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作者 鲍玉英 蒋德坤 《玉溪师范学院学报》 2011年第12期16-20,共5页
关键词 空气温度计 线性回归 F检验
作者 付云翎 陈德华 《大学物理》 北大核心 1990年第5期33-33,14,共2页
关键词 空气温度计 水银倒灌 实验
作者 冯贺山 《教学仪器与实验》 1993年第3期25-26,共2页
利用废弃的玻璃瓶、圆珠笔芯等废物,很容易自制“空气温度计”。自制的空气温度计对温度变化反应的灵敏性,可以行之有效地做多种物理实验。为培养学生的勤俭求学意识、动手能力、实验技巧,本文就空气温度计的制做和几则热学学生实验简... 利用废弃的玻璃瓶、圆珠笔芯等废物,很容易自制“空气温度计”。自制的空气温度计对温度变化反应的灵敏性,可以行之有效地做多种物理实验。为培养学生的勤俭求学意识、动手能力、实验技巧,本文就空气温度计的制做和几则热学学生实验简介如下。 一、空气温度计 1.器材:一个带软木塞的无色透明玻璃药瓶(100ml左右);两根较长、等粗、上端一侧不带气孔、半透明的空圆珠笔芯;一小条白纸(绘制刻度);一个小胶塞(粗端φ5mm左右、可用橡皮磨制);少许红水。 2.制法:(1)左手并排拿着两根空圆珠笔芯(去掉笔尖、洗净油色),端口向下,放在火柴上方加热(距火焰约15mm),端口软化(约几秒钟)时,迅速将两管的端口对接成一体(不能堵塞或有缝隙),再用火柴加热弯成图1所示S型曲管。 展开更多
关键词 空气温度计 圆珠 胶塞 热弯 温度变化 液柱 小条 吸收本领 操作过程 传热方式
作者 魏山城 《发明与革新》 1997年第10期32-33,共2页
关键词 HSD-Ⅱ型 空气温度计实验器 蛇形加热器 水银液面定位指示灯
作者 Jessie 《小学时代》 2014年第3期36-36,共1页
咖啡猫:在开始实验操作之前,让我们先来猜个谜语热热身吧! “直直一条小清河,河水从来无浪波,天热水位就上涨,天冷必定往下落.” 怎么样?你猜到了么?没错!答案正是——温度计. 今天我们要用身边的材料DIY一个简易的空气温度计. ★实验材... 咖啡猫:在开始实验操作之前,让我们先来猜个谜语热热身吧! “直直一条小清河,河水从来无浪波,天热水位就上涨,天冷必定往下落.” 怎么样?你猜到了么?没错!答案正是——温度计. 今天我们要用身边的材料DIY一个简易的空气温度计. ★实验材料: 气球,牙签,胶带,剪刀,直尺,橡皮筋,小玻璃杯,大玻璃杯(也可用瓷碗代替),记号笔 ★实验步骤: 1.用剪刀将气球从吹气口处剪断,把上半部分胶皮套在小玻璃杯杯口,拉扯四周使橡胶膜中间部分不凹陷,并用皮筋扎紧杯口. 2.用胶带将牙签黏贴在橡胶膜中央,把直尺垂直于桌面放置,使牙签像一枚指针,尖端刚好对准直尺上的刻度线. 展开更多
关键词 空气温度计 刻度值
南怀仁介绍的温度计和湿度计试析 被引量:7
作者 王冰 《自然科学史研究》 1986年第1期76-83,共8页
众所周知,近代科学的产生和发展是与科学仪器紧密相关的。十七世纪时,欧洲发明和发展了一些重要的科学仪器,如望远镜、显微镜、温度计、气压计、摆钟等等,它们作为物理学的重要仪器在观察和测量一些物理现象并研究其精密规律的过程中发... 众所周知,近代科学的产生和发展是与科学仪器紧密相关的。十七世纪时,欧洲发明和发展了一些重要的科学仪器,如望远镜、显微镜、温度计、气压计、摆钟等等,它们作为物理学的重要仪器在观察和测量一些物理现象并研究其精密规律的过程中发挥了重要作用。十七世纪六、七十年代,定量的温度计和湿度计的早期形式也在我国出现了。它们是由耶稣会传教士、比利时人南怀仁(Ferdinand Verbiest,1623-1688,1659年来华) 展开更多
关键词 液体温度计 南怀仁 湿度计 十七世纪 灵台 空气温度计 近代科学 科学仪器 试析 比利时人
作者 任志章 《湖北教育(科学课)》 1996年第3期4-4,共1页
16世纪末,欧洲的科学家开始了对测量冷热变化的研究。1593年,伽利略根据他的一个学生的意见,制造了一个空气温度计,用空气的热胀冷缩来感知温度变化,这个测温器的原物已不存在,右图是照现存于佛罗伦萨科学技术博物馆的模型画的。除了伽... 16世纪末,欧洲的科学家开始了对测量冷热变化的研究。1593年,伽利略根据他的一个学生的意见,制造了一个空气温度计,用空气的热胀冷缩来感知温度变化,这个测温器的原物已不存在,右图是照现存于佛罗伦萨科学技术博物馆的模型画的。除了伽利略在他的《对话》中曾谈到热有6度、9度和10度外,人们对这个装置的刻度一无所知。这个测温器虽然十分简陋,却为以后的测温装置奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 史话 空气温度计 开氏温标 伽利略 测温器 华氏温标 开尔芬 摄氏温标 《对话》 热变化
作者 董植禄 吴帮明 《中小学实验与装备》 1995年第4期35-35,共1页
气体温度计在演示实验中的应用二例钟祥市教育技术装备站董植禄钟祥市皇庄中学吴帮明(431900)初中物理课本中热现象的演示实验,绝大多数仅作定性演示。由于气体的膨胀系数较大,利用气体热膨胀的原理制成的气体温度计在显示物... 气体温度计在演示实验中的应用二例钟祥市教育技术装备站董植禄钟祥市皇庄中学吴帮明(431900)初中物理课本中热现象的演示实验,绝大多数仅作定性演示。由于气体的膨胀系数较大,利用气体热膨胀的原理制成的气体温度计在显示物体吸、放热引起的温度变化时灵敏度较... 展开更多
关键词 气体温度计 演示实验 水蒸气 玻璃管 钟祥市 空气温度计 教育技术装备 初中物理 橡皮塞 演示效果
浅谈提高物理演示实验的可见度 被引量:1
作者 沈新华 《中小学实验与装备》 1994年第1期36-37,共2页
浅谈提高物理演示实验的可见度浙江德清一中沈新华(313200)观察是学生获得对客观事物感性认识的重要途径,演示实验是在特定条件下,为学生进行有目的地观察提供丰富的感性材料。演示过程是教师根据教学需要。借助有关教具或器... 浅谈提高物理演示实验的可见度浙江德清一中沈新华(313200)观察是学生获得对客观事物感性认识的重要途径,演示实验是在特定条件下,为学生进行有目的地观察提供丰富的感性材料。演示过程是教师根据教学需要。借助有关教具或器材,模拟前人的研究方法,通过简明地... 展开更多
关键词 物理演示实验 空气温度计 物理现象 体膨胀系数 验证牛顿第二定律 实验装置 中学物理 定性演示实验 硝化棉 实验效果
作者 王秀 《实验教学与仪器》 1994年第6期28-28,共1页
关键词 焦耳定律 演示器 U型管 空气温度计 甲电池 固定架 接通电路 徐徐上升 接线板 接线螺柱
作者 陆庆节 《教学仪器与实验》 1997年第1期11-11,共1页
气体膨胀做功内能减少演示器江苏省灌云县同兴中学陆庆节一、原理内能转化为机械能,内能减少,温度降低。二、特点和用途本演示器取材容易,制作简单,成本低廉,使用简便,演示一次只需3—5分钟,节省时间。演示效果明显、直观,由... 气体膨胀做功内能减少演示器江苏省灌云县同兴中学陆庆节一、原理内能转化为机械能,内能减少,温度降低。二、特点和用途本演示器取材容易,制作简单,成本低廉,使用简便,演示一次只需3—5分钟,节省时间。演示效果明显、直观,由于瓶内产生浓雾和橡皮塞冲出后发出较... 展开更多
关键词 气体膨胀 雪碧瓶 空气温度计 橡皮塞 演示器 锅炉水位计 气体温度计 江苏省 气门芯 温度降低
Precipitation Type Estimation and Validation in China 被引量:12
作者 CHEN Ren-sheng LIU Jun-feng SONG Yao-xuan 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第4期917-925,共9页
