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基于温度和空气动力学的海河流域潜在蒸散发量估算方法的适用性 被引量:3
作者 赵玲玲 夏军 +1 位作者 许崇育 陈燕乔 《水电能源科学》 北大核心 2015年第6期1-5,共5页
针对潜在蒸散发量估算方法众多但缺乏统一评价的问题,基于海河流域46个国家气象站点1960~2010年日气象数据序列,以Penman-Monteith方法估算量和蒸发皿蒸发量为基准,从估算量与蒸发皿蒸发量的相关性、年均值空间变化特征、年内四季空间... 针对潜在蒸散发量估算方法众多但缺乏统一评价的问题,基于海河流域46个国家气象站点1960~2010年日气象数据序列,以Penman-Monteith方法估算量和蒸发皿蒸发量为基准,从估算量与蒸发皿蒸发量的相关性、年均值空间变化特征、年内四季空间变化特征和年际变化趋势四个方面,开展六种基于温度和空气动力学的潜在蒸散发量估算方法及Penman-Monteith法在海河流域的适用性讨论。结果表明,PenmanMonteith方法在整个流域适用性较强;六种基于温度和空气动力学的方法中,Kaharrafa方法和Blaney-Criddle方法在多年均值和年际变化趋势上估算效果较好,但在年内四季分布上却不太好,Penman和Rower方法在多年均值和年内四季分布方面适用性较强,但估算的年际变化趋势与蒸发皿蒸发量不一致。由于各方法考虑的气象因子及各因子对估算量的影响程度不同,基于温度和空气动力学方法仅考虑单一气象要素,只能反映某一方面的变化。 展开更多
关键词 潜在蒸散发 Penman-Monteith方法 基于温度方法 基于空气动力学方法 适用性 海河流域
农田N_2O通量测定方法分析 被引量:5
作者 李俊 于沪宁 +1 位作者 于强 谢贤群 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 2002年第2期377-385,共9页
采用空气动力学方法、波文比 /能量平衡法及密闭箱法结合气相色谱分析对农田N2 O通量进行了测定。在夏天和秋天观测前的 1~ 2周 ,148和 10 9kgNhm-2 肥料被分别施入夏玉米田和冬小麦田。实验表明 :空气动力学法与波文比 /能量平衡法测... 采用空气动力学方法、波文比 /能量平衡法及密闭箱法结合气相色谱分析对农田N2 O通量进行了测定。在夏天和秋天观测前的 1~ 2周 ,148和 10 9kgNhm-2 肥料被分别施入夏玉米田和冬小麦田。实验表明 :空气动力学法与波文比 /能量平衡法测定的N2 O通量在冬小麦田较为接近 ,在夏玉米田则相差较大。夏玉米冠层上方温湿梯度的细微变化可导致能量平衡法计算的N2 O通量发生较大离散 ,从而与空气动力学法的计算结果产生较大偏差。观测期间 ,微气象法和密闭箱法测定的农田N2 O日平均通量在夏玉米田分别为 18± 37和 8± 5ngNm-2 ·s-1;在冬小麦田分别为 43± 2 1和 6± 1ngNm-2 ·s-1。微气象法测定的农田N2 O通量高于密闭箱法的观测值 ,由此推测作物冠层可释放N2O ,其机制可能是土壤中生成的N2 O被作物的蒸腾液流输送到大气中。微气象法和密闭箱法测定的N2 O通量间的差异在冬小麦田大于夏玉米田 ,表明冬小麦释放N2 O的量大于夏玉米。这可能是冬小麦根系分布较夏玉米深的缘故。采用密闭箱法观测时 ,箱内气温发生变化 ,半小时内最高可增加10℃ ,因地温变化小 ,其对土壤中N2 O的生成并无显著影响。由于密闭箱法观测忽略或低估了植物释放的N2 O ,且箱内的边界层阻力可能高于箱外 ,其测定的地表N2 O通量偏小。 展开更多
关键词 N2O通量 空气动力学方法 波文比/能量平衡法 密闭箱法 冬小麦 夏玉米 边界层阻力 一氧化二氮
不同生态系统CO_2通量和浓度特征分析研究 被引量:19
作者 李婧 刘树华 +5 位作者 茅宇豪 张称意 刘立超 梁福明 辛国君 王建华 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第5期1298-1307,共10页
本文利用1993~1994年日本国家农业环境研究所与中国科学院沙漠研究所合作在内蒙古奈曼地区实测的7种不同生态系统(沙丘、轻度放牧草原、中度放牧草原、重度放牧草原、无放牧草原、玉米田和大豆田)的净辐射、土壤热通量、两个高度的CO... 本文利用1993~1994年日本国家农业环境研究所与中国科学院沙漠研究所合作在内蒙古奈曼地区实测的7种不同生态系统(沙丘、轻度放牧草原、中度放牧草原、重度放牧草原、无放牧草原、玉米田和大豆田)的净辐射、土壤热通量、两个高度的CO2浓度、温度、湿度和风速等资料,采用空气动力学方法,计算了CO2通量及其与环境和人为干扰因子的关系,并分析了不同下垫面的光合作用特征.结果表明:各种下垫面CO2通量的共同特点是:在白天,CO2通量和梯度的输送方向是从大气向植被,在中午(11-13时)输送达到负的最大值;在夜间,CO2通量和梯度输送方向与白天相反,是从植被向大气,在早晨(3~5时)达到正的最大值.植被覆盖率及生物量不同的下垫面光合作用强度有明显差异,天气状况对光合作用也有一定影响. 展开更多
关键词 不同生态系统 不同放牧强度 CO2通量和浓度 空气动力学方法 环境和人为因子
南极中山站附近冰盖近地面层湍流参数的观测研究 被引量:5
作者 林忠 卞林根 +1 位作者 马永锋 逯昌贵 《极地研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期221-233,共13页
利用2007/2008年中国第24次南极考察队在南极中山站附近冰盖上观测试验获得的湍流脉动及相关资料,对原始资料通过坐标旋转订正后,应用涡动相关法计算分析了冰盖近地面层的湍流强度(I)、稳定度参数(z/L)、摩擦速度(u*)、拖曳系数(Cd)、... 利用2007/2008年中国第24次南极考察队在南极中山站附近冰盖上观测试验获得的湍流脉动及相关资料,对原始资料通过坐标旋转订正后,应用涡动相关法计算分析了冰盖近地面层的湍流强度(I)、稳定度参数(z/L)、摩擦速度(u*)、拖曳系数(Cd)、地表粗糙度(z0)及动量通量(τ)和感热通量(H),并与空气动力学方法的计算结果进行对比。结果表明,Louis方案能够较好地模拟近地面层湍流通量;在平均状态下,全天雪面以感热形式从大气获得净的能量;近中性层结下地表粗糙度z0为4.54×10-4m,拖曳系数Cd=1.7×10-3,在非中性条件下,稳定度越小Cd越大,反之,则稳定度越大Cd越小。 展开更多
关键词 南极 中山站 湍流特征参数 湍流通量 涡动相关法 空气动力学方法
宁南退耕还草区近地面的湍流通量特征研究 被引量:3
作者 张晓煜 王连喜 +3 位作者 刘静 苏占胜 李凤霞 袁海燕 《高原气象》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第6期988-993,共6页
根据Monin-Obukhov相似性理论,运用空气动力学方法和能量平衡法,结合2002—2003年小气候资料,分别分析了宁夏南部山区(下称宁南)退耕还草区湍流通量和地表通量(净辐射、感热、潜热和土壤热通量)的分布和季节变化特征,为宁南退耕还草区... 根据Monin-Obukhov相似性理论,运用空气动力学方法和能量平衡法,结合2002—2003年小气候资料,分别分析了宁夏南部山区(下称宁南)退耕还草区湍流通量和地表通量(净辐射、感热、潜热和土壤热通量)的分布和季节变化特征,为宁南退耕还草区陆面过程的认识、数值模拟和气候分析提供理论参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 退耕还草区 动量通量 湍流通量特征 小气候 空气动力学方法 能量平衡法 宁夏 数值模拟
