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作者 刘茜茜 《中国设备工程》 2024年第12期109-111,共3页
本报告主要阐述针对传统人工模式核验4/5G基线参数难、效率低、优化流程闭环不及时的问题,通过分类制定4/5G基线参数规范、开发参数合规性算法、结合关键KPI指标评估搭建小区数字化参数核验优化体系,达到提升4/5G基线参数核验效率、提... 本报告主要阐述针对传统人工模式核验4/5G基线参数难、效率低、优化流程闭环不及时的问题,通过分类制定4/5G基线参数规范、开发参数合规性算法、结合关键KPI指标评估搭建小区数字化参数核验优化体系,达到提升4/5G基线参数核验效率、提高现网参数规范性、压降移网质差小区的效果。 展开更多
关键词 移网小区 数字化 参数核验 优化体系
通信服务移网业务营销策略研究综述 被引量:1
作者 甘俊 谢洁 《合作经济与科技》 2020年第4期79-82,共4页
当今,随着数字技术的发展,营销组合模式虽然受到越来越多的批评,但也取得了进一步的发展;作为组合营销策略的当前衍生,精准营销策略越来越受到人们的重视。本文较为全面的介绍营销策略在移网业务的研究进展,描述营销组合理论随着市场环... 当今,随着数字技术的发展,营销组合模式虽然受到越来越多的批评,但也取得了进一步的发展;作为组合营销策略的当前衍生,精准营销策略越来越受到人们的重视。本文较为全面的介绍营销策略在移网业务的研究进展,描述营销组合理论随着市场环境变化的完善过程,讲述精准营销理论以及在移网业务营销领域的运用,探讨国内外运营商营销模式演变,指出国内运营商面临的问题与未来发展方向,为营销理论研究和通信服务移网业务实践赋能。 展开更多
关键词 移网业务 营销策略 运营商 研究综述
基于复合维度的移网NPS提升策略研究 被引量:1
作者 曹扬 周菊华 刁振宇 《江苏通信》 2019年第3期12-17,共6页
本文首先对NPS的重要性进行了阐述。然后从多个维度分析了某地市四个季度的NPS数据,主要包括NPS贬损用户群体及行为维度、用户网络需求维度、用户使用场景维度、用户投诉维度、B2I2C(企业-互联网-消费者)用户NPS情况维度。针对分析结果... 本文首先对NPS的重要性进行了阐述。然后从多个维度分析了某地市四个季度的NPS数据,主要包括NPS贬损用户群体及行为维度、用户网络需求维度、用户使用场景维度、用户投诉维度、B2I2C(企业-互联网-消费者)用户NPS情况维度。针对分析结果,聚焦了移网NPS贬损用户群体及网络需求,针对性地提出了相应的提升策略。 展开更多
关键词 净推荐值 B2I2C 移网 大数据 多维度
作者 祝喆 周奕昕 +2 位作者 于洋 吕琳 谷俊江 《江苏通信》 2021年第4期56-58,共3页
针对江苏联通移动网络用户满意度相对落后的现状,江苏联通对低感知用户进行深度剖析,精准识别关键问题,将移动网络五大类问题作为主要矛盾进行重点攻坚,从问题分析、方案制定、动作实施以及效果检查等多维度制定全流程的问题管控措施,... 针对江苏联通移动网络用户满意度相对落后的现状,江苏联通对低感知用户进行深度剖析,精准识别关键问题,将移动网络五大类问题作为主要矛盾进行重点攻坚,从问题分析、方案制定、动作实施以及效果检查等多维度制定全流程的问题管控措施,通过开展"U悦"行动推进方案落地,力争实现移网用户感知提升和移网满意度评分提升的目标。 展开更多
关键词 移网 满意度 精准识别 关键问题 全流程管控
作者 王婷 王凯 《大众商务(上半月)》 2021年第4期0140-0140,共1页
随着通信方式的改变,通信服务移网业务的营销策略也要做出适应性调整,在满足基础使用需求的基础上,扩大移 网业务服务范围。本文通过对通信服务移网业务营销策略进行分析,指出了国内运营商经营所面临的困难和发展方向,以期 通过完善具... 随着通信方式的改变,通信服务移网业务的营销策略也要做出适应性调整,在满足基础使用需求的基础上,扩大移 网业务服务范围。本文通过对通信服务移网业务营销策略进行分析,指出了国内运营商经营所面临的困难和发展方向,以期 通过完善具体措施,提高通信服务的质量和能力,实现营销策略的不断丰富。 展开更多
关键词 通信服务 移网业务 营销策略
作者 涂作鑫 《数字通信世界》 2011年第1期80-82,共3页
关键词 移网 融合 机房
作者 宋琪 蒋波 +1 位作者 向伟 李坤 《数字通信世界》 2020年第3期64-64,96,共2页
在全面推进全生产场景划小改革的大背景下,如何通过网络口的划小化智能支撑就尤为关键。本项目以一线小CEO、一线维优人员为交付对象,通过智能算法赋能、自主模型调优,实现了移动域划小网格内的交付式项目体验,共分为以下两个层面。经... 在全面推进全生产场景划小改革的大背景下,如何通过网络口的划小化智能支撑就尤为关键。本项目以一线小CEO、一线维优人员为交付对象,通过智能算法赋能、自主模型调优,实现了移动域划小网格内的交付式项目体验,共分为以下两个层面。经营层面(小CEO):实现网络组成、收入与支出、用户分布、流量聚类、套餐聚类、终端聚类等图形化呈现,以及运用以上各类数据进行市场推广专题的输出,如以移带固、地推触点等输出。维优层面(维优人员):直观展示该区域内的网络质量,提供基于手机端的测试工具,基于室内室外的测试及log记录,基于手机的天面测量等,同时提供扩容小区、质差小区全流程穿越。 展开更多
关键词 移网划小经营 维优
作者 张瑞华 《中国新通信》 2018年第3期78-78,共1页
关键词 关口局 融合 优化
基于广电5G+Wi-Fi 6+LoRa融合的企业移动物联专网方案 被引量:1
作者 秦德 《电声技术》 2023年第10期55-58,共4页
随着物联网技术的飞速发展,企业对于移动物联专网的需求日益迫切。为了满足这一持续增长的需求,提出基于广电5G+Wi-Fi 6+远距离无线电(Long range Radio,LoRa)融合的企业移动物联专网方案,利用广电5G网络优势,结合Wi-Fi 6和LoRa的技术特... 随着物联网技术的飞速发展,企业对于移动物联专网的需求日益迫切。为了满足这一持续增长的需求,提出基于广电5G+Wi-Fi 6+远距离无线电(Long range Radio,LoRa)融合的企业移动物联专网方案,利用广电5G网络优势,结合Wi-Fi 6和LoRa的技术特点,为企业提供一种高效、稳定、灵活的移动物联解决方案。 展开更多
关键词 多技术融合 企业动物联专 无缝覆盖
作者 武争文 肖会强 《煤炭技术》 CAS 2001年第11期65-65,72,共2页
关键词 放顶煤工艺 格式悬支架 放煤步距 采煤方法 放煤方式 机械配套
固移IMS域内直接互通实践与探索 被引量:1
作者 王文剑 曲延庆 王宇 《中国新通信》 2021年第1期59-60,共2页
关键词 IMS VoLTE 移网 互通
作者 陈承科 《中小企业管理与科技》 2015年第32期273-274,共2页
