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作者 韩开琪 庞江宏 《档案时空》 北大核心 2006年第1期43-43,共1页
关键词 秦岩 江华瑶族自治县 历史地理 中国 历史考证
作者 若彤 《中国住宅设施》 2002年第6期37-38,共2页
<住宅厨房卫生间三表计量出户智能系统装置>,建设部行业标准编制组成立会暨编制组第一次工作会议近日在北京召开.会议规模空前,逾百家企业代表参会,大家各抒己见,气氛十分热烈.会议间歇,本刊记者与哈尔滨盛世恒电子有限公司秦岩... <住宅厨房卫生间三表计量出户智能系统装置>,建设部行业标准编制组成立会暨编制组第一次工作会议近日在北京召开.会议规模空前,逾百家企业代表参会,大家各抒己见,气氛十分热烈.会议间歇,本刊记者与哈尔滨盛世恒电子有限公司秦岩总经理聊了起来.盛世恒电子有限公司专业从事小区智能化系统的研制开发、系统集成、工程设计、工程施工和技术咨询服务. 展开更多
关键词 秦岩 犀牛吸月岩 小区智能化系统 代表
作者 白山 《吉林人大》 2013年第1期12-12,共1页
人大代表代表的是人民利益,是人民群众的代言人。要经常倾听群众呼声,真心为群众办事。在履职工作中,秦岩丽遵循"当代表、尽职责、做贡献"的履职信念,认真为人民办事,与百姓保持密切的联系。马滴达村民冯俊波在8年前,上山采... 人大代表代表的是人民利益,是人民群众的代言人。要经常倾听群众呼声,真心为群众办事。在履职工作中,秦岩丽遵循"当代表、尽职责、做贡献"的履职信念,认真为人民办事,与百姓保持密切的联系。马滴达村民冯俊波在8年前,上山采薇菜时,与人发生口角,由于年轻气盛,双方厮打起来,结果冯俊波被打导致当场左肾破裂。 展开更多
关键词 珲春市 秦岩 采薇 冯俊 人民群众 肾破裂 房屋纠纷 风兰 老人送 三家子满族乡
《测绘工程》 CSCD 2012年第6期I0001-I0002,共2页
关键词 计算方法 《测绘工程》 李宗 点云数据 PSINSAR 开采沉陷 PPP 地理信息 葛文 目次 空间数据 GPS GIS 秦岩 犀牛吸月岩 李永 李书 基准点
作者 秦岩 《良师(小学1-2年级)》 2004年第Z3期63-63,共1页
关键词 否定形式 否定式 PLEASE 主要注意事项 命令式 秦岩
作者 李小茶 《成长先锋:女人街》 2009年第2期18-19,共2页
1秦岩从大摞的卷宗里抬起头,看见同事老张站在门后朝自己的方向比划,正在纳闷的时候,一阵雷雨样的步子响起来,紧接着门口站了一个妖冶的女人,大波浪卷披挂在胸前,耳朵上戴着两只耀眼的白金耳环,一双眼睛蒙了一层灰蒙蒙的雾气。她叉腰站... 1秦岩从大摞的卷宗里抬起头,看见同事老张站在门后朝自己的方向比划,正在纳闷的时候,一阵雷雨样的步子响起来,紧接着门口站了一个妖冶的女人,大波浪卷披挂在胸前,耳朵上戴着两只耀眼的白金耳环,一双眼睛蒙了一层灰蒙蒙的雾气。她叉腰站在那里朝秦岩喂了一声,你看见老张那个禽兽了没有?秦岩一瞬间有点发蒙,等他回过神来那女人早已白了他一眼匆匆走了。 展开更多
关键词 秦岩 金耳环 敲门声 爬起来 我自己 就这样 不知道 这个世界 风流鬼 开口说话
《测绘》 2011年第6期287-288,共2页
关键词 地形图 基础测绘 DLG GIS 星历 AutoCAD 目次 GPS DEM 徐京华 三维建模 范东明 卡尔曼滤波 滤波理论 秦岩 犀牛吸月岩
作者 ZENG Qiaosong WANG Jincao CHEN Guanghao 《Geotectonica et Metallogenia》 2005年第2期93-106,共14页
Macro-microscopic tectonic analysis and lithologic features show that the gold-bearing breccia bodies in the Shuangwang gold deposit, for hydrofracturing of the deep-sourced and alkali-rich fluids in the Devonian sodi... Macro-microscopic tectonic analysis and lithologic features show that the gold-bearing breccia bodies in the Shuangwang gold deposit, for hydrofracturing of the deep-sourced and alkali-rich fluids in the Devonian sodic rock series, are identified as hydrofracturing breccia bodies. Since the Indosinian, intracontinental collisional orogenesis results in multiple fracturings and magmatic emplacements in the Qinling area. Deep-sourced fluids resulting from deep fractures and granitoid magmatic intrusion are of a supercritical nature. Joint action between the fluid-rock system and structures leads to hydrofracturing and ore formation of the gold deposit. Firstly, the progressive coaxial compression caused the competent sodic rock series and the incompetent pelitic rock series to be deformed and partitioned. Lens-like weak-strain domains are hence formed and distributed at the approximate equidistance zones and the linear strong-strain zones, respectively. Subsequently, the progressive non-coaxial shearing and right-lateral and high-angle oblique thrusting lead to the most developed fracture system in