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基于自适应全阶观测器的感应电机低速发电运行稳定性 被引量:18
作者 宋文祥 周杰 +1 位作者 朱洪志 尹赟 《电工技术学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期196-205,共10页
速度自适应全阶观测器已经被成功和广泛地应用于感应电机无速度传感器驱动系统,然而许多研究和实践工作都表明,基于自适应全阶观测器的感应电机驱动系统在低速发电运行状态会出现不稳定现象。本文利用自适应控制理论,推导出基于开环全... 速度自适应全阶观测器已经被成功和广泛地应用于感应电机无速度传感器驱动系统,然而许多研究和实践工作都表明,基于自适应全阶观测器的感应电机驱动系统在低速发电运行状态会出现不稳定现象。本文利用自适应控制理论,推导出基于开环全阶磁链观测器的使转速估计值及估计磁链稳定的充分必要条件,并进而给出了在给定转速条件下驱动系统发生不稳定现象的发电性质负载转矩边界值,从理论上阐明了何时会出现不稳定现象的问题。同时基于转矩-转速平面下的驱动系统相关特性分析,提出通过增大磁链幅值,增强驱动系统在低速发电模式下的带载能力,扩大稳定运行范围。仿真和实验结果验证了文中理论分析和提出方法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 感应电机 自适应全阶观测器 低速发电稳定 矢量控制
基于改进电压模型的感应电机低速发电运行稳定性研究 被引量:9
作者 宋文祥 尹赟 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第12期75-82,共8页
感应电机无速度传感器驱动系统低速发电运行时稳定性较差,原因在于低速发电模式下经常出现不稳定现象。在改进电压模型的基础上,分析了低速发电不稳定现象的原因,提出了一种模型参数不准确情况下避免系统不稳定的方法。根据定子角频率... 感应电机无速度传感器驱动系统低速发电运行时稳定性较差,原因在于低速发电模式下经常出现不稳定现象。在改进电压模型的基础上,分析了低速发电不稳定现象的原因,提出了一种模型参数不准确情况下避免系统不稳定的方法。根据定子角频率和转矩电流分量的符号,改变磁链估计模型定子电阻大小,从而保证电机低速发电稳定运行。仿真和实验结果验证了提出方法的正确性和可行性。 展开更多
关键词 感应电机 磁链估计 矢量控制 低速发电稳定 改进电压模型
保证生态流量下小型梯级水电站发电稳定性的研究 被引量:1
作者 赵廷红 汪潭 张赛 《价值工程》 2015年第17期154-156,共3页
本文针对目前小型梯级水电站面临的一系列问题诸如发电不稳定、对下游生态环境影响大等问题,提出了一种新的优化调度方式——在保证生态流量下以整个梯级水电站发电稳定为最优准则,同时在发电的时候充分利用小型水电站启停灵活的特点,... 本文针对目前小型梯级水电站面临的一系列问题诸如发电不稳定、对下游生态环境影响大等问题,提出了一种新的优化调度方式——在保证生态流量下以整个梯级水电站发电稳定为最优准则,同时在发电的时候充分利用小型水电站启停灵活的特点,使水电站出力与当地的用电情况相适应,以达到简化调度的目的。 展开更多
关键词 小型梯级电站 发电稳定 保证生态流量
作者 黄科元 李鑫 黄守道 《控制工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期862-867,共6页
基于轨道交通用感应电机在低速发电状态的不稳定运行问题,提出了一种新的反馈增益矩阵的设计方法,将多变量的设计问题转化为单变量的设计问题,并针对劳斯-赫尔维茨稳定性判据在系统动态性能设计方面的不足,对原始虚轴进行平移以重新配... 基于轨道交通用感应电机在低速发电状态的不稳定运行问题,提出了一种新的反馈增益矩阵的设计方法,将多变量的设计问题转化为单变量的设计问题,并针对劳斯-赫尔维茨稳定性判据在系统动态性能设计方面的不足,对原始虚轴进行平移以重新配置转速估计传递函数零极点,得到性能更好的参数,此举对简化参数的调试工作,提高系统的鲁棒性,具有重要的工程价值。仿真和实验均验证了该分析以及提出的改进措施的正确性和有效性。 展开更多
关键词 感应电机 全阶观测器 低速发电稳定 轨道交通
永磁同步风力发电系统的最大功率跟踪模糊分数阶控制 被引量:2
作者 姜礼洁 王晓燕 +1 位作者 苏杰 张镇韬 《现代电力》 北大核心 2024年第2期230-239,共10页
在“双碳”背景下,风电作为零碳电力和新能源发电的主力军,在助力社会全面绿色低碳转型方面发挥了关键性作用。在保证发电稳定的前提下实现风能的最大化利用,提升风力发电系统发电量至为重要。文中针对永磁同一步风力发电系统的最大功... 在“双碳”背景下,风电作为零碳电力和新能源发电的主力军,在助力社会全面绿色低碳转型方面发挥了关键性作用。在保证发电稳定的前提下实现风能的最大化利用,提升风力发电系统发电量至为重要。文中针对永磁同一步风力发电系统的最大功率跟踪(maximum power point tracking, MPPT)问题进行研究。首先建立了永磁同步风力发电系统的机理仿真模型,用两电平双PWM全功率换流器连接风力发电机与电网。然后基于以上模型,分别设计了整数阶PI控制器、分数阶PI"控制器、模糊分数阶PP控制器以实现MPPT控制。最后对以上控制策略进行了仿真研究。结果表明,无论在阶跃风速还是随机风速下,模糊分数阶PU控制器相较于其他两种均具有更出色的MPPT性能与更强的鲁棒性。 展开更多
关键词 永磁同步风力发电系统 两电平双PWM全功率换流器 模糊分数阶控制器 最大功率跟踪 发电稳定
诱发电位中α稳定分布噪声参数的动态估计新方法 被引量:3
作者 孙永梅 邱天爽 《信号处理》 CSCD 2003年第z1期316-319,共4页
针对诱发电位潜伏期变化检测中信号噪声的非平稳特性,本文提出了一种新的参数估计方法,实现了诱发电位中α稳定分布噪声的动态参数估计.计算机仿真结果表明,这种方法可以有效地跟踪信号噪声特性的变化,且进一步完善了EP潜伏期变化的动... 针对诱发电位潜伏期变化检测中信号噪声的非平稳特性,本文提出了一种新的参数估计方法,实现了诱发电位中α稳定分布噪声的动态参数估计.计算机仿真结果表明,这种方法可以有效地跟踪信号噪声特性的变化,且进一步完善了EP潜伏期变化的动态检测方法. 展开更多
关键词 发电位α稳定分布 动态估计 参数估计
作者 马仓 李芳芳 裘钧 《青海大学学报》 2021年第5期1-7,共7页
经过长期演变形成的自然水流过程是河道水生生物繁衍生息的重要条件,而大型水库的建设运行改变了河流原有的径流模式,威胁着水生生物的生存和繁殖。文中提出了一个考虑鱼类产卵季生态需水及发电稳定性的多目标优化模型,并采用NSGA-II算... 经过长期演变形成的自然水流过程是河道水生生物繁衍生息的重要条件,而大型水库的建设运行改变了河流原有的径流模式,威胁着水生生物的生存和繁殖。文中提出了一个考虑鱼类产卵季生态需水及发电稳定性的多目标优化模型,并采用NSGA-II算法求解得到Pareto最优解集。研究结果表明:(1)两目标整体表现出明显的竞争关系,经过优化调度,可以在兼顾生态流量过程的同时提高发电稳定性;(2)对于生态评分最高及出力波动最小的调度方案,各代表年的发电稳定性均能得到不同程度的提高;(3)出力波动最小方案对应的流量过程相对平缓,且流量峰值较小;相反,生态评分最高方案对应的流量过程波动更大,流量峰值也更高。相关研究结果对水库实际调度管理具有一定的参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 多目标优化 水库调度 鱼类产卵 发电稳定 黄河
