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作者 史建岚 崔立 苏章彬 《内蒙古煤炭经济》 2021年第5期165-167,共3页
目前我们正处于民族复兴的伟大进程中,习近平主席指出“建设文化强国,必须立足于中华优秀传统文化的根基,汲取营养,获取力量,赋予时代精神”。空花墙是岭南传统建筑中的一种常见墙体,有着悠久的历史背景和丰富的文化内涵。由于岭南花式... 目前我们正处于民族复兴的伟大进程中,习近平主席指出“建设文化强国,必须立足于中华优秀传统文化的根基,汲取营养,获取力量,赋予时代精神”。空花墙是岭南传统建筑中的一种常见墙体,有着悠久的历史背景和丰富的文化内涵。由于岭南花式砖墙材料制作及砌筑难度较大,施工工艺要求较高,同时缺乏系统的资料收集、整理与研究,传统岭南空花墙文化正面临逐渐衰落的局面。现代建筑科技的发展为我们的生活带来了翻天覆地的变化,随着建筑材料的极大丰富、施工工艺的不断更新、新技术的不断涌现,传统岭南空花墙正迎来一个全新的发展契机。 展开更多
关键词 岭南空花 施工材料 施工工艺 传承与创新
作者 徐昌华 罗兹平 +3 位作者 周素梅 吴文清 谷伍星 陈治平 《西南农业学报》 CSCD 1994年第4期103-107,共5页
重庆地区桃树枯花研究初报徐昌华,罗兹平,周素梅,吴文清,谷伍星,陈治平关键词桃树,枯蕾,畸形花,空花STUDIESONTHEFLOWERWITHERINGOFPEACHINCHONCQIN¥XuChanghua;Wu... 重庆地区桃树枯花研究初报徐昌华,罗兹平,周素梅,吴文清,谷伍星,陈治平关键词桃树,枯蕾,畸形花,空花STUDIESONTHEFLOWERWITHERINGOFPEACHINCHONCQIN¥XuChanghua;WuWenqing(FruitRese... 展开更多
关键词 桃树 枯蕾 畸形 空花
杜甫《蜀相》诗中的“空”字之我解 被引量:2
作者 缪志明 《社会科学研究》 1982年第5期31-31,共1页
李祖祯同志在《【蜀相】诗是壮歌还是悲泪》(载本刊一九八一年第二期)一文中,将《蜀相》“映阶碧草自春色,隔叶黄鹂空好音”一联中的“空”字释为“空旷寂静”,窃以为此解恐非。在古代诗歌中,“空”和“自”是经常对举并用的,在这种情况... 李祖祯同志在《【蜀相】诗是壮歌还是悲泪》(载本刊一九八一年第二期)一文中,将《蜀相》“映阶碧草自春色,隔叶黄鹂空好音”一联中的“空”字释为“空旷寂静”,窃以为此解恐非。在古代诗歌中,“空”和“自”是经常对举并用的,在这种情况下,“空”字应是个副词,其意义一般相当于“唯”或“独”。如刘长卿《使次安陆寄友人》:“孤城尽日空花落,三户无人自鸟啼。”“空花落”,犹言“唯花落”。又如李华《春行寄兴》:“芳树无人花自落,春山一路鸟空啼。”“鸟空啼”,犹言“鸟独啼”。上述二例都描写出这样一种意境:四围“无人”,只有花鸟如何如何。《蜀相》中的这两句诗虽然没有直接出现“无人”的字样。 展开更多
关键词 副词 对举 蜀相 古代诗歌 诸葛亮 杜甫 刘长卿 空花 安陆 自落
Macro-meso fracture evolution mechanism of hollow cylindrical granite with different hole diameters under conventional triaxial compression
作者 ZENG Lin-hai ZHANG Dao-bing +2 位作者 ZHANG Jia-hua ZHANG Biao YIN Hua-dong 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第9期3281-3294,共14页
In order to study and analyze the stability of engineering rock mass under non-uniform triaxial stress and obtain the evolution mechanism of the whole process of fracture,a series of conventional triaxial compression ... In order to study and analyze the stability of engineering rock mass under non-uniform triaxial stress and obtain the evolution mechanism of the whole process of fracture,a series of conventional triaxial compression tests and three-dimensional numerical simulation tests were carried out on hollow granite specimens with different diameters.The bearing capacity of hollow cylindrical specimen is analyzed based on elasticity.The results show that:1)Under low confining pressure,the tensile strain near the hole of the hollow cylindrical specimen is obvious,and the specimen deformation near the hole is significant.At the initial stage of loading,the compressive stress and compressive strain of the specimen are widely distributed.With the progress of loading,the number of microelements subjected to tensile strain gradually increases,and even spreads throughout the specimen;2)Under conventional triaxial compression,the cracking position of hollow cylinder specimens is concentrated in the upper and lower parts,and the final fracture mode is generally compressive shear failure.The final fracture mode of complete specimen is generally tensile fracture.Under high confining pressure,the tensile cracks of the sample are concentrated in the upper and lower parts and are not connected,while the cracks of the upper and lower parts of the intact sample will expand and connect to form a fracture surface;3)In addition,the tensile crack widths of intact and hollow cylindrical specimens under low confining pressure are larger than those under high confining pressure. 展开更多
