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贵州山区无公害辣椒种植施肥技术要点 被引量:2
作者 卢超 张维维 何廷章 《河北农机》 2023年第12期121-123,共3页
辣椒属于茄科辣椒属植物,具有丰厚的营养价值。随着我国人民生活水平的提高,对于无公害的绿色蔬菜需求明显增加。在这种情况下,贵州省绥阳县作为全国辣椒之乡,就需要针对无公害辣椒的种植、施肥技术进行全面研究,加强辣椒的生产产量与质... 辣椒属于茄科辣椒属植物,具有丰厚的营养价值。随着我国人民生活水平的提高,对于无公害的绿色蔬菜需求明显增加。在这种情况下,贵州省绥阳县作为全国辣椒之乡,就需要针对无公害辣椒的种植、施肥技术进行全面研究,加强辣椒的生产产量与质量,对于促进农户经济收益、促进辣椒种植业发展都有着重要影响。基于此,本文通过对贵州山区的实际情况分析,首先明确了辣椒种植的土壤肥力需求,并针对性提出无公害辣椒种植施肥技术要点,希望能为辣椒种植业提供参考与帮助。 展开更多
关键词 贵州山区 无公害辣椒 种植施肥技术
作者 郑昌果 《江西农业》 2022年第22期23-24,共2页
花生作为我国重要的油料作物,出油率远高于其他农产品,其中富含的油酸不仅对人体心血管有益,还对降低人体的血脂以及胆固醇具有显著作用。山东单县作为鲁西地区重要的花生种植基地,目前种植面积已达40万亩,年交易量达15万吨,是重要的花... 花生作为我国重要的油料作物,出油率远高于其他农产品,其中富含的油酸不仅对人体心血管有益,还对降低人体的血脂以及胆固醇具有显著作用。山东单县作为鲁西地区重要的花生种植基地,目前种植面积已达40万亩,年交易量达15万吨,是重要的花生种植区。想要提升花生种植的产量,科学的施肥是非常重要的,从花生的种植、开花、结果到收获需要4个月左右的时间,在此期间为了保证花生的产量,一般会采用多次施肥的方式,本文对目前单县地区花生种植中施肥现状进行分析,从而对常用的肥料以及施肥技术进行探究。 展开更多
关键词 花生 种植施肥 措施
作者 马丽莉 《新农民》 2019年第29期66-67,共2页
农业经济发展十分迅速,同时人们对农作物的需求量也逐年提升。瓜蒌也被称为野葫芦,是葫芦科的一种果实,具有很大的药用价值。瓜蒌还可以做成药膳,各方面的营养价值都特别丰富。本篇文章主要对瓜蒌的种植施肥要求进行描述,并且对种植过... 农业经济发展十分迅速,同时人们对农作物的需求量也逐年提升。瓜蒌也被称为野葫芦,是葫芦科的一种果实,具有很大的药用价值。瓜蒌还可以做成药膳,各方面的营养价值都特别丰富。本篇文章主要对瓜蒌的种植施肥要求进行描述,并且对种植过程中的病虫防治的技术进行研究,提高瓜蒌的种植技术,增加收益。 展开更多
关键词 瓜蒌种植 种植施肥 病虫防治
作者 邓芳玲 《种子世界》 2021年第12期150-152,共3页
沙田柚果大美观、品质优良、肉质脆嫩、风味清甜、营养丰富,还含有蛋白质、钙、铁等微量元素。常吃沙田柚有健胃、清热解毒、润肺、化痰等功效,深受消费者的青睐,从而种植面积迅速扩大,产量也不断增加,为种植户创造更多的经济效益。但是... 沙田柚果大美观、品质优良、肉质脆嫩、风味清甜、营养丰富,还含有蛋白质、钙、铁等微量元素。常吃沙田柚有健胃、清热解毒、润肺、化痰等功效,深受消费者的青睐,从而种植面积迅速扩大,产量也不断增加,为种植户创造更多的经济效益。但是,沙田柚在种植生长的过程中受到自然环境、地质条件、种植技术、病虫害等多方面因素影响,稍不留心都会降低沙田柚产量和质量。因此,相关种植人员需要加强种植施肥管理,制定针对性有效措施防治病虫害,保证沙田柚健康成长,提高经济价值。 展开更多
关键词 沙田柚 种植施肥管理 病虫害防治
无公害辣椒种植施肥技术要点 被引量:3
作者 李丽娜 黄超 何松 《广东蚕业》 2022年第5期48-50,共3页
贵州省遵义市属于热带温暖气候,土壤肥力适中、雨水充沛、田间排灌方便,适合种植辣椒。遵义市全年种植辣椒面积超过130万亩,种植辣椒已经成为广大农民的主要经济来源。文章结合遵义市无公害辣椒的种植,就辣椒的营养价值、辣椒种植对土... 贵州省遵义市属于热带温暖气候,土壤肥力适中、雨水充沛、田间排灌方便,适合种植辣椒。遵义市全年种植辣椒面积超过130万亩,种植辣椒已经成为广大农民的主要经济来源。文章结合遵义市无公害辣椒的种植,就辣椒的营养价值、辣椒种植对土壤肥力的需求以及种植无公害辣椒的施肥技术要点进行了总结阐述,以期能指导广大农民合理施肥,为种植辣椒的高产、优产奠定基础。 展开更多
关键词 辣椒 无公害辣椒 营养价值 土壤肥力 种植 施肥技术
水稻种植与施肥技术要点 被引量:1
作者 罗瑾 《世界热带农业信息》 2024年第6期20-22,共3页
现阶段,中国水稻种植施肥技术越来越完善,这在提升水稻产量、提高水稻品质等方面发挥了重要作用。近些年,人们不断加大水稻栽培与施肥等方面的科研扶持力度,一些新技术开始应用到水稻栽培中。为此,本文主要对水稻种植与施肥技术展开探究... 现阶段,中国水稻种植施肥技术越来越完善,这在提升水稻产量、提高水稻品质等方面发挥了重要作用。近些年,人们不断加大水稻栽培与施肥等方面的科研扶持力度,一些新技术开始应用到水稻栽培中。为此,本文主要对水稻种植与施肥技术展开探究,以期促进水稻种植增产增质。 展开更多
关键词 水稻栽培 水稻种植 施肥技术 水稻品质 种植施肥 增产增质 扶持力度 水稻产量
2CMF-2型马铃薯施肥种植机 被引量:6
作者 吕金庆 韩休海 +1 位作者 杨金砖 刘福来 《农机化研究》 北大核心 2009年第6期103-105,共3页
我国马铃薯传统的种植方法是切块种植,这给机械化带来一定困难。近年来,虽然有了初步定型的种植机,但性能指标并不理想,主要存在重播和漏播严重、株距不均等问题。为此,设计了2CMF-2型马铃薯施肥种植机,阐述了其设计原理和设计思想,介... 我国马铃薯传统的种植方法是切块种植,这给机械化带来一定困难。近年来,虽然有了初步定型的种植机,但性能指标并不理想,主要存在重播和漏播严重、株距不均等问题。为此,设计了2CMF-2型马铃薯施肥种植机,阐述了其设计原理和设计思想,介绍了其技术参数及结构特点,从而为马铃薯施肥种植机的研制提供参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 马铃薯 施肥种植 重播 漏播 架空
