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通胀仍趋下行 社融增速回升
作者 姜超 《股市动态分析》 2019年第7期14-15,共2页
关键词 经济 方面 社融 食品 鲜菜 数据 中观 鲜果
作者 中信建投 《股市动态分析》 2019年第15期44-44,共1页
投资要点1、流动性宽松超预期。2、资本市场改革持续进行。上市券商一季度累计实现营收636.00亿元(同比+48.68%),实现净利润286.08亿元(同比+69.33%),其中净利润规模创历史第二好成绩;业绩大增主要原因有二,一是市场回暖增厚权益类自营... 投资要点1、流动性宽松超预期。2、资本市场改革持续进行。上市券商一季度累计实现营收636.00亿元(同比+48.68%),实现净利润286.08亿元(同比+69.33%),其中净利润规模创历史第二好成绩;业绩大增主要原因有二,一是市场回暖增厚权益类自营、经纪和两融业务净收入,二是低利率环境有助债券承销金额持续扩容。券商板块已进入业绩与估值的正反馈阶段,随着市场行情的推进,券商板块将继续演绎戴维斯双击效应。 展开更多
关键词 业绩 市场 社融 净利润 预期 营收 估值 券商
作者 傅利鸯 《现代营销(下)》 2019年第7期22-23,共2页
目前民营和中小企业融资难贵问题突出,也是近期各项政策的发力点。融资自始至终都是民营企业竞争之间的一个非常关键的因素。资本结构是一个非常重要的指标,反映融资偏好,影响融资成本和风险的可能性。本文从社融规模出发研究民营企业... 目前民营和中小企业融资难贵问题突出,也是近期各项政策的发力点。融资自始至终都是民营企业竞争之间的一个非常关键的因素。资本结构是一个非常重要的指标,反映融资偏好,影响融资成本和风险的可能性。本文从社融规模出发研究民营企业的融资结构,希望能够为民营企业融资难的解决出点力。 展开更多
关键词 社融规模 民营企业资本结构 成本效益
作者 王玲玲 毛磊 《工程经济》 2023年第4期30-37,共8页
社会融资规模既反映了实体经济发展所需的金融资源,也体现为实体经济承担的债务。本文从金融资源需求潜力与供给约束两个视角预测金融数据,综合国内外主流机构预测结果及政府工作报告目标,GDP中性情景为5%,对应社融新增规模预计达到33.8... 社会融资规模既反映了实体经济发展所需的金融资源,也体现为实体经济承担的债务。本文从金融资源需求潜力与供给约束两个视角预测金融数据,综合国内外主流机构预测结果及政府工作报告目标,GDP中性情景为5%,对应社融新增规模预计达到33.82-34.71万亿元,存量增速9.82-10.08%;人民币贷款新增规模预计20.97-22.56万亿元,余额增速9.80-10.54%。 展开更多
关键词 社融 信贷 预测
作者 魏枫凌 《证券市场周刊》 2019年第29期24-25,共2页
在多个国家的中央银行已经采取降息行动、市场对美联储降息预期浓厚之际,全球货币政策宽松的浪潮扑面而来,但中国市场此时却无比淡定. 中国社融增速自2017年12月以来保持了在8%-8.6%的窄幅区间之内波动的走势,存量社会融资规模增速则先... 在多个国家的中央银行已经采取降息行动、市场对美联储降息预期浓厚之际,全球货币政策宽松的浪潮扑面而来,但中国市场此时却无比淡定. 中国社融增速自2017年12月以来保持了在8%-8.6%的窄幅区间之内波动的走势,存量社会融资规模增速则先降后升,在2018年12月见底至9.8%之后回升到了10.9%. 展开更多
关键词 降息 浪潮 市场 社融 走势 存量 中国
作者 孙彬彬 《证券市场周刊》 2019年第28期18-19,共2页
2019年上半年,社融数据回升很大程度上来源于地方专项债、企业债券以及非标中信托贷款的增长.分项观察,不考虑中小银行信用收缩,整体社融存在下行压力. 在年初天量社融之后,一季度企业杠杆率小幅提升,政策再度聚焦于结构性去杠杆,如果... 2019年上半年,社融数据回升很大程度上来源于地方专项债、企业债券以及非标中信托贷款的增长.分项观察,不考虑中小银行信用收缩,整体社融存在下行压力. 在年初天量社融之后,一季度企业杠杆率小幅提升,政策再度聚焦于结构性去杠杆,如果政策延续,则整体社融可能在7月之后增速开始下行.那么,下半年的社融能否满足2019年6%到6.5%的经济目标?答案可能会在月底的政治局会议上揭晓.政策在稳增长和结构性去杠杆中有所取舍,市场可能会纠结但是宽货币紧信用的格局不变,笔者建议投资者可以继续保持积极. 展开更多
关键词 格局 政策 信用 整体 社融 结构性 杠杆
作者 刘链 《证券市场周刊》 2019年第32期62-64,共3页
8月12日,央行公布7月金融数据,7月新增人民币贷款(含非银贷款)1.06万亿元,同比少增3975亿元;新增社融1.01万亿元,同比少增2103亿元,社融余额同比增长10.7%,比6月下降0.2个百分点;M2同比增长8.1%,比上月末和2018年同期均低0.4个百分点. ... 8月12日,央行公布7月金融数据,7月新增人民币贷款(含非银贷款)1.06万亿元,同比少增3975亿元;新增社融1.01万亿元,同比少增2103亿元,社融余额同比增长10.7%,比6月下降0.2个百分点;M2同比增长8.1%,比上月末和2018年同期均低0.4个百分点. 7月金融数据显示,融资供需两端放缓,表内表外均有拖累.从表内来看,7月新增人民币贷款1.06万亿元,同比少增3975亿元,即使扣除非银机构贷款,也低于过去三年的均值.从供给端来看,由于2019年信贷投放前置比往年更为明显,下半年信贷额度相对有限.从需求端来看,随着经济下行压力的增大,银行合意的对公信贷需求不足. 展开更多
关键词 信贷 供需 贷款 社融 表内表 数据 银行
人类命运共同体构建视域下大学生奥林匹克教育的使命与路径 被引量:1
作者 孙晨晨 张细谦 《体育学刊》 CAS CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第2期44-50,共7页
通过文献资料和逻辑分析,以人类命运共同体理念为指引,剖析大学生奥林匹克教育的使命和路径。研究认为奥林匹克教育传递人类共同价值、激励全球团结共治、搭建世界交流舞台等,与人类命运共同体构建价值相通、理念相融、实践相汇。在人... 通过文献资料和逻辑分析,以人类命运共同体理念为指引,剖析大学生奥林匹克教育的使命和路径。研究认为奥林匹克教育传递人类共同价值、激励全球团结共治、搭建世界交流舞台等,与人类命运共同体构建价值相通、理念相融、实践相汇。在人类命运共同体构建的逻辑理路下,对于大学生的奥林匹克教育需要在个体层面提升价值认知、行为自觉,在社群层面增强服务实践和社会融合能力,在国家层面提高文化自信和民族认同,在全球层面形成包容开放和全球责任意识。为此,应构建本土化的教育课程内容,增强价值认知和文化自信;创新生活化的教育实践活动,提升行为自觉和实践服务能力;开拓国际化的教育文化交流,提升国际理解力和全球胜任力;完善协同化的教育治理机制,促进教育可持续发展与共生。 展开更多
关键词 人类命运共同体 奥林匹克教育 个体自觉 群亲 民族自信 大学生
金融结构与企业过度投资:基于社会融资结构的证据 被引量:12
作者 杨大宇 许晓芳 陆正飞 《管理世界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第7期121-139,共19页
金融发展有助于促进经济增长,但不同的金融结构可能导致不同的经济后果。本文以我国A股非金融类上市公司为研究对象,利用我国社会融资结构统计数据,研究不同地区金融结构对该地区企业过度投资的影响,发现金融结构市场化程度越低的地区,... 金融发展有助于促进经济增长,但不同的金融结构可能导致不同的经济后果。本文以我国A股非金融类上市公司为研究对象,利用我国社会融资结构统计数据,研究不同地区金融结构对该地区企业过度投资的影响,发现金融结构市场化程度越低的地区,企业过度投资程度越高,意味着提高金融结构市场化程度有助于缓解该地区企业的过度投资。此外,研究还发现:金融结构通过影响该地区企业的银行信贷融资,进而加剧企业过度投资程度;金融结构市场化程度越低、企业过度投资程度越高这一现象在银行竞争水平较低的地区、被原银保监会处罚的银行分支机构数量较少的地区、非执行董事占比较低的企业以及会计稳健性较低的企业中更明显;地区金融结构市场化程度的降低,会加剧该地区企业过度投资对其业绩的负面影响。本文的研究丰富和发展了金融结构经济后果、企业过度投资影响因素等方面的文献,也为我国金融市场化改革、金融结构优化以及资本市场功能发挥提供了经验证据和政策参考。 展开更多
