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医用碳素材料种类性质及临床应用 被引量:1
作者 高林 《湖北省卫生职工医学院学报》 1994年第2期63-66,共4页
由于内在或外在的原因,人体某些器官有时不可避免地会被永久性破坏,几个世纪以来,人们作了大量的努力,希望找到合适的假体移植到人体内替代被破坏的器官的功能,作为制造假体的结构材料,金属、陶瓷以及高分子等材料相继被使用,但是由于... 由于内在或外在的原因,人体某些器官有时不可避免地会被永久性破坏,几个世纪以来,人们作了大量的努力,希望找到合适的假体移植到人体内替代被破坏的器官的功能,作为制造假体的结构材料,金属、陶瓷以及高分子等材料相继被使用,但是由于它们各自不可克服的缺点,使得临床应用受到限制,自本世纪六十年代首次用低温热解同性碳制造出人工机械心瓣并临床应用成功以后,由于碳素材料具有十分突出的生物相容性和适中的机械性能。 展开更多
关键词 碳素材料 碳纤维 碳复合材料 种类性 临床应用 医学工程学 低温热解 生物相容 人工股骨头 假体
对西方德性思想源头的探究:荷马史诗“德性”内涵、种类与标准 被引量:1
作者 陶涛 《湖北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第5期29-37,共9页
“德性”作为古老议题一直受到西方伦理学界广泛关注,但是有关德性思想源头问题始终存有争议。以麦金太尔为主要代表的德性伦理学认为西方德性思想的源头应追溯到荷马年代。荷马史诗作为荷马年代文明高度集中的文化产物,在吟唱过程中与... “德性”作为古老议题一直受到西方伦理学界广泛关注,但是有关德性思想源头问题始终存有争议。以麦金太尔为主要代表的德性伦理学认为西方德性思想的源头应追溯到荷马年代。荷马史诗作为荷马年代文明高度集中的文化产物,在吟唱过程中与后世文字记载里保留了原初意义上的“德性”二字,并在自然属性、道德品质与动机纯粹性中彰显出作为西方德性思想源头的普遍性内涵。在此基础上,荷马史诗中还明确存在合作与竞争两类德性,也成为早期西方德性思想源头中优秀的、在善的道德品格不可或缺的部分。虽然这两类德性在特质上彼此区分,但寻求“善/好”一直是它们追求的最高目的和最终走向。分析与正视荷马史诗德性作为西方德性思想源头的理论动态,不仅有助于把握德性思想中“灵魂的善”、“外在的善”与“身体的善”,对于缺失基础性道德的现代人重获新的德性认识、塑造优秀的道德品质也有着借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 荷马史诗 西方德思想 普遍内涵 种类 标准
台湾以北海域浮游桡足类生物海洋学特征的研究Ⅲ.指示性种类 被引量:16
作者 杨关铭 何德华 +2 位作者 王春生 苗育田 于洪华 《海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第1期93-101,共9页
在对台湾以北海域浮游桡足类生物海洋学特征研究Ⅱ.群落特征研究的基础上,用不同生态类群的指示性种类分布来分析对应水系的变化过程.结果表明,普通波水蚤(Undinula vulgaris)和帽状真哲水蚤(Eucalanu... 在对台湾以北海域浮游桡足类生物海洋学特征研究Ⅱ.群落特征研究的基础上,用不同生态类群的指示性种类分布来分析对应水系的变化过程.结果表明,普通波水蚤(Undinula vulgaris)和帽状真哲水蚤(Eucalanus pileatus)的数量分布可以指示台湾海峡水的季节变化和消长趋势;海洋真刺水蚤(Euchaetamarina)能反映黑潮表层水的影响程度;热带大洋高盐偏低温类群种类在陆架区的分布状况可反映黑潮次表层水的入侵涌升范围;中华哲水蚤(Chlanussinicus)的分布反映了沿岸水势力影响的季节差异,可能是受陆架区横向环流的影响,它能扩布到较远岸区域,此时该种类对偏低温的适宜性致使其在较低温水体中的丰度较高;对热带大洋低温高盐类群种类的研究发现,春季隆线似哲水蚤(Chlanoidescarinatus)在测区陆架区广泛分布是由冬季在台湾浅滩南部上升流区该种的大量涌现并随台湾海峡水北上携带而来的,然而,从隆线似哲水蚤和该类群另两种在陆坡下层的出现显示了中、深层水有可能在本区东南侧涌升. 展开更多
关键词 台湾以北海域 浮游桡足类 指示种类 海洋生物
抗性淀粉种类对大鼠肠道代谢产物和血脂的影响 被引量:17
作者 冯铄涵 骞宇 +3 位作者 张璐 李勇 沈祥森 阚建全 《食品科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第19期289-294,共6页
以不同种类抗性淀粉(RS2、RS3、RS4)为研究对象,采用动物实验法,研究其对大鼠肠道代谢产物和血脂的影响。研究结果表明:RS2、RS3、RS4均有控制体质量、降低肠道pH值、增加盲肠组织和盲肠内容物质量、增加盲肠内容物含水量、增加盲肠内... 以不同种类抗性淀粉(RS2、RS3、RS4)为研究对象,采用动物实验法,研究其对大鼠肠道代谢产物和血脂的影响。研究结果表明:RS2、RS3、RS4均有控制体质量、降低肠道pH值、增加盲肠组织和盲肠内容物质量、增加盲肠内容物含水量、增加盲肠内容物中短链脂肪酸(SCFA)含量、降低盲肠内容物中氨含量以及调节血脂等方面的生理功能。其中,在控制体质量方面,RS4体质量增加量最小;在调节大鼠肠道代谢产物方面,RS3效果最优;在调节血脂方面,RS3对血清甘油三酯的降低效果最显著,平均降低水平可达30%左右,而RS4对血清胆固醇的调节效果最优。 展开更多
关键词 淀粉种类 大鼠 肠道代谢产物 血脂
类风湿性关节炎膝关节病变的X线影像学研究 被引量:12
作者 胡敬宏 刘秀华 顾雯烨 《上海医药》 CAS 2017年第22期18-20,共3页
目的 :分析类风湿性关节炎(RA)膝关节病变的X线影像学特征,以提高诊断正确率。方法 :收集2015年2月至2017年2月收治的RA患者52例和骨关节炎患者45例,进行X线摄片,分析两组膝关节病变的影像学特征。结果 :RA组中,关节间隙呈均匀性狭窄47... 目的 :分析类风湿性关节炎(RA)膝关节病变的X线影像学特征,以提高诊断正确率。方法 :收集2015年2月至2017年2月收治的RA患者52例和骨关节炎患者45例,进行X线摄片,分析两组膝关节病变的影像学特征。结果 :RA组中,关节间隙呈均匀性狭窄47例(90.4%),髌上囊肿胀41例(78.8%),关节面毛糙、关节面不同程度侵蚀破坏22例,关节周缘轻度骨质增生43例,明显重度增生、骨赘形成5例,未见明显骨质增生4例,52例均有不同程度骨质疏松。OA组中,关节间隙呈均匀性狭窄5例(11.1%),髌上囊肿胀16例(35.6%),关节面下小囊性改变7例,45例有不同程度骨质增生、骨赘形成改变。两组关节间隙均匀狭窄及髌上囊肿胀改变发生率差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 :RA膝关节病变的X线影像学表现具有一定特征性,尤其是关节间隙均匀性狭窄、髌上囊肿胀及关节面侵蚀的改变在鉴别RA和OA的诊断中有重要价值。 展开更多
关键词 类风湿关节炎 骨关节炎 膝关节 X线
作者 阎国忠 《思想战线》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第3期111-116,共6页
蔡仪将唯物主义认识论运用于美学,撰写了中国第一部系统的马克思主义美学论著,为中国马克思主义美学的创立奠定了初步基础。但蔡仪将美学归之于认识论,将认识归之于单向性的反映,将反映的对象即审美客体归之于种类性或典型,这些论点是... 蔡仪将唯物主义认识论运用于美学,撰写了中国第一部系统的马克思主义美学论著,为中国马克思主义美学的创立奠定了初步基础。但蔡仪将美学归之于认识论,将认识归之于单向性的反映,将反映的对象即审美客体归之于种类性或典型,这些论点是值得商榷的。 展开更多
关键词 蔡仪 认识论 反映 种类性
社会美论(上) 被引量:3
