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作者 畅若男 《现代语言学》 2024年第11期147-155,共9页
汉语中的人称代词是汉语词类中最常用的一类,在叙事语句中人物对话为规约化直接凸显的信息,其中展现的信息可分为“情感”达与“权力”结构两类。本文专门探讨了《红楼梦》中出现的所有人称代词的类别,并进一步探究不同人称代词所蕴含... 汉语中的人称代词是汉语词类中最常用的一类,在叙事语句中人物对话为规约化直接凸显的信息,其中展现的信息可分为“情感”达与“权力”结构两类。本文专门探讨了《红楼梦》中出现的所有人称代词的类别,并进一步探究不同人称代词所蕴含的立场,尤其文本中某些人称代词通过移指所实现的不同语用效果。 In Chinese, personal pronouns belong to one of the most frequently utilized lexical categories, and their appearances in narrative dialogues conventionally and prominently emphasize information related to the characters. The information conveyed through these pronouns can be categorized into two dimensions: “emotional” expressions and “power” structures. This paper specifically delves into the classification of all personal pronouns employed in the classical Chinese novel Dream of the Red Mansions (Honglou Meng), and further examines the stances embodied within different personal pronouns. In particular, it scrutinizes the diverse pragmatic effects achieved by the shifting references (transference) of certain personal pronouns in the text. 展开更多
关键词 人称代词 立场表达 《红楼梦》 移指
人称代词移指:主体与客体意识表达 被引量:24
作者 王义娜 《外语研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第2期30-34,共5页
人称代词移指是一种代词形式与其客体指向相背离的指称现象。本文以认知语法的主观性、视觉关系为理论工具对自指、他指与叠指等三种人称移指现象进行对比,指出代词移指表达是主体与客体空间意识相互作用的产物,其移指选择受到认知主体... 人称代词移指是一种代词形式与其客体指向相背离的指称现象。本文以认知语法的主观性、视觉关系为理论工具对自指、他指与叠指等三种人称移指现象进行对比,指出代词移指表达是主体与客体空间意识相互作用的产物,其移指选择受到认知主体的视觉定位和所指客体的主观可及性制约,反映了说话人的自我客观化与客体主观化能力。 展开更多
关键词 人称代词移指 主观可及性 意识 自我客观化 客体主观化
人称代词移指的互动与语用机制 被引量:11
作者 完权 《世界汉语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第4期456-467,共12页
人称代词是广义移指词,指称对象随情境而变;甚至可偏离于典型的指代对象,即狭义移指用法。本文尝试基于认知语用学的互动理念,解释人称代词广义移指与狭义移指的共同机制。人称代词的基本语法意义恒定不变。认识到语言世界并不等同于现... 人称代词是广义移指词,指称对象随情境而变;甚至可偏离于典型的指代对象,即狭义移指用法。本文尝试基于认知语用学的互动理念,解释人称代词广义移指与狭义移指的共同机制。人称代词的基本语法意义恒定不变。认识到语言世界并不等同于现实世界,则可以发现,移指意义是发话人和释话人在各自自然坐标系与话语坐标系的转移和联系中,运用各种直指机制而联合建构的语用解读。决定代词指称对象的是会话双方在不同指示坐标系中各自的参与者角色。 展开更多
关键词 人称代词 移指 互动 语言世界 参与者角色
口语中“你”的移指用法及其话语功能的浮现 被引量:12
作者 张磊 《世界汉语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第1期44-55,共12页
本文结合自然口语语料考察"你"的移指用法及其话语功能。研究表明,口语中二人称代词"你"浮现出了移指言者、交际双方、言谈对象、言谈对象以外的人和任何人等五种移指用法,它们在会话中具有诱使移情、强化立场和疏... 本文结合自然口语语料考察"你"的移指用法及其话语功能。研究表明,口语中二人称代词"你"浮现出了移指言者、交际双方、言谈对象、言谈对象以外的人和任何人等五种移指用法,它们在会话中具有诱使移情、强化立场和疏离自我等三种话语功能。互动交际需求是促使代词"你"移指用法和话语功能浮现的根本动因。 展开更多
关键词 “你”移指 话语功能 交际互动
虚拟对话与立场构建:“你”在互动中的移指用法 被引量:6
作者 史金生 王璐菲 《中国语文》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第6期671-683,766,767,共15页
文章在区分引述与移指的基础上,分析自然口语语料中“你”的典型和非典型移指用法。认为“你”移指的本质是发话人在心理世界和不同的人进行虚拟对话,是发话人在叙事过程中整合对话的典型表现,是戏剧性语言入戏的一种方式。虚拟对话具... 文章在区分引述与移指的基础上,分析自然口语语料中“你”的典型和非典型移指用法。认为“你”移指的本质是发话人在心理世界和不同的人进行虚拟对话,是发话人在叙事过程中整合对话的典型表现,是戏剧性语言入戏的一种方式。虚拟对话具有戏剧性语言的明显特点,是一种言域用法,其交际目的在于构建一致立场。此外,“你”移指形成的多层套叠对话还增强了语言的对话性。 展开更多
关键词 “你” 移指 虚拟对话 立场构建 戏剧性语言
人称代词“你”的移指分析 被引量:1
作者 张佳玲 《语言教学与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第6期89-100,共12页
