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菊苣种殖与养殖畜禽技术 被引量:1
作者 龚正祥 《畜禽业》 2006年第5期41-43,共3页
关键词 菊苣 粗蛋白含量 技术 畜禽 种殖 无氮浸出物 营养价值 菊科牧草 生长速度
乐山沐川:老科协“三下乡”技术惠农 村民种殖增信心
《今日科苑》 2013年第11期62-62,共1页
关键词 技术咨询 科协 信心 种殖 村民 乐山 服务活动 沐川县
作者 管德兰 《中小企业管理与科技》 2011年第18期304-304,共1页
早在十五期间,国家投巨资实施了林业六大重点建设工程。其中一项是"重点地区以速生丰产用材林为主的建设工程"。实践证明,速生丰产用材林为主的建设工程对于缓解林业资源危机、改善生态环境、实现林业跨越式发展,具有重要的... 早在十五期间,国家投巨资实施了林业六大重点建设工程。其中一项是"重点地区以速生丰产用材林为主的建设工程"。实践证明,速生丰产用材林为主的建设工程对于缓解林业资源危机、改善生态环境、实现林业跨越式发展,具有重要的意义。在工程建设中,杨树以其生长快、生存能力强等优势成为速生丰产用材林最佳优选的品种之一。本文以"五号杨树"为例,探讨其种殖技术。 展开更多
关键词 速生丰产用材林 五号杨 种殖技术
杭州市三种养殖鲫鱼肌肉营养成分比较分析 被引量:1
作者 潘彬斌 冯晓宇 +2 位作者 郭水荣 王宇希 马恒甲 《杭州农业与科技》 2012年第3期30-31,42,共3页
鲫鱼是一种肉味鲜美,营养丰富的淡水食用鱼类,在江浙一带深受人们的喜爱,市场需求量大,在杭州市养殖规模较大,是杭州重要的传统养殖品种。目前在杭州市养殖的鲫鱼品种较多,主要包括异育银鲫、黄金鲫和杭州本地的土鲫等,对杭州市... 鲫鱼是一种肉味鲜美,营养丰富的淡水食用鱼类,在江浙一带深受人们的喜爱,市场需求量大,在杭州市养殖规模较大,是杭州重要的传统养殖品种。目前在杭州市养殖的鲫鱼品种较多,主要包括异育银鲫、黄金鲫和杭州本地的土鲫等,对杭州市鲫鱼种质状况调查,比较分析其肌肉营养等,为筛选杭州市鲫鱼优良养殖品种提供依据,从而为杭州市鲫鱼养殖产业的转型升级和健康持续发展打下基础。 展开更多
关键词 肌肉营养成分 杭州市 鲫鱼 种殖 规模 市场需求量 食用鱼类
作者 杨少俊 张娟 《现代农业装备》 2007年第10期69-69,共1页
关键词 模式 立体 日光大棚 经济作物 面积 种殖 药材 花卉
作者 熊炎成 《科学养鱼》 2002年第4期9-10,共2页
关键词 立体养 渔业 种殖 加工业 畜禽业 综合经营 多元化养
作者 李方平 《海河水利》 北大核心 1989年第1期62-64,共3页
我国南方水多耕地少,北方水少耕地多,它给农业生产,特别是粮食生产带来不少困难。天津市的农业供水,经计算1990年可达16亿m^3,2000年可达17.6亿m^3(保证率50%情况)。而天津市多年平均降水量为550mm,按全市681万亩耕地计算,有20多亿 m^3... 我国南方水多耕地少,北方水少耕地多,它给农业生产,特别是粮食生产带来不少困难。天津市的农业供水,经计算1990年可达16亿m^3,2000年可达17.6亿m^3(保证率50%情况)。而天津市多年平均降水量为550mm,按全市681万亩耕地计算,有20多亿 m^3水,如何充分利用这部分降水,是考虑工作的着重点。 展开更多
关键词 种殖 结构 调整
从种粮收益与农机购价比较中看农业机械化的重要性 被引量:2
作者 秦海生 《农业机械》 2002年第6期35-35,共1页
大力转移农村劳动力,迅速提高劳均耕地面积率,实行集约化、家庭农场式规模经营是发达国家推进农业现代化的成功经验,也是提高农产品国际竞争力的战略抉择。资料表明,劳均耕地面积,美国61hm^2,加拿大97hm^2,澳大利亚113hm^2,英、法、意... 大力转移农村劳动力,迅速提高劳均耕地面积率,实行集约化、家庭农场式规模经营是发达国家推进农业现代化的成功经验,也是提高农产品国际竞争力的战略抉择。资料表明,劳均耕地面积,美国61hm^2,加拿大97hm^2,澳大利亚113hm^2,英、法、意、德等国为6~12hm2。我国农业以家庭经营为基础,户均4.5人,户均劳力2.5人。 展开更多
关键词 粮食种殖 经济效益 产品价格 经济结构模式 农业机械化
作者 吴守善 林银康 《温州农业科技》 1998年第2期27-28,共2页
美国青蛙属两栖纲、无尾目、蛙科、蛙属。它个体大、营养丰富、肉质细嫩,而且耐低温,抗寒能力强,可以我市广大山区自然越冬。为了开辟美蛙养殖新空间,探索稻田水产养殖新路子,提高农田经济效益,1996年,我县首次进行稻鱼蛙种养殖示范试... 美国青蛙属两栖纲、无尾目、蛙科、蛙属。它个体大、营养丰富、肉质细嫩,而且耐低温,抗寒能力强,可以我市广大山区自然越冬。为了开辟美蛙养殖新空间,探索稻田水产养殖新路子,提高农田经济效益,1996年,我县首次进行稻鱼蛙种养殖示范试验。面积0.48亩,9月8日经县科委组织现场验收,共收稻谷170.9kg(单季)、鱼39kg、蛙28kg、折亩产稻谷356kg、鱼81.25kg、蛙58.33kg,示范试验取得成功。 展开更多
关键词 种殖 饲养
作者 胡考绪 李颖慧 《致富天地》 2010年第9期75-75,共1页
关键词 蔬菜 种殖技术 秸秆 综合利用
作者 鞠静 杨宏 《江西农业》 2024年第20期24-26,共3页
黑木耳是一种口感鲜美的食用菌,且含有多种对人体健康有益的营养成分。黑龙江气候适宜、土地资源丰富,具备发展黑木耳产业的天然优势。随着人们对健康饮食的日益重视,黑木耳的市场需求不断增加,种植黑木耳已成为当地备受推崇的产业。近... 黑木耳是一种口感鲜美的食用菌,且含有多种对人体健康有益的营养成分。黑龙江气候适宜、土地资源丰富,具备发展黑木耳产业的天然优势。随着人们对健康饮食的日益重视,黑木耳的市场需求不断增加,种植黑木耳已成为当地备受推崇的产业。近几年,黑龙江黑木耳种植业规模化发展越来越好,可带动青年创业,将产业振兴与人才振兴有机结合,在乡村振兴中开辟青年就业创业新天地。 展开更多
关键词 黑龙江 黑木耳种殖 青年创业
Emei Shan Liocichla: population, behavior and conservation 被引量:3
作者 付义强 Simon D.DOWELL 张正旺 《Chinese Birds》 CSCD 2013年第3期260-264,共5页
Endemic to China, the Emei Shan Liocichla(Liocichla omeiensis) is considered globally vulnerable by the IUCN because of its small, declining population and fragmented range. The species has been recorded in only a few... Endemic to China, the Emei Shan Liocichla(Liocichla omeiensis) is considered globally vulnerable by the IUCN because of its small, declining population and fragmented range. The species has been recorded in only a few mountainous forests in south-central Sichuan and in the extreme northeast of Yunnan Province. We summarized the basic eco-biology information on its habitat,breeding, winter habits and behavior, voice, population status, research and conservation. 展开更多