作者 蔡仪 《求索》 1983年第3期58-66,共9页
社会美这个术语,在美学史上过去是没有见到的。因为过去的哲学家,对于一切客观存在的事物,包括某些社会事物,都称为自然;或者他们不认为在自然之外还有什么客观的社会事物。因而他们认为一切客观事物的美都是自然美,不认为在自然美之外... 社会美这个术语,在美学史上过去是没有见到的。因为过去的哲学家,对于一切客观存在的事物,包括某些社会事物,都称为自然;或者他们不认为在自然之外还有什么客观的社会事物。因而他们认为一切客观事物的美都是自然美,不认为在自然美之外还有什么社会美。现在我们承认在客观存在的事物之中,除自然界事物之外还有社会事物,两者的本质是各不相同的。于是也就要承认在自然美之外还有社会美。因为自然界事物作为客观存在具有它的自然性,即是不参与人力的或不依赖于人类生活的; 展开更多
关键词 社会美 社会事物 自然美 行为美 社会关系 种类性 格美 人的行为 人和人的关系 社会
The Application of RAPD Markers in Diversity Detection and Variety Identification of Porphyra 被引量:45
作者 贾建航 王萍 +5 位作者 金德敏 曲雪萍 王倩 李传友 翁曼丽 王斌 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2000年第4期403-407,共5页
RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) markers were generated from filaments of 15 Porphyra lines representing four important groups, P. yezoensis, P. haitanensis, P. katadai var. hemiphylla and P. olig... RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) markers were generated from filaments of 15 Porphyra lines representing four important groups, P. yezoensis, P. haitanensis, P. katadai var. hemiphylla and P. oligospermatangia . Among the total 69 fragments generated by 6 selected primers (among 50 primers), 67 appeared to be polymorphic (97.1%). Cluster analysis based on the RAPD results was performed. The 15 Porphyra lines were divided into 3 groups. This result was consistent with that from taxonomy analysis. A DNA fingerprinting based on 8 bands amplified with OPN_02 and OPJ_18 was constructed and might be used in Porphyra variety identification. Five specific RAPD fragments of 5 Porphyra lines were isolated and cloned into pGEM_T easy vector. These five RAPD fragments may be useful in germplasm identification and property protection of Porphyra . 展开更多
关键词 RAPD genetic diversity cluster analysis PORPHYRA germplasm identification
Community Structure and Diversity Distributions of Small Mammals in Different Sample Plots in the Eastern Part of Wuling Mountains 被引量:13
作者 刘井元 杜红 +3 位作者 田耕百 余品红 王身文 彭红 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期637-645,共9页
Five years' (2000-2004) continuous study has been carried out on small mammals such as rodents in seven different sample plots, at three different altitudes and in six different ecological environment types in the ... Five years' (2000-2004) continuous study has been carried out on small mammals such as rodents in seven different sample plots, at three different altitudes and in six different ecological environment types in the eastern part of the Wuling Mountains, south bank of the Three Gorges of Yangtze River in Hubei. A total of 29 297 rat clamps/times were placed and 2271 small mammals such as rodents were captured, and 26 small mammals were captured by other means. All the small mammals captured belonged to 8 families 19 genera and 24 species, of which rodentia accounted for 70.83% and insectivora 29.17%. Through analysis of the data, the results showed that: 1 ) although the species richness had a trend of increasing along different sample plots as altitude increased from south to north, quite a few species showed a wide habitat range in a vertical distribution ( 15 species were dispersed over three zones and two species over two zones) , indicating a strong adaptability of small mammals such as rOdents at lower altitudes in most areas and comparatively less vertical span of entire mountains; 2) whether in seven different sample plots or six different ecological types, Apodemus agrarius and Rattus norvegicus were