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作者 梁思甜 李自尊 曾彩焕 《南宁师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024年第1期47-59,共13页
关键词 种群行为 Allee-II效应 稳定性 分岔
鱼类种群行为及其与环境变化的关系(英文) 被引量:3
作者 刘群 任一平 王艳君 《青岛海洋大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 2000年第3期477-481,共5页
任何渔业的重要生物特征是鱼类种群的变动。经典的鱼类种群动态模型是以稳定的种群行为为基础的。作者阐述了鱼类种群的行为 ,并划分为三种类型 :(1)稳定型 :种群在较稳定产量上维持较长时间 (反应系数 0 .0 2 )。 (2 )周期型 :种群表... 任何渔业的重要生物特征是鱼类种群的变动。经典的鱼类种群动态模型是以稳定的种群行为为基础的。作者阐述了鱼类种群的行为 ,并划分为三种类型 :(1)稳定型 :种群在较稳定产量上维持较长时间 (反应系数 0 .0 2 )。 (2 )周期型 :种群表现出周期性的高产量和低产量 (反应系数 0 .2 2 )。 (3)不稳定型 :种群产生高产量后无可挽回地崩溃了 (反应系数 0 .3)。在环境变化较大时 ,白色噪音水平 (变动系数 )增加至 35% ,稳定型种群变为不稳定型。在白色噪音水平 (变动系数 )增加至 2 0 %时 ,周期型种群变为不稳定型。 展开更多
关键词 鱼类种群动态模型 鱼类种群行为 环境变化
作者 吴健伟 冯东梅 《工程研究(跨学科视野中的工程)》 CSCD 2016年第1期40-47,共8页
以生态学的视角,对比建设项目与自然生态系统,提出建设项目组织共生模式的概念,并对该模式建立的目的、原则、组织构架、运行平台等做出了具体阐释。研究分析了该模式下建设项目组织种群的行为过程,包括不合理竞争为主、合理竞争与协同... 以生态学的视角,对比建设项目与自然生态系统,提出建设项目组织共生模式的概念,并对该模式建立的目的、原则、组织构架、运行平台等做出了具体阐释。研究分析了该模式下建设项目组织种群的行为过程,包括不合理竞争为主、合理竞争与协同合作并存等阶段,明确了该模式在促进组织稳定、技术与文化创新以及降低交易成本等方面具有积极作用,为建设项目顺利实施提供了新的视角及理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 建设项目 共生模式 种群行为 改进作用
作者 陈德 张长增 王晓林 《内蒙古预防医学》 2000年第4期153-154,共2页
关键词 啮齿动物 长爪沙鼠 栖息地 种群行为
基于红外相机技术的白鹇日活动节律分化研究 ——以都庞岭和大围山种群为例 被引量:2
作者 唐佳敏 杨道德 +2 位作者 曹越 李佳琦 张志强 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期2621-2631,共11页
种群行为分化是物种适应环境的基础,而同一物种不同地理种群活动节律的分化是体现其生态适应的重要内容。不同地理种群活动节律的分化是由生态条件和种间竞争等因素引起的,研究不同地理种群物种活动节律的分化,有助于对种群的动态管理... 种群行为分化是物种适应环境的基础,而同一物种不同地理种群活动节律的分化是体现其生态适应的重要内容。不同地理种群活动节律的分化是由生态条件和种间竞争等因素引起的,研究不同地理种群物种活动节律的分化,有助于对种群的动态管理和保护。为研究同一物种在不同分布区域的年周期行为节律,通过提取2017年10月至2018年9月在湖南都庞岭国家级自然保护区和湖南浏阳大围山省级自然保护区分别布设的60台红外相机中监测到的白鹇(Lophura nycthemera)种群数据,利用核密度估计方法(kernel Density Estimation)和雅各布斯选择指数(Jacobs Selection Index,JSI)对白鹇的日活动节律和日活动时间选择进行了构建与比对,同时采用皮尔逊相关系数(Pearson correlation coefficient)及T检验(T-Test)分析了两个异域分布的白鹇种群活动节律的分化趋势。结果表明:都庞岭分布的白鹇在全年和冷季的日活动节律为单峰模式,暖季为双峰模式;大围山分布的白鹇在全年的日活动节律为连续多峰模式,冷季和暖季为单峰模式。在活动时段的选择上,都庞岭分布的白鹇在全年和暖季更偏好在上午(JSI=0.479,JSI=0.461)活动,冷季更喜欢在中午(JSI=0.593)活动,全年和不同季节对日落(-0.41<JSI<0)为消极选择;而大围山分布的白鹇在全年和冷季偏好在下午(JSI=0.454,JSI=0.673)活动最多,暖季在上午(JSI=0.423)活动最多,同时对日落为正向选择(JSI=0.082)。依据活动时间重叠系数,都庞岭和大围山分布的白鹇在暖季的活动时间重叠系数最高(Dhat=0.92);依据活动频次相关性分析,2个地理种群在暖季的活动频次分化程度最高(Cor=-0.92,P<0.01)。综合分析表明,气候适应,回避人为干扰,同域竞争者和捕食者压力等因素可能是引起白鹇不同地理种群的日活动节律分化的原因。本研究结果可为雉类日活动行为分化研究提供经验线索,并为白鹇种群有效管理与栖息地保护提供理论支撑。 展开更多
关键词 白鹇 日活动节律 种群行为分化 湖南都庞岭国家级自然保护区 湖南浏阳大围山省级自然保护区
作物多样性种植对农田害虫及天敌的影响 被引量:23
作者 董文霞 肖春 李成云 《中国生态农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期435-442,共8页
作物多样性种植在中国有着古老而悠久的历史,在现代农业生产中仍发挥着重要作用。近几年,利用多样性种植控制虫害成为全世界农业研究的热点之一。作物多样性种植直接影响农田害虫的发生、危害、行为。许多研究表明,农作物多样性种植,害... 作物多样性种植在中国有着古老而悠久的历史,在现代农业生产中仍发挥着重要作用。近几年,利用多样性种植控制虫害成为全世界农业研究的热点之一。作物多样性种植直接影响农田害虫的发生、危害、行为。许多研究表明,农作物多样性种植,害虫数量和危害程度都有不同程度的减轻。但也有一些研究表明,作物多样性种植不仅不能减轻害虫的危害程度,甚至还会加重其危害程度。多样性种植不仅影响天敌昆虫数量,而且影响其寄生率或捕食率,并通过影响其定向行为、搜索行为、转移行为等影响其活动能力。本文总结了近年来作物多样性种植对农田害虫及天敌的影响方面的研究结果,并讨论了该领域研究的前景及目前存在的问题。本文还介绍了作物多样性种植对昆虫影响机制的7种假说(物理阻隔假说、视动反应假说、寄主植物气味掩盖假说、驱避性化学物质假说、植物气味组成改变假说、天敌假说、资源密度假说)和1种理论(适宜性/非适宜性降落理论),这些假说和理论在一定程度上能够阐明多样性种植对昆虫的影响机理,但是没有一种假说或理论能够全面阐明多样性种植控制害虫的生态机制。 展开更多
关键词 作物 多样性种植 害虫 天敌昆虫 农业生态系统 种群行为
人为干扰对生物多样性的影响 被引量:33
作者 樊正球 陈鹭真 李振基 《中国生态农业学报》 CAS CSCD 2001年第2期31-34,共4页
