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“空印”陶瓷包装设计中空灵意境的传达 被引量:2
作者 齐皓 张俏梅 《艺术百家》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期234-235,165,共3页
空灵意境是中国传统艺术审美的最高追求之一,本文以中国传统美学思想——空灵意境为依托,以"空印"陶瓷包装为载体进行设计实践,探究陶瓷包装设计中对空灵意境的融入与应用,提升景德镇陶瓷包装设计的文化品位,促进陶瓷文化的... 空灵意境是中国传统艺术审美的最高追求之一,本文以中国传统美学思想——空灵意境为依托,以"空印"陶瓷包装为载体进行设计实践,探究陶瓷包装设计中对空灵意境的融入与应用,提升景德镇陶瓷包装设计的文化品位,促进陶瓷文化的交流发展。 展开更多
关键词 空灵意境 空印”陶瓷 包装设计 工艺美术 设计 符号 文化特征
作者 王琛琛 《文教资料》 2019年第36期219-220,共2页
明朝初年发生的空印案牵连数百人,死罪者甚众。这薄薄的一纸空印文书,拾起来却是沉重万分。空印文书之重有三,一来这些空印文书反映的是明朝地方赋税情况,关乎国家财政大计,本身意义就极为重要;二来被牵扯入空印案的官吏,上至中央户部官... 明朝初年发生的空印案牵连数百人,死罪者甚众。这薄薄的一纸空印文书,拾起来却是沉重万分。空印文书之重有三,一来这些空印文书反映的是明朝地方赋税情况,关乎国家财政大计,本身意义就极为重要;二来被牵扯入空印案的官吏,上至中央户部官员,下至地方佐贰,层次不一,凡涉案官吏均受到严厉惩处,见其所受刑罚之重;三来空印案对明代文书用印制度的完善、官吏的严酷管理、政治制度的改革都有着深远的影响,其实质是明代中央集权的进一步强化,意义不可谓不重。 展开更多
关键词 空印 空印文书 用印制度 官吏管理
读《明史·循吏·方克勤传》——兼考明初空印案发生年代 被引量:1
作者 刘孔伏 潘良炽 《浙江师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 1987年第1期89-92,共4页
关键词 方孝孺 空印 朱元璋 明史 于洪武 循吏 秉笔直书 诬告 贪污案 发生时间
作者 张玉 《秘书》 1995年第9期41-41,共1页
明初,公文制度极不健全,各种作弊现象十分严重,且无法可依,难以依法惩处。作弊最通常的手法是滞文,以各种借口拖延审批,以图从中取利。作弊另一严重问题是普遍伪造公文。洪武十五年,朱元璋发现上京接受考察的官吏绝大多数都身带各类已... 明初,公文制度极不健全,各种作弊现象十分严重,且无法可依,难以依法惩处。作弊最通常的手法是滞文,以各种借口拖延审批,以图从中取利。作弊另一严重问题是普遍伪造公文。洪武十五年,朱元璋发现上京接受考察的官吏绝大多数都身带各类已经加盖公章的空白公文,遇上级驳查,立即改填重报。为此,朱元璋大怒,认为这是极其严重的欺诈行为,并处死了一批持此类公文的官员,是为著名的“空印案”。洪武三十年。 展开更多
关键词 朱元璋 空印 伪造公文 作弊现象 依法惩处 假记录 大屯煤电公司 明政府 《大明律》 “假”
作者 金钊 《景德镇陶瓷》 2013年第5期12-13,共2页
关键词 原创 “简约”设计 空印”陶瓷包装
作者 孙达人 《陕西师大学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1980年第2期105-105,共1页
明洪武年间,大案迭起。其中较早的一宗就是“空印案”。今之论者以《明史·刑法志》的记载为据,认为此案发作于洪武十五年。这是不正确的。首先,《国榷》卷六洪武九年闰九月丙午怀庆知府林方徵上言曰:“……又去年诸行省官吏悉坐空... 明洪武年间,大案迭起。其中较早的一宗就是“空印案”。今之论者以《明史·刑法志》的记载为据,认为此案发作于洪武十五年。这是不正确的。首先,《国榷》卷六洪武九年闰九月丙午怀庆知府林方徵上言曰:“……又去年诸行省官吏悉坐空印被罪,而河南参政安然,山东参政朱芾反得升擢,朝廷赏罚有失明信,何示劝惩?”可见,此案实发生于洪武八年。其次,济宁知府方克勤是“空印案”的涉及者。他的儿子方孝孺写的《先府君行状》载,方克勤“(洪武)八年……得罪,谪口浦。 展开更多
关键词 空印 于洪武 刑法志 洪武年间 明史 参政 方孝孺 知府 不正确 行省
明初空印案发生年代考 被引量:1
作者 陈梧桐 《历史研究》 1982年第3期66-66,共1页
空印案是明太祖朱元璋惩治贪污、专杀立威的一个重大案件,它牵连很广,被杀者达数百人,受杖戍边者又数千人。但《明太祖实录》和《明史·太祖纪》对此均无只字言及。它究竟发生在哪一年,后来的一些史学家说法不一。吴晗的《朱元璋传... 空印案是明太祖朱元璋惩治贪污、专杀立威的一个重大案件,它牵连很广,被杀者达数百人,受杖戍边者又数千人。但《明太祖实录》和《明史·太祖纪》对此均无只字言及。它究竟发生在哪一年,后来的一些史学家说法不一。吴晗的《朱元璋传》主洪武十五年(一三八二年)说,孟森的《明清史讲义》及李光璧的《明朝史略》却持洪武九年(一三七六年)说,哪一种说法正确呢? 洪武十五年说,本自《明史》卷九四《刑法志二》:"先是十五年空印事发……"",言似有据。但《明史》卷一三九《郑士利传附方微传》又记方徵在怀庆知府任上曾上书为空印案诉冤,因而被贬为沁阳驿丞,后在洪武十三年"以事逮至京,卒。"可见此案的发生年代当在洪武十三年之前,十五年之说实误。 展开更多
关键词 空印 明太祖 朱元璋 十三年 于洪武 明史 惩治贪污 重大案件 明清史 刑法志
《上海集邮》 1994年第1期7-7,共1页
关键词 辽宁省 空印 绿洲 防印 沙洲 印刷厂 邮电
Direct Synthesis of Monodisperse Hollow Molecularly Imprinted Polymers Based on Unfunctionalized SiO2 for the Recognition of Bisphenol A 被引量:1
作者 Shao-min Liu Meng-xing Wei +1 位作者 Xin Fu Xue-bin Zhang 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第2期229-237,246,共10页
A novel and effective approach was developed to synthesize monodisperse hollow molecularly imprinted polymers (MHMIPs) with unfunctionalized SiO2 spheres in a mixture of toluene and CH3CN. The factors that affected ... A novel and effective approach was developed to synthesize monodisperse hollow molecularly imprinted polymers (MHMIPs) with unfunctionalized SiO2 spheres in a mixture of toluene and CH3CN. The factors that affected the synthesis of MHMIPs were systematically investigated. It was determined that a suitable ratio of toluene to CH3CN and the use of a functional monomer that can generate double H-bonding interactions were the critical factors to obtain MHMIPs with high uniformity and rnonodispersion. The obtained MHMIPs exhibited a fast adsorption rate and high adsorption capacity (270 μmol/g) for bisphenol A. As the shell thickness increased from 90 nm to 130 nm, the binding capacity of the imprinted shells decreased gradually. The relative selectivity coefficients of MHMIPs for tetra-brornobisphenol A (TBBPA), phenol and p-tert-butylphenol (PTBP) were calculated as 1.53, 1.83 and 1.90, respectively. These findings indicate that MHMIPs have good adsorption performances and suggest applications in the selective removal or sensitive analysis of bisphenol A. 展开更多
关键词 Hollow molecularly imprint Molecular recognition Nanostructured polymers Bisphenol A
