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作者 张喜健 《新疆钢铁》 2007年第3期54-58,共5页
分析了企业安全过程控制的难点,结合现场实践论证了安全票据制的原理,阐述了票据在安全生产责任制落实、危险辨识、防误操作、过程控制、安全监管中所发挥的作用,研究了安全票据与今后组织机构模式的适应性,提出了票据制在今后企业安全... 分析了企业安全过程控制的难点,结合现场实践论证了安全票据制的原理,阐述了票据在安全生产责任制落实、危险辨识、防误操作、过程控制、安全监管中所发挥的作用,研究了安全票据与今后组织机构模式的适应性,提出了票据制在今后企业安全管理中拓展运用的方向及关注点。 展开更多
关键词 票据制 安全管理 标准化作业 过程控
作者 郑智育 《科技创新与应用》 2013年第9期256-256,共1页
现主要在分析企业安全管理控制过程中的难点,并结合实际操作论证票据制度的原理。通过研究发现,票据制在企业安全管理中能够发挥生产责任落实、安全监督、防误操作等作用,并通过对安全票据在组织机构模式的适应性研究,发现票据制可以成... 现主要在分析企业安全管理控制过程中的难点,并结合实际操作论证票据制度的原理。通过研究发现,票据制在企业安全管理中能够发挥生产责任落实、安全监督、防误操作等作用,并通过对安全票据在组织机构模式的适应性研究,发现票据制可以成为今后企业安全管理的运用方向。 展开更多
关键词 安全管理 票据制 创新运用
《共产党员》 2004年第6期27-27,共1页
对民企“原罪”不能笼统对待 针对河北省不追诉民营企业过时的“原罪”的规定,经济学家盛洪教授撰文认为,民营企业“原罪”的性质各不相同,不能笼统对待,必须谨慎地区别对待,既不能一网打尽,也不能一笔勾销。例如过去违法的“长途贩运... 对民企“原罪”不能笼统对待 针对河北省不追诉民营企业过时的“原罪”的规定,经济学家盛洪教授撰文认为,民营企业“原罪”的性质各不相同,不能笼统对待,必须谨慎地区别对待,既不能一网打尽,也不能一笔勾销。例如过去违法的“长途贩运”等行为,现在国家已经给予了合法地位,不能算是“原罪”,无所谓追诉。而当年制售假冒伪劣。 展开更多
关键词 党内民主 武汉市 中国共产党 财务票据审核反馈 党组织
A Panel Data Analysis of Corporate Attributes and Stock Prices for Indian Manufacturing Sector
作者 Mehul Raithatha Varadraj Bapat 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2013年第11期1519-1525,共7页
Stock prices have always been considered as unpredictable phenomena due to their dynamic patterns. Identifying the forces that contribute to variations of stock prices is probably one of the most researched areas in f... Stock prices have always been considered as unpredictable phenomena due to their dynamic patterns. Identifying the forces that contribute to variations of stock prices is probably one of the most researched areas in finance. This study relates stock prices to the stock volatility (measured by beta) and to corporate attributes, i.e., size, liquidity, profits, leverage, and returns. The study is based on manufacturing sector in India, and it is based on a sample of 3,027 manufacturing companies during the periods from 1991-1992 to 2006-2007 collected from the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) database. The regressions were performed with the dummies for time effect and firm effect separately and then for both effects together. Panel data models have been used to estimate the stock prices equation. The model finds out fixed and random effects between independent and explanatory variables and analyzes them through Hausman test. The paper also studies multicollineairity that may exist amongst the selected variables. The study shows that volatility (represented by Beta), profit (represented by earnings per share (EPS)), and size (represented by market capitalization (MCAP)) significantly influence the stock prices (at the level of 5%). Panel data analysis using Hausman test supports the fixed effect model. 展开更多
关键词 panel data stock prices CORRELATION Hausman test
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