性,进而产生更强的价值共创行为,而社群支持感会对这一过程产生调节作用。 展开更多
关键词 旅游在线 会临场感 价值共创行为 心理相容性 支持
支持性氛围对顾客参与共创意愿的影响研究——基于顾客间服务共创体验的中介作用 被引量:1
作者 李国忠 李玉飞 《科技与经济》 2020年第1期96-100,共5页
从社群氛围的角度出发,研究影响社群成员参与价值共创意愿的前置因素。以顾客间共创的服务体验为中介变量,提出支持性社群氛围正向影响成员参与共创意愿的假设。研究结果显示,支持性社群氛围正向影响顾客参与共创意愿,顾客间服务共创体... 从社群氛围的角度出发,研究影响社群成员参与价值共创意愿的前置因素。以顾客间共创的服务体验为中介变量,提出支持性社群氛围正向影响成员参与共创意愿的假设。研究结果显示,支持性社群氛围正向影响顾客参与共创意愿,顾客间服务共创体验起到部分中介作用;创新氛围对顾客参与意愿的影响最为显著。 展开更多
关键词 支持群氛围 顾客间服务共创体验 价值共创
算法逻辑下零工工作者的情绪劳动策略选择 被引量:3
作者 张志朋 闻效仪 +2 位作者 钱智超 高雪原 裴嘉良 《管理学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第3期381-391,共11页
依据工作要求-资源模型,通过分析收集到的352名零工工作者3个时点的问卷数据,探讨零工工作者感知算法评估约束对其情绪劳动策略(浅层扮演和深层扮演)的作用关系。研究结果发现,感知算法评估约束能够通过影响零工工作者的交互性心理紧张... 依据工作要求-资源模型,通过分析收集到的352名零工工作者3个时点的问卷数据,探讨零工工作者感知算法评估约束对其情绪劳动策略(浅层扮演和深层扮演)的作用关系。研究结果发现,感知算法评估约束能够通过影响零工工作者的交互性心理紧张对其浅层扮演产生正向影响,对其深层扮演产生负向影响;在线社群支持削弱了感知算法评估约束到交互性心理紧张的正向关系;同时,也负向调节了交互性心理紧张在感知算法评估约束和两种情绪劳动策略间的中介作用。 展开更多
关键词 零工工作者 感知算法评估约束 交互性心理紧张 在线支持 情绪劳动
自媒体情势下的影响力构建 被引量:7
作者 张福平 陈皓 《郑州轻工业学院学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第2期26-30,共5页
一个人人都能发声、传播无处不在的全民织网时代已经来临,自媒体业已成为聚合社会资本的新平台,做好自媒体策展有利于增加社会资本:自媒体以其承载的观念、品位促进参与式互动,会形成基于共同价值观和兴趣的社群支持,进而形成向心力、... 一个人人都能发声、传播无处不在的全民织网时代已经来临,自媒体业已成为聚合社会资本的新平台,做好自媒体策展有利于增加社会资本:自媒体以其承载的观念、品位促进参与式互动,会形成基于共同价值观和兴趣的社群支持,进而形成向心力、渗透力,效益溢出则可使威权延展。也就是说,自媒体影响力源于拥有共同价值观和兴趣的社群支持。因此,自媒体要想形成一定影响力,关键在于让人融入与分享,应做好受众定位,分析用户特征与接受心理,以适当的形式、有针对性地上载内容,以便增加认同度与分享率,促进社群集聚与圈层传播。比如传播频次要适当,内容选择要独具特色,注意用创意赢得话语权,让视觉融入内容,打造"圈子",发展定制阅读等。 展开更多
关键词 自媒体 策展 支持 参与式互动
Effect of Technology Support for Social Network on Agricultural Technology Diffusion 被引量:1
作者 旷浩源 应若平 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第1期98-102,共5页
[Objective] To analyze the key factor in agricultural technology diffusion- technology support, and to explore the method to quicken the diffusion of agricultural technology. [Method] The technology acquisition advant... [Objective] To analyze the key factor in agricultural technology diffusion- technology support, and to explore the method to quicken the diffusion of agricultural technology. [Method] The technology acquisition advantage of social network was il- lustrated by summarizing the status and characteristics of agricultural technology and technology supporting types in the process of agriculture technology diffusion. [Result] The multi-layer, complex, persistence, systematization features of agricultural technol- ogy require support and help of technology from surrounding social network to ulti- mately internalize the technology. [Conclusion] Using social networks for the technol- ogy support will be a powerful supplement to the system of agricultural technology diffusion. 展开更多
关键词 Agricultural technology diffusion Social network Technology support
作者 肖湘雄 冶林扣 吕艳 《福建农林大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2023年第3期19-28,共10页
构建城乡发展共同体是推动城乡一体化、促进乡村振兴的应然之举,有助于增强城乡之间的联动性、协调性和统一性。在社群支持农业中,城市社群和乡村社群之间的共生关系可以有效推动城乡之间的互促共进和稳定发展。分析城乡社群共生的基本... 构建城乡发展共同体是推动城乡一体化、促进乡村振兴的应然之举,有助于增强城乡之间的联动性、协调性和统一性。在社群支持农业中,城市社群和乡村社群之间的共生关系可以有效推动城乡之间的互促共进和稳定发展。分析城乡社群共生的基本内容和构成要素,并进行模型分析和数值仿真,结果表明:城乡社群共生包含质量共生和价格共生2个基本内容,并且具备质参量、共生能量和共生环境等3个构成要素;共生系数和最大规模共同决定了城乡社群共生演化的均衡稳定性;城乡社群互利共生是城市社群和乡村社群共生发展的最佳方向和最终趋势。因此,应致力于保障城乡的交互性、提高城乡共生的稳定性、铸造城乡共生的互利性来构建城乡发展共同体。 展开更多
关键词 城乡 共生关系 城乡发展共同体 支持农业
Effects of multidisciplinary exercise management on patients after percutaneous coronary intervention:A randomized controlled study 被引量:4
作者 Ya-Jie Shi Yu Liu +2 位作者 Tong-Tong Jiang Hong-Ru Zhang Tie-Ying Shi 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2022年第3期286-294,共9页
Objectives To explore the effectiveness of the mobile app-based multidisciplinary exercise management on patients who receive percutaneous coronary intervention(PCI).Methods From January to October 2020,54 patients af... Objectives To explore the effectiveness of the mobile app-based multidisciplinary exercise management on patients who receive percutaneous coronary intervention(PCI).Methods From January to October 2020,54 patients after PCI were randomly assigned to the intervention group(n=27)and the control group(n=27).The intervention group received the mobile app-based multidisciplinary exercise management,whereas the control group received routine care.The patients after PCI began to take intervention one month after the operation,and the intervention lasted for two months.Before and after the intervention,6-Minute Walking Distance was used to evaluate the patient’s exercise tolerance,and the patient’s exercise compliance