关键词 VPDN 移网VPN融合 驾考智能化
作者 岳红强 张伟强 +1 位作者 童磊 李莹雪 《邮电设计技术》 2024年第3期88-92,共5页
随着互联网业务的快速发展,人们对加速业务的需求越来越强烈,特别是视频直播、游戏和支付等业务,这些对网络带宽、时延、稳定性提出了更高的要求。为了满足这些需求,把以mpquic双通道加速技术和以移网QoS、宽带加速、城域网/骨干网QoS... 随着互联网业务的快速发展,人们对加速业务的需求越来越强烈,特别是视频直播、游戏和支付等业务,这些对网络带宽、时延、稳定性提出了更高的要求。为了满足这些需求,把以mpquic双通道加速技术和以移网QoS、宽带加速、城域网/骨干网QoS为主要内容的运营商网络加速技术相结合,实现了一种新型的双通道加速系统。该系统已在视频直播和游戏加速业务中得到应用,并取得了良好的效果。 展开更多
关键词 双通道加速 mpquic双通道 移网QoS 宽带加速 城域/骨干QoS
作者 何小祥 邓宏伟 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2008年第3期214-218,共5页
A simple and compact microstrip-fed ultra wideband (UWB) printed monopole antenna is presented. The antenna is composed of a circular radiator and a finitely grounded plane. The antenna occupies about 16.62 GHz abso... A simple and compact microstrip-fed ultra wideband (UWB) printed monopole antenna is presented. The antenna is composed of a circular radiator and a finitely grounded plane. The antenna occupies about 16.62 GHz absolute bandwidth and 142.7% relative bandwidth covering from 3.38 GHz to 20 GHz with voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) below two. A quasi-omnidirectional and quasi-symmetrical radiation pattern in H plane is obtained in the whole bandwidth. The high performance of the antenna is validated with measured and simulated results given. The antenna can be applied for the system design of UWB wireless communication. 展开更多
关键词 microstrip antennas wireless local area network (WLAN) mobile antennas ultra wideband(UWB) printed antenna
Post-stack reverse-time migration using a finite difference method based on triangular grids 被引量:4
作者 郭书娟 李振春 +3 位作者 孙小东 叶月明 滕厚华 李芳 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2008年第2期115-120,共6页
Compared with other migration methods, reverse-time migration is based on a precise wave equation, not an approximation, and performs extrapolation in the depth domain rather than the time domain. It is highly accurat... Compared with other migration methods, reverse-time migration is based on a precise wave equation, not an approximation, and performs extrapolation in the depth domain rather than the time domain. It is highly accurate and not affected by strong subsurface structure complexity and horizontal velocity variations. The difference method based on triangular grids maintains the simplicity of the difference method and the precision of the finite element method. It can be used directly for forward modeling on models with complex top surfaces and migration without statics preprocessing. We apply a finite difference method based on triangular grids for post-stack reverse-time migration for the first time. Tests on model data verify that the combination of the two methods can achieve near-perfect results in application. 展开更多
关键词 reverse-time migration structural complexity triangular grids finite difference
Performance enhancement of IEEE 802.11 distributed coordination function for MANET
作者 翟旭平 毕光国 徐平平 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2004年第4期418-422,共5页
