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作者 郭冬勇 南英 《昭通师范高等专科学校学报》 2011年第1期24-26,共3页
《神史》是昭通作家孙世祥的长篇小说,在作品的主人公孙天主的身上,时时流露着李白和杜甫这两位伟大诗人的光辉,对李白和杜甫的人生命运的观照也因此可以成为理解《神史》的一把钥匙,对《神史》中孙天主形象的审美观照也可以更加深我们... 《神史》是昭通作家孙世祥的长篇小说,在作品的主人公孙天主的身上,时时流露着李白和杜甫这两位伟大诗人的光辉,对李白和杜甫的人生命运的观照也因此可以成为理解《神史》的一把钥匙,对《神史》中孙天主形象的审美观照也可以更加深我们对李白和杜甫的认识。 展开更多
关键词 神史 知识分子 悲剧
作者 杨梦媛 《昭通师范高等专科学校学报》 2009年第4期38-40,60,共4页
关键词 孙世祥 孙天主 神史 人物形象
作者 吕叶 《昭通师范高等专科学校学报》 2008年第3期39-42,55,共5页
关键词 孙世祥 神史 人生 悲剧
作者 吕叶 《昭通学院学报》 2021年第3期46-49,53,共5页
昭通作家群所创作的作品中关注农村贫困的作品层出不穷。有的作家本身就是农村贫困群体中的一员,他们不用代言谁,因为他们本身就是见证者经历者;另外一些作家则是因为工作和生活对这个群体有了认识和了解,他们用文学作品的形式抒写了自... 昭通作家群所创作的作品中关注农村贫困的作品层出不穷。有的作家本身就是农村贫困群体中的一员,他们不用代言谁,因为他们本身就是见证者经历者;另外一些作家则是因为工作和生活对这个群体有了认识和了解,他们用文学作品的形式抒写了自己的所见所感。这其中,孙世祥和杨恩智的作品就是代表。通过阅读他们的作品,我们对这片土地在不同时代所经历的人和事有了更深刻的了解,尤其是国家扶贫政策给这片土地带来的改变和希望。 展开更多
关键词 神史 《普家河》 贫困 人性 政策
故乡何谓——《神史》与《故乡面和花朵》比较阅读 被引量:3
作者 徐兴正 《边疆文学》 2006年第11期58-60,共3页
  我对孙世祥的熟悉,一是在孙世祥逝世后,我因为在昭通的一张报纸上发表了一篇叫做<读神史的感受>的短文,而与其弟孙世美有了交往和接触,从孙世美那里得到并阅读了作家的几乎所有的文稿,包括冒着血泡的<新孙子兵法>、<...   我对孙世祥的熟悉,一是在孙世祥逝世后,我因为在昭通的一张报纸上发表了一篇叫做<读神史的感受>的短文,而与其弟孙世美有了交往和接触,从孙世美那里得到并阅读了作家的几乎所有的文稿,包括冒着血泡的<新孙子兵法>、<中国的世界战略>,虚妄的<回从扬子大江头>、<百年马楠>,狂放的古体诗词和恣睢的日记;二是孙世祥出生的村庄发拉,与我所在的村庄姑娘草坡大同小异,我甚至发现<神史>里带有自传性质的一些章节,好像也有我这类人的影子.…… 展开更多
关键词 神史 刘震云 故乡面和花朵
作者 徐怀启 《思想与文化》 CSSCI 2015年第2期1-5,共5页
唯神史观主张,神开创了人类的历史,计划并规定了人类的历史,把自己作为人类历史发展的最后目标。简单地说,从神到人,再由人到神的境界。用圣经的语言:人从乐园到人世间,再从人世间回到失去了的乐园。从犹太教和基督教来看,有两种唯神史... 唯神史观主张,神开创了人类的历史,计划并规定了人类的历史,把自己作为人类历史发展的最后目标。简单地说,从神到人,再由人到神的境界。用圣经的语言:人从乐园到人世间,再从人世间回到失去了的乐园。从犹太教和基督教来看,有两种唯神史观:(1)以选民为中心的;(2)以救赎为中心的。先说第一种。犹太这个民族从一开始,就以自己为上帝的选民。他们虽然把这位上帝看作是全世界所有人的上帝。但他们却认为这位上帝只同他们发生特殊关系。 展开更多
关键词 神史 耶稣基督 人从 犹太民族 受膏者 从一 大卫王 替代者 受造之物 人类的命运
作者 戴逢国 周能寿 《商情(科学教育家)》 2008年第5期272-273,共2页
关键词 根源 理论基础
作者 王文英 《上海戏剧》 北大核心 1991年第2期22-23,共2页
历史剧创作比起一般戏剧来要求更高,它不仅要满足人们感官的娱乐,而且更要激发人们悠远的思索。于是,它的不受青睐便是意料中事。然而,一批有志于此的人们仍在不懈地追求,并且结出了一些令人欣喜的果实。比较引人注目的是,新编历史戏曲... 历史剧创作比起一般戏剧来要求更高,它不仅要满足人们感官的娱乐,而且更要激发人们悠远的思索。于是,它的不受青睐便是意料中事。然而,一批有志于此的人们仍在不懈地追求,并且结出了一些令人欣喜的果实。比较引人注目的是,新编历史戏曲出现了一个小高潮。这批新编历史戏曲作品有《新亭泪》、《秋风辞》、《魂断燕山》、《袁崇焕》、《晋宫寒月》、《滕玉公主》。 展开更多
关键词 剧创作 戏曲作品 秋风辞 中事 新亭泪 阐释学 郭启宏 袁崇焕 神史 宫寒
作者 柴瑞康 《今日中国》 1991年第2期52-54,共3页
經過眾各科學工作者長期不懈的努力,漢字在電腦上的實際應用終於變成了現實,使古老的漢字獲得了新的活力,從而進入了現代化時代。漢字是象形的方塊文字,字體結構複雜多變,而現代化標誌之一的電腦的應用,則是源於拼音文字,因此有人曾懷... 經過眾各科學工作者長期不懈的努力,漢字在電腦上的實際應用終於變成了現實,使古老的漢字獲得了新的活力,從而進入了現代化時代。漢字是象形的方塊文字,字體結構複雜多變,而現代化標誌之一的電腦的應用,則是源於拼音文字,因此有人曾懷疑漢字在電腦上應用的可能性?爸袊淖忠咂匆艋牡缆贰边@句口號的提出,在一定程度上反映出這種想法。事實上,電腦處理漢字也確實存在着極大的難度。中國的科學家們在這一課題的研究中,首先要解决的是如何向電腦高速輸入漢字。 展开更多
关键词 如何向 代化 银蛇 中文信息 八年 神史 陆茜 中俞 气关 补根
作者 杨青 《新西部》 2017年第1期60-63,共4页
在宝山,出外打工已经不是新鲜事,进城陪孩子读书更抽空了一个个家庭:孩子们上学那一天,就是他们自己和家人离开土地的日子。游客可以很方便地从阿海电站坐船、快艇,在海拔1504米左右平波如镜的水面直上,轻轻地来。为迎接大批人流,千人... 在宝山,出外打工已经不是新鲜事,进城陪孩子读书更抽空了一个个家庭:孩子们上学那一天,就是他们自己和家人离开土地的日子。游客可以很方便地从阿海电站坐船、快艇,在海拔1504米左右平波如镜的水面直上,轻轻地来。为迎接大批人流,千人级大型游艇正筹划购买,码头轰轰烈烈地建设,索道已列于规划中,公路伸到了村口。张秀云有两个儿子。 展开更多
关键词 大米饭 左右平 千人 神史 张秀 中甸县 先自 天如 片语 第二年
作者 陶继新 《考试(高考文科版)》 2015年第28期92-93,共2页