Jankowski’s Bunting (Emberiza jankowskii): current status and conservation 被引量:7
作者 王海涛 姜云垒 高玮 《Chinese Birds》 2010年第4期251-258,共8页
Jankowski’s Bunting (Emberiza jankowskii) is a small bird with narrow distribution ranges. It has experienced a drastic population decline during recent years and vanished from most of its historic breeding sites. It... Jankowski’s Bunting (Emberiza jankowskii) is a small bird with narrow distribution ranges. It has experienced a drastic population decline during recent years and vanished from most of its historic breeding sites. It has been recently up-graded as Endangered in the IUCN Red List of globally threatened species. By integrating unpublished data of field surveys conducted by us and published information on the species, we provide information on the status of distribution, breeding biology of the remaining population at the Dagang Forest Farm, population trends at currently known breeding sites, selection of breeding habitats and threats faced by the Jankowski’s Bunting. In light of its current status we also suggest ways and future research work related to protecting this bird species. 展开更多
关键词 Jankowski’s Bunting DISTRIBUTION BREEDING population trend CONSERVATION
高产优质水生饲料——细绿萍 被引量:1
作者 刘稼芳 《黑龙江畜牧兽医》 CAS 北大核心 1998年第6期17-18,共2页
细绿萍(AzolafiliculoidesLamk),是满江红科满江红属的一种水生蕨类植物。一般漂浮于水面生长,在条件适宜时,呈柏枝状,直立于水面生长,也可以扎根于泥土中湿,是一种适应性较强的植物。细绿萍质地柔软、细... 细绿萍(AzolafiliculoidesLamk),是满江红科满江红属的一种水生蕨类植物。一般漂浮于水面生长,在条件适宜时,呈柏枝状,直立于水面生长,也可以扎根于泥土中湿,是一种适应性较强的植物。细绿萍质地柔软、细嫩,是猪、鸡、鸭、鹅和鱼的好饲料。... 展开更多
关键词 水生饲料 细绿萍 优良特性 种殖
Unprotected condition of a new breeding Mandarin Duck (Aix galericulata) population in Pingshan, Hebei Province, China 被引量:1
作者 李东明 李剑平 +2 位作者 吴跃峰 曹国强 罗正 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第4期381-382,I0008,共3页
A new breeding population of Mandarin Duck (Aix gaIericulata, Linnaeus) was first recorded in 2003 in Jiao- tanzhuang-Hehekou region of Pingshan county, Hebei Province, China. Recently, the gradually increasing popu... A new breeding population of Mandarin Duck (Aix gaIericulata, Linnaeus) was first recorded in 2003 in Jiao- tanzhuang-Hehekou region of Pingshan county, Hebei Province, China. Recently, the gradually increasing population indicates that there are suitable breeding habitats (such as foraging habitats and nesting sites) for Mandarin Duck. However, these habitats are always close to human disturbances, which are the potential risk for their population. Therefore, it is urgent to put forward an applicable protection strategy, in order to strengthen the public awareness for this unprotected population. 展开更多
关键词 BREEDING Mandarin Duck Pingshan unprotected population
Impact of marsh changes on breeding cranes in Sanjiang Plain,northeastern China 被引量:1
作者 江红星 钱法文 +5 位作者 刘春悦 李晓民 侯韵秋 张国钢 戴铭 刘冬平 《Chinese Birds》 2012年第3期165-179,共15页