本文考察了现代汉语第二人称代词“你”的移指现象,认为“你”的移指是说话人在表达非中性立场时诱使听话人主动认同的一种互动手段,其形成机制是通过移情来虚拟现实。首先,讨论了“你”的移指用法及分类,认为“你”的所指应该根据其所... 本文考察了现代汉语第二人称代词“你”的移指现象,认为“你”的移指是说话人在表达非中性立场时诱使听话人主动认同的一种互动手段,其形成机制是通过移情来虚拟现实。首先,讨论了“你”的移指用法及分类,认为“你”的所指应该根据其所在的最小会话场景来判定,并根据移指对象的不同、按照形式标准分类描写。其次,讨论了“你”的移指功能和限制条件,认为“你”的移指可以诱使听话人主动认同,同时发现“你”的移指用法只能用于非中性立场语境。最后,从移情角度讨论了“你”的移指机制,根据移指对象和移情度的差异概括出“低高型”“高高型”“平高型”三种移指模式,并通过句法分布的统计数据进一步验证。 展开更多
关键词 人称代词“你” 移指 立场
指移(再)植术后甲襞毛细血管袢观测 被引量:1
作者 龚敏 李振宇 何倩雯 《护理学杂志(综合版)》 2004年第18期26-27,共2页
对60例(68指)断指移(再)植病人分别于术后6、12、24 h,3、5、7、14 d,以及发现血管危象立即观察手指甲襞毛细血管袢(NFC)的状况。结果术后未发生血管危象的47例(55指)中,术后3 d内未观察到NFC;发生静脉危象的11例均于术后12 h内观察到N... 对60例(68指)断指移(再)植病人分别于术后6、12、24 h,3、5、7、14 d,以及发现血管危象立即观察手指甲襞毛细血管袢(NFC)的状况。结果术后未发生血管危象的47例(55指)中,术后3 d内未观察到NFC;发生静脉危象的11例均于术后12 h内观察到NFC;发生动脉危象的2例则始终未观察到NFC。提示NFC检测是观察指移(再)植术后血管危象的一种较敏感、客观、可行的方法。 展开更多
关键词 (再)植术 血管危象 甲襞毛细血管袢
移就与词义演变——从“美轮美奂”谈起 被引量:6
作者 程邦雄 《当代修辞学》 CSSCI 1996年第4期44-45,共2页
“美轮美奂”是个有悠久历史的词语,其描述的对象最初是可视的屋宇建筑。意谓屋宇雕饰华丽、色彩鲜明。这可以《礼记·檀弓下》的“美哉轮焉!美哉奂焉”为代表。其后相当长的时期内,基本都是这种用法。即便是到了现当代,也还有这种... “美轮美奂”是个有悠久历史的词语,其描述的对象最初是可视的屋宇建筑。意谓屋宇雕饰华丽、色彩鲜明。这可以《礼记·檀弓下》的“美哉轮焉!美哉奂焉”为代表。其后相当长的时期内,基本都是这种用法。即便是到了现当代,也还有这种用例。如: 1.地经图去绝地机,美奂美轮多颂词。(董必武《初到承德寓避暑山庄》) 2.光明顶是明教总坛所在,百余年的经营,数百间美轮美奂的厅堂屋宇尽成焦土。(金庸《倚天屠龙记·群雄归心约三章》) 这两例“美轮美奂”(或“美奂美轮”)与古代用例无质的区别,即仍是用来形容屋宇的雕饰之美的,这是词语意义稳定性的反映。 展开更多
关键词 词义演变 古琴 移指 词语意义 用例 心约 礼记·檀弓 琴曲 意义系统
作者 裴蛟淼 张娟 +3 位作者 窦文婕 陈永军 张仔昂 宋保强 《中国医疗美容》 2022年第11期46-50,共5页
目的 探讨先天性完全并指畸形矫正术后继发畸形的临床特点,总结并指术后瘢痕挛缩及指蹼爬移的手术经验及诊疗效果。方法 回顾分析2010年1月至2018年12月空军军医大学第一附属医院整形外科收治的16例完全性并指术后继发畸形患儿的临床资... 目的 探讨先天性完全并指畸形矫正术后继发畸形的临床特点,总结并指术后瘢痕挛缩及指蹼爬移的手术经验及诊疗效果。方法 回顾分析2010年1月至2018年12月空军军医大学第一附属医院整形外科收治的16例完全性并指术后继发畸形患儿的临床资料,归纳术后并发症特点及其治疗方案,分析继发畸形矫正术后手指运动功能恢复、指蹼高度及瘢痕情况,总结治疗经验和手术效果。结果 本研究纳入先天性完全并指术后继发畸形患儿16例,男女比例:12:4,单侧13例、双侧3例,共19个并指。纳入病例均有不同程度指间关节屈曲畸形,伴掌指关节屈曲畸形者5例,Ⅱ度以上指蹼爬移8例,两次手术间隔时长:6月~14年;指体瘢痕松解后行连续Z成形术,指蹼爬移采用五瓣法矫正8例,联合皮片移植者6例。受累手指:中、环指并指14个,环、小指并指3个,示、中指并指2个。术后无伤口感染、皮瓣及皮片血运障碍。畸形矫正效果良好,重建指蹼发生Ⅱ度指蹼爬移者1例,术后1年行Z成形术得以矫正。手术切口瘢痕采用温哥华瘢痕量表评分:9例≤4分,6例5分,1例6分。总活动度评级:优秀:5例,良好:8例,尚可3例。结论 完全性并指分指术后常见继发畸形以指体屈曲和指蹼爬移为主,可通过Z成形和五瓣法予以矫正,必要结合小面积皮片移植可获得良好的治疗效果。 展开更多
关键词 并发症 瘢痕 蹼爬 皮瓣转
七律 赞新中国城市规划设计
作者 郑孝燮 《城市规划》 1984年第5期16-16,共1页
三十五年缔业艰, 营城营国喜新篇。 宽居广厦布坊里, 短巷长街夹市廛。 文教工商辐辏地, 林园树路水中天。 横移纵继选今古, 成理成章弦扣弦。
关键词 城市规划设计 七律 新中国 坊里 林园 匠人营国 移指 文教 《考工记》
Improved Method for Pancreaticoduodenal Transplantation in Rat Model
作者 朱军 徐泽宽 苗毅 《Journal of Nanjing Medical University》 2004年第6期308-311,共4页
Objective: To improve the method of pancreaticoduodenal transplantation and to establish a more physiological rat model. Methods: SD rats served as donors and recipients. The vein was reconstructed by end-to-side anas... Objective: To improve the method of pancreaticoduodenal transplantation and to establish a more physiological rat model. Methods: SD rats served as donors and recipients. The vein was reconstructed by end-to-side anastomosis between the donor portal vein and the recipient superior mesenteric vein, and arterial reconstruction was carried out by end-to-side anastomosis of the donor to the recipient abdominal aorta. Enteric drainage was performed by side-to-side anastomosis between the duodenum of donors and that of recipients. Results: Fifty experiments were performed. The successful rate of transplantation which restored the recipients euglycemia were 78%. Conclusion: This model of pancreaticoduodenal transplantation in rats was stable and reliable, which was in accordance with the trend of clinical pancreas transplantation and could be applied for further scientific research. 展开更多
