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作者 程艳 《人生与伴侣(新养生)》 2008年第1期13-13,共1页
按标准设计并不适合老年人 很多对于年轻人来讲无关紧要的高度要求,对老年人来讲却是非常重要的。在居室设计中,标;隹的设计高度常常给老年人带来麻烦,不便于他们独立生活,许多部件不是太高就是太低,所以,无论是居室设计还是老... 按标准设计并不适合老年人 很多对于年轻人来讲无关紧要的高度要求,对老年人来讲却是非常重要的。在居室设计中,标;隹的设计高度常常给老年人带来麻烦,不便于他们独立生活,许多部件不是太高就是太低,所以,无论是居室设计还是老年人的日用品,一定要有一个科学的高度。比如有的家庭卫生间的淋浴器安得太高,老人洗澡想调一下水流方向要踮着脚尖才够得到,容易滑倒。这些问题在居室装修前就应该充分考虑,否则装修完毕,再想改动就困难了。 展开更多
关键词 日常生活 科学高度 老人 标准设计 居室设计 居室装修 老年人 独立生活
作者 李继武 《理论建设》 2010年第4期19-25,共7页
马克思主义哲学除具有哲学的后思、以思想为对象之思、终极性"寻根究底之思",思维存在关系之思、批判之思、由经验思维到高度理论思维过程之思等反思的全部内涵外,它作为实践基础上高度反思的科学,主要使实践在反思思维过程... 马克思主义哲学除具有哲学的后思、以思想为对象之思、终极性"寻根究底之思",思维存在关系之思、批判之思、由经验思维到高度理论思维过程之思等反思的全部内涵外,它作为实践基础上高度反思的科学,主要使实践在反思思维过程中承担了如下使命:一是将实践作为马克思主义也是其哲学的基点,二是将实践取向作为事物本质及世界与人发生关系的实际确定者,三是以实践检验的方式将哲学原理还原为经验的事实。 展开更多
关键词 马克思主义哲学实践基础高度反思的科学
作者 李继武 《安徽电气工程职业技术学院学报》 2011年第4期3-14,共12页
哲学是一种具有高度反思性的学说,哲学的反思,以自然、社会和思维提供的知识为基础,其反思的内涵异常丰富,概括起来具有这样一些反思内容:即后思、以思想为对象之思、终极性"寻根究底之思"、思维存在关系之思、批判之思、由... 哲学是一种具有高度反思性的学说,哲学的反思,以自然、社会和思维提供的知识为基础,其反思的内涵异常丰富,概括起来具有这样一些反思内容:即后思、以思想为对象之思、终极性"寻根究底之思"、思维存在关系之思、批判之思、由经验思维到高度理论思维过程之思。马克思主义哲学除具有上述哲学反思的全部内涵外,它作为实践基础上高度反思的科学,主要使实践在反思思维过程中承担了如下使命:一是将实践作为马克思主义也是其哲学的基点,二是将实践取向作为事物本质及世界与人发生关系的实际确定者,三是以实践检验的方式将哲学原理还原为经验的事实。 展开更多
关键词 哲学 高度反思的学说 马克思主义哲学 实践基础 高度反思的科学
虹膜固定型有晶状体眼人工晶状体植入对高度近视患者睫状肌调节性微波动及调节力的影响 被引量:6
作者 董喆 王宁利 +2 位作者 王小兵 赵世强 付晶 《眼视光学杂志》 2007年第2期77-79,共3页
目的通过测量睫状肌调节性微波动高频成分(high frequency component,HFC)来分析有晶状体眼人工晶状体(phakic intraocular lens,P-IOL)植入对高度近视患者睫状肌收缩能力及调节力的影响。方法收集2004年12月~2006年3月在我院进行虹膜... 目的通过测量睫状肌调节性微波动高频成分(high frequency component,HFC)来分析有晶状体眼人工晶状体(phakic intraocular lens,P-IOL)植入对高度近视患者睫状肌收缩能力及调节力的影响。方法收集2004年12月~2006年3月在我院进行虹膜固定型有晶状体眼人工晶状体Verisyse植入的患者54例(54眼)。采用NIDEK ARK-730A红外验光仪中调节性微波动分析软件,分别在术后1周、3个月对该54例患者(54眼)进行睫状肌调节性微波动高频成分检查。并与患者术后调节力进行相关性分析。结果HFC与Verisys植入术后1周及3个月的调节力均正相关(术后1周r=0.628,P<0.01;术后3个月r=0.835,P<0.01);Verisyse植入术后3个月的HFC及调节力均较术后1周的HFC及调节力有明显提高。结论高度近视患者有晶状体眼人工晶状体植入有利于术后睫状肌收缩能力及调节力的提高。 展开更多
关键词 高度近视/外科学 有晶状体眼人工晶状体 睫状肌调节性微波动
Comparison of Different Height Systems 被引量:1
作者 Nazan Yilmaz 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2008年第3期209-214,共6页
Geopotential, dynamic, orthometric and normal height systems and the corrections related to these systems are evaluated in this paper. Along two different routes, with a length of about 5 kilometers, precise leveling ... Geopotential, dynamic, orthometric and normal height systems and the corrections related to these systems are evaluated in this paper. Along two different routes, with a length of about 5 kilometers, precise leveling and gravity measurements are done. One of the routes is in an even field while the other is in a rough field. The magnitudes of orthometric, normal and dynamic corrections are calculated for each route. Orthometric, dynamic, and normal height differences are acquired by adding the corrections to the height differences obtained from geometric leveling. The magnitudes of the corrections between the two routes are compared. In addition, by subtracting orthometric, dynamic, and normal heights from geometric leveling, deviations of these heights from geometric leveling are counted. 展开更多
关键词 GEOPOTENTIAL dynamic orthometric NORMAL ellipsoidal height GRAVITY POTENTIAL GEOID
作者 宋毅 宫媛媛 +1 位作者 解正高 吴星伟 《Journal of Shanghai Second Medical University(Foreign Language Edition)》 2008年第2期109-114,共6页
