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作者 谢智飞 《农业考古》 北大核心 2023年第1期35-47,共13页
南宋时期东南地区麦类作物种植空间的扩张是个特殊的历史现象,它是在特殊的社会环境与经济基础上形成的。南宋初期,小麦、大麦、荞麦等麦类作物被普遍推广到东南五路,麦作获得长足发展;但是,其兴也勃,其衰也忽,到南宋中后期麦类作物种... 南宋时期东南地区麦类作物种植空间的扩张是个特殊的历史现象,它是在特殊的社会环境与经济基础上形成的。南宋初期,小麦、大麦、荞麦等麦类作物被普遍推广到东南五路,麦作获得长足发展;但是,其兴也勃,其衰也忽,到南宋中后期麦类作物种植空间很快萎缩并稳定为稻作的补充。本文以社会经济史的视角,通过观察皇帝、地方官、北方移民、南方土著等利益群体的选择,从命令与奖惩、赈贷与租税、移民的饮食偏好、麦子的接济功能四个方面探讨麦作扩张的动力,得出以下结论:朝廷通过行政手段与经济手段推广麦作,命令与奖惩是透视行政手段的两个触角,赈贷与租税则是用经济手段加以调节的主要方式;北方移民的面食偏好促进了麦子需求的增长,在两浙、江南东路表现尤为明显,但在江南西、福建路,移民的面食偏好并未动摇当地的食米风俗;麦子被认为是“接绝续乏之谷”,在人地关系紧张的格局下,其接济功能促进稻农种麦以应对饥馑。总结而言,南宋东南地区麦作的扩张是两种动力的耦合——官府推动与移民饮食偏好,这是外在动力;麦子成熟于稻谷青黄不接时的天然属性,这是内在动力。 展开更多
关键词 南宋 东南地区 小麦 大麦 种植空间扩张
作者 许月兰 《艺术科技》 2018年第5期208-209,共2页
本文以工业遗产等保护性建筑与园林为对象展开研究,复原人们对本真生活的向往,引入农业种植空间增加体验感与融入感,对其空间构成模式进行讨论,分析其带来的利弊与解决方法。文章旨在缓解人们快节奏生活的现状,让活动发生于城市空间之... 本文以工业遗产等保护性建筑与园林为对象展开研究,复原人们对本真生活的向往,引入农业种植空间增加体验感与融入感,对其空间构成模式进行讨论,分析其带来的利弊与解决方法。文章旨在缓解人们快节奏生活的现状,让活动发生于城市空间之中。结合当今的AI大环境,为塑造城市整体形象增加新的力量。同时,对设计的可实施性进行探讨,通过种植空间的参与性,以点、线、面的形式对工业遗产进行微调,使人们可以通过这些空间与自然产生交互,形成纽带。 展开更多
关键词 工业遗产 更新设计 种植空间
基于面向对象的光学和Sentinel—1 SAR数据油菜种植空间分布信息提取方法研究 被引量:3
作者 柴振刚 胡佩敏 熊勤学 《气象科技进展》 2018年第5期58-62,共5页
为提高Sentinel—1 SAR数据作物种植分布提取精度,以湖北省江陵县为研究区域,运用资源三号卫星CCD融合数据(空间分辨率为2 m)提取田间边界对象,将对象内Sentinel—1 SAR后向散射系数取平均,以此消除相干斑点噪声的影响,再通过对各种地... 为提高Sentinel—1 SAR数据作物种植分布提取精度,以湖北省江陵县为研究区域,运用资源三号卫星CCD融合数据(空间分辨率为2 m)提取田间边界对象,将对象内Sentinel—1 SAR后向散射系数取平均,以此消除相干斑点噪声的影响,再通过对各种地物纯像元SAR后向散射特征分析,发现3—4月油菜后向散射系数明显高于其他作物,运用得出的油菜分类阈值(4月22日VH极化的SAR后向散射系数大于2.1且小于3.5,且2月27日NDVI指数大于0.3),对满足条件的对象进行筛选,最后得出江陵县油菜种植空间分布信息。运用GPS定点对分类结果进行验证,得到其KAPPA系数为0.88,并运用其他两种传统分类方法(直接用SAR数据进行阈值分类、运用其他时段SAR数据进行对象提取)进行了比较,发现光学遥感数据提取对象、SAR数据确定对象属性的油菜空间分布提取方法的精度有一个质的提高。由于SAR数据不受云层影响,能定时获取,因此此方法很适合在多云雨地区的作物种植空间分布信息的提取。 展开更多
关键词 边界提取 SAR数据 种植空间分布 面向对象方法
作者 徐逍 李二喜 孙晓锋 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)自然科学》 2022年第7期107-109,共3页
“经济要发展,国家要强大,交通特别是海运首先要强起来”“经济强国必定是海洋强国、航运强国”习近平总书记多次作出重要讲话、重要指示,寄予水运殷殷嘱托,但是目前因为疫情和船员生活条件差的影响,航运业“用工荒”仍然存在,本文在不... “经济要发展,国家要强大,交通特别是海运首先要强起来”“经济强国必定是海洋强国、航运强国”习近平总书记多次作出重要讲话、重要指示,寄予水运殷殷嘱托,但是目前因为疫情和船员生活条件差的影响,航运业“用工荒”仍然存在,本文在不增加船东投入成本的前提下,根据目前已有的研究技术背景,为改善船员在船生活工作条件,根据船舶六自由度运动特点用数据分析找出最合适的蔬菜种植空间,根据船舶种植空间特点选择改造合适的蔬菜种植设备,用于提高船员在船生活条件、解决现存的“用工荒”,实现习总书记的航运强国指示。 展开更多
关键词 种植设备 六自由度 在船种植 种植空间权重
作者 谷玉双 《测绘与空间地理信息》 2022年第10期67-69,共3页
随着人口的逐渐增多,人们对粮食的需求量加大。冬小麦作为世界上主要农作物之一,对其进行研究具有重要意义。针对以往对冬小麦进行研究没有考虑到物候期差异的情况,本文利用温度数据对冬小麦种植空间区划进行研究,首先利用气温点状矢量... 随着人口的逐渐增多,人们对粮食的需求量加大。冬小麦作为世界上主要农作物之一,对其进行研究具有重要意义。针对以往对冬小麦进行研究没有考虑到物候期差异的情况,本文利用温度数据对冬小麦种植空间区划进行研究,首先利用气温点状矢量数据进行插值,然后对其进行分类整理得到华北地区冬小麦种植空间区划结果。插值过程中利用了趋势面插值法、样条函数法、反距离权重插值法、自然邻域法和克里金插值法,通过实验分析得出克里金插值法的结果比较理想,选择此结果划分区划,并且证明了它适用于区域变量存在空间相关性的点状矢量数据。 展开更多
关键词 冬小麦 种植空间 区划 温度 插值
《致富之友》 2004年第9期47-47,共1页
关键词 树莓 种植空间 产业化 市场空间
作者 John W.Bartok 江灵艳 《农村实用工程技术(温室园艺)》 2005年第4期28-29,共2页
随着2004年秋季燃料价格的上涨,现在正好是评价如何有效地使用温室种植区域的最佳时机。不管你利用了温室50%的种植区域还是将温室种植区的每平方英寸都覆盖上作物,为这些作物提供适宜的生长环境所需的成本都是一样的。以下的方法有的... 随着2004年秋季燃料价格的上涨,现在正好是评价如何有效地使用温室种植区域的最佳时机。不管你利用了温室50%的种植区域还是将温室种植区的每平方英寸都覆盖上作物,为这些作物提供适宜的生长环境所需的成本都是一样的。以下的方法有的需要你更改温室内目前正在使用的系统,而有的则是我们有时忽视的一些常识性方法。更大的温室生产空间意味着更多的可能销售量。下述是一些能够让产量成倍增加的一些方法。 展开更多
