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作者 刘欣安 贾艺聪 王立平 《中国科学基金》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期492-500,共9页
中医药现代化是新时代生命科学的分支内容,也是全球前沿科学的重要方向之一。中医观点中“正气存内,邪不可干”,是指人体正气足,外邪就无法入侵导致疾病。中医的“正气”指的是机体免疫力,是机体自愈力的来源。现代前沿科学认为,机体通... 中医药现代化是新时代生命科学的分支内容,也是全球前沿科学的重要方向之一。中医观点中“正气存内,邪不可干”,是指人体正气足,外邪就无法入侵导致疾病。中医的“正气”指的是机体免疫力,是机体自愈力的来源。现代前沿科学认为,机体通过神经—内分泌—免疫—代谢网络的调控维持机体稳态平衡和健康;与之相统一的传统中医药理论藏象学说则认为,人体各脏腑相互联系,五脏化生,共同调动正气,正气盛则人体自愈力强。通过揭示机体稳态的网络调控机制有助于我们更好地理解中医药的整体观与精准干预,以及通过多靶点﹑多脏器的干预来发挥药物对疾病的治疗作用。运用前沿神经科学的思路及技术解读中医药学原理,以整体观与系统论为启发,以中医药临床与系统生物学等学科兼容并蓄,建立新的基础与临床研究框架,将推动还原论主导的现代医学体系与系统论启发的传统中医有效融合,推动藏象学说和自愈体系的调控理论在医学中运用。 展开更多
关键词 神经—内分泌—免疫网络 中药现代化 藏象学说 自愈体系
γ-干扰素与免疫-神经-内分泌网络的相互关系 被引量:1
作者 李延清 孙志宏 胡格 《延安大学学报(自然科学版)》 2003年第3期74-76,共3页
γ-干扰素作为一种细胞因子 ,广泛分布在免疫系统、神经 -内分泌系统。本文简要综述γ-干扰素与免疫系统、神经
关键词 γ—干扰素 免疫—神经—内分泌网络 相互关系
神经免疫内分泌网络学说在中医研究中的应用 被引量:8
作者 李志勇 李彦文 +1 位作者 张嫚 王树荣 《中央民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 2010年第4期68-72,共5页
目前,神经—免疫—内分泌网络(NEI网络)的研究已成为国内外学者研究的热点.国内中西医结合学者发现NEI网络是中西医理论体系相互整合的重要手段和方法.本文简要介绍了"神经—免疫—内分泌网络"学说,并以中医脏腑、中药归经理... 目前,神经—免疫—内分泌网络(NEI网络)的研究已成为国内外学者研究的热点.国内中西医结合学者发现NEI网络是中西医理论体系相互整合的重要手段和方法.本文简要介绍了"神经—免疫—内分泌网络"学说,并以中医脏腑、中药归经理论的实验研究、经络与针刺为例综述了神经免疫内分泌网络学说在中医研究中的应用. 展开更多
关键词 神经—免疫—内分泌网络 中医脏腑 中药归经理论 经络与针刺 应用
作者 张小春 龚冠闻 +1 位作者 邵明月 江志伟 《环球中医药》 CAS 2024年第5期873-876,共4页
卫气营血是中医理论关于人体生理及病理变化的核心及基础,四者体用相关,紧密联系。围术期的应激反应严重影响患者生理、心理状态,导致术后恢复缓慢。加速康复外科统筹围术期管理措施,从术前准备阶段进行宣教、术前预康复、术中体温保护... 卫气营血是中医理论关于人体生理及病理变化的核心及基础,四者体用相关,紧密联系。围术期的应激反应严重影响患者生理、心理状态,导致术后恢复缓慢。加速康复外科统筹围术期管理措施,从术前准备阶段进行宣教、术前预康复、术中体温保护、呼吸系统管理、情志调理、个性化营养支持以及血液管理等方式调控卫气营血,实现护卫、行气、益营、治血之功,发挥抗炎、增强免疫、补充营养等作用,改善患者预后。营卫规律循行是加速伤口愈合的保障。手术金刃损伤正气,术后初期营血虚耗,营络虚弱,五脏失荣,卫气戕伐于内,升降失司,营弱卫强,以补益营阴为要;术后中后期阴损及阳,卫气不固,营卫俱虚,出现阴阳虚损见证,以建中补虚为纲,使气血生化有源,营卫和谐,阴阳乃治。 展开更多
关键词 卫气营血 加速康复外科 神经—内分泌—免疫网络 营弱卫强 营卫俱虚 围术期 辨证论治
心脑相关理论的现代研究进展 被引量:4
作者 张迪 曾芳 +2 位作者 杨洁 李政杰 梁繁荣 《四川中医》 2014年第5期179-181,共3页
心脑相关理论是中国古代医家对心和脑相互关系的概括,是中医藏象学说的主要内容。本文基于中医传统心脑相关理论的内容,主要从心脑关系的临床研究以及机制研究两方面,全面阐述中国古代心脑相关经典理论的现代研究成果,以期对今后心脑血... 心脑相关理论是中国古代医家对心和脑相互关系的概括,是中医藏象学说的主要内容。本文基于中医传统心脑相关理论的内容,主要从心脑关系的临床研究以及机制研究两方面,全面阐述中国古代心脑相关经典理论的现代研究成果,以期对今后心脑血管疾病的诊断及治疗起到重要理论指导作用。 展开更多
关键词 心脑相关理论 神明 络脉 神经—内分泌—免疫学说 络脉—血管系统 综述
针灸效应与细胞信息传导关系的初步探讨 被引量:27
作者 王少锦 《中国中医基础医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2004年第11期31-33,共3页
通过对针灸效应产生的神经 内分泌机制的分析 ,提出针灸效应的实现与细胞信息传导有密切关系。针灸效应部分是针刺信号由穴位经外周神经向各级中枢神经传递中发生的 ,其中引发了机体神经 内分泌系统功能的活动 ,致使某些生物活性物质... 通过对针灸效应产生的神经 内分泌机制的分析 ,提出针灸效应的实现与细胞信息传导有密切关系。针灸效应部分是针刺信号由穴位经外周神经向各级中枢神经传递中发生的 ,其中引发了机体神经 内分泌系统功能的活动 ,致使某些生物活性物质被释放出来 ,激活了靶细胞信息传导功能 ,在神经 体液因素作用下 ,将针刺信号的相应信息传递到细胞内 ,产生一系列的生物效应 ,最终实现了针刺对机体各系统功能的调整作用。 展开更多
关键词 针灸效应 针刺信号 细胞信息传导 神经—内分泌 激素
反观中医临床提出“皮肤是人的第三大脑” 被引量:18
作者 吕中茜 郭义 《江西中医药》 2016年第7期11-13,19,共4页
"皮肤是人的第三大脑",中医许多外治法是通过刺激皮肤实现的。皮肤不仅有屏障、吸收、分泌、排泄的功能作用,还能像大脑一样参与到神经调节、内分泌调节和免疫调节,起到类似大脑的作用。皮肤与大脑密切联系,大脑既可受影响于... "皮肤是人的第三大脑",中医许多外治法是通过刺激皮肤实现的。皮肤不仅有屏障、吸收、分泌、排泄的功能作用,还能像大脑一样参与到神经调节、内分泌调节和免疫调节,起到类似大脑的作用。皮肤与大脑密切联系,大脑既可受影响于皮肤的状态,皮肤又可反作用于大脑,二者互为因果,相互影响。笔者试图从中医临床角度及生命科学角度论述"皮肤是人的第三大脑",从皮肤及神经系统的胚胎发育、神经—内分泌—免疫调节网络、中医外治法对机体的调节作用三方面,浅析皮肤与脑之间联系,希望能为指导中医临床提供思路。 展开更多
关键词 皮肤 神经系统 胚胎发育 神经—内分泌—免疫调节网络 中医外治法
论免疫紊乱是疾病发生发展的主导因素 被引量:3
作者 周东浩 《医学争鸣》 CAS 2018年第5期8-10,14,共4页