关键词 hollow-cylinder granite fracture mechanism hole size compressed deformation crack propagation
Temporal-spatial Distribution Model of Cold Chain Logistics for Vegetables
作者 陈绍慧 张鹏 +1 位作者 鲁晓翔 李江阔 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第5期1115-1118,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to study on temporal-spatial distribution model of cold chain logistics for vegetables. [Method] Broccoli was taken as an example. Detailedly, time-space distribution model of cold chain logist... [Objective] The aim was to study on temporal-spatial distribution model of cold chain logistics for vegetables. [Method] Broccoli was taken as an example. Detailedly, time-space distribution model of cold chain logistics for broccoli was proposed from standpoints of costs and benefits based on changes of time and space, and a comprehensive evaluation was made on timeliness, efficiency, risks, added- value of products and satisfaction of information in cold-chain logistics. [Result] The efficiency of cold chain logistics for vegetable can be greatly improved by temporal- spatial distribution model of cold chain logistics. [Conclusion] Costs and benefits of vegetables in temporal-apstial distribution could be evaluated by the model. 展开更多
关键词 VEGETABLE Cold-chain logistics Temporal-spatial distribution BROCCOLI
闽游杂咏——一九九○年十月十九日至十一月四日 十一月三日御茶园饮茶
作者 朴初 《农业考古》 1991年第2期110-110,共1页
云窝访茶洞,洞在仙人去。今来御茶园。树亡存茶艺。炭炉瓦罐烹清泉,茶壶中坐杯环旋,茶注杯杯周复始,三遍注满供群贤。饮茶之道亦宜会,闻香玩色后尝味。一杯两杯七八杯,百杯痛饮莫辞醉。我知醉酒不知茶,茶醉亦如酒醉耶?只道茶能醒心目,... 云窝访茶洞,洞在仙人去。今来御茶园。树亡存茶艺。炭炉瓦罐烹清泉,茶壶中坐杯环旋,茶注杯杯周复始,三遍注满供群贤。饮茶之道亦宜会,闻香玩色后尝味。一杯两杯七八杯,百杯痛饮莫辞醉。我知醉酒不知茶,茶醉亦如酒醉耶?只道茶能醒心目,那能朱碧乱空花?饱看奇峰饱看水,饱领友情无穷已。祝我茶寿饱饮茶,半醒半醉回家里。 展开更多
关键词 饮茶 茶园 尝味 炉瓦 茶艺 环旋 空花 醉酒 心目 无穷
作者 彭高泉 《四川文物》 北大核心 1992年第5期74-75,共2页
关键词 毗卢寺 遂宁 广德寺 踏道 天官 供养人 曲绕 戏楼 石级 空花
作者 苏轼 《农业考古》 1991年第2期131-131,共1页
关键词 回文诗 融雪 绝句 苏轼 雪松 反时针 大雪 空花 故事 雪水
作者 吴江洪 《丽水学院学报》 1999年第2期81-81,共1页
关键词 遂昌 良渚 黑陶 空花
作者 张士燮 徐沛东 《音乐世界》 1997年第Z1期44-44,共1页
关键词 大森林 绿色 新语 空花 流水 水绿 海洋
作者 张燕 《上海艺术家》 1999年第3期71-72,共2页
新房钥匙拿到以后,在装潢公司搞设计的先生忙开了。他建议壁面、家具都选用白色,理由是:“白”朴素,淡雅,纯洁。两人心思一拍即合。不消两个月,他设计的图纸成了立体作品。接着便是选择织物。他带回一叠窗帘布样让我挑选。挑来挑去,没... 新房钥匙拿到以后,在装潢公司搞设计的先生忙开了。他建议壁面、家具都选用白色,理由是:“白”朴素,淡雅,纯洁。两人心思一拍即合。不消两个月,他设计的图纸成了立体作品。接着便是选择织物。他带回一叠窗帘布样让我挑选。挑来挑去,没有我喜欢的。浅红轻绛,太粉,太腻,让人软绵绵陷进了温柔乡;浓金重碧,又太豪华,太奢侈。 展开更多
关键词 蓝印 韵律 织物 窗帘布 空花 姑娘 蓝白 温柔乡 卧房
Daily Ambrosia Pollen Concentration in the Air of Ankara,Turkey (1990-1999) 被引量:4
作者 Ayse KAPLAN Nazmiye SAKIYAN Nmǖnevver PINAR 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第12期1408-1412,共5页
The airborne ragweed pollen spectrum was investigated in the air of Ankara, Turkey for aperiod of ten years (1990-1999) using a Burkard seven-day volumetric recording trap. In our study period,long distance transporte... The airborne ragweed pollen spectrum was investigated in the air of Ankara, Turkey for aperiod of ten years (1990-1999) using a Burkard seven-day volumetric recording trap. In our study period,long distance transported Ambrosia pollen has been registered. Daily pollen levels varied from low to highin Burge抯 system. In last three years, the pollen concentration of Ambrosia showed a clear increasingtendency. Our results prove that ragweed pollen may be an important threat for ragweed sensitive patientsin Ankara city in near future. 展开更多