作者 张兴 《中国高新技术企业》 2015年第14期111-112,共2页
关键词 轨道内燃机车 充电发电 发电稳定 发电电压 充电电流
强风地区平单轴光伏电站稳定性分析与优化研究 被引量:2
作者 王武林 《光源与照明》 2021年第10期51-53,共3页
光伏发电在新能源发电中有重要的地位,在新能源发电过程中,更加新颖的光伏发电能够为我国的电力能源行业可持续发展建设提供力量。在实际应用光伏发电时,为了保障所建立的平单轴光伏发电站能够在强风地区实现更加安全稳定的运行,必须基... 光伏发电在新能源发电中有重要的地位,在新能源发电过程中,更加新颖的光伏发电能够为我国的电力能源行业可持续发展建设提供力量。在实际应用光伏发电时,为了保障所建立的平单轴光伏发电站能够在强风地区实现更加安全稳定的运行,必须基于现有光伏发电站在强风荷载下的稳定性进行研究,以先进的科学技术构建减振装置,加固发电系统的受力部位,进而优化平单轴施工技术,全面强化平单轴发电站的发电效果。 展开更多
关键词 强风地区 平单轴光伏电站 发电稳定
作者 马洪麟 《机电信息》 2015年第21期48-49,共2页
关键词 进相运行 无功功率 发电机静态稳定
并联混合动力汽车BSG控制策略研究 被引量:1
作者 宋大凤 高福旺 +2 位作者 曾小华 陈慧勇 王印束 《汽车技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第7期48-52,共5页
基于某款P2构型并联混合动力汽车,提出增加皮带传动起动/发电一体化电机(BSG)实现P0+P2的混合动力系统构型方案,并基于起动发动机和发电的功能需求计算了BSG及皮带轮参数,提出了两段式BSG起动、调速控制策略和稳定发电控制策略,并搭建... 基于某款P2构型并联混合动力汽车,提出增加皮带传动起动/发电一体化电机(BSG)实现P0+P2的混合动力系统构型方案,并基于起动发动机和发电的功能需求计算了BSG及皮带轮参数,提出了两段式BSG起动、调速控制策略和稳定发电控制策略,并搭建试验样车。基于实车环境和车载控制器开展了样车测试,结果表明,配备BSG的样车具备快速起动、调速功能,且在车辆行驶模式不断切换的动态过程中,BSG-发动机系统仍可维持稳定发电状态。 展开更多
关键词 并联混合动力汽车 皮带传动起动/发电一体化电机 调速控制 稳定发电 控制策略
储能技术大规模应用的可行性研究 被引量:2
作者 黄欣 范偲偲 《宁夏电力》 2017年第6期11-17,共7页
以西北电网为例分析了新能源大规模发展对传统电网消纳能力有限产生的严重弃风弃光,威胁电网安全运行稳定性等问题,归纳阐述了目前储能技术应用于发电机组、风电厂、光伏电站、光伏发电系统的情况,提出了以储能技术为基础的风光储互补... 以西北电网为例分析了新能源大规模发展对传统电网消纳能力有限产生的严重弃风弃光,威胁电网安全运行稳定性等问题,归纳阐述了目前储能技术应用于发电机组、风电厂、光伏电站、光伏发电系统的情况,提出了以储能技术为基础的风光储互补型的稳定发电系统方案,并对其实现的可行性进行了论证,对风光储互补型稳定发电系统在电力系统中的发展前景和实现途径进行了展望。 展开更多
关键词 电网消纳能力 弃风弃光 稳定发电系统 储能技术
Enhanced control of DFIG-used back-to-back PWM VSC under unbalanced grid voltage conditions 被引量:20
作者 HU Jia-bing HE Yi-kang NIAN Heng 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第8期1330-1339,共10页
This paper presents a unified positive-and negative-sequence dual-dq dynamic model of wind-turbine driven doubly-fed induction generator(DFIG) under unbalanced grid voltage conditions. Strategies for enhanced control ... This paper presents a unified positive-and negative-sequence dual-dq dynamic model of wind-turbine driven doubly-fed induction generator(DFIG) under unbalanced grid voltage conditions. Strategies for enhanced control and operation of a DFIG-used back-to-back(BTB) PWM voltage source converter(VSC) are proposed. The modified control design for the grid-side converter in the stationary αβ frames diminishes the amplitude of DC-link voltage ripples of twice the grid frequency,and the two proposed control targets for the rotor-side converter are alternatively achieved,which,as a result,improve the fault-ride through(FRT) capability of the DFIG based wind power generation systems during unbalanced network supply. A complete unbalanced control scheme with both grid-and rotor-side converters included is designed. Finally,simulation was carried out on a 1.5 MW wind-turbine driven DFIG system and the validity of the developed unified model and the feasibility of the proposed control strategies are all confirmed by the simulated results. 展开更多