从复杂系统的视角看,疾病的本质是机体的神经—内分泌—免疫网络自组织紊乱的过程。但神经、内分泌、免疫三者的作用及地位在疾病过程中并不是等同的,相对于神经、内分泌,免疫紊乱更居于主导地位。这个观点要求我们必须把研究的重点放... 从复杂系统的视角看,疾病的本质是机体的神经—内分泌—免疫网络自组织紊乱的过程。但神经、内分泌、免疫三者的作用及地位在疾病过程中并不是等同的,相对于神经、内分泌,免疫紊乱更居于主导地位。这个观点要求我们必须把研究的重点放在免疫的调控上,探讨免疫的发生、发展、紊乱的规律以及影响因素,这是解开现代医学目前所面临的诸多困惑的关键。 展开更多
关键词 神经—内分泌—免疫网络 免疫紊乱 免疫过度
浅析“心主神明”的科学内涵 被引量:15
作者 李舒健 《长春中医学院学报》 2006年第1期7-8,共2页
从4个方面阐述了“心主神明”的科学内涵:科学研究成果为证实心脏通过某种机制参与了思维活动提供了宝贵的线索;心所主的神明,并不仅仅指意识,而有其更深刻的内涵;中医学的心是以心为基础的综合功能单元;心主神明的实质是心脏以调控全... 从4个方面阐述了“心主神明”的科学内涵:科学研究成果为证实心脏通过某种机制参与了思维活动提供了宝贵的线索;心所主的神明,并不仅仅指意识,而有其更深刻的内涵;中医学的心是以心为基础的综合功能单元;心主神明的实质是心脏以调控全身血液循环功能为基础,以心神为中介,通过神经—内分泌—免疫网络,进行信息处理整和。 展开更多
关键词 超解剖 神经—内分泌—免疫网络
作者 王雷 唐敦兵 +2 位作者 万敏 袁伟东 许美健 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2009年第2期122-129,共8页
Future manufacturing systems need to cope with frequent changes and disturbances, therefore their control architectures require constant adaptability, agility, stability, self-organization, intelligence, and robustnes... Future manufacturing systems need to cope with frequent changes and disturbances, therefore their control architectures require constant adaptability, agility, stability, self-organization, intelligence, and robustness. Bio-inspired manufacturing system can well satisfy these requirements. For this purpose, by referencing the biological organization structure and the mechanism, a bio-inspired manufacturing cell is presented from a novel view, and then a bio-inspired self-adaptive manufacturing model is established based on the ultra-short feedback mechanism of the neuro-endocrine system. A hio-inspired self-adaptive manufacturing system coordinated model is also established based on the neuro-endocrine-immunity system (NEIS). Finally, an example based on pheromone communication mechanism indicates that the robustness of the whole manufacturing system is improved by bio-inspired technologies. 展开更多
关键词 bio-inspired manufacturing system neuro-endocrine-immunity system (NEIS) self-adaptive control model ultra-short feedback bio-inspired manufacturing cell (BMC) PHEROMONE
Clinico-pathologic significance of neuroendocrine cells in gastric carcer tissue
作者 王鲁平 虞积耀 +1 位作者 史景泉 梁延杰 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1996年第1期30-33,共4页
AIMS To elucidate the biological and clinicopathological signifi- cance of neuroendocrine(NE)cells in gastric carcinoma(GC). METHODS One hundred and eighty-nine cases of various histo- logical types of GC were observe... AIMS To elucidate the biological and clinicopathological signifi- cance of neuroendocrine(NE)cells in gastric carcinoma(GC). METHODS One hundred and eighty-nine cases of various histo- logical types of GC were observed using light microscopy, histochemistry,immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy. Of them 127 patients were followed up. RESULTS Chromogranin A(CgA)positive GC was demonstrat- ed in 85 cases(45.0%).The typos of NE cells in GC were probed using 9 kinds of hormone antibodies 49 cases(67.2%) contained more than one hormone.NE cells were found more often in poorly differentiated GC than in well differentiated ones(P<0. 