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平原地区移防高原部队与高原驻训部队训练伤流行病学调查对比分析 被引量:14
作者 魏林节 刘新培 +9 位作者 舒艳 叶东平 范应磊 王飞 邹继伟 田文轩 涂继伟 蒋世维 许源 张宇 《西北国防医学杂志》 CAS 2018年第4期246-249,共4页
目的:探讨平原地区移防高原部队与高原驻训部队训练伤发生的规律、特点,以提高防范措施,降低训练伤的发生率。方法:采用随机抽样方法从平原地区移防高原部队训练官兵中抽取2000人,同时从相邻任务相同高原驻训部队训练官兵中抽取2000人... 目的:探讨平原地区移防高原部队与高原驻训部队训练伤发生的规律、特点,以提高防范措施,降低训练伤的发生率。方法:采用随机抽样方法从平原地区移防高原部队训练官兵中抽取2000人,同时从相邻任务相同高原驻训部队训练官兵中抽取2000人为研究对象,利用卫生连、我院门诊及住院登记的研究对象的军事训练伤相关数据资料填写问卷调查表。对研究对象的年龄、民族、文化程度、专业、受伤时间、受伤原因、受伤类型、受伤部位等进行统计分析。结果:平原地区移防高原部队移防高原后训练伤发生率高于平原训练时及高原驻训部队(P<0.01);移防高原之前,平原地区移防高原部队训练伤少于高原驻训部队(P<0.01)。高原驻训部队滑膜炎发生率高于平原地区移防高原部队(P<0.05);平原移防高原部队冻伤发生率高于高原驻训部队(P<0.05);其他训练伤人群分布和训练伤伤情类别未见明显差异。结论:在高原上,平原地区移防高原部队的训练伤发生率较高,多为急性损伤,有效的防范措施可降低训练伤的发生率。 展开更多
关键词 高原 训练伤 平原地区移防高原部队 流行病学
甜糯玉米小斑病发生规律及前移防治试验 被引量:6
作者 韩海亮 谭禾平 +4 位作者 赵福成 包斐 苏婷 卢德生 王桂跃 《浙江农业科学》 2014年第12期1862-1864,共3页
2010-2013年对浙江省主要甜糯玉米品种玉米小斑病发生情况进行调查,并在2012-2013年进行甜玉米小斑病的前移防治试验。结果表明,玉米小斑病在浙江省甜糯玉米上危害较重,一般在玉米拔节期始发,至乳熟期病情最重,且秋季发病重于春季,糯玉... 2010-2013年对浙江省主要甜糯玉米品种玉米小斑病发生情况进行调查,并在2012-2013年进行甜玉米小斑病的前移防治试验。结果表明,玉米小斑病在浙江省甜糯玉米上危害较重,一般在玉米拔节期始发,至乳熟期病情最重,且秋季发病重于春季,糯玉米对小斑病的总体抗性水平高于甜玉米。药剂阿米西达、爱苗和世高前移处理均能有效防治玉米小斑病。 展开更多
关键词 甜糯玉米 玉米小斑病 发生规律 移防
农药精准施用技术与装备研究现状及展望 被引量:4
作者 王果 张晓 +2 位作者 陈晓 刘德江 龚艳 《中国农机化学报》 北大核心 2023年第6期68-73,共6页
农药安全高效应用已成为全行业的共识,农药的精准施用可减少农药的浪费,并降低施药过程中带来的环境污染、农产品安全和健康危害等风险。农药精准施用为精准农业的重要组成部分。针对农药精准施用技术中的变量施药技术、雾滴飘移防控技... 农药安全高效应用已成为全行业的共识,农药的精准施用可减少农药的浪费,并降低施药过程中带来的环境污染、农产品安全和健康危害等风险。农药精准施用为精准农业的重要组成部分。针对农药精准施用技术中的变量施药技术、雾滴飘移防控技术和在线混药技术,分析国内外研究现状和装备运用情况。目前农药精准施用存在专用关键部件自主化程度较低、精准施药装备轻简化程度不够、精准施药技术与农药剂型、作物种植模式、气象条件的结合研究缺乏等问题,对农药精准施用发展提出3点展望:加大基础研究投入,提升关键部件及模块的国产化水平;推动装备轻简化、模块化发展,增强通用性和互换性,降低应用成本;促进多学科交叉融合,提高智能化作业精度与质量。 展开更多
关键词 农药精准施用 变量喷雾 雾滴飘移防 在线混药
垂直开挖基坑地下室侧墙防水设计与施工 被引量:2
作者 王丹 《中国建筑防水》 2023年第5期32-36,共5页
介绍了某项目CBD核心区地下空间项目垂直开挖基坑侧墙的防水施工方案,该项目环线附属地下空间侧墙采用水性抗滑移防水涂料+高分子自粘胶膜防水卷材外防内贴施工,地铁车站采用预铺式高分子自粘胶膜防水卷材外防内贴+单边支模施工,并对施... 介绍了某项目CBD核心区地下空间项目垂直开挖基坑侧墙的防水施工方案,该项目环线附属地下空间侧墙采用水性抗滑移防水涂料+高分子自粘胶膜防水卷材外防内贴施工,地铁车站采用预铺式高分子自粘胶膜防水卷材外防内贴+单边支模施工,并对施工过程严格监管,保障项目的防水质量。 展开更多
关键词 垂直开挖基坑 地下室侧墙防水 水性抗滑移防水卷材 高分子自粘胶膜防水卷材 外防内贴 单边支模
中波广播DX-10发射机输出匹配网络与调配 被引量:1
作者 张有科 《长江信息通信》 2023年第5期235-237,共3页
中波广播具有覆盖范围广、接收成本低、实验任务重等特点被广泛运用。中波广播DX-10发射机输出网络主要作用有将功率合成器的输出阻抗提升至与天馈线匹配的50、滤除载频高次谐波,仅允许载频和调制音频的上下边带频率通过,把载频方波变... 中波广播具有覆盖范围广、接收成本低、实验任务重等特点被广泛运用。中波广播DX-10发射机输出网络主要作用有将功率合成器的输出阻抗提升至与天馈线匹配的50、滤除载频高次谐波,仅允许载频和调制音频的上下边带频率通过,把载频方波变为纯净的正弦波进行输出、输出网络中的T网络可设置为45相移网络进行有效防雷,故良好的输出匹配网络关系发射机的的播出质量、效率和发射机工作时的安全性。文章主要介绍中波广播DX-10发射机输出网络中的带通滤波器和T网络的调试匹配,-45°相移网络防雷原理,以及在调试过程中如何避免伪调谐点,使发射机能够安全、高效地进行播出。 展开更多
关键词 中波广播 输出匹配网络 -45°相移防雷网络 伪调谐点
六镇防线考 被引量:5
作者 李书吉 赵洋 《史志学刊》 2015年第1期74-81,共8页
