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广西新希瓦格科动物群研究 被引量:2
作者 周建平 颉光普 《微体古生物学报》 CSCD 北大核心 1997年第1期49-57,共9页
关键词 新希瓦Ting 动物群 广西
基于格列纹科定理的确定样本量新方法——以总体为指数分布为例 被引量:1
作者 范超 《调研世界》 北大核心 2016年第1期38-41,64,共5页
为解决大数据背景下目标变量较复杂问题,本文根据格列纹科定理,提出了一种新的确定样本量方法,它是通过随机模拟样本的经验分布计算出样本量。本文讨论了该方法实现的具体步骤、优缺点等,并以指数分布为例,对规模为1万~100万的总体进行... 为解决大数据背景下目标变量较复杂问题,本文根据格列纹科定理,提出了一种新的确定样本量方法,它是通过随机模拟样本的经验分布计算出样本量。本文讨论了该方法实现的具体步骤、优缺点等,并以指数分布为例,对规模为1万~100万的总体进行模拟。研究结果表明:(1)该方法可适用于任何形式的总体分布;(2)对于复杂的目标变量,在该方法确定的样本量下,估计量具有良好的精度;(3)该方法确定的样本量与总体分布中的参数值有关,与总体规模关系不大。 展开更多
关键词 列纹定理 样本量 指数分布
Fertilizer Overuse in China:Empirical Evidence from Farmers in Four Provinces 被引量:8
作者 栾昊 仇焕广 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第1期193-196,共4页
[Objective] This paper aims to empirically analyze the situation of fertilizer overuse in China, considering that fertilizer, important for China's crop production, has brought serious environmental pollution to Chin... [Objective] This paper aims to empirically analyze the situation of fertilizer overuse in China, considering that fertilizer, important for China's crop production, has brought serious environmental pollution to China due to over application. [Method] Based on field survey data in four provinces of China, the magnitude of fertilizer overuse at farm level was empirically analyzed with Cobb-Douglas Produc- tion Function Method and profit optimization theory in the research. [Result] The resuits show that by average, 110.5 kg of chemical fertilizer were applied per mu of land, and 46.9 kg fertilizer was overused, occupying 42.5%. [Conclusion] There is large potential to reduce the overused amount and it is of great importance to re- duce fertilizer overuse effectively, which needs further intensive study. 展开更多
关键词 Fertilizer overuse Cobb-Douglas Production Function Environmental pollution
基于形态学及多基因位点的枸杞褐斑病病原鉴定 被引量:4
作者 王艳 晋玲 +2 位作者 申培增 崔治家 朱田田 《植物保护》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期122-127,共6页
枸杞Lycium barbarum Mill.是一种药食两用的名贵中药材,褐斑病是2010年在甘肃省枸杞种植区发生的由无性态类真菌新种枸杞小黑梨孢Stigmella lycii引起的新病害,据2015年-2018年调查,该病害已扩展至甘肃省各枸杞种植区,常年发病率45%~6... 枸杞Lycium barbarum Mill.是一种药食两用的名贵中药材,褐斑病是2010年在甘肃省枸杞种植区发生的由无性态类真菌新种枸杞小黑梨孢Stigmella lycii引起的新病害,据2015年-2018年调查,该病害已扩展至甘肃省各枸杞种植区,常年发病率45%~65%,严重度2~3级。本研究首次对枸杞小黑梨孢有性态形态进行描述,并结合分子生物学方法,确定该病病原菌的系统发育地位,为该病的防治提供一定的理论依据。枸杞褐斑病菌在离体培养条件下和越冬病叶上均可形成有性态。子囊壳球形至亚球形,大小185.6μm×176.6μm,有喙,喙的大小为(35.7~53.6)μm×(32.0~53.55)μm;子囊袋状,大小(103.2~165.7)μm×(15.7~22.4)μm,含8个子囊孢子;子囊孢子砖格状,大小(25.9~36.5)μm×(9.4~14.1)μm,平均31.2μm×12.3μm,具(4~)6~7个纵隔和1~3个横隔。通过ITS、LSU、RPB2和EF1-α多基因位点联合构建系统发育树,确定该菌为子囊菌门格孢腔菌目格孢腔菌科真菌。秋末冬初清洁田园,减少来年初侵染源,是有效防治枸杞褐斑病的关键措施。 展开更多
关键词 枸杞褐斑病 枸杞小黑梨孢 孢腔菌 系统发育
侧芽的生长素浓度比顶芽高——由一道高考题引发对顶端优势的思考 被引量:1
作者 谭承明 《实验教学与仪器》 2015年第7期44-45,共2页
生长素浓度究竟是顶芽高还是侧芽高?这一问题有实验基础吗?顶芽和侧芽对生长素的敏感性一样吗?这些问题,一直是高考作为实验探究性试题考查的基础,也是生物教学一线教师常常感到迷惑的。笔者现以一高考试题为例,来加以讨论。一、问... 生长素浓度究竟是顶芽高还是侧芽高?这一问题有实验基础吗?顶芽和侧芽对生长素的敏感性一样吗?这些问题,一直是高考作为实验探究性试题考查的基础,也是生物教学一线教师常常感到迷惑的。笔者现以一高考试题为例,来加以讨论。一、问题来源例题(2008年高考上海卷第14题):图1表示不同浓度生长素对芽生长的影响。 展开更多