关键词 结构 资结构 社融贷款比 企业过度投资
作者 金伟斌 《经济研究导刊》 2020年第22期5-6,共2页
关键词 社融规模 工业企业 回归模型
Empirical study on the financial repression of rural households' debit and credit and the effects on their welfare in less developed regions --Take Suqian city of Jiangsu province as an example
作者 ZHANG Bing XU Guo-yu ZUO Ping-gui CAO Yang YUAN Shuai 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2008年第12期27-34,共8页
This paper carries out empirical analysis of the ration behavior of rural credit cooperatives in less developed regions in providing loan services to rural households. It also inspects the interaction between rural ho... This paper carries out empirical analysis of the ration behavior of rural credit cooperatives in less developed regions in providing loan services to rural households. It also inspects the interaction between rural households' demand for credit and the loan supply from rural credit cooperatives with simultaneous discrete model. The performance of supporting agriculture through a new round reform of rural credit cooperatives is doubtable in this sample region. 展开更多
关键词 the credit of rural households financial repression credit rationing mode
The Communion Without Boundaries and Sakae Osugi's Anarchism
作者 Masaya Hiyazaki 《Sociology Study》 2013年第5期370-378,共9页
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the political ideals of Sakae Osugi. Osugi argued that it was possible to establish a "society of mutual aid" based on the principle of "expansion of life". In his view,... The purpose of this paper is to investigate the political ideals of Sakae Osugi. Osugi argued that it was possible to establish a "society of mutual aid" based on the principle of "expansion of life". In his view, the hierarchy meant fixing the boundary and every boundary was an expression and exercise of power. That explains why anarchism is a perpetual movement which attempts to transcend every boundary forming the hierarchy. Osugi aimed at a free and diversified federal society where life is expanded. Osugi's influence stemmed from his articulation of the basic concerns of his generation. That generation confronted difficulties of a different order from those faced by the Meiji leadership. Osugi was attracted to the problem presented by the emerging masses: How could they be incorporated into society? His reply to this question was "mutual aid". This paper focuses on the relation between both notions of freedom and society and analyzes it throwing a light on the principle of "expansion of life" in Osugi's anarchism. Similarly to his contemporaries, it might be helpful to enquire into that principle, in a way that is beneficial to the relation between freedom and society. 展开更多
关键词 ANARCHISM expansion of life FREEDOM mutual aid SOCIETY
The Reconcilability Between Islamic and the Conventional Banking
作者 Issam Tlemsani 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2013年第3期433-446,共14页