01).Expression of some kinds of hormone Was relative to the dif- ferentiation and histological types of GC.BOM,CT(P<0.01) GAST and 5-HT(P<0.05)were more expressed in poorly differ- entiated cases than in well defferentiated ones.Nineteen cases of the matastatic foci in regional lymph nodes were found to have CgA positive cancer cells.The presence of HCG in matastatic lymph nodes was more often observed than that of other hormone (P<0.01).The survival rate of patients with NE positive GC was 38.9% and negative GC 52.7%.Five of 7 patients(71. 4%)with somatostatin positive GC still survived at follow up of 33-66 months,but 4 patients with HCG positive GC died in 12-29 months. CONCLUSIONS The NE cells occur more frequently in poorly differentiated GC.Certain hormones appear to be related to the metastasis and prognosis. 展开更多
Prognostic Significance of Neuroendocrine Differentiation in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Patients' Survival
作者 严煜 王晓谭 陈云 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2005年第5期292-296,325,共6页
Objective: To observe the relationship between non-small cell lung cancer with neuroendrocrine differentiation (NSCLC-NE) and patients' postoperative survival. Methods: During April 1997 to April 1999, 98 cases o... Objective: To observe the relationship between non-small cell lung cancer with neuroendrocrine differentiation (NSCLC-NE) and patients' postoperative survival. Methods: During April 1997 to April 1999, 98 cases of hlng cancer were surgically treated. The tumor specimens of the patients were stained by NE markers, i.e. neuron specific enolase (NSE) and synaptophysin (SY). The intensity of NE markers reaction was divided as "+". "++". "+++" scale groups. The same specimens were also examined under an electron microscope for the specific neuroendocrine granules. All enrolled patients were followed up for 36 months, and the longest follow-up time was 60 months. The COX proportional hazard model multivariate analysis was applied to observe the relationship between the NSCLE-NE and the patients' postoperative survival. Results: In 91 cases of NSCLC, 63.7% (58/91) were positive for NE stain reaction. Among them, 59.3% (54/91) were positive for NSE and 24.1% (22/91) for SY. 48.4% (44/91) were considered as NSCLC-NE by the combination of NE inarker stain reaction and electron microscopic examination. COX proportional hazard model lnnltivariate analysis showed that the NSCLC-NE patients' survival was significantly shortened (P=0.048). The following factors were related to NSCLC-NE patients' survival: lung cancer cell differentiation (P=0.006), clinical lung cancer stage (P=0.001), the NE markers reaction (P=0.054). Conclusion: NSCLE-NE is significantly related to the cancer cell differentiation and the patients' postoperative survival. The NE markers should be applied clinically as one of prognostic factors to evaluate the postoperative survival of NSCLC patients. 展开更多
关键词 non-small cell lung cancer NEUROENDOCRINE SURVIVAL SURGERY
Quantitative ultrastucture analysis of neuroendocrine cells of gastric mucosa on normal and pathological conditions