胸中有梦教师的幸福首先在于"胸中有梦"。我们之所以强调要争取做到"胸中有梦",是因为有梦的人生才是幸福且充实的人生,有梦的人生才是幸福且快乐的人生。对于胸中有梦的幸福的教师来说,教育不是牺牲,而是享受;教... 胸中有梦教师的幸福首先在于"胸中有梦"。我们之所以强调要争取做到"胸中有梦",是因为有梦的人生才是幸福且充实的人生,有梦的人生才是幸福且快乐的人生。对于胸中有梦的幸福的教师来说,教育不是牺牲,而是享受;教育不是重复,而是创造;教育不是谋生的手段,而是生活的本身。我们的一生不一定要干成什么惊天动地的伟业,但它应当犹如百合,展开是一朵花,凝聚成一枚果;它应当犹如星辰,远望像一盏灯,近看是一团火。在"照亮" 展开更多
关键词 一朵花 一团火 热爱工作 外在表象 自我价值 活下去 人我 金庸先生 神史 学习欲望
作者 晨风 《黑龙江教育(高教研究与评估)》 1994年第11期27-27,共1页
面向21世纪小学数学教育第二届中日小学数学教育联合研讨会日前在常州市召开。来自全国各地的200名小学数学界专家、教师有日本国27名小学数学界专家、教师参加了会议。会议的主题是“21世纪小学数学教育”。日本算术教育联合... 面向21世纪小学数学教育第二届中日小学数学教育联合研讨会日前在常州市召开。来自全国各地的200名小学数学界专家、教师有日本国27名小学数学界专家、教师参加了会议。会议的主题是“21世纪小学数学教育”。日本算术教育联合?究会会长片桐重男和中日小学数学教... 展开更多
关键词 小学数学教育 桐重 邱学华 小学数学课程 五年级 教学理论 研究会理事长 和中 新宿 神史
《昭通师范高等专科学校学报》 2009年第6期73-76,共4页
关键词 昭通师范高等专科学校学报 地理探究式教学 《微暗的火》 英语专业学生 模式探析 夏天敏 目次 神史 张成喜
Barrett's esophagus with high-grade dysplasia:Focus on current treatment options 被引量:2
作者 Leonidas Lekakos Nikolaos P Karidis +3 位作者 Dimitrios Dimitroulis Christos Tsigris Gregory Kouraklis Nikolaos Nikiteas 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第37期4174-4183,共10页
High-grade dysplasia(HGD) in Barrett's esophagus(BE) is the critical step before invasive esophageal adenocarcinoma.Although its natural history remains unclear,an aggressive therapeutic approach is usually indica... High-grade dysplasia(HGD) in Barrett's esophagus(BE) is the critical step before invasive esophageal adenocarcinoma.Although its natural history remains unclear,an aggressive therapeutic approach is usually indicated.Esophagectomy represents the only treatment able to reliably eradicate the neoplastic epithelium.In healthy patients with reasonable life expectancy,vagal-sparing esophagectomy,with associated low mortality and low early and late postoperative morbidity,is considered the treatment of choice for BE with HGD.Patients unfit for surgery should be managed in a less aggressive manner,using endoscopic ablation or endoscopic mucosal resection of the entire BE segment,followed by lifelong surveillance.Patients eligible for surgery who present with a long BE segment,multifocal dysplastic lesions,severe reflux symptoms,a large fixed hiatal hernia or dysphagia comprise a challenging group with regard to the appropriate treatment,either surgical or endoscopic. 展开更多
关键词 Barrett's esophagus High-grade dysplasia Endoscopic ablation Endoscopic excision Surgical treatment
Frontier and Urban Writing in Moon Palace
作者 SHI Long ZHU Qing-wei 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2018年第9期1323-1328,共6页
In Moon Palace, on the surface, there are loosely unbelievable adventurous experiences of three generations, but at depth, it examines the wild west and urban civilization and their roles in American history as initia... In Moon Palace, on the surface, there are loosely unbelievable adventurous experiences of three generations, but at depth, it examines the wild west and urban civilization and their roles in American history as initiator of the myths of the frontier and the urban progress. In this novel, Auster uncovers how American history and myth of frontier are constructed by describing the wildness and Auster reflects and criticize urban civilization by depicting the cities. 展开更多
