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美国税务机关对个人收入和财产信息的收集与限制 被引量:2
作者 杨小强 吴玉梅 《国际税收》 北大核心 2017年第8期60-66,共7页
税务机关掌握纳税人个人收入与财产信息至关重要。美国税务机关通过社会信用体系、第三方报送信息等多管齐下达到目标。美国的经验是在税务机关信息权与纳税人隐私权之间保持必要的平衡,本文拟对美国税务机关收集、持有个人收入和财产... 税务机关掌握纳税人个人收入与财产信息至关重要。美国税务机关通过社会信用体系、第三方报送信息等多管齐下达到目标。美国的经验是在税务机关信息权与纳税人隐私权之间保持必要的平衡,本文拟对美国税务机关收集、持有个人收入和财产信息等相关制度进行介绍,以期为我国建立个人收入和财产信息系统提供启示。 展开更多
关键词 美国税务机 个人信息 隐私权
财政部 国家税务总局 中国人民银行关于股息红利个人所得税退库的补充通知
《中华人民共和国财政部文告》 2005年第7期25-26,共2页
关键词 国家税务总局 补充通知 国家税务 地方税务 市中心支行 营业管理部 扣缴义务人 退库 主管税务机
《江苏省人民政府公报》 2006年第20期41-47,共7页
各省辖市及苏州工业园区地方税务局,常熟市地方税务局,省地方税务局直属分局: 根据《江苏省地方税务局转发【国家税务总局关于印发(税收管理办法)(试行)的通知】的通知》(苏地税发[2006]43号)(以下简称《转发通知》)精神,现将有关营业... 各省辖市及苏州工业园区地方税务局,常熟市地方税务局,省地方税务局直属分局: 根据《江苏省地方税务局转发【国家税务总局关于印发(税收管理办法)(试行)的通知】的通知》(苏地税发[2006]43号)(以下简称《转发通知》)精神,现将有关营业税减免税的若干问题明确如下: 展开更多
关键词 地税局 地方税务 国家税务总局 税收管理 直属分局 苏州工业园 地方税务机 税务当局 主管税务机
《湖北省人民政府公报》 2007年第7期10-12,共3页
关键词 实施办法 城镇土地使用税 长罗 税额标准 常务会议 地方税务机 国土管理部门 适用税额 主管税务机
《广西壮族自治区人民政府公报》 2014年第3期23-25,共3页
广西壮族自治区人民政府令第95号《广西壮族自治区税收保障办法》已经201 3年12月5日自治区第十二届人民政府第19次常务会议审议通过,现予发布,自2014年2月1日起施行。自治区主席陈武2013年12月25日第一条为了加强税收征收管理,保障税... 广西壮族自治区人民政府令第95号《广西壮族自治区税收保障办法》已经201 3年12月5日自治区第十二届人民政府第19次常务会议审议通过,现予发布,自2014年2月1日起施行。自治区主席陈武2013年12月25日第一条为了加强税收征收管理,保障税收收入,维护纳税人合法权益,促进经济社会发展,根据《中华人民共和国税收征收管理法》及其实施细则等法律、法规。 展开更多
关键词 保障办法 实施细则 涉税信息 扣缴义务人 代征人 常务会议 财政部门 税务代理 代扣代缴 税务机
《济南市人民政府公报》 2015年第3期32-34,共3页
济政办发[2015]4号各县(市)、区人民政府,市政府各部门:《济南市支持小微企业成长发展若干政策》已经市政府同意,现印发给你们,请认真贯彻执行。小型微型企业(以下简称小微企业)是社会主义市场经济主体的重要组成部分,在繁荣市场、促进... 济政办发[2015]4号各县(市)、区人民政府,市政府各部门:《济南市支持小微企业成长发展若干政策》已经市政府同意,现印发给你们,请认真贯彻执行。小型微型企业(以下简称小微企业)是社会主义市场经济主体的重要组成部分,在繁荣市场、促进就业、改善民生、维护社会稳定等方面起着重要作用。各级各部门要充分认识支持小微企业发展的重要性,切实加强组织引导,支持、促进小微企业持续快速健康发展。市促进民营经济发展工作领导小组负责全市支持小微企业成长发展的统筹规划、组织领导和政策协调。各责任部门要按照职责分工,研究制定各项政策的具体实施办法,确保各项支持政策落到实处、收到实效。 展开更多
关键词 企业成长发展 微型企业 市场经济主体 经济发展工作 创业投资企业 具体实施办法 企业融资担保 税务机
《中国人民银行文告》 2006年第Z1期9-14,共6页
中国人民银行上海总部,各分行、营业管理部、省会(首府)城市中心支行,大连、青岛、宁波、厦门、深圳市中心支行,各政策性银行、国有商业银行、股份制商业银行:为规范国库信息处理系统的税收缴库业务处理,确保国库会计核算工作的正常有... 中国人民银行上海总部,各分行、营业管理部、省会(首府)城市中心支行,大连、青岛、宁波、厦门、深圳市中心支行,各政策性银行、国有商业银行、股份制商业银行:为规范国库信息处理系统的税收缴库业务处理,确保国库会计核算工作的正常有序进行,根据《国库会计管理规定》等有关制度规定,中国人民银行制定了《国库信息处理系统税收缴库业务处理暂行办法》,现印发你们,请遵照执行。在执行中如发现问题,应及时报告中国人民银行总行。 展开更多
关键词 缴库 市中心支行 信息处理系统 人民银行总行 小额支付系统 营业管理部 更正通知书 暂行办法 税务机
China's Real Estate Tax Reform: Past, Present and Future 被引量:1
《China Economist》 2012年第2期16-24,共9页
Since 1978, China's reform of real estate tax has made great strides with important milestones marked by the resumption of real estate tax collection on Chinese- funded enterprises and Chinese nationals. In the llth ... Since 1978, China's reform of real estate tax has made great strides with important milestones marked by the resumption of real estate tax collection on Chinese- funded enterprises and Chinese nationals. In the llth Five-Year Plan period (2006-2010), the state administration completed the unification of tax rates for domestic and foreign- funded companies. However, the reform of real estate tax still requires many modifications during the 12th Five-Year Plan period (2011-2015). The new plan should strive to streamline the tax system, adjust the tax base and tax rates, and delegate taxing authority. 展开更多
关键词 real estate tax REFORM REVIEW prospectJEL: E62
The Impact of Unrealized Foreign Exchange Differences for Accounting and Taxation 被引量:1
作者 Georgiana Gabriela Toader Mihaela Dumitrana 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第4期472-479,共8页