不同人为干扰地表条件下湍流通量特征的研究 被引量:1
作者 李婧 刘树华 茅宇豪 《自然科学进展》 北大核心 2006年第6期697-704,共8页
利用1993至1994年日本国家农业环境研究所与中国科学院沙漠研究所合作在内蒙古奈曼地区实测的8种下垫面(沙丘、草地、4种放牧强度的草原、玉米田、大豆田)的净辐射、土壤热通量、2个高度的温度、相对湿度和风速等微气象资料,分别采用Bo... 利用1993至1994年日本国家农业环境研究所与中国科学院沙漠研究所合作在内蒙古奈曼地区实测的8种下垫面(沙丘、草地、4种放牧强度的草原、玉米田、大豆田)的净辐射、土壤热通量、2个高度的温度、相对湿度和风速等微气象资料,分别采用Bowen比法和空气动力学方法计算了不同下垫面的感热通量和潜热通量,并将两种方法的计算结果作了比较.结果表明:采用空气动力学方法计算的感热通量与Bowen比法的计算结果相比有偏大趋势,且随稳定度参数Richardson数Ri的减小,两者的差增大.在植被较多的下垫面,两种方法计算的感热通量相关性较好.对于潜热通量,植被覆盖率越大的下垫面,空气动力学方法的计算结果偏小越多. 展开更多
关键词 不同下垫面 Bowen比法 空气动力学方法 感热和潜热通量
一块油松人工林夏日的净光合速率 被引量:1
作者 马钦彦 《北京林业学院学报》 1984年第1期40-47,共8页
油松(Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.)在华北分布广泛,解放后又营建了大面积人工林。研究油松生态系统的组成、结构和生产力,在林业理论和生产实践上都有重要意义。 绿色植物固定光能还原CO_2的过程是一切生态系统初级生产的基本过程。因此... 油松(Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.)在华北分布广泛,解放后又营建了大面积人工林。研究油松生态系统的组成、结构和生产力,在林业理论和生产实践上都有重要意义。 绿色植物固定光能还原CO_2的过程是一切生态系统初级生产的基本过程。因此,群体光合速率问题必然成为研究森林生产力的基础。 展开更多
关键词 油松人工林 夏日 净光合速率 空气动力学方法
Numerical Simulation of Wind Turbine Blade-Tower Interaction 被引量:15
作者 Qiang Wang Hu Zhou Decheng Wan 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2012年第3期321-327,共7页
Numerical simulations of wind turbine blade-tower interaction by using the open source OpenFOAM tools coupled with arbitrary mesh interface (AMI) method were presented. The governing equations were the unsteady Reyn... Numerical simulations of wind turbine blade-tower interaction by using the open source OpenFOAM tools coupled with arbitrary mesh interface (AMI) method were presented. The governing equations were the unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) which were solved by the pimpleDyMFoam solver, and the AMI method was employed to handle mesh movements. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) phase VI wind turbine in upwind configuration was selected for numerical tests with different incoming wind speeds (5, 10, 15, and 25 m/s) at a fixed blade pitch and constant rotational speed. Detailed numerical results of vortex structure, time histories of thrust, and pressure distribution on the blade and tower were presented. The findings show that the wind turbine tower has little effect on the whole aerodynamic performance of an upwind wind turbine, while the rotating rotor will induce an obvious cyclic drop in the front pressure of the tower. Also, strong interaction of blade tip vortices with separation from the tower was observed. 展开更多
关键词 NREL phase VI wind turbine pimpleDyMFoam arbitrary mesh interface (AMI) blade-towerinteraction
Modeling and analysis of moving-mass actuated stratospheric airship 被引量:1
作者 周革 Chen Li Dong Qi 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2013年第2期145-149,共5页
A moving-mass control method is introduced to stratospheric airship for its special working condition of low atmospheric density and low speed.The dynamic equation of airship is derived by using the Newton-Euler metho... A moving-mass control method is introduced to stratospheric airship for its special working condition of low atmospheric density and low speed.The dynamic equation of airship is derived by using the Newton-Euler method and the mechanism of attitude control by moving masses is studied.Then the passive gliding of airship by the moving masses is given based on the theory of glider,and attitude control capability between moving mass and elevator is compared at different airspeed.Analysis results show that the motion of masses changes the gravity center of the airship system,which makes the inertia tensor and the gravity moment vary.Meanwhile,the aerodynamic angles are generated,which results in the change of aerodynamic moment.Control efficiency of moving masses is independent of airspeed.Thus the moving-mass control has the advantage over the aerodynamic surfaces at low airspeed. 展开更多
