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临近九七,种种迹象显示 外资在港日趋稳定
作者 综闻 《广西物价》 1997年第6期36-37,共2页
香港回归,已是人心所向,大势所趋的事情。但七月一日政权回归后,香港能否继续保持繁荣稳定,则是举世关注的,如果单以经济因素来看,除了受楼市及股市的左右外,外资在香港的去留,也是一个很重要的指标。 基本法第一百零九条规定:“香港特... 香港回归,已是人心所向,大势所趋的事情。但七月一日政权回归后,香港能否继续保持繁荣稳定,则是举世关注的,如果单以经济因素来看,除了受楼市及股市的左右外,外资在香港的去留,也是一个很重要的指标。 基本法第一百零九条规定:“香港特別行政区政府提供适当的经济和法律环境,以保持香港的国际金融中心地位。”外资公司对于这个承诺的信心如何?近期,香港多个外国商会都就回归问题向会员进行信心调查,其结果相当令人鼓舞。 展开更多
关键词 香港回归 海外投资 外资公司 “九七”回归 种迹 地区办事处 经济政策 经营环境 中资公司 海外公司
Plant Genomic Imprinting and Its Effect on Seed Development 被引量:1
作者 孙超 唐天向 +6 位作者 唐伟杰 隋丽波 张慧 夏张婷 赵海洋 韩月鑫 林良斌 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第6期984-987,1032,共5页
Genomic imprinting is the epigenetic phenomenon by which certain genes are expressed in a parent-of-origin-specific manner, and was first discovered in mammalian embryos. Recent studies have shown that it also occurs ... Genomic imprinting is the epigenetic phenomenon by which certain genes are expressed in a parent-of-origin-specific manner, and was first discovered in mammalian embryos. Recent studies have shown that it also occurs in developing plant seeds, and is now becoming a hot topic of biology of plant seed development. According to the previous studies on imprinted genes, imprinting mechanism and their roles in plant seed development, the current progress of genomic imprinting in plant seed development was summarized and possible strategies were proposed to deal with the problems, which could provide helpful information for further research. 展开更多
关键词 Plant seed Genomic imprinting EPIGENETICS
作者 潘诺 《经济研究参考》 1997年第65期52-53,共2页
关键词 欧元区 欧洲货币 欧盟国家 中央银行 种迹 极部 宣传作用 清算系统 国计 积极准备
Structure changes and succession dynamic of the natural secondary forest after severe fire interference 被引量:2
作者 刘滨凡 刘广菊 王志成 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第2期123-130,I0002,共9页
The structure and dynamic succession law of natural secondary forest after severe fire interference in recent 20 years were studied by adopting the method of deducing time series from the spatial sequence of vegetatio... The structure and dynamic succession law of natural secondary forest after severe fire interference in recent 20 years were studied by adopting the method of deducing time series from the spatial sequence of vegetation in Heihe region, Heilongjiang, China. Two typical and widely distributed forest types in the study area, namely forest type A and forest type B, were selected as study subjects. Forest type A is pure broadleaf forest or broadleaf mixed forest mainly composing of superior Betula platyphylla and Populus davidiana in the area with gradient 〈25°, while forest type B is pure forest or mixed forest composing of superior Quercus mongolica and Betula davurica in the area with gradient 〉25°. Species richness, vegetation coverage, important value, and similarity index of commtmity in different layers (Herb, shrub, small tree, and arbor layers) were investigated and analyzed for the two typical forests. The results show that after fire interference, the species richness and coverage in each layer in forest type A were higher than that in forest type B. Both for forest type A and B, with elapse of post-fire years, the species richness and coverage of herbs and shrubs showed a decline tendency, while those of arbor layer present a rising tendency. Through comparison of the important values of species in each layer and analysis of community structure changes, the dynamic process of post-fire vegetation succession for forest type A and B was separately determined. Post-fire 80 years' succession tendency of forest type A is B. platyphylla and Larix gmelinii mixed forest. Its shrub layer is mainly composed of Corylus heterophylla and Vaccinium uliginosum, and herb layer is dominated by Carex tristachya, Athyrium multidentatum, and Pyrola incarnate; whereas, the post-fire 80 years' succession of forest type B is Q. mongolica and B. davurica mixed forest. Its shrub layer is mainly composed of lespedeza bicolar and corylus heterophylla and herb layer is dominated by Carex tristachya, Asparagus densiflorus, and Hemerocallis minor. 展开更多
关键词 natural secondary forest vegetation succession fire interference burned areas species richness important value similarity index succession law.