关键词 pancreaticoduodenal transplantation RAT MODEL
作者 赵世民 《音乐爱好者》 1996年第3期8-8,共1页
近两年我在北京音乐厅看过的数百场音乐会中,作为独奏,薛伟是可以和钢琴家阿什肯纳齐、吉他家约翰·威廉斯并提的。他们共同的特点是对于表现任何风格的作品技术已无负担,换句话说,他们可以全心创造一种风格,再有,是他们在台上的静... 近两年我在北京音乐厅看过的数百场音乐会中,作为独奏,薛伟是可以和钢琴家阿什肯纳齐、吉他家约翰·威廉斯并提的。他们共同的特点是对于表现任何风格的作品技术已无负担,换句话说,他们可以全心创造一种风格,再有,是他们在台上的静和稳。 我是先闭眼听薛伟拉琴,就觉我浑身的毛孔也像耳朵张开,如渴地吸摄融融丰满的琴音,以致我生命的磁场顺作品的指向和音乐构成环流,在这或急促或舒缓忽上扬忽下跌的环流中,我想象着薛伟该振奋地拉弓移指和沉醉地摇身晃脑。 展开更多
关键词 独奏 音乐会 小提琴 演奏者 北京音 观众 静和 移指 曲目 武师
Accelerating f inite difference wavef ield-continuation depth migration by GPU
作者 刘国峰 孟小红 刘洪 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第1期41-48,115,共9页
The most popular hardware used for parallel depth migration is the PC-Cluster but its application is limited due to large space occupation and high power consumption. In this paper, we introduce a new hardware archite... The most popular hardware used for parallel depth migration is the PC-Cluster but its application is limited due to large space occupation and high power consumption. In this paper, we introduce a new hardware architecture, based on which the finite difference (FD) wavefield-continuation depth migration can be conducted using the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) as a CPU coprocessor. We demonstrate the program module and three key optimization steps for implementing FD depth migration: memory, thread structure, and instruction optimizations and consider evaluation methods for the amount of optimization. 2D and 3D models are used to test depth migration on the GPU. The tested results show that the depth migration computational efficiency greatly increased using the general-purpose GPU, increasing by at least 25 times compared to the AMD 2.5 GHz CPU. 展开更多
关键词 Wavefield-continuation depth migration finite difference Graphic Processing Unit EFFICIENCY
先天性并指术后指蹼爬移 被引量:1
作者 苏玉杰 华福三 杨光 《中华手外科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期185-188,共4页
并指畸形是常见的先天性上肢畸形之一,手术是主要的治疗方法,重建指蹼则是手术最为关键的部分,而指蹼爬移是并指分指术后最常见的晚期相关并发症。本文通过回顾相关文献阐述了指蹼爬移的定义、发生机制、影响因素、评估方法、预防和治... 并指畸形是常见的先天性上肢畸形之一,手术是主要的治疗方法,重建指蹼则是手术最为关键的部分,而指蹼爬移是并指分指术后最常见的晚期相关并发症。本文通过回顾相关文献阐述了指蹼爬移的定义、发生机制、影响因素、评估方法、预防和治疗措施。 展开更多
关键词 手畸形 先天性 蹼爬 结果评估
Concise review: Interferon-free treatment of hepatitis C virus-associated cirrhosis and liver graft infection 被引量:2
作者 Nina Weiler Stefan Zeuzem Martin-Walter Welker 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2016年第41期9044-9056,共13页
