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豫花37号在邓州市的种植特性及高产栽培技术 被引量:3
作者 房培渊 《安徽农学通报》 2021年第6期36-36,96,共2页
关键词 豫花37号 种植特性 高产栽培 邓州市
作者 曹书娟 王艳 +1 位作者 王锋 于敏 《现代农村科技》 2015年第8期42-43,共2页
关键词 南天竹 种植特性 栽培技术
作者 申剑 周明涛 +3 位作者 胡旭东 尉军耀 张乃畅 赵同晖 《环境工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第S01期410-414,共5页
砾砂土结构松散、水肥存蓄能力差,难以为植物提供生长发育环境。工程项目形成大量粉末状的砂石骨料脱水污泥和养分含量较高的餐厨垃圾等具有一定的土壤化利用价值。因此,通过对砾砂、砂石骨料脱水污泥,以及餐厨垃圾腐熟质开展不同混配... 砾砂土结构松散、水肥存蓄能力差,难以为植物提供生长发育环境。工程项目形成大量粉末状的砂石骨料脱水污泥和养分含量较高的餐厨垃圾等具有一定的土壤化利用价值。因此,通过对砾砂、砂石骨料脱水污泥,以及餐厨垃圾腐熟质开展不同混配的土壤化试验及土壤质量综合评价,研究砾砂种植特性的改良效应。结果表明:砾砂主要起到土壤的骨架作用,可以控制土壤通气透水等特性,进而影响土壤质量;餐厨腐熟质能够调节土壤pH由碱性趋于中性,显著提高土壤有机质、氮、磷、钾等养分含量的同时,不会对土壤盐分产生影响;砂石骨料脱水污泥能够有效减少土壤水分蒸发、入渗与养分流失率,进而提高了土壤水肥保蓄能力。土壤化试验表明,50%砾砂土配以20%~30%的砂石骨料脱水污泥与20%~30%的餐厨腐熟质的表现较好,可以满足土壤结构、养分及水肥保蓄能力要求,土壤质量提升显著,能够为植被发育提供良好的生长环境。 展开更多
关键词 砾砂土壤化 砂石骨料脱水污泥 餐厨腐殖质 混配试验 种植特性
4个鲜食葡萄品种在浙江温岭的种植特性比较 被引量:1
作者 黄雪燕 金伟 +1 位作者 赵灵云 叶海波 《中国农技推广》 2020年第10期32-33,37,共3页
在浙江温岭采用双顶膜的大棚促早栽培方式开展种植试验,以当地主栽品种夏黑为对照,综合4个葡萄新品种物候期、生长习性、果实经济性状、生产成本及其对主要病害的抗性等指标进行了评价。参试品种中,天工墨玉具有成熟期早、丰产性好、抗... 在浙江温岭采用双顶膜的大棚促早栽培方式开展种植试验,以当地主栽品种夏黑为对照,综合4个葡萄新品种物候期、生长习性、果实经济性状、生产成本及其对主要病害的抗性等指标进行了评价。参试品种中,天工墨玉具有成熟期早、丰产性好、抗病性较强的特点,符合温岭种植早熟、优质葡萄的发展方向,可在当地大规模推广;天工翡翠质脆、具有淡淡的哈密瓜味、味甜,可作为观光采摘品种少量种植;其他两个品种因裂果严重、口感差、成熟期迟、萌芽率和结果枝率低等原因不宜在温岭种植。 展开更多
关键词 葡萄 引种适应性 种植特性
作者 朱金星 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)农业科学》 2024年第5期0089-0092,共4页
松树是一种常见的树种,在建筑、家具、药用、园林建设等诸多领域,均有广泛应用,深受群众的青睐。但就目前而言,部分地区在种植松树的过程中,并未掌握其种植特征与病虫害防治要点,导致所产松树的品质难以满足群众需求。本论文将基于此,... 松树是一种常见的树种,在建筑、家具、药用、园林建设等诸多领域,均有广泛应用,深受群众的青睐。但就目前而言,部分地区在种植松树的过程中,并未掌握其种植特征与病虫害防治要点,导致所产松树的品质难以满足群众需求。本论文将基于此,以江西省庐山风景区为例,尝试阐述松树的分布、适宜土壤、耐寒性等种植特征,以赤枯病、松苗立枯病、松褐天牛、松毛虫、松材线虫这5种病虫害作为切入点,对松树的病虫害防治要点进行分析与探索,最后提出相关建议,希望能够起到一定的参考作用。 展开更多
关键词 松树种植 种植特性 病虫害防治 庐山景区
园林工程种植土的特性变化及其改良措施 被引量:2
作者 陆丽娜 《花卉》 2019年第8期67-68,共2页
随着生活水平的提高,人们对环境的重视度越来越高,面对生态环境越来越恶劣的情况,人们也有了反思,开始保护和建设生态环境。国家有关政府推出了关于生态环境绿化的相关政策,相比较,城市绿化建设最为重视,绿化指标规定城市居住区绿化面... 随着生活水平的提高,人们对环境的重视度越来越高,面对生态环境越来越恶劣的情况,人们也有了反思,开始保护和建设生态环境。国家有关政府推出了关于生态环境绿化的相关政策,相比较,城市绿化建设最为重视,绿化指标规定城市居住区绿化面积要达到30%以上,近年来我国园林工程行业发展迅速,但是也遇到了各方面的困难,尤其是种植土质量太差而导致林苗不成活,使园林工程建设的难度系数加大。 展开更多
关键词 种植土的特性 变化因素 改良措施
作者 郭琦璇 《住宅与房地产》 2018年第10X期240-240,共1页
近年来,园林工程建设数量不断增加、园林建设技术不断创新,使绿化质量标准更加严格。种植物是园林工程中绿化种植基础性条件,针对苗木生长和成活率有着不可取代的作用。基于此,本文综合性分析园林工程种植土的特性变化,进一步提出园林... 近年来,园林工程建设数量不断增加、园林建设技术不断创新,使绿化质量标准更加严格。种植物是园林工程中绿化种植基础性条件,针对苗木生长和成活率有着不可取代的作用。基于此,本文综合性分析园林工程种植土的特性变化,进一步提出园林工程种植土改良措施,希望为有效增强园林苗木的成活率、实现苗木健康成长等目标提供有效参考。 展开更多
关键词 园林工程 种植特性变化 改良措施
作者 郭旖旎 《住宅与房地产》 2019年第6期265-265,共1页
中国进入新时代以来,随着园林景观工程建设的增多和园林景观施工技术的不断创新,绿化的质量得到了人们的重视,标准越来越严苛。种植土壤是园林绿化种植的基本条件,对幼苗的生长和成活率的影响是极其巨大的。在此基础上,文章全面分析了... 中国进入新时代以来,随着园林景观工程建设的增多和园林景观施工技术的不断创新,绿化的质量得到了人们的重视,标准越来越严苛。种植土壤是园林绿化种植的基本条件,对幼苗的生长和成活率的影响是极其巨大的。在此基础上,文章全面分析了种植土壤在景观工程的变化特征,并进一步提出种植土壤景观工程的改进措施,希望为提高苗木的成活率给予有效参考,实现苗木的健康成长。 展开更多
关键词 园林工程 种植特性变化 改良措施
Effects of Planting and Irrigation Patterns on Water Consumption Characteristics and Dry Matter Production in Winter Wheat
作者 董浩 朱国梁 +1 位作者 毕军 陈靖 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第7期1585-1591,共7页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the effects of different planting and irrigation patterns on water consumption characteristics and dry matter produc- tion and allocation of winter wheat. [Method] With high... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the effects of different planting and irrigation patterns on water consumption characteristics and dry matter produc- tion and allocation of winter wheat. [Method] With high-yield winter wheat cultivar Jimai 22 as the experimental material, field experiment was conducted during 2008- 2010. A total of 3 planting patterns were designed, uniform row, wide-narrow row and furrow. Under each planting pattern, total four irrigation patterns were designed, no irrigation (Wo), irrigation at jointing state (Wl), irrigation at jointing and anthesis stages (W2) and irrigation at jointing, anthesis and milking stages (W3), and the irri- gation amount per treatment was all 60 mm. [Result] Under the three planting pat- terns, with the increased irrigation amount, the total water consumption of the exper- imental field increased; the proportion of irrigation in the total water consumption in- creased, and that of soil water consumption in the total water consumption de- creased significantly. Compared with W0 treatment, various irrigation treatments sig- nificantly increased the post-anthesis dry matter accumulation in wheat plants; with the increased irrigation amount, the grain yield under the three planting patterns all increased, while the water use efficiency (WUE) decreased. Under the same irriga- tion conditions, compared with other two planting patterns, furrow planting increased the total water consumption of the experimental field, increased the proportion of soil water consumption in the total water consumption, and improved the WUE and wheat grain yield. [Conclusion] Under the experimental conditions, considering both wheat grain yield and WUE, furrow planting with moderately deficit irrigation at joint- ing and anthesis stages is more suitable for the winter wheat production in North China Plain. 展开更多
关键词 Winter wheat IRRIGATION Planting pattern Water consumption character- istics Dry matter accumulation and allocation
Interactions between Soil Characteristics, Environmental Factors, and Plant Species Abundance: A Case Study in the Karst Mountains of Longhushan Nature Reserve, Southwest China 被引量:2
作者 Dado TOURE GE ji-wen ZHOU Jian-wei 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第4期943-960,共18页
The ability to manage and restore plant communities in the face of human-induced landscape change may rely on our ability to predict how species respond to environmental variables.Understanding this response requires ... The ability to manage and restore plant communities in the face of human-induced landscape change may rely on our ability to predict how species respond to environmental variables.Understanding this response requires examining factors or their interactions that have influence on plant and resource availability.Our objective was to analyze the relationships between changes in plant abundance and the interaction among environmental habitat factors including soil, geological(rock type), and other environmental variables in the Longhushan karst mountains ecosystem.Species density and dominance were examined using ANOVA, ANCOVA,and Generalized Linear Models to establish the single or combined effects of these groups of factors.The results showed that trends in abundance were mainly affected by rock type(related to the percentage content of dolomite and calcite), soil characteristics in association with topography.Both plant indices were higher in dolomite dominated areas and varied positively with moisture, and elevation, but negatively with organic matter, while density also increased with slope degree.The results demonstrate that significant variations in species abundance was produced with the combination of variables from soil, geological, andenvironmental factors, suggesting their interaction influence on plants.We postulate that spatial variations in plant abundance in karst ecosystem depends on the carbonate rock type in addition to water and nutrient availability which are mainly controlled by topography and other factors such as soil texture and temperature.The study suggests that in karst areas carbonate rock type, in addition to local environmental variables, should be taken into account when analyzing the factors that have impact on plant communities. 展开更多
