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生态环境损害赔偿磋商协议纠纷与程序应对研究 被引量:3
作者 何璐希 《大连理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第6期110-117,共8页
生态环境损害赔偿制度的典型特征在于磋商程序与磋商协议的创设。协议纠纷蕴藏着重大风险,缺乏具体的应对措施导致处理不当将会引发巨大的反弹后果。然而目前理论与实践都对此关注不足。因此,应当以明确磋商协议的行政法律属性为逻辑起... 生态环境损害赔偿制度的典型特征在于磋商程序与磋商协议的创设。协议纠纷蕴藏着重大风险,缺乏具体的应对措施导致处理不当将会引发巨大的反弹后果。然而目前理论与实践都对此关注不足。因此,应当以明确磋商协议的行政法律属性为逻辑起点,秉持诚实守信与实现正当预期利益为原则,根据不同主体的反悔情形设置不同的应对程序,生态环境损害赔偿制度才能真正发挥其修复与赔偿生态环境损害的制度价值与功能,才能够称其为一项精巧的环境治理制度安排。 展开更多
关键词 生态环境损害赔偿磋商 协议纠纷 反悔机制 程序应对
作者 李扬 《中国应用法学》 CSSCI 2024年第4期12-26,共15页
新质生产力是以高品质创新和高效率运用为核心的生产力形态,现阶段,知识产权司法保护仍存在诸多与新质生产力发展要求不相适应的诸多痛点。为了解决这些痛点,司法机关应当牢固树立知识产权保护和效率优先兼顾公平的知识产权司法理念。... 新质生产力是以高品质创新和高效率运用为核心的生产力形态,现阶段,知识产权司法保护仍存在诸多与新质生产力发展要求不相适应的诸多痛点。为了解决这些痛点,司法机关应当牢固树立知识产权保护和效率优先兼顾公平的知识产权司法理念。应当从实体法和程序法两个层面采取相应对策。实体法层面的对策包括:避免将惩罚性赔偿当做补偿性赔偿适用,准确理解和适用通知与必要措施规则,坚持体系化思维对待商业数据的法律保护,加大专利、商标无效宣告力度,加大权利无效抗辩和权利滥用抗辩的适用力度。程序法层面的对策包括:对涉互联网知识产权案件的管辖,坚持互联网思维;积极适用行为保全制度提高保护的即时性和实效性,加大举证妨碍制度的适用,大力减轻权利人举证责任。为了将这些应对措施落到实处,最高人民法院应当通过知识产权标杆性判决,为各个地方法院提供审判指引。 展开更多
关键词 新质生产力 知识产权司法保护痛点 权利保护和效率优先兼顾公平 实体法和程序应对 标杆性判决
区块链应用的不法风险与刑事法应对 被引量:32
作者 张庆立 《东方法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第3期72-86,共15页
当前,区块链技术乃炙手可热的前沿科技,在计算机创新领域具有极其重要的地位,大有呈现"区块链+"的发展趋势,其应用场景也呈现出以比特币为核心"三环扩散"的涟漪形态。尽管区块链技术本身具有中立性,但行为人以违法... 当前,区块链技术乃炙手可热的前沿科技,在计算机创新领域具有极其重要的地位,大有呈现"区块链+"的发展趋势,其应用场景也呈现出以比特币为核心"三环扩散"的涟漪形态。尽管区块链技术本身具有中立性,但行为人以违法犯罪为目的,利用区块链技术的行为仍然可以评价为刑法上的危害行为。实践中,区块链技术正面临多重不法风险,其中,"圈钱"性质的不法行为(吸收研发投资和发行虚拟货币),涉嫌非法集资类犯罪;以区块链的名义行骗,涉嫌诈骗罪或合同诈骗罪;传播勒索病毒索取比特币,涉嫌破坏计算机信息系统罪与敲诈勒索罪(或诈骗罪)的牵连犯;利用比特币跨境逃汇、掩饰隐瞒不法资产,分别成立逃汇罪、掩饰隐瞒犯罪所得及其收益罪(或洗钱罪);利用虚拟货币开展网络传销,成立组织、领导传销活动罪。值得注意的是:虚拟货币场外交易不具有可罚性,非法代币融资发行行为也不构成非法经营罪;侵财类犯罪中,建议由央行指定的机构参照域外市场价格认定比特币的价格;本人犯罪后又掩饰隐瞒的,不成立掩饰隐瞒犯罪,但成立逃汇罪。在程序法中,对羁押、取证、追赃等都有不同的要求,尤其是电子数据取证和区块链技术取证,应当予以关注。 展开更多
关键词 区块链 不法风险 刑事犯罪 实体认定 程序应对
高校突发性事件的应对与处理 被引量:2
作者 杨开春 《山东青年政治学院学报》 2007年第3期91-92,共2页
近年来,高校学生突发性事件的屡屡发生,给高校发展带来一系列不良影响。为此,充分认识到正确处理突发性事件的重要性,遵循科学的处理原则,把握好有效的应对程序,实施有效的防范和管理举措,这一切无疑是新世纪我国高校管理中面临的新课题... 近年来,高校学生突发性事件的屡屡发生,给高校发展带来一系列不良影响。为此,充分认识到正确处理突发性事件的重要性,遵循科学的处理原则,把握好有效的应对程序,实施有效的防范和管理举措,这一切无疑是新世纪我国高校管理中面临的新课题,更是应该引起我们高度重视并亟待解决的难题。 展开更多
关键词 突发性事件 处理原则 应对程序 管理举措
论拒供困局及其突破 被引量:5
作者 闫召华 《中国人民公安大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第3期77-85,共9页
拒供在强制型取供机制之下虽然只是个别现象,但实践中,公安司法机关已经形成了对口供的过度依赖,导致"无供不能定案","无供不敢定案",甚至"无供不会定案",从而影响了拒供案件刑事追诉的有效性和准确性。... 拒供在强制型取供机制之下虽然只是个别现象,但实践中,公安司法机关已经形成了对口供的过度依赖,导致"无供不能定案","无供不敢定案",甚至"无供不会定案",从而影响了拒供案件刑事追诉的有效性和准确性。只有树立对口供的证据及诉讼价值的正确认识,改革刑事取供机制以从制度层面转化被追诉者的拒供动机,并在各个诉讼阶段注重发挥证据体系尤其是间接证据组合的作用,才能真正减少拒供现象,高效解决拒供案件。 展开更多
关键词 取供机制 拒供 成因 影响 程序应对
我国突发公共事件应急管理机制研究 被引量:5
作者 郭其云 董希琳 +1 位作者 卢立红 夏一雪 《武警学院学报》 2011年第4期60-63,共4页