从景观破碎、保护历史、种群行为机制和种群大小4个方面讨论了人为干扰对生物多样性的影响,以期为生物多样性保护和生态环境恢复提供依据。一般人为轻度干扰会导致生物多样性提高,对比研究武夷山人为干扰甜槠林与郁闭稳定甜槠林结果表明... 从景观破碎、保护历史、种群行为机制和种群大小4个方面讨论了人为干扰对生物多样性的影响,以期为生物多样性保护和生态环境恢复提供依据。一般人为轻度干扰会导致生物多样性提高,对比研究武夷山人为干扰甜槠林与郁闭稳定甜槠林结果表明,人为干扰甜槠林高等植物物种丰富度相对于郁闭稳定林分提高了76.32%;但人为干扰甜槠林的群落优势度却远低于郁闭林,故在演替过程中群落物种多样性的增加是生态系统对外界轻度干扰的一种适应,是恢复生态系统稳定性的一种对策,一旦干扰超过其调节能力,将难以恢复为原来的群落类型。生物在其各自进化和适应的过程中由于生态位泛化或特化,许多物种仅局限于非常小的生态位空间,这些物种一旦遭遇到景观破碎则很可能从地球上消失,如黄连和短萼黄连对阴湿条件的适应与要求,导致其濒临灭绝;另一些种类由于在群落中零星分布,如斑叶兰、羽萼悬钩子、浙江红花油茶、多种粗叶木(Lasianthus spp.)和一些紫金牛(Ardisia spp.)等,当生境缩小或受到干扰时则濒临灭绝。地史上古老的地区或自然保护历史较长的地区可能拥有更多的物种。保护历史较长的福建省南靖县和溪南亚热带雨林在1200m^2面积内有128种高等植物,同一地带的鼎湖山及和溪周边地区的南亚热带雨林物种丰富度均低于此。 展开更多
关键词 生物多样性 人为干扰 景观破碎 保护历史 种群行为机制 种群大小 生态环境恢复
Status and behavior of the Black-necked Crane (Grus nigricollis) in the Altun Mountain Reserve,Xinjiang
作者 张同 马鸣 +2 位作者 丁鹏 徐峰 Paul J.BUZZARD 《Chinese Birds》 2012年第3期199-205,共7页
The Black-necked Crane (Grus nigricollis) is an endemic species of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau,with its population in Xinjiang largely found in the Kunlun and Altun mountain regions.A survey of the distribution,popula... The Black-necked Crane (Grus nigricollis) is an endemic species of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau,with its population in Xinjiang largely found in the Kunlun and Altun mountain regions.A survey of the distribution,population dynamics,flock size and behavior was conducted in Altun Mountain National Natural Reserve from September to November 2011.We investigated the size and distribution of its population in this area with a sample spot survey and by direct counting.We found Black-necked Cranes on the wetlands of Wuzunxiaoer,Yusup Aleksei,Yaziquan,Qimantag,Tula Ranch and elsewhere,where we recorded 126 individual birds of the species in Yixiekepati (37° 15′-37°23′N,90°11′-90°20′E,elevation 3903 m),the largest population we have observed in this area.In the reserve,the population consists of about 180-200 birds.Combined with previous records,we conclude that more than 260 Black-necked Cranes live in Xinjiang.Cranes gathered conspicuously in the middle of October where the highest number of birds appeared on 29 October.All of the cranes had migrated out of this area by 6 November.Time budgets and diurnal behavior rhythms of Blacknecked Cranes were observed in the Yixiekepati wetland at daylight (from 06:00 to 18:00).Foraging was the most prevalent type of behavior during the autumn period,accounting for 58.9% of the diurnal time budget,followed by preening (13.2%),vigilance (9.5%),walking (8.2%),flying (3.5%),resting (3.4%),chirping (2.7%) and other types of behavior (0.6%). 展开更多
关键词 Black-necked Crane Grus nigricollis distribution population size behavior rhythm XINJIANG
作者 earls.,S 郭凯声 《科学(中文版)》 2001年第2期77-79,共3页
关键词 动物 生活环境 种群行为 计算机模拟
Kinetic Behaviors of Catalysis-Driven Growth of Three-Species Aggregates on Base of Exchange-Driven Aggregations
作者 SUN Yun-Fei CHEN Dan LIN Zhen-Quan KE Jian-Hong 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第6期1042-1054,共13页
We propose a solvable aggregation model to mimic the evolution of population A, asset B, and the quantifiable resource C in a society. In this system, the population and asset aggregates themselves grow through selfex... We propose a solvable aggregation model to mimic the evolution of population A, asset B, and the quantifiable resource C in a society. In this system, the population and asset aggregates themselves grow through selfexchanges with the rate kernels Kl(k,j) = K1kj and K2(h,j) = K2kj, respectively. The actions of the population and asset aggregations on the aggregation evolution of resource aggregates are described by the population-catalyzed monomer death of resource aggregates and asset-catalyzed monomer birth of resource aggregates with the rate