作者 虞积耀 D'Adda T 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1996年第3期155-157,共3页
AIMS To study the quantitative ultrastucture of neu- roendocrine cells of gastric mucosa on normal anc pathological conditions including the duodenal ulcer (DU) and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (ZES). METHODS The neuroe... AIMS To study the quantitative ultrastucture of neu- roendocrine cells of gastric mucosa on normal anc pathological conditions including the duodenal ulcer (DU) and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (ZES). METHODS The neuroendocrine cells of the gastric mucosa of eight normal subjects,six patients with DU and five patients with ZES were quantitatively investi- gated with electro microscope and ultrastructure image analyzer. RESULTS The volume density of neuroendocrine cells in DU was 1.3% and 0.8% (vs 1.6% and 0.9%,P>0.05) in gastric antrum and corpus respectively. In antrum,G cells was of 65% (P< 0.05),D cells decreased in cell density (3% vs 9.5%) and in number of cell per unit area (P<0.01). In corpus,the cell density of ECL cells increased (49% vs 30%,P<0.05);D cells and EC cells decreasec (2% P<0.01 and 4% P<0.05,respectively),and the number of D cell per unit area markedly decreased. In ZES,D cells in corpus decreased in cell density (4% vs 22%,P<0.01) and P cells also decreased (11% vs 24%,P<0.05). The density of ECL cells increased (65% vs 30%,P<0.01). CONCLUSIONS In DU and ZES,both the number and type of NE cells present some changes. Incresed gastrin in DU and ZES patients may be caused by the decrease of D cells and somatostatin secretion. 展开更多
关键词 gastric mucosa/pathology neuroendocrine cells duodenal ulcer Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
作者 曾庆佩 《家庭医学(上半月)》 2000年第10期36-37,共2页
一只木桶是由若干块木板构成的,其盛水量多少是由这些木板的长度决定的。倘若木板长短不一,其中有一块木板较短,其余木板再长也无济于事,水会从那块最短的木板所造成的缺口中淌流出来。这种现象叫作“短板限制”,也称为“短板效应”。... 一只木桶是由若干块木板构成的,其盛水量多少是由这些木板的长度决定的。倘若木板长短不一,其中有一块木板较短,其余木板再长也无济于事,水会从那块最短的木板所造成的缺口中淌流出来。这种现象叫作“短板限制”,也称为“短板效应”。假如能将那块短板加长,则这只木桶的盛水量也随之增多。 展开更多
关键词 短板效应 养生保健 生命质量 慢跑运动 平衡医学 中医疗法 健康状况 神经—内分泌—免疫 心脏病 木板
作者 原天民 《健康生活》 2004年第3期30-30,共1页
我今年八十岁了,但背不驼、眼不花、牙齿坚、腿脚健,自我感觉很好,别人都说我是愈活愈年轻了,我心中也喜滋滋的。我之所以能有今天,来之不易。这都是我强身健体,注重心理调适,所铸就的一身硬朗身骨。 我是安阳市教育战线上的一名离休干... 我今年八十岁了,但背不驼、眼不花、牙齿坚、腿脚健,自我感觉很好,别人都说我是愈活愈年轻了,我心中也喜滋滋的。我之所以能有今天,来之不易。这都是我强身健体,注重心理调适,所铸就的一身硬朗身骨。 我是安阳市教育战线上的一名离休干部。过去由于一心扑在工作上,不注意身体锻炼,健康状况本来就不好,加上老伴又不幸去世,使我情绪悲观、忧心忡忡,这就为疾病的侵袭敞开了大门。1980年冬天的一个早晨,我因公外出途中,突感胸闷难忍。 展开更多
关键词 心理调适 离休干部 体育锻炼 身体锻炼 冠心病 健康状况 神经—内分泌—免疫 心脏病突发 心理健康 教育战线
Irritable bowel syndrome:Diagnosis and pathogenesis 被引量:51
作者 Magdy El-Salhy 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第37期5151-5163,共13页
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common gastro-intestinal (GI) disorder that considerably reduces the quality of life. It further represents an economic burden on society due to the high consumption of healthcare r... Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common gastro-intestinal (GI) disorder that considerably reduces the quality of life. It further represents an economic burden on society due to the high consumption of healthcare resources and the non-productivity of IBS patients. The diagnosis of IBS is based on symptom assessment and the Rome Ⅲ criteria. A combination of the Rome Ⅲ criteria, a physical examination, blood tests, gastros-copy and colonoscopy with biopsies is believed to be necessary for diagnosis. Duodenal chromogranin A cell density is a promising biomarker for the diagnosis of IBS. The pathogenesis of IBS seems to be multifactorial, with the following factors playing a central role in the pathogenesis of IBS:heritability and genetics, dietary/intestinal microbiota, low-grade inflammation, and disturbances in the neuroendocrine system (NES) of the gut. One hypothesis proposes that the cause of IBS is an altered NES, which would cause abnormal GI motility, secretions and sensation. All of these abnormalities are characteristic of IBS. Alterations in the NES could be the result of one or more of the following:genetic factors, dietary intake, intestinal flora, or lowgrade inflammation. Post-infectious IBS (PI-IBS) and inflammatory bowel disease-associated IBS (IBD-IBS) represent a considerable subset of IBS cases. Patients with PI-and IBD-IBS exhibit low-grade mucosal inflammation, as well as abnormalities in the NES of the gut. 展开更多
关键词 CHOLECYSTOKININ Chromogranin A Diagno-sis DIET Endocrine cells Intestinal flora HEREDITARY Low-grade inflammation Peptide YY SEROTONIN
Neuroendocrine tumors of the gastro-entero-pancreatic system 被引量:45
作者 Sara Massironi Valentina Sciola +3 位作者 Maddalena Peracchi Clorinda Ciafardini Matilde Pia Spampatti Dario Conte 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第35期5377-5384,共8页
Gastro-entero-pancreatic (GEP) neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) are rare neoplasms, although their prevalence has increased substantially over the past three decades. Moreover, there has been an increased clinical recogni... Gastro-entero-pancreatic (GEP) neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) are rare neoplasms, although their prevalence has increased substantially over the past three decades. Moreover, there has been an increased clinical recognition and characterization of these neoplasms. They show extremely variable biological behavior and clinical course. Most NETs have endocrine function and secrete peptides and neuroamines that cause distinct clinical syndromes, including carcinoid syndrome; however, many are clinically silent until late presentation with mass effects. Investigation and management should be individualized for each patient, taking into account the likely natural history of the tumor and general health of the patient. Management strategies include surgery for cure or palliation, and a variety of other cytoreductive techniques, and medical treatment including chemotherapy, and biotherapy to control symptoms due to hormone release and tumor growth, with somatostatin analogues (SSAs) and alphainterferon. New biological agents and somatostatintagged radionuclides are under investigation. Advances in the therapy and development of centers of excellence which coordinate multicenter studies, are needed to improve diagnosis, treatment and therefore survival of patients with GEP NETs. 展开更多
