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“高等物理化学”教学中科教融合路径研究 被引量:2
作者 褚玉婷 邢晓平 严新 《化工时刊》 CAS 2022年第9期36-38,共3页
培养高质量的创新型人才是高校研究生教育的主要目标,就如何在新形势下做好研究生教育的科教融合,作者根据自己的教学经验,在教学内容、教学方法和考核评价等多个方面进行了初步的研究和探讨,提出教学内容与科研前沿相融合、注重理论知... 培养高质量的创新型人才是高校研究生教育的主要目标,就如何在新形势下做好研究生教育的科教融合,作者根据自己的教学经验,在教学内容、教学方法和考核评价等多个方面进行了初步的研究和探讨,提出教学内容与科研前沿相融合、注重理论知识与科研方法融合、构建导师协同育人机制、鼓励学生参加创新型大赛和项目申报、多维度评价教学效果等路径,为研究生教育的科教融合方式提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 研究生教学 科教融合路径研究 高等物理化学
作者 柯乔 《课程.教材.教法》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第11期51-51,共1页
关键词 全国哲学社会科学重大课题 2005年 中国 “邓小平科技、教育思想与科教兴国战略研究 专家组鉴定 王明达
作者 倪根金 《古今农业》 2023年第4期127-136,共10页
邓植仪是中国土壤科学的重要开拓者、著名农业教育家,长期执掌国立中山大学农学院。一生勤于著述,遗留了众多著述散落人间。论文通过广泛查阅,搜集出百篇前人未提及的邓植仪生前著述,使发现的邓氏著述达160余篇,并对前人整理中的一些失... 邓植仪是中国土壤科学的重要开拓者、著名农业教育家,长期执掌国立中山大学农学院。一生勤于著述,遗留了众多著述散落人间。论文通过广泛查阅,搜集出百篇前人未提及的邓植仪生前著述,使发现的邓氏著述达160余篇,并对前人整理中的一些失误进行订正。著述书目不仅展现了邓植仪土壤学研究历程和成果,而且也反映出他的农业教育思想及管理举措。 展开更多
关键词 邓植仪 《土壤学》 科教研究 著述书目
《新媒体研究》 2020年第11期I0002-I0003,共2页
中国科协倡议科技期刊加入世卫新冠疫情数据库新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,我国科技界为打赢疫情防控阻击战进行了总动员。科技期刊第一时间投入战斗,密切跟踪科研攻关进展,紧贴一线诊疗实践,快速发表优秀成果,荟萃科学抗疫中国智慧,强化国际... 中国科协倡议科技期刊加入世卫新冠疫情数据库新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,我国科技界为打赢疫情防控阻击战进行了总动员。科技期刊第一时间投入战斗,密切跟踪科研攻关进展,紧贴一线诊疗实践,快速发表优秀成果,荟萃科学抗疫中国智慧,强化国际共享合作,充分彰显了科技期刊的学术价值和社会责任担当。 展开更多
关键词 中国科协 科技期刊 疫情防控 数据库 共享合作 科研攻关 学术价值 科教研究
《中国冶金教育》 2015年第6期124-124,共1页
中国冶金教育学会是在1981年成立的"中国冶金高等教育学会"的基础上,经原冶金部同意、原国家教委批准、民政部登记注册成立、业务主管隶属教育部的全国性社会团体和国家一级学会,同时得到教育部授权承担"全国冶金职业教... 中国冶金教育学会是在1981年成立的"中国冶金高等教育学会"的基础上,经原冶金部同意、原国家教委批准、民政部登记注册成立、业务主管隶属教育部的全国性社会团体和国家一级学会,同时得到教育部授权承担"全国冶金职业教育教学指导委员会"(全国冶金行指委)工作。学会下设若干分会、研究会和办事机构,并已拥有会员160多个。 展开更多
关键词 国家一级学会 中国冶金 教育学会 教育教学指导 业务主管 学术交流 社科期刊 科普性 一流期刊 科教研究
《中国冶金教育》 2015年第3期91-91,共1页
中国冶金教育学会是在1981年成立的中国冶金高等教育学会的基础上,经原冶金部同意、原国家教委批准、民政部登记注册成立、业务主管隶属教育部的全国性社会团体和国家一级学会,同时得到教育部授权承担全国冶金职业教育教学指导委员会(... 中国冶金教育学会是在1981年成立的中国冶金高等教育学会的基础上,经原冶金部同意、原国家教委批准、民政部登记注册成立、业务主管隶属教育部的全国性社会团体和国家一级学会,同时得到教育部授权承担全国冶金职业教育教学指导委员会(全国冶金行指委)工作。学会下设若干分会、研究会等分支机构和办事机构,并已拥有会员160多个。 展开更多
关键词 中国冶金 教育学会 国家一级学会 教育教学指导 业务主管 学术交流 社科期刊 科普性 一流期刊 科教研究
《中国冶金教育》 2015年第2期91-91,共1页
中国冶金教育学会是在1981年成立的中国冶金高等教育学会的基础上,经原冶金部同意、原国家教委批准、民政部登记注册成立、业务主管隶属教育部的全国性社会团体和国家一级学会,同时得到教育部授权承担全国冶金职业教育教学指导委员会(... 中国冶金教育学会是在1981年成立的中国冶金高等教育学会的基础上,经原冶金部同意、原国家教委批准、民政部登记注册成立、业务主管隶属教育部的全国性社会团体和国家一级学会,同时得到教育部授权承担全国冶金职业教育教学指导委员会(全国冶金行指委)工作。学会下设若干分会、研究会等分支机构和办事机构,并已拥有会员160多个。 展开更多
关键词 中国冶金 教育学会 国家一级学会 教育教学指导 业务主管 学术交流 社科期刊 科普性 一流期刊 科教研究
《中国冶金教育》 2015年第1期94-94,共1页
中国冶金教育学会是在1981年成立的"中国冶金高等教育学会"的基础上,经原冶金部同意、原国家教委枇准、民政部登记注册成立、业务主管隶属教育部的全国性社会团体和国家一级学会,同时得到教育部授权承担"全国冶金职业教... 中国冶金教育学会是在1981年成立的"中国冶金高等教育学会"的基础上,经原冶金部同意、原国家教委枇准、民政部登记注册成立、业务主管隶属教育部的全国性社会团体和国家一级学会,同时得到教育部授权承担"全国冶金职业教育教学指导委员会"(全国冶金行指委)工作。学会下设若干分会、 展开更多
关键词 国家一级学会 中国冶金 教育学会 教育教学指导 业务主管 学术交流 社科期刊 科普性 一流期刊 科教研究
Experimental interdisciplinary program: Tourism Business Management and English
作者 冯源 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第5期1-4,共4页
This paper is a report of an experimental undergraduate composite program of Tourism Business Management and English. It introduces the characteristics of the program structure, faculty, learning materials, teaching a... This paper is a report of an experimental undergraduate composite program of Tourism Business Management and English. It introduces the characteristics of the program structure, faculty, learning materials, teaching and learning methods, and assessment approaches. The achievements of the program as well as the major problems it has experienc.ed are also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 foreign language education reform English discipline comparative education academic program reform interdisciplinary program
