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作者 潘明光 赵永升 +1 位作者 曾小勤 邹建新 《物理化学学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期624-629,共6页
室温离子液体对空气湿度发生比色响应,在现有的文献中鲜有报道。本论文主要报道偶氮苯酚型离子液体溶液可自发地发生明显的颜色变化,这主要是由于偶氮苯酚阴离子与水分子形成氢键的缘故。该工作通过借助核磁共振技术、紫外-可见吸收光... 室温离子液体对空气湿度发生比色响应,在现有的文献中鲜有报道。本论文主要报道偶氮苯酚型离子液体溶液可自发地发生明显的颜色变化,这主要是由于偶氮苯酚阴离子与水分子形成氢键的缘故。该工作通过借助核磁共振技术、紫外-可见吸收光谱、实验结果及理论计算对其中的机理进行了深入的分析。具体地说,由紫外-可见吸收光谱可知,随着时间的推移,离子液体溶液在455 nm左右的吸收峰强度逐渐降低,同时在343 nm左右的吸收峰强度逐渐增强,并伴有由橙红色向浅黄色的颜色转变。这一自响应的现象也可以从核磁共振光谱中观测到。当溶液放置时间足够长时,偶氮苯酚阴离子的氢谱出峰全部向低场发生位移,且在高场处没有新峰产生。所以,很容易将刺激源锁定在空气中的气体比如弱酸性的二氧化碳以及湿度上。由此,我们向溶液中通入二氧化碳气体,溶液可从橙红色变为浅橙红色,但却不能进一步变为浅黄色,从而排除了二氧化碳的可能性。反之,我们却发现,向溶液(乙腈作溶剂)中逐渐加入少量的水,在474nm的吸收峰强度逐渐减弱,且在347 nm处的吸收峰强度逐渐增强,并伴随由橙红色向浅黄色的颜色变化,这与氯仿、四氯化碳溶液自发过程中产生的颜色变化几乎一致。并且,将两只装有离子液体溶液的比色皿分别放置在相对湿度为28%和100%的条件下,发现在较低的相对湿度下,溶液需要比在高湿度下长得多的时间实现整个的颜色转变,这表明湿度是引起溶液发生自发颜色变化最可能的刺激源。由高斯09软件计算(在B3LYP/6-31++G(p,d)水平)可知,偶氮苯酚阴离子的氧原子和水分子的氢原子之间的距离为0.174nm,相应的键角为171.12°;同时,偶氮苯酚阴离子中的氧原子与水发生作用后,氧原子的ADCH电荷由原来的-0.52变为-0.62。进一步地,由约化密度梯度分析可知,在-0.04 a.u.左右出现尖头可归属于O···H―O氢键。所有以上数据表明,空气中湿度是通过以与离子液体的阴离子形成氢键的方式,诱使离子液体溶液对其发生响应并伴随着肉眼可见的颜色变化。据我们所知,这是首次发现离子液体溶液可以对空气中湿度发生变色响应。我们希望这个工作可以加深对一些貌似反常现象背后科学道理的理解。 展开更多
关键词 刺激响应 湿度 比色变化 氢键 离子液体溶液
作者 姚辉 焦阳 +1 位作者 刘红晶 李冬 《应用化工》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第9期1639-1642,共4页
采用自制的功能离子液体1-2-胺乙基丁基咪唑溴盐([NH2ebim]Br)、1-2-胺乙基甲基咪唑溴盐([NH2emim]Br)的水溶液作为吸收剂,进行吸收CO2的研究。考察了不同浓度的功能离子液体水溶液吸收CO2的吸收速率,温度对CO2的吸收速率的影响,不同功... 采用自制的功能离子液体1-2-胺乙基丁基咪唑溴盐([NH2ebim]Br)、1-2-胺乙基甲基咪唑溴盐([NH2emim]Br)的水溶液作为吸收剂,进行吸收CO2的研究。考察了不同浓度的功能离子液体水溶液吸收CO2的吸收速率,温度对CO2的吸收速率的影响,不同功能离子液体水溶液对吸收速率的影响,以及吸收剂的再生效率,并探讨了功能离子液体水溶液吸收CO2的机理。结果表明,功能离子液体水溶液实现了对CO2的化学吸收,吸收速率随着功能离子液体浓度和温度的增加而增加,而功能离子液体阳离子碳链长短对水溶液吸收CO2的速率影响不显著。实验中每摩尔功能离子液体吸收的CO2大于0.5 mol,其反应机理被提出。 展开更多
关键词 CO2 吸收 功能离子液体溶液 有机醇胺
288.15-318.15K温度范围内离子液体[C_5mim][Pro]水溶液的体积和表面性质 被引量:3
作者 李驰 杨宏旭 +3 位作者 刘入境 杨奇 佟静 杨家振 《物理化学学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期11-16,共6页
在288.15-318.15 K温度范围内,测定了不同浓度离子液体1-戊基-3-甲基咪唑丙酸盐([C5mim][Pro])水溶液的密度和表面张力,计算了不同温度下不同浓度的溶液热膨胀系数、表观摩尔体积和溶液等张比容;根据密度实验数据计算得到溶质表观膨胀率... 在288.15-318.15 K温度范围内,测定了不同浓度离子液体1-戊基-3-甲基咪唑丙酸盐([C5mim][Pro])水溶液的密度和表面张力,计算了不同温度下不同浓度的溶液热膨胀系数、表观摩尔体积和溶液等张比容;根据密度实验数据计算得到溶质表观膨胀率,并与Harned和Owen提供的理论方程计算结果作了比较,两者计算结果能够很好一致;另外,本文还验证了预测溶液表面张力的经验方程,用其预测溶液的表面张力,不仅与溶液表面张力实验值在误差范围内很好一致,也与用等张比容方法预测的结果一致. 展开更多
关键词 离子液体溶液 密度 表面张力 表观摩尔体积 等张比容 丙酸盐
作者 赵峥 《水处理技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期12-12,共1页
近日,浙江大学聚合物分离膜材料表界面工程团队通过密度泛函理论计算以及分子动力学模拟,发现与无机盐相比,离子液体具有较弱的水合作用,同时,其水溶液在临界胶束浓度下倾向于形成胶束化的聚集体。在此基础上,分别以饱和无机盐水溶液和... 近日,浙江大学聚合物分离膜材料表界面工程团队通过密度泛函理论计算以及分子动力学模拟,发现与无机盐相比,离子液体具有较弱的水合作用,同时,其水溶液在临界胶束浓度下倾向于形成胶束化的聚集体。在此基础上,分别以饱和无机盐水溶液和离子液体水溶液作为汲取液和进料液,可在半透膜的两侧形成巨大的渗透压差,驱动水分子向无机盐侧渗透,从而实现对离子液体水溶液的浓缩。 展开更多
关键词 临界胶束浓度 密度泛函理论计算 离子液体溶液 胶束化 水合作用 水溶性离子 分子动力学模拟 半透膜
[N1111][Lys]水溶液吸收二氧化碳的机理与动力学 被引量:6
作者 孙铖 刘凡 +2 位作者 沈丽 李素静 李伟 《高校化学工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期1135-1142,共8页
针对电厂烟气排放量大、二氧化碳分压相对较低、传统有机胺吸收剂缺陷明显等现状,利用离子液体蒸气压低、物化性质稳定且结构可控等特性,成功合成四甲基铵赖氨酸([N1111][Lys])离子液体并将其水溶液用于吸收CO2,探究其吸收性能、反应机... 针对电厂烟气排放量大、二氧化碳分压相对较低、传统有机胺吸收剂缺陷明显等现状,利用离子液体蒸气压低、物化性质稳定且结构可控等特性,成功合成四甲基铵赖氨酸([N1111][Lys])离子液体并将其水溶液用于吸收CO2,探究其吸收性能、反应机理及动力学。研究结果表明,多氨基功能化离子液体水溶液在吸收中的表现优于单氨基离子液体,[N1111][Lys]的阴离子上不同位置的氨基不会同时与CO2反应,且不会同时参与后期的水解反应。利用分子模拟技术对反应机理进行了进一步分析发现,N的电负性会影响氨基的CO2结合能力。此外,[N1111][Lys]离子液体水溶液与CO2的反应符合快速拟一级反应的假设,对应的表观活化能为23.04kJ·mol^-1。 展开更多
关键词 离子液体溶液 二氧化碳吸收 反应机理 分子模拟 动力学
氨基酸季铵离子液体水溶液的密度和黏度 被引量:5
