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东魏《赠代郡太守程哲碑》考 被引量:1
作者 张洁 《炎黄地理》 2022年第11期71-74,共4页
有关程哲碑的描述,最早见于《光绪山西通志》一书。此碑碑阳开有佛龛,龛内雕有结跏趺坐佛像,佛龛周围单线刻就菩萨、弟子,圆雕与线刻相结合,体现出刚柔相济的艺术风格;碑阴刊刻有程哲的发愿文,碑文内容行云流水,主要歌颂程氏一族的功勋... 有关程哲碑的描述,最早见于《光绪山西通志》一书。此碑碑阳开有佛龛,龛内雕有结跏趺坐佛像,佛龛周围单线刻就菩萨、弟子,圆雕与线刻相结合,体现出刚柔相济的艺术风格;碑阴刊刻有程哲的发愿文,碑文内容行云流水,主要歌颂程氏一族的功勋。程哲碑的立碑时间为公元534年,北魏王朝在该年初分东、西二魏,此碑具有极高的历史价值。 展开更多
关键词 郡太守 碑阳 佛龛 发愿文 北魏 东魏 刚柔相济 程哲
作者 徐晓娜 王炜 《收藏家》 2024年第11期19-28,共10页
现藏山西博物院的程哲碑凿刻于东魏天平元年(534),以其复杂的佛教造像及线刻图案、长篇的碑文以及较好的保存状况,自清光绪年间被发现以来受到历代学者的重视,相关研究成果十分丰富。本文拟对程哲碑自发现以来的研究成果进行综合性梳理... 现藏山西博物院的程哲碑凿刻于东魏天平元年(534),以其复杂的佛教造像及线刻图案、长篇的碑文以及较好的保存状况,自清光绪年间被发现以来受到历代学者的重视,相关研究成果十分丰富。本文拟对程哲碑自发现以来的研究成果进行综合性梳理并提出新的问题,以期为程哲碑的进一步学术研究提供翔实的基础资料。 展开更多
关键词 程哲 墓碑 造像碑
作者 付晓康 《妇女生活》 2020年第7期6-7,共2页
你站在这个病人的床尾,身后就是另一个病人的床头,根本无法保持距离从2月4日出征,到3月19日归来,程哲在武汉待了一个半月。她所在的郑大一附院国家紧急医学救援队作为河南省唯一一支国家卫生应急队伍,任务是支援武汉江汉方舱医院对轻症... 你站在这个病人的床尾,身后就是另一个病人的床头,根本无法保持距离从2月4日出征,到3月19日归来,程哲在武汉待了一个半月。她所在的郑大一附院国家紧急医学救援队作为河南省唯一一支国家卫生应急队伍,任务是支援武汉江汉方舱医院对轻症患者进行统一集中隔离收治。 展开更多
关键词 轻症患者 方舱医院 国家紧急医学救援队 程哲 卫生应急队伍 床头 河南省 武汉
作者 王代殊 《中学生数理化(八年级数学)(华师大版)》 2006年第Z1期118-118,共1页
关键词 春节晚会 土壤标本 金属钠 基尔霍夫 程哲 光学仪器 资任 德国人 光学实验 银盐
作者 刘瑞华 柴丽 《中学生数理化(八年级数学)(华师大版)》 2006年第Z1期125-126,79,93,共4页
关键词 团面 起数 正偶数 参考答案 顺序排列 三关 左向 程哲
作者 李宜彬 乙常青 《中学生数理化(八年级数学)(华师大版)》 2006年第Z1期119-119,共1页
在欣赏优美动人的歌曲时, 你是否注意到那悠扬的歌声中还蕴含着丰富的物理知识呢? 1.“一个巴掌哟拍也拍不响, 众人划桨哟开动大帆船.”(《众人划桨开大船》) 力是物体对物体的作用.