dominant species below 1200m, and Anourosorex squamipes, Niviventer confucianus and Apodemus draco were dominant above altitudes of 1300m, however, in quantity they were short of identical regularity, meaning they did not increase as the altitude did, or decrease as the ecological areas changed; 3)the density in winter was obviously greater than that in spring, and the distribution showed an increasing trend along with altitude, but the density in different sample plots was short of identical regularity, showing changes in different seasons and altitude grades had an important impact on small mammals such as rodents; 4) in species diversity and evenness index, there were obvious changes between the seven different sample plots, probably caused by frequent human interference in this area. Comparatively speaking, there was less human interference at high altitudes where vegetation was rich and had a high diversity and evenness index, and the boundary effect and community stability were obvious. Most ecological types have been seriously interfered with due to excessive assart at low altitudes with singular vegetation and low diversity and evenness index and poor community stability, showing an ecosystem with poor anti-reversion. If human interference can be reduced in those communities at high altitudes with low diversity and evenness index, the biological diversity in the communities will gradually recover to similar levels of other ecological areas. 展开更多
关键词 Small mammals Community structure Species diversity Sample plots Eastern part of Wuling Mountains
鄱阳湖地区山地丘陵的鸟类调查 被引量:24
作者 傅道言 丁铁明 +1 位作者 胡平喜 郑清仔 《江西科学》 1989年第2期32-43,共12页
本文记录了鄱阳湖地区山地丘陵的鸟类177种,其中繁殖鸟118种.有7种(亚种)为江西省首次记录.在118种繁殖鸟中.东洋界种类占66.1%,古北界种类占11.1%,广布性种类占22.8%.该文还就鸟类的区系组成及其特征进行了分析,并对资源的保护和开发... 本文记录了鄱阳湖地区山地丘陵的鸟类177种,其中繁殖鸟118种.有7种(亚种)为江西省首次记录.在118种繁殖鸟中.东洋界种类占66.1%,古北界种类占11.1%,广布性种类占22.8%.该文还就鸟类的区系组成及其特征进行了分析,并对资源的保护和开发利用提出了具体意见. 展开更多
关键词 鸟类调查 鄱阳湖山区 繁殖鸟 东洋界种类 古北界种类 广布种类
Patterns of species diversity and functional diversity of breeding birds in Hangzhou across an urbanization gradient 被引量:3
作者 李鹏 丁平 +2 位作者 Kenneth J.FEELEY 张竞成 蒋萍萍 《Chinese Birds》 2010年第1期1-8,共8页
Given the rapid rise in human population and increasing urbanization,it is important to understand their potential impacts on biodiversity.From March 2007 to August 2007,we conducted bird surveys in 90 strip transects... Given the rapid rise in human population and increasing urbanization,it is important to understand their potential impacts on biodiversity.From March 2007 to August 2007,we conducted bird surveys in 90 strip transects,each 3 km long and 100 m wide,along a gradient of urbanization in Hangzhou,China.This gradient spanned a range of urbanization levels including urban areas,rural-urban continuum areas,farming areas,mixed forest/farming areas and forested areas.We recorded 96 breeding bird species and classified them into nine functional groups based on nesting requirements.The nine functional groups consisted of canopy nesters,shrub nesters,canopy/shrub nesters,natural cavity nesters,building nesters,natural cavity/building nesters,ground nesters,water surface nesters and parasitic nesters.Species and functional diversities were estimated based on the Shannon-Wiener index.Environmental data of each transect as human disturbance,vegetation cover and building index were also measured,and a synthetic urbanization index of each transect was introduced based on these data.We used regression