关键词 Interrelationship Karst soil Plant abundance Rock type Longhushan Nature Reserve
Relationship between High-quality Tea and the Geological Background in Qionglai Mountains 被引量:1
作者 ZENG Qi-guo MA Xiao-jun +3 位作者 PENG Pei-hao LUO Fan WANG Yun HU Yao-wen 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第6期908-913,共6页
[Objective] Many strata emerge in the high-quality tea producing area in Qionglai Mountains,which belongs to Mesozoic Cretaceous(K),Mingshan Fm(E1-2mn)and Dayi conglomerate Team(N)of Cenozoic Tertiary System as well a... [Objective] Many strata emerge in the high-quality tea producing area in Qionglai Mountains,which belongs to Mesozoic Cretaceous(K),Mingshan Fm(E1-2mn)and Dayi conglomerate Team(N)of Cenozoic Tertiary System as well as Quaternary System(Q).Analysis on the migrating features of soil heavy metal from each stratum to tea leaves showed that the enrichment ability of elements was Cu>Cd>Zn>Ni>Hg>As>Cr>Pb.By comparing the soil background values with the soil base values of Sichuan hilly area and Chengdu economic region,it could be concluded that Cd,Hg,Mo,Pb and Se were enriched,and other metal elements existed at a level close to that of the comparing areas.The pH was a little acidic,and high quality tea cultivation could be developed here at present.With the increase of human activities,the environment of study area tends to deteriorate.Therefore,land planning and use should be reasonable.The government should control the environment nearby and prevent pollution. 展开更多
关键词 Qionglai Mountains High-quality tea Geological background
Shifting cultivation effects on soil fungi and bacterial population in Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh 被引量:1
作者 Sohag Miah Soma Dey S.M.Sirajul Haque 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第3期311-318,397,共9页
A study was conducted at two pair sites of Chittagong Hill Tracts in Bangladesh to find out the effects of shifting cultivation on soil fungi and bacterial population. The first pair of sites with shifting culti-vatio... A study was conducted at two pair sites of Chittagong Hill Tracts in Bangladesh to find out the effects of shifting cultivation on soil fungi and bacterial population. The first pair of sites with shifting culti-vation and village common forest-managed by indigenous community was at Madhya Para in Rangamati district and the second pair of sites with the shifting cultivated land and village common forest at Ampu Para in Bandarban district of Chittagong Hill Tracts. At both the locations with two different land uses, soil textures in surface (0?10 cm) and sub-surface (10?20 cm) soils varied from sandy loam to sandy clay loam. Soil pH and moisture content were lower in shifting cultivated land com-pared to village common forest. The results also showed that both fungal and bacterial population in surface and subsurface soils was significantly (p ≤ 0.05) lower, in most cases, in shifting cultivated land compared to village common forest at both Madhya Para and Ampu Para. At Ranga-mati and Bandarban in shifting cultivated lands, Colletrotrichum and Fusarium fungi were absent and all the bacterial genus viz. Coccus, Bacillus and Streptococcus common in two different locations with dif-ferent land uses. Common identified fungi at both the land uses and locations were Aspergillus, Rhizopus, Trichoderma and Penicillium. Further study can be done on the other soil biota to understand the extent of environmental deterioration due to shifting cultivation. 展开更多