Chronic hepatitis C is a major reason for development of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma and a leading cause for liver transplantation. The development of direct-acting antiviral agents lead to(pegylated) inter... Chronic hepatitis C is a major reason for development of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma and a leading cause for liver transplantation. The development of direct-acting antiviral agents lead to(pegylated) interferon-alfa free antiviral therapy regimens with a remarkable increase in sustained virologic response(SVR) rates and opened therapeutic options for patients with advanced cirrhosis and liver graft recipients. This concise review gives an overview about most current prospective trials and cohort analyses for treatment of patients with liver cirrhosis and liver graft recipients. In patients with compensated cirrhosis Child-Pugh-Turcotte(CTP) class A, all approved agents are safe and SVR rates do not significantly differ from patients without cirrhosis in general. In patients with decompensated cirrhosis CTP class B or C, daclastasvir, ledipasvir, velpatasvir, and sofosbuvir are approved, and SVR rates higher than 90% can be achieved. Especially for patients with a model of end stage liver disease score higher than 15 and therefore eligible for liver transplantation, data is scarce. Reported SVR rates in patients with cirrhosis CTP class C are lower compared to patients with a less severe liver disease. In liver transplant recipients with a maximum of CTP class A, SVR rates are comparable to patients without LT. Patients with decompensated graft cirrhosis should be treated on an individual basis. 展开更多
关键词 hepatitis C CIRRHOSIS Liver transplantation direct antiviral agents Interferon-free antiviral treatment
Long-term survival of a case with multiple liver metastases from duodenal gastrointestinal stromal tumor drastically reduced by the treatment with imatinib and hepatectomy 被引量:5
作者 Chouhei Sakakura Akeo Hagiwara +8 位作者 Koji Soga Koji Miyagawa Susumu Nakashima Tetsuji Yoshikawa Shuichi Kin Yuenn Nakase Nobuki Yamaoka Yoshihiko Sagara Hisakazu Yamagishi 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第17期2793-2797,共5页
Constitutive activation of KIT receptor tyrosine kinase is a critical factor in the pathogenesis of gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs). But there is little information on whether combination of imatinib mesyla... Constitutive activation of KIT receptor tyrosine kinase is a critical factor in the pathogenesis of gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs). But there is little information on whether combination of imatinib mesylate (IM) and surgical treatment can prolong survival in the cases with unresectable multiple liver metastases. We report a case of postoperative recurrence of GIST treated by the tyrosine kinase inhibitor IN and surgical treatment. The initial complete response (CR) to treatment continued for 18 mo, but single liver metastasis showed regrowth in the left hepatic lobe during IN treatment. After partial resection of the recurrent tumor, postoperative course was uneventful and the patient has survived without recurrence for 24 too. Currently, imatinib is the first- line therapy for non-resectable GISTs, but a single agent therapy often leads to tumor resistance. Even if tolerance to imatinib occurs, a combination of imatinib and surgical treatment can prolong survival in some cases as reported here. However, further studies on a large number of cases of recurrent GIST are necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of IN treatment combined with surgery. 展开更多
