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计及平台运动响应谱的顶部张紧立管稳定性曲线研究 被引量:1
作者 孙丽萍 王建伟 戴绍仕 《哈尔滨工程大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期326-331,共6页
针对顶部张紧立管在不规则波作用下可能会失稳的问题,研究了计及平台运动响应谱的张紧立管稳定性曲线。首先计算出了张力腿平台的运动响应谱,依据该运动响应谱的特性,将不规则波波浪作用下张力腿平台的运动响应以一系列规则波叠加的形... 针对顶部张紧立管在不规则波作用下可能会失稳的问题,研究了计及平台运动响应谱的张紧立管稳定性曲线。首先计算出了张力腿平台的运动响应谱,依据该运动响应谱的特性,将不规则波波浪作用下张力腿平台的运动响应以一系列规则波叠加的形式给出。并将这一系列的规则波输入到顶部张紧立管的参激振动方程当中。同时,采用伽辽金法简化控制方程,得到参激振动的马蒂厄方程。最后,利用小参数法对其进行推导,得出了顶部张紧立管的稳定性曲线公式。研究结果表明:平台运动响应谱对顶部张紧立管的稳定性曲线有着很重要的影响。 展开更多
关键词 不规则波 响应谱 张紧立管 马蒂厄方程 稳定性曲线
有关JJF1033-2008中的计量标准稳定性曲线图的研究 被引量:2
作者 蔺菲 胡玉琨 +1 位作者 赵良德 徐敏 《计量与测试技术》 2013年第1期25-26,28,共3页
JJF1033-2008《计量标准考核规范》中对计量标准的稳定性考核有严格的要求,现行规范中增加了"计量标准稳定性曲线图"这一项目。本文列出了四种关于新版的考核规范中计量标准稳定性曲线图的制作方法,通过分析这四种曲线图的绘... JJF1033-2008《计量标准考核规范》中对计量标准的稳定性考核有严格的要求,现行规范中增加了"计量标准稳定性曲线图"这一项目。本文列出了四种关于新版的考核规范中计量标准稳定性曲线图的制作方法,通过分析这四种曲线图的绘制结果,判断这四种是否能够准确表示计量标准稳定性的变化,确定了其中两种稳定性曲线图的制作方法在实际工作中是不可取的。本文研究得到的结果能够帮助计量工作人员在最短周期内发现计量标准在运行过程中的稳定性偏移情况,并提示计量工作人员及时采取对应的措施,以防止因计量标准的不稳定引起检定结果不能准确地反应被检设备的状态,避免得出错误的结论。 展开更多
关键词 计量标准 稳定性 稳定性曲线 不可取的
深入认识控制图和稳定性曲线图 被引量:1
作者 韩景秋 王霜逸 《铁道技术监督》 2009年第4期17-19,共3页
JJF1033—2008《计量标准考核规范》于2008年9月1日起施行。新版的规范增加了运用控制图对测量过程进行统计控制的内容,并对计量标准的稳定性予以更全面的阐述,但是其中对稳定性曲线图却没有给出明确的表述。为此,剖析控制图与稳定性曲... JJF1033—2008《计量标准考核规范》于2008年9月1日起施行。新版的规范增加了运用控制图对测量过程进行统计控制的内容,并对计量标准的稳定性予以更全面的阐述,但是其中对稳定性曲线图却没有给出明确的表述。为此,剖析控制图与稳定性曲线图的联系,明晰了二者的特点和用途,以及在计量检定与校准过程中的作用。 展开更多
关键词 计量标准 考核规范 控制图 稳定性曲线
横风条件下跨座式单轨车辆曲线通过稳定性研究 被引量:5
作者 杜子学 陈诚 +4 位作者 申震 刘玉文 蔺高 钟元木 张月军 《机车电传动》 北大核心 2015年第5期60-64,共5页
研究了不同横风风速下,列车在通过曲线道路时空气动力性能并进行仿真分析。根据计算得到的数据,分析了不同横风速度时相应的车体纵、横向气动力变化和列车的倾覆系数。参照有关高速列车曲线通过稳定性评定标准,给出了9级横风风速下单轨... 研究了不同横风风速下,列车在通过曲线道路时空气动力性能并进行仿真分析。根据计算得到的数据,分析了不同横风速度时相应的车体纵、横向气动力变化和列车的倾覆系数。参照有关高速列车曲线通过稳定性评定标准,给出了9级横风风速下单轨列车安全运行的速度限值,为今后单轨列车在横风作用下的运行安全性提供一定的依据。 展开更多
关键词 跨座式单轨车辆 横风 空气动力性能 曲线通过稳定性 仿真计算
高速铣削颤振识别和稳定性预测 被引量:1
作者 陈展翼 袁军堂 +1 位作者 汪振华 黄俊 《传感器与微系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期59-61,64,共4页
颤振是刀具与工件之间剧烈的自激振动,是影响工件表面质量与刀具磨损的重要因素。通过高速铣削试验,对加工过程中铣削力与振动信号进行分析,给出了一种通过监测加工过程中信号功率谱能量比变化来识别颤振的方法。试验结果表明:颤振发生... 颤振是刀具与工件之间剧烈的自激振动,是影响工件表面质量与刀具磨损的重要因素。通过高速铣削试验,对加工过程中铣削力与振动信号进行分析,给出了一种通过监测加工过程中信号功率谱能量比变化来识别颤振的方法。试验结果表明:颤振发生时信号功率谱最主要的特性是在主轴转动频率、切削频率及其谐波两边等间距处会出现相应的颤振频率,当主颤振频率处的能量超过一定的阈值时,加工系统颤振,否则,无颤振。建立了颤振动力学模型,通过试验获得了铣削系统频响函数和铣削力系数,绘制了铣削加工稳定性曲线。结合提出的颤振识别方法,验证了动力学模型的准确性,可为实际加工中合理选择加工参数和颤振监测提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 高速铣削 颤振 功率谱 稳定性曲线 颤振识别
纯压抛物线拱平面内稳定性及设计方法研究 被引量:14
作者 林冰 郭彦林 《建筑结构学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期103-111,共9页
采用大挠度弹塑性有限单元法对全跨竖向均布荷载作用下纯压抛物线拱平面内稳定承载力进行研究,考虑材料非线性、焊接残余应力、初始几何缺陷、矢跨比和支承条件等因素的影响,得到了热轧圆管截面、焊接工字形截面和焊接箱形截面纯压三铰... 采用大挠度弹塑性有限单元法对全跨竖向均布荷载作用下纯压抛物线拱平面内稳定承载力进行研究,考虑材料非线性、焊接残余应力、初始几何缺陷、矢跨比和支承条件等因素的影响,得到了热轧圆管截面、焊接工字形截面和焊接箱形截面纯压三铰、两铰和无铰抛物线钢拱的平面内稳定性设计曲线,给出纯压抛物线钢拱的平面内稳定设计公式。以拱的正则化长细比为基本参数,统一了三铰、两铰和无铰纯压抛物线钢拱的平面内稳定设计曲线,可用于全跨竖向均布荷载作用下纯压抛物线钢拱的平面内稳定性设计,同时可供实际设计时使用和制定有关规程时参考。 展开更多
关键词 纯压抛物线拱 有限单元法 平面内稳定承载力 稳定性设计曲线
作者 杨鹄 《机电设备》 2014年第5期20-23,共4页
关键词 EXCEL 稳定性曲线 稳性校核 自动化
三峡水库水位上升对香溪河流域典型滑坡的影响分析 被引量:20
作者 黄波林 许模 《防灾减灾工程学报》 CSCD 2006年第3期290-295,共6页
在三峡水库蓄水后,香溪河流域众多滑坡出现变形失稳现象。白家堡滑坡、耿家坪滑坡、白马滩滑坡在蓄水后的变形特征各不相同。对库水位上升后3个滑坡的变形特征及其渗透性进行了比较研究,表明影响滑坡响应时间的主要因素是滑体的渗透... 在三峡水库蓄水后,香溪河流域众多滑坡出现变形失稳现象。白家堡滑坡、耿家坪滑坡、白马滩滑坡在蓄水后的变形特征各不相同。对库水位上升后3个滑坡的变形特征及其渗透性进行了比较研究,表明影响滑坡响应时间的主要因素是滑体的渗透性。以白家堡滑坡为例,利用摩根斯坦一普赖斯法,对不同c、ф值,进行75~175m水位线的稳定性系数演算,发现各c、ф值不同水位线下稳定性系数曲线的变化规律有2种类型,即下降-平直型和下降-上升型,这种变化规律与浸水部位密切相关。 展开更多
关键词 库水位上升 典型滑坡变形特征 渗透性 稳定性系数变化曲线
作者 郏正学 《现代计算机》 2006年第1期67-70,共4页
关键词 输注设备 速率误差 波动幅度 稳定性曲线 测试系统
Analytic solution of phreatic surface in the slope of reservoir bank 被引量:2