The present study is intended to be an analysis of the main Romanian legal provision in what concerns the impact of foreign exchange differences and potential consequences at the level of financial statements for comp... The present study is intended to be an analysis of the main Romanian legal provision in what concerns the impact of foreign exchange differences and potential consequences at the level of financial statements for companies. In Romanian legislation, the issue of the foreign exchange differences is treated at a general level: these are recognized as a profit and loss item and as a consequence, they are included in the taxable base when booked in the accounting. Our legislation does not provide for specific treatments depending on the 'realization momenf' of these differences or depending on the conditions for recognizing a gain/loss from foreign exchange differences. For the unrealized exchange differences arising from the application of accounting rules on monthly assessment of foreign currency monetary items, there is not a specific event or transaction to determine income or expenditure. This monthly review depending on the National Bank of Romania [BNR] foreign exchange rate valid on the last day of the month aims to bring closer to reality the financial position of an entity. The exchange rate is a monetary policy item set by the central bank and may be influenced by various factors such as: monetary policy of the BNR; inflation target objectives and rate of exchange stabilization or reduction efforts, as is the case of BNR in the last years to fulfill EU criteria for adoption of the EURO; periodical influences of speculative capitals on the exchange rate level; economic status and especially exports and imports. However, a taxpayer should not be charged unless there is evidence of the "economic enrichment" thereof. However, this enrichment, seen as a rising economic value of the company, depends on the perspective from which is seen: the owner of the company or the tax authorities. The exchange differences impact also the value of the owners' equity for which a minimum level is requested under the commercial company law. In case of negative values, this triggers various risks at the level of the continuity principle or even endangers the existence of the company. 展开更多
关键词 foreign exchange differences profit allocation accrual principle economic enrichment realized income/profit
The Principle of Proportionality in the Portuguese Tax Law: A Case of Its Application
作者 Antonio Martins 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第10期1473-1483,共11页
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the application of the principle of proportionality based on a case relating to a Portuguese economic group operating in the transportation sector. The group applied for being t... The purpose of this paper is to discuss the application of the principle of proportionality based on a case relating to a Portuguese economic group operating in the transportation sector. The group applied for being taxed under the regime of the group relief, as established in the Portuguese Corporate Income Tax Code (CITC), and the tax authorities approved the request in 2002. The group's accounts for 2003 were audited by tax inspectors in 2007. In 2008, the accounts from 2004 to 2006 were also under a tax auditing. Following such audits and basing on, in the author's view, some minor faults, the