the core of the weak-strain domain to turn from compression to extension and to link up with the deep fracture systems. The periodical huge pressure decline in the pumping center causes the deep-sourced confined fluids to develop periodic tectonic pumping, hydrofracturing and precipitation-healing in the sodic rock series. The gold-bearinghydrofracturing breccia bodies are hence ultimately formed at near-equidistance tectonic lenses. On the basis of the above model, the predicted concealed gold-bearing hydrofracturing breccia bodies have been preliminarily validated by latest drillings. 展开更多
关键词 HYDROFRACTURING sodic breccia deformation and partitioning Shuangwang gold deposit QINLING
作者 秦岩 《考试与招生》 2015年第3期41-41,共1页
对于水利水电这个专业,很多同学都认为这是一个没有很多技术含量、同时还要吃苦受累的不佳选择。实际上,它却是一个能够全面提高你各项素质的黄金专业。之所以称之为黄金专业,是因为它不仅培养了学生扎实的理工科基础,切实提高同学的创... 对于水利水电这个专业,很多同学都认为这是一个没有很多技术含量、同时还要吃苦受累的不佳选择。实际上,它却是一个能够全面提高你各项素质的黄金专业。之所以称之为黄金专业,是因为它不仅培养了学生扎实的理工科基础,切实提高同学的创造能力和动手能力,还具备广阔而又良好的就业方向,同时录取分数不是太高,是一个性价比很不错的专业。本文将从专业前景、培养目标、 展开更多
关键词 水利水电工程 就业方向 培养特色 就业前景 秦岩 创造能力 择业竞争 兴水利 清洁再生能源 国家需求
作者 邹兆臣 《戏剧文学》 2003年第7期50-63,共14页
1.冬日。山区公路行驶中的公共汽车上。歹徒在光天化日之下,如此嚣张,贾志刚忍无可忍,他刚要挺身而出,又猛地坐了下去。这时,以下几组闪回镜头交相叠映: 监狱大礼堂。隆重的犯人减刑、假释大会正在进行。张监狱长最后宣布:“监狱党委还... 1.冬日。山区公路行驶中的公共汽车上。歹徒在光天化日之下,如此嚣张,贾志刚忍无可忍,他刚要挺身而出,又猛地坐了下去。这时,以下几组闪回镜头交相叠映: 监狱大礼堂。隆重的犯人减刑、假释大会正在进行。张监狱长最后宣布:“监狱党委还决定,给予贾志刚、张玉龙、程川江等18人今年回家欢度春节的待遇,假期两周。希望你们一定严格要求自己,处处遵纪守法……”王监区长把他送出监狱大门,语重心长地说:“贾志刚,你在这个监狱里整整10年,只剩最后的三年刑期了,这次回家,更要处处注意。 展开更多
关键词 张亮 院长 严宁 秦岩 犀牛吸月岩 王川 贾志刚 疤眼 监舍 监房 电视 电信
作者 邹兆臣 《戏剧文学》 2003年第8期23-31,共9页
1.日。5号监舍内。关向宏走向新生的事迹报告,在春城监狱引起强烈反响。监狱教育改造科要求各监区自行组织讨论,并上报讨论情况。 5号监舍的讨论由宋管教主持:“关向宏的报告大家都听到了,一个曾经当过囚犯的人能有今天的成就很了不起... 1.日。5号监舍内。关向宏走向新生的事迹报告,在春城监狱引起强烈反响。监狱教育改造科要求各监区自行组织讨论,并上报讨论情况。 5号监舍的讨论由宋管教主持:“关向宏的报告大家都听到了,一个曾经当过囚犯的人能有今天的成就很了不起。可他又没有什么大不了的,他就是从我们监狱,也就是从你们5号监舍走出去的一个普通的刑满释放人员。老犯人对他非常了解,连他身上有几个疤瘌疖子都清楚。贾志刚——” 展开更多
关键词 陶山 狗子 大炮子 王局长 监舍 监房 王川 窜达 秦岩 犀牛吸月岩 电视 电信
《篮球俱乐部》 2007年第5期127-127,共1页
本期封面来自湖南的女读者刘嘉玲很欣赏这个封面,她在来信中说:首先,是冷色调的,我个人比较like,个人觉得夏天用冷色调,冬天用暖色调这样感觉会比较好啦!还有,加内特眼神射出的光芒与"绝地苍狼"很配!这照片选的很好,不过,有... 本期封面来自湖南的女读者刘嘉玲很欣赏这个封面,她在来信中说:首先,是冷色调的,我个人比较like,个人觉得夏天用冷色调,冬天用暖色调这样感觉会比较好啦!还有,加内特眼神射出的光芒与"绝地苍狼"很配!这照片选的很好,不过,有点单调啦,但这样简约而不简单也未尝不好。而河北的秦岩同学的来信,简单直接,他几乎是吼出来的:太酷了,让我很感动,我爱KG! 展开更多
关键词 加内特 刘嘉玲 冷色调 秦岩 科比 我爱 麦迪 完美生活 月亮之上 一本
Chronology and petrogenesis of the Hejiazhuang granitoid pluton and its constraints on the Early Triassic tectonic evolution of the South Qinling Belt 被引量:9
作者 YANG PengTao LIU ShuWen +3 位作者 LI QiuGen WANG ZongQi ZHANG Fan WANG Wei 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第2期232-246,共15页