关键词 AMBROSIA RAGWEED long distance transport ANKARA TurkeyAySe KAPLAN1* Nazmiye SAKIYAN2 N Muevver PINAR2..‘s
作者 Guang-hui Liu Rong-fei Zhu Wei Zhang Wen-jing Li Zhong-xi Wang Huan Chen 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2008年第4期212-217,共6页
Objective To study the genera and seasonal distribution of airborne pollen in Hubei province of China, and its relationship with pollinosis. Methods From November 2003 to October 2004, an airborne pollen investigation... Objective To study the genera and seasonal distribution of airborne pollen in Hubei province of China, and its relationship with pollinosis. Methods From November 2003 to October 2004, an airborne pollen investigation was performed in 16 chosen areas in 12 cities of Hubei province using gravity sedimentation technique. Meanwhile, univalent skin prick tests of pollens were performed and the invasion season was studied on 2 300 patients with pollinosis. Among them, 352 cases underwent the airway responsiveness measurements, and the correlation between airway responsiveness and results of pollen count was analyzed. Results A total of 61 pollen genera were observed and 257 520 pollens were collected. The peak of airborne pollen distribution occurred in two seasons each year: spring (March and April) and autumn (from August to October). The attack of pollinosis corresponded to the peak of pollen distribution. There was a significantly negative relationship between the provocation dose causing a 20% decrease of forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) from baseline and airborne pollen concentration (r = -0.6829, P < 0.05). Conclusion This study provides useful information for airborne pollen epidemiology of Hubei province, and it provides important insights to clinical prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of pollen-related allergic diseases. 展开更多
关键词 airborne pollen POLLINOSIS airway responsiveness
Implications of tree species–environment relationships for the responsiveness of Himalayan krummholz treelines to climate change 被引量:3
作者 Niels SCHWAB Udo SCHICKHOFF +5 位作者 Birgit BURZLE Michael MULLER Jurgen BOHNER Ram Prasad CHAUDHARY Thomas SCHOLTEN Jens OLDELAND 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第3期453-473,共21页
Climate warming is expected to advance treelines to higher elevations. However, empirical studies in diverse mountain ranges give evidence of both advancing alpine treelines as well as rather insignificant responses. ... Climate warming is expected to advance treelines to higher elevations. However, empirical studies in diverse mountain ranges give evidence of both advancing alpine treelines as well as rather insignificant responses. In this context, we aim at investigating the sensitivity and responsiveness of the near-natural treeline ecotone in Rolwaling Himal, Nepal, to climate warming. We analysed population densities of tree species