kerne/s J1(k,j)=J1k and J2(k,j) = J2k, respectively. Meanwhile, the asset and resource aggregates conjunctly catalyze the monomer birth of population aggregates with the rate kernel I1 (k,i,j) = I1ki^μjη, and population and resource aggregates conjunctly catalyze the monomer birth of asset aggregates with the rate kernel /2(k, i, j) = I2ki^νj^η. The kinetic behaviors of species A, B, and C are investigated by means of the mean-field rate equation approach. The effects of the population-catalyzed death and asset-catalyzed birth on the evolution of resource aggregates based on the self-exchanges of population and asset appear in effective forms. The coefficients of the effective population-catalyzed death and the asset-catalyzed birth are expressed as J1e = J1/K1 and J2e= J2/K2, respectively. The aggregate size distribution of C species is found to be crucially dominated by the competition between the effective death and the effective birth. It satisfies the conventional scaling form, generalized scaling form, and modified scaling form in the cases of J1e〈J2e, J1e=J2e, and J1e〉J2e, respectively. Meanwhile, we also find the aggregate size distributions of populations and assets both fall into two distinct categories for different parameters μ,ν, and η: (i) When μ=ν=η=0 and μ=ν=η=1, the population and asset aggregates obey the generalized scaling forms; and (ii) When μ=ν=1,η=0, and μ=ν=η=1, the population and asset aggregates experience gelation transitions at finite times and the scaling forms break down. 展开更多
关键词 kinetic behavior exchange-driven growth catalyzed birth/death rate equations
Aggregation Behaviors of a Two-Species System with Lose-Lose Interactions
作者 宋美霞 林振权 +1 位作者 李晓东 柯见洪 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第6期1190-1200,共11页
We propose an aggregation evolution model of two-species (A- and B-species) aggregates to study the prevalent aggregation phenomena in social and economic systems. In this model, A- and B-species aggregates perform ... We propose an aggregation evolution model of two-species (A- and B-species) aggregates to study the prevalent aggregation phenomena in social and economic systems. In this model, A- and B-species aggregates perform self-exchange-driven growths with the exchange rate kernels K(k, l) = Kkl and L(k, l) = Lkl, respectively, and the two species aggregates perform self-birth processes with the rate kernels J1(k) = J1 k and J2( k ) = J2k, and meanwhile the interaction between the aggregates of different species A and B causes a lose-lose scheme with the rate kernel H(k,l) = Hkl. Based on the mean-field theory, we investigated the evolution behaviors of the two species aggregates to study the competitions among above three aggregate evolution schemes on the distinct initial monomer concentrations A0 and B0 of the two species. The results show that the evolution behaviors of A- and B-species are crucially dominated by the competition between the two self-birth processes, and the initial monomer concentrations Ao and Bo play important roles, while the lose-lose scheme play important roles in some special cases. 展开更多
关键词 kinetic behavior lose-lose scheme scaling law rate equation
约束线方法在生态学研究中的应用 被引量:11
作者 郝蕊芳 于德永 +2 位作者 邬建国 郭勤峰 刘宇鹏 《植物生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第10期1100-1109,共10页