关键词 顶端优势 问题来源 芽生长 卷第 胚芽鞘 抑制作用 人教版教材 细胞分裂素 教辅资料 科格
生物学教学中“生命感悟”教育的渗透 被引量:3
作者 张玉明 《中小学教材教学》 2015年第6期58-61,共4页
生物学是关于生命的科学,学生在学习的过程中,会接触许多能够触发"生命感悟"的素材和元素,如果教师适时加以启发和引导,就可以让学生在学习生物学知识的同时,还能感受生命的价值和意义,领悟生命的本质。下面从六个方面,谈谈... 生物学是关于生命的科学,学生在学习的过程中,会接触许多能够触发"生命感悟"的素材和元素,如果教师适时加以启发和引导,就可以让学生在学习生物学知识的同时,还能感受生命的价值和意义,领悟生命的本质。下面从六个方面,谈谈在生物学教学中如何渗透"生命感悟"教育。感悟一:生命拒绝溺爱我国由于长期实行计划生育政策,使得目前在校的绝大多数学生都是独生子女,他们可以说是在一种溺爱的氛围中长大的。这对于青少年的成长非常不利。在生物学教学中,有很多因溺爱反而不利于动植物生长的生命现象,可以用来作为教育学生的材料。 展开更多
关键词 生命感悟 生物学教学 计划生育政策 生物学知识 课堂教学 科格 马德拉群岛 古莲子 情感目标 种庄稼
作者 乔金根 《体育科研》 1981年第3期36-,共1页
关键词 田径项目 罗斯基 科格 桑福德 摩西 佩奇 维特 拜尔 梅尼 威尔
作者 裘祖逖 《国际论坛》 1988年第1期48-55,共8页
关键词 国家剧院 山德里 十九世纪 博马舍 萨多维 科格 犹太商人 人物形象 雅西 唱剧
作者 徐良 《齐鲁艺苑(山东艺术学院学报)》 1994年第4期28-33,27,共7页
现代西方戏剧美学的转折和形成(续)徐良正是在尼采和弗洛伊德开创性的工作基础上,现代西方戏剧结出了丰硕的果实。尼采的工作不仅奠定了现代戏剧美学的本体论,而且具有重要的方法论意义,现代西方戏剧美学关于戏剧的本质、戏剧家、... 现代西方戏剧美学的转折和形成(续)徐良正是在尼采和弗洛伊德开创性的工作基础上,现代西方戏剧结出了丰硕的果实。尼采的工作不仅奠定了现代戏剧美学的本体论,而且具有重要的方法论意义,现代西方戏剧美学关于戏剧的本质、戏剧家、剧场、观众以及所有的探讨,都是在尼... 展开更多
关键词 戏剧美学 西方戏剧 象征主义戏剧 荒诞派戏剧 布莱希特 表现主义戏剧 第一自我 戏剧艺术 科格 语言符号学
作者 麦婉华 陈远鹏 《小康》 2015年第8X期40-43,共4页
奥巴马是美国第一任非洲裔总统,尽管出生、生长于美国,但由于父亲的非洲血缘,他有大量亲戚在非洲。近日,奥巴马开启了任内第四次非洲之行,终于有机会访问"家乡"肯尼亚。不过,除了某些熟悉的亲戚,奥巴马对于其他众多非洲亲人&q... 奥巴马是美国第一任非洲裔总统,尽管出生、生长于美国,但由于父亲的非洲血缘,他有大量亲戚在非洲。近日,奥巴马开启了任内第四次非洲之行,终于有机会访问"家乡"肯尼亚。不过,除了某些熟悉的亲戚,奥巴马对于其他众多非洲亲人"傻傻分不清"。 展开更多
关键词 巴马 科格 贝拉克 非洲裔 莎拉 空军一号 罗村 对外政策 同父 中东问题
《大学(高考金刊)》 2016年第10期34-43,共10页
随着手机突然一阵震动,打开摄像头,你面前的书桌上,赫然出现一只正朝着你翩翩起舞的蝙蝠…… 最近有一款AR游戏超级火爆——任天堂的《Pokemon GO》,这款游戏到底有多火?在澳洲或美国,如果你在上学或上班途中,看到一堆人围在公园或雕... 随着手机突然一阵震动,打开摄像头,你面前的书桌上,赫然出现一只正朝着你翩翩起舞的蝙蝠…… 最近有一款AR游戏超级火爆——任天堂的《Pokemon GO》,这款游戏到底有多火?在澳洲或美国,如果你在上学或上班途中,看到一堆人围在公园或雕像边上,有人拿着手机晃来晃去,有人对着手机傻笑,你千万不要奇怪,他们可能正在抓一只杰尼龟;任天堂股价也因此在四个交易日最大涨幅达到70%。 展开更多
关键词 人才争夺战 杰尼 AR 增强现实技术 科格 虚拟现实 无奇 开飞机 动作捕捉 电脑图形
作者 华文 《音乐世界》 1991年第7期48-48,共1页
有了一个神童儿子,利奥波德不禁心花怒放。他带着这个神童儿子到欧洲各国宫廷炫耀。对于莫扎特来说,艺术生活和没完没了的迁移生活始于他6岁时。利奥波德带着莫扎特及其妹妹(她是这一家里的另一个天赋过人的孩子)曾在慕尼黑和维也纳逗... 有了一个神童儿子,利奥波德不禁心花怒放。他带着这个神童儿子到欧洲各国宫廷炫耀。对于莫扎特来说,艺术生活和没完没了的迁移生活始于他6岁时。利奥波德带着莫扎特及其妹妹(她是这一家里的另一个天赋过人的孩子)曾在慕尼黑和维也纳逗留。莫扎特给当时最富有和最有教养的社会阶层带来了欢乐。大公爵约瑟夫接见了他,并成了他的保护人(尽管约瑟夫在艺术方面见识有限)。 展开更多
关键词 利奥波德 艺术生活 瑟夫 马丁尼 夏洛特 科格 亲王府 羽管键琴 萨尔茨堡
《当代教研论丛》 2014年第6期2-2,共1页
《学生之友-最作文》为您呈现的是学生们最优秀的作品,汇集的是最精彩的点拨。它将会成为您学习上的良师与益友,为您带来一场丰富的作文饕餮盛宴。栏目设定:第一板块:最强音校园彩影:主要登载以校园生活为内容的学生作品。秀年华:以反... 《学生之友-最作文》为您呈现的是学生们最优秀的作品,汇集的是最精彩的点拨。它将会成为您学习上的良师与益友,为您带来一场丰富的作文饕餮盛宴。栏目设定:第一板块:最强音校园彩影:主要登载以校园生活为内容的学生作品。秀年华:以反映青春足迹、生活乐事等为主要内容的学生作品。我思我想:主要以励志文章为主,文章应反映出作者独特的观点与视角,独特的生活体味和感受等。考场秀:学生的优秀考场作文。同题乐享:将相同题目、相同体裁的优秀作文同时呈现,提供给读者不一样的角度与思路。 展开更多
关键词 学生之友 学生作品 饕餮盛宴 写作兴趣 邮发代号 感官享受 经典语录 科格 名家名篇 小学高年级
Beyond Agricola: The Multiple Origins of European Knowledge in Adam Schall von Bell’s Chinese Mining and Metallurgy Handbook Kunyu Gezhi(1640) 被引量:1
作者 Alexander JOST 《Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology》 2021年第1期58-89,共32页