Temporal Variations in Carbon Stock of Pinus roxburghii Sargent Forests of Himachal Pradesh,India 被引量:2
作者 Shipra SHAH Dharam Prakash SHARMA +2 位作者 Nazir A.PALA Priyanka TRIPATHI Munesh KUMAR 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第4期959-966,共8页
The present study was conducted in Solan Forest Division of Himachal Pradesh covering an area of about 57,158 ha. The aim was to estimate and assess the temporal change in carbon stock of the Chil Working Circle, in t... The present study was conducted in Solan Forest Division of Himachal Pradesh covering an area of about 57,158 ha. The aim was to estimate and assess the temporal change in carbon stock of the Chil Working Circle, in two forest ranges of the Division, Solan and Dharampur, over the period of 1956-2011. The inventory data of the working plans of Solan Forest Division from 1956-1957, 1984-1985 and 2002-2003 were used in the present study while field data for biomass estimation was collected for the year 2011.The results showed a declining trend in carbon stock over 1956-1984 period, however, an increasing trend over 1984-2002 was observed, which showed a further increase for the period 2002-2011. These fluctuating trends in the forest carbon stock can be related to increasing anthropogenic pressure on forests and the subsequent introduction of a ban on green felling envisaging efficient forest management, both of which affect the forest carbon pool significantly. 展开更多
关键词 Carbon stock Temporal change CLIMATECHANGE Forest inventory
Spatial Variability of Mass Movements in the Satluj Valley,Himachal Pradesh during 1990~2006 被引量:2
作者 Vikram GUPTA M.P.SAH 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2008年第1期38-51,共14页
Satluj Valley is known to have a history of landslides and related mass movement activities since the geological times. Geological and geomorphological settings combined with anthropogenic activities constitute a prop... Satluj Valley is known to have a history of landslides and related mass movement activities since the geological times. Geological and geomorphological settings combined with anthropogenic activities constitute a propensity towards slope failure. During the last two decades,the area witnessed substantial increase in athropogenic pressure,mainly due to the exploitation of hydropower potential,changing landuse pattern and population growth. In addition,a shift of the climatic patterns in the form of larger area falling under the influence of rains was observed. These natural as well as anthropogenic changes in the area have resulted in increased spatial coverage of landslide in the area. This paper documents these changes during 1990~2006. 展开更多
关键词 LANDSLIDES Mass movement Satluj Valley Himachal Pradesh INDIA
Comparisons of the temperature and humidity profiles of reanalysis products with shipboard GPS sounding measurements obtained during the 2018 Eastern Indian Ocean Open Cruise 被引量:4
作者 WANG Lei BAO Qing +4 位作者 LI Jinxiao WANG Dongxiao LIU Yimin WU Guoxiong WU Xiaofei 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2019年第3期177-183,共7页
It is important to be able to characterize the thermal conditions over the equatorial Indian Ocean for both weather forecasting and climate prediction. This study compared the equatorial eastern Indian Ocean (EEIO) te... It is important to be able to characterize the thermal conditions over the equatorial Indian Ocean for both weather forecasting and climate prediction. This study compared the equatorial eastern Indian Ocean (EEIO) temperature and relative humidity profiles from three reanalysis products (JRA-55, MERRA2, and FGOALS-f2) with shipboard global positioning system (GPS) sounding measurements obtained during the Eastern Indian Ocean Open Cruise in spring 2018. The FGOALS-f2 reanalysis product is based on the initialization module of a sub-seasonal to seasonal prediction system with a nudging-based data assimilation method. The results indicated that:(1) both JRA-55 and MERRA2 were reliable in characterizing the temperature profile from 850 to 600 hPa, with a maximum deviation of about <0.5℃. Both datasets showed a large negative deviation below 825 hPa, with a maximum bias of about 2℃ at 1000 hPa and 1.5℃ at 900 hPa, respectively.