关键词 stratospheric airship moving masses attitude control GLIDING control efficiency
Mathematical Model for Takeoff Simulation of a Wing in Proximity to the Ground
作者 Omer Kemal Kinaci 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 CSCD 2016年第2期136-143,共8页
Aircraft flying close to the ground benefit from enhanced efficiency owing to decreased induced drag and increased lift. In this study, a mathematical model is developed to simulate the takeoff of a wing near the grou... Aircraft flying close to the ground benefit from enhanced efficiency owing to decreased induced drag and increased lift. In this study, a mathematical model is developed to simulate the takeoff of a wing near the ground using an Iterative Boundary Element Method (IBEM) and the finite difference scheme. Two stand-alone sub-codes and a mother code, which enables communication between the sub-codes, are developed to solve for the self-excitation of the Wing-In-Ground (WIG) effect. The aerodynamic force exerted on the wing is calculated by the first sub-code using the IBEM, and the vertical displacement of the wing is calculated by the second sub-code using the finite difference scheme. The mother code commands the two sub-codes and can solve for the aerodynamics of the wing and operating height within seconds. The developed code system is used to solve for the force, velocity, and displacement of an NACA6409 wing at a 4° Angle of Attack (AoA) which has various numerical and experimental studies in the literature. The effects of thickness and AoA are then investigated and conclusions were drawn with respect to generated results. The proposed model provides a practical method for understanding the flight dynamics and it is specifically beneficial at the pre-design stages of a WIG effect craft. 展开更多
关键词 wing-in-ground effect ground proximity flightdynamics iterative boundary element method mathematical model takeoff simulation
Aerodynamic Noise Propagation Simulation using Immersed Boundary Method and Finite Volume Optimized Prefactored Compact Scheme 被引量:3
作者 Min LIU Keqi WU 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第4期361-367,共7页
Based on the immersed boundary method (IBM) and the finite volume optimized pre-factored compact (FVOPC) scheme, a numerical simulation of noise propagation inside and outside the casing of a cross flow fan is est... Based on the immersed boundary method (IBM) and the finite volume optimized pre-factored compact (FVOPC) scheme, a numerical simulation of noise propagation inside and outside the casing of a cross flow fan is estab- lished. The unsteady linearized Euler equations are solved to directly simulate the aero-acoustic field. In order to validate the FVOPC scheme, a simulation case: one dimensional linear wave propagation problem is carried out using FVOPC scheme, DRP scheme and HOC scheme. The result of FVOPC is in good agreement with the ana- lytic solution and it is better than