作者 Tang Xiaosong Zheng Yingren Shi Weimin 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2008年第3期76-84,共9页
In most cases, the slope stability of reservoir bank is analyzed on the premise that the location of phreatic surface is obtained. But many designers generalize a line as the phreatie surface through their experience ... In most cases, the slope stability of reservoir bank is analyzed on the premise that the location of phreatic surface is obtained. But many designers generalize a line as the phreatie surface through their experience to analyze the stability, which is unsafe in the project. To find a solution of the phreatic surface which is convenient to put into use and in accordance with the practice, the article, based on Boussinesq equation, infers analytic solutions suitable to the water level at different ratios and achieves an analytic solution equation through fitting curves. The correctness of the equation is also proved by the experiments of sand and sand-clay models and the inaccuracy of empirical generalization is analyzed quantitatively. The calculation results show that the inaccuracy through the method of experiential generalizing is so large that the designers should be awake to it. 展开更多
关键词 reservoir banks phreatic surface analytic solution numerical solution empirical generalization
System reliability analysis of seismic pseudo-static stability of rock wedge based on nonlinear Barton–Bandis criterion 被引量:3
作者 ZHAO Lian-heng JIAO Kang-fu +1 位作者 LI De-jian ZUO Shi 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第11期3450-3463,共14页
Based on the nonlinear Barton–Bandis(B–B)failure criterion,this study considers the system reliability of rock wedge stability under the pseudo-static seismic load.The failure probability(Pf)of the system is calcula... Based on the nonlinear Barton–Bandis(B–B)failure criterion,this study considers the system reliability of rock wedge stability under the pseudo-static seismic load.The failure probability(Pf)of the system is calculated based on the Monte−Carlo method when considering parameter correlation and variability.Parameter analysis and sensitivity analysis are carried out to explore the influence of parameters on reliability.The relationships among the failure probability,safety factor(Fs),and variation coefficient are explored,and then stability probability curves of the rock wedge under the pseudo-static seismic load are drawn.The results show that the parameter correlation of the B–B failure criterion has a significant influence on the failure probability,but correlation increases system reliability or decreases system reliability affected by other parameters.Under the pseudo-static seismic action,sliding on both planes is the main failure mode of wedge system.In addition,the parameters with relatively high sensitivity are two angles related to the joint dip.When the coefficient of variation is consistent,the probability of system failure is a function of the safety factor. 展开更多
关键词 3D rock wedge seismic pseudo-static stability nonlinear Barton–Bandis failure criterion system reliability sensitivity analysis stability probability curves
总氮日常测定过程中相关问题的探讨 被引量:1
作者 刘守根 《环境与发展》 2020年第9期116-117,共2页
本文对使用碱性过硫酸钾消解紫外分光光度法进行总氮日常测定时存在的问题进行探讨,并得出结论:将碱性过硫酸钾溶液置于低温暗处且不结晶的条件下存放于聚乙烯瓶中可保存15d,同时碱性过硫酸钾溶液可直接配制100ml。将玻璃器皿不浸泡直... 本文对使用碱性过硫酸钾消解紫外分光光度法进行总氮日常测定时存在的问题进行探讨,并得出结论:将碱性过硫酸钾溶液置于低温暗处且不结晶的条件下存放于聚乙烯瓶中可保存15d,同时碱性过硫酸钾溶液可直接配制100ml。将玻璃器皿不浸泡直接酸洗,再分别用自来水冲洗和去离子水冲洗数次后立即使用可满足实验要求。在不更换过硫酸钾、氢氧化钠等主要试剂的前提下,校准曲线比较稳定。 展开更多
关键词 总氮 存放时间 器皿清洗 曲线稳定性
The Stability Study of Globe Transportation Center of Beijing Capital International Airport
作者 马骏 周岱 +1 位作者 朱忠义 柳杰 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2006年第3期371-377,共7页