关键词 水中望月 重力势 江中 运动和静止 红梅赞 受力面积 程哲 地运动 李宜
作者 刘柏根 《档案时空》 1991年第2期45-45,共1页
在海南省三亚市西南20公里处,有一名闻遐迩的游览胜地——天涯海角。天涯海角,这是多么令人神往的地方啊!前年春。我去海南出差,游览了天涯海角,了却了我多年的夙愿。那天,宽阔的海面上丽日薰风,渔帆如织,波光万里。沙滩上屹立着一尊尊... 在海南省三亚市西南20公里处,有一名闻遐迩的游览胜地——天涯海角。天涯海角,这是多么令人神往的地方啊!前年春。我去海南出差,游览了天涯海角,了却了我多年的夙愿。那天,宽阔的海面上丽日薰风,渔帆如织,波光万里。沙滩上屹立着一尊尊岿然如故的岩石,象是一支合唱队在吟咏着古老的史诗和迷人的传说。更令游人神往的是白沙圆岩之间,一块大石壁上刻着“天涯”两个遒劲的大字。 展开更多
关键词 游览胜地 程哲 青年诗人 渔舟唱晚 历史本来面目 天后
Application of Restoration Methods on Brown Coal Localities of Czech Republic
作者 M. Rehor M. Hendrychova M. Salek 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2011年第4期573-578,共6页
Over 70% brown coal reserves have been exploited in the North Bohemian Basin today. Openeast mining of brown coal naturally led to large landscape damages, Therefore reclamation work has acquired a great significance.... Over 70% brown coal reserves have been exploited in the North Bohemian Basin today. Openeast mining of brown coal naturally led to large landscape damages, Therefore reclamation work has acquired a great significance. The research methodology of the areas of interests and the reclamation works themselves described in this article arises from North Bohemian Mines locality reclamation philosophy. Apart from the earlier published methodology of fertilizable soils application used today in operation, experiments with filling areas left for natural succession and pilot have been launched lately. The results are stated in the paper. application of power plant stabilizer and ash in phyto-toxic areas 展开更多
Trilogy of Intellect as a New Method of Children Intellectual Development
作者 Yuriy Rotenfeld 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2014年第1期36-40,共5页
The new method of intellectual development among children being investigated represents a trilogy of mind, whose main thinking operation is the logical operation of comparison. The method was created due to Aristotle... The new method of intellectual development among children being investigated represents a trilogy of mind, whose main thinking operation is the logical operation of comparison. The method was created due to Aristotle's understanding of philosophy as "the science about the first reasons and origins" of cognition--types of opposition which should be the beginning of the surrounding world's cognition at school. As they were discovered and set in a natural line of comparative notions, the main Plato's plan was fulfilled to reduce all particular laws to the general and to withdraw all particular laws from the general one (Plato 1993). As a result, we are talking about the building of stepwise transmission from one general notion to another more general notion that identifies the diversity of natural and social differences. As a result, it turned out to be possible to divide the whole thinking process into three related logical parts, each of which is determined by the advantageous usage of three types of cognitive means: (1) Reasonable thinking is the thinking with the help of classification notions on the basis of relations of "abstract identity" and "abstract difference", which determine the law of noncontradiction: either A, or not A; (2) Mental concrete-general metaphysical thinking is the thinking with the help of classification, quantitative, and comparative notions on the basis of the relation of "corresponding" and variety of mathematical and physical abstractions of different complexity being studied at school; and (3) Mental concrete-general dialectical thinking is the thinking with the help of classification and comparative notions on the basis of relation of "opposition" which allows to cognize natural and social processes. In addition to the generally accepted study of reasonable and mental thinking among schoolchildren with the help of concrete sciences, the new philosophical method is an effective means of advanced development of mental thinking among children, which makes for the holistic perception of the surrounding world by schoolchildren. 展开更多
关键词 philosophy for children INTELLECT REASON MIND trilogy of intellect
Walter Benjamin: A New Positive Concept of Destruction