关键词 shifting cultivation FUNGI BACTERIA soil biological properties village common forest Chittagong Hill Tracts BANGLADESH
Intrathymic inoculation of donor liver specific antigen alleviates rejection of liver allotransplantation 被引量:1
作者 贾长库 郑树森 章爱斌 《Journal of Zhejiang University Science》 CSCD 2003年第4期485-490,共6页
Use and effects of liver specific antigen in orthotopic liver transplantations were researched in this study. Group I:syngeneic control (Wistar to Wistar); Group II:acute rejection (SD to Wistar ); Group III: Thym... Use and effects of liver specific antigen in orthotopic liver transplantations were researched in this study. Group I:syngeneic control (Wistar to Wistar); Group II:acute rejection (SD to Wistar ); Group III: Thymic inoculation of SD rat LSA day 7 before transplantation. The observation of common situation and survival time, rejection grades, NF κB activity of splenocytes and IL 2mRNA expression of grafted liver were used to analyze acute rejection severity and immune state of animals in different groups. The common situation of group I was very well after transplantation and no signs of rejection were found. Recipients of group II lost body weight progressively. All dead within day 9 to day 13 posttransplantation; median survival time was 10.7 ±0.51 days. It was an optimal acute rejection control. As for group III, 5 out of 6 recipients survived for a long time and common situation was remarkably better than that of group II. Its rejection grades were significantly lower than that of group II( P <0.05). NF κB activity was only detected in group I at day 5 and day 7 after transplantation, whereas high activity of NF κB was detected at all time points in groupII and the low NF κB activity detected in group III was significantly lower than that of group II ( P <0.05). No IL 2mRNA expression was detected at any time point in group I,whereas high level expression was detected at all time points in group II and the low level expression only detected at day 3 in group III was significantly lower than that of group II ( P <0.05). Conclusion: LSA is an important transplantation antigen which is involved directly in the immunorejection of liver transplantation. We report here for the first time that intrathymic inoculation of LSA can alleviate the rejection of liver allotransplantation; and that grafts can survive for a long time thereby, thus leading to a novel way to achieve liver transplantation immunotolerance. 展开更多
关键词 Liver specific antigen(LSA) Liver transplantation IMMUNOTOLERANCE NF κB
Suitable Factors of Saussurea involucrata and Standardized Planting Technology 被引量:2
作者 Nurbolat Yanrui CHEN +3 位作者 Min LIU Hui WANG Huixia NING Xiaojun WANG 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第5期990-992,共3页