生态系统格局和过程往往受到多个因子的共同影响,故此反映两个生态学变量相互关系的散点图常常会表现为有边界的散点云。基于数据均值或中值分析的传统统计方法不适用于散点云数据的分析。散点云所表征的不是两变量之间的相关关系,而是... 生态系统格局和过程往往受到多个因子的共同影响,故此反映两个生态学变量相互关系的散点图常常会表现为有边界的散点云。基于数据均值或中值分析的传统统计方法不适用于散点云数据的分析。散点云所表征的不是两变量之间的相关关系,而是限制作用关系。约束线(包络)方法为提取散点云边界、理解限制变量对响应变量的作用,以及预测响应变量的潜在最大值提供了有效手段。该文对应用约束线方法研究生态学问题所取得的成果进行总结与归纳,介绍了约束线概念的发展历程、提取方法,从物种分布、种群行为及作物产量优化三个方面总结了约束线方法的优点及适用性,概述了当前约束线方法应用研究面临的问题与挑战,指出约束线方法应结合其他统计方法,实现对生态过程的准确理解,此外,还应重视约束线方法的尺度依赖性。最后,该文展望了约束线方法在研究生态系统服务关系和土地系统优化等方面的应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 散点云 有效边界 约束包络 限制响应 物种分布 种群行为 优化
现代狩猎在野生动物管理中的作用 被引量:9
作者 曹识 周学红 张伟 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期297-304,共8页
尽管现代狩猎有别于传统狩猎,但仍是一个备受争议的话题.国际上有大量学者从生态学、行为学、遗传学、经济学等角度研究狩猎对野生动物的影响.本文综合国内外文献,综述了狩猎在种群动态、行为、基因及表型方面可能对野生动物产生的影响... 尽管现代狩猎有别于传统狩猎,但仍是一个备受争议的话题.国际上有大量学者从生态学、行为学、遗传学、经济学等角度研究狩猎对野生动物的影响.本文综合国内外文献,综述了狩猎在种群动态、行为、基因及表型方面可能对野生动物产生的影响.研究表明:规范管理下的适当狩猎是管理野生动物种群的有效方式,有利于野外种群数量的恢复甚至增加.但过度或不当的狩猎会影响野生动物种群性比、出生率和死亡率,改变动物觅食行为及社群空间行为,对动物基因及表型产生人工选择.国际上很多国家已成功开展适当的狩猎活动,而我国要想在野生动物管理中科学应用狩猎,应基于生态学、经济学理论,参考国际上的成功案例,科学制定狩猎限额,加强狩猎监督管理,兼顾生态保护与经济发展. 展开更多
关键词 狩猎种群动态行为 基因及表型 野生动物管理
Sexual selection on color and behavior within and between cichlid populations: Implications for speciation 被引量:1
作者 Michael J.PAUERS Jeffrey S.MCKINNON 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第3期475-483,共9页
Sexual selection is widely viewed as playing a central role in haplochromine cichlid speciation. Hypothetically, once divergent mate preferences evolve among populations of these fishes, reproductive isolation follows... Sexual selection is widely viewed as playing a central role in haplochromine cichlid speciation. Hypothetically, once divergent mate preferences evolve among populations of these fishes, reproductive isolation follows and the populations begin to behave as different species. Various studies have examined patterns of assortative mating among species and sometimes populations, but few have examined variation in directional preferences, especially among populations of the same species. We investi- gated mate choice behavior in two populations of Labeotropheus fueUeborni, a Lake Malawi endemic. We test whether mating preferences between populations are based on the same traits and in the same direction as preferences within populations. We examine the potential contributions of two classes of trait, color patterns and behaviors, to reproductive isolation. When females chose between either two males of their own population, or two from another, female preferences were generally similar (for the female population) across the two contexts. Mate choice patterns differed between (female) populations for a measure of color, but only modestly for male behavior. In a separate experiment we simultaneously offered females a male of their own population and a male from a different population. In these trials, females consistently preferred males from their own population, which were also the males that displayed more frequently than their opponents, but not necessarily those with color traits suggested to be most attractive in the previous experiment. Thus directional preferences for chroma and related aspects of color may be important when females are presented with males of otherwise similar phenotypes, but may play little role in mediating assortative mating among populations with substantially different color patterns. A preference for male behavior could play some role in speciation if males preferentially court same-population females, as we have observed for the populations studied herein [Current Zoology 58 (3): 475-483, 2012]. 展开更多
关键词 Haplochromine cichlid Sexual selection SPECIATION COLOR Labeotropheus
