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《税务(辽宁)》 1997年第3期46-47,共2页
目前各地对饮食娱乐业的税收管征还比较簿弱,管征方式也不统一,存在问题较多。为了保障国家税收收入,减少税款流失,福清市地税局在广泛调查的基础上,制定了《关于饮食娱乐业“双定户”税收的征管办法》,对定额程序、标准、审批权限和机... 目前各地对饮食娱乐业的税收管征还比较簿弱,管征方式也不统一,存在问题较多。为了保障国家税收收入,减少税款流失,福清市地税局在广泛调查的基础上,制定了《关于饮食娱乐业“双定户”税收的征管办法》,对定额程序、标准、审批权限和机构,以及违章处罚等作了明确规定。 一、统一提高定额标准。 展开更多
关键词 定户 税收管征 福清市 娱乐业 税收定额 地税局 化饮 审批权限 收单位 纳税人
作者 戴翔华 《税务(辽宁)》 1997年第3期40-41,共2页
目前,闽清县白樟镇的釉面砖生产企业共有92家,与之相关的纸箱、纸带、耐火砖、甑盒等生产企业近百家,因此对釉面砖行业的税收征管工作的好坏,直接影响到我所的税收任务完成和白樟镇的经济发展。 釉面砖行业由于受市场不景气影响,加上基... 目前,闽清县白樟镇的釉面砖生产企业共有92家,与之相关的纸箱、纸带、耐火砖、甑盒等生产企业近百家,因此对釉面砖行业的税收征管工作的好坏,直接影响到我所的税收任务完成和白樟镇的经济发展。 釉面砖行业由于受市场不景气影响,加上基础薄弱、设备简陋、工艺简单、产品单一、产品互相压价等因素。 展开更多
关键词 税收管征 强化瓷 釉面砖 欠税 专管员 瓷砖厂 税收管工作 税款 生产企业 纸带
作者 周坤 董巧敏 《税务(辽宁)》 1997年第1期37-37,共1页
关键词 税收管征 事务所 亟待加强 税前扣除 律师 资本性支出 税收收入 审计师 营业税 同步增长
作者 孙隆英 《涉外税务》 CSSCI 1997年第5期50-51,共2页
关键词 工业企业 偷逃增值税 跨区 税收管征 纳税人 代销点 经营管理 税务机关 合理性 回执
因地制宜抓税收 税收征管上台阶
《税务(辽宁)》 1997年第1期21-21,共1页
闽清县地税局针对本地税源分散、行业性强的特点,将行业税收征管作为1996年征管工作的重点来抓,因地制宜地将运输业、饮食业、外来建安企业的征管作为出发点。对运输业采取委托代征的方式,1996年征收税款252万元,是委托代征以前全年税... 闽清县地税局针对本地税源分散、行业性强的特点,将行业税收征管作为1996年征管工作的重点来抓,因地制宜地将运输业、饮食业、外来建安企业的征管作为出发点。对运输业采取委托代征的方式,1996年征收税款252万元,是委托代征以前全年税款73万元的3.5倍;对饮食业采取“三定”(定额发票。 展开更多
关键词 税收 上台阶 建安企业 委托代 税款流失 饮食业 税收管征 私房出租 闽清县 地税局
作者 林述济 苏水清 《税务(辽宁)》 1997年第2期39-40,共2页
为了加强对“个体户”的税收管征,为征管工作提供重要依据,根据我局所辖区的实际情况,采取了“先调查后治理”的管征办法,“因地制宜”、“对症下药”。通过调查发现存在不同程度上的偷逃税,要解决这个问题,关键在于对个体征管工作的改... 为了加强对“个体户”的税收管征,为征管工作提供重要依据,根据我局所辖区的实际情况,采取了“先调查后治理”的管征办法,“因地制宜”、“对症下药”。通过调查发现存在不同程度上的偷逃税,要解决这个问题,关键在于对个体征管工作的改革。 一、存在的问题 (一)偷逃税面较广:仓山区目前个体纳税户1280户(含国地共管户),从业人员2800多人。 展开更多
关键词 个体户 管工作 仓山区 税收管征 税务登记 偷逃税 税务机关 执照 个体工商户 出租者
作者 刘建春 林章康 《税务(辽宁)》 1997年第2期41-42,共2页
关键词 私房出租 如何做好 纳税户 税收管征 承典人 代管人 地税工作 登记册 顾名 房屋出租
作者 任桂龙 《税务(辽宁)》 1997年第2期46-47,共2页
随着改革开放的深入,社会主义市场经济的发展,占有中国大部份人口的农村经济也发生了巨大变化,乡镇企业、个体工商业也迅速发展起来。但由于农村的局限,人们的法制观念比较淡薄,特别是分税制后,税收管征上出现了不少问题。因此有必要加... 随着改革开放的深入,社会主义市场经济的发展,占有中国大部份人口的农村经济也发生了巨大变化,乡镇企业、个体工商业也迅速发展起来。但由于农村的局限,人们的法制观念比较淡薄,特别是分税制后,税收管征上出现了不少问题。因此有必要加强农村税收征管,帮助农村工商业向着有利于市场经济和社会主义法制轨道运行,促进地方经济的发展。本文就目前农村税收管征上存在的问题以及如何加强农村税收征管,谈谈个人的看法。 展开更多
关键词 农村税收 税务人员 税法 纳税户 税收管征 农村工商业 地税 乡镇企业 地方税 纳税观念
作者 陈爱珠 《税务(辽宁)》 1994年第7期37-39,共3页
关键词 增值税专用发票 小规模纳税人 新税制 进项税 实施中 税收管征 税收成本 普通发票 收范围 建安企业
作者 杨勇华 《税务(辽宁)》 1994年第10期32-34,共3页
个人所得税作为法律手段调节社会分配不公已逐步得到社会各界的共识,社会主义市场经济发挥它的作用尤为重要,对保障改革开放和经济建设健康发展具有重要的经济意义和深远的政治意义。党中央、国务院和各级党政领导都予以高度重视。同时... 个人所得税作为法律手段调节社会分配不公已逐步得到社会各界的共识,社会主义市场经济发挥它的作用尤为重要,对保障改革开放和经济建设健康发展具有重要的经济意义和深远的政治意义。党中央、国务院和各级党政领导都予以高度重视。同时,税制改革后。 展开更多
关键词 个人所得 重点税源 代扣代缴制度 额定率 税务部门 税收管征 社会主义市场经济 交通部门 演出单位 地方税体系
《税务(辽宁)》 1994年第10期3-5,共2页
为了确保我市税务机构分设后,纳税人能正常履行税务登记、纳税申报等纳税义务,根据国家税务总局国税发[1994]190号《关于中央、地方两套税务机构建立后税务征管有关问题的处理意见的通知》及《福建省两套税务机构分设的实施方案》的有... 为了确保我市税务机构分设后,纳税人能正常履行税务登记、纳税申报等纳税义务,根据国家税务总局国税发[1994]190号《关于中央、地方两套税务机构建立后税务征管有关问题的处理意见的通知》及《福建省两套税务机构分设的实施方案》的有关精神,现就我市国家税务局系统负责管征的纳税户及有关税务事项通告如下: 展开更多
关键词 福州市国家税务局 税务 外商投资企业 国家能源交通重点建设基金 增值税 企业所得税 税收管征 纳税申报 福建省 地方税务系统
作者 颜睦胜 李志才 +1 位作者 叶亚林 苏超龙 《福建论坛(经济社会版)》 1999年第7期50-51,共2页
关键词 行政效能监察 有效性 量化考核 税收管 监察对象 税收管征 建设有中国特色的社会主义理论 依法治税 税收 永春县
作者 家明 《中国商贸》 1998年第22期55-55,共1页
关键词 收款收据 发票开具 消费者 税务部门 鼓励消费 税务登记证件 销售者 开发票 税收管征 税收流失
China's Real Estate Tax Reform: Past, Present and Future 被引量:1
《China Economist》 2012年第2期16-24,共9页
Since 1978, China's reform of real estate tax has made great strides with important milestones marked by the resumption of real estate tax collection on Chinese- funded enterprises and Chinese nationals. In the llth ... Since 1978, China's reform of real estate tax has made great strides with important milestones marked by the resumption of real estate tax collection on Chinese- funded enterprises and Chinese nationals. In the llth Five-Year Plan period (2006-2010), the state administration completed the unification of tax rates for domestic and foreign- funded companies. However, the reform of real estate tax still requires many modifications during the 12th Five-Year Plan period (2011-2015). The new plan should strive to streamline the tax system, adjust the tax base and tax rates, and delegate taxing authority. 展开更多