关键词 温室 种植空间 地面栽培 水培 移动式育苗床 翻转苗床 吊篮种植 生长支架
农作物种植面积遥感抽样调查的误差影响因素分析 被引量:12
作者 张焕雪 李强子 +3 位作者 文宁 杜鑫 陶青山 董泰锋 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第13期176-184,共9页
空间抽样技术在农作物种植面积调查中具有不可替代的作用,各抽样要素(抽样率、抽样调查单元尺寸及布局)对于抽样精度的影响至关重要。该文以湖南省晚稻为研究对象,设计了9种抽样调查单元和31种抽样率水平,以晚稻面积百分比为分层标志进... 空间抽样技术在农作物种植面积调查中具有不可替代的作用,各抽样要素(抽样率、抽样调查单元尺寸及布局)对于抽样精度的影响至关重要。该文以湖南省晚稻为研究对象,设计了9种抽样调查单元和31种抽样率水平,以晚稻面积百分比为分层标志进行空间分层抽样,分析抽样格网大小、抽样率及样本空间分布格局对面积估算精度的敏感性及控制途径,并建立3种影响因素对面积估算的综合评估模型。结果表明:1)作物面积估计的平均抽样误差随抽样格网尺寸的增加而增加(R2=0.92),当抽样格网控制在5 km以内时,平均误差基本限制在5%以下,标准差变幅稳定在0.12以内;2)作物面积估计的平均抽样误差随抽样率的增加而逐渐降低(R2=0.82),当抽样率达到0.4%时,平均误差基本限制在5%以内,标准差变幅稳定在0.12以内;3)在抽样率确定的情况下,样本的空间分布是影响抽样精度的重要因素,随着样本空间分布由近似均匀分布向随机分布再向集群分布变化,作物面积估计量的平均抽样误差逐渐增大,当样本空间分布的方差均值比指标<0.7时,平均误差控制在5%以内,标准差变幅稳定在0.1以内;4)得到3种影响因素对面积估算精度的定量评估模型。该成果揭示了农作物种植面积抽样过程中样方尺寸、抽样率和样本空间分布对精度影响的敏感性,为农作物种植面积监测空间抽样方案的选取以及确定特定的抽样方案可以达到的面积估算水平提供了理论基础。 展开更多
关键词 农作物 抽样 误差分析 空间抽样 种植面积 样本空间格局
作者 胡佩敏 熊勤学 《湖北农业科学》 2017年第16期3140-3143,共4页
针对目前利用ASAR数据提取作物种植空间分布的精度因相干斑点噪声问题而达不到业务运行要求问题,以全国水稻种植面积最大的湖北省监利县为例,运用空间分辨率为16 m的高分一号多光谱数据,采用图像切割和融合方法提取农田边界,将早稻早期... 针对目前利用ASAR数据提取作物种植空间分布的精度因相干斑点噪声问题而达不到业务运行要求问题,以全国水稻种植面积最大的湖北省监利县为例,运用空间分辨率为16 m的高分一号多光谱数据,采用图像切割和融合方法提取农田边界,将早稻早期三景ASAR数据以每个对象(一个对象代表一块农田)取均值,以此消除相干斑点噪声,结合早稻早期ASAR数据变化特征(早稻灌水前期ASAR后向散射系数大,灌水后最小,秧苗后期变大),提取监利县2015年早稻种植空间分布。通过与调查区(面积23.4 km2)对比,其Kappa系数为0.83,其精确度较单独用ASAR数据提取方法提高一个层次,该早稻提取方法适合业务化运行。 展开更多
关键词 边界提取 ASAR数据 种植空间分布 面向对象方法
作者 李平 李德智 《福建农业》 2000年第4期15-15,共1页
关键词 大棚 立体空间种植 吊瓜 栽培管理
作者 黄颖 张晓霖 +1 位作者 邱琼珍 王静 《花卉》 2023年第10期85-87,共3页
关键词 大观园 植物配置 植物种植空间布局
晋江流域生态环境脆弱性评价 被引量:1
作者 李剑锋 朱玉晨 +3 位作者 刘春雷 李亚松 郝奇琛 李政红 《华东地质》 2022年第1期94-101,共8页
针对晋江流域的生态地质问题,应用Getis-Ord Gi*统计模型、Calinski-Harabasz指数评价聚类模型等评价方法,从脆弱性分级、主控因素、聚集特征三方面开展脆弱性评价,建立晋江流域生态环境脆弱性评价模型。整体来看,晋江流域西溪比东溪脆... 针对晋江流域的生态地质问题,应用Getis-Ord Gi*统计模型、Calinski-Harabasz指数评价聚类模型等评价方法,从脆弱性分级、主控因素、聚集特征三方面开展脆弱性评价,建立晋江流域生态环境脆弱性评价模型。整体来看,晋江流域西溪比东溪脆弱,上游比下游脆弱;晋江流域东南部城市聚集区脆弱性的主控因素为建筑用地、初级生产力与土壤有机质,中西部茶叶种植区的主控因素为茶叶的过度种植;脆弱性高值聚集区域在安溪县感德镇以及永春县湖洋镇一带。在上述分析的基础上,对晋江流域茶园种植分布现状合理性进行评估,给出具体的茶园空间优化建议。 展开更多
关键词 晋江流域 脆弱性评价 聚类分析 Getis-Ord Gi*统计模型 Calinski-Harabasz指数评价聚类模型 茶叶种植空间优化
Model and Practice of Vertical Greening in Nanchang City
作者 毛成哲 林辉 杨勤亮 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第9期2142-2146,共5页
Vertical greening is a new model to broaden urban green space in Nanchang City. Baded on the narration of the concept of vertical greening, all kinds of ways to carry out the vertical greening in Nanchang, as well as ... Vertical greening is a new model to broaden urban green space in Nanchang City. Baded on the narration of the concept of vertical greening, all kinds of ways to carry out the vertical greening in Nanchang, as well as the available patterns, were explored by combining with the natural climatic conditions in Nanchang City, and then the current commonly used vertical greening plant varieties as well as their application value were introduced, which provided a new way of thinking for urban greening of Nanchang City. 展开更多
关键词 Nanchang Urban space Vertical greening Plant species