作者 徐欣 蔺建国 《北京农业》 2004年第8期11-11,共1页
关键词 无公害蔬菜 种植施肥 垃圾肥料 硝态氮肥
果树种植及施肥技术研究 被引量:4
作者 姜中友 朱敏 《吉林农业》 2014年第8期76-76,共1页
关键词 果树 种植施肥 技术探究
水稻种植与施肥技术要点 被引量:3
作者 潘明 《广西农业机械化》 2022年第4期28-30,共3页
水稻作为我国主要的粮食作物之一,在人们的日常生活中必不可少。水稻种植工作周期长,耗费精力多,提高水稻种植与施肥技术,对保障粮食安全有着重要意义。本文研究了目前水稻种植与施肥的技术重点以及注意事项,以达到增加水稻产量、促进... 水稻作为我国主要的粮食作物之一,在人们的日常生活中必不可少。水稻种植工作周期长,耗费精力多,提高水稻种植与施肥技术,对保障粮食安全有着重要意义。本文研究了目前水稻种植与施肥的技术重点以及注意事项,以达到增加水稻产量、促进水稻耕种的持续发展、提高人民生活水平的目的。在耕种水稻的过程中,可能会受许多不可控因素影响降低水稻的产量。因此,水稻种植人员应采用科学合理的水稻种植与施肥技术,提高技术稳定性,建立全面的耕种技术系统,严格按照种植与施肥技术应遵循的重点进行耕种与培育. 展开更多
关键词 水稻种植 种植施肥 不可控因素 耕种技术 水稻产量 技术要点 周期长 粮食作物
关于不同施肥水平及玉米种植对土壤微生物生物量碳氮的影响探讨 被引量:2
作者 王树国 《科技传播》 2013年第24期127-128,共2页
国家重视农业发展,土壤肥力对提高粮食产量有重要作用。本文在东北平原选择一块典型田区分别进行裸地与玉米种植实验,研究土壤微生物生物量碳氮在玉米种植与施肥条件下的表现。随着施肥量的增加,玉米种植区和裸地土壤微生物生物量碳氮... 国家重视农业发展,土壤肥力对提高粮食产量有重要作用。本文在东北平原选择一块典型田区分别进行裸地与玉米种植实验,研究土壤微生物生物量碳氮在玉米种植与施肥条件下的表现。随着施肥量的增加,玉米种植区和裸地土壤微生物生物量碳氮出现先增加后下降的现象,土壤微生物生物量碳氮在玉米生长期间也变化显著。通过实验,可为该地区正确施肥及土壤休耕提供理论参考,同时也为发展绿色、安全农业提供参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 施肥水平及玉米种植 土壤微生物 生物量碳氮
作者 王玉玲 《农家科技(理论版)》 2019年第11期43-43,共1页
就当前农业发展现状来讲,化学药品得到了比较广泛的运用,同时在城市化迅速推进,工业化快速发展背景下,土壤受到了污染与破坏,而土壤生产能力的减弱,将会使农业生产受到影响和创伤。为了使农业获得健康、持续发展,需对目前种植业大田施... 就当前农业发展现状来讲,化学药品得到了比较广泛的运用,同时在城市化迅速推进,工业化快速发展背景下,土壤受到了污染与破坏,而土壤生产能力的减弱,将会使农业生产受到影响和创伤。为了使农业获得健康、持续发展,需对目前种植业大田施肥中的不合理问题进行分析,并且提出改进措施。 展开更多
关键词 种植业大田施肥 存在误区 改进措施
Optimal Technique for High Yield of Purple Flesh Sweetpotato in Chongqing 被引量:3
作者 黄世龙 钟巍然 +1 位作者 张晓春 王卫强 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第9期1291-1292,共2页
[Objective] The aim was to obtain the best planting density and the best fertilizer of purple flesh sweetpotato so as to provide theoretical basis for breeding of high yield and quality of purple flesh sweetpotato in ... [Objective] The aim was to obtain the best planting density and the best fertilizer of purple flesh sweetpotato so as to provide theoretical basis for breeding of high yield and quality of purple flesh sweetpotato in Chongqing.[Method] The effects of fertilization,planting density and variety on yield of purple flesh sweetpotato were studied by orthogonal test of L9(34).Residential treatment was:fertilization(A),300 kg/hm2(A1),600 kg/hm2(A2),900 kg/hm2(A2);density(B),45 000 Plants/hm2(B1),60 000 Plants/hm2(B2),75 000 Plants/hm2(B3);species(C),Wanzi 56(C1),Yuzi 43(C2),Yuzi 263(C3).[Result] The yield of Wanzi 56 was the highest among three purple flesh cultivars on conditions that planting density was 75 000 plants/hm2,and fertilization was 300 kg/hm2.The influence of planting density for yield of purple flesh sweetpotato was higher than that of fertilization.The orders of different levels of various factors on the test results was A factor column,K1〉K2〉K3;B factor column,K3〉K1〉K2;C factors column,K1〉K3〉K2.[Conclusion] The yield of Wanzi 56 was highest,follow by the yizi263 and yuzi43.The optimum planting density was 75 000 plants/hm2,and the most reasonable amount of fertilizer was 300 kg/hm2. 展开更多