作者 王薪薪 唐少峰 +3 位作者 吕兴梅 周清 李谦 张锁江 《中国科学:化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期1050-1057,共8页
选用L-a-丙氨酸、L-丝氨酸和L-天冬氨酸作为目标离子液体的阴离子来源,通过目标阳离子碱盐和目标氨基酸中和反应得到了3种季铵-氨基酸类离子液体四乙铵-丙氨酸盐([N2222][Ala])、四乙铵-丝氨酸盐([N2222][Ser])和四乙铵-天冬氨酸盐... 选用L-a-丙氨酸、L-丝氨酸和L-天冬氨酸作为目标离子液体的阴离子来源,通过目标阳离子碱盐和目标氨基酸中和反应得到了3种季铵-氨基酸类离子液体四乙铵-丙氨酸盐([N2222][Ala])、四乙铵-丝氨酸盐([N2222][Ser])和四乙铵-天冬氨酸盐([N2222][Asp]),并对其结构进行了表征. 测定了离子液体[N2222][Ala]、[N2222][Ser]以及[N2222][Asp]水溶液在不同温度下的密度和黏度,计算了超额体积及黏度偏差,并对超额体积和黏度偏差进行了关联. 分析了离子液体与溶剂之间的作用形式和离子液体与水之间形成的氢键对溶液密度和黏度的影响. 展开更多
关键词 氨基酸离子液体 离子液体溶液 密度 黏度
离子液体水溶液中2-甲基氮杂芳烃苄位C(sp^3)—H官能化反应 被引量:2
作者 艾锋 谢宗波 +2 位作者 姜国芳 季久健 乐长高 《有机化学》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第8期2174-2181,共8页
以中性离子液体水溶液为反应介质,无需催化剂的条件下,通过2-甲基氮杂芳烃苄位C(sp^3)—H与缺电子烯烃之间的加成反应,以良好产率合成了一系列氮杂芳烃衍生物.该方法操作简单,条件温和,不仅拓展了离子液体在氮杂芳烃的C(sp^3)—H官能化... 以中性离子液体水溶液为反应介质,无需催化剂的条件下,通过2-甲基氮杂芳烃苄位C(sp^3)—H与缺电子烯烃之间的加成反应,以良好产率合成了一系列氮杂芳烃衍生物.该方法操作简单,条件温和,不仅拓展了离子液体在氮杂芳烃的C(sp^3)—H官能化反应中的应用,对绿色化学的发展也有积极的推动作用. 展开更多
关键词 离子液体溶液 缺电子烯烃 苄位C(sp^3)—H官能化 2-甲基氮杂芳烃
Recent Progress on Biocatalysis and Biotransformations in Ionic Liquids 被引量:5
作者 娄文勇 宗敏华 +1 位作者 吴虹 许若 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2004年第4期543-549,共7页
Ionic liquids have negligibly low vapor pressure, high stability and polarity. They are regarded as green solvents. Enzymes, especially lipases, as well as whole-cell of microbe, are catalytically active in ionic liqu... Ionic liquids have negligibly low vapor pressure, high stability and polarity. They are regarded as green solvents. Enzymes, especially lipases, as well as whole-cell of microbe, are catalytically active in ionic liquids or aqueous-ionic liquid biphasic systems. Up to date, there have been many reports on enzyme-exhibited features and enzyme-mediated reactions in ionic liquids. In many cases, remarkable results with respect to yield, catalytic activity, stability and (enantio-, regio-) selectivity were obtained in ionic liquids in comparison with those observed in conventional media. Accordingly, ionic liquids provide new possibilities for the application of new type of solvent in biocatalytic reactions. 展开更多
关键词 ionic liquids biocatalysis and biotransformations enzymatic catalysis
Effect of Mono- and Di-ethanolammonium Formate Ionic Liquids on the Volatility of Water, Ethanol, and Methanol 被引量:2
作者 李雪梅 沈冲 李春喜 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第10期1162-1171,共10页
Vapor pressures were measured for six binary systems containing water, ethanol, or methanol with one of the two ionic liquids(ILs) at different component concentrations and temperatures using a quasi-static ebulliomet... Vapor pressures were measured for six binary systems containing water, ethanol, or methanol with one of the two ionic liquids(ILs) at different component concentrations and temperatures using a quasi-static ebulliometer,with the ILs mono-ethanolammonium formate([HMEA][HCOO]) and di-ethanolammonium formate([HDEA][HCOO]).The vapor pressures of the IL-containing binary systems are well correlated using the NRTL model with an overall average absolute relative deviation(AARD) of 0.0062. The effect of ILs on the vapor pressure depression of solvents at 0.050 mole fraction of IL is that [HDEA][HCOO]>[HMEA][HCOO], and the vapor pressure lowering degree follows the order of water>methanol>ethanol. Further, the activity coefficients of three solvents(viz. water,ethanol, and methanol) for the binary systems {solvent(1) + IL(2)} predicted based on the fitted NRTL parameters at T 333.15 K indicate that the two ILs generate a negative deviation from Raoult's law for water and methanol and a positive deviation for ethanol to a varying degree, change the relative volatility of a solvent. [HMEA][HCOO]may be a promising entrainer to efficiently separate ethanol aqueous solutions by special rectification. 展开更多