关键词 real estate tax REFORM REVIEW prospectJEL: E62
Sustainability of China's Tax Revenue Growth: Experience and Prospect
作者 王道树 《China Economist》 2012年第6期100-109,共10页
This paper summarizes the main characteristics of China's tax revenue growth during the period of 1994-2010, and probes the causes behind the sustained and rapid growth of China's taxation from its sources including... This paper summarizes the main characteristics of China's tax revenue growth during the period of 1994-2010, and probes the causes behind the sustained and rapid growth of China's taxation from its sources including the fiscal and taxation system, and tax collection mechanisms. Additionally, the author lists the major challenges confronting China's sustainable tax growth during the "12th Five-Year Plan "period (2011-2015), for example, slowed growth in sources of taxation, a mismatched tax system, lagging reform in fiscal structure and the management system, and restrictions in tax collection and administration capacity. The author proposes the following suggestions: 1) a structural taxation reform should be carried out to promote sustainable economic growth and a change in development model, thereby consolidating the source base of taxation; 2) to consolidate the fiscal and taxation system through taxes and fees reform, standardizing the government budget, advancing reform in the tax-sharing system, and optimizing fiscal expenditure; and 3) to strengthen tax collection mechanisms by promoting taxation by law, implementing comprehensive taxation administration in the government, and improving the tax collection capacity. 展开更多
关键词 TAX sustainable growth tax reform fiscal system tax collection and administration
A Feasibility Study on the Implementation of External Tax Audit in Malaysia
作者 Sellywati Mohd Faizal Zakiah Muhammaddun Mohamed Norsiah Ahmad 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2011年第10期1051-1059,共9页
This study examines the feasibility of external tax audit implementation in Malaysia. External tax audit has been purported to enhance tax administration efficiency, deter tax evasion and noncompliance as well as impr... This study examines the feasibility of external tax audit implementation in Malaysia. External tax audit has been purported to enhance tax administration efficiency, deter tax evasion and noncompliance as well as improve tax collection for a nation. Therefore, this study solicits perceptions from various stakeholders on the new service while retaining the principle of justice that lies in the tax system. External tax audit refers to the process of business income tax returns being attested by other than the tax authority. External tax audit has been implemented successfully to increase tax compliance in some areas such as Taiwan, Bangladesh and United States of America. Therefore, this study examines the benefits and risks influencing the implementation of external tax audit in Malaysia from the viewpoints of corporate taxpayers and tax agents. Data is obtained through questionnaire from the selected respondents. Findings from multiple regression analysis reveal that tax agents and taxpayers agree with the implementation of this new service. For tax agents, the external tax audit has benefits and risks, while taxpayers believe that only benefits influence their agreement to the external tax audit. This study contributes to the tax literature by providing knowledge on the feasibility of external tax audit implementation in Malaysia. 展开更多