北魏六镇的设立,是为了对他族游牧民族管理的同时,加强北边防御的一项重要举措。然而,向农耕社会转化的北魏,随着汉化程度的加深以及政治中心的南移,其防御政策也开始从游牧民族式的征伐掠夺向筑长城、立城塞、设羁縻的防守阶段转变。... 北魏六镇的设立,是为了对他族游牧民族管理的同时,加强北边防御的一项重要举措。然而,向农耕社会转化的北魏,随着汉化程度的加深以及政治中心的南移,其防御政策也开始从游牧民族式的征伐掠夺向筑长城、立城塞、设羁縻的防守阶段转变。在这一点上,集中表现在六镇防线的转变,北魏拓跋氏由利用五原秦汉旧长城,兼以定时派兵的移防为主的措施,向主动于阴山以北修建"长堑",安置将兵定居常驻当地的戍防措施,则可以从另一侧面,说明北魏对于自身文化认同以及国家性质认识的转变趋势。笔者拟结合最近内蒙古古长城的考古发现,对六镇自建立流变以及防线流变进行大致的考述,个中不当之处恳望方家指正。 展开更多
关键词 六镇 高车 移防 北长城 戍防
作者 付志宏 《福建建筑》 2011年第12期87-89,共3页
关键词 可开启采光顶 滑移玻璃幕墙 滑移轨道系统 移防水系统
作者 黄崇建 宋明致 《中国建筑防水》 2022年第1期30-32,36,共4页
常用的非固化涂料复合SBS改性沥青卷材的防水方案,立面应用存在涂料流挂导致上部涂层厚度不够、卷材因厚重与粘结力不够易脱落、涂料与卷材相容性差等问题,采用"水性抗滑移防水涂料+改性沥青自粘卷材"组成的新型涂卷复合系统... 常用的非固化涂料复合SBS改性沥青卷材的防水方案,立面应用存在涂料流挂导致上部涂层厚度不够、卷材因厚重与粘结力不够易脱落、涂料与卷材相容性差等问题,采用"水性抗滑移防水涂料+改性沥青自粘卷材"组成的新型涂卷复合系统可以解决这些弊端。本文介绍了该新型涂卷复合系统在丝路新贸易创新中心项目地下室侧墙防水中的应用。 展开更多
关键词 地下侧墙防水工程 新型涂卷复合系统 水性抗滑移防水涂料 改性沥青自粘卷材
Primary research on neoplasm needle track implantation metastasis after radioactive seeds implantation and preventive measures 被引量:5
作者 Juan Wang Weihong Gong Huige Fan Aixia Sui Na Zhao Yongqing Shen 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2007年第4期405-407,共3页
Objective:To observe the possibility of neoplasm needle track implantation after radioactive seeds implantation and seek preventive measures to avoid it.Methods:Superficial tissue of 250 seeding needle cores and 250 s... Objective:To observe the possibility of neoplasm needle track implantation after radioactive seeds implantation and seek preventive measures to avoid it.Methods:Superficial tissue of 250 seeding needle cores and 250 stylophores employed in neoplasm radioactive seeds implantation was smeared on slides to search for tumor cells.All patients received chemotherapy or endocrine therapy after operations.Ultrasound B-mode or computer tomography(CT)was performed at 10th day,30th day,60th day,and 180th day post operation to detect neoplasm implantation metastasis through needle tracks. Results:Positive cells were found on 13 of 250(5.20%)cores,and 7 of 250(2.80%)stylophores.The difference was not sta- tistically significant(P>0.05).The positive cells frequency of needles those traversed distance less than 3 cm in normal tissue was 6.19%(13/210),while the frequency of the others those traversed longer distance in normal tissue was 2.41%(7/290). The positive cells frequency of needles traversing different distances in normal tissues is significantly different(P<0.05).No neoplasm was detected through needle tracks by ultrasound B-mode or CT in 180 days after operation.Conclusion:Tumor cells could ablate into the needle track during radioactive seed implantation.Some preventive measures,such as optimization of pre-operation and intra-operation treatment plan,chemotherapy or endocrine therapy after operation,may be beneficial to avoid the implantation metastasis of neoplasm in seeding needle tracks. 展开更多
关键词 TUMORS radioactive seeds PUNCTURE NEOPLASM implantation/metastasis preventions