Emerging Research Efficacy Through Scaffolded Research Practice: An EFL Preservice Teacher Autobiographical Narrative 被引量:1
作者 Yuting HAN 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2021年第1期35-53,126,共20页
EFL preservice teachers ’ research efficacy, as perceived competence to perform tasks in research, is crucial to their research engagement. This autobiographical narrative inquiry investigates the contribution of sca... EFL preservice teachers ’ research efficacy, as perceived competence to perform tasks in research, is crucial to their research engagement. This autobiographical narrative inquiry investigates the contribution of scaffolded research practice to a female EFL preservice teacher ’s research efficacy.The data were collected through conversations, notes, journals, and portfolios. The findings suggest that teacher research efficacy was pliable through scaffolded research practice. It emerged gradually over time, in different places with social and personal interaction. The factors contributing to the emerging research efficacy were: teacher educators ’ support, peers ’ support,and research participation. The study sheds light on teacher educators and EFL preservice teachers,with the intention of establishing an inquiry-based pedagogy for M.Ed. programs. 展开更多
关键词 autobiographical narrative inquiry teacher research efficacy scaffolded research practice EFL preservice teacher
Experienced College Instructors' Personal Epistemology in Teaching Social Studies and Their Perception of Using Technology
作者 Li-chu Sung 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2011年第5期360-377,共18页
Experience includes explicit and tacit knowledge. Explicit knowledge is from a person's "espoused theory" which is what a person believes and claims to follow. Tacit knowledge is from a person's "theory-in-use" ... Experience includes explicit and tacit knowledge. Explicit knowledge is from a person's "espoused theory" which is what a person believes and claims to follow. Tacit knowledge is from a person's "theory-in-use" which lies behind a person's action or behavior. The knowledge of teaching demonstrated in the classroom can be referred to as tacit knowledge or theory-in-use which is often the theory behind the practice of experienced teachers. Freema Elbaz (1983) points out that the "experience" is referred to as "practical knowledge", which "provides the basis for a conceptualization which sees the teacher as possessing valuable resources" (6) and allows teachers to explicitly indicate and tacitly demonstrate their experience in teaching. The purpose of the study is to investigate how experienced college instructors apply their good teaching qualities to teaching social studies. The participants are three experienced college instructors teaching social studies. A concept map and a final reflection are used to elicit experienced instructors' personal epistemology in teaching social studies and their perception of technology use in the classroom. Each participant was asked to generate nine good teaching qualities and draw their concept map based on the nine qualities. Their concept maps reflected their theory-in-use and showed the relationship among their teaching qualities by displaying them together in a graphic form and how each teaching quality is connected to another. Participants' technology use was also explored to get their perception of the role of technology