作者 Maria Teresa Costa Freie Universitat Berlin 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2011年第2期150-158,共9页
The author's proposal is to show how an apparently marginal text by Walter Benjamin, "The Destructive Character", can be taken as a hermeneutic model for understanding the connection of Benjamin's with history and... The author's proposal is to show how an apparently marginal text by Walter Benjamin, "The Destructive Character", can be taken as a hermeneutic model for understanding the connection of Benjamin's with history and tradition and for characterizing his thought as philosophy of threshold. It is the author's intention to show how the destructive character, on the threshold between destruction and construction, succeeds in remaining in that transition area that announces a change, showing its creative and conservative features; thus it appears as a figure of coexistence between stillness and movement, passage and interruption, and past and future. What the author wants to point out is that, in the description of this figure, Benjamin is driven by a cognitive demand, which tends to focalize the process of destruction itself rather than the result of the destruction process. The space in which the destructive character is acting is the space of the possibility of change and emancipation, and the space where it is possible to keep together past and future, and memory and redemption. Starting from these reflections, an important question arises about the problem of the relation between history and tradition, and culture and its memory: Neither the destruction of memory by a culture nor its canonization is meaningful. The concept of destructive character then represents a preferential point of observation for analyzing the articulations of Benjamin's thought. From this perspective, a decisive point of Benjamin's reflection seems to emerge on one side, strengthened in the permeation of Hebraic ancestors between destruction and salvation; on the other side, some of the concepts and images of the Berliner philosopher seem to show up in a new light. 展开更多
关键词 Walter Benjamin twemieth-century philosophy political philosophy philosophy of history
Process Philosophical Adventures of Applied Ontology
作者 Vesselin Petrov 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2016年第1期26-33,共8页
The paper is devoted to the new sphere of applied process ontology. It first makes a short review of the recent investigations in that area. Then it stresses on the importance of applied process ontology. Next the mai... The paper is devoted to the new sphere of applied process ontology. It first makes a short review of the recent investigations in that area. Then it stresses on the importance of applied process ontology. Next the main methodological approaches of applied process ontology are considered: the "top down" and "bottom up" approaches. It is argued about the necessity and fruitfulness to combine both "top down" and "bottom up" approaches, and not to rely on one of them only. An example is given of the important role of process ontology as general methodological framework for the building up of regional formal ontology. Finally, the idea of variable ontological categories is stressed on and argued for its fruitfulness. 展开更多
关键词 applied ontology applied process ontology methodological framework of ontology regional ontology ontology as philosophy ontology as technology variable ontological categories
Study on the Internationalization and the Localization of Foreign Music Education Philosophy into the Process of Music Education in China
作者 Zhang Chunfeng 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第2期130-132,共3页