Metabolic syndrome after liver transplantation: Preventable illness or common consequence? 被引量:3
作者 Eric R Kallwitz 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第28期3627-3634,共8页
The metabolic syndrome is common after liver transplant being present in approximately half of recipients. It has been associated with adverse outcomes such as progression of hepatitis C and major vascular events. As ... The metabolic syndrome is common after liver transplant being present in approximately half of recipients. It has been associated with adverse outcomes such as progression of hepatitis C and major vascular events. As the United States population ages and the rate of obesity increases, prevention of the metabolic syndrome in the post-transplant population deserves special consideration. Currently, the metabolic syndrome after transplant appears at least two times more common than observed rates in the general population. Specific guidelines for patients after transplant does not exist, therefore prevention rests upon knowledge of risk factors and the presence of modifiable elements. The current article will focus on risk factors for the development of the metabolic syndrome after transplant, will highlight potentially modifiable factors and propose potential areas for intervention. As in the non-transplant population, behavioral choices might have a major role. Opportunities exist in this regard for health prevention studies incorporating lifestyle changes. Other factors such as the need for immunosuppression, and the changing characteristics of wait listed patients are not modifiable, but are important to know in order to identify persons at higher risk. Although immunosuppression after transplant is unavoidable, the contribution of different agents to the development of components of the metabolic syndrome is also discussed. Ultimately, an increased risk of the metabolic syndrome after transplant is likely unavoidable, however, there are many opportunities to reduce the prevalence. 展开更多
关键词 Liver transplantation Diabetes mellitus DYSLIPIDEMIAS HYPERTENSION Metabolic syndrome X Obesity HYPERTENSION IMMUNOSUPPRESSION
Prognostic factors in patients with stage IV non-small cell lung cancer 被引量:1
作者 Meili Ma Jie Shen Liyan Jiang Baohui Han Hao Bai Hao Ji Yizuo Zhao Bo Jin Yongfeng Yu Jun Pei Wei Zhang 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2006年第5期319-323,共5页