analyses to model the relationship of species abundance,species diversity,functional abundance and functional diversity with this synthetic index.The results show that urbanization significantly reduces species richness,species diversity,functional richness and functional diversity,but the specific patterns differed.The relationship between species abundance/species diversity and urbanization is linear.In contrast,the relationship between functional diversity and urbanization was quadratic.In other words,with increased urbanization,functional diversity declined only slightly at first but then dropped at an accelerating rate.This implies that,although moderate urbanization reduces species diversity of breeding birds,it affects functional diversity of breeding birds only slightly in Hangzhou.The regression analysis of species diversity and functional diversity suggests a quadratic relationship between species diversity and functional diversity,i.e.,a linear relationship between species diversity and functional diversity can only exist at low diversity levels across urbanization gradients and increasing species abundance does not lead to an increase in functional diversity at the highest diversity levels. 展开更多
关键词 URBANIZATION breeding bird community species diversity functional diversity Hangzhou
Principal Component Analysis and Cluster Analysis of Fagopyrum tataricum Varieties(Lines) 被引量:2
作者 赵建栋 李秀莲 +2 位作者 史兴海 陈稳良 高伟 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第12期2707-2712,共6页
In order to reveal the genetic differences and agronomic traits of Fagopy-rum tataricum_ varieties (lines) intuitively, explore good resources and avoid the blindness of parent selection during the breeding process,... In order to reveal the genetic differences and agronomic traits of Fagopy-rum tataricum_ varieties (lines) intuitively, explore good resources and avoid the blindness of parent selection during the breeding process, six primary agronomic traits of 45 F. tataricum_ varieties (lines) that came from the eleven buckwheat breeding departments across the country were analyzed with principal component analysis and cluster analysis. The results of principal component analysis showed that the six agronomic traits could be simplified into three principal components, and the cumulative contribution rate reached 83%. The results of cluster analysis showed that the 45 F. tataricum varieties (lines) were classified into four groups:high stalk, medium yield and smal grain type, medium stalk, high yield and large grain type, medium stalk, low yield and smal grain type and high stalk, medium yield and medium grain type. Among them, performance of comprehensive trait of the second type was better than that of the other types. Thus, the F. tataricum_va-rieties (lines) that were classified into the second type could be considered as good varieties (lines) or breeding materials. The genetic differences among F. tataricum_varieties (lines) had no necessary correlations with origin and geographical distance. ln addition to complementary traits and geographical distance, genetic distances (dif-ferent populations) should be taken into consideration during parent selection in cross breeding. 展开更多
关键词 Fagopyrum tataricum Agronomic traits Cluster analysis
作者 李云瑞 《江南论坛》 1995年第6期59-59,共1页
关键词 成本核算 针织内衣企业 计价方法 针织产品 规程 种类性 基本工艺 针织工业 原材料 核算与管理
Characterization of 124 Flue-cured Tobacco Germplasm Resources
