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作者 张恒春 曹龙龙 +4 位作者 王文 闫家 施山山 王跃伟 薛倩冰 《钻探工程》 2024年第4期31-37,共7页
根据科学钻探特点和我国特深井井身结构情况,论文首先设定了我国万米科学特深井基本井身结构和取心井段,结合前苏联SG-3井、德国KTB主井和我国内地科钻一井、松科2井等内地科学钻探工程项目,阐述了特深井井斜预测方法、测量方法、全面... 根据科学钻探特点和我国特深井井身结构情况,论文首先设定了我国万米科学特深井基本井身结构和取心井段,结合前苏联SG-3井、德国KTB主井和我国内地科钻一井、松科2井等内地科学钻探工程项目,阐述了特深井井斜预测方法、测量方法、全面钻进和取心钻进的防斜纠斜技术方法。给出我国万米科学特深井上部井段井斜控制方法和控制指标以及连续取心井段防斜纠斜工艺、器具等总体方案,并提出了进一步研究的建议。 展开更多
关键词 万米钻井 科学特深井 自动垂钻系统 防斜纠斜
作者 张正 冉恒谦 +2 位作者 张毅 陈思祥 刘冬军 《钻探工程》 2024年第4期14-22,共9页
特深科学钻探是直接获取地球深部信息的唯一技术手段,对于深入理解地球内部结构、探索地下资源具有重要意义,已上升为国家战略科技问题。为响应党中央“向地球深部进军”的号召,需大力推进对特深科学钻探装备技术的研发。本文简要回顾... 特深科学钻探是直接获取地球深部信息的唯一技术手段,对于深入理解地球内部结构、探索地下资源具有重要意义,已上升为国家战略科技问题。为响应党中央“向地球深部进军”的号召,需大力推进对特深科学钻探装备技术的研发。本文简要回顾了国内外特深科学钻探装备技术发展历程,结合我国发展需求,梳理总结了特深科学钻探中顶驱、绞车、钻井泵等关键装备面临的技术难题,并在此基础上提出了发展方向及展望,为我国特深科学钻探工程发展提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 科学钻探 钻探装备 顶驱 绞车 钻井泵 技术难题 发展方向
邓小平理论体系构建的几个特点 被引量:1
作者 洪英俊 方利佶 何爱香 《华东交通大学学报》 2002年第2期111-113,共3页
邓小平理论的科学性与其构建理论体系方法的科学性是分不开的 .作为建设有中国特色社会主义这个意义上的邓小平理论 ,它的理论体系的构建有以下几个特点 :一、以“社会主义初级阶段”概念为逻辑起点 .“实事求是”不是逻辑起点 ,而是研... 邓小平理论的科学性与其构建理论体系方法的科学性是分不开的 .作为建设有中国特色社会主义这个意义上的邓小平理论 ,它的理论体系的构建有以下几个特点 :一、以“社会主义初级阶段”概念为逻辑起点 .“实事求是”不是逻辑起点 ,而是研究遵循的科学方法 ;二、从生产力高度来认识社会主义和构建社会主义理论 ;三、“猫论”与“摸论”结合的思维方式 ,突破了单纯演绎思维的局限 ,又使非演绎思维沿着正确的方向进行 . 展开更多
关键词 邓小平理论 中国色社会主义建设 理论创新 理论体系 科学特
《按摩与导引》 2005年第8期13-13,共1页
一、中医传统特色外治疗法研修班 中医传统特色外治疗法历史悠久。疗效奇特,作用迅速,具有简便、效廉的特点。治疗范围包括内、外、妇、儿、骨伤、皮肤、五官、肛肠、肿瘤科等多种疾病。尤其对有些疑难病、危重病更有特效,历代名医... 一、中医传统特色外治疗法研修班 中医传统特色外治疗法历史悠久。疗效奇特,作用迅速,具有简便、效廉的特点。治疗范围包括内、外、妇、儿、骨伤、皮肤、五官、肛肠、肿瘤科等多种疾病。尤其对有些疑难病、危重病更有特效,历代名医们如扁鹊、张仲景、华佗、孙思邈、赵学敏等都精通各种外治疗法,俗话说:“学会外治法,啥病都不怕。” 展开更多
关键词 北京中医药进修学院医疗培训部 北京医阁中医药科学研究院 色疗法研修班 医学教育
Morphological Phylogeny of the Water Snake Subfamily Homalopsinae (Serpent: Colubridae) 被引量:1
作者 吕顺清 庞峻锋 杨大同 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期363-366,共4页
The morphological phylogeny of the water snake subfamily Homalopsinae, containing 10 genera, of which seven are monotypic, was not reported up until now. Here fourteen morphological characters were selected for the cl... The morphological phylogeny of the water snake subfamily Homalopsinae, containing 10 genera, of which seven are monotypic, was not reported up until now. Here fourteen morphological characters were selected for the cladistic analysis. Using software Hennig 86, two phylogenetic trees were inferred and the results showed that the subfamily Homalopsinae was divided into two groups. Compared with the molecular phylonenetic tree of Voris et al (2002), the genera Gerarda and Fordonia are sister groups in both studies; both studies also yielded the same monophyletic lineage, which contained three genera (Cerberus + Erpeton + Homalopsis ). However, the position of the genus Cantoria is distinctly different with the study of Voris et a1(2002). 展开更多
关键词 Homalopsinae Cladistic analysis Morphological characteristic
Integration of SEM/WDX elemental mapping and micromorphology to determine mineralogical traits of peat soils(case study:Northern Iran) 被引量:1
作者 Milad Kurdi Taymor Eslamkish 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2017年第2期298-315,共18页
We explored the potential use of combining wavelength-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy(WDX) and micromorphology of thin sections to identify minerals in peat soils. Peat soil minerals from three peats and swamps across G... We explored the potential use of combining wavelength-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy(WDX) and micromorphology of thin sections to identify minerals in peat soils. Peat soil minerals from three peats and swamps across Golestan Province in northern Iran were first characterized by micromorphological studies. Soils were composed mainly of quartz, muscovite, biotite, pyroxene,sericitized Fe-nodules, and iron-rich garnet. In addition,micromorphological results indicated that Galougah Coastal Swamp sections contained some inorganic residue with biological origin including oyster and limpet, which may be related to the swamp's location near Gorgan Gulf.In order to determine mineralogical properties of samples,twelve unknown grains were chosen for elemental concentration map studies. Quartz, garnet, ilmenite, calcite,and pyroxene in Suteh samples; epidote and Fe-nodule in Ghaleh-Ghafeh Peat Swamp; and barite, phyllosilicates,and calcite in Galougah were identified by WDX mapping of Si, Al, Fe, Ca, Mg, C, Ba, S, and Ti. Composition of the oysters' body was also analyzed by WDX for Si, Ca, Fe,and C. The results indicated that most of the minerals in all sections likely formed through weathering, inheriting their composition from the parent rock. This research suggests that merging micromorphology and SEM/WDX image techniques can be useful in confirming the presence of mineral particles in soil science. 展开更多