Objective: To investigate the prognostic factors for stage Ⅳ non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with distant metastasis and establish a reliable model of clinical prognostic index. Methods: From January 1990 to A... Objective: To investigate the prognostic factors for stage Ⅳ non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with distant metastasis and establish a reliable model of clinical prognostic index. Methods: From January 1990 to April 2005, 313 primary NSCLC patients with metastasis, who had been treated in Shanghai Chest Hospital, were reviewed. Survival time was estimated according to the Kaplan-Meier method. Cox proportional hazard regression model was used for multivariate analysis. Results:Among the 313 cases of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) at stage Ⅳ, there were 218 and 95 patients with metastasis to single and different organs, respectively. The overall median survival time for all 313 cases of NSCLC patients was 10.8 (9.00, 12.30) months and the overall 1-, 2-, 3-, 4- and 5-year survival rate was 45%, 18%, 12%, 4% and 0%. There were 63, 174, 127, 36, 18, 11 and 5 patients with metastasis to brain (20.13%), bone (55.59%), lung (40.58%), liver (11.50%), adrenal gland (5.75%), subcutaneous (3.51%) and others, respectively. The survival time was shortest in subcutaneous metastasis (4.6 months), and liver 7.0 months, brain 8.0 months, adrenal gland 8.6 months, bone 10.6 months, lung 11.8 months. Kaplan-Meier estimation showed that patients anatomic typing, KPS, numbers of organ with metastasis, appetite, liver, adrenal gland and subcutaneous metastasis, body weight loss, smoking, index of smoking, chemotherapy, cycles of chemotherapy were the predictors of survival. Multivariate analysis showed survival statistically significant correlation with anatomic typing, KPS, appetite, liver and subcutaneous metastasis, body weight loss, cycles of chemotherapy. The relative risk (RR) was 1.51, 1.97, 1.55, 1.67, 2.56, and 2.56 respectively. Conclusion: Survival time decreases distinctly in patients who had distant metastasis to more than two different organs (P〈0.01). Bone is the commonest organ for distant metastasis in lung cancer. The prognosis is poor when lung cancer appears subcutaneous metastasis and liver metastasis. Independent prognostic factors in patient with stage Ⅳ non-small cell lung cancer were liver and subcutaneous metastasis, anatomic typing, KPS, appetite, body weight loss, cycles of chemotherapy. 展开更多
关键词 non-small cell lung cancer PROGNOSIS METASTASIS multivariate analysis
Prophylaxis of chronic kidney disease after liver transplantation-experience from west China 被引量:12
作者 Zhen-Yong Shao Lu-Nan Yan Wen-Tao Wang Bo Li Tian-Fu Wen Jia-Yin Yang Ming-Qing Xu Ji-Chun Zhao Yong-Gang Wei 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第9期991-998,共8页
AIM: TO evaluate the prophylaxis of chronic kidney dis- ease (CKD) after liver transplantation (LT) with low-dose calcineurin inhibitor (CNI) and mycophenolate mofetil (MMF).