突发公共事件的应急管理是衡量一个国家、地区或城市综合管理能力和文明程度的重要指标之一。在简要介绍我国突发公共事件应急管理体制现状的基础上,重点分析了我国突发公共事件应急管理机制中存在的问题,并有针对性地提出了完善我国突... 突发公共事件的应急管理是衡量一个国家、地区或城市综合管理能力和文明程度的重要指标之一。在简要介绍我国突发公共事件应急管理体制现状的基础上,重点分析了我国突发公共事件应急管理机制中存在的问题,并有针对性地提出了完善我国突发公共事件应急管理机制的措施,为提高我国突发公共事件的应急管理能力提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 突发公共事件 应急管理机构 应急管理体制 应对程序 机制
A+H股上市公司关键审计事项披露追踪分析与建议 被引量:7
作者 张凤丽 陈娇娇 《会计之友》 北大核心 2019年第21期14-20,共7页
2016年A+H股上市公司审计报告中披露的关键审计事项为新审计报告准则的全面实施发挥了重要的示范作用。2017年是A+H股上市公司审计报告披露关键审计事项的第二年,在掌握2017年A+H股上市公司关键审计事项披露整体情况的基础上,对比A+H股... 2016年A+H股上市公司审计报告中披露的关键审计事项为新审计报告准则的全面实施发挥了重要的示范作用。2017年是A+H股上市公司审计报告披露关键审计事项的第二年,在掌握2017年A+H股上市公司关键审计事项披露整体情况的基础上,对比A+H股上市公司2016年报首次和2017年报第二年度关键审计事项的认定和披露,追踪观察与分析关键审计事项的披露内容、审计应对程序的实施等具体情况,并针对审计师在关键审计事项认定和披露中存在的问题提出改进建议,以期提升审计师关键审计事项确认和披露的充分性和合理性,为新审计报告准则的实施和不断完善提供借鉴和参考。 展开更多
关键词 新审计报告准则 关键审计事项 审计应对程序
Service Function Chain in Small Satellite-Based Software Defined Satellite Networks 被引量:3
作者 Taixin Li Huachun Zhou +3 位作者 Hongbin Luo Qi Xu Si Hua Bohao Feng 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第3期157-167,共11页
Software Defined Satellite Networks(SDSN) are proposed to solve the problems in traditional satellite networks, such as time-consuming configuration and inflexible traffic scheduling. The emerging application of small... Software Defined Satellite Networks(SDSN) are proposed to solve the problems in traditional satellite networks, such as time-consuming configuration and inflexible traffic scheduling. The emerging application of small satellite and research of SDSN make it possible for satellite networks to provide flexible network services. Service Function Chain(SFC) can satisfy this need. In this paper, we are motivated to investigate applying SFC in the small satellite-based SDSN for service delivery. We introduce the structure of the multi-layer constellation-based SDSN. Then, we describe two deployment patterns of SFC in SDSN, the Multi-Domain(MD) pattern and the Satellite Formation(SF) pattern. We propose two algorithms, SFP-MD, and SFP-SF, to calculate the Service Function Path(SFP). We implement the algorithms and conduct contrast experiments in our prototype. Finally, we summarize the applicable conditions of two deployment patterns according to the experimental results in terms of hops, delay, and packet loss rate. 展开更多
关键词 service function chain small sat-ellite software defined satellite networks
Painlevé Analysis and Darboux Transformation for a Variable-Coefficient Boussinesq System in Fluid Dynamics with Symbolic Computation
作者 李宏哲 田播 +1 位作者 李丽莉 张海强 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第5期831-836,共6页