The results from three methods aimed at improving precipitation type (e.g., rain, sleet, and snow) estimation are presented and compared in this paper. The methods include the threshold air temperature (AT), thres... The results from three methods aimed at improving precipitation type (e.g., rain, sleet, and snow) estimation are presented and compared in this paper. The methods include the threshold air temperature (AT), threshold wet bulb temperature (WBT) and Koistinen and Saltikoff (KSS) methods. Dot graphs are plotted to acquire the threshold air temperature or the threshold wet bulb temperature using daily averaged air temperature, wet bulb temperature and precipitation data at 643 stations from 1961 to 1979 (precipitation types are not labeled in the database from 1980 to present) in China. The results indicate that the threshold AT or WBT methods are not able to differentiate rain, sleet and snow in the most regions in China; sleet is difficult to differentiate from other precipitation types based on the two threshold methods. Therefore, one threshold AT and WBT method was used in this study to differentiate rain and snow. Based on Gaussian- Kriging interpolation of threshold air temperature (To) and wet bulb temperature (Tw), the To and Tw contour lines and contour surfaces are calculated for China. Finally, a comparison between the KSS, AT and WBT methods are provided in which the KSS method is calculated based on air temperature and relative humidity. The results suggest that the KSS method is more appropriate for water phase estimation than are the other methods; the maximum precision for rain and snow is 99% and 94%, respectively. The AT method performs better than the WBT method when the critical air temperature is 2℃. 展开更多
关键词 Threshold temperature Wet bulbtemperature Precipitation type Hydrologicalprocesses
Near ground air temperature calculation model based on heat transfer of vertical turbulent and horizontal air flow
作者 张磊 孟庆林 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第3期721-726,共6页
In order to calculate the air temperature of the near surface layer in urban environment,the surface layer air was divided into several sections in the vertical direction,and some energy balance equations were develop... In order to calculate the air temperature of the near surface layer in urban environment,the surface layer air was divided into several sections in the vertical direction,and some energy balance equations were developed for each air layer,in which the heat exchange due to vertical turbulence and horizontal air flow was taken into account.Then,the vertical temperature distribution of the surface layer air was obtained through the coupled calculation using the energy balance equations of underlying surfaces and building walls.Moreover,the measured air temperatures in a small area(with a horizontal scale of less than 500 m) and a large area(with a horizontal scale of more than 1 000 m) in Guangzhou in summer were used to validate the proposed model.The calculated results accord well with the measured ones,with a maximum relative error of 4.18%.It is thus concluded that the proposed model is a high-accuracy method to theoretically analyze the urban heat island and the thermal environment. 展开更多
关键词 turbulent heat exchange urban thermal environment near surface layer air temperature calculation model
Multiple-response optimization for melting process of aluminum melting furnace based on response surface methodology with desirability function 被引量:3
作者 周孑民 王计敏 +2 位作者 闫红杰 李世轩 贵广臣 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第10期2875-2885,共11页