In 2015, a previously unknown manuscript was discovered in the Nanjing Library. It contained a Chinese mining and metallurgy handbook, and was identified as a copy of the Kunyu gezhi 坤輿格致, known as the lost Chines... In 2015, a previously unknown manuscript was discovered in the Nanjing Library. It contained a Chinese mining and metallurgy handbook, and was identified as a copy of the Kunyu gezhi 坤輿格致, known as the lost Chinese translation of Georgius Agricola’s(1494–1555) De re metallica(1556) by Jesuit Adam Schall von Bell(1592–1666). A closer look at the text, however, reveals that, besides parts of Agricola’s book, content by at least four other European authors was included: Vannoccio Biringuccio(1480–1539), Modestinus Fachs(?–before 1595), Lazarus Ercker(1528/30–1594), and José de Acosta(1539/40–1599/1600). This study demonstrates how their books became available in China, why they were selected as sources for the Kunyu gezhi, and how they were eventually used and incorporated. From this, it becomes apparent that Schall and his collaborators spared no effort to conduct this ambitious knowledge transfer project, and to present European technology at its best to the emperor. 展开更多
关键词 JESUITS translation De re metallica Kunyu gezhi AGRICOLA Adam Schall von Bell history of Ming history of metallurgy knowledge transfer Ming dynasty
Finite Difference Approach for Estimating the Thermal Conductivity by 6-point Crank-Nicolson Scheme
作者 苏亚欣 杨翔翔 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2005年第2期45-49,共5页
Based on inverse heat conduction theory, a theoretical model using 6-point Crank-Nicolson finite difference scheme was used to calculate the thermal conductivity from temperature distribution, which can be measured ex... Based on inverse heat conduction theory, a theoretical model using 6-point Crank-Nicolson finite difference scheme was used to calculate the thermal conductivity from temperature distribution, which can be measured experimentally. The method is a direct approach of second-order and the key advantage of the present method is that it is not required a priori knowledge of the functional form of the unknown thermal conductivity in the calculation and the thermal parameters are estimated only according to the known temperature distribution. Two cases were numerically calculated and the influence of experimental deviation on the precision of this method was discussed. The comparison of numerical and analytical results showed good agreement. 展开更多
关键词 inverse heat conduction thermal conductivity 6-point finite difference scheme
Heraclitus as a Process Philosopher
作者 Daniel W. Graham 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2012年第1期1-8,共8页
At least since Hegel identified Heraclitus as a philosopher who dealt with becoming, it has seemed obvious to perhaps most scholars that he was in some way a philosopher of process rather than a philosopher of being. ... At least since Hegel identified Heraclitus as a philosopher who dealt with becoming, it has seemed obvious to perhaps most scholars that he was in some way a philosopher of process rather than a philosopher of being. (For the views of Hegel and some early interpreters, see