The Hejiazhuang pluton is located in the South Qinling Tectonic Belt (SQTB) in the north side of the MianxianLueyang Su ture Zone, and consists dominantly of granodiorites. LAICPMS zircon UPb dating and LuHf isotopi... The Hejiazhuang pluton is located in the South Qinling Tectonic Belt (SQTB) in the north side of the MianxianLueyang Su ture Zone, and consists dominantly of granodiorites. LAICPMS zircon UPb dating and LuHf isotopic analyses reveal that these granodiorites of the Hejiazhaung pluton emplaced at 248 Ma, and show a large variation in zircon eHt(t) values from 4.8 to 8.8. These granodiorite samples are attributed to highK to midK calcalkaline series, and characterized by high SiO2 (66.6±70.0%), A1203 (15.04±16.10%) and Na20 (3.74±4.33%) concentrations, with high Mg# (54.2±61.7). All samples have high Sr (627±751 ppm), Cr (553±73 ppm) and Ni (17.2182 ppm), but low Y (5.42-8.41 ppm) and Yb (0.59-0.74 ppm) concentrations with high Sr/Y ratios (84.90±120.66). They also display highly fractionated REE patterns with (La/Yb)N ratios of 18.93-4.0 and positive Eu anomalies (0"Eu=1.102.22) in the chondritenormalized REE patterns. In the primitive mantle normalized spidergrams, these samples exhibit enrichment in LILEs but depletion in Nb, Ta, P and Ti. These geochemical fea tures indicate that the granodioritic magma of the Hejiazhuang pluton was derived from the partial melting of hybrid sources comprising the subducted oceanic slab and sediments, and the melts were polluted by the mantle wedge materials during their ascent. The emplacement ages and petrogenesis of the Hejiazhuang pluton prove that the initial subduction of the Mianlue oceanic crust occurred at 248 Ma ago, and the SQTB was still under subduction tectonic setting in the Early Triassic. 展开更多
关键词 granodiorites in Hejiazhuang pluton zircon U-Pb-Hf isotopic systematics petrogenesis and tectonic setting evolutionof South Qinling Tectonic Belt
Early Paleozoic granulite-facies metamorphism and anatexis in the northern West Qinling orogen: Monazite and zircon U-Pb geochronological constraints 被引量:15
作者 MAO XiaoHong ZHANG JianXin +3 位作者 YU ShengYao LI YunShuai YU XingXing LU ZengLong 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第5期943-957,共15页
In the northern West Qinling orogen(WQO), granulite-facies metamorphic rocks are recognized within the Qinling Complex. These rocks are composed of amphibole-bearing two-pyroxene granulite and garnet-sillimanite gneis... In the northern West Qinling orogen(WQO), granulite-facies metamorphic rocks are recognized within the Qinling Complex. These rocks are composed of amphibole-bearing two-pyroxene granulite and garnet-sillimanite gneiss with widespread migmatitization. We investigate three granulite-facies samples and one leucosome sample from the Qinling Complex, which are suitable for U-Pb analyses of zircon and monazite. SHRIMP and LA-ICPMS U-Pb age dating of zircon and monazite from two pelitic granulites provides weighted mean ages of 430±4 Ma(MSWD=0.88) and 433±4 Ma(MSWD=0.27), respectively.Based on the petrographic characteristics and zircon CL imagery, we postulated a ca. 430 Ma metamorphic timing for the pelitic granulites. LA-ICPMS zircon U-Pb data from an amphibole