(2) JRA-55 showed good performance in characterizing the relative humidity profile above 850 hPa, with a maximum deviation of < 8%, while it showed much wetter conditions below 850 hPa. MERRA2 overestimated the relative humidity in the middle to lower troposphere, with a maximum deviation of about 15% at 925 hPa.(3) The FGOALS-f2 reanalysis product more accurately reproduced the temperature profile in the marine atmospheric boundary layer over the EEIO than that in JRA-55 and MERRA2, but showed much wetter conditions than the GPS sounding observations, with a maximum deviation of up to 20% at 600 hPa. Future applications of GPS sounding datasets are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 GPS sounding measurements equatorial eastern Indian Ocean temperature and humidity profiles reanalysis datasets characterization of performance
Digital Watermark-based Security Technology for Geo-spatial Graphics Data 被引量:2
作者 JIA Peihong CHEN Yunzhen +1 位作者 MA Jinsong ZHU Dakui 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2006年第3期276-281,共6页
The paper presents a set of techniques of digital watermarking by which copyright and user rights messages are hidden into geo-spatial graphics data,as well as techniques of compressing and encrypting the watermarked ... The paper presents a set of techniques of digital watermarking by which copyright and user rights messages are hidden into geo-spatial graphics data,as well as techniques of compressing and encrypting the watermarked geo-spatial graphics data.The technology aims at tracing and resisting the illegal distribution and duplication of the geo-spatial graphics data product,so as to effectively protect the data producer's rights as well as to facilitate the secure sharing of geo-spatial graphics data.So far in the CIS field throughout the world,few researches have been made on digital watermarking.The research is a novel exploration both in the field of security management of geo-spatial graphics data and in the applications of digital watermarking technique.An application software employing the proposed technology has been developed.A number of experimental tests on the 1:500,000 digital bathymetric chart of the South China Sea and 1:10,000 digital topographic map of Jiangsu Province have been conducted to verify the feasibility of the proposed technology. 展开更多
关键词 geo-spatial graphics data copyright protection digital watermarking stego carrier data encrypting
Space-Time Characteristic Analysis of Wind Field over the South Indian Ocean 被引量:2
作者 佟凯 刘金芳 +2 位作者 闫明 李颜 杨亮 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2003年第2期5-13,共9页
According to the ship observation data over the South Indian Ocean during 1950 1995, taking 1°× 1° and 5°× 5°grid, the characteristics and variation rule of wind are analyzed. Through ana... According to the ship observation data over the South Indian Ocean during 1950 1995, taking 1°× 1° and 5°× 5°grid, the characteristics and variation rule of wind are analyzed. Through analyzing the chart of isopleths of the monthly elements, the conclusion that the seasonal variation of the wind field over the South Indian Ocean is less remarkable than that in the oceans of the Northern Hemisphere is got. The seasonal variation of the wind field is also obvious in this region, but the seasonal difference is little. The wind in winter is stronger than in summer, correspondingly, the average wind speed is higher, and the frequencies of gale of forces ≥ 6 and 8 are also higher. The north of 10°S is a monsoon area; Southeast wind prevails all over the year in the rest of the trade wind area; Westerly wind dominates in the south of 40°S. This paper provides specific data of wind field and variation for ship ocean transportation, ocean-going visits and scientific experiment. 展开更多