Tensions between Western and Islamic traditions are very fierce in evidence currently. Many see the two systems as irreconcilable and the conflict between the two as inevitable (Huntingdon & Berger, 2002). This pap... Tensions between Western and Islamic traditions are very fierce in evidence currently. Many see the two systems as irreconcilable and the conflict between the two as inevitable (Huntingdon & Berger, 2002). This paper argues if reconcilability between Islam and the West exists in the field of finance and if the two systems can co-evolve in a mutually productive way, then, the author can be optimistic about the ability of the two systems to co-exist. Clearly, they involve different attitudes, but this paper argues on the basis of significant compatibility issues that these are resolvable under the tradition of tolerance that has existed in Western and Islamic societies. The context chosen for this analysis is finance which is central to global capitalism and is an area in which key differences of principle and practice exist between Islam and the West. 展开更多
关键词 Islamic finance SHARIA CAPITALISM conventional and Islamic banking
Financing constraints and corporate investment:an empirical analysis of china’s manufacturing firms
作者 孔煜 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2005年第3期170-174,共5页
With the measurement of dividend payout ratio, logistic regression index value and the firm size financing constraints, this paper investigated the investment behavior of China’s manufacturing firms over the period f... With the measurement of dividend payout ratio, logistic regression index value and the firm size financing constraints, this paper investigated the investment behavior of China’s manufacturing firms over the period from 1998 to 2003, and the relationship between financing constraints and corporate investment using the OLS regression method. The empirical evidence shows that there are certain extent financing constraints in China’s manufacturing firms, but the results are different with different variables to measure the financing constraints. 展开更多
关键词 financing constraints corporate investment manufacturing firm
A genetic algorithm for community detection in complex networks 被引量:6
作者 李赟 刘钢 老松杨 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第5期1269-1276,共8页
A new genetic algorithm for community detection in complex networks was proposed. It adopts matrix encoding that enables traditional crossover between individuals. Initial populations are generated using nodes similar... A new genetic algorithm for community detection in complex networks was proposed. It adopts matrix encoding that enables traditional crossover between individuals. Initial populations are generated using nodes similarity, which enhances the diversity of initial individuals while retaining an acceptable level of accuracy, and improves the efficiency of optimal solution search. Individual crossover is based on the quality of individuals' genes; all nodes unassigned to any community are grouped into a new community, while ambiguously placed nodes are assigned to the community to which most of their neighbors belong. Individual mutation, which splits a gene into two new genes or randomly fuses it into other genes, is non-uniform. The simplicity and effectiveness of the algorithm are revealed in experimental tests using artificial random networks and real networks. The accuracy of the algorithm is superior to that of some classic algorithms, and is comparable to that of some recent high-precision algorithms. 展开更多
关键词 complex networks community detection genetic algorithm matrix encoding nodes similarity
China's Mini-Stimulus Policy:Effects and Defects
作者 陈彦斌 陈小亮 《China Economist》 2014年第6期42-53,共12页