and their actual use of it in teaching. Then they were asked to validate their concept map data and reflect on their classroom teaching and use of technology. The findings show the three instructors taught under different schema and decided what their means and ends should be and how technology can help facilitate teaching and learning. However, most of them seemed to treat the content (e.g., democracy education) as their ends and thus used pedagogy (e.g., technology) as the means to reach the ends. Their technology use also reflected their perception of technology in teaching and revealed their limited understanding of technology integration, which leads to potential problems. 展开更多
关键词 technology integration explicit and tacit knowledge espoused theory theory-in-use critical thinking
Situation and Development of Innovative Research Universities Engineering Science and Technology Talents
作者 Zhi Cao 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第10期67-69,共3页
Teaching and research universities cultivate innovative talents that should have the following characteristics: a strong curiosity and thirst for knowledge, strong ability of self-learning and exploration. They shoul... Teaching and research universities cultivate innovative talents that should have the following characteristics: a strong curiosity and thirst for knowledge, strong ability of self-learning and exploration. They should primarily get engaged in applied basic research, focus on knowledge development and operational needs of the basic technology for logic systems, and acquire subject knowledge and expertise, technological innovation. They should have a good moral training, be able to work or live together with others; have good health and good human qualities, be able to take hard work. For the purposes of teaching and Research University, it is to foster innovative talents, we must adhere to the fundamental status of undergraduate teaching, and gradually promote the study of teaching; we must adhere to the path of industry-university cooperation; students in general education system must be established. 展开更多
关键词 Personnel Training Creative Talents Teaching and Research Universities
Research and Analysis on the College English Teaching Emphasis from the Cultural Migration and Transformation of Thinking Perspectives
作者 Jinju Tan 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第8期12-15,共4页
In this paper, we conduct research on the college English teaching emphasis from the cultural migration and transformation ofthinking perspectives. College English has long been in for the college English subject stat... In this paper, we conduct research on the college English teaching emphasis from the cultural migration and transformation ofthinking perspectives. College English has long been in for the college English subject status. However, college English as a multidisciplinary,interdisciplinary research in the field of discipline construction, it seems, are still stay in the linguistics, language knowledge in academiccharacteristics for its stage of development. Reform of basic college English teaching, the teacher is still teaching main body, is the teaching oflanguage knowledge, since teachers play an important role in language teaching, the teacher wants to penetrate cultural knowledge in teachingand we must strengthen their own culture. Under this basis, this paper proposes the novel ideals on the related issues that will be meaningful andinnovative. 展开更多
关键词 College English Teaching Emphasis Cultural Migration Thinking Perspectives.