In order to measure the impact of changes in the marsh on breeding Red-crowned Cranes (Grus japonensis) and White-naped Cranes (G.vipio) in the Sanjiang Plain,we conducted a complete crane súrvey in each of the s... In order to measure the impact of changes in the marsh on breeding Red-crowned Cranes (Grus japonensis) and White-naped Cranes (G.vipio) in the Sanjiang Plain,we conducted a complete crane súrvey in each of the summers of 2007 and 2008,and obtained information on the changes in its marsh through interpretation of satellite images in 1986,1995,2000 and 2005.A comparison between the 1984 and 2008 census shows that:1) the number of Red-crowned Cranes remained stable at about 300 birds,while the number of White-naped Cranes increased markedly; 2) the estimates of nests of Red-crowned cranes are close to the numbers of 1984,while approximately 90% of the nests of these two crane species were distributed over five national nature reserves (NNRs); 3) the two crane species became more concentrated in three regions,i.e.,the Fuyuan Delta,the middle reaches of the Naoli and Qixing rivers,and the Xingkai Lake wetlands,rather as formerly in six regions.The area of the marsh decreased by 45% within the 20-year period from 1986 to 2005.The major loss of the marsh area was in the form of a conversion to paddy fields and dry land,which can be primarily attributed to direct human activity under various economic and policy drivers.The disappearance of cranes in the Dulu and Abuqin rivers was induced by large-scale agricultural development.The fragmentation into and isolation of small areas of the marsh became increasingly more serious,which resulted in unsuitable condtions for crane breeding in small patches of the marsh.The number of cranes declined from 1984-1995 but had recovered remarkably by 2008,which may be due to theestablishment of a system of nature reserves,in place since 2000.The land ownership of the reserve plays a key role in maintaining the integrity of the wetland ecosystem,especially in Sanjiang,Honghe,Naolihe and Qixinghe NNRs,which together accommodated approximately 80% of the population of cranes.However,we did not discover any nests at all in the provincial and municipal reserves,which may be attributed to high human disturbances in these areas.In the end,we propose some recommendations on reserve management. 展开更多
关键词 Red-crowned Crane White-naped Crane BREEDING population size marsh change habitat loss Sanjiang Plain
Cabot's Tragopan 被引量:1
作者 张雁云 《Chinese Birds》 2010年第1期77-79,共3页
Cabot’s Tragopan (Tragopan caboti) (Galliformes: Phasianidae) is one of the endemic pheasant species in China. It is categorized as Vulnerable in the
Preliminary Discussion on Stigma Vitality of Sterile Line Rong 18A and Its Application in Seed Production
作者 蔡良俊 徐敬洪 +6 位作者 沈超 袁亚章 张帆 王富全 杨震 赵永康 李治义 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第8期1820-1822,1920,共4页
Rong 18A is an Indica three-line sterile line bred with M5B×D Xing B, and has the characteristics of stable sterility, high outcrossing rate, good combining ability and good quality. With Rong 18A as an experimen... Rong 18A is an Indica three-line sterile line bred with M5B×D Xing B, and has the characteristics of stable sterility, high outcrossing rate, good combining ability and good quality. With Rong 18A as an experimental material and Ⅱ-32A, Jin 23A and Gang46 A as the CK materials, a seed setting rate estimation method by daily pollination was used for measuring its stigma vigor, to comparatively analyze the decreasing rates and lasting time of stigma vigor of various materials under natural condition. According to experimental results and combining with field breeding practice, the application of stigma vigor of sterile lines on hybrid rice seed production was discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Hybrid rice Sterile lines Rong 18A Stigma vigor Seed production