关键词 Purple-flesh sw-eetpotaio FERTILIZATION Planting density YIELD
土壤磷酸酶活性对施肥-种植-耕作制度的响应 被引量:27
作者 沈菊培 陈利军 《土壤通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期622-627,共6页
植物所需的磷素营养,主要来源于土壤内源、外源无机磷。而大量存在的有机磷类化合物在土壤磷酸酶的作用下催化水解为无机磷,不仅是土壤内源无机磷的主要来源,也是土壤磷素循环的一个重要的环节。土壤磷酸酶在土壤中主要以吸附态的形式存... 植物所需的磷素营养,主要来源于土壤内源、外源无机磷。而大量存在的有机磷类化合物在土壤磷酸酶的作用下催化水解为无机磷,不仅是土壤内源无机磷的主要来源,也是土壤磷素循环的一个重要的环节。土壤磷酸酶在土壤中主要以吸附态的形式存在,其活性受到施肥、种植和耕作制度的影响。本文对国内外不同施肥方式、种植及耕作制度下土壤磷酸酶(酸性磷酸酶、中性磷酸酶、碱性磷酸酶、磷酸二酯酶、磷酸三酯酶、焦磷酸酶)活性响应进行综述,拟为不同农业管理制度下土壤磷酸酶活性的调节提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 土壤磷酸酶活性 施肥-种植-耕作制度 响应
Effect of Fertilizing Level and Planting Densities on Yield and Nitrogen Utilization in Maize 被引量:1
作者 谭华 邹成林 +7 位作者 郑德波 黄爱花 莫润秀 韦新兴 吴永升 蒋维萍 韦慧 黄开健 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第3期504-509,共6页
Elite maize hybrid Guidan0810 was selected as material, and the effects of fertilizing level and planting densities on yield and nitrogen utilization were dis- cussed in the study. In field experiments as per double-c... Elite maize hybrid Guidan0810 was selected as material, and the effects of fertilizing level and planting densities on yield and nitrogen utilization were dis- cussed in the study. In field experiments as per double-cropping system, 4 main plots (fertilization levels) and 6 subplots (planting densities) were set in a split plot design. The results suggested that yield had close relationship with fertilization levels and planting densities. Different fertilization levels and planting densities significantly affected yield. With the increase of nitrogen fertilization, nitrogen use efficiency, nitrogen agronomic efficiency and nitrogen physiological efficiency declined. Under the same fertilization level, nitrogen use efficiency, nitrogen agronomic efficiency and nitrogen physiological efficiency grew a little with the increase of planting density, so nitrogen efficiency could be improved by regulating planting density. The results also showed that A2 (including N 225.0 kg/hm2, P205 75.0 kg/hm^2, K20 187.5 kg/hm^2) matching to B3 (52 500 plants/hm^2) or B4(60 000 plants/hm^2) was a better design, which could obtain a higher yield in the range of 7 913.2-8 207.8 kg/hm2, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Maize hybrid Fertilizing level Planting density Effects
Light Simplified Cultivation Techniques of Wide Row and Double Ridge with Filming, Fertilizing and Sowing on One for Foxtail Millet