the results of DRP and HOC schemes, the FVOPC is less dispersion and dissi- pation than DRP and HOC schemes. Then, numerical simulation of noise propagation problems is performed. The noise field of 36 compact rotating noise sources is obtained with the rotating velocity of 1000r/min. The PML absorbing boundary condition is applied to the sound far field boundary condition for depressing the numerical reflection. Wall boundary condition is applied to the casing. The results show that there are reflections on the casing wall and sound wave interference in the field. The FVOPC with the IBM is suitable for noise propagation problems under the complex geometries for depressing the dispersion and dissipation, and also keeping the high order precision. 展开更多
关键词 immersed boundary method finite volume optimized prefactored compact scheme noise
Analysis of the Water Film Behavior and its Breakup on Profile using Experimental and Numerical Methods 被引量:3
作者 Tomas MUZIK Pavel SAFARIK Antonín TUCEK 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第4期325-331,共7页
This paper deals with the description of water film behaviour on the airfoil NACA0012 using experimental and numerical methods. Properties of the water film on the profile and its breakup into droplets behind the prof... This paper deals with the description of water film behaviour on the airfoil NACA0012 using experimental and numerical methods. Properties of the water film on the profile and its breakup into droplets behind the profile are investigated in the aerodynamic tunnel and using CFD methods. The characteristic parameters of the water film, like its thickness and shape for different flow modes are described. Hereafter are described droplets drifted by the air, which water film is broken behind the profile. 展开更多
关键词 NACA0012 profile water film droplets BREAKUP CFD
Aerodynamic design optimization by using a continuous adjoint method 被引量:7
作者 LUO JiaQi XIONG JunTao LIU Feng 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第7期1363-1375,共13页
This paper presents the fundamentals of a continuous adjoint method and the applications of this method to the aerodynamic design optimization of both external and internal flows.General formulation of the continuous ... This paper presents the fundamentals of a continuous adjoint method and the applications of this method to the aerodynamic design optimization of both external and internal flows.General formulation of the continuous adjoint equations and the corresponding boundary conditions are derived.With the adjoint method,the complete gradient information needed in the design optimization can be obtained by solving the governing flow equations and the corresponding adjoint equations only once for each cost function,regardless of the number of design parameters.An inverse design of airfoil is firstly performed to study the accuracy of the adjoint gradient and the effectiveness of the adjoint method as an inverse design method.Then the method is used to perform a series of single and multiple point design optimization problems involving the drag reduction of airfoil,wing,and wing-body configuration,and the aerodynamic performance improvement of turbine and compressor blade rows.The results demonstrate that the continuous adjoint method can efficiently and significantly improve the aerodynamic performance of the design in a shape optimization problem. 展开更多