Suitable Region for Flue-cured Tobacco (Nicotiana glauca L.) Planting Based on Spatial Scene Similarity
作者 董钧祥 郭旦怀 邵小东 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第9期1947-1949,1981,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to establish a model based on spatial scene similarity, for which soil, slope, transport, water conservancy, light, social economic factors in suitable planting areas were all considered. A new... [Objective] The aim was to establish a model based on spatial scene similarity, for which soil, slope, transport, water conservancy, light, social economic factors in suitable planting areas were all considered. A new suitable planting area of flue-cured tobacco was determined by comparison and analysis, with consideration of excellent area. [Method] Totaling thirty natural factors were chosen, which were clas- sified into nine categories, from Longpeng Town (LP) and Shaochong Town (SC) in Shiping County in Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture. [Result] According to weights, the factors from high to low were as follows: soil〉light〉elevation〉slope〉 water conservancy〉transport〉baking facility〉planting plans over the years〉others. The similarity of geographical conditions in the area was 0.894 3, which indicated that the planting conditions in the two regions are similar. If farmer population in unit area, farmland quantity for individual farmer, labors in every household, activity in planting flue-cured tobacco and work of local instructor were considered, the weights of different factors were as follows: farmer population in unit area〉farmland quantity for individual farmer〉farmers' activity in planting flue-cured tobacco〉educational back- ground〉labor force in every household〉instructor〉population of farmers' children at- tending school. The similarity of geographical conditions was 0.703 1, which indicated that it is none-natural factors that influence yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco. [Conclusion] According to analysis on suitable planting area of flue-cured tobacco based on assessment of spatial scene similarity, similarity of growing conditions in two spatial scenes can be analyzed and evaluated, which would promote further exploration on, influencing factors and effects on tobacco production. 展开更多
关键词 Similarity of spatial scene Planting of flue-cured tobacco Suitable region
作者 钱乙苒 沈国飞 《农村科学实验》 2017年第12期42-42,共1页
基于对阳台植物种植方式深入研究,经过不断改进,终于研制出了远程控制式“阳台农场”模型.此款“阳台 农场”最大限度地拓展了阳台的种植空间,还很好地解决了阳台种植植物容易干死、热死很难管理的缺陷,真 正做到你即使在外旅游也能及... 基于对阳台植物种植方式深入研究,经过不断改进,终于研制出了远程控制式“阳台农场”模型.此款“阳台 农场”最大限度地拓展了阳台的种植空间,还很好地解决了阳台种植植物容易干死、热死很难管理的缺陷,真 正做到你即使在外旅游也能及时打理好你家里的花花草草. 展开更多
关键词 远程控制 阳台农场 种植空间 网络摄像头 喷灌、滴灌
Spatial and seasonal variation in soil respiration along a slope in a rubber plantation and a natural forest in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China 被引量:3
作者 ZHAO Yong-li Stefanie D.GOLDBERG +1 位作者 XU Jian-chu Rhett D.HARRISON 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第4期695-707,共13页