Graham 1997, 46-50.) Indeed, ancient sources say that for him all things are in flux, and one cannot step twice into the same stream. Yet for all that, many interpreters of Heraclitus perhaps unwittingly portray him in ways that are inconsistent with his being a process philosopher. And there are those who wish to downplay the role of flux in his system as well. In any case, to call him a process philosopher remains a vague claim until an interpreter specifies in what sense he is committed to process. Even more important, perhaps, is the question whether Heraclitus can maintain a coherent theory of process, given interpretations both ancient and modem that portray him as violating the principle of non-contradiction---often precisely because of his theory of flux. In this paper I shall attempt to argue that Heraclitus is indeed a process philosopher, and more importantly to spell out in what way he is, and to defend his theory as a consistent and indeed philosophically sound starting point for understanding the world as a process; I will end by pointing out some ways in which his theory accords with modem scientific explanations of the world. 展开更多
关键词 HERACLITUS process philosophy Presocratic philosophy Greek science
Religious-Practical Aspects of Sacral Trees in the Caucasus A Comparative Analysis of the Material of Georgian and German Authors
作者 Tinatin Gudushauri 《History Research》 2013年第5期365-368,共4页
The tradition of serving trees has a long history in the Caucasus and therefore there is quite a long tradition of interest in these problems by different authors, including foreign scientists. The tradition starts wi... The tradition of serving trees has a long history in the Caucasus and therefore there is quite a long tradition of interest in these problems by different authors, including foreign scientists. The tradition starts with Apollonius of Rhodes. Since then it has been the field of permanent interest by scientists. The material presented in the report, that brings forward the specific practical aspects of sacral functions of sacral trees and forests and mainly deals with the mountainous part of Georgia (both East and West Georgia) and represents an attempt to compare Georgian ethnographic data with the materials found in Georgia by German scientists of the same period, which allows of drawing similarities and differences between these two sources of data. C. Hahn--a public figure living on the verge of the 19th-20th century, who had original material from Khevsureti and Svaneti, was chosen from German scientists. The first and important function is the connection of sacral trees with the world of the dead, which has a practical implication rather than a religious-ritual function, which is confirmed by the use of sacral forests as a burying place and for a ritual related to the dead; The second practical aspect of the sacral trees was their healing function. The purpose of the trees is established in the ethnographic material found virtually throughout the entire Caucasus. According to ethnographic data, there appears another function of sacral trees and forests. People used to gather there in order to solve important issues and reconcile conflicting parties. Sacred forests were a nature reserve for animal habitat and a kind of a haven for the people who, for some reason, had to shelter themselves in forests. 展开更多