关键词 Liver transplantation Chronic kidney dis-ease Calcineurin inhibitor Mycophenolate mofetil Riskfactor
A prophylactic approach for bone marrow transplantation from a hepatitis B surface antigen-positive donor 被引量:1
作者 Abhasnee Sobhonslidsuk Artit Ungkanont 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第7期1138-1140,共3页
It has been accepted that bone marrow transplantation (BMT) is the only curative therapeutic option for certain hematologic malignancies. The southeast Asia region is an endemic area of hepatitis B virus (HBV) inf... It has been accepted that bone marrow transplantation (BMT) is the only curative therapeutic option for certain hematologic malignancies. The southeast Asia region is an endemic area of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection; thus, BMT using a hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)- positive donor is occasionally unavoidable. Organ transplantation using a HBsAg-positive donor can lead to post-transplantation de novo HBV infection and severe HBV-related hepatitis if no effective prophylactic measures are taken prior to and after transplantation. In this report, a four-level approach was designed for a patient with chronic myeloid leukemia, beginning with a booster HBV vaccination before performing BMT with a HBsAg-positive donor. Prior to BMT, the HBV viral load of the donor was reduced to an undetectable level by anUviral therapy. After BMT, hepatitis B immunoglobulin was administered intramuscularly for 1 wk together with a long-term antiviral drug, lamivudine. One year after discontinuation of lamivudine, the patient is still free of HBV infection. 展开更多
关键词 Bone marrow transplantation HepatitisB virus VACCINATION Hepatitis B immunoglobulin Lamivudine.
Preventing Hg Transference from Soil to Terrestrial Food Chain 被引量:3
作者 QINGCHANG-LE MOUSHU-SEN 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1993年第1期67-73,共7页
Hg in acid soil could be activited by liming and become available to plant, if excessive or insufficient amount of lime was applied. The changes of Hg activity in acid soil with different rates of CaCO3 amendment Were... Hg in acid soil could be activited by liming and become available to plant, if excessive or insufficient amount of lime was applied. The changes of Hg activity in acid soil with different rates of CaCO3 amendment Were studied by a pot experiment. To predict the adequate amount of lime application, a simple method using the pH (EDTA) as an indicator was suggested. The suitable range of lime application was the amount of lime addition when the pH of soil-EDTA system was.raised to 4.0-4.3. 展开更多
Current prophylactic strategies against hepatitis B virus recurrence after liver transplantation 被引量:12
作者 Li Jiang Li-Sheng Jiang +1 位作者 Nan-Sheng Cheng Lu-Nan Yan 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第20期2489-2499,共11页
Prophylactic strategies against hepatitis B virus(HBV) recurrence after liver transplantation(LT) are essential for patients with HBV-related disease.Before LT, lamivudine(LAM) was proposed to be down-graded from firs... Prophylactic strategies against hepatitis B virus(HBV) recurrence after liver transplantation(LT) are essential for patients with HBV-related disease.Before LT, lamivudine(LAM) was proposed to be down-graded from first-to second-line therapy.In contrast, adefovir dipivoxil(ADV) has been approved not only as first-line therapy but also as rescue therapy for patients with LAM resistance.Furthermore, combination of ADV and LAM may result in lower risk of ADV resistance than ADV monotherapy.Other new drugs such as entecavir, telbivudine and tenofovir, are probably candidates for the treatment of hepatitis-B-surface-antigen-positive patients awaiting LT.After LT, low-dose intramuscular hepatitis B immunoglobulin(HBIG), in combination with LAM, has been regarded as the most cost-effective regimen for the prevention of post-transplant HBV recurrence in recipients without pretransplant LAM resistance and rapidly accepted in many transplant centers.With the introduction of new antiviral drugs, new hepatitis B vaccine and its new adjuvants, post-transplant HBIG-free therapeutic regimens with new oral antiviral drug combinations or active HBV vaccination combined with adjuvants will be promising, particularly in those patients with low risk of HBV recurrence. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatitis B virus Liver transplantation RECURRENCE PROPHYLAXIS Hepatitis B immunoglobulin
Establishment of Slip Coefficient for Slip Resistant Connection