关键词 GIST Imatinib mesylate Liver metastases
Melena:A rare complication of duodenal metastases from primary carcinoma of the lung 被引量:2
作者 Chrysoula Kostakou Lubna Khaldi +2 位作者 Andrew Flossos Andreas N Kapsoritakis Spiros P Potamianos 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第8期1282-1285,共4页
Small bowel metastases from primary carcinoma of the lung are very uncommon and occur usually in patients with terminal stage disease. These metastases are usually asymptomatic, but may present as perforation, obstruc... Small bowel metastases from primary carcinoma of the lung are very uncommon and occur usually in patients with terminal stage disease. These metastases are usually asymptomatic, but may present as perforation, obstruction, malabsorption, or hemorrhage. Hemorrhage as a first presentation of small bowel metastases is extremely rare and is related to very poor patient survival. We describe a case of a 61- year old patient with primary adenocarcinoma of the lung, presenting with melena as the first manifestation of small bowel metastasis. Both primary tumor and metastatic lesions were diagnosed almost simultaneously. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy performed with a colonoscope revealed active bleeding from a metastatic tumor involving the duodenum and the proximal jejunum. Histological examination and immunohistochemical staining of the biopsy specimen strongly supported the diagnosis of metastatic lung adenocarcinoma, suggesting that small bowel metastases from primary carcinoma of the lung occur usually in patients with terminal disease and rarely produce symptoms. Gastrointestinal bleeding from metastatic small intestinal lesions should be included in the differential diagnosis of gastrointestinal blood loss in a patient with a known bronchogenic tumor. 展开更多
关键词 MELENA Duodenal metastases Lung cancer
Determining of Optimal Dimensions of Compliant Spring Guiding Systems
作者 Nenad T. Pavlovic Nenad D. Pavlovic Milos Milogevic 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2011年第6期455-463,共9页
Compliant mechanisms transfer an input force or displacement to another point through elastic body deformation. The field of compliant mechanisms is expected to continue to grow as materials with superior properties a... Compliant mechanisms transfer an input force or displacement to another point through elastic body deformation. The field of compliant mechanisms is expected to continue to grow as materials with superior properties are developed. The paper takes into consideration some typical spring guiding systems, being able to realize translating planar displacement of the link. Some types of compound spring guiding systems, such as S-shaped guiding spring system, U-shaped guiding spring system and four spring guiding system with additional rigid-body link have been considered and analyzed as compliant structures. The mobility as well as guiding accuracy of the developed compliant mechanisms, that is, their capability to realize translating planar displacement of the link, have been researched, and the optimal dimensions of the mechanism have been determined in order to provide minimal guiding inaccuracy. 展开更多