关键词 external tax audit corporate taxpayers tax compliance
The Principle of Proportionality in the Portuguese Tax Law: A Case of Its Application
作者 Antonio Martins 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第10期1473-1483,共11页
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the application of the principle of proportionality based on a case relating to a Portuguese economic group operating in the transportation sector. The group applied for being t... The purpose of this paper is to discuss the application of the principle of proportionality based on a case relating to a Portuguese economic group operating in the transportation sector. The group applied for being taxed under the regime of the group relief, as established in the Portuguese Corporate Income Tax Code (CITC), and the tax authorities approved the request in 2002. The group's accounts for 2003 were audited by tax inspectors in 2007. In 2008, the accounts from 2004 to 2006 were also under a tax auditing. Following such audits and basing on, in the author's view, some minor faults, the tax administration disallowed the use of group relief for four consecutive years (from 2003 to 2006). The financial implication was that 12 million Euros in additional taxes were charged to the group. Such an increase in the income tax would wipe out profits for two consecutive years, thus, pushing the effective tax rate to 100%. Such an economic result fell outside what seemed to be a balanced application of the law, by disregarding financial consequences from minor tax faults, some of which were voluntarily corrected by the group 展开更多
关键词 corporate taxation PROPORTIONALITY tax auditing PORTUGAL
Milk Production Practices on Family Farms Located North of the State of Espirito Santo, Brazil
作者 Maria da Penha Piccolo Ramos Francisca Carvalho Nascimento Neta +1 位作者 Claudia Lficia de Oliveira Pinto Luciana Oliveira de Farifia 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2013年第11期920-926,共7页
In Brazil, milk production is a key sector for income generation, tax collection and much of the milk produced comes from family farms. The present study was aimed to assess the conditions of milk production on 30 far... In Brazil, milk production is a key sector for income generation, tax collection and much of the milk produced comes from family farms. The present study was aimed to assess the conditions of milk production on 30 farms in the city of S~ Mateus, to the North of the state of Espirito Santo, Brazil. Data were obtained through questionnaires sent to producers according to the legislation of the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture. The questions included type of milking, hygiene practices and health status of milkers, mastitis control and source and others. Milking was manually done in all farms, and only 40,0% of milkers washed their hands and forearms before milking, and 13.0% used antiseptic solutions after washing. None of the farms performed the pre-dipping and post-dipping procedures. Control of mastitis was not performed in 94.0% of the farms and none of them performed the CMT test. A high degree of non-conformity was observed in the family farms. These data demonstrate the need for training farmers in good agricultural practices. This would contribute to achieving better quality milk, and ensure the sustainability of the segment in the Northern region of the state of Espirito Santo, Brazil. 展开更多