关键词 Elemental mapping MICROMORPHOLOGY Mineralogical characterization Peat and swamp soil SEM/WDX
Applied Ethics and Modem Enterprises One Viewpoint
作者 Zoran Nikolic Zorana Nikolic Maksimovic 《Chinese Business Review》 2017年第12期581-593,共13页
Business ethics has been growing from a philosophy discipline to an applied science. That explains its significance for more efficient functioning of various systems in business world. For that reason, organized socie... Business ethics has been growing from a philosophy discipline to an applied science. That explains its significance for more efficient functioning of various systems in business world. For that reason, organized societies with developed economies invest in empiric, theoretic, and theoretic-empiric investigations of various sectors and applied dimensions of business ethics. Its epistemological sense reflects to increasing productivity, more successful establishing of the system of hierarchy within an enterprise, appropriate formulating the strategy of management, improving the market reputation, increasing profitability, and strengthening social responsibility. The complexity of modem and successful business is based on a series of social factors which spread in the arch from anthropological, socially-psychological, and cultural characteristics of a human being, to quality characteristics of the global society. That is why the scientific information available to business ethics is synthesized from various scientific perspectives. This paradigm is a starting point of this project which is about the above subject. Its cognitive aim is presented through the description, classification, and explanation of the influence of business ethics to successful functioning of every kind of business institution. As a theoretic investigation which grows from verified scientific information and their critical analysis, it relies on standard, general scientific, basic special and general methods which are characteristic to the applied scientific disciplines. Business ethics has clearly established two key cognitive bases of its investigations: 1) personal value attitude; and 2) interests of a company, groups, and individuals in them. This project is only a small contribution to explaining elementary functions of this applied ethics in business world. 展开更多
关键词 business ethics applied science business culture management strategy system of relations interest of an enterprise
Statistical Analytical Study of the Impact of Consumer Awareness Among the Students of the Faculty of Business Administration at the University of Kuwait in Consumer Protection and Its Relationship to Some Economic and Social Characteristics
作者 Basel M. A1-Eideh 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2015年第6期232-251,共20页
Kuwaiti youth is an importam element in the field of development in the Kuwaiti society, especially in the field of self- consciousness and social consciousness incident. As always said, that young Gulf inherently con... Kuwaiti youth is an importam element in the field of development in the Kuwaiti society, especially in the field of self- consciousness and social consciousness incident. As always said, that young Gulf inherently consumerist element of first degree because of abundant liquidity and reasonable level of income compared to others of non - Gulf societies. Therefore, this research aims to study and analyze the impact of consumer awareness among the students of the Faculty of Business Administration in consumer protection in terms of the current role and hoped to guide consumption and its relationship to some economic and social characteristics of the consumers. In particular it has