关键词 Gastro-entero-pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors CARCINOIDS Entero-endocrine tumors Pancreatic tumors Medical treatment Moleculartargeted therapy
Surgicopathological classification of hepatic space-occupying lesions:A single-center experience with literature review 被引量:26
作者 Wen-Ming Cong Hui Dong +2 位作者 Lu Tan Xu-Xu Sun Meng-Chao Wu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第19期2372-2378,共7页
Accompanying rapid developments in hepatic surgery,the number of surgeries and identifications of histological types of primary hepatic space-occupying lesions (PHSOLs) have increased dramatically.This has led to many... Accompanying rapid developments in hepatic surgery,the number of surgeries and identifications of histological types of primary hepatic space-occupying lesions (PHSOLs) have increased dramatically.This has led to many changes in the surgicopathological spectrum of PHSOLs,and has contributed to a theoretical basis for modern hepatic surgery and oncological pathology.Between 1982 and 2009 at the Eastern Hepatobiliary Surgery Hospital (EHBH) in Shanghai,31 901 patients underwent surgery and were diagnosed as having a PHSOL.In this paper,we present an analysis of the PHSOL cases at the EHBH for this time period,along with results from a systematic literature review.We describe a surgicopathological spectrum comprising more than 100 types of PHSOLs that can be stratified into three types:tumor-like,benign,and malignant.We also stratified the PHSOLs into six subtypes derived from hepatocytes;cholangiocytes;vascular,lymphoid and hemopoietic tissues;muscular,fibrous and adipose tissues;neural and neuroendocrine tissues;and miscellaneous tissues.The present study provides a new classification system that can be used as a current reference for clinicians and pathologists to make correct diagnoses and differential diagnoses among various PHSOLs. 展开更多
Importance of gastrin in the pathogenesis and treatment of gastric tumors 被引量:37
作者 Michael D Burkitt Andrea Varro D Mark Pritchard 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第1期1-16,共16页
In addition to regulating acid secretion, the gastric antral hormone gastrin regulates several important cellular processes in the gastric epithelium including proliferation, apoptosis, migration, invasion, tissue rem... In addition to regulating acid secretion, the gastric antral hormone gastrin regulates several important cellular processes in the gastric epithelium including proliferation, apoptosis, migration, invasion, tissue remodelling and angiogenesis. Elevated serum concentrations of this hormone are caused by many conditions, particularly hypochlorhydria (as a result of autoimmune or Helicobacter pylori (H pylori)-induced chronic atrophic gastritis or acid suppressing drugs) and gastrin producing tumors (gastrinomas). There is now accumulating evidence that altered local and plasma concentrations of gastrin may play a role during the development of various gastric tumors. In the absence of H pylori infection, marked hypergastrinemia frequently results in the development of gastric