To reduce the fuel consumption and emissions and also enhance the molten aluminum quality, a mathematical model with user-developed melting model and burning capacity model, were established according to the features ... To reduce the fuel consumption and emissions and also enhance the molten aluminum quality, a mathematical model with user-developed melting model and burning capacity model, were established according to the features of melting process of regenerative aluminum melting furnaces. Based on validating results by heat balance test for an aluminum melting furnace, CFD (computational fluid dynamics) technique, in association with statistical experimental design were used to optimize the melting process of the aluminum melting furnace. Four important factors influencing the melting time, such as horizontal angle between burners, height-to-radius ratio, natural gas mass flow and air preheated temperature, were identified by PLACKETT-BURMAN design. A steepest descent method was undertaken to determine the optimal regions of these factors. Response surface methodology with BOX-BEHNKEN design was adopted to further investigate the mutual interactions between these variables on RSD (relative standard deviation) of aluminum temperature, RSD of furnace temperature and melting time. Multiple-response optimization by desirability function approach was used to determine the optimum melting process parameters. The results indicate that the interaction between the height-to-radius ratio and horizontal angle between burners affects the response variables significantly. The predicted results show that the minimum RSD of aluminum temperature (12.13%), RSD of furnace temperature (18.50%) and melting time (3.9 h) could be obtained under the optimum conditions of horizontal angle between burners as 64°, height-to-radius ratio as 0.3, natural gas mass flow as 599 m3/h, and air preheated temperature as 639 ℃. These predicted values were further verified by validation experiments. The excellent correlation between the predicted and experimental values confirms the validity and practicability of this statistical optimum strategy. 展开更多
关键词 aluminum melting furnace melting process response surface methodology desirability function multiple response parameter optimization numerical simulation PLACKETT-BURMAN design BOX-BEHNKEN design
NIS One-Temperature Dew-Point Generator Operating in the Ranae -50℃ to 0 ℃ 被引量:1
作者 Mohamed Gamal Ahmed Doaa Abd El-Gelil +1 位作者 Essam El-Din Mahmoud Said Mazen 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2012年第9期335-339,共5页
This paper describes construction and characterization of a dew/frost -point generator developed at national institute for standards. It is intended to operate in the range from -50 ℃to 0 ℃. The air flows through a ... This paper describes construction and characterization of a dew/frost -point generator developed at national institute for standards. It is intended to operate in the range from -50 ℃to 0 ℃. The air flows through a saturator controlled by a regulated flow meter. The reference dew/frost -point temperature was measured by standard platinum resistance thermometer (SPRT) connected to a resistance bridge. A comparative study between the saturator temperature of the new generator measured by SPRT and the dew/frost-point temperature of a calibrated chilled-mirror hygrometer was conducted. It helped to determine the uncertainty of saturator; this uncertainty was found to be between ±0.06℃ to -4- 0.15℃ at confidence limit of 95%.Several experiments were carried out in the mentioned range. Obtained results gave the confidence that NIS generator could be used as a primary humid air generator. 展开更多
关键词 Characterization standard dew/frost point generator measurement uncertainty.