作者 夏雪岩 刘猛 +6 位作者 杜钟 宋世佳 赵宇 刘斐 任晓利 南春梅 李顺国 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第3期563-565,共3页
In view of the problems of completely depending on rain, low and unstable yield and complicated planting of dry land foxtail millet, the light simplified cultivation techniques of wide row and double ridge with filmin... In view of the problems of completely depending on rain, low and unstable yield and complicated planting of dry land foxtail millet, the light simplified cultivation techniques of wide row and double ridge with filming, fertilizing and sowing on one for foxtail millet was formed through the integration of plastic film mulching technology and mechanized production technology by Institute of Millet crops of Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, and the techniques were introduced from the key technologies of pre-sowing preparation, sowing, supporting equipment, field management, harvesting, plastic film recycling. 展开更多
关键词 Foxtail millet Wide row and double ridge cultivation Filming and fertilizing Light simplified cultivation techniques
Effects of Fertilization Types and Cultivation Years on Dissolved Organic Carbon(DOC) in Paddy Soil under Water-logging Condition
作者 顾春朝 傅民杰 +2 位作者 刘春海 吴凤日 姜泽宇 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第2期374-378,共5页
In this study, the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of dis- solved organic carbon (DOC) in water-logged paddy soil in Yanbian were investigat- ed under conditions of different fertilization types (... In this study, the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of dis- solved organic carbon (DOC) in water-logged paddy soil in Yanbian were investigat- ed under conditions of different fertilization types (single application of chemical fer- tilizer, mixed application and chemical and organic fertilizers and single application of organic fertilizer) and cultivation years (80 years and 120 years). The results showed that the spatial and temporal distribution of DOC in water-logged paddy soil changed significantly with time going by. The single application of chemical fertilizer or mixed application of chemical and organic fertilizers contributed to the release of DOC in top paddy soil under water-logging condition; the single application of organ- ic fertilizer promoted the accumulation of DOC in bottom paddy soil, resulting in great heterogeneity of DOC in the vertical space, but the single application of chem- ical fertilizer weakened the vertical spatial heterogeneity of soil DOC; the DOC con- tent in the 80-year-old water-logged paddy soil was higher and more stable than that in the 120-year-old soil. 展开更多
