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作者 樊宁 《华人时刊》 2006年第3期80-82,共3页
思箴堂,坐落于江苏省苏州市东渚镇宝山村,建于清朝晚期,是东渚镇唯一幸存的古民居,是程建中当医生的曾祖父程稼生修建的宅第。百年思箴堂历尽沧桑,思箴堂的主人程建中同样经历曲折,集多种身份于一身:他是地道的农民,12岁起就被... 思箴堂,坐落于江苏省苏州市东渚镇宝山村,建于清朝晚期,是东渚镇唯一幸存的古民居,是程建中当医生的曾祖父程稼生修建的宅第。百年思箴堂历尽沧桑,思箴堂的主人程建中同样经历曲折,集多种身份于一身:他是地道的农民,12岁起就被迫辍学,靠挣工分度日,直至27岁方洗脚离田;他是地道的读书人,嗜书成癖,买书的费用不下10多万元,家中1.5万余册藏书全部细细研读;他是地道的文物卫士,四处搜寻散落的文物,整理地方文化,上交给国家数十件文物。 展开更多
关键词 文物 清朝晚期 地方文化 宝山村 苏州市 江苏省 古民居 读书人 程建中
作者 刘俊生 《正气》 2003年第Z1期30-30,共1页
关键词 程建中 领导干部 党员干部 总公司领导 非常时期 施工一线 物资部门 排除干扰 周转材料 应变能力
作者 方婷 《江淮法治》 2007年第1期40-40,共1页
关键词 人大代表 程建中 文化市场管理条例
作者 李念东 程建中 李慧星 《新疆画报》 2009年第11期72-85,共14页
"他是和田玉现代版的一部活字典。他见证了极品羊脂玉从每公斤200元到200万元的变化历程。在昆仑山找玉探矿中,他攀登到玉龙喀什河源头海拔6000米的冰川一带,有过出生入死的惊险经历。北京人民大会堂新疆厅精美绝伦的玉雕镶嵌地屏&... "他是和田玉现代版的一部活字典。他见证了极品羊脂玉从每公斤200元到200万元的变化历程。在昆仑山找玉探矿中,他攀登到玉龙喀什河源头海拔6000米的冰川一带,有过出生入死的惊险经历。北京人民大会堂新疆厅精美绝伦的玉雕镶嵌地屏"手鼓舞",出自他所在的公司。上海市人民政府赠送香港特别行政区珍贵的礼品紫荆花篮,花篮中21朵羊脂白玉兰花,是他和他的团队的精品之作。享誉世界的2008年北京奥运会徽宝‘中国印'由他藏在昆仑山长达10年之久的一块美玉雕就。他拥有国内几十位国手级玉雕大师匠心独运,倾心雕琢的藏品。在国家级‘百花奖'、‘天工奖'玉雕作品评奖中,他每年都有多件作品获大奖,是新疆玉雕界拥有金奖、银奖作品最多的人之一。他就是新疆和田地区工艺美术有限公司董事长程建中。" 展开更多
关键词 和田玉 程建中 董事长 新疆和田 昆仑山 说不尽
以科技创新促进节能减排的战略研究 被引量:1
作者 史益博 《当代化工研究》 CAS 2024年第1期194-196,共3页
科技创新技术在促进节能减排方面起着重要的作用。通过提高能源利用效率和减少排放,可以实现可持续发展。当前,人工智能、大数据分析和机器学习等技术在能源管理和工业生产方面的应用正处于快速发展阶段。同时,开发新材料也是重要的科... 科技创新技术在促进节能减排方面起着重要的作用。通过提高能源利用效率和减少排放,可以实现可持续发展。当前,人工智能、大数据分析和机器学习等技术在能源管理和工业生产方面的应用正处于快速发展阶段。同时,开发新材料也是重要的科技创新方向之一。通过持续加大对科技创新的投入,我们可以进一步推动科技创新的发展,为节能减排做出更大的贡献。 展开更多
关键词 科技创新 节能减排 创新技术
Influences on Excellent Course Network Teaching to Imported Courses Implementation of International Cooperative Education in Vocational Colleges
作者 HUANG Shanshan 《International English Education Research》 2015年第10期95-97,共3页
Both the "Interim Provisions on Sino-foreign Cooperative Education" and the "Regulation of the People's Republic of China on Sino-Foreigu Cooperative Education" are not specifically mentioned the implementation p... Both the "Interim Provisions on Sino-foreign Cooperative Education" and the "Regulation of the People's Republic of China on Sino-Foreigu Cooperative Education" are not specifically mentioned the implementation proposals to the foreign imported courses.The implementation methods of those introduced courses of China are basically like someone crossing a river by feeling the stones, which lacks the mature theoretical guidance and successful practical experience.The release of "Implementation Proposal to Construction of Excellent Open Courses of Ministry of Education" and the "Notice of 'Construction Measures of the Top-quality Sharing Courses'" have pushed the excellent course construction of vocational colleges into a restructuring and upgrading stage. Focused on the poor teaching effect of current introduced courses appeared in the Sino-foreigu cooperative education, this paper aims to expand teaching time and space of the Sino-foreign cooperative education through the excellent courses construction and network sharing technology. 展开更多
关键词 Influence Excellent Course Network Teaching Imported Courses Implementation International Cooperative Education
Performance modeling of positive degraded task-pair with helper-thread in CMP
作者 Gu Zhimin Zheng Ninghan +3 位作者 Zhang Yi Liu Changding Tang Jie Huang Yan 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2010年第3期221-226,共6页
Helper-thread of a task can hide the memory access time of irregular data on the chip muhi-core processor (CMP). For constructing a compiler that effectively supports the helper-thread of a task in the multi-core sc... Helper-thread of a task can hide the memory access time of irregular data on the chip muhi-core processor (CMP). For constructing a compiler that effectively supports the helper-thread of a task in the multi-core scenario based on the last level shared cache, this paper studies its performance stable condi- tions. Unfortunately, there is no existing model that allows extensive investigation of the impact of stable conditions, we present the base of pre-computation that is formalized by our degraded task-pair 〈 T, T' 〉 with the helper-thread, and its stable conditions are analyzed. Finally, a novel performance model and a constructing method of pre-computation based on our positive degraded task-pair are proposed. The efficient results are shown by our experiments. If we further exploit memory level parallelism (MLP) for our task-pair, the task-pair 〈 T, T' 〉 can reach better performance. 展开更多
关键词 chip multi-core processor (CMP) helper-thread pre-computation performance model
On the Process of Peasant Workers' Transformation to Urban Residents 被引量:1
作者 Liu Chuanjiang Dong Yanfang Wang Jing 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 北大核心 2008年第1期63-71,共9页
The unique two-stage "Chinese path" of China’s ru-ral-urban migration, which cannot be fully explained by classical theories of economic development, makes us to give peasant workers’ transformation to urb... The unique two-stage "Chinese path" of China’s ru-ral-urban migration, which cannot be fully explained by classical theories of economic development, makes us to give peasant workers’ transformation to urban residents a top priority. On the basis of fully explaining peasant workers’ transformation to urban residents, a method for measuring its process has been advanced and then confirmed with the data of March in 2005 from surveys to peasant workers in Wuhan. Finally, the suggestions of acceler-ating peasant workers’ transformation to urban residents to pro-mote the construction of a harmonious society have been drawn from the analysis. 展开更多