关键词 Unbalanced grid voltage Doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) Back-to-back (BTB) Fault-ride through (FRT) Voltage source converter (VSC)
Analysis on optimal working fluid flowrate and unstable power generation for miniaturized ORC systems 被引量:1
作者 刘克涛 朱家玲 +1 位作者 胡开永 吴秀杰 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第5期1224-1231,共8页
For efficient utilization of a limited geothermal resource in practical projects,the cycle parameters were comprehensively analyzed by combining with the heat transfer performance of the plate heat exchanger,with a va... For efficient utilization of a limited geothermal resource in practical projects,the cycle parameters were comprehensively analyzed by combining with the heat transfer performance of the plate heat exchanger,with a variation of flowrate of R245 fa.The influence of working fluid flowrate on a 500 W ORC system was investigated.Adjusting the working fluid flowrate to an optimal value results in the most efficient heat transfer and hence the optimal heat transfer parameters of the plate heat exchanger can be determined.Therefore,for the ORC systems,optimal working fluid flowrate should be controlled.Using different temperature hot water as the heat source,it is found that the optimal flowrate increases by 6-10 L/h with 5 ℃ increment of hot water inlet temperature.During experiment,lower degree of superheat of the working fluid at the outlet the plate heat exchanger may lead to unstable power generation.It is considered that the plate heat exchanger has a compact construction which makes its bulk so small that liquid mixture causes the unstable power generation.To avoid this phenomenon,the flow area of plate heat exchanger should be larger than the designed one.Alternatively,installing a small shell and tube heat exchanger between the outlet of plate heat exchanger and the inlet of expander can be another solution. 展开更多
关键词 organic Rankine cycle (ORC) plate heat exchanger optimal working fluid flowrate unstable power generation
Resonance of electromagnetic and mechanic coupling in hydro-generator 被引量:2
作者 姚大坤 邹经湘 +2 位作者 曲大庄 赵树山 于开平 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2006年第5期531-534,共4页
Electromagnetic and mechanical forces are main reasons of oscillations in hydro-generators.The oscillation is fairly complicated as to the coupling of them.Using the method of multiple scales in nonlinear oscillations... Electromagnetic and mechanical forces are main reasons of oscillations in hydro-generators.The oscillation is fairly complicated as to the coupling of them.Using the method of multiple scales in nonlinear oscillations,instabilities of hydro-generator rotors caused by the unbalanced magnetic pull,which comes from the eccentricity of the rotor,are discussed.Considering nonlinear properties of the unbalanced magnetic pull,the super-harmonic resonance phenomena are observed as the critical rotating speed of rotors is close to twice of the operating speed.This is verified by a model experiment,and should be considered during the design of hydro-generator rotors. 展开更多