Soil respiration is a key component of the global carbon cycle, and even small changes in soil respiration rates could result in significant changes in atmospheric CO_2 levels. The conversion of tropical forests to ru... Soil respiration is a key component of the global carbon cycle, and even small changes in soil respiration rates could result in significant changes in atmospheric CO_2 levels. The conversion of tropical forests to rubber plantations in SE Asia is increasingly common, and there is a need to understand the impacts of this land-use change on soil respiration in order to revise CO_2 budget calculations. This study focused on the spatial variability of soil respiration along a slope in a natural tropical rainforest and a terraced rubber plantation in Xishuangbanna, Southwest(SW) China. In each land-use type, we inserted 105 collars for soil respiration measurements.Research was conducted over one year in Xishuangbanna during May, June, July and October 2015(wet season) and January and March 2016(dry season). The mean annual soil respiration rate was 30% higher in natural forest than in rubber plantation and mean fluxes in the wet and dry season were 15.1 and 9.5 Mg C ha^(-1) yr^(-1) in natural forest and 11.7 and 5.7 Mg C ha^(-1) yr^(-1) in rubber plantation. Using a linear mixedeffects model to assess the effect of changes in soil temperature and moisture on soil respiration, we found that soil temperature was the main driver of variation in soil respiration, explaining 48% of its seasonal variation in rubber plantation and 30% in natural forest. After including soil moisture, the model explained 70% of the variation in soil respiration in natural forest and 76% in rubber plantation. In the natural forest slope position had a significant effect on soil respiration, and soil temperature and soil moisture gradients only partly explained this correlation. In contrast, soil respiration in rubber plantation was not affected by slope position, which may be due to the terrace structure that resulted in more homogeneous environmental conditions along the slope. Further research is needed to determine whether or not these findings hold true at a landscape level. 展开更多
关键词 Soil respiration Tropical rain forest Rubber plantation Land-use change Carbon cycle TRANSECT
Spatial Land Evaluation for Oil Palm Cultivation Using GIS (Geographic Information System) 被引量:1
作者 Adzemi Mat Arshad Abdullah Md. Zain Mustika Edi Armanto 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2013年第3期177-182,共6页
The objective of the study was to establish spatial land evaluation for oil palm cultivation using GIS (geographic information system). The study area is situated in the KESEDAR region in the state of Kelantan, Mala... The objective of the study was to establish spatial land evaluation for oil palm cultivation using GIS (geographic information system). The study area is situated in the KESEDAR region in the state of Kelantan, Malaysia. The evaluation of the land in terms of the suitability classes were based on the method of FAO (Food and Agriculture Oganization of the United Nations). Five land