关键词 rural-urban migration peasant workers' transformation to urban residents process of peasant workers' transformation to urban residents
Ranking Independent Variables in Linear Models
作者 Deng-Yuan Huang Ren-Fen Lee 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2013年第2期89-95,共7页
In this article, the true model of sizep is considered. The importance of the independent variables will be studied. The model by dropping independent variable one at a time is called a reduced model, and the size of ... In this article, the true model of sizep is considered. The importance of the independent variables will be studied. The model by dropping independent variable one at a time is called a reduced model, and the size of the model is p-1. The non-centrality quantity is employed to measure the strength of influence on the true model for the independent variable dropped. The larger influence is defined to be more important in the true model. In this article, the goal is ranking the importance of the independent variables to study the structure of the models. It is important in the practical application. The confidence interval approach is used to rank the degrees of the influence of the independent variables in linear models and achieve the goal. An illustrative example is given, and the modeling procedure is studied to check the assumptions step by step in this example to make sure the assumptions satisfied in the true model. As a result, the proposed method can be used efficiently. 展开更多
关键词 Non-central F-distribution non-centrality confidence interval Bonfcrroni inequality.
Reactivation of Historic Street Based on Stakeholders Theory: A Case Study of Artistic Street Renovation Plan on Hai'an Road in Tainan City
作者 CHEN Keshi LIU Xinyu GUO Xiaofeng 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2018年第2期81-86,90,共7页
Located in Wutiao Harbor of Tainan City, Hai'an Road used to be a significant trade logistics center and the most flourishing commercial area until the construction of underground street in Hai'an Road and the... Located in Wutiao Harbor of Tainan City, Hai'an Road used to be a significant trade logistics center and the most flourishing commercial area until the construction of underground street in Hai'an Road and the beginning of broadening project which brought irreparable and huge damages to this historic street. Fortunately, Artistic Street Renovation Plan was implemented in 2004 and succeeded in revitalizing Hai'an Road. The implementation of this plan transformed this street into an art museum to which lots of photographers and artists were attracted and made a pilgrimage. Besides, it remodeled the local cultural identity and enhanced the community cohesion. Based on the in-depth research on the integral process of Artistic Street Renovation Plan on Hai'an Road, this paper focuses on the analysis of multivariate stakeholders' partnership among government, inhabitants, curatorial group and artists so as to propose protective methods and developmental ideas for historical streets. 展开更多
关键词 Artistic Street Renovation Plan Hai'an Road Historic street Multivariate stakeholders
Personnel Management in the Slovak Building Industry: Analysis of Small, Medium-Sized, and Big Building Companies
作者 Filip Busina Martin Sikyr 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2014年第8期903-911,共9页
This paper summarizes the results of the authors' research conducted in November 2013 with the aim to analyze the organization and standards of the personnel management in the Slovak building industry. The research w... This paper summarizes the results of the authors' research conducted in November 2013 with the aim to analyze the organization and standards of the personnel management in the Slovak building industry. The research was based on the presumption that optimal mastering of the personnel management is a precondition of the success of each building company that wishes to be a continuously prosperous, competitive, and respected economic and social entity. Altogether, 76 small (less than 50 employees), 77 medium-sized (50-249 employees), and 21 big (250 and more employees) building companies operating in the territory of the Slovak Republic took part in the research. The results of the research showed that the concept of the personnel management in big building companies (in particular in comparison to most small companies but some medium-sized companies) was more strategic and systematic which is natural given the high numbers of employees of various professions who carry out manifold building works in a huge set of working conditions. However, from the point of view of the current economic development, all building companies have to develop their adaptability to the building market and their capability to master various building works. It is just the personnel management that is used to make it all up provided it is implemented efficiently in a purposeful way in order to keep the stable operation of the building company and satisfaction of various needs of stakeholders including but not limited to employees and clients. 展开更多