The stability of long span steel arch structure of globe transportation center (GTC) in the Beijing Capital International Airport was studied. Different objective models such as single arch model, composite arch model... The stability of long span steel arch structure of globe transportation center (GTC) in the Beijing Capital International Airport was studied. Different objective models such as single arch model, composite arch model and global structural model were introduced to analyze the structural stability by means of the finite element technique. The eigen buckling factor of the steel arch structure was analyzed. The geometrical nonlinearity, elastic-plastic nonlinearity and initial imperfection were taken into account in the investigation of the structural buckling, and the nonlinearity reduction factors for the steel arch structure were discussed. The effects of geometrical nonlinearity and initial imperfection on the structural buckling are light while the effect of material nonlinearity is quite remarkable. For a single steel arch, the dominant buckling mode occurs in out-of-plane of arch structure. The out-of-plane buckling factor of the composite steel arch is greater than that of the single steel arch while the in-plane buckling factor of the former is somewhat less than that of the latter. Moreover, the webs near the steel arch feet have the lowest local buckling level and the local buckling is more serious than the global buckling for the global structure. 展开更多
关键词 long-span steel arch structure NONLINEARITY BUCKLING INSTABILITY
Evaluation of survival stow position and stability analysis for heliostat under strong wind 被引量:1
作者 冯煜 陈小安 单文桃 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第11期3006-3017,共12页
Heliostats are sensitive to the wind load, thus as a key indicator, the study on the static and dynamic stability bearing capacity for heliostats is very important. In this work, a numerical wind tunnel was establishe... Heliostats are sensitive to the wind load, thus as a key indicator, the study on the static and dynamic stability bearing capacity for heliostats is very important. In this work, a numerical wind tunnel was established to calculate the wind load coefficients in various survival stow positions. In order to explore the best survival stow position for the heliostat under the strong wind, eigenvalue buckling analysis method was introduced to predict the critical wind load theoretically. Considering the impact of the nonlinearity and initial geometrical imperfection, the nonlinear post-buckling behaviors of the heliostat were investigated by load-displacement curves in the full equilibrium process. Eventually, combining B-R criterion with equivalent displacement principle the dynamic critical wind speed and load amplitude coefficient were evaluated. The results show that the determination for the best survival stow position is too hasty just by the wind load coefficients. The geometric nonlinearity has a great effect on the stability bearing capacity of the heliostat, while the effects of the material nonlinearity and initial geometrical imperfection are relatively small. And the heliostat is insensitive to the initial geometrical imperfection. In addition, the heliostat has the highest safety factor for wind-resistant performance in the stow position of 90-90 which can be taken as the best survival stow position. In this case, the extreme survival wind speeds for the static and dynamic stability are 150 m/s and 36 m/s, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 HELIOSTAT survival stow position stability bearing capacity strong wind