Research advance in forest restoration on the burned blanks 被引量:3
作者 孔繁花 李秀珍 +1 位作者 赵善伦 尹海伟 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第2期180-184,共5页
How to restore the destroyed forest after forest fire is a key question that man must face. This paper reviewed the research situation and history on the forest restoration burned blanks and summed up the research met... How to restore the destroyed forest after forest fire is a key question that man must face. This paper reviewed the research situation and history on the forest restoration burned blanks and summed up the research methods used into four scales: seed-bank scale, community scale, ecosystem scale and landscape scale. The new technologies such as GIS & Remote Sensing used to vegetation restoration were also summarized. The strategies and developing trend of vegetation restoration research on burned blanks were discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Burned blanks Forest restoration Research advance Questions and countermeasures
作者 姜洋 《中国会展》 2005年第8期55-57,共3页
2005年对于企业活动来说是一个好年头,因为这一年具备了所有的好征兆:经济回暖,商业旅行增加,企业营销支出的构成也更加合理。种种迹象显示,20a5年企业在自办会议和活动方面的预算都在持续增加。企业会议和活动,尤其是路演和更小型的活... 2005年对于企业活动来说是一个好年头,因为这一年具备了所有的好征兆:经济回暖,商业旅行增加,企业营销支出的构成也更加合理。种种迹象显示,20a5年企业在自办会议和活动方面的预算都在持续增加。企业会议和活动,尤其是路演和更小型的活动,都有进一步的发展。 展开更多
关键词 企业活动 营销支出 持续增加 路演 种迹 预算 商业 自办 会议活动 会议管理
作者 倪志君 《现代商贸工业》 1995年第5期17-17,共1页
一.社办工业发展前景广阔 我县社办工业经过10来年的发展,打下了坚实的基础,多种迹象表明,供销社工业的鼎盛时期即将到来。 1. 后劲足。10年来我们共投入资金1.4亿元(按现行价计算),先后建成了大小企业28家,总设计年生产能力已达5.7亿元... 一.社办工业发展前景广阔 我县社办工业经过10来年的发展,打下了坚实的基础,多种迹象表明,供销社工业的鼎盛时期即将到来。 1. 后劲足。10年来我们共投入资金1.4亿元(按现行价计算),先后建成了大小企业28家,总设计年生产能力已达5.7亿元,预计1995年产值可达3.7亿元(按90年不变价计算),仅达设计能力的65%。初步估算,到2000年,只需再投入5000万元搞技改配套和新上一些配套小厂,工业总产值可望达到13~15亿元(按90年不变价计算)。 2.路子宽。我县供销工业现已形成棉花多层次加工、油脂化工。 展开更多
关键词 工业发展 不变价 供销社 种迹 油脂化工 投入资金 总产 总设计 盛时 自营出口
《股市动态分析》 2005年第Z2期30-30,共1页
关键词 中关村 友网络 清华同方 时间段 市场中 股指 接节 涨停 种迹 行情
作者 裴树川 翟玉芬 穆卫东 《湖北教育(科学课)》 1997年第5期13-13,共1页
自然课中学生探究材料之后,会有各种不同的认识和发现,会有许多不同水平的思维,集体研讨就是在教师指导下,通过学生相互交流自己的发现和认识,去粗取精,去伪存真,总结概括物体的特征和性质,使学生的思维达到一定的概念水平。 一、选择... 自然课中学生探究材料之后,会有各种不同的认识和发现,会有许多不同水平的思维,集体研讨就是在教师指导下,通过学生相互交流自己的发现和认识,去粗取精,去伪存真,总结概括物体的特征和性质,使学生的思维达到一定的概念水平。 一、选择一个合适的时机开始研讨。 选择一个合适的时机组织研讨是很重要的,如《磁铁游戏》的教学;先让学生利用桌上的材料(纸小熊、磁铁、玻璃)尽情地表演“小熊跳舞”,当学生对材料已经不那么感兴趣,但是又从某种迹象证明孩子们在游戏中已做出令人满意的发现之后,教师及时组织研讨,“ 展开更多
关键词 集体研讨 教师指导 平泉县 孩子们 《磁铁游戏》 发言人 探究材料 种迹 象证 自然课
作者 欧阳禹 《金融经济》 1997年第10期21-22,共0页
1997年上半年,永州市国内生产总值同比增幅达12.1%,物价指数涨幅已低于自然增长率,独立核算工业企业经济综合效益指数达101.5%,同比上升11.96个百分点,投资结构进一步优化,财政增幅居全省前茅,金融保持稳健运行态势。这种迹象表明,全... 1997年上半年,永州市国内生产总值同比增幅达12.1%,物价指数涨幅已低于自然增长率,独立核算工业企业经济综合效益指数达101.5%,同比上升11.96个百分点,投资结构进一步优化,财政增幅居全省前茅,金融保持稳健运行态势。这种迹象表明,全市的经济已走出经济发展周期的收缩期底谷,步入新一轮回升发展快车道。面对新的发展机遇。 展开更多
关键词 永州市 金融对策 经济回升 新一轮 综合效益指数 经济发展周期 底谷 同比增幅 种迹 拓宽筹资渠道
作者 鲁超 《中外房地产导报》 1994年第22期18-19,共2页