was evaluated according to the patient’s exercise status recorded by the mobile app.The cognitive questionnaire on knowledge about PCI treatment for Coronary Heart Disease,the Self-efficacy for Chronic Disease Scale and the Perceived Social Support Scale were used to evaluate patients’disease-related cognition,self-efficacy and perception of social support.This study was registered on Clinical Trials.gov with registration number ChiCTR2000028930.Results Totally 51 patients after PCI who completed this study(25 patients in the intervention group and 26 patients in the control group)were included in the analysis.After 2 months of intervention,the exercise compliance of patients in the intervention group was better than that in the control group.And 6-Minute Walking Distance(469.36±57.48 vs.432.81±67.09),and the scores of knowledge of PCI treatment for coronary heart disease(52.64±9.82 vs.42.42±8.54),Self-efficacy for Chronic Disease Scale(42.40±8.04 vs.36.88±7.73)and Perceived Social Support Scale(74.04±5.73 vs.66.69±6.86)in the intervention group were higher than those in the control group with statistical significance(P<0.05).Conclusions The multidisciplinary exercise management based on the mobile app can effectively improve exercise tolerance,exercise compliance,disease-related cognition,self-efficacy,and perception of social support during exercise training for patients after PCI. 展开更多
关键词 Coronary disease EXERCISE Exercise tolerance Mobile applications Percutaneous coronary intervention Self efficacy Social support
Effects of a symptom management intervention based on group sessions combined with a mobile health application for persons living with HIV in China:A randomized controlled trial 被引量:2
作者 Shuyu Han Yaolin Pei +6 位作者 Rui Zhao Yan Hu Lin Zhang Xiang Qi Zheng Zhu Wenxiu Sun Bei Wu 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2021年第4期370-379,I0001,共11页
Objective:This study aims to evaluate the effects of a symptom management intervention(SMI)based on symptom management group sessions combined with a mobile health(mHealth)application(app)on the knowledge of symptom m... Objective:This study aims to evaluate the effects of a symptom management intervention(SMI)based on symptom management group sessions combined with a mobile health(mHealth)application(app)on the knowledge of symptom management,the certainty of symptom self-management,symptom severity,symptom distress,medication adherence,social support,and quality of life among persons living with HIV(PLWH)in China.Methods:A parallel randomized controlled trial with 61 PLWH was conducted in Shanghai,China.The participants in the control group(n¼30)downloaded the Symptom Management(SM)app according to their needs and preferences,and received routine follow-ups.The participants in the intervention group(n¼31)were guided to download and use the SM app,and received four tailored weekly group sessions at routine follow-ups.Each group session lasted for approximately 2 h and targeted one of the major modules of the SM app.All the outcomes were assessed at baseline and post-intervention.The study was registered with the Chinese Clinical Trial Registry(ChiCTR1900024821).Results:The symptom management knowledge and certainty of symptom self-management were significantly improved after the intervention(all P<0.01).Compared with the control group,the scores of symptoms reasons knowledge score improved 11.47 points(95%CI:3.41,19.53)and scores of symptoms self-management knowledge score improved 12.80 points(95%CI:4.55,21.05)in the intervention group after controlling for covariates.However,other outcomes did not show statistically significant differences between the intervention group and the control group(P>0.05).Conclusion:The SMI could improve PLWH’s symptom management knowledge and certainty of symptom self-management.Multi-center studies with larger sample sizes and longer follow-ups are needed to further understand the effects of SM app on ameliorating symptom severity and symptom distress.More innovative strategies are also needed to promote and maintain the sustainability of the SM app. 展开更多
关键词 China HIV Infections Mobile applications Medication adherence Quality of life SELF-MANAGEMENT Social support
Gender differences in self-care maintenance and its associations among patients with chronic heart failure 被引量:1
作者 Jiaojiao Mei Yan Tian +1 位作者 Xiaohui Chai Xiuzhen Fan 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2019年第1期58-64,共7页