关键词 vapor liquid equilibria ionic liquid NRTL modcl activity coefficient binary mixturc
Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Wheat Straw in Sub-critical Water/Ethanol with Ionic Liquid for Bio-oil Production 被引量:2
作者 Wang Baofeng Han Shaohua Zhang Jinjun 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2015年第4期81-88,共8页
Hydrothermal liquefaction of wheat straw in sub-critical water with ionic liquid was investigated in an autoclave. The product distribution at different temperatures and pressures was studied. The liquid oil and the r... Hydrothermal liquefaction of wheat straw in sub-critical water with ionic liquid was investigated in an autoclave. The product distribution at different temperatures and pressures was studied. The liquid oil and the residuals were tested by 1H NMR, FTIR and SEM techniques. The results indicated that under the same conditions, the oil yield from liquefaction of wheat straw in water/ethanol was higher than that in sub-critical water. The result also showed that under the investigated conditions, adding 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride([Bmim]Cl) could increase the total conversion and gas yield, while at the same time the yield of n-hexane insoluble fraction and the tetrahydrofuran soluble fraction was reduced. Moreover, the results also showed that upon adding [Bmim]Cl the contents of the aliphatic hydrogen and phenols in liquid oil also increased along with improved oil quality. 展开更多
关键词 wheat straw liquefaction sub-critical water ionic liquid
Orientation and Structure of Ionic Liquid Cation at Air/[bmim][BF4] Aqueous Solution Interface 被引量:1
作者 Gang-hua Deng Xia Li +3 位作者 You-qi Guo Shi-lin Liu Zhou Lu Yuan Guo 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第5期569-575,I0004,共8页
The watermiscible room temperature ionic liquid 1butyl3methylimidazolium tetrafluorob orate ([bmim] [BF4]) is a model system for studying the interactions between ionic liquid and water molecules. In this work the o... The watermiscible room temperature ionic liquid 1butyl3methylimidazolium tetrafluorob orate ([bmim] [BF4]) is a model system for studying the interactions between ionic liquid and water molecules. In this work the orientational structure of the low concentrated aqueous solution of [bmim] [BF4] at the air/liquid interface was investigated by sum frequency gener ation vibrational spectroscopy. It has been found that at very low concentrations, the butyl chain exhibited a significant gauche defect, indicating a disordered conformation; and the cation ring oriented with a fairly small tilting angle at the surface. When the concentration increased, the cation ring tended to lie flat at the surface, and the gauche defects of the butyl chain decreased due to the intermolecular chainchain interactions and the consequent more ordered interfacial molecular arrangement. Additionally, the antisymmetric stretching mode in the PPP and SPS spectra exhibited a peak shift, showing that there exists more than one kind of orientation or chemical environment for the butyl CH3 group. These results may shed new light on understanding the surface behavior of watermiscible ionic liquids as well as the imidazolium based surfactants. 展开更多