qualities are important for determining the physical land suitability for oil palm; these are nutrient availability, oxygen availability, water availability, workability and availability of foothold for roots. Each of the above mentioned land qualities with associated attribute data were digitally encoded in a GIS database to create thermatic layers. Overlay operation on the layer produced resultant polygonal layer each of which is a land unit with characteristics of the land. The results from GIS overlay analyses showed that Bungor, Chat, Chempaka, Alluvium, Musang and Tok Yong series are highly suitable while Kawang series is moderately suitable for oil palm cultivation. The same results were obtained by using parametric-limitation method. 展开更多
关键词 Land evaluation oil palm GIS.
Density of Standing of Plants at Cultivation of Cauliflower Seeds in Uzbekistan
作者 Sh. I. Asatov 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology》 2011年第1期81-84,共4页
The results of researches aimed to establish the optimum growing space and density of standing of plants at cultivation of cauliflower seeds in Uzbekistan are stated in the article. Researches were spent in the suburb... The results of researches aimed to establish the optimum growing space and density of standing of plants at cultivation of cauliflower seeds in Uzbekistan are stated in the article. Researches were spent in the suburb of Tashkent with a mid-early grade "Domestic". In experiences were compared 5 densities of standing (31746, 35714, 40806, 47620 and 57142 pieces/hectare) received at planting of sprouts with row-spacing of 70 sm and distance between plants in a row 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45 sm. Experiences were pawned in quadruple frequency with the area of an allotment 10 M2. 60-65 day sprouts were planted under film tunnel shelters on February 11-12. Film shelters were kept over plants till the end of March. Seed plants were grown up without formation. Experiences were accompanied by phonological control, calculation of leaves quantity, an establishment of average weight of a head, definition of quantity of the plants, which have given seeds, the account of a crop of seeds from a bush and of a unit of area. It has been defined that reception of seeds of a cauliflower at cultivation under film tunnels is quite possible in Uzbekistan. It is established that with representation of the big growing space the plants form more leaves, earlier and larger form the heads, develop the testicles acceleration and increase their seed efficiency. It has been revealed that the more plants thickness is, the bigger share of them does not give seeds. In this connection the greatest crop of seeds has been received at growing space 70x45 sm at which 31.7 thousand Pl/ha had been planted. It is proved that in the conditions of Uzbekistan it is possible to cultivate high-grade seeds of cauliflower with productivity of 127-147 kg/ha. 展开更多
关键词 CAULIFLOWER density of standing growing space leaves HEADS flower-bearing shoots seed efficiency productivity.