关键词 personnel management CONSTRUCTION building companies
New developments of technology in rock engineering in China 被引量:2
作者 Qian Qihu 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2012年第2期2-15,共14页
In terms of rock engineering and technology in hydropower construction,the slope stability and monitoring techniques for high slopes of Three Gorges Project,the stability and support technology for high slopes of hydr... In terms of rock engineering and technology in hydropower construction,the slope stability and monitoring techniques for high slopes of Three Gorges Project,the stability and support technology for high slopes of hydropower projects in deep river valley,the stabilization techniques for underground cavern group with large span and high side walls are introduced in this paper.As for rock engineering and technology in highway and railway construction,the Qinghai-Tibet Railway — new construction techniques in permafrost,the support techniques for large squeezing deformation in Wuqiaoling Tunnel,the construction techniques for tunnels in alpine and high-altitude region,the geological prediction techniques for tunnels in karst region,the microseismic monitoring and early warning techniques for rockbursts in deep and long tunnels are presented.For rock engineering and technology inmining engineering,the innovative techniques for roadway support inmines,the simultaneous extraction technique of pillarless coal and gas in coal seams with low permeability,the safe and efficient deep openmining technology,advances in monitoring,early warning and treatment ofmine dynamic disasters are discussed.In addition,the new anchorage techniques and precision blasting technique in rock engineering are introduced. 展开更多
关键词 rock engineering hydropower engineering tunnel engineering mining engineering anchorage technique blasting technique
Collapse simulation of a super high-rise building subjected to extremely strong earthquakes 被引量:49
作者 LU Xiao LU XinZheng +1 位作者 ZHANG WanKai YE LiePing 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第10期2549-2560,共12页
In recent years, super high-rise buildings (>500 m) are developing very quickly and become an important frontier of civil engineering. The collapse resistance of super high-rise buildings subjected to extremely str... In recent years, super high-rise buildings (>500 m) are developing very quickly and become an important frontier of civil engineering. The collapse resistance of super high-rise buildings subjected to extremely strong earthquake is a critical problem that must be intensively studied. This paper builds up a nonlinear finite element model of the tallest building in China, Shang- hai Tower (632 m), and proposes the modeling method and failure criteria for different structural elements. The dynamic char- acters of this building are then analyzed, and the possible failure modes and collapse processes due to earthquakes are pre- dicted, as well as the corresponding collapse mechanism. This work will be helpful in collapse prevention and the seismic design of super high-rise buildings. 展开更多
关键词 super high-rise building collapse simulation extremely strong earthquake finite element method
Review of Conversion of Farmland to Forests Project:Ranking First in Investment in the World 被引量:2
作者 LIShidong ZHAIHongbo 《Chinese Forestry Science and Technology》 2004年第1期59-66,共8页
The Conversion of Farmland to Forests Project (CFF) is one of the six great forest ecological Projects inChina and one of the ten great forest ecological Projects in the world, ranking the third in overall scale and t... The Conversion of Farmland to Forests Project (CFF) is one of the six great forest ecological Projects inChina and one of the ten great forest ecological Projects in the world, ranking the third in overall scale and the first ininvestment. CFF was officially initiated in 2002, covering 1897 counties (county-level cities and districts) in 25provinces (autonomous regions or municipalities) of China. The whole investment is more than 40 billion US$ duringabout 20 years (from 1999 to 2017), aiming to form better ecology system in fragile ecology regions and effectivelycontrol the soil and water erosion of the Yangtze and the Yellow River and sandstorm of the Three-north Regions inChina. The experimental Project of CFF began in 1999, including Sichuan, Shanxi and Gansu province, and the scopeof CFF was widened later. About 1.16 million ha of farmlands were converted to forestlands, and one million ha ofplantation in mountains and wasted lands were completed in 3 years, involving 20 provinces (autonomous regions andmunicipalities), 400 counties, 27 thousand villages, 5.7 thousand towns, 4.1 million farm families and 16 millionfarmers. 展开更多
关键词 Conversion of Farmland to Forests Project (CFF) ecological project review
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