The success of the Hunger Games trilogy to the young readers is its distinctive blending of science fiction elements with protagonist Katniss' initiation. The trilogy suffices youth's interest to embrace a fiction t...The success of the Hunger Games trilogy to the young readers is its distinctive blending of science fiction elements with protagonist Katniss' initiation. The trilogy suffices youth's interest to embrace a fiction that dramatizes both realistic and fantastic portray of the world. Through depicting the intellectual and social development of protagonist Katniss who, after experiencing both defeats and triumphs in a dystopian world, Suzanne Collins successfully conveys the coming-of-age theme under the veil of science fiction in the Hunger Games trilogy.展开更多
文摘The success of the Hunger Games trilogy to the young readers is its distinctive blending of science fiction elements with protagonist Katniss' initiation. The trilogy suffices youth's interest to embrace a fiction that dramatizes both realistic and fantastic portray of the world. Through depicting the intellectual and social development of protagonist Katniss who, after experiencing both defeats and triumphs in a dystopian world, Suzanne Collins successfully conveys the coming-of-age theme under the veil of science fiction in the Hunger Games trilogy.