Effect of Web Opening on Buckling Instability of Simply Supported Steel I-Beam
作者 Mohammed Hassanien Serror 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2011年第9期809-818,共10页
The lateral torsional buckling phenomenon often governs design of steel I-beams. Although web opening is often used to accommodate the required mechanical and piping works in buildings, its effect on the buckling inst... The lateral torsional buckling phenomenon often governs design of steel I-beams. Although web opening is often used to accommodate the required mechanical and piping works in buildings, its effect on the buckling instability is not considered in the design codes. In this paper, the effect of web opening on both lateral torsional buckling and local buckling behaviors has been investigated. A simply supported steel I-beam has been studied under uniform bending moment around the major axis. Buckling analysis has been performed using the finite element method. Linear regression analysis has been conducted for output data to formulate an equation for the critical moment including web opening effect. The results have shown a limited reduction in the lateral torsional buckling capacity and a significant reduction in the local buckling capacity. 展开更多
关键词 Lateral torsional buckling local buckling simply supported I-Beam uniform bending web opening
Logistic Model for Customer Dynamics in the Mobile Telecommunication Sector
作者 Juan Carlos Pascual Medina 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2014年第10期689-694,共6页
Starting from the last decade of the 90's mobile phone makes its appearance in the world markets, in Mexico it's also on that date that the first companies are formed, today there are only four mobile companies that... Starting from the last decade of the 90's mobile phone makes its appearance in the world markets, in Mexico it's also on that date that the first companies are formed, today there are only four mobile companies that compete strongly for the Mexican market, In this article we use the logistic model (S - shaped logistic curve), which describes competitive environments, especially for the popularization of new technologies, to describe the dynamics of the telecommunications sector in Mexico and the probability of the companies to fail and disappear in the market. In economic articles, we see more attention to the dynamics of monopolistic competition and power companies, but it is less used the study of the sales dynamics of the sector and the curves that represent it. The proposed model uses as data the total number of subscribers to mobile phone lines to generate the logistic curves of each company and the total market, in search of main points singularities and stability conditions as predictors of the extinction of technologies and the shot-down of companies in the sector. 展开更多
关键词 COMPLEXITY LOGISTICS telecommunications stochastic DYNAMICS ECONOMY
作者 M.REISSIG K.YAGDJIAN 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 1997年第1期1-14,共14页
Let X={X(t),t 0} be a process with independent increments (PII)such that E=0, D X(t)E 2<∞, lim t→∞D X(t)t=1, and there exists a majoring measure G for the jump △X of X . Under these assu... Let X={X(t),t 0} be a process with independent increments (PII)such that E=0, D X(t)E 2<∞, lim t→∞D X(t)t=1, and there exists a majoring measure G for the jump △X of X . Under these assumptions, using rather a direct method, a Strassen's law of the iterated logarithm (Strassen LIL) is established. As some special cases,the Strassen LIL for homogeneous PII and for partial sum process of i.i.d.random variables are comprised. 展开更多