along the treeline ecotone from closed forest stands via the krummholz belt to alpine dwarf shrub heaths (3700-4200 m) at 50 plots in 2013 and 2014. We quantified species - environment relationships, i.e. the change of environmental conditions (e.g., nutrient and thermal deficits, plant interactions) across the ecotone by means of redundancy analyses, variation partitioning and distance-based Moran's eigenvector maps. In particular, we focus on explaining the high competitiveness of Rhododendron campanulatum forming a dense krummholz belt and on the implications for the responsiveness of Himalayan krummholz treelines to climate change. Results indicate that treeline trees in the ecotone show species-specific responses to the influence of environmental parameters, and that juvenile and adult tree responses are modulated by environmental constraints in differing intensity. Moreover, the species - environment relationships suggest that the investigated krummholz belt will largely prevent the upward migration of other tree constrain the future response species and thus of Himalayan krummholz treelines to climate warming. 展开更多
关键词 HIMALAYA Nepal Population structure Rhododendron campanulatum Spatial patterns Species-environment relationships Stand density Variation partitioning
Ambrosia Artemisfifolia L. Invasive and Allergic Weed Species on the Territory of Novi Sad 被引量:1
作者 B. Konstantinovie M. Meseldzija +1 位作者 Bo. Konstantinovie N. Mandie 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology》 2011年第3期304-309,共6页
During three years lasting studies on the territory of the city of Novi Sad, terrain studies of Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. distribution as well as mapping were performed on regulated and disordered green areas and on ... During three years lasting studies on the territory of the city of Novi Sad, terrain studies of Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. distribution as well as mapping were performed on regulated and disordered green areas and on arable areas. For mapping of ragweed distribution, partially modified method of Braun-Blanquet was used, and data processing was perfomed by specially designed program Ambrosia Spot Marker. Monitoring of this species was also done because of the occurrence of retrovegetation after mowing. During vegetation period, this allergenic weed species was controlled by multiple mowing, and rough ruderal sites outside settlements were treated by glyphosate at a rate of 1.2 kg ha^-1 -2.4 kg ha^-1. The study comprehended also monitoring of pollen concentrations in the air by Rotorod pollen sampler spore collector. A. artemisiifolia L. was established in 21 city zones on over 200 localities, on the banks of the river Danube, in Petrovaradin and Sremski Karlovci. Recommended mechanical measures such as mowing, drilling in the phase of germination, and chemical control measures, resulted in significant reduction ofA. artemisiifolia L. In the second half of the August 2009 the highest number of pollen grains was found in the amount of 783 pollen grains per m3 of air. 展开更多
关键词 Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. INVASIVE allergenic weed pollen.