Objective To observe the changes on multifocal electroretinography (MfERG) in the fellow eyes of patients with high myopia without fundus lesions and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD). Methods MfERG was perf... Objective To observe the changes on multifocal electroretinography (MfERG) in the fellow eyes of patients with high myopia without fundus lesions and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD). Methods MfERG was performed in 66 patients ( 66 eyes) which were grouped into : emmetropes ( n = 22 ) as the control eye ; high myopes without fundus lesions ( corrected visual acuity ≥ 1. 0, n = 15 ) ; and fellow eyes of high myopics with RRD (n = 29 ). The first-order kernels N1, P1, N2 response density and latency were analyzed. Results When compared with the emmetropes group, the high myopes group had significantly reduced N1 , PI , and N2 wave response densities in rings 1 to 6 ( P 〈 0. 05 ), delayed N1 wave latency in rings 3 to 6, and P1 wave latency in rings 3 to 5 ( P 〈 0. 05 ). The fellow eyes group had significantly reduced N1, P1, and N2 wave response densities in rings 1 to 6 and significantly delayed N1 and P1 wave latencies in rings 3 to 6 ( P 〈0. 05) compared with the emmetropes group. Compared with the high myopes group, P1 wave response densities in rings 1 to 6, N1 wave response densities in rings 1,3, 4, and 6, and N2 wave response density in ring 1 were significantly decreased in the fellow eyes group ( P 〈 0. 05 ) ; whereas there were no significant differences in latencies between the two groups (P 〉0.05). Conclusion MfERG can sensitively assess the early changes in visual function in fellow eyes in patients with RRD. 展开更多
关键词 fellow eye high myopia multifocal electroretinogram rhegmatogenous retinal detachment visual function
Dimensions and Approaches of University Development Under the Guidance of the Scientific Outlook on Development
作者 SU Xi-hui YAN Yan-fen XIAO De-yun 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第2期146-151,共6页
This study analyzed the performance of university development which deviated from the scientific outlook on development, then elaborated four dimensions of sustainable development in universities including the cultura... This study analyzed the performance of university development which deviated from the scientific outlook on development, then elaborated four dimensions of sustainable development in universities including the cultural perspective dimension of people-oriented, the qualitative perspective dimension of personnel training, the innovative perspective dimension of academic research, and the strategic perspective dimension of scientific development. Finally, this article analyzed the scientific development approaches on coordinating the university extensive expansion and content development, special development and overall development, teaching and research as well as interests of current and long-term development were proposed. 展开更多
关键词 scientific outlook on development UNIVERSITY DIMENSION
The Application of High Performance Concrete in Highway Bridge in Cold and Arid Regions
作者 Zhiyuan Wang 《International English Education Research》 2014年第9期21-24,共4页
High performance concrete originated in the generation of high strength concrete, and it is a new high technology of concrete, is in common with high quality and in concrete. High durability on the perspective of impr... High performance concrete originated in the generation of high strength concrete, and it is a new high technology of concrete, is in common with high quality and in concrete. High durability on the perspective of improvement and become, use a lot of high quality raw materials and modern technology, is the main development direction of concrete. Because its comprehensive performance by the superiority of the focus of the society, the strict construction technology in the extensive application in the highway bridge, high performance can the use of concrete can improve the efficiency of its safety and avoid unnecessary accidents 展开更多