作者 许美玲 肖炳光 +1 位作者 焦芳婵 吴兴富 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第2期286-294,383,共10页
[Objective] This study aimed to characterize 124 flue-cured tobacco germplasm resources, and to provide reference for making the best use of the existing flue-cured tobacco germplasm resources. [Method] A total of 124... [Objective] This study aimed to characterize 124 flue-cured tobacco germplasm resources, and to provide reference for making the best use of the existing flue-cured tobacco germplasm resources. [Method] A total of 124 flue-cured tobacco germplasm resources were studied via field experiment and statistic analysis to investigate characteristics of their growth period, morphologic characters, main agronomic traits, and economic characters. [Result] There were significant differences among the 124 flue-cured tobacco germplasm resources in growth period, morphologic characters, main agronomic traits, and economic characters. The coefficients of variation (CV) varied in a range of 7.9%-22.5%. Among them, CV of bud stage was higher, and that of corolla length was lower. Many germplasm resources were attacked seriously by black shank disease at the end of field experiment, including those with disease index higher than 90, like Kutsaga 110, TI706, Ky 151, KM10, Longshe, Chaoxian Kangchi, Kutsaga 51E, Yongding No.1, and those with disease index among 75-90 such as Liaoyan No. 8, Lingnong No.2, Shandong Duoye, 581, Cunjingyan, KRK26, and Special 400. The tobacco root knot nematode invasion was light in some germplasm or never happened in other germplasm resources. TMV happened sporadically. CV 87, Yunyan 99, Yunyan 85, K326, Yunyan 87, Zhubuo No.1, T64 and T66 produced higher yield, production value, proportion of good leaves and sold at a higher price. Finally, we screened out the germpalsm resources with good comprehensive economic values and high disease resistance such as CV 87, Yunyan 99, Yunyan 85, K326, Yunyan 87, Zhubuo No.1, T64, T66, Honghuadajinyan, G-28, Taiyan No. 8, 77089-12, Yunyan 97, K346, V2, K149, NC567, NC297, Yunyan 201, Yunyan 203, KRK22. [Conclusion] This study provides reference for making better use of tobacco germplasm resources, and breeding new varieties. 展开更多
关键词 Flue-cured tobacco Germplasm resources Cluster analysis Economic characters Agronomical characters
Morphological Diversity Analysis of Red-seed Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus ssp. vulgaris var. megalaspermus Lin et Chao) Germplasm Resources 被引量:1
作者 柳唐镜 张棵 吴素萍 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第3期458-465,共8页
[Objective] This study aimed to analyze the morphological diversity of red- seed watermelon (Citrullus lanatus ssp. vulgaris var. megalaspermus Lin et Chao) germplasm resources. [Method] Multiple cluster analysis an... [Objective] This study aimed to analyze the morphological diversity of red- seed watermelon (Citrullus lanatus ssp. vulgaris var. megalaspermus Lin et Chao) germplasm resources. [Method] Multiple cluster analysis and principal components analysis on the morphological traits of 51 red-seed watermelon germplasm resources were carried out. [Result] The coefficient of variations (CVs) of 39 morphological traits in 51 red-seed watermelon idioplasm resources ranged from 5.37% to 66.95%, with an average of 22.87%. The average of Shannon diversity information indices was 1.55. Among them, the Shannon diversity information index of seed length was the highest (2.16) and that of seed shell figure pattern was the