On Spatial Distribution Pattern of Broccoli Clubroot Disease and and the Sampling Technique
作者 钟列权 王会福 余山红 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第12期2715-2719,共5页
[Objective] To further improve the prediction and forecast and continuous control ability of broccoli clubroot disease. [Methods] The spatial distribution pattern of diseased or infected plants was analyzed using the ... [Objective] To further improve the prediction and forecast and continuous control ability of broccoli clubroot disease. [Methods] The spatial distribution pattern of diseased or infected plants was analyzed using the least square method, fre- quency distribution, aggregation index, m*-m regression analysis and Taylor's pow- er law model. [Result] The field distribution of broccoli plants with clubroot disease tended to be aggregated distribution, m'-m regression analysis showed that the el- ementary composition of the spatial distribution of diseased or infected plants was individual colony, the individuals attracted each other; the disease had obvious dis- ease focus in the field, and the individual colony showed uniform distribution pattern in the field. Taylor's power law showed that the spatial pattern of individual dis- eased or infected plant with clubroot disease tended to be uniform distribution with the increase of the density. On the basis of this, Iwao optimal theoretical sampling model and sequential sampling model were established, namely N =273.954 1/m- 59.698 5, To (N)=0.368 4N±1.926 8√N, respectively, it meant that when surveying N plants, if the accumulative incidence rate exceeded upper bound, the field can be set as control object; if the accumulative incidence rate didn't reach lower bound, it can be set as uncontrol field; if the accumulative incidence rate was between upper bound and lower bound, it should be surveyed continuously until the maximum sample size (mo=0.368 4) appeared, that was, the disease incidence was 15%, so the sampling number should be 684 plants. [Conclusion] The research results had very important instructive meaning for disease control. 展开更多
关键词 Broccoli clubfoot disease Spatial distribution pattern The optimal theo- retical sampling model Sequential sampling model Sampling number
The Effect of Air Pollution on Chenopodium album L. Pollen Structure
作者 Leila Amjad Mahsa Shafighi 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第1期143-148,共6页
Air pollution is harm and discomfort to human or other living organisms, it also causes damage to the environment. The aim of this project was to study the effect of air pollutions on structure and pollen grains devel... Air pollution is harm and discomfort to human or other living organisms, it also causes damage to the environment. The aim of this project was to study the effect of air pollutions on structure and pollen grains development in Chenopodium album. Anthers of Chenopodium album L. were collected at different stages of development from control (less polluted) and polluted areas (mainly SO2, NO2, CO and APM). Structure and development of pollen grains were studied and compared. The effects of pollution on pollen structure was investigated under Light and Scanning electron microscopy and the results showed that when pollen grains were exposed to polluted air they became abnormality in form and covered with large amounts of pollutants compared to control ones. Pollen abnormalities were seen as irregularity, shrinkage, thinning and breakage of the exine. Cellular material release was induced also. The data presented suggest that prolonged exposures of plants to air pollution may cause different biological effects at the cellular tissue and organ levels. 展开更多
关键词 Air pollution pollen grains Chenopodium album L
《快乐语文(下旬)》 2011年第4期33-33,共1页
关键词 《九月小·悟还是八戒》 小学生 语文学习 阅读
《快乐语文(下旬)》 2011年第5期41-41,共1页
关键词 小学 课外阅读 阅读材料 《九月小·悟还是八戒》
Computational Simulation of Complex Structure Fancy Yarns
作者 马建伟 周奉磊 +1 位作者 陈韶娟 许文娜 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第2期244-247,共4页
A study is reported for mathematical model and simulative of complex structure fancy yams. The investigated complex structure fancy yams have a multithread structure composed of three components core, effect, and bind... A study is reported for mathematical model and simulative of complex structure fancy yams. The investigated complex structure fancy yams have a multithread structure composed of three components core, effect, and binder yams. In current research the precondition was accepted that the cross-sections of the both two yams of the effect intermediate product in the complex structure fancy yam remain the circles shaped, and this shape does not change during manufacturing of the fancy yam. Mathematical model of complex structure fancy yarn is established based on parameter equation of space helix line and computer simulative is further carried out using the computational mathematical tool Matlab 6.5. Theoretical structure of fancy yam is compared with an experimental sample. The simulative system would help for further the set of informative in designing of new assortment of the complex structure fancy yarns and prediction of visual effects of fancy yams in end-use fabrics. 展开更多
关键词 fancy yarn mathematical model space helix computer simulation
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