In the music education universities in China,the international music education and localization problem is a key problem in current society.It is also the music Chinese universities that must be facing the problem in ... In the music education universities in China,the international music education and localization problem is a key problem in current society.It is also the music Chinese universities that must be facing the problem in education development.In current international society today in our country, the international music education in China has also become the trend of music education,and how the music education internationalization at the same time keeps the Chinese traditional music culture has become a common problem that today' s music industry pays attention to.In this paper, it makes the analysis and discussion on the internationalization of foreign music education idea introducing to our country' s music education process and localization problem. 展开更多
关键词 education idea music education INTERNATIONALIZATION LOCALIZATION
Object and Its Worry about Existence
作者 Martin Vlcek 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2015年第7期342-348,共7页
The presented work describes principles of functioning of the object as a philosophical category on the basis of principles discovered in different, concrete objects. At the beginning, a supposition is thus made that ... The presented work describes principles of functioning of the object as a philosophical category on the basis of principles discovered in different, concrete objects. At the beginning, a supposition is thus made that principles are common and describe the fundamental mode of the organization of matter. The regeneration of its elements is the basic goal of the control of an object. The control systems try to allow elements to optimize their state depending on circumstances and occasionally in advance. The input system is the first one from these systems. It controls the input of material for the regeneration and at the same time is the source of primary information concerning its state in the environment and its development in time. The system of the control of the distribution of the energy named TOT is another element of the control. The system named EM0 controls the process of the regeneration on the basis of information about the successfulness of elements involved into the regeneration. Finally, the system named EM 1 controls the dynamics of the boundary of the object on the basis of information describing the tension on this boundary. The second goal of the control of an object, besides the regeneration, is to optimize the existence of the object as whole. New global criteria arise and are used throughout the process of the control for this sake. 展开更多
作者 程哲 《少年文艺(上海)》 2009年第7期247-247,共1页
关键词 诗歌 文学作品 《贺新年》 程哲
作者 李参军 《中学生数理化(初中版初二)》 2006年第2期63-63,48,共2页
关键词 电热壶 参考答案 三关 电压降 程哲 额定电压
作者 柴丽 《中学生数理化(初中版初二)》 2006年第4期63-63,45,共2页
关键词 声音传播 病人呼吸 程哲 三关
作者 朱洪涛 《中学生数理化(初中版初二)》 2006年第1期51-53,共3页
1.请于3月1日前将答案寄(450004)郑州市顺河路11号《中学生数理化》(初中版)编辑部程哲收,信封正面请注明“1月物理潜能”字样,答卷请用16开稿纸誊写清楚,并注明你及辅导老师的姓名、通讯地址、联系电话E-mail、学校、班级等。 2.欢... 1.请于3月1日前将答案寄(450004)郑州市顺河路11号《中学生数理化》(初中版)编辑部程哲收,信封正面请注明“1月物理潜能”字样,答卷请用16开稿纸誊写清楚,并注明你及辅导老师的姓名、通讯地址、联系电话E-mail、学校、班级等。 2.欢迎老师组织学生集体参赛.每期将评出优胜个人及辅导老师奖若干名,答案在3月号刊登,获奖名单在4月号公布,同时寄出获奖证书及类品。 展开更多
关键词 辅导老师 学生集体 知识竞赛 水果电池 通讯地址 获奖证书 中版 程哲 保持电路 甜度
《中学生数理化(初中版初二)》 2006年第9期59-59,共1页
同学们在学习和生活中如果遇到不懂的科学问题,可来信告诉我们,我们将请热心的科普专家予以解答.来信请寄(450004)郑州市顺河路11号《中学生数理化》(初中版)编辑部程哲收.可以将问题写在信封背面.注意一定要写清你的学校和班级,并... 同学们在学习和生活中如果遇到不懂的科学问题,可来信告诉我们,我们将请热心的科普专家予以解答.来信请寄(450004)郑州市顺河路11号《中学生数理化》(初中版)编辑部程哲收.可以将问题写在信封背面.注意一定要写清你的学校和班级,并在信封上注明“提问”哟! 展开更多
关键词 中版 请寄 程哲
作者 高敬振 张一 《中学生数理化(初中版初二)》 2006年第2期52-53,共2页
1.请于4月1日前将答案寄(450004)郑州市顺河路11号《中学生数理化》(初中版)编辑部程哲收,信封正面请注明“2月物理潜能”字样,答卷请用16开稿纸誊写清楚,并注明你及辅导老师的姓名、通讯地址、联系电话、E-mail学校、班级等. 2.欢... 1.请于4月1日前将答案寄(450004)郑州市顺河路11号《中学生数理化》(初中版)编辑部程哲收,信封正面请注明“2月物理潜能”字样,答卷请用16开稿纸誊写清楚,并注明你及辅导老师的姓名、通讯地址、联系电话、E-mail学校、班级等. 2.欢迎老师组织学生集体参赛.每期将评出优胜个人及辅导老师奖若干名.答案在4月号刊登,获奖名单在5月号公布,同时寄出获奖证书及奖品. 展开更多
关键词 辅导老师 学生集体 知识竞赛 通讯地址 滑动变阻器 获奖证书 中版 示数 程哲 电阻比
作者 黄红锦 《中学生数理化(初中版初二)》 2006年第11期57-58,共2页
1.请于12月1日前将答案寄(450004)郑州市顺河路11号《中学生数理化》(初中版)编辑郝程哲收,信封正面请注明“11月物理潜能”字样。答卷请用16开稿纸誊写清楚,并写清楚你的姓名、通信地址、联系电话、E-mail、学校、班级及辅导老师的姓... 1.请于12月1日前将答案寄(450004)郑州市顺河路11号《中学生数理化》(初中版)编辑郝程哲收,信封正面请注明“11月物理潜能”字样。答卷请用16开稿纸誊写清楚,并写清楚你的姓名、通信地址、联系电话、E-mail、学校、班级及辅导老师的姓名。2.欢迎老师组织学生集体参赛,每期将评出优胜个人及辅导老师奖若干名,答案在12月号刊登,获奖名单在2007年1月号《中学生数理化》(八年级物理·人教版)上公布,同时寄出获奖证书及奖品。 展开更多
关键词 辅导老师 学生集体 知识竞赛 人教版 获奖证书 中版 程哲 示数 低密度烧蚀材料 六号
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