Objectives:To identify the gender differences in self-care maintenance and its associations among chronic heart failure patients using the Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills model.Methods:Two hundred and ten pat... Objectives:To identify the gender differences in self-care maintenance and its associations among chronic heart failure patients using the Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills model.Methods:Two hundred and ten patients(54.0%female)with chronic heart failure participated in this cross-sectional study.Self-care,knowledge of heart failure,social support and illness perception were measured using the Self-Care of Heart Failure Index,the questionnaire of heart failure knowledge,the Perceived Social Support Scale,and the Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire,respectively.Results:Mean scores for self-care maintenance were 51.4±14.8 in men and 55.6±14.1 in women(t=-2.066,P<0.05).Associated factors of self-care maintenance were social support and self-care confidence in men and the knowledge of heart failure,self-care management and self-care confidence in women.The relationship between social support and self-care maintenance was meditated by selfcare confidence in men,whereas the relationship between knowledge of heart failure and self-care maintenance was meditated by self-care management and self-care confidence in women.Conclusions:Self-care maintenance were inadequate in both genders with chronic heart failure.Interventions for enhancing social support and self-care confidence in men patients,and strengthening knowledge of heart failure,self-care management and self-care confidence in women patients,may facilitate self-care maintenance. 展开更多
关键词 Heart failure Illness perception KNOWLEDGE SELF-CARE Social support
Development and evaluation of the Directive and Nondirective Support Scale for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes 被引量:1
作者 Xuxi Zhang Xing Zhang +5 位作者 Fengbin Wang Shiyan Wu Kang Hu Mayinuer Yusufu Xinying Sun Edwin B.Fisher 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2020年第4期453-459,I0007,共8页
Objectives:This study aims to develop the Directive and Nondirective Support Scale for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes(DNSS-T2DM)to measure diabetes-specific support and patients’preference as well as evaluate the cons... Objectives:This study aims to develop the Directive and Nondirective Support Scale for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes(DNSS-T2DM)to measure diabetes-specific support and patients’preference as well as evaluate the construct validity and reliability of the DNSS-T2DM.Methods:A cross-sectional study was conducted in Tongzhou District,Beijing,China from July to September 2015.A total of 474 participants who had been diagnosed as type 2 diabetes by physicians and completed the DNSS-T2DM were included.The original 11-item DNSS-T2DM contains five items on nondirective support(Items 1-5)and six items on directive support(Items 6-11).There were two parallel questions for each item with one to measure the preference for support(Preference part)and the other to measure the perception of support in reality(Reality part).The final DNSS-T2DM was determined based on the results of the exploratory factor analysis(EFA).The construct validity of the final DNSS-T2DM was evaluated by the confirmatory factor analysis(CFA).The reliability was evaluated by internal consistency with Cronbach’sαcoefficients.Results:A final 7-item DNSS-T2DM loaded on 2 factors with four items representing nondirective support and three items representing directive support was determined based on the EFA.The CFA indicated a satisfactory construct validity.The internal consistency of the 7-item DNSS-T2DM as well as the nondirective support items was satisfactory with Cronbach’sα≥7.00.70.Conclusions:Our study supported the validity and reliability of the 7-item DNSS-T2DM.Further studies on the application of the DNSS-T2DM in different settings and population are needed. 展开更多
关键词 Diabetes mellitus Directive support Nondirective support Patient preference SELF-MANAGEMENT Social support
Reliability and validity of the Chinese version of the Work-FamilySchool Role Conflicts Scale among nurses
作者 Rhayun Song Caifu Li +3 位作者 Lei Wang Xianwen Li Zanhua Zhou Lijuan Xu 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2021年第2期221-226,I0007,共7页