been studying the impact of some of the qualifications for heads of Kuwaiti families, their total monthly income and their place of residency inhabited by the expressive factors of consumer awareness in college students as well as their impact on the degree of preference for quality of consumer goods in being a low-price, median-price or expensive-price. In addition, it has been studying the relationship of these social variables noted with the role of government and consumer protection associations through what they are doing to develop laws and policies directed to develop and educate consumers. To achieve these goals, a special questionnaire has been prepared especially for this purpose has been met from a random sample of students from the University of Kuwait. I have been using the appropriate statistical analysis to study these goals. Thus, some of the appropriate suggestions and recommendations are obtained to achieve the objectives of this research. 展开更多
关键词 Statistical analysis consumer awareness consumer protection quality of consumer goods economic and socialcharacteristics.
A robust watermarking algorithm based on significant-tree in Contourlet domain 被引量:1
作者 段贵多 Li Jianping Huang Tianxi 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2008年第1期67-71,共5页
An adaptive algorithm operating in the Contourlet domain is presented. Contourlet is a new image sparse representation, which is better than a wavelet for piecewise smooth images with smooth contours. Because of flexi... An adaptive algorithm operating in the Contourlet domain is presented. Contourlet is a new image sparse representation, which is better than a wavelet for piecewise smooth images with smooth contours. Because of flexible multiresolution, local and directional sensitivity of Contourlet transform, our approach also defines significant-tree in the Contourlet domain. By analyzing the relation of the Contourlet coefficients, we embed the watermarking into all the coefficients of each significant-tree. Then referring to the statistical properties of the coefficients, the masking characteristics of texture are defined for adaptively controlling the embedding strength. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is highly robust to various attacks, such as JPEG compression, medium filtering, cropping and rotation. Furthermore, comparisons with a classical method in the wavelet domain prove the validity of the new algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 CONTOURLET sparse representation significant-tree masking characteristics
Metacognition in Solving Process of Basic Electric Circuit ProblemmComparison of Metacognitive Characteristics between Non-major and Major Students in Electric Engineering
作者 Atsuo Murata Yukio Ohta 《Computer Technology and Application》 2013年第8期415-423,共9页
There are learners who cannot solve practical problems in spite of mastering basic scientific knowledge and formula necessary for the solution. One of the reasons might be attributed to the lack in metacognitive abili... There are learners who cannot solve practical problems in spite of mastering basic scientific knowledge and formula necessary for the solution. One of the reasons might be attributed to the lack in metacognitive abilities. The aim of this study was to compare the metacognitive characteristics between non-major and major students in electric engineering and clarify the difference of metacognitive process between these two groups when solving basic problems of electronic circuit. In the experiment, the solving process was compared between non-major and major students in electric engineering using five basic problems. We found that the scores on prediction of result and confidence of own answer differed significantly between non-major and major students, and inferred that the difference of performance was due to the lack in metacognitive ability, especially the plan and the execution abilities. Both prediction of results and confidence of own answer were also found to play a significant role in effective problem solving as important components (subsystems) of metacognition. 展开更多
关键词 METACOGNITION plan execution prediction of result confidence of answer major and non-major in electric engineering.