关键词 Sum frequency generation vibratinal spectroscopy Ionic liquid Aqueous solu-tion INTERFACE ORIENTATION
Removal of mercaptans from light oils using ionic liquid–NaOH aqueous solution as extractants 被引量:1
作者 Jianwei Li Xiang Li +1 位作者 Yan Liu Jie Zhang 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第2期171-174,共4页
The application of ionic liquids as alternatives to conventional organic solvents in the extraction process has been investigated. In the present study, fourteen species of imidazolium-based ionic liquids were added i... The application of ionic liquids as alternatives to conventional organic solvents in the extraction process has been investigated. In the present study, fourteen species of imidazolium-based ionic liquids were added into the NaOH (aq) to remove the mercaptans. The influences of anion species and cation alkyl chain length of the imidazolium-based ionic liquids on the performance of mercaptan removal from light oils have been discussed. The efficiency of extraction for mercaptans exhibited the order of [Ac]- 〉 [OH]- [Br]- 〉 [BF4]-. The longer alkyl chain imidazolium-based ionic liquids contributed to enhance desulfurization rate of l-butyl mercaptan. 100% desulfurization rate of l-butyl mercaptan was achieved by the anion of Ac- ionic liquids and NaOH (aq) at a volume ratio of 40:1 (V(oil]:Vfionic liouid)) and a short eouilibrium time within 10 min. 展开更多
关键词 ExtractionIonic liquidsNaOHLight oilMercaptan removal
Electrical conductivities for four ternary electrolyte aqueous solutions with one or two ionic liquid components at ambient temperatures and pressure
作者 梁倩卿 胡玉峰 岳文佳 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第6期873-879,共7页
This work provides a method to explore the transport property of the electrolyte aqueous solutions with one or two ionic liquids, especially focus on their electrical conductivity. The conductivities were measured for... This work provides a method to explore the transport property of the electrolyte aqueous solutions with one or two ionic liquids, especially focus on their electrical conductivity. The conductivities were measured for the ternary systems Na Cl–[C6mim][Cl](1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride)–H2O, [C6mim][BF4]–[C6mim][Cl]–H2O,Na NO3–[C6mim][BF4](1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate)–H2O, and [C4mim][BF4](1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate)–[C6mim][BF4]–H2O, and their binary subsystems NaN O3–H2O, NaC l–H2O,[C6mim][BF4]–H2O, [C6mim][Cl]–H2O, and [C4mim][BF4]–H2O, respectively. The conductivities of the ternary systems were also determined using generalized Young's rule and semi-ideal solution theory in terms of the data of their binary solutions. The comparison showed that the two simple equations provide good predictions for conductivity of mixed electrolyte solutions and the mixed ionic liquid solutions based on the conductivity of their binary subsystems. 展开更多
关键词 CONDUCTIVITY Young's rule Semi-ideal solution theory Binary system Ternary system
Preparation of lactic acid from glucose in ionic liquid solvent system
作者 黄嘉若 李文生 周小平 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第1期45-49,共5页