lowest (0.32). In ad- dition, the morphological diversity information indices of quantity characters were higher than that of quality characters. The principal components analysis revealed that the variance contribution rates of the first, second and third principal compo- nents were 19.49%, 15.32% and 9.55%, respectively. Cluster analysis divided the 51 materials into three broad branches based on the morphological traits. There was only one material in the fist branch and two in the second branch, and all the three materials were wild. The other 48 materials were divided into the third branch and all of them were cultivars. [Conclusion] This study provided a theoretical basis for the protection and utilization of red-seed watermelon resources. 展开更多
关键词 Red-seed watermelon Germplasm resources Morphological diversity Cluster analysis Principal component analysis
Interspecific Transition Among Caragana microphylla, C. davazamcii and C. korshinskii Along Geographic Gradient. Ⅰ. Ecological and RAPD Evidence 被引量:12
作者 马成仓 高玉葆 +2 位作者 刘惠芬 王金龙 郭宏宇 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第10期1218-1227,共10页
The former plant population survey has shown that three genetically-related species, Caraganamicrophylla Lam., C. davazamcii Sancz. and C. korshinskii Kom., form a geographical replacement series inNei Mongol Plateau.... The former plant population survey has shown that three genetically-related species, Caraganamicrophylla Lam., C. davazamcii Sancz. and C. korshinskii Kom., form a geographical replacement series inNei Mongol Plateau. The present study on population distribution, taxonomy, morphology, development andgenetic structure demonstrated that the geographical distribution of these three species was successiveand in gradual change, thus forming a geographical cline which extended from the east to the west of NeiMongol Plateau. With an analysis of climate change over time, it was considered that the formation of thisgeographical cline was a result of plant adaptation to its natural environment. 展开更多
关键词 Caragana microphylla C. davazamcii C. korshinskii interspecific transition alonggeographical gradient Morphology TAXONOMY RAPD
Modeling habitat suitability of range plant species using random forest method in arid mountainous rangelands 被引量:8
作者 Hossein PIRI SAHRAGARD Majid AJORLO Peyman KARAMI 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第10期2159-2171,共13页
Mountainous rangelands play a pivotal role in providing forage resources for livestock, particularly in summer, and maintaining ecological balance. This study aimed to identify environmental variables affecting range ... Mountainous rangelands play a pivotal role in providing forage resources for livestock, particularly in summer, and maintaining ecological balance. This study aimed to identify environmental variables affecting range plant species distribution, ecological analysis of the relationship between these variables and the distribution of plants, and to model and map the plant habitats suitability by the Random Forest Method(RFM) in rangelands of the Taftan Mountain, Sistan and Baluchestan Province, southeastern Iran. In order to determine the environmental variables and estimate the potential distribution of plant species, the presence points of plants were recorded by using systematic random sampling method(90 points of presence) and soils were sampled in 5 habitats by random method in 0–30 and 30–60 cm depths. The layers of