关键词 continuous adjoint method aerodynamic design optimization transonic flow computational fluid dynamics aerospace engineering
Numerical method of static aeroelastic correction and jig-shape design for large airliners 被引量:4
作者 HUANG Wei LU ZhiLiang +2 位作者 GUO TongQing XUE Fei ZHANG Miao 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第9期2447-2452,共6页
In this paper,a coupled CFD-CSD method based on N-S equations is described for static aeroelastic correction and jig-shape design of large airliners.The wing structural flexibility matrix is analyzed by a finite eleme... In this paper,a coupled CFD-CSD method based on N-S equations is described for static aeroelastic correction and jig-shape design of large airliners.The wing structural flexibility matrix is analyzed by a finite element method with a double-beam model.The viscous multi-block structured grid is used in aerodynamic calculations.Flexibility matrix interpolation is fulfilled by use of a surface spline method.The load distributions on wing surface are evaluated by solving N-S equations with a parallel algorithm.A flexibility approach is employed to calculate the structural deformations.By successive iterations between steady aerodynamic forces and structural deformations,a coupled CFD-CSD method is achieved for the static aeroelastic correction and jig-shape design of a large airliner.The present method is applied to the static aeroelastic analysis and jig-shape design for a typical large airliner with engine nacelle and winglet.The numerical results indicate that calculations of static aeroelastic correction should employ tightly coupled CFD-CSD iterations,and that on a given cruise shape only one round of iterative design is needed to obtain the jig-shape meeting design requirements. 展开更多
关键词 N-S equations large airliner static aeroelasticity flexibility matrix jig-shape
Linear Unsteady Aerodynamic Forces on Vibrating Annular Cascade Blades
作者 TaketoNagasaki NobuhikoYamasaki 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2003年第2期138-143,共6页
The paper presents the formulation to compute numerically the unsteady aerodynamic forces on the vibrating annular cascade blades.The formulation is based on the finite volume method.By applying the TVD scheme to the ... The paper presents the formulation to compute numerically the unsteady aerodynamic forces on the vibrating annular cascade blades.The formulation is based on the finite volume method.By applying the TVD scheme to the linear unsteady calculations,the precise calculation of the peak of unsteady aerodynamic forces at the shock wave location like the delta function singularity becomes possible without empirical constants.As a further feature of the present paper,results of the present numerical calculation are compared with those of the double linearization theory(DLT),which assumes small unsteady and steady disturbances but the unsteady disturbances are much smaller than the steady disturbances.Since DLT requires far less computational resources than the present numerical calculation,the validation of DLT is quite important from the engineering point of view.Under the conditions of small steady disturbances,a good agreement between these two results is observed,so that the two codes are cross-validated.The comparison also reveals the limitation on the applicability of DLT. 展开更多