A new reaction system was designed to economically convert glucose to lactic acid environment-friendly. Hydrophobic ionic liquids were chosen as solvent that can promote the decomposition reaction of glucose, and the ... A new reaction system was designed to economically convert glucose to lactic acid environment-friendly. Hydrophobic ionic liquids were chosen as solvent that can promote the decomposition reaction of glucose, and the catalytic performance of the solid bases was evaluated. Both the reaction temperature and time can affect the yield of lactic acid. A high yield (97%) of lactic acid was achieved under the optimal reaction condition. The IH NMR spectra and HPLC-MS were used to identify the formation of the lactic acid and variations of ionic liquid. It is found that ionic-liquids have a unique solvent effect for glucose and bases. Water can be used as solvent to extract calcium lactate. This shows a great potential of hydrophobic ionic liquids in the solid bases catalyzed reaction that is limited by the weak solubility of solid bases in organic and water solution. 展开更多
关键词 GLUCOSE lactic acid ionic liquid solid base CATALYSIS
Tunable LCST-type phase behavior of [FeCl4]--based ionic liquids in water 被引量:1
作者 Yuanchao Pei Yuan Cao +4 位作者 Yanjie Huang Xinxin Song Huiyong Wang Yuling Zhao Jianji Wang 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第5期587-593,共7页
In this work, 16 kinds of [FeCl4]--based magnetic ionic liquids (ILs) with different cation structures have been designed and synthesized, and their structures are characterized by IR and Raman spectroscopy. Then th... In this work, 16 kinds of [FeCl4]--based magnetic ionic liquids (ILs) with different cation structures have been designed and synthesized, and their structures are characterized by IR and Raman spectroscopy. Then the lower critical solution temperature (LCST)-type phase behavior of these magnetic ILs in water is investigated as a function of concentration. It is shown that cat- ion structure, alkyl chain length and molar ratio of FeCl3/chloride IL have a significant influence on the LCST of the mixtures. The phase separation temperature can be tuned efficiently by these factors. Meanwhile, the LCST-type phase separation pro- cess is also investigated by dynamic light scattering. The results support the mechanism that the hydrogen bonds of the [Fefl4]- anion with water have been gradually disrupted to form ILs aggregates with increasing temperature. In addition, the stability of the ILs in water is also examined in some details. These LCST-type phase separation systems may have potential applications in extraction and separation techniques at room temperature. 展开更多
关键词 magnetic ionic liquids IR and Raman spectroscopy lower critical solution temperature tunable phase separation
Ionic liquid assisted synthesis of flowerlike Cu_2O micro-nanocrystals 被引量:1
作者 ZHAO Yang GUO LiPing +1 位作者 SUN Xin WANG JianJi 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第8期1580-1586,共7页
