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记录那一段历史 分享那一刻光荣——我国著名海洋地质学家秦蕴珊院士访谈
作者 刘之灵 《科学中国人》 2008年第4期62-67,共6页
关键词 地质学家 历史 院士 海洋 秦蕴珊
作者 李增全 《中国科学院院刊》 1988年第2期188-192,共5页
东海是中国大陆架东缘的边缘海,是我国经济建设、国防和资源的重要海域。《东海地质》是由中国科学院海洋研究所的中年海洋地质学家秦蕴珊、赵一阳、陈丽蓉、赵松龄等主编,并有20余人参加撰写的一部专著。这是继《渤海地质》(获中国科学... 东海是中国大陆架东缘的边缘海,是我国经济建设、国防和资源的重要海域。《东海地质》是由中国科学院海洋研究所的中年海洋地质学家秦蕴珊、赵一阳、陈丽蓉、赵松龄等主编,并有20余人参加撰写的一部专著。这是继《渤海地质》(获中国科学院1986年科技进步二等奖)出版之后,一鼓作气,又将一部系统研究东海地质的专著奉献给海洋地质工作者。该书经评审后,已于1987年底由科学出版社出版。 展开更多
关键词 海洋地质学 秦蕴珊 冲绳海槽 沉积模式 赵一阳 外陆架 赵松龄 沉积区 海相地层 前积层
渤、黄、东海海流和潮汐共同作用下的悬浮物输运、沉积及其季节变化 被引量:19
作者 庞重光 白学志 胡敦欣 《海洋科学集刊》 CAS 2004年第1期32-41,共10页
渤、黄、东海是一个水动力状况相当复杂的半封闭宽陆架海,本海区悬浮颗粒物含量高,季节变化明显,影响范围广,是世界上悬浮物含量最高的海域之一。对于该海域悬浮物的输运沉积过程、分布规律以及底质分布等中外学者均进行过比较深入的研... 渤、黄、东海是一个水动力状况相当复杂的半封闭宽陆架海,本海区悬浮颗粒物含量高,季节变化明显,影响范围广,是世界上悬浮物含量最高的海域之一。对于该海域悬浮物的输运沉积过程、分布规律以及底质分布等中外学者均进行过比较深入的研究(秦蕴珊,1963;Honjo et al.,1974;Milliman et al.,1985,1986;秦蕴珊等,1987,1989;杨作升等,1992;Li et al.,1997;孙效功等,2000;雷坤等,2001)。然而,以往的研究大都基于实际海洋调查资料,由于受实测资料在时间和空间覆盖范围上的限制,很难从整体上把握渤、黄、东海陆架区悬浮物输运的时间和空间变化规律。数值模拟的方法能很好地克服上述局限,已有学者从不同角度对渤、黄、东海的某些海域的悬浮物进行了模拟研究。 展开更多
关键词 悬浮物含量 秦蕴珊 陆架海 杨作升 季节变化 分布规律 悬浮颗粒物 沉积过程 沿岸流 同潮图
冲绳海槽北部西坡的古三角洲沉积 被引量:1
作者 范奉鑫 阎军 +2 位作者 陈长安 栾振东 庄丽华 《海洋科学集刊》 CAS 2007年第1期42-54,共13页
On the basis of the analysis of the sub-bottom profile gathered from the north part of Okinawa trough in 1994 and 2000, large area of oblique bedding delta depositions and buried-channels were found in the area near t... On the basis of the analysis of the sub-bottom profile gathered from the north part of Okinawa trough in 1994 and 2000, large area of oblique bedding delta depositions and buried-channels were found in the area near the continental break, which provides the new evidence for the existence of large rivers from the mainland of China entering Okinawa trough during the last period of Late Pleistocene.The sub-bottom profile data show that two sets of the strata characterized by large scale and low angle foreset reflection beddings, appearing as delta deposition, were found in the neritic strata of continental break in the west side of the north part of Okinawa Trough. The existence of large scale of foreset oblique bedding is one of the most important symbols indicating the existence of delta. An erosion surface exits between the two layers of the delta depositions. In the profile these delta sand bodies can reach more than 10 km in length and 30~70 m in thickness. The water depth there is 110~200 m at present, being deep in the north and shallow in the south. The width of the buried channel ranges from several kilometers to over 10 km in general. The discovery of such a large scale of estuarine deposit structure in the survey area has a great significance. Delta deposition lies in two areas. The one in the south is small with the area of 7500km2 and the one in the north is bigger with the area of tens of thousand square kilometers. The main part of the delta body lies in the side of continental shelf near break, with forepart acrossing the break and reaching the upper part of the continental slope.Several of buried channel sections with obvious characteristics of incision and filling reflection configuration were discovered in the area to the west of and in the paleo-deltas distribution area, which reaches more than 10km wide in the profiles, with the incision depth up to 20m. Most of these channels lie in the west or northwest of the delta deposition area, forming an integrated river deposition system. This phenomenon proves that the delta sand bodies came from big rivers of China. The filling of the channels happened in the postglacial trangressive epoch.In the most prosperous period of Wurm Glacial Stage,sea level had descended about 130~150m. Corresponding to the seabed geomorphology here, the fore part of the paleo-delta is just at the location of the ancient coastline. The fore part just lay in the location of the ancient coastline where the depth was about 150m. Buried paleo-delta discussed in this paper was likely formed during that period.According to the dimension of the delta, it can be concluded that the river forming the delta was very big; According to the location, it can be deduced that they were likely the Changjiang River or the Yellow River. 展开更多
关键词 冲绳海槽 三角洲沉积 外陆架 三角洲砂体 海底沉积 秦蕴珊 沉积物来源 末次冰期 斜层理 河流沉积
作者 李旭 《青岛文学》 2019年第10期64-72,共9页
最近应出版社之邀,正在采访本世纪加入中国科学院、中国工程院青岛海洋方面的院士,在对十九年前已经撰写的海洋所院士回访中,惊叹曾呈奎、刘瑞玉、秦蕴珊、张福绥均已作古。物是人非令人心痛,翻阅这篇旧稿,感觉他们的科研成果和文化遗... 最近应出版社之邀,正在采访本世纪加入中国科学院、中国工程院青岛海洋方面的院士,在对十九年前已经撰写的海洋所院士回访中,惊叹曾呈奎、刘瑞玉、秦蕴珊、张福绥均已作古。物是人非令人心痛,翻阅这篇旧稿,感觉他们的科研成果和文化遗产价值不朽,甚至随着时间的推移,还在与日俱增。激情难抑,遂决定参加建国70周年征文,以此来凭吊先生,留住已经远去的辉煌。 展开更多
关键词 中国工程院院士 拓荒牛 中国科学院 科研成果 秦蕴珊 张福绥 海洋所 刘瑞玉
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