The Use of Metaphors in Scientific Texts in English: A Proposal for Improving Reading Competence 被引量:1
作者 Lia Judith Femandez Luciana Graciela Remondino 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第8期621-626,共6页
Understanding discipline-specific texts in English is a basic requirement for science students, who must develop their content knowledge and language skills. Particularly, interesting is the fact that the language of ... Understanding discipline-specific texts in English is a basic requirement for science students, who must develop their content knowledge and language skills. Particularly, interesting is the fact that the language of science is characterized by the use of figurative language, which appeals to the common knowledge of the world, mainly to explain, clarify, and describe intricate concepts. Metaphors are helpful for lexicalizing new concepts and meanings or extending the meanings of pre-existing words. The analysis of tropes as a means to improve foreign language learners' reading competence is a rather novel teaching practice in ESP (English for Specific Purposes), implemented at the University of Rio Cuarto, Argentina. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to explain the theoretical basis for teaching and developing metaphorical competence in ESP classes as a means of providing an intellectually stimulating alternative approach, and to present some teaching ideas and activities designed to familiarize students with the use of metaphorical language in scientific discourse in order to enhance their reading competence. 展开更多
关键词 SCIENCE METAPHORS ESP (English for Specific Purposes) reading competence
Research and Analysis on the College English Teaching Emphasis from the Cultural Migration and Transformation of Thinking Perspectives
作者 Jinju Tan 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第8期12-15,共4页
In this paper, we conduct research on the college English teaching emphasis from the cultural migration and transformation ofthinking perspectives. College English has long been in for the college English subject stat... In this paper, we conduct research on the college English teaching emphasis from the cultural migration and transformation ofthinking perspectives. College English has long been in for the college English subject status. However, college English as a multidisciplinary,interdisciplinary research in the field of discipline construction, it seems, are still stay in the linguistics, language knowledge in academiccharacteristics for its stage of development. Reform of basic college English teaching, the teacher is still teaching main body, is the teaching oflanguage knowledge, since teachers play an important role in language teaching, the teacher wants to penetrate cultural knowledge in teachingand we must strengthen their own culture. Under this basis, this paper proposes the novel ideals on the related issues that will be meaningful andinnovative. 展开更多
关键词 College English Teaching Emphasis Cultural Migration Thinking Perspectives.
Administrative Law Studies policy based on public interest
作者 Xiao LIANG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第9期90-92,共3页
From the aspect of administrative law to analyze the needs of the "public interest", evaluate the study of traditional administrative law definition of "public interest" extensive oversight and administrative miss... From the aspect of administrative law to analyze the needs of the "public interest", evaluate the study of traditional administrative law definition of "public interest" extensive oversight and administrative mission and different levels of resistance, from the perspective of administrative policy on science policy the role of the administrative process of the formation of the special nature of administrative law, reflecting the interests of the mechanism of the modem state, the role of public opinion and how to grasp the meaning of the people said that other issues were discussed, in order to reveal the modem administrative law, research must pay attention to the value and benefits of diversification, the complexity of the method. 展开更多
Seroepidemiology of hepatitis A virus in Kuwait
作者 Jameela Alkhalidi Bader Alenezi +4 位作者 Seham Al-mufti Entisar Hussain Haifa Askar Nyingi Kemmer Guy W Neff 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第1期102-105,共4页
AIM: To fi nd the current seroepidemiology of hepatitis A virus (HAV) in Kuwait.METHODS: A total of 2851 Kuwaitis applying for new jobs were screened.RESULTS: HAV-positive cases were 28.8%; 59% were males and 41% were... AIM: To fi nd the current seroepidemiology of hepatitis A virus (HAV) in Kuwait.METHODS: A total of 2851 Kuwaitis applying for new jobs were screened.RESULTS: HAV-positive cases were 28.8%; 59% were males and 41% were females. The highest prevalence was in the Ahmadi area. High prevalence was among the group of non-educated rather than educated parents. This is the fi rst study in Kuwait demonstrating the shifting epidemiology of HAV.CONCLUSION: This study reflects the need of the Kuwaiti population for an HAV vaccine. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatitis A virus Fulminant Liver Failure Hepatitis A virus vaccine KUWAIT