China's mini-stimulus policy is justi^ed for some proven effects on economic stabilization. However, the policy should not be used on regular, long-term base. Mini- stimulus economic policy is still essentially inves... China's mini-stimulus policy is justi^ed for some proven effects on economic stabilization. However, the policy should not be used on regular, long-term base. Mini- stimulus economic policy is still essentially investment-driven and by nature no different from the four trillion yuan stimulus package introduced in the aftermath of the global financial crisis of 2008. The policy strength of mini-stimulus packages the Chinese government resorted to has already accumulated to ascend to quite an extent. Further, ministimulus policy cannot stabilize growth and promote economic restructuring simultaneously. In fact, its effects on restructuring are short-term and may even be negative. Additionally, the diminishing potency of China's mini-stimulus policy efforts may force the government to resort to another hefty stimulus package with severe side effects. In the final analysis, it is social policy not economic stimuli that will help the Chinese economy achieve a soft landing. 展开更多
关键词 mini-stimulus economic policy macro-economic policy economic development model economic restructuring
Innovative Services Models Based on "Four new" Economy
作者 Li Changhao Xu Qi 《Review of Global Academics》 2014年第4期335-340,共6页
The propose of "four new" economy is to undertake innovation-driven transformation of Shanghai, promote the development of strategic emerging industries and transform and upgrade of manufacturing. In the following y... The propose of "four new" economy is to undertake innovation-driven transformation of Shanghai, promote the development of strategic emerging industries and transform and upgrade of manufacturing. In the following years, Shanghai will focus on the capture of key technologies, promoting the transformation of technology, expanding market demand, improving the development of the carrier, encouraging and supporting enterprises, financial institutions and social capital to increase the investment and use of"four new" economy, to promote the "four new" economy gradually grow and develop. With the "four new" economy's development and growth, its service model should be changed too. On the basis of theory and practice, the text proposes three forms of innovative services models and relate recommendations to promote it. 展开更多
关键词 "four new" economy service model INNOVATION
Study on the Development of Small and Micro-sized Enterprises in Hubei Province
作者 Xiuping LI 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第5期68-70,共3页
The development of small and micro-sized enterprises is of vital significance for the steady and rapid social economy. In recent years, the developing environment for the small and micro-sized enterprises in Hubei pro... The development of small and micro-sized enterprises is of vital significance for the steady and rapid social economy. In recent years, the developing environment for the small and micro-sized enterprises in Hubei province has become increasingly severe, and the problems such as high management cost, high taxes and fees, financing difficulties, and labor shortages of the small and micro-sized enterprises have been more obvious, so that the further development, transformation, and upgrading of the small and micro-sized enterprises are severely restricted. In order to promote the development of the small and micro-sized enterprises, the developing environment for the small and micro-sized enterprises should be further optimized, the tax environment for supporting the development of the small and micro-sized enterprises should be well improved, the financing system should be promoted to be sound, the industrial structure should be actively adjusted, and also the development quality should be increased. 展开更多