关键词 Cultivation years Fertilization type Dissolved organic carbon Paddy soil
Effects of Increased Planting Density with ReducedNitrogen Application on Yield Formation and NitrogenUtilization of Autumn Maize 被引量:3
作者 ZHANG Meng PAN Gao-feng +4 位作者 HUANG Yi-qin HE Jun-ou FANG Xue-dong LIU Zhi-hui ZHAN Ming 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2019年第6期1-13,共13页
With the change of cropping system in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River,the planting area of autumn maize is gradually increasing.However,the cultivation techniques are still under improvement for higher yield a... With the change of cropping system in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River,the planting area of autumn maize is gradually increasing.However,the cultivation techniques are still under improvement for higher yield and nitrogen efficiency of autumn maize.Increase in planting density with reduced nitrogen fertilizer application is one of the important paths to achieve high yield and high nitrogen utilization efficiency.Meanwhile,the effect needs to be verified for autumn maize.The semi-compact autumn maize variety Qinyu 58 was planted under different planting densities and nitrogen fertilizer amounts with the split plot design.Different nitrogen application rates were arranged in the main plots,including the conventional nitrogen application(N300,300 kg/hm^2),30%reduction from the conventional treatment(N210,210 kg/hm^2)and no nitrogen application(N0).Different planting densities were arranged in the sub-split plots,including the conventional planting density(D60,60000 plants/hm2),medium density(D78,78000 plants/hm^2)and high density(D93,93000 plants/hm2).The effects of nitrogen fertilizer,planting density and their interaction effects on canopy structure,dry matter accumulation,yield and nitrogen use efficiency of autumn maize were studied.The nitrogen application rate and planting density had obvious interaction effects on the yield formation of autumn maize.Compared with the conventional cultivation(N300D60),increasing the planting density with 30%reduction in nitrogen application(N210)can obviously increase the canopy light interception rate,LAI,dry matter accumulation and yield.However,there was no significant change in canopy light interception rate,LAI,dry matter accumulation,grain weight and yield between D93 and D78.Compared with N300D60,nitrogen translocation efficiency and nitrogen contribution proportion to grain nitrogen did not change significantly in autumn maize grown under N210 and D78 treatments,whereas nitrogen partial productivity,nitrogen agronomic efficiency and recovery and utilization efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer increased significantly.Moreover,high density(D93)planting at N210 plots significantly improved nitrogen transport efficiency and utilization efficiency in autumn maize.Therefore,the suitable planting density of the autumn maize variety Qinyu 58 in Hubei Province is recommended a value of 78000 plants/hm^2,with the nitrogen application rate of 210 kg/hm2,which can achieve the target of higher yield by increasing density and reducing nitrogen. 展开更多
关键词 Autumn maize Planting density Nitrogen application rate YIELD Nitrogen fertilizer utilization efficiency
向日葵高产种植与施肥技术 被引量:3
作者 于海霞 《新农业》 2020年第17期14-14,共1页
向日葵生长期短和不畏高温,既能观赏,又能食用,具有较高的种植价值,为实现向日葵的高产,需要紧密结合本地区的实践,切实注重高产种植与施肥技术的推广和应用,才能更好地达到增产增收的目的。1向日葵高产的前提1.1温度向日葵的出苗阶段... 向日葵生长期短和不畏高温,既能观赏,又能食用,具有较高的种植价值,为实现向日葵的高产,需要紧密结合本地区的实践,切实注重高产种植与施肥技术的推广和应用,才能更好地达到增产增收的目的。1向日葵高产的前提1.1温度向日葵的出苗阶段的生长温度为5℃左右;抽芽阶段的生长温度为7℃,开花授粉阶段的生长温度为20~26℃。而新疆阿勒泰地区的气温能满足这一生长需求,所以能达到向日葵高产的目的。 展开更多
关键词 向日葵 开花授粉 生长需求 种植价值 种植施肥 生长温度 增产增收 新疆阿勒泰地区
Effect of Different Fertilizer Formulations on Growth and Chlorophyll Content of Greenhouse Grown Macadamia Plants in a Micro Drip-Irrigation System
作者 Charturong Chanseetis Md. Mainul Hasan +1 位作者 Kanyaratt Supaibulwatana Md. Mahmudul Hasan 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2012年第6期731-736,共6页
A greenhouse experiment was conducted at Mahidol University, Thailand from January to May 2009. Macadamia plants were planted in pots with mixed substrate of soil: sand: coconut-coir: rice-husk: charcoal; 3.0: 1.... A greenhouse experiment was conducted at Mahidol University, Thailand from January to May 2009. Macadamia plants were planted in pots with mixed substrate of soil: sand: coconut-coir: rice-husk: charcoal; 3.0: 1.0: 0.5: 1.0, respectively. Micro drip-irrigation system was operated 10:00 to 16:00 h daily with a controller scheduled to pump 12 minutes at 12 intervals. The study showed that application of Enshi tablet (18 tablets/plant/year) in a drip-irrigation system enhances growth of Macadamia compared to the application of OsmocoteTM tablet, Modified-enshi and Enshi solution. Significant variation in chlorophyll (a + b) content was observed in Enshi tablet treatment. Soil chemical analyses indicated that the nutrient content in Enshi tablet appeared low compared to other formulations but nutrient removal was considerably brought down by the system, which gives a balance between nutrient removals by crops and addition through fertilizers. Hence, application of Enshi tablet is suggested for Macadamia in a drip-irrigation system. 展开更多
关键词 Fertilizer formulations micro drip-irrigation system GREENHOUSE Macadamia (Macadamia spp.)
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