Objective:To translate and validate the Chinese version of the Work-Family-School Role Conflicts Scale(WFSRCs-S)among nurses with multiple roles.Methods:A sample of 233 registered nurses pursuing an advanced degree wa... Objective:To translate and validate the Chinese version of the Work-Family-School Role Conflicts Scale(WFSRCs-S)among nurses with multiple roles.Methods:A sample of 233 registered nurses pursuing an advanced degree was recruited from 8 university hospitals in 5 cities in China from March to July 2016.The original scale of WFSRCs-S was translated into Chinese and revised to reflect cultural meaning,using standard translation methodology,and its reliability and validity were assessed.Results:The content validity index of the 12-item WFSRCs-S-Chinese was 0.83,and the item level of content validity index ranged from 0.79 to 1.00.The exploratory factor analysis yielded a three-factor solution(work-school-to-family role conflict,family-school-to-work role conflict,and work-family-toschool role conflict)and explained 71.9%of the total variance for WFSRCs-S-Chinese.The Cronbach's a coefficients for the total scale and the three sub-scales were 0.87,0.79,0.78,and 0.87.The confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the measurement model was satisfied,and the test-retest reliability of WFSRCs-S-Chinese was 0.85.The WFSRCs-S-Chinese score was positively associated with burnout(r=0.36,P<0.001)and negatively related to role-related social support(r=—0.18,P=0.046),thereby establishing concurrent validity.Conclusion:The reliability and construct validity of the WFSRCs-S-Chinese suggest that this scale could be useful to assess inter-role conflicts among nurses with multiple roles in China. 展开更多
关键词 Continuing education of nursing career Nurses RELIABILITY Role conflicts Social support Validity
The Role of Social Networks in Health
作者 Mara Tognetti Bordogna Simona Olivadoti 《Sociology Study》 2012年第1期60-67,共8页
The aim of this paper is to investigate how the social environment, composed also by social networks, influences health and what the role is. There is a reciprocal influence on that relation: as the networks can infl... The aim of this paper is to investigate how the social environment, composed also by social networks, influences health and what the role is. There is a reciprocal influence on that relation: as the networks can influence health, the health of a person contributes to networking with special features (may be groups of self-help from trained individuals with the same health problem). Social networks have health effects, creating social support, access to health resources and social participation on welfare issues. Informal play a fundamental role in social support of people with little or no support systems. We must not, therefore, forget the importance that networks have to offer an effective social support by providing, for example, the needed caregivers, especially in the case of the chronically ill. An overall analysis is appropriate in addition to having a look at sociological type, and also considers epidemiological data. It's what we do in our text. By integrating sociological aspects with ones purely epidemiological, we attempt to show how social networks have an effective role in the social determinants of health. This paper will try to develop the topic with a multi-disciplinary approach focusing on the integration of the two disciplines. 展开更多
关键词 Social networks HEALTH EPIDEMIOLOGY
Perfect Shanghai Community Support Mechanism importance
作者 CHEN jian 《International English Education Research》 2016年第5期4-6,共3页
With the aging of our population is growing significantly, pension issues are also increasingly prominent in the family pension, social pension and retirement communities, and retirement communities have both advantag... With the aging of our population is growing significantly, pension issues are also increasingly prominent in the family pension, social pension and retirement communities, and retirement communities have both advantages and both have their own characteristics and become an effective means to solve the pension problem, Shanghai is currently analyzing the situation and problems of the pension on the basis of the Shanghai community care services continue to improve mechanisms to forward the healthy and orderly development of Shanghai pension service mechanism. 展开更多
关键词 GOVERNMENT procurement community CARE prevention MECHANISM
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