关键词 CFD unsteady flows CASCADE Euler equations TVD scheme.
Vehicle height and leveling control of electronically controlled air suspension using mixed logical dynamical approach 被引量:7
作者 SUN Xiao Qiang CAI Ying Feng +2 位作者 YUAN Chao Chun WANG Shao Hua CHEN Long 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第12期1814-1824,共11页
Vehicle height and leveling control of electronically controlled air suspension(ECAS) still poses theoretical challenges for researchers that have not been adequately addressed in prior research. This paper investigat... Vehicle height and leveling control of electronically controlled air suspension(ECAS) still poses theoretical challenges for researchers that have not been adequately addressed in prior research. This paper investigates the design and verification of a new controller to adjust the vehicle height and to regulate the roll and pitch angles of the vehicle body(leveling control) during the height adjustment procedures. A nonlinear mechanism model of the vehicle height adjustment system is formulated to describe the dynamic behaviors of the system. By using mixed logical dynamical(MLD) approach, a novel control strategy is proposed to adjust the vehicle height by controlling the on-off statuses of the solenoid valves directly. On this basis, a correction algorithm is also designed to regulate the durations of the on-off statuses of the solenoid valves based on pulse width modulated(PWM) technology, thus the effective leveling control of the vehicle body can be guaranteed. Finally, simulations and vehicle tests results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed control methodology. 展开更多
关键词 electronically controlled air suspension vehicle height control leveling control hybrid system mixed logical dynamical approach
Some important aspects of wind-resistant studies on long-span bridges
作者 GU Ming 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第12期3334-3343,共10页
In recent years many long-span bridges have been or are being constructed in the world, especially in China. Wind loads and responses are the key factors for their structural design. This paper introduces some importa... In recent years many long-span bridges have been or are being constructed in the world, especially in China. Wind loads and responses are the key factors for their structural design. This paper introduces some important achievements of wind-resistant studies of the author's research team on long-span bridges. First, new concepts and identification methods of aerodynamic derivatives and aerodynamic admittances were proposed. Then mechanical and aerodynamic control strategies and methods of wind-induced vibrations of long-span bridges were the great concerned problems, and valuable achievements were presented. Especially, great efforts which have been theoretically and experimentally made on rain-wind induced vibration of cables of cable-stayed bridges were described. Finally, some new progresses in computation wind engineering were introduced, and a new method for simulating an equilibrium boundary layer was put forward as well. 展开更多
关键词 long-span bridge aerodynamic derivative and admittance flutter and buffeting control rain-wind induced vibration ofstay cable computation wind engineering equilibrium boundary layer
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