High Slope Stability of Diversion Power System Intake of Jinchuan Hydropower Station 被引量:1
作者 TANG Liang-qin TANG Kui +2 位作者 NIE De-xin WANG Jun-jie LIU Dong-yan 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第6期1109-1117,共9页
The excavated height of the left bank slope of the diversion power system intake in Jinchuan hydropower station is about 16o m. The stability and safety of the slope during construction and its operation/utilization b... The excavated height of the left bank slope of the diversion power system intake in Jinchuan hydropower station is about 16o m. The stability and safety of the slope during construction and its operation/utilization become one of the most important geological engineering problems. At the same time, it is also crucial to select a safe and economic excavation gradient for the construction. We studied the problem of how to select a safe and economic slope ratio by analyzing the geological condition of the high slope, including the lithology, slope structure, structural surface and their combinations, rock weathering and unloading, hydrology, and the natural gradient. The study results showed that the use of an excavation gradient larger than the gradient observed during site investigation and the gradient recommended in standards and field practice manuals is feasible. Then, we used the finite element method and rigid limit equilibrium method to evaluate the stability of the excavation slope under natural, rainstorm and earthquake conditions. The calculated results showed that the excavated slope only has limited failure, but its stability is greatly satisfactory. The research findings can be useful in excavation and slope stabilization projects. 展开更多
关键词 Jinchuan Hydropower Station Highslope Excavation slope ratio STABILITY
Transient Stability Analysis of Power System with Photovoltaic Systems Installed 被引量:1
作者 Masaki Yagami Seiichiro Ishikawa +2 位作者 Yoshihiro Ichinohe Kenji Misawa Junji Tamura 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2015年第10期896-904,共9页
The impact of large-scale grid-connected PV (photovoltaics) on power system transient stability is discussed in this paper. In response to an increase of PV capacity, the capacity of conventional synchronous generat... The impact of large-scale grid-connected PV (photovoltaics) on power system transient stability is discussed in this paper. In response to an increase of PV capacity, the capacity of conventional synchronous generator needs to be reduced relatively. This leads to the lower system inertia and the higher generator reactance, and hence, the power system transient stability may negatively be affected. In particular, the impact on the transient stability may become more serious when the considerable amounts of PV systems are disconnected simultaneously during voltage sag. In this work, the potential impact of significant PV penetration on the transient stability is assessed by a numerical simulation using PSCAD/EMTDC. 展开更多
关键词 PHOTOVOLTAIC LVRT (low-voltage ride-through) synchronous generator infinite bus transient stability.