The new soliton solutions for the variable-coefficient Boussinesq system, whose applications are seen influid dynamics, are studied in this paper with symbolic computation. First, the Painleve analysis is used to inve... The new soliton solutions for the variable-coefficient Boussinesq system, whose applications are seen influid dynamics, are studied in this paper with symbolic computation. First, the Painleve analysis is used to investigateits integrability properties. For the identified case we give, the Lax pair of the system is found, and then the Darbouxtransformation is constructed. At last, some new soliton solutions are presented via the Darboux method. Those solutionsmight be of some value in fluid dynamics. 展开更多
关键词 variable-coefficient Boussinesq system Lax pair Darboux transformation soliton solutions symbolic computation
作者 王胜龙 《科技成果纵横》 2020年第1期135-135,共1页
变压器在整个电力系统当中是一个特别重要的组成部分。为了尽可能的降低变压器故障对于电力整体体系造成的负面影响,本篇文章主要就110kv变压器所产生的各种缺陷进行了详细而细致的剖析,并根据具体应用情况,对变压器绕组变形故障产生的... 变压器在整个电力系统当中是一个特别重要的组成部分。为了尽可能的降低变压器故障对于电力整体体系造成的负面影响,本篇文章主要就110kv变压器所产生的各种缺陷进行了详细而细致的剖析,并根据具体应用情况,对变压器绕组变形故障产生的原因进行探究,针对各个原因提出了与之相对应的解决方案。 展开更多
关键词 变压器 附近短路 绕组变形 应对程序 弊端处置
Ammonia Emissions in EuropemCosts, Regulation and Targets with Focus on Denmark
作者 Brian H Jacobsen 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第3期285-293,共9页
The NEC (National Emission Ceiling) directive has set targets for the 2010 ammonia emissions from a number of European countries. The target will be reached by most EU-countries and the total emission for EU-27 has ... The NEC (National Emission Ceiling) directive has set targets for the 2010 ammonia emissions from a number of European countries. The target will be reached by most EU-countries and the total emission for EU-27 has been reduced by 22% from 1990 to 2007. Denmark is one of the countries with the largest reductions since 1990 and the article aims at the measures and costs involved. The conclusion is that the costs have been under 3ε per kg NH3-N. Measures in several countries are under 5ε per kg NH3-N, which is a likely minimum for the benefits of reducing NH3-N. The findings suggest that the same measures might be cheaper in the Netherlands and Denmark than in the UK and the USA due to technology advances and stricter regulations in the past. The new Danish application procedure, when increasing the animal production, has tried to make the acceptance procedure quicker and dynamic ensuring that new technology is adopted quicker and that the farm has the right location. It is concluded that the new application process so far has not lived up to the high expectations at the outset. Despite this, the paper concludes that Denmark is likely to reduce emission by 50% from 1990 to 2020 and reach the likely 2020 NEC ceiling. 展开更多
关键词 Ammonia emission COSTS cost effective measores NEC directive and regulation.