A Study of Students' Opinions About History Subjects in the Social Studies Curriculum
作者 Hamza AKENGiN Meltem Elif CENDEK 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第10期1347-1353,共7页
Social studies combines social sciences and the humanities, and has the purpose of raising effective citizens. There are many different areas integrated in social studies including history, geography, philosophy and p... Social studies combines social sciences and the humanities, and has the purpose of raising effective citizens. There are many different areas integrated in social studies including history, geography, philosophy and psychology. Social studies is the presentation of the information produced by these areas in framework of a curriculum. Social studies curriculum is a multi-dimensional program. One of the objectives of this program is to raise individuals who know about their past and shape their future with the help of the lessons they learn from history. In this context, the aim of this study is to determine sixth grade students' perspective to the history subjects in social studies curriculum, learn the place of history in their lives and see how history subjects are taught in classrooms. This study is limited to the 2014-2015 academic year. The participants were identified using random sampling, a probability-based sampling method. This is a qualitative study. The study includes interviews with eight sixth graders, of whom four were female and four were male. The study data were collected in semi-structured interviews. The interviews were recorded and transcribed. The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis. The study found that the students enjoyed learning history, had positive opinions about their history grades and their teachers continued to teach history using traditional methods. They also felt that history contributed to their lives. Based on the data collected, the study makes specific suggestions. 展开更多
关键词 history topics social studies students' opinions
Determinants Analysis on Adolescents
作者 Octav Marcovici 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2014年第10期651-661,共11页
Determinants analysis is a pretty recent approach in social research and policy reviews, so that one cannot speak about generally/largely agreed definition of concepts yet. The paper endeavors to propose a framework f... Determinants analysis is a pretty recent approach in social research and policy reviews, so that one cannot speak about generally/largely agreed definition of concepts yet. The paper endeavors to propose a framework for analyzing the factors that, at structural, proximity, and individual levels, impede the realization of adolescents' rights to education, health, and protection. This framework was first conceived for the purpose of being used within a study on the state of adolescents in Romania, commissioned by the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) Romania and carried out by the Centre for Urban and Regional Sociology and Institute for Educational Sciences, which fmally used a slightly different approach, in a view to observe the determinants' framework already in use by UNICEF. The proposed framework is based on the structure-agency approach embraced by several international youth researches, which argue that individual actions and behaviors are in most cases the results of an interplay between structural constraints (institutional settings and rules) and individual agency. This approach is important for a determinants' analysis because it requires due consideration of individual features as well while discussing the role of social determinants in setting choice constraints and shaping pathways for adolescents' achievement of their rights. It is also important when approaching vulnerable adolescents, since vulnerability is often associated not only with structural and/or proximity determinants, but also with individual features. 展开更多
关键词 adolescents VULNERABILITY determinants structural constraints individual agency
On How to Achieve the Scientific Transformation From College Integral English to Academic English
作者 LIU Xu-liang 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第7期543-547,共5页
In order to meet the trend of China's rapid economic and social development and the internationalization of higher education, a new round of college English teaching reform is ready to start. Following the pilot refo... In order to meet the trend of China's rapid economic and social development and the internationalization of higher education, a new round of college English teaching reform is ready to start. Following the pilot reform by colleges and universities in Beijing, some colleges and universities in Shanghai will also initiate college English teaching reform program this fall. According to SCETFR (Shanghai College English Teaching Frame of Reference), the core of the new round of reform is to replace the traditional integral or comprehensive English with academic English, and through which to strive to improve students' English language ability in academic study and profession, and help them build a strong competence in international exchanges and competitions. The author, based on the status quo of China's current college English teaching, made some forward-looking predictions to the reform, and put forward some constructive proposals and measures 展开更多
关键词 college English teaching reform integral English academic English scientific transformation
作者 王瑞欣 R.L.Good 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2008年第5期98-108,128,共12页
本研究主要探讨最多学校使用之三系列高中英语教科书(分别为远东、龙腾以及三民陈版)中的"动词—名词词汇字词搭配"之呈现状况。研究结果发现,动词—名词字词搭配于三系列高中英语教科书中的数量相似(各系列共六册中约有370-... 本研究主要探讨最多学校使用之三系列高中英语教科书(分别为远东、龙腾以及三民陈版)中的"动词—名词词汇字词搭配"之呈现状况。研究结果发现,动词—名词字词搭配于三系列高中英语教科书中的数量相似(各系列共六册中约有370-430个),然而,各系列只有极少部分(约4%-7%)是整个字词搭配被特殊标明于课文中以及少数(约20%)在该系列中出现六次(含)以上。本研究结果显示,字词搭配并非台湾高中英语教科书着墨之重点,因此,我们建议出版商应重新评估如何将字词搭配呈现于教科书中。除了可以藉由于课文中标明更多字词搭配以提升学生对字词搭配的注意力,亦可增加每个字词搭配的出现次数至适当数量,以便确保学生习得个别字词搭配。再者,以现阶段言之,为促进学生语言流畅度,教师应将字词搭配纳入课堂教学,以弥补教科书中少量字词搭配被明显标示于课文中以及多数字词搭配出现次数不足之情形。 展开更多
关键词 COLLOCATIONS corpus study EFL textbooks senior high schools in Taiwan
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