enterochromaffi n cell-like neuroendocrine tumors and surgery to remove the cause of hypergastrinemia may lead to tumor resolution in this condition. In animal models such as transgenic INS-GAS mice, hypergastrinemia has also been shown to act as a cofactor with Helicobacter infection during gastric adenocarcinoma development. However, it is currently unclear as to what extent gastrin also modulates human gastric adenocarcinoma development. Therapeutic approaches targeting hypergastrinemia,such as immunization with G17DT, have been evaluated for the treatment of gastric adenocarcinoma, with some promising results. Although the mild hypergastrinemia associated with proton pump inhibitor drug use has been shown to cause ECL-cell hyperplasia and to increase H pylori-induced gastric atrophy, there is currently no convincing evidence that this class of agents contributes towards the development of gastric neuroendocrine tumors or gastric adenocarcinomas in human subjects. 展开更多
关键词 Helicobacter py/ori HYPERGASTRINEMIA NEUROENDOCRINE Gastric carcinoma Proton pumpinhibitor
Nervous and Neuroendocrine regulation of the pathophysiology of cholestasis and of biliary carcinogenesis 被引量:8
作者 Marco Marzioni Giammarco Fava Antonio Benedetti 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第22期3471-3480,共10页
Cholangiocytes, the epithelial cells lining the biliary ducts, are the target cells in several liver diseases. Cholangiopathies and cholangiocarcinoma generate interest in many scientists since the genesis. The develo... Cholangiocytes, the epithelial cells lining the biliary ducts, are the target cells in several liver diseases. Cholangiopathies and cholangiocarcinoma generate interest in many scientists since the genesis. The developing mechanisms, and the therapeutic tools of these diseases are still undefined. Several studies demonstrate that many hormones, neuropeptides and neurotransmitters regulate malignant and non-malignant cholangiocyte pathophysiology in the course of chronic biliary diseases. The aim of this review is to present the findings of several studies published in the recent years that contributed to clarifying the role of nervous and neuroendocrine regulation of the pathophysiologic events associated with cholestasis and cholangiocarcinoma development. This manuscript is organized into two parts. The first part offers an overview of the innervation of the liver and the origin of neuroendocrine hormones, neurotransmitters and neuropeptides affecting cholangiocyte function and metabolism. The first section also reviews the effects played by several neuroendocrine hormones and nervous system on cholangiocyte growth, survival and functional activity in the course of cholestasis. In the second section, we summarize the results of some studies describing the role of nervous system and neuroendocrine hormones in the regulation of malignant cholangiocyte growth. 展开更多
关键词 CHOLANGIOCYTE Neuroendocrine hormones NEUROTRANSMITTERS NEUROPEPTIDES CHOLESTASIS Nervous System Biliary carcinogenesis Pathophysiology Cholangiocarcinoma Proliferation
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