Novel flowerlike Cu20 micro-nanocrystals were prepared by a greener reductive reaction of cupric acetate monohydrate with ethylene glycol in aqueous solutions of [C8mim]X (X = CI-, Br-, BF4-, PFr-) and [C,,mim][BF4]... Novel flowerlike Cu20 micro-nanocrystals were prepared by a greener reductive reaction of cupric acetate monohydrate with ethylene glycol in aqueous solutions of [C8mim]X (X = CI-, Br-, BF4-, PFr-) and [C,,mim][BF4] (n = 4, 6, 8). The obtained mi- crostructures of Cu2O were characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR). The effects of cations, anions and concentration of the ionic liquids on the morphology of Cu20 were examined in some details. The results suggest that the formation of flowerlike Cu20 was governed by a [Csmim][BF4] controlled reductive reaction mechanism. As one of their applications, the Cu20 nanoparticles were used for the photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue in aqueous solution, and high photocatalytic activity was observed. 展开更多
关键词 CU2O flowerlike micro-nanocrystals ionic liquid structure-directing agent photocatalytic activity
Hydrogen bonding mediated ion pairs of some aprotic ionic liquids and their structural transition in aqueous solution
作者 Huiyong Wang Miao Liu +3 位作者 Yuling Zhao Xiaopeng Xuan Yang Zhao Jianji Wang 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第7期970-978,共9页
Ion pair speciation of ionic liquids(ILs) has an important effect on the physical and chemical properties of ILs and recognition of the structure of ion pairs in solution is essential. It has been reported that ion pa... Ion pair speciation of ionic liquids(ILs) has an important effect on the physical and chemical properties of ILs and recognition of the structure of ion pairs in solution is essential. It has been reported that ion pairs of some ILs can be formed by hydrogen bonding interactions between cations and anions of them. Considering the fact that far-IR(FIR) spectroscopy is a powerful tool in indicating the intermolecular and intramolecular hydrogen bonding, in this work, this spectroscopic technique has been combined with molecular dynamic(MD) simulation and nuclear magnetic resonance hydrogen spectroscopy(~1H NMR) to investigate ion pairs of aprotic ILs [Bmim][NO_3], [BuPy][NO_3], [Pyr_(14)][NO_3], [PP_(14)][NO_3] and [Bu-choline][NO_3] in aqueous IL mixtures. The FIR spectra have been assigned with the aid of density functional theory(DFT) calculations, and the results are used to understand the effect of cationic nature on the structure of ion pairs. It is found that contact ion pairs formed in the neat aprotic ILs by hydrogen bonding interactions between cation and anion, were still maintained in aqueous solutions up to high water mole fraction(say 0.80 for [BuPy][NO3]). When water content was increased to a critical mole fraction of water(say 0.83 for [BuPy][NO3]), the contact ion pairs could be transformed into solvent-separated ion pairs due to the formation of the hydrogen bonding between ions and water. With the further dilution of the aqueous ILs solution, the solvent-separated ion pairs was finally turned into free cations and free anions(fully hydrated cations or anions). The concentrations of the ILs at which the contact ion pairs were transformed into solvent-separated ion pairs and solvent-separated ion pairs were transformed into free ions(fully hydrated ion) were dependent on the cationic structures. These information provides direct spectral evidence for ion pair structures of the aprotic ILs in aqueous solution. MD simulation and ~1H NMR results support the conclusion drawn from FIR spectra investigations. 展开更多
关键词 ionic liquids ion pair hydrogen bonding far infrared spectroscopy solution
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