Evaluation of Spatial Variability of Soil Properties in a Long-Term Experimental Tobacco Station in Southwest China 被引量:1
作者 Jiang Houlong Wang Hongfeng +6 位作者 Li Najia Xu Anding Yang Chao Chen Yiyin Li Yong Geng Lina Liu Guo-Shun 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2014年第9期723-735,共13页
Analysis of the spatial variability of soil properties is important to arrange the experimental treatments in the experimental station. This paper aims to study the spatial structure of soil variables and their distri... Analysis of the spatial variability of soil properties is important to arrange the experimental treatments in the experimental station. This paper aims to study the spatial structure of soil variables and their distribution in the Pengshui tobacco experiment station in Chongqing, China. Soil samples were taken from 289 soil points on 20 m grid in March 2012. Twenty-two soil chemical and physical properties were analyzed by classical statistical and geo-statistical methods. Soil pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC), total phosphorus (TP), available phosphorus (AP), zinc (Zn), magnesium (Mg) and sulphur (S) have the strong spatial dependence, with nugget/sill ratios of less than 25%. The others have the moderate dependence with nugget/sill ratios of 26.17% to 71.04%. Ranges of the spatial correlation varied from 51.30 m for chlorine (C1) to 594.90 m for TP. The clearly patchy maps of the nutrients showed the spatial distributions of the soil variables, which can be used for better management of experimental treatments, achieving reliable exoerimental results in the tobacco exnerimental station.Highlight: Scientific experimentation assumes the existence of random variability for soil attributes. This research was to evaluate the spatial variability of soil chemical and physical attributes and to interpolate the spatial distribution of soil properties in the tobacco experimental station in Chongqing. The result of this work can be used for the agricultural management of tobacco cultivation. 展开更多
关键词 Geo-statistical analysis soil property spatial variability tobacco experimental station.
Conversion Margins for the Major Uses of Agricultural Land and Their Variations in Shandong Province, China
作者 Wang Xingjie Gu Shuzhong +3 位作者 Zhang Xinhua Wu Hong Zhou Hong Wen Wujun 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2011年第1期55-62,共8页
It is of practical significance for the decision-making on country food security and farmland protection to analyze the conversion margins for the major uses of agricultural land and their variations. Based on the pan... It is of practical significance for the decision-making on country food security and farmland protection to analyze the conversion margins for the major uses of agricultural land and their variations. Based on the panel data of wheat, corn, vegetable, fruit, and forests productions from 520 investigated farmer households of 13 investigated villages in Shandong Province from 2003 to 2009, and using Cobb-Douglas production function, the revenue conversion margins can be obtained separately, between different grain-crops (wheat, corn) and different non-grain crops (vegetable, fruit, forests), and the conversion relationship between growing grain( wheat, corn) and going out for non-farm work. The results show that from 2003 to 2009, growing wheat and corn are more economically and reasonably for farmers, compared with growing vegetable, but growing wheat and corn are becoming less economically and less reasonably day by day, compared with planting forests. Moreover, the conversion margin between wheat and fruit shows obvious scissors difference. Just from 2007, farm- ers' growing fruit became economically and reasonably, but until 2009, compared with going out to work after abandoning farm- land, growing wheat had no economic rationality. From 2003 to 2009, farmers' growing corn is more profitable than growing fruit and going out for non-farm work after abandoning farmland. The subsidies for wheat and corn have increased farmers' comparative income from food production remarkably, but the subsidies cannot change the general tendency that farmers transform food (wheat, corn) production into non-food (especially forests) production. The revenue difference between growing wheat, corn and vegetable and growing fruit and forests is being pulled ceaselessly bigger, and the tendency that farmers transform wheat, corn and vegetable growing lands into fruit and forests growing lands has become increasingly apparent. 展开更多
关键词 agricultural land FARMER conversion margin C-D production function SUBSIDIES Shandong Province
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