Estimate the Ventilation Effect from Wire Mesh Screen Assisted Solar Chimney
作者 Md.Mizanur Rahman Mohd.Suffian Bin Misaran +1 位作者 Mohd.Jamrye Bin Jamanun Ahmed Jawad 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2018年第3期127-131,共5页
In 1750s European houses, chimneys are used to remove smoke and dust particle from the fire place to the ambient. At present the applications of chimneys are extended for house ventilation, which is known as solar chi... In 1750s European houses, chimneys are used to remove smoke and dust particle from the fire place to the ambient. At present the applications of chimneys are extended for house ventilation, which is known as solar chimney assisted ventilation system. In this paper, the effect of wire mesh screen on chimney assisted ventilation system is studied and presented. Natural draft chimney integrated with solar heating system that is known as solar chimney, can be used for building ventilation. Number of research works had been conducted on different types of solar chimney to enhance the building ventilation performance. In this study a solar chimney model is designed and modified with wire mesh screens. An electric heating system is installed in the models to replace the solar absorber in the solar chimney. The airflow rates and the exit air temperatures are also measured and compared for normal chimney and modified chimneys under different heat loads. The performances of the chimneys are evaluated to determine the effects of wire mesh screen on the solar chimney. Experimental results indicated the solar chimney model with 0.64 mm × 0.64 mm pore size wire mesh screen at the exit is able to enhance velocity and the exit air temperature are about 54% and 41%, respectively. It has been concluded that the wire mesh screen has significant effect of model solar chimney and is able to enhance the performance. 展开更多
关键词 Solar chimney natural ventilation wire mesh screen.
《物理》 CAS 1965年第10期453-454,共2页
以前热力学部分的教学存在以下问题:(l)学生对各等值过程热功转换关系不十分清楚,直接影响到循环效率的计算.(2)学生从经验出发,误把绝热过程的结论推广到等压过程,认为等压膨胀温度应该下降.(3)对C尸>C;的原因也理解不透.为了解决... 以前热力学部分的教学存在以下问题:(l)学生对各等值过程热功转换关系不十分清楚,直接影响到循环效率的计算.(2)学生从经验出发,误把绝热过程的结论推广到等压过程,认为等压膨胀温度应该下降.(3)对C尸>C;的原因也理解不透.为了解决以上问题,我们制作了下面的演示仪器.教学实践证明。 展开更多
关键词 等压过程 等容过程 演示装置 空气温度计
作者 谢忠民 刘大宏 《湖南中学物理》 2011年第1期39-40,共2页
关键词 初中物理 物理教材 课堂教学 人教版 比热容 空气温度计 频率关系 光具盘 示数 液柱
作者 顾金祥 《物理教师》 1989年第3期25-25,共1页
多角度地演示物理实验对教学大有裨益。这里向大家介绍从固体导体、液体导体和气体导体三个角度来演示“电流热效应”的方法,供参考。实验一说明固体导体中有电流时要发热的实验装置如图1所示。将10~20Ω的电阻丝绕在预先做好的空气温... 多角度地演示物理实验对教学大有裨益。这里向大家介绍从固体导体、液体导体和气体导体三个角度来演示“电流热效应”的方法,供参考。实验一说明固体导体中有电流时要发热的实验装置如图1所示。将10~20Ω的电阻丝绕在预先做好的空气温度计上,使用6V电源。 展开更多
关键词 电流热效应 空气温度计 电阻丝 碳粒 日卜 上升高度 淡盐水 电弧光 碳分子 会明
作者 史之才 《物理教师》 1999年第2期15-15,共1页
关键词 热实验 空气温度计 演示实验 九年义务教育 初中物理 橡皮塞 弹簧夹 煤油 比热容 玻璃管
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