Aseptic Seedling and Rapid Propagation of Ludisia discolor
作者 李宏杨 刘扬 +1 位作者 陈冠铭 杨志娟 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第11期2473-2476,2482,共5页
[Objective] This study was conducted to establish a system for aseptic seeding and rapid propagation of a wild Chinese herbal medicine Ludisia discolor. [Method] The seeds of L. discolor were germinated in four differ... [Objective] This study was conducted to establish a system for aseptic seeding and rapid propagation of a wild Chinese herbal medicine Ludisia discolor. [Method] The seeds of L. discolor were germinated in four different culture media MS, 1/2MS, Hyponex No.1 (3.0 g/L), and 1/2 Hyponex No.1 (1.5 g/L), and the ger- mination rate was calculated 80 d later to select the optimal medium for seed ger- mination of L. discolor. Then, by culturing the protocorms and buds of L. discolor in the media supplemented with different hormone combinations (6-BA and NAA) or organic substrates (potato juice, banana juice and coconut milk), the optimal medi- um compositions for multiplication and .differentiation, seedling hardening and rooting of L. discolor were respectively determined. [Result] After 80 d of dark culture, 86.67% of the seeds inoculated into the medium 1/2 Hyponex No.1 germinated and developed into protocorms, proving 1/2 Hyponex No.1 was most suitable for seed germination of L. discolor among the four basic media, while MS medium had the worst effects. In culture medium of 1/2 Hyponex No.1+2.0 mg/L 6-BA+100 ml/L co- conut milk supplemented with 0.4 or 0.6 mg/L NAA, a mixed body of protocorms and small buds were induced after being cultured for 45 d, and the multiplication rate was 6.11, which was higher than that in the medium supplied with 0.2 or 0.8 mg/L NAA. By adding 10% potato juice, 10% banana juice or 100 ml/L coconut milk into Hyponex No.1+1.0 mg/L NAA, it was found that 10% banana juice had better effects in hardening and rooting of L. discolor planlets than 10% potato juice and 100 ml/L coconut milk. The small buds grew into plantlets about 80 d later in the medium with banana juice, the rooting rate was 93.33%, and the plantlet height was 7.19 cm. After hardening-culture for 10 d in a greenhouse, the L. discolor plantlets were transplanted into the mixed matrix of peat soil and lava (at a ratio of 3:1), and 91.7% of them survived 60 d later. [Conclusion] A relatively perfect propa- gation system of L. discolor was established by using aseptic seeds as explants in this study, which can be used for the protection of L. discolor germplasm resources, seedling propagation and industrial development. 展开更多
关键词 Ludisia discolor Aseptic seeding Rapid propagation Organic compounds
作者 晋世翔 《自然辩证法通讯》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第6期68-75,共8页
罗吉尔·培根是西方古代科学文化在中世纪晚期的重要代表,生活在古代科学文化向近代科学文化演化的关键节点上。因此,对其自然哲学基本原则的把握,不仅有助于了解古代科学探究的核心问题和基本方法,更有助于理解西方科学文化近代形... 罗吉尔·培根是西方古代科学文化在中世纪晚期的重要代表,生活在古代科学文化向近代科学文化演化的关键节点上。因此,对其自然哲学基本原则的把握,不仅有助于了解古代科学探究的核心问题和基本方法,更有助于理解西方科学文化近代形态得以完型所需要的前提条件。 展开更多
关键词 罗吉尔·培根 中世纪科学 相播 自然哲学 数学
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