The medium access control (MAC) issue was discussed in mobile Ad Hoc networks (MANETs). Based on the IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol, this paper proposed two schemes, the forward-packet-first (FPF) scheme based on the adapti... The medium access control (MAC) issue was discussed in mobile Ad Hoc networks (MANETs). Based on the IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol, this paper proposed two schemes, the forward-packet-first (FPF) scheme based on the adaptive backoff contention window and multihop forward chain transmission by invitation (MFCTI) scheme. In the FPF scheme, the contention window was adjusted adaptively according to the traffic priority. Route information and the broadcast characteristic of radio were utilized in MFCTI scheme. The performance of these schemes was studied in multihop environments by simulations. The results showed that the proposed schemes could improve the network throughput, reduce the end-to-end average delay, and mitigate local congestion effectively. Another attractive feature was that the schemes could be implemented with minor modifications to the IEEE 802.11 MAC. 展开更多
关键词 Adaptive systems Packet networks Radio broadcasting ROUTERS
Performance analysis in 3G/ad hoc integrated network
作者 李旭杰 沈连丰 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2011年第3期233-238,共6页
An analytical approach to evaluate the performance of the 3G/ad hoc integrated network is presented. A channel model capturing both path loss and shadowing is applied to the analysis so as to characterize power fallof... An analytical approach to evaluate the performance of the 3G/ad hoc integrated network is presented. A channel model capturing both path loss and shadowing is applied to the analysis so as to characterize power falloff vs. distance. The 3G/ad hoc integrated network scenario model is introduced briefly. Based on this model, several performances of the 3G/ ad hoc integrated network in terms of outage probability, call dropping probability and new call blocking probability are evaluated. The corresponding performance formulae are deduced in accordance with the analytical models. Meanwhile, the formula of the 3G/ad hoc integrated network capacity is deduced on the basis of the formula of the outage probability. It is observed from extensive simulation and numerical analysis that the 3G/ad hoc integrated network remarkably outperforms the 3G network with regards to the network performance. This derived evaluation approach can be applied into planning and optimization of the 3G/ad hoc network. 展开更多
关键词 performance analysis 3G network ad hoc network integrated network
常驻用户高精度定位技术探索与实践 被引量:1
作者 张国鹏 卜寅 孙宏 《中国新通信》 2023年第5期46-48,67,共4页
在我国经济发展中,家庭宽带的重要性、战略性、基础性、先导性地位日益显现,已经在相当长的一段时间里推动第三产业的转变,促进经济结构优化,加快增长动力转换,塑造国际竞争优势的战略基础。江苏联通为提升用户的体验感知,进行了大规模... 在我国经济发展中,家庭宽带的重要性、战略性、基础性、先导性地位日益显现,已经在相当长的一段时间里推动第三产业的转变,促进经济结构优化,加快增长动力转换,塑造国际竞争优势的战略基础。江苏联通为提升用户的体验感知,进行了大规模的千兆网络升级改造。本文针对目前江苏联通移动网络用户的服务质量实际情况,深入分析了移动网络用户的需求,精准识别关键问题,利用高精度定位技术,对如何通过数字化手段,精准得识别移网用户的常驻地点,压实属地营业厅责任,提升营销效率和客户满意度作出探讨。 展开更多