美国经济增长速度的不断加快,不仅早已摆脱了几年前衰落的阴影,而且经济增长之快把其它主要工业国家远远甩在了后面。各种迹象表明美国既巩固了它在一些经济领域中的优势,又正在夺回70年代、80年代所失去的一些经济领域里的优势。 美国... 美国经济增长速度的不断加快,不仅早已摆脱了几年前衰落的阴影,而且经济增长之快把其它主要工业国家远远甩在了后面。各种迹象表明美国既巩固了它在一些经济领域中的优势,又正在夺回70年代、80年代所失去的一些经济领域里的优势。 美国企业之所以能在制造业和服务业巩固自己在世界上的领先地位。 展开更多
关键词 经济优势 美国经济增长 美国公司 领先地位 短期利率 种迹 克林顿政府 预算赤字 经济领域 就业机会
A generic methodological framework for accurately quantifying greenhouse gas footprints of crop cultivation systems 被引量:1
作者 ZHENG Xunhua HAN Shenghui 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2018年第1期15-28,共14页
The greenhouse gas (GHG) footprint of an agricultural system is a measure of the climate change impact potential (CCIP) exerted by the formation of its product(s), its accurate quantification is essential for de... The greenhouse gas (GHG) footprint of an agricultural system is a measure of the climate change impact potential (CCIP) exerted by the formation of its product(s), its accurate quantification is essential for determining the green value added tax of agricultural products for food markets, which in turn may drastically change the current patterns of food consumption and production towards a product life cycle oriented economy. This paper reviews the literature regarding GHG footprints of crop cultivation systems.The review concludes that few studies have fully considered the categories/ items of net GHG emissions from an investigated crop cultivation system, and thus probably led to biases in footprint estimation. Most studies to date have even neglected changes in the soil organic carbon stocks of ecosystems with annual crops, while process-oriented biogeochemical models so far have seldom been involved in GHG footprint quantification.To help with solving these problems or drawbacks, the authors propose a generic methodological framework for quantifying GHG footprints of crop cultivation systems free from grazing, which takes into account all direct/indirect GHG contributors within a 'cradle-to-gate' life cycle. The authors then provide example values of some GHG emission factors, such as those from machinery operations and other agricultural inputs, extracted from the literature. In addition, direct measurements or model simulations of other major on-farm emission factors are emphasized. The need to further update this methodological framework in future studies, especially by adapting it to mixed crop-livestock production systems, is also indicated. 展开更多
关键词 Climate change impactpotential greenhouse gasfootprint crop cultivationsystem life cycle assessment emission factor ecosystemcarbon stock soil organiccarbon
Predicting Compensatory Growth and Reproduction in Agricultural Weeds Using a Plant's Growth Rate Trajectory: A Test with Defoliation of Abutilon theophrasti
作者 David Alexander Wait 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2016年第4期255-260,共6页