two-pyroxene granulite sample reports two weighted mean age groups:424±3 Ma(MSWD=0.45) and 402±3 Ma(MSWD=1.4), which were interpreted as granulite-facies metamorphic and retrograde ages, respectively. LA-ICPMS U-Pb dating of zircons from the leucosome sample yields a weighted mean age of 426±2 Ma(MSWD=0.3), which is interpreted as the crystallization age of the leucosome. These data indicate that the West QOB experienced early Paleozoic granulite-facies metamorphism and anatexis similar to the East QOB. However, it remains unclear whether the early Paleozoic granulite facies metamorphism resulted from an arc setting created by the northward subduction of the Shangdan ocean or from a continental collisional orogenic event. 展开更多
关键词 West Qinling Granulite Migmatite U-Pb age dating Metamorphism Early Paleozoic
Granitoid magmatism in the Qinling orogen, central China and its bearing on orogenic evolution 被引量:67
作者 WANG XiaoXia WANG Tao ZHANG ChengLi 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第9期1497-1512,共16页
The Qinling orogen is a typical composite orogen for understanding multi-stages of magmatism and orogenic processes. Many studies have been carried out on the magmatic rocks in the Qinling orogen but their petrogenesi... The Qinling orogen is a typical composite orogen for understanding multi-stages of magmatism and orogenic processes. Many studies have been carried out on the magmatic rocks in the Qinling orogen but their petrogenesis is still controversial. This pa- per presents a review of all granitoid rocks based on previous and new studies of geochronology and geochemistry. Four dis- tinct periods of granitoid magmatism, Neoproterozoic (979-711 Ma), Paleozoic (507-400 Ma), Early Mesozoic (250-185 Ma) and Late Mesozoic (160-100 Ma), have been recognized from the Qinling orogen according to zircon U-Pb ages, intrusion as- sociations and deformation, as well as regional geology. The Neoproterozoic granitic rocks consist of three stages at 979-911, 894-815 and 759-711 Ma, respectively, corresponding to strongly deformed S-type, weakly deformed I-type and A-type gran- itoids. They can be interpreted as magmatic occurrences in syn-collisional, post-collisional and extensional settings, respec- tively, in response to old continental terranes of the Neoproterozoic tectonomagmatic events in the old continents of China, such as South China and Tarim cratons. Although this continental terrane would be involved in the Phanerozoic Qinling orog- eny, the Neoproterozoic magmatic rocks are not the products of the Qinling orogenic processes. The Paleozoic magmatic rocks can be classified into three stages at 507-470, 460-422 and 415-400 Ma, respectively. The first-stage magmatism is temporal- ly associated with ultra-high pressure metamorphism in the North Qinling terrane. These magmatic rocks are interpreted as magmatic occurrences in