关键词 Compliant mechanisms spring guiding systems guiding accuracy MOBILITY
PLC Functional Instruction in Programming of the Application
作者 Jiayan SONG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第2期78-80,共3页
In this paper, the function characteristics of instruction are introduced, and the focus is on contact compare instruction and the characteristics of the transfer instructions. With the traffic lights control as an ex... In this paper, the function characteristics of instruction are introduced, and the focus is on contact compare instruction and the characteristics of the transfer instructions. With the traffic lights control as an example, this paper proposes the application of contact compare instruction and transfer instruction to program design method, making the program structure compact and statement concise. The control requirements are easily completed. Key words: Function Instruction; Programming; Traffic Lights; Contact Compare Instruction; Transfer 展开更多
关键词 Function Instruction PROGRAMMING Traffic Lights Contact Compare Instruction TRANSFER
Growth and yield of rice as affected by transplanting dates and seedlings per hill under high temperature of Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan 被引量:3
作者 BALOCH Mohammad Safdar AWAN Inayat Ullah HASSAN Gul 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第7期572-579,共8页
Studies were initiated for two consecutive years to find out the effect of time of transplanting and seedlings hill^-l on the productivity of rice in Dera Ismail Khan district of North West Frontier Province (NWFP),... Studies were initiated for two consecutive years to find out the effect of time of transplanting and seedlings hill^-l on the productivity of rice in Dera Ismail Khan district of North West Frontier Province (NWFP), Pakistan. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with split plot arrangements. Main plots consisted of four transplanting dates viz. 20th and 27th of June and 4th and 1 lth of July while sub-plots contained 1, 2, 3 or 4 seedlings hill^-1. Among transplanting dates, June 20th planted crop gave highest paddy yield and net return with I seedling hill^-1. It explains that the use of more seedlings hill^-1 not only adds to cost but is also a mere wastage of natural resources. Based on research findings, we conclude that the use of I seedling hill^-1 is most appropriate for timely sowing otherwise 4 seedlings hill^-1 should be used to compensate for the yield gap in late transplanted rice. 展开更多
关键词 RICE Transplanting time SEEDLINGS Yield Leaf area index Net assimilation rate
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