关键词 South Indian Ocean Pressure field Wind field
Color control of the multi-color printing device 被引量:5
作者 WANG Xiao-hua XIU Xiao-jie +1 位作者 ZHU Wen-hua TANG Hong-jun 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第7期1187-1192,共6页
Conventional color-printing systems often use inks of three hues, such as CMY, CMYK and CMYKLcLm, but in order to obtain more realistic color reproductions, the ink set of more than three hues has been adopted by some... Conventional color-printing systems often use inks of three hues, such as CMY, CMYK and CMYKLcLm, but in order to obtain more realistic color reproductions, the ink set of more than three hues has been adopted by some color-printing systems. It is difficult, however, to model the composed color with the multiple inks when the number of the output ink hues exceeds three due to the none-unique mapping between the color spaces of the CIE Lab and the multi-color printing device. In this paper, we propose a fine color-printing method for multi-color printing device with the ink set of more than three hues. The proposed approach has good color expression ability and provides fine control of the printed color. By dividing the output color space into several subspaces, our method allows one-to-one mapping between the standard color space and the multi-color output color space. It has been proved effective when applied to the digital inkjet printer—Mutoh8000. 展开更多
关键词 Multi-color printing device Color gamut Color space Digital inkjet printer
Generalized Variational Inequalities and Wiener-Hopf Equations in Hilbert Spaces
作者 SHANG Mei-juan WANG Zhi-guo 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 2011年第2期164-169,共6页
In this paper,we consider the solvability of generalized variational inequalities involving multi-valued relaxed monotone operators in the framework of Hilbert spaces.Our results mainly improve the corresponding resul... In this paper,we consider the solvability of generalized variational inequalities involving multi-valued relaxed monotone operators in the framework of Hilbert spaces.Our results mainly improve the corresponding results announced by Verma[R U Verma,Generalized variational inequalities involving multivalued relaxed monotone operators,Appl Math Lett,1997,10:107-109]and many others. 展开更多
关键词 variational inequality Hilbert space relaxed(γ r)-cocoercive mapping
3D parallel inversion of time-domain airborne EM data 被引量:2
作者 Liu Yun-He Yin Chang-Chun +1 位作者 Ren Xiu-Yan Qiu Chang-Kai 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第4期701-711,740,共12页
To improve the inversion accuracy of time-domain airborne electromagnetic data, we propose a parallel 3D inversion algorithm for airborne EM data based on the direct Gauss-Newton optimization. Forward modeling is perf... To improve the inversion accuracy of time-domain airborne electromagnetic data, we propose a parallel 3D inversion algorithm for airborne EM data based on the direct Gauss-Newton optimization. Forward modeling is performed in the frequency domain based on the scattered secondary electrical field. Then, the inverse Fourier transform and convolution of the transmitting waveform are used to calculate the EM responses and the sensitivity matrix in the time domain for arbitrary transmitting waves. To optimize the computational time and memory requirements, we use the EM "footprint" concept to reduce the model size and obtain the sparse sensitivity matrix. To improve the 3D inversion, we use the OpenMP library and parallel computing. We test the proposed 3D parallel inversion code using two synthetic datasets and a field dataset. The time-domain airborne EM inversion results suggest that the proposed algorithm is effective, efficient, and practical. 展开更多
关键词 airborne EM time domain three-dimensional inversion FOOTPRINT parallel computing
Microscopic Halftone Image Segmentation
作者 王永刚 杨杰 丁永生 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2004年第5期83-87,共5页