Learning Retention in Undergraduate Biology Using a Hands-on Practical "Enzyme Detection from Vegetables and Fruits"
作者 Surasak Laloknam Supapom Sirisopana Somkiat Phornphisutthimas 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2010年第5期29-35,共7页
The purpose of this research was to study learning retention in undergraduate biology students on the topic of enzyme properties by using simple enzyme activity from vegetables and fruits. A hands-on practical was dev... The purpose of this research was to study learning retention in undergraduate biology students on the topic of enzyme properties by using simple enzyme activity from vegetables and fruits. A hands-on practical was developed to simplify detection of enzyme activity of amylase, protease and lipase on starch agar, dry whole milk agar, and trihutyrin agar, respectively. The subjects of the study were 24 senior undergraduates who studied in the Program of General Science, Faculty of Science, Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok, in three semesters during 2007 - 2008. The basic concepts of enzymes, e.g., substrate specificity, how to detect enzymes and optimal enzyme conditions, were taught before the practical. The first enzyme, protease, was used in the second semester of 2007, and then changed to be lipase and protease in the first and second semesters of 2008, respectively. Ten open-ended questions were used to assess students in all semesters. In agreement with the constructivist learning model, it was demonstrated that students had learning retention and applied their prior knowledge to other enzyme experiments. 展开更多
关键词 Learning retention enzyme detection CONSTRUCTIVISM undergraduate classroom.
Courtesy Language Research Based on Letter Style
作者 Jing Chu 《International English Education Research》 2014年第3期100-102,共3页
Politeness principle, cooperation principle, social protocols, guidelines on the session, face preservation contract theory, as well as "politeness five criteria" of Chinese characteristics, and a series of principl... Politeness principle, cooperation principle, social protocols, guidelines on the session, face preservation contract theory, as well as "politeness five criteria" of Chinese characteristics, and a series of principles and theories related to domestic and foreign research polite language provides a solid foundation, rich nutrients and scientific way of thinking for Chinese "polite language". This article combined with stylistic letter, takes "Fu Lei Letter" as the corpus to study online behavior polite language. 展开更多
关键词 Politeness Principle Polite Language Epistle Genre
The Modem Reading on Thought of Marxist Ecological Civilization in 〈The Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts in 1844〉
作者 Ping-Jing Qiua 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第4期17-19,共3页
In〈The economic and philosophical manuscripts in 1844〉 (be called manuscripts for short), Marx deeply criticized alienation of relationship between human and nature by alienated labor concept. The criticism pointe... In〈The economic and philosophical manuscripts in 1844〉 (be called manuscripts for short), Marx deeply criticized alienation of relationship between human and nature by alienated labor concept. The criticism pointed out the way for the solution of the ecological problems and showed the seeds of ecological civilization. The paper reveals the ontology about ecological civilization and generation and elimination of crisis through analyzing the Marxist thought of ecological civilization in manuscripts. The paper believes that Marxist thought of ecological civilization may enlighten us to carry forward and develop it with guidance, sense and theory. We sincerely expect that the thought of ecological civilization will be rooted in the hearts of the people deeply by means of the rise of "green" concept and the education of ecological ethics. The paper has important theoretical and practical value on deeply understanding the relationship between human and nature with scientific development angle of view, conquering the ecological crisis of globalization scientifically and building and developing ecological civilization of Chinese characteristic socialism energetically. 展开更多
关键词 ALIENATION Moral Relationship Ecological Civilization HARMONY
Medical Virology in Malaysia
作者 Kaw Bing Chua 《Virologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第2期81-92,共12页
Virology is a branch of biological science dealing with the study of viruses,and medical virology focuses on the study and control of diseases due to viruses that is of medical importance. The development of medical v... Virology is a branch of biological science dealing with the study of viruses,and medical virology focuses on the study and control of diseases due to viruses that is of medical importance. The development of medical virology in Malaysia has its beginning in the Institute for Medical Research(IMR) ,following the establishment of the Division of Medical Zoology and Virus Research in the institute on 23 March 1953. The second institution in the country to establish diagnostic and research work in medical virology was Department of Medical Microbiology,Faculty of Medicine,University Malaya. This