关键词 Family farming manual milking raw milk dairy products sustainability.
Property Tax Performance of Local Authorities in Malaysia
作者 Soeb Pawi David Martin Juanil +2 位作者 Wan Zahari Wan Yusoff Ibrahim Sipan Fazira Shafie 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第4期461-471,共11页
Property tax income of local authorities has become more challenging due to robust developments. Property tax revenue is the main income for local authorities that are used to pay for services and maintenance in the l... Property tax income of local authorities has become more challenging due to robust developments. Property tax revenue is the main income for local authorities that are used to pay for services and maintenance in the local authority administrative areas. However, the amount of revenue collected is decreasing due to the serious problem of property tax arrears that affects the administrative system and as a corollary, the delivery of services by local authorities. The performance measurement of property tax is very important in order to manage the services, and for maintenance and development of sustainable local authorities. Therefore, this paper represents a review of the Malaysian local authority property tax collection performance. The rating system is applied to address the performance of property tax collection in Malaysia. The result revealed that most of the property tax collection in Malaysia performed under inadequate level. Property tax collection statistics for the research include the total revenue and property tax arrears for each local authority in Malaysia within five years from 2004 to 2007. It is expected that this property tax performance will be employed as a basis to pursue the appropriate, innovative, and creative approaches for local authorities in Malaysia. 展开更多
关键词 local authorities property tax property tax performance revenue collection tax arrears
Compliance of Documentation Transfer Pricing Requirements in Foreign Direct Investment Enterprises in Vietnam
作者 Mai Thi Hoang Minh Nguyen Thi Ngoc Bich 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2015年第4期223-232,共10页
The increase of inter-boundary transactions brings a number of benefits for enterprises. However, even when benefits of transfer pricing are evident, multinational organizations still face legal challenges, including ... The increase of inter-boundary transactions brings a number of benefits for enterprises. However, even when benefits of transfer pricing are evident, multinational organizations still face legal challenges, including performing parts of transactions in another jurisdiction and motives of tax officials in investigating transfer pricing. This is especially true when countries do not want to lose benefits from tax collection. Therefore, many countries and organizations such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Pacific Association of Tax Administrators (PATA), the European Union (EU), and Vietnam have introduced requirements for transfer pricing documentation to prevent transfer pricing manipulation and maintain benefits from taxes. The aim of this research was to assess the compliance of those requirements of foreign direct investment (FDI) enterprises in Vietnam. This article which is a summary of our research includes the following sections: (1) OECD guidelines of transfer pricing documentation; (2) Vietnam regulations of transfer pricing documentation; (3) results of the research; and (4) discussion and conclusion. 展开更多
关键词 transfer pricing transfer pricing documentation compliance foreign direct investment enterprises VIETNAM
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