Microscopic halftone image recognition and analysis can provide quantitative evidence for printing quality control and fault diagnosis of printing devices, while halftone image segmentation is one of the significant s... Microscopic halftone image recognition and analysis can provide quantitative evidence for printing quality control and fault diagnosis of printing devices, while halftone image segmentation is one of the significant steps during the procedure. Automatic segmentation on microscopic dots by the aid of the Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) method that takes account of the fuzziness of halftone image and utilizes its color information adequately is realized. Then some examples show the technique effective and simple with better performance of noise immunity than some usual methods. In addition, the segmentation results obtained by the FCM in different color spaces are compared, which indicates that the method using the FCM in the f 1f 2f 3 color space is superior to the rest. 展开更多
关键词 image segmentation color halftone printing FCM color space
Pyrolysis kinetics and TG-FTIR analysis of waste epoxy printed circuit boards 被引量:4
作者 湛志华 丘克强 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第2期331-336,共6页
Thermal decomposition of waste epoxy PCBs was performed in different atmospheres (nitrogen, argon, air and vacuum) at a heating rate of 10 ℃/rain by DSC-TGA, and the pyrolysis characteristic was analyzed. The gases... Thermal decomposition of waste epoxy PCBs was performed in different atmospheres (nitrogen, argon, air and vacuum) at a heating rate of 10 ℃/rain by DSC-TGA, and the pyrolysis characteristic was analyzed. The gases volatilized from the experiment were qualitatively analyzed by TG-FTIR. Kinetics study shows that pyrolysis reaction takes place between 300 and 400℃, and the activation energies are 256, 212 and 186.2 kJ/mol in nitrogen, argon and vacuum, respectively. There are two mass-loss processes in the decomposition under air atmosphere. In the first mass-loss process, the decomposition is the main reaction, and in the second process, the oxidation is the main reaction. The activation energy of the second mass-loss process is 99.6 kJ/mol by isothermal heat-treatments. TG-FTIR analysis shows carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen bromide, phenol and substituent phenol are given off during the pyrolysis of waste epoxy PCBs. 展开更多
关键词 PYROLYSIS KINETICS WASTE printed circuit boards
Correlation between Ozone and Total VOCs in Printing Environment 被引量:3
作者 Kiurski Jelena Adamovie Dragan Oros Ivana Krstie Jelena Adamovie Savka Vojinovie Miloradov Mirjana Kovacevic Ilija 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2011年第5期423-428,共6页
In this study, indoor air quality (IAQ) assessments were carried out in a screen printing facility. The air sampling was conducted in press department, including two different types of screen printing machines: sem... In this study, indoor air quality (IAQ) assessments were carried out in a screen printing facility. The air sampling was conducted in press department, including two different types of screen printing machines: semi-automatic and automatic. Air samples were collected and analyzed in situ for 4 times, once per 2 hours, during working time of 8 hours. Analysis of the experimental data showed that ambient ozone concentrations slowly increases with the increasing of TVOCs concentration and intensive use of UV lamps during automatic screen printing process. Therefore, the detected concentration levels of ozone and VOCs were compared with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Serbian Regulation. Comparison of the two mentioned standard regulations, the ozone concentrations in indoor printing air were from 0.83 to 8.1 and 2.4 to 16.2 times higher in the relation to the prescribed PEL and maximum allowed concentration (MAC) values, respectively, while the concentrations of particular VOCs were much below the PEL prescribed by the OSHA. 展开更多
关键词 OZONE total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs) screen printing process printing environment.
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