was followed by University Kebangsaan Malaysia,University Sains Malaysia and University of Sarawak Malaysia. The National Public Health Laboratory(NPHL) is the latest institution to establish a laboratory in 2003 for virus isolation and services to support country surveillance and outbreak investigation of infectious diseases due to viruses. In the field of medical virology,Malaysia contributed substantially in the areas of virus diagnostic services,development and research ranging from survey and documentation on the existence and prevalence of viruses causing diseases in Malaysia,clinical presentation and epidemiological features of virus diseases,evaluation of new diagnostic tests to pathogenesis of viral diseases. Malaysia contributed to the discoveries of at least 12 new viruses in the world. ASEAN plus Three(China,Japan,Republic of Korea) Emerging Infectious Programme was established to overcome the challenges and impact of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases in this region. Malaysia as the co-ordinator of the laboratory component of the programme,contributed to strengthen the regional laboratory capability,capacity,laboratory-based surveillance and networking. The future of medical virology in Malaysia in terms of integration of diagnostic,reference and research to support the country's need will be enhanced and strengthened with the on-going development of the National Centre for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC Malaysia) which also incorporates a futuristic Special Diagnostic and Reference Laboratory. 展开更多
关键词 Medical Virology MALAYSIA
Reflection of the development of the national musicology in the college music education
作者 Zhang Yanjun 《International English Education Research》 2015年第5期132-134,共3页
The national musicology was introduced into China from the western countries, so the Chinese scholars need to continue to absorb and draw lessons from the advanced western national musicological theories, and should c... The national musicology was introduced into China from the western countries, so the Chinese scholars need to continue to absorb and draw lessons from the advanced western national musicological theories, and should carry out the innovation base on the "used doctrine". According to China's national conditions and the characteristics of the cultures, improve the research methodology of the national musicology, so that the national musicology can have the Chinese characteristics. The national musicology is an independent basic discipline in the university education. In China, the music education and research work in colleges and universities has an important role in the inheritance and development of the national music. In this paper, combined with the present situations of the music education in colleges and universities, from the perspectives of the education and the research, the author expounds the ideas of the development trends of the national musicology in the music education in colleges and universities. 展开更多
关键词 National musicology music education in colleges and universities development and thinking
Technology Embedded Imagination for Arab Women
作者 Muqeem Khan 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2013年第6期351-360,共10页
With advancing channels of communication easing the availability of technological tools, the young minds of women in the Arabian Peninsula are ready to adopt forthcoming challenges. The embrace of storytelling in the ... With advancing channels of communication easing the availability of technological tools, the young minds of women in the Arabian Peninsula are ready to adopt forthcoming challenges. The embrace of storytelling in the digital realm by these young minds reflects the interplay of traditional culture, western modernism, and changes brought about by media industries. These women have adopted and used new media as a vehicle to maneuver their interesting and fresh ideas and have seen the rectilinear screen of a computer as an exit through which to come out and say something to the masses. The thinking methodology has culminated in pragmatic and dynamic visuals in order to celebrate, inform, and create awareness about the issues that they see in the region and among the people. With this freedom of expression, they are creating a new visual culture and transforming themselves into a meaningful workforce. With emerging technological tools, they blend intuitive, pragmatic, emotional, and contextual imagination with a highly-sophisticated production pipeline in order to incorporate the challenges of synthesizing "dialect" and "codes" that have traditionally been segregated in the culture. Their work is an amalgamation of arts/design, animation, life footage, and meaningful communication. With cyclical evaluation, they entwine the two elements, creativity, and technicality with massive exposure of Digital Assists Management (DAM). This paper explains how current technological tools and contextualized teaching instructions foster meaningful content with the elicitation and mergence of Arab anthropological characteristics. 展开更多
关键词 COMMUNICATION ANIMATION PEDAGOGY digital media visual culture
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