Transient Stability Assessment of Synchronous Generator in Power System with High-Penetration Photovoltaics 被引量:2
作者 Masaki Yagami Takahiko Hasegawa Junji Tamura 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2012年第12期762-768,共7页
As photovoltaic (PV) capacity in power system increases, the capacity of synchronous generator needs to be reduced relatively. This leads to the lower system inertia and the higher generator reactance, and hence the... As photovoltaic (PV) capacity in power system increases, the capacity of synchronous generator needs to be reduced relatively. This leads to the lower system inertia and the higher generator reactance, and hence the generator transient stability may negatively be affected. In particular, the impact on the transient stability may become more serious when the considerable amounts of PV systems are disconnected simultaneously during voltage sag. In this work, the generator transient stability in the power system with significant PV penetration is assessed by a numerical simulation. In order to assess the impact from various angles, simulation parameters such as levels of PV penetration, variety of power sources (inverter or rotational machine), and existence of LVRT capability are considered. The simulation is performed by using PSCAD/EMTDC software. 展开更多
关键词 High-penetration photovoltaics low-voltage ride-through (LVRT) synchronous generator transient stability.
Fundamental and Technical Challenges for a Compatible Design Scheme of Oxyfuel Combustion Technology 被引量:13
作者 Chuguang Zheng Zhaohui Liu +4 位作者 Jun Xiang Liqi Zhang Shihong Zhang Cong Luo Yongchun Zhao 《Engineering》 SCIE EI 2015年第1期139-149,共11页
Oxyfuel combustion with carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) is a carbon-reduction technology for use in large-scale coal-fired power plants. Significant progress has been achieved in the research and development ... Oxyfuel combustion with carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) is a carbon-reduction technology for use in large-scale coal-fired power plants. Significant progress has been achieved in the research and development of this technology during its scaling up from 0.4 MWth to 3 MWth and 35 aWth by the combined efforts of universities and industries in China. A prefeasibility study on a 200 MWe large-scale demonstration has progressed well, and is ready for implementation. The overall research development and demonstration (RD&D) roadmap for oxyfuel combustion in China has become a critical component of the global RD&D roadmap for oxyfuel combustion. An air combustion/oxyfuel combustion compatible design philosophy was developed during the RD&D process. In this paper, we briefly address fundamental research and technology innovation efforts regarding several technical challenges, including combustion stability, heat transfer, system operation, mineral impurities, and corrosion. To further reduce the cost of carbon capture, in addition to the large-scale deployment of oxyfuel technology, increasing interest is anticipated in the novel and next- generation oxyfuel combustion technologies that are briefly introduced here, including a new oxygen-production concept and flameless oxyfuel combustion. 展开更多
关键词 oxyfuel combustion research development anddemonstration CO2 capture
Development of NIS Two-Temperature Humidity Generator
作者 Mohamed Gamal Ahmed Said Mazen Doaa Abd El-Gelil 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2014年第7期436-439,共4页
Abstract: This paper describes the development and characterization of a two-temperature (2-T), constant pressure humidity generator It relies on the saturation of a stream of gas flowing over a water surface maint... Abstract: This paper describes the development and characterization of a two-temperature (2-T), constant pressure humidity generator It relies on the saturation of a stream of gas flowing over a water surface maintained at constant, well-known, temperature. It was built in order to improve the uncertainties of the dew-point temperature and humidity scales realization at the National Institute for Standard (NIS) in the dew-point range from -50 ℃ to + 10 ℃. Several experiments were carried out in the above mentioned range in order to characterize the generator. Characterization comprised studies of its saturator efficiency, temperature stability and a comparison with a calibrated chilled-mirror hygrometer. The results of the efficiency tests showed good performance of the generator as described below. For uncertainty of measurements, a thorough analysis was also described representing estimations of contributions for all the sources that affecting measurements. 展开更多
关键词 Dew-point HYGROMETER two-temperature generator uncertainty.
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