关键词 sacral tree sacral forest CAUCASUS Georgia RELIGION TRADITION
Review of Tongyu Year Painting Value
作者 Zou Yimeng 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第3期125-126,共2页
Tongyu year painting has an important influence on national folk painting field, and the works have stronger culture and art research value, In 60s of 20th Century, Tongyu year painting has entered its prosperous peri... Tongyu year painting has an important influence on national folk painting field, and the works have stronger culture and art research value, In 60s of 20th Century, Tongyu year painting has entered its prosperous period, with many authors, lots of creation amount, large circulation and high winning level has become the major influence reason. Thus, in 1991, Tongyu County was awarded as "Chinese modem folk painting village" by the Ministry of Culture. Tongyu year painting is to reflect the meaning and connotation of year culture background, which is an important organization part of Jilin western Horqin grassland year culture, which shows the thick black soil land, Kanto feeling hot, the northeast wind rough, forming its own unique artistic style. 展开更多
关键词 Tongyu year painting CULTURE ART HISTORY VALUE
作者 信启(译) 《国外铁道机车与动车》 2022年第3期18-20,共3页
关键词 机车 轴箱轴承 维修间隔期 故障分布 韦伯-涅坚定理
Sense of Science and Technology in Product Design
作者 Zhizhong Ding 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第4期39-41,共3页
Sense of science and technology has become the trend of modem design, but the commonly acknowledged sense of science and technology is different from science and technology itself. Starting from machine aesthetics and... Sense of science and technology has become the trend of modem design, but the commonly acknowledged sense of science and technology is different from science and technology itself. Starting from machine aesthetics and high-tech style, combined with the changing process of the sense of science and technology, it analyzes the causes and related social factors, style characteristics and manifestations of the sense of science and technology, as well as the inherent relationship of multi-angle analysis technology and the sense of science and technology. It illustrates the social value and defects of artistic expression of the sense of science and technology and reflects on the connection and difference between science and technology on the one hand and the sense of science and technology on the other hand. 展开更多
关键词 Sense of science and technology Product design Design trend High-tech style.
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