关键词 high performance concrete highway Bridge construction technology
后房型有晶状体眼人工晶状体植入术安全性的临床分析 被引量:5
作者 董喆 王宁利 +1 位作者 甄毅 王怀洲 《眼科》 CAS 2011年第6期396-400,共5页
目的分析后房型有晶状体眼人工晶状体(posterior chamber phakic refractive lens,PC-PRL)植入眼内对高度近视患者的屈光矫正效果及其安全性。设计回顾性病例系列。研究对象2006年7月至2007年9月在北京同仁医院行PC-PRL植入的高度近... 目的分析后房型有晶状体眼人工晶状体(posterior chamber phakic refractive lens,PC-PRL)植入眼内对高度近视患者的屈光矫正效果及其安全性。设计回顾性病例系列。研究对象2006年7月至2007年9月在北京同仁医院行PC-PRL植入的高度近视患者35例(68眼)。方法根据术前测量的角膜缘白到白(white to white,W-W)距离及术前屈光检查确定植入的PC-PRL型号,对上述患者行PC-PRL植入术,术后随访43~57个月,观察其术后并发症情况,并记录最后一次随访时的视力、眼压、角膜内皮细胞计数、人工晶状体位置等。主要指标视力、眼压、角膜内皮细胞计数、PC-PRL与相邻组织的距离及术后并发症。结果术后最后一次随访时,68眼中有58眼(85.29%)的裸眼视力达到术前最佳矫正视力;所有患眼的术后最佳矫正视力均达到术前最佳矫正视力,且35.29%(24/68)者超过术前最佳矫正视力。术后平均眼压(17.1±2.6)mm Hg。术后平均角膜内皮细胞计数(2512±312)个/mm2,与术前(2841±257)个/mm2比较,差异无统计学意义(t=0.872,P=0.160)。至术后最后一次随访时,PC-PRL光学部前表面距角膜内皮的距离为(2.341±0.258)mm,与术后3个月时(2.491±0.317)mm比较差异无统计学意义(t=1.407,P=0.076);PC-PRL光学部后表面与自身晶状体之间的距离为(0.302±0.109)mm,与术后3个月时(0.321±0.102)mm比较差异无统计学意义(t=1.516,P=0.064)。但有2例患者(2眼)发生了PC-PRL后表面与自身晶状体贴近,距离无法准确测量。未见继发性青光眼、视网膜脱离、并发性白内障等并发症的发生。结论 PC-PRL眼内植入能安全、有效地矫正高度近视患者的屈光不正,长期安全性还需进一步观察。 展开更多
关键词 后房型有晶状体眼人工晶状体/并发症 高度近视/外科学
有晶状体眼人工晶状体Phakic 6植入术后五年的临床安全性分析 被引量:1
作者 董喆 王宁利 +1 位作者 郝磊 王怀洲 《眼科》 CAS 2011年第2期85-89,共5页
目的研究房角支撑型有晶状体眼人工晶状体Phakic 6植入眼内的5年安全性。设计回顾性病例系列。研究对象2004年12月至2005年12月在北京同仁医院进行Phakic 6植入术的10例(20眼)-12 D以上的高度近视患者。方法根据术前测量的角膜缘白到白(... 目的研究房角支撑型有晶状体眼人工晶状体Phakic 6植入眼内的5年安全性。设计回顾性病例系列。研究对象2004年12月至2005年12月在北京同仁医院进行Phakic 6植入术的10例(20眼)-12 D以上的高度近视患者。方法根据术前测量的角膜缘白到白(W-W)距离及术前的屈光检查来确定所植入的Phakic 6的型号。对上述患者手术后随访5年,检查视力、屈光度、眼压、房角镜及超声生物显微镜。主要指标视力、眼压、Phakic 6距相邻组织的距离、角膜内皮计数、房角镜下人工晶状体襻的位置及术后并发症。结果 10例患者中9例患者术后5~6年的裸眼视力较术前裸眼视力提高5~7行,最佳矫正视力均较术前提高1~3行。眼压平均(15.7±3.5)mm Hg。人工晶状体光学部前表面距角膜内皮的距离为(2.386±0.241)mm,光学部后表面与自身晶状体之间的距离为(0.693±0.124)mm,光学部边缘的最高点与周边角膜内皮的距离为(1.571±0.174)mm。2例患者(2眼)角膜内皮细胞计数较术前丢失大于1000个/mm2。1例(1眼)Phakic 6晶状体襻插入周切孔中,1例(1眼)视网膜脱离,3例(4眼)人工晶状体前房内旋转,1例(1眼)散瞳后瞳孔不能自然恢复正常。未发生前房内旋转的Phakic 6襻均位于房角;发生前房内旋转的Phakic 6襻均位于虹膜根部以内的虹膜面上,即所植入Phakic 6长度偏短。结论随访5年的结果显示,Phakic 6植入能有效提高高度近视者的视力,但对角膜内皮细胞有一定程度的损伤,后者与其在前房内的旋转有关。术前准确测量角膜缘白-白距离对于减少Phakic6术后前房内旋转有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 有晶状体眼人工晶状体 高度近视/外科学
Biomechanism of impact resistance in the woodpecker's head and its application 被引量:4
作者 WANG LiZhen LU Shan +7 位作者 LIU XiaoYu NIU XuFeng WANG Chao NI YiKun ZHAO MeiYa FENG ChengLong ZHANG Ming FAN YuBo 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2013年第8期715-719,共5页
The woodpecker does not suffer head/eye impact injuries while drumming on a tree trunk with high acceleration (more than 1000xg) and high frequency. The mechanism that protects the woodpecker's head has aroused the... The woodpecker does not suffer head/eye impact injuries while drumming on a tree trunk with high acceleration (more than 1000xg) and high frequency. The mechanism that protects the woodpecker's head has aroused the interest of ornithologists, biologists and scientists in the areas of mechanical engineering, material science and electronics engineering. This article reviews the literature on the biomechanisms and materials responsible for protecting the woodpecker from head impact injury and their applications in engineering and human protection. 展开更多
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