subductional, syn-collisional and post-collisional settings, respectively. The Early Mesozoic mag- matic rocks occur in two stages at 252-185 and 225-200 Ma, respectively. The first-stage granitoids are mainly represented by I-type quartz diorites and granodiorites, and the second stage by granodiorites and monzogranites with the 1- to A-type charac- teristics and some with rapakivi textures. Their emplacement ages and geochemical parameters such as A/CNK, K2O/Na2O ra- tios and εNd(t) values do not show any polarity change in perpendicular to subduction/collision zone. Therefore, all these Early Mesozoic granitoids are unlikely the product of continental subduction as some researchers suggested. Instead, they are plausi- bly related to the subduction of the Mianlue Ocean and the subsequent collision between the South China Craton and the South Qinling terrane. The Late Mesozoic granitoids were emplaced mainly at two stages of 160-130 and 120-100 Ma, and charac- terized by the evolution from I- to I-A- and A-type granitoids. These characteristics are consistent with the granitoid magmatic evolution from contractional to extensional settings during the Jurassic/Cretaceous in eastern China. Accordingly, the Late Mesozoic granitoid rocks in the Qinling orogen probably have a similar petrogenetic mechanism to those of the huge magmatic belt along the western Pacific margin, i.e., intra-continent magmatism related to a far-field effect of the subduction of Paleo-Pacific plate. 展开更多
关键词 GRANITOID zircon age magmatism evolution TECTONICS Qinling orogen
Site Earthquake Characteristics and Dynamic Parameter Test of Phase Ⅲ Qinshan Nuclear Power Engineering
作者 周念清 赵在立 秦敏 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2009年第4期450-455,共6页
The earthquake characteristics and geological structure of the site to sitting the Qinshan Nuclear Power Station are closely related. According to site investigation drilling, sampling, seismic sound logging wave test... The earthquake characteristics and geological structure of the site to sitting the Qinshan Nuclear Power Station are closely related. According to site investigation drilling, sampling, seismic sound logging wave test in single-hole and cross-hole, laboratory wave velocity test of intact rock, together with analysis of the site geological conditions, the seismic wave test results of the site between strata lithology and the geologic structure were studied. The relationships of seismic waves with the site lithology and the geologic structure were set up. The dynamic parameters of different grades of weathering profile were deduced. The results assist the seismic design of Phase Ⅲ Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant, China. 展开更多
关键词 nuclear power engineering earthquake characteristics weathered rockmass seismic wave test dynamic parameters
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