关键词 Strassen law of the iterated logarithm process with independent increments stochastic calculus
Three-Dimensional Stability Analysis of Excavation Using Limit Analysis 被引量:1
作者 韩长玉 陈锦剑 +1 位作者 王建华 夏小和 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2013年第6期646-649,共4页
The theory of limit analysis is presented for a three-dimensional stability problem of excavation. In frictional soil, the failure surface has the shape of logarithm helicoid, with the outline profile defined by a log... The theory of limit analysis is presented for a three-dimensional stability problem of excavation. In frictional soil, the failure surface has the shape of logarithm helicoid, with the outline profile defined by a log- spiral curve. The internal dissipation rate of energy caused by soil cohesion and gravity power of the failure soil is obtained through theoretical derivation. By solving the energy balance equation, the stability factor for the excavation is obtained. Influence of the ratio of width to height, the slope angle, and the top angle on the stability is examined. Numerical results of the proposed algorithm are presented in the form of non dimensional graph. Examples illustrate the practical use of the results. 展开更多
作者 HSIAO LING PAN RONGHUA(Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica, Beijing 100080, China)E-mail: hsiaol@sun.ihep.ac.cn(Current address: SISSA, via Beirut n. 2-4, 34013, nieste, Italy) 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 1999年第4期479-488,共10页
The authors study a 3 x 3 rate-type viscoelastic system, which is a relaxation approximation to a 2 x 2 quasi-linear hroerbolic system, including the well-known p-system. The nonlinear stability of two-mode shock wave... The authors study a 3 x 3 rate-type viscoelastic system, which is a relaxation approximation to a 2 x 2 quasi-linear hroerbolic system, including the well-known p-system. The nonlinear stability of two-mode shock waves in this relaxation approximation is proved. 展开更多
关键词 Nonlinear stability Two-mode shock profiles Relaxation approximation
作者 A. BRESSAN H. K. JENSSEN 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2000年第3期269-284,共16页
The authors consider systems of the form where the matrix A(u) is assumed to be strictly hyperbolic and with the property that the integral curves of the eigenvector fields are straight lines. For this class of system... The authors consider systems of the form where the matrix A(u) is assumed to be strictly hyperbolic and with the property that the integral curves of the eigenvector fields are straight lines. For this class of systems one can define a natural Riemann solver, and hence a Godunov scheme, which generalize the standard Riemann solver and Godunov scheme for conservative systems. This paper shows convergence and L1 stability for this scheme when applied to data with small total variation. The main step in the proof is to estimate the increase in the total variation produced by the scheme due to quadratic coupling terms. Using Duhamel’s principle, the problem is reduced to the estimate of the product of two Green kernels, representing probability densities of discrete random walks. The total amount of coupling is then determined by the expected number of crossings between two random walks with strictly different average speeds. This provides a discrete analogue of the arguments developed in [3,9] in connection with continuous random processes. 展开更多
关键词 Nonlinear hyperbolic systems Godunov scheme CONVERGENCE L^1 stability
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