关键词 Moon Palace FRONTIER urban civilization
History Versus Myth: The Case of One Family's Relocation in the United States of America
作者 Ada Uzoamaka Azodo 《History Research》 2013年第3期205-212,共8页
Some thinkers believe that historical accuracy deviates into myths and legends, when the subjects of discussion are powerful figures, be they human beings or gods. Such thinkers question the accuracy of works like the... Some thinkers believe that historical accuracy deviates into myths and legends, when the subjects of discussion are powerful figures, be they human beings or gods. Such thinkers question the accuracy of works like the Odyssey, the llliad and the Bible, wondering where history meets mythology and religion. Another set of thinkers doubts if history is about truth at all. Then, a third group of thinkers wonders what light has modern technology and increased speed of travel have shed light on the subject. These are some of the issues we shall seek to examine, while narrating the story of the relocation of a recent immigrant family from the Northeast to the Midwest of the United States of America. When the date for their move finally came, friends had anxieties and mild cautions about the family's decision, wondering if they really understood the geography of the land along with perceived popular notions about the different sections of the big continent turned a country. Then, there was the compensatory dream, casting a different hue on the whole story. As the narrator looked for provisions in a corn field, a large brown snake lounged at her, narrowly missed her, but poured her venomous fluid into a little animal nearby, which died instantaneously. The poor creature had taken the fall for her. A preliminary attempt at dream interpretation suggested trouble ahead, but triumph at the end of the tunnel. 展开更多
The Snake Goddess as Woman: De-Mythologization in a Folk Epic
作者 Saumitra Chakravarty 《History Research》 2013年第4期299-308,共10页
This paper deals with the Mangal Kavyas of Bengal, folk epics arising out of an oral tradition practiced by rural women. The female deities to whom these epics are devoted, like the snake goddess Manasa, are also part... This paper deals with the Mangal Kavyas of Bengal, folk epics arising out of an oral tradition practiced by rural women. The female deities to whom these epics are devoted, like the snake goddess Manasa, are also part of the folk tradition, far removed from the Hindu pantheon of gods or the Vedic ways of worship and are related to the particular fears of village life. There is therefore, a de-mythologized version of these deities represented in these epics, a crystallization of the desires, wants, and ways of life of the rural population through the figure of the goddess, a version these village women can readily empathize with, making these epics rich in social documentation of contemporary village life. 展开更多
关键词 folk epic Mangal Kavyas of Bengal snake goddess Manasa Mangal Kavya de-mythologization synthesis of folk and mainstream goddess cults