作者 Hwan-Seon Nah Kang-Sik Kim 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2011年第2期112-120,共9页
A slip critical connection has various values to adopt the proper slip coefficient in various conditions of faying surfaces in AISC, AIJ and Eurocode3. The Korean Building Code regulates the unique slip coefficient, f... A slip critical connection has various values to adopt the proper slip coefficient in various conditions of faying surfaces in AISC, AIJ and Eurocode3. The Korean Building Code regulates the unique slip coefficient, from 0.45 to 0.5 without consideration of the diverse faying conditions in 2009. In this study, the slip resistance test, including five kinds of surface treatments were conducted to obtain the proper slip coefficients available to steel plate KS SM490A. The slip coefficient of specimens over zinc primer thickness of 128 lam exhibit was 0.42. The clean mill treated surface had prominently lower values as slip coefficient, 0.27. For red lead painted treatment, it is suggested to setup a minimum slip coefficient, 0,21, below a coating thickness of 65 μam. The slip coefficient of one faced lap connection was higher 1.4 times than the slip coefficient of two faced lap connection. 展开更多
关键词 BOLT SLIP COEFFICIENT faying surface coating TORQUE tension.
Recent advances in lymphatic targeted drug delivery system for tumor metastasis 被引量:6
作者 Xiao-Yu Zhang Wei-Yue Lu 《Cancer Biology & Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第4期247-254,共8页
The lymphatic system has an important defensive role in the human body. The metastasis of most tumors initially spreads through the surrounding lymphatic tissue and eventually forms lymphatic metastatic tumors; the tu... The lymphatic system has an important defensive role in the human body. The metastasis of most tumors initially spreads through the surrounding lymphatic tissue and eventually forms lymphatic metastatic tumors; the tumor cells may even transfer to other organs to form other types of tumors. Clinically, lymphatic metastatic tumors develop rapidly. Given the limitations of surgical resection and the low effectiveness of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, the treatment of lymphatic metastatic tumors remains a great challenge. Lymph node metastasis may lead to the further spread of tumors and may be predictive of the endpoint event. Under these circumstances, novel and effective lymphatic targeted drug delivery systems have been explored to improve the specificity of anticancer drugs to tumor cells in lymph nodes. In this review, we summarize the principles of lymphatic targeted drug delivery and discuss recent advances in the development of lymphatic targeted carriers. 展开更多
关键词 Lymphatic metastatic tumor lymphatic system METASTASIS targeted drug delivery system LIPOSOME NANOPARTICLE polymermicelle (PM)
The Incorporation of Precautionary Principle in the Planning of Global System for Mobile Communications Mast Locations in Built-up Areas: Proposals for Jimeta, Nigeria
作者 Mohammed Abubakar Husain Abdurrahman Belel Ismaila 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2014年第5期284-294,共11页
This paper aimed at incorporating the precautionary principles into the planning and development of GSM (global system for mobile communications) masts within the built-up areas of Jimeta. Using GIS (geographic inf... This paper aimed at incorporating the precautionary principles into the planning and development of GSM (global system for mobile communications) masts within the built-up areas of Jimeta. Using GIS (geographic information system) analysis technique, the zone of precautionary principle was defined to 500 meters radius as the zone within which precautionary measures are exercised. The criteria for siting GSM base station are also equally identified. For instance, the presence of certain elements within the precautionary zone like schools, hospitals, residential density and overlap of RF (radio frequency) occurrences, may disqualify any mast location. Analysis of the land use within precautionary zone has shown various proportions of exposure to RF, whereas, only 3.39% of the masts are suitably located and 94.92% are not and therefore should be relocated. The study recommend measures for addressing physical development within precautionary areas, including land conversion and mast sharing to reduce potential harmful effects of RF emanating from GSM base stations. 展开更多
关键词 Precautionary principle GSM mast locations RF in built-up areas.