environmental variables were prepared using the Kriging interpolation method and Geographic Information System facilities. The distribution of the plant habitats was finally modelled and mapped by the RFM. Continuous maps of the habitat suitability were converted to binary maps using Youden Index(?) in order to evaluate the accuracy of the RFM in estimation of the distribution of species potentialhabitat. Based on the values of the area under curve(AUC) statistics, accuracy of predictive models of all habitats was in good level. Investigating the agreement between the predicted map, generated by each model, and actual maps, generated from fieldmeasured data, of the plant habitats, was at a high level for all habitats, except for Amygdalus scoparia habitat. This study concluded that the RFM is a robust model to analyze the relationships between the distribution of plant species and environmental variables as well as to prepare potential distribution maps of plant habitats that are of higher priority for conservation on the local scale in arid mountainous rangelands. 展开更多
关键词 Environmental (predictor) variables Habitat mapping Habitat distribution Random Forest Method Tartan Mountain
Identification of Rhodiola species by using RP-HPLC 被引量:2
作者 王强 阮晓 +2 位作者 金志华 颜启传 屠善军 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第6期477-482,共6页
An approach was established using RP-HPLC (reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography) to identify ten species of Rhodiola, R. coccinea A. Bor, R. junggarica C.Y. Yang et N.R. Cui spn., R. heterodonta A. Bo... An approach was established using RP-HPLC (reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography) to identify ten species of Rhodiola, R. coccinea A. Bor, R. junggarica C.Y. Yang et N.R. Cui spn., R. heterodonta A. Bor, R. linearifolia A. Bor, R. pamiro alaiucm A. Bor, R. kaschgarica A. Bor, R. litwinowii A. Bor, R. gelida schrenk, R. rosea L. and R. quadrifide Fisch et Mey collected from the Tianshan Mountains areas of China. Chromatograms of alcohol-soluble proteins, generated from these ten Rhodiola spp. were compared. Each chromatogram of alcohol-soluble proteins came from a single seed of one wild species only. The results showed that when using a Waters Delta Pak. C18, 5 μm particle size reversed phase column (150 mm×3.9 mm), a linear gradient of 22%?55% solvent B with a flow rate of 1 ml/min and a run time of 67 min, the chromatography gave optimum separation of Rhodiola alcohol-soluble proteins. Chromatogram of each species was different and could be used to identify those species. Cluster analysis of genetic similarity coefficients of 37% to 60% showed a medium degree of genetic diversity among the species in these eco-areas. Cluster analysis showed that the ten species of Rhodiola can be divided into four clusters and yielded the general and unique biochemical markers of these species. RP-HPLC was shown to be a rapid, repeatable and reliable method for Rhodiola species identification and analysis of genetic diversity. 展开更多
关键词 RHODIOLA Genetic diversity Species identification RP-HPLC
Stock discrimination of spottedtail goby (Synechogobius ommaturus) in the Yellow Sea by analysis of otolith shape 被引量:7
作者 王英俊 叶振江 +1 位作者 刘群 曹亮 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第1期192-198,共7页