Study on the Spirits of University Teachers
作者 QIN Xiaogang 《International English Education Research》 2015年第10期45-47,共3页
The paper intends to study the formation of the spirit of independence, curiosity, innovation and benevolence which the university teachers in Medieval Europe had under the specific social and historical conditions. B... The paper intends to study the formation of the spirit of independence, curiosity, innovation and benevolence which the university teachers in Medieval Europe had under the specific social and historical conditions. Based on this, by contrast the current crisis of spirits of medieval university teachers in modem society, the paper also analyzes the reasons and tries to find out the mechanism to cultivate the spirit of the university teachers in modem society. 展开更多
关键词 Universities in Medieval Europe SPIRIT university spirit spirit of university teachers
On the fitness value and Promotion model of traditional national sports
作者 Yan Cao 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第10期1-3,共3页
Traditional national sports are the representatives of traditional Chinese historic culture. With features like strong universality, nationality and involvement, they are deeply loved by the people. And after thousand... Traditional national sports are the representatives of traditional Chinese historic culture. With features like strong universality, nationality and involvement, they are deeply loved by the people. And after thousands of years of development, the constant evolution and precipitation, they have become not only the outstanding distinctive culture but also the spiritual wealth of Chinese nation. National fitness programs are mainly for improving the standards of people' s physical and mental health to serve for the enhancement of people' s overall quality. Traditional national sports are the fertile soil of the social culture and modem sports, as well as the inexhaustible material of popularizing the national fitness programs. With abundant life interest and great sport leisure, the people-oriented traditional national sports are in line with the national fitness programs. 展开更多
关键词 FITNESS PHYSICAL traditional national sports.
Artistic Characteristics of Folk Music in Northern Shandong
作者 ChaoYing XIE 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第10期51-52,共2页
Folk songs as an important part of traditional culture in Shandong, is very important spiritual wealth. In this paper, from terms of development history, classification, local language, melody type, etc. we analyze th... Folk songs as an important part of traditional culture in Shandong, is very important spiritual wealth. In this paper, from terms of development history, classification, local language, melody type, etc. we analyze the artistic characteristics of folk music in northern Shandong. 展开更多
关键词 Artistic Characteristics Folk Music Northern Shandong Melody Type
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