tax administration disallowed the use of group relief for four consecutive years (from 2003 to 2006). The financial implication was that 12 million Euros in additional taxes were charged to the group. Such an increase in the income tax would wipe out profits for two consecutive years, thus, pushing the effective tax rate to 100%. Such an economic result fell outside what seemed to be a balanced application of the law, by disregarding financial consequences from minor tax faults, some of which were voluntarily corrected by the group 展开更多
关键词 corporate taxation PROPORTIONALITY tax auditing PORTUGAL
A Feasibility Study on the Implementation of External Tax Audit in Malaysia
作者 Sellywati Mohd Faizal Zakiah Muhammaddun Mohamed Norsiah Ahmad 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2011年第10期1051-1059,共9页
This study examines the feasibility of external tax audit implementation in Malaysia. External tax audit has been purported to enhance tax administration efficiency, deter tax evasion and noncompliance as well as impr... This study examines the feasibility of external tax audit implementation in Malaysia. External tax audit has been purported to enhance tax administration efficiency, deter tax evasion and noncompliance as well as improve tax collection for a nation. Therefore, this study solicits perceptions from various stakeholders on the new service while retaining the principle of justice that lies in the tax system. External tax audit refers to the process of business income tax returns being attested by other than the tax authority. External tax audit has been implemented successfully to increase tax compliance in some areas such as Taiwan, Bangladesh and United States of America. Therefore, this study examines the benefits and risks influencing the implementation of external tax audit in Malaysia from the viewpoints of corporate taxpayers and tax agents. Data is obtained through questionnaire from the selected respondents. Findings from multiple regression analysis reveal that tax agents and taxpayers agree with the implementation of this new service. For tax agents, the external tax audit has benefits and risks, while taxpayers believe that only benefits influence their agreement to the external tax audit. This study contributes to the tax literature by providing knowledge on the feasibility of external tax audit implementation in Malaysia. 展开更多
关键词 external tax audit corporate taxpayers tax compliance
总结工作 分析形势 部署任务 中税协《注册税务师》杂志发行工作会议在银川召开
作者 王天明 《注册税务师》 2014年第8期13-15,共3页
7月8日,中税协《注册税务师》杂志发行工作会议在宁夏回族自治区银川市召开。这次会议的主要任务是,传达贯彻国家税务总局全国税收宣传工作会议精神,总结行业宣传和会刊编辑出版工作情况,分析行业宣传工作面临的新形势,部署宣传报道和... 7月8日,中税协《注册税务师》杂志发行工作会议在宁夏回族自治区银川市召开。这次会议的主要任务是,传达贯彻国家税务总局全国税收宣传工作会议精神,总结行业宣传和会刊编辑出版工作情况,分析行业宣传工作面临的新形势,部署宣传报道和征订发行工作的重点任务。会议由杂志社总编辑佘家金主持,宁夏自治区注税行业党委书记、地税局副局长毛宏业致欢迎辞。中国注册税务师行业党委常务副书记。 展开更多
关键词 税务 杂志发行 征订发行 宁夏自治区 国家税务总局 地税局 编辑出版工作 宣传报道 副局长 税务机
完善地方税制的国际经验借鉴研究 被引量:1
作者 赤峰市地方税务局课题组 孙玉梅 《松州学刊》 2014年第5期54-57,共4页
关键词 地方税制 地方税收 税收法律制度 税权 税制改革 税收管理 税制体系 纳税评估工作 税收收人 税务机
《司法业务文选》 2011年第10期20-24,共5页
1.2011年2月14日国家税务总局令第25号公布2.自2011年2月1日起施行第一章总则第一条根据《中华人民共和国发票管理办法》(以下简称《办法》)规定,制定本实施细则。第二条在全国范围内统一式样的发票,由国家税务总局确定。在省、自治区... 1.2011年2月14日国家税务总局令第25号公布2.自2011年2月1日起施行第一章总则第一条根据《中华人民共和国发票管理办法》(以下简称《办法》)规定,制定本实施细则。第二条在全国范围内统一式样的发票,由国家税务总局确定。在省、自治区、直辖市范围内统一式样的发票,由省、自治区、直辖市国家税务局、地方税务局(以下简称省税务机关)确定。 展开更多
关键词 国家税务总局 实施细则 一条根 地方税务 发票管理 企业名称 三条 扣缴义务人 国家税务 税务机
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