Predator-induced phenotypic plasticity of shape and behavior: parallel and unique patterns across sexes and species 被引量:1
作者 Heather A. ARNETT Michael T. KINNISON 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第4期369-378,共10页
Phenotypic plasticity is often an adaptation of organisms to cope with temporally or spatially heter- ogenous landscapes. Like other adaptations, one would predict that different species, populations, or sexes might t... Phenotypic plasticity is often an adaptation of organisms to cope with temporally or spatially heter- ogenous landscapes. Like other adaptations, one would predict that different species, populations, or sexes might thus show some degree of parallel evolution of plasticity, in the form of parallel reaction norms, when exposed to analogous environmental gradients. Indeed, one might even ex- pect parallelism of plasticity to repeatedly evolve in multiple traits responding to the same gradi- ent, resulting in integrated parallelism of plasticity. In this study, we experimentally tested for paral- lel patterns of predator-mediated plasticity of size, shape, and behavior of 2 species and sexes of mosquitofish. Examination of behavioral trials indicated that the 2 species showed unique patterns of behavioral plasticity, whereas the 2 sexes in each species showed parallel responses. Fish shape showed parallel patterns of plasticity for both sexes and species, albeit males showed evidence of unique plasticity related to reproductive anatomy. Moreover, patterns of shape plasticity due to predator exposure were broadly parallel to what has been depicted for predator-mediated popula- tion divergence in other studies (slender bodies, expanded caudal regions, ventrally located eyes, and reduced male gonopodia). We did not find evidence of phenotypic plasticity in fish size for ei- ther species or sex. Hence, our findings support broadly integrated parallelism of plasticity for sexes within species and less integrated parallelism for species. We interpret these findings with respect to their potential broader implications for the interacting roles of adaptation and constraint in the evolutionary origins of parallelism of plasticity in general. 展开更多
关键词 BOLDNESS common garden geometric morphometrics reaction norm sexual dimorphism size at maturity.
Small value probabilities for continuous state branching processes with immigration 被引量:1
作者 CHU WeiJuan LI WenBo V REN YanXia 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE 2012年第11期2259-2271,共13页
We consider the small value probability of supercritical continuous state branching processes with immigration. From Pinsky (1972) it is known that under regularity condition on the branching mechanism and immigrati... We consider the small value probability of supercritical continuous state branching processes with immigration. From Pinsky (1972) it is known that under regularity condition on the branching mechanism and immigration mechanism, the normalized population size converges to a non-degenerate finite and positive limit PV as t tends to infinity. We provide sharp estimate on asymptotic behavior of P(W≤ε〈) as ε→ 0+ by studying the Laplace transform of W. Without immigration, we also give a simpler proof for the small value probability in the non-subordinator case via the prolific backbone decomposition. 展开更多
关键词 continuous state branching process small value probability IMMIGRATION
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