Metformin prevents hormonal and metabolic disturbances and 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-induced colon carcinogenesis in non-diabetic rats 被引量:2
作者 Viktoria V.Bekusova Vasily M.Patsanovskii +3 位作者 Alexander D.Nozdrachev Alexandr P.Trashkov Margarita R.Artemenko Vladimir N.Anisimov 《Cancer Biology & Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第1期100-107,共8页
Effects of two doses of the anti-diabetic drug, metformin (MF), on hormonal and metabolic levels of serum of non-diabetic male Wistar rats with 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH)-induced colon tumor adenocarcinomas were ... Effects of two doses of the anti-diabetic drug, metformin (MF), on hormonal and metabolic levels of serum of non-diabetic male Wistar rats with 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH)-induced colon tumor adenocarcinomas were studied. Carcinogenesis in the animals was also observed. Rats with DMH-induced colon adenocarcinomas had elevated levels of serum glucose, insulin, insulin- like growth factor-l, total cholesterol, triglycerides, catalase, malonic dialdehyde, glycated hemoglobin, aspartate aminotransferase, and alanine aminotransferase and decreased hemoglobin. Treatment with two doses of MF normalized maiority of these changes in DMH-treated rats, whereas the drug was ineffective in rats without DMH treatment. The only exception was the decreased triglyceride levels in MF-treated rats. A 100 mg/kg dose of MF increased DMH-induced exophytic colon carcinomas and decreased endophytic tumors compared with untreated rats. Moreover, both MF doses increased DMH-induced and highly differentiated tumors and decreased the invasiveness of colon carcinomas compared with rats provided with DMH and water. Therefore, effects of MF on metabolic homeostasis are critical for preventing colon cancer. 展开更多
关键词 Colon cancer PREVENTION 1 2-DIMETHYLHYDRAZINE mefformin RAT
Game theoretic analysis for the mechanism of moving target defense 被引量:5
作者 Gui-lin CAI Bao-sheng WANG Qian-qian XING 《Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering》 SCIE EI CSCD 2017年第12期2017-2034,共18页
Moving target defense (MT_D) is a novel way to alter the asymmetric situation of attacks and defenses, and a lot of MTD studies have been carried out recently. However, relevant analysis for the defense mechanism of... Moving target defense (MT_D) is a novel way to alter the asymmetric situation of attacks and defenses, and a lot of MTD studies have been carried out recently. However, relevant analysis for the defense mechanism of the MTD technology is still absent. In this paper, we analyze the defense mechanism of MTD technology in two dimensions. First, we present a new defense model named MP2R to describe the proactivity and effect of MTD technology intuitively. Second, we use the incomplete information dynamic game theory to verify the proactivity and effect of MTD technology. Specifically, we model the interaction between a defender who equips a server with different types of MTD techniques and a visitor who can be a user or an attacker, and analyze the equilibria and their conditions for these models. Then, we take an existing incomplete information dynamic game model for traditional defense and its equilibrium result as baseline for comparison, to validate the proactivity and effect of MTD technology. We also identify the factors that will influence the proactivity and effectiveness of the MTD approaches. This work gives theoretical support for understanding the defense process and defense mechanism of MTD technology and provides suggestions to improve the effectiveness of MTD approaches. 展开更多
关键词 Network security Moving target defense (MTD) Defense mechanism Defense model Game theory
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