A plant's capacity to compensate for pest damage as a function of resource availability needs to be predictable in order to apply biocontrol agents effectively. In this research, it was hypothesized that a weedy plan... A plant's capacity to compensate for pest damage as a function of resource availability needs to be predictable in order to apply biocontrol agents effectively. In this research, it was hypothesized that a weedy plant species' capacity to compensate for defoliation is related to how resource availability affects a plant's growth trajectory. Growth rate trajectory is defined as the percent change in relative growth rate or the slope of a plant's relative growth rate. 90 Abutilon theophrasti, a common weed species, in cultivated fields of corn and soybean, grew in a greenhouse for 70 d under three nitrogen (N) fertilization treatments. "Unfertilized" plants were not fertilized, "bulk" fertilized plants received 0.6 g N on day 15 and "exponential" fertilized plants received a total of 0.6 g N supplied at an exponential rate of 10% per day with a starting concentration of 0.02 g N on day 15. On day 25, 15 plants in each N treatment had 75% of total leaf area removed. Biomass and reproductive compensation were determined after 50 d and 70 d of growth. Results showed that bulk plants had the greatest absolute growth, but also the greatest decline in growth rates and the least capacity for compensation. Unfertilized plants had the lowest absolute growth, but declines in growth rates were similar to bulk plants with only a slightly greater compensatory capacity. Exponential plants had intermediate absolute growth, but the least decline in growth rates and the greatest capacity for compensation. This experiment indicates that a plant's growth rate trajectory, and not high or low relative growth rates or N availability per se, can be used to predict a weedy plant's capacity to compensate for herbivory, and has implications for biocontrol of weedy species. 展开更多
关键词 BIOCONTROL compensatory growth HERBIVORY nitrogen fertilization relative growth rate reproductive allocation.
作者 秋浦 《贵州民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1989年第1期1-4,共4页
有感于传统文化研究中出现的种种迹象,我曾写过一篇短文《由狗图腾的论争所想到的》,提出需要冲破这方面的禁区问题。时间过去了五年,情况有没有什么改变?应该说并无多大改变。因之我愿意在此进一步阐述一下有关这方面的见解。 为了追... 有感于传统文化研究中出现的种种迹象,我曾写过一篇短文《由狗图腾的论争所想到的》,提出需要冲破这方面的禁区问题。时间过去了五年,情况有没有什么改变?应该说并无多大改变。因之我愿意在此进一步阐述一下有关这方面的见解。 为了追根溯源,还得从对传统文化有个基本认识说起。 展开更多
关键词 冲破传统 传统文化研究 繁荣发展 民族感情 科学事业 基本认识 种迹 各民族 毫无意义 民族繁荣
《农产品市场》 2003年第34期15-15,共1页
关键词 初现 茧丝绸市场 曙光 生丝价格 丝绸出口 坯绸 种迹 世界经济复苏 出口额 出口增长
作者 苏里 《人民公安》 2004年第13期1-1,共1页
关键词 影片 冰川时代 人类的愚昧 老百姓们 种迹 能源企业 动人心 中国大陆地区 大灾难 污水处理工程
二手房挂牌量激增 市场心理预期微妙变化
作者 杜建凯 《楼市》 2005年第8期37-37,共1页
关键词 心理预期 二手房 房地产市场 价格的通知 首付款比例 宏观调控措施 国务院 温家宝 二手房市场 种迹
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