Otolith shape is species specific and is an ideal marker of fish population affiliation. In this study, otolith shape of spottedtail goby Synechogobius ommaturus is used to identify stocks in different spawning locati... Otolith shape is species specific and is an ideal marker of fish population affiliation. In this study, otolith shape of spottedtail goby Synechogobius ommaturus is used to identify stocks in different spawning locations in the Yellow Sea. The main objectives of this study are to explore the potential existence of local stocks of spottedtail goby in the Yellow Sea by analysis of otolith shape, and to investigate ambient impacts on otolith shape. Spottedtail goby was sampled in five locations in the Yellow Sea in 2007 and 2008. Otoliths are described using variables correlated to size (otolith area, perimeter, length, width, and weight) and shape (rectangularity, circularity, and 20 Fourier harmonics). Only standardized otolith variables are used so that the effect of otolith size on the shape variables could be eliminated. There is no significant difference among variables of sex, year, and side (left and right). However, the otolith shapes of the spring stocks and the autumn stocks differ significantly. Otolith shape differences are greater among locations than between years. Correct classification rate of spottedtail goby with the otolith shape at different sampling locations range from 29.7%–77.4%. 展开更多
关键词 Synechogobius ommaturus the Yellow Sea otolith shape Fourier analysis
Iron Regulation of Wetland Vegetation Performance Through Synchronous Effects on Phosphorus Acquisition Efficiency 被引量:1
作者 JIA Xueying TIAN Zhijie +4 位作者 QIN Lei ZHANG Linlin ZOU Yuanchun JIANG Ming LYU Xianguo 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第2期337-352,共16页
Iron-rich groundwater flowing into wetlands is a worldwide environmental pollution phenomenon that is closely associated with the stability of wetland ecosystems. Combined with high phosphorus(P) loading from agricult... Iron-rich groundwater flowing into wetlands is a worldwide environmental pollution phenomenon that is closely associated with the stability of wetland ecosystems. Combined with high phosphorus(P) loading from agricultural runoff, the prediction of the evolution of wetland vegetation affected by compound contamination is particularly urgent. We tested the effects of anaerobic iron-rich groundwater discharge in a freshwater marsh by simulating the effect of three levels of eutrophic water on native plants(Glyceria spiculosa(Fr. Schmidt.) Rosh.). The management of wetland vegetation with 1–20 mg/L Fe input is an efficient method to promote the growth of plants, which showed an optimum response under a 0.10 mg/L P surface water environment. Iron-rich groundwater strongly affects the changes in ecological niches of some wetland plant species and the dominant species. In addition, when the P concentration in a natural body of water is too high, the governance effect of eutrophication might not be as expected. Under iron-rich groundwater conditions, the δ^(13)C values of organs were more depleted, which can partially explain the differences in δ^(13)C in the soil profile. Conversely, the carbon isotope composition of soil organic carbon is indicative of past changes in vegetation. The results of our experiments confirm that iron-rich groundwater discharge has the potential to affect vegetation composition through toxicity modification in eutrophic environments. 展开更多
关键词 iron-rich groundwater wetland vegetation phosphorus (P) EUTROPHICATION
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