关键词 Small and Micro-sized Enterprises Development Environment TAX FINANCING
Research on Financial Support of New Countryside Construction in China
作者 ZHOU Danyang 《International English Education Research》 2017年第4期78-80,共3页
The cpc's 13th Five-Year comprehensive plan put forward a major historic task of building a new socialist countryside. This is the comprehensive implementation of urban and rural development to increase industrial ag... The cpc's 13th Five-Year comprehensive plan put forward a major historic task of building a new socialist countryside. This is the comprehensive implementation of urban and rural development to increase industrial agriculture, move the city to support the countryside, accelerate urbanization and narrow the gap between urban and rural areas. To solve the "three rural issues", the comprehensive construction ofa well-offsociety, has a very important strategic role to ease the contradiction of China's rural and urban ecnomic structure. In the process of building a new socialist countryside, the financial policy, as an important means ofmacroeconomic regulation and control, should play a leading role in solving the effective allocation &funds. Due to various factors affected by the current supply of rural financial market constraints, system defects and environmental constraints, there is a large gap between the level of the existing rural financial services and the requirements of the new rural construction which is to be improved urgently. 展开更多
关键词 Ecnomic structure financial support New rural construction URBANIZATION
County financial ecology and the development of new socialist countryside in China
作者 Liu Hao 《Ecological Economy》 2006年第4期412-423,共12页
The new rural construction will involve many fields, such as the upgrade of the industrial structure of agriculture, the impravement of the efficiency in the use of agricultural resources, the increase of farmers' in... The new rural construction will involve many fields, such as the upgrade of the industrial structure of agriculture, the impravement of the efficiency in the use of agricultural resources, the increase of farmers' income, maintaining sustainable agricultural development, and strengthening the construction of agricultural service system and circulation system.Finance, as the core of modem economy, should serve the new rural construction. However, there are many problems about the financial system in the rural area for a long time. So it is vital to build a good county financial eco-environment to promote the development of county financial systems and give full scope to the supporting function of finance. Only when we solve the problems in rural financial ecology and make clear the government 's fanction and activities, the county financial environment can function and be improved. Based on the reality of county economic development and starting from the connotation of county financial ecology, this paper analyzes the status quo of county financial eco-environment, especially the significance of optimizing the county financial eco-environment under the macroscopic background that the country proposed the socialist new rural reconstruction, and proposes the opinions and suggestions to construct and the maintain county financial eco-environment. 展开更多
关键词 County economy Financial ecology Rural area and agriculture Construction and development
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