The Nanny Diaries《保姆日记》Genre:Comedy/Adaptation Theatrical Release:9/7/2007 Cast:Scarlett Johansson Laura Linney Synopsis: A 21-year-old New York University student,from a working-class neighborhood in New Jersey...The Nanny Diaries《保姆日记》Genre:Comedy/Adaptation Theatrical Release:9/7/2007 Cast:Scarlett Johansson Laura Linney Synopsis: A 21-year-old New York University student,from a working-class neighborhood in New Jersey,becomes a nanny to a wealthy family,referred to as sim-展开更多
文摘The Nanny Diaries《保姆日记》Genre:Comedy/Adaptation Theatrical Release:9/7/2007 Cast:Scarlett Johansson Laura Linney Synopsis: A 21-year-old New York University student,from a working-class neighborhood in New Jersey,becomes a nanny to a wealthy family,referred to as sim-