Fractal Geometry of a Dendrogram
作者 Francisco Casanova-del-Angel 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2014年第1期14-18,共5页
The fractal structure shown by the poligonal created by unions of middle points of vertices, nodes or peaks of dendograms terminal classes is presented. Its generating fractal, the details of its construction, and the... The fractal structure shown by the poligonal created by unions of middle points of vertices, nodes or peaks of dendograms terminal classes is presented. Its generating fractal, the details of its construction, and the way to measure its segments are defined; its property of inverted scale, the type of meshing, its property of axial symmetry and a theorem on transformation of linear affinity are considered. This is exemplified by means of one application with real data. 展开更多
关键词 DENDROGRAM FRACTAL axial symmetry engenderer.
Weak Finite Determinacy of Relative Map-Germs 被引量:2
作者 Changmei SHI Donghe PEI 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第6期991-1000,共10页
The weak finite determinacy of relative map-germs is studied. The authors first give the concept of weak finite determination, and then give several sufficient conditions for a relative map-germ to be weak finitely de... The weak finite determinacy of relative map-germs is studied. The authors first give the concept of weak finite determination, and then give several sufficient conditions for a relative map-germ to be weak finitely determined, which is an important complement to Mather's work. Moreover, us an application, it is proven that the relative stable map-germs are weak finitely determined. 展开更多
关键词 Relative map-germs Weak finite determinacy Relative stability
Easy cross parameterization for articulated shapes
作者 Jian-wei HU Li-gang LIU Guo-zhao WANG 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第10期1428-1438,共11页
This paper presents a novel interactive system for establishing compatible meshes for articulated shapes.Given two mesh surfaces,our system automatically generates both the global level component correspondence and th... This paper presents a novel interactive system for establishing compatible meshes for articulated shapes.Given two mesh surfaces,our system automatically generates both the global level component correspondence and the local level feature correspondence.Users can use some sketch-based tools to specify the correspondence in an intuitive and easy way.Then all the other vertex correspondences could be generated automatically.The cross parameterization preserves both high level and low level features of the shapes.The technique showed in the system benefits various applications in graphics including mesh inter-polation,deformation transfer,and texture transfer. 展开更多
关键词 SKETCH Compatible mesh Vertex correspondence Cross parameterization
Schur Convexity for Two Classes of Symmetric Functions and Their Applications 被引量:1
作者 Mingbao SUN Nanbo CHEN +1 位作者 Songhua LI Yinghui ZHANG 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第6期969-990,共22页
respectively, where r = 1, 2, … , n, and il, i2, … , is are positive integers. In this paper, the Schur convexity of Fn(X, r) and Gn(x, r) are discussed. As applications, by a bijective transformation of indepen... respectively, where r = 1, 2, … , n, and il, i2, … , is are positive integers. In this paper, the Schur convexity of Fn(X, r) and Gn(x, r) are discussed. As applications, by a bijective transformation of independent variable for a Schur convex function, the authors obtain Schur convexity for some other symmetric functions, which subsumes the main results in recent literature; and by use of the theory of majorization establish some inequalities. In particular, the authors derive from the results of this paper the Weierstrass inequalities and the Ky Fan's inequality, and give a generalization of Safta's conjecture in the n-dimensional space and others. 展开更多
关键词 Symmetric function Schur convexity Inequal!ty
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