Researches on biological characters, ecological functions and standardized planting technology of Saussurea in Xinjiang were conducted for the extension of the planting technology in Xinjiang, development of Chinese h... Researches on biological characters, ecological functions and standardized planting technology of Saussurea in Xinjiang were conducted for the extension of the planting technology in Xinjiang, development of Chinese herbal medicine and ecological restoration in high mountains, forming a system of standardized planting technology for Saussurea, including seedling culture, transplanting, regulation in field and prevention against diseases 展开更多
关键词 Saussurea involucrata HABITAT Standardized planting Pest prevention
Utilization of aromatic rice in improving grain quality of hybrid rice(Ⅱ)
作者 Zhou Kunlu, and Liao FumingHunan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Changsha 410125, China 《Hunan Agricultural Science & Technology Newsletter》 2003年第1期2-7,共6页
Xiangxiang 2A has an evident drawback, i.e., instability in male sterility under higher temperature conditions resulting from the existence of minor restoring genes in it, which greatly hampered the extension of its e... Xiangxiang 2A has an evident drawback, i.e., instability in male sterility under higher temperature conditions resulting from the existence of minor restoring genes in it, which greatly hampered the extension of its elite hybrid Xiangyou 63 with both high yield and fine quality in commercial production. To improve Xiangxiang 2A, the hybridization of Xiangxiang 2B with V20 B was made again in 1990. A new aromatic CMS line Xinxiang A was successfully developed in 1994. It not only retains the favorable characteristics of Xiangxiang 2A in grain quality and combining ability, but also expresses complete and stable male sterility and high seed production yield potential. Up to now, by using it as female parent, a series of quasi aromatic hybrids have been developed. Some of them have been released to farmers. Because such hybrids can not only yield higher or as high as but also possess a better grain quality than the current common high yielding hybrid rice varieties,so that they are preferred and well welcome by the farmers in China. The planting area under these hybrids is increasing rapidly in China. 展开更多
关键词 aromatic rice grain quality aroma inheritance of aroma aromatic CMS lines hybrid rice breeding
早熟马铃薯新品种在湖北云梦的种植表现 被引量:1
作者 詹友发 程炜 +1 位作者 舒俊华 毛玉华 《中国农技推广》 2019年第11期32-34,共3页
为筛选出适宜在湖北省云梦县种植的早熟、高产、优质马铃薯新品种,2018年从华中农业大学和湖北恩施中国南方马铃薯研究中心引进11个马铃薯新品种,以费乌瑞它为对照品种进行了品比试验。结果表明,中薯5号、希森6号、华薯1号、华渝5号、N... 为筛选出适宜在湖北省云梦县种植的早熟、高产、优质马铃薯新品种,2018年从华中农业大学和湖北恩施中国南方马铃薯研究中心引进11个马铃薯新品种,以费乌瑞它为对照品种进行了品比试验。结果表明,中薯5号、希森6号、华薯1号、华渝5号、N191、华薯10号在当地的种植表现较好,而其他品种的早熟性和适应性有待进一步试验观察。 展开更多
关键词 早熟马铃薯 新品种 种植特性
作者 杨桂玲 丁明元 +1 位作者 毛森煜 梁顺有 《中国农技推广》 2020年第8期32-35,共4页
引进国内多个育种单位繁育的20个西兰花品种,在甘肃临泽开展引种试验,比较各品种的种植特性。通过调查发现,台绿3号、国王六号、中青10号、WX1808、绿盛、中青11、台绿6号、咏盛73、国王三号等参试品种的产量高、抗逆性强,与对照品种耐... 引进国内多个育种单位繁育的20个西兰花品种,在甘肃临泽开展引种试验,比较各品种的种植特性。通过调查发现,台绿3号、国王六号、中青10号、WX1808、绿盛、中青11、台绿6号、咏盛73、国王三号等参试品种的产量高、抗逆性强,与对照品种耐寒优秀具有一定可比性,适宜在生产上推广。 展开更多
关键词 西兰花 引种 种植特性 产量
河北藁城大豆新品种引种试验初报 被引量:1
作者 任红晓 朱晓龙 +4 位作者 王贺 郭佳 宗丽娟 李建波 姚振刚 《中国农技推广》 2020年第10期34-35,共2页
在河北藁城开展种植试验,对新引进的6个大豆品种(系)进行评价,结果显示,冀张豆1号、沧豆10号和山宁11的产量较高,亩产分别为235.7、233.6 kg和221.7 kg,并且3个品种的生育期适中,综合性状较好,适宜在藁城种植。
关键词 大豆 品种 种植特性
作者 陈梅香 温玉珍 陈象新 《中国农技推广》 2020年第5期22-24,47,共4页
关键词 晚稻 品种筛选 种植特性
作者 常爱玲 《中国农技推广》 2022年第4期37-39,共3页
为筛选抗逆性强、耐密植、抗倒伏、成熟度一致、适于机械化收获的优良冬小麦品种,2019年从甘肃省农业科学院引进13个冬小麦新品种,以陇中1号为对照,在和政县开展了种植比较试验,结果表明:参试品种中,兰大211、中梁34、陇育5号在和政县... 为筛选抗逆性强、耐密植、抗倒伏、成熟度一致、适于机械化收获的优良冬小麦品种,2019年从甘肃省农业科学院引进13个冬小麦新品种,以陇中1号为对照,在和政县开展了种植比较试验,结果表明:参试品种中,兰大211、中梁34、陇育5号在和政县的种植表现较好,适宜当地大面积推广。 展开更多
关键词 冬小麦 种植特性 品种比较
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