关键词 移网 用户满意度 高精度定位技术
Improved approach to enhanced Internet connectivity for mobile ad hoc networks
作者 沈斌 李波 石冰心 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第1期16-21,共6页
An improved internetworking approach is proposed to enhance the Internet connectivity which is deteriorated due to unidirectional links and blind rebroadcasting of gateway discovery packets for mobile ad hoc networks.... An improved internetworking approach is proposed to enhance the Internet connectivity which is deteriorated due to unidirectional links and blind rebroadcasting of gateway discovery packets for mobile ad hoc networks. The hybrid gateway discovery scheme that combined the advantages of a proactive and reactive gateway discovery approach is used to achieve high connectivity while keeping overhead costs low. By exchanging ad hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV) hello packet which includes additional fields named symmetric neighbor list and asymmetric neighbor list, unidirectional links are removed from route computation and broadcast storm can also be relieved simultaneously. Performance results using ns-2 simulations, under varying numbers of unidirectional links and node speeds, show that this improved Internet connectivity approach can provide better performance than others. 展开更多
关键词 mobile ad hoc networks Internet connectivity gateway discovery unidirectional link broadcast storm
Treatment of spinal cord injury by transplantation of cells via cerebrospinal fluid
作者 刘彦 黄红云 《Neuroscience Bulletin》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第5期323-328,共6页
It is very important to probe into the axonal regeneration and functional recovery of central nervous system (CNS) after implantation of cells into cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for spinal cord injury (SCI). Transpl... It is very important to probe into the axonal regeneration and functional recovery of central nervous system (CNS) after implantation of cells into cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for spinal cord injury (SCI). Transplantation of cells via CSF poses great potentials for SCI in clinic. Studies on administration of cells via CSF indicate that the method is safe and convenient. The method is more suitable to treating multiple lesions of the CNS since it does not produce open lesions. However, there are disputes over its promotion effects on axonal regeneration and functional recovery of spinal cord after injury; and some questions, such as the mechanisms of functional recovery of spinal cord, the proper time window of cell transplantation, and cell types of transplantation, still need to be handled. This review summarized the method of cell transplantation via CSF for treatment of SCI. 展开更多
关键词 cell transplantation cerebrospinal fluid subarachnoid space
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