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GPS速度法确定飞机空速系统位置误差 被引量:4
作者 张德元 陈怦 卢希荣 《飞行力学》 CSCD 北大核心 2000年第2期62-66,共5页
飞机空速系统位置误差的测定 ,飞行试验中有多种常规方法 ,但其精度只能满足常规型号空速系统的验证要求。针对这一问题提出了 GPS速度法 ,叙述了该方法的原理、实施过程和数据处理方法 ,讨论了方法的系统精度并给出了误差估算结果。通... 飞机空速系统位置误差的测定 ,飞行试验中有多种常规方法 ,但其精度只能满足常规型号空速系统的验证要求。针对这一问题提出了 GPS速度法 ,叙述了该方法的原理、实施过程和数据处理方法 ,讨论了方法的系统精度并给出了误差估算结果。通过对某型飞机的验证试飞 ,表明该方法简便易行 ,可满足气动补偿型空速系统的试飞验证要求。 展开更多
关键词 GPS度法 位置误差 飞机空速系统
拖锥在空速系统校准中的应用 被引量:4
作者 戴卫兵 《测控技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第12期151-153,共3页
大型运输类飞机试飞过程中,空速系统校准是一个非常重要的科目。分析了飞机空速系统静压测量的基本原理,给出了使用拖锥法测量空速的详细方案和系统组成,提出了使用该方法完成飞机空速系统校准时需要完成的各种实验室实验、校准方法、... 大型运输类飞机试飞过程中,空速系统校准是一个非常重要的科目。分析了飞机空速系统静压测量的基本原理,给出了使用拖锥法测量空速的详细方案和系统组成,提出了使用该方法完成飞机空速系统校准时需要完成的各种实验室实验、校准方法、补偿方法、飞行试验、试验结果与误差分析、注意事项等。 展开更多
关键词 拖锥 静压 空速系统 误差分析
作者 李伟乐 陈彬 《军民两用技术与产品》 2017年第8期18-,共1页
关键词 空速系统 校正方法
基于飞行试验的无人机空速系统误差修正研究 被引量:2
作者 尹文强 吴欣龙 井立 《飞机设计》 2018年第4期9-14,共6页
无人机系统的飞行控制逻辑和极限状态的限制程序都严重依赖于精确的大气数据系统,其准确性与飞行安全直接相关。文中针对现阶段无人机飞行特点,对空速系统误差产生机理进行分析,同时结合无人机空速系统发展现状,确定采用GPS速度法进行... 无人机系统的飞行控制逻辑和极限状态的限制程序都严重依赖于精确的大气数据系统,其准确性与飞行安全直接相关。文中针对现阶段无人机飞行特点,对空速系统误差产生机理进行分析,同时结合无人机空速系统发展现状,确定采用GPS速度法进行空速系统位置误差修正。通过分析总结数据处理流程,提出了正反航向和三边飞行2种飞行方法,利用飞行试验,对2种飞行方法的数据进行处理,发现在侧风较小时,2种飞行方法的数据处理结果基本一致;而在侧风较大时,三边飞行法得到的空速校准误差结果更为可信。 展开更多
关键词 无人机 空速系统 误差修正 飞行试验
飞机空速管系统雷电效应研究 被引量:1
作者 倪有源 董帅 段泽民 《合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第9期1224-1229,共6页
文章对某型号飞机前置式空速管系统雷电直接效应和间接效应以及雷电防护进行了研究,提出并分析了雷击状态下前置式空速管系统的3种典型工况,采用有限元方法分析计算得到3种工况下空速管系统受到电动力的矢量分布;分析了空速管系统中电... 文章对某型号飞机前置式空速管系统雷电直接效应和间接效应以及雷电防护进行了研究,提出并分析了雷击状态下前置式空速管系统的3种典型工况,采用有限元方法分析计算得到3种工况下空速管系统受到电动力的矢量分布;分析了空速管系统中电加热除冰电路结构、空速管系统中接地系统的等效电感和感应电压以及雷电抑制器降低过电压的原理,并利用工程环境对空速管系统进行了雷电模拟试验,试验结果验证了计算的准确性。研究结果表明空速管系统遭受雷击时受到的电动力和过电压等防护能力都能达到要求,从而为飞机空速管系统的结构与电气设计、性能分析以及优化设计等提供了理论参考,对飞机空速管系统雷电防护具有参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 系统 雷电直接效应 雷电间接效应 雷电防护 电动力 有限元方法
作者 孟洪兵 严家明 《微计算机信息》 2010年第7期166-167,221,共3页
在无人机空速测量系统设计中,要经过系统功能划分,软硬件设计,电路制版,整体联调等步骤,结果是否符合设计要求通常需要软硬件设计完成调试通过后才能得知。而整个设计牵涉环节较多,很少一次达到目的。Proteus软件是一个完全脱离硬件平... 在无人机空速测量系统设计中,要经过系统功能划分,软硬件设计,电路制版,整体联调等步骤,结果是否符合设计要求通常需要软硬件设计完成调试通过后才能得知。而整个设计牵涉环节较多,很少一次达到目的。Proteus软件是一个完全脱离硬件平台进行系统虚拟开发的工具,结合Keil C51软件可以方便的完成整个系统的设计,仿真中可以随时修改设计、调整软硬件分工以提高系统性能降低系统误差。使用仿真软件对设计方案的各个环节进行验证和优化,测试系统性能,可及时发现系统瓶颈,优化软硬件设计,提高效率,缩短开发周期。 展开更多
关键词 测量系统 软件 计算机仿真
弹射座椅椅载空速感受系统气动修正研究 被引量:2
作者 李辉 胡宇德 +1 位作者 杨登仿 侯世峰 《中北大学学报(自然科学版)》 北大核心 2017年第2期168-172,共5页
弹射座椅采用椅背静压采集,由于椅载空速感受系统受到人-椅系统尾流场的影响,弹射过程中气动参数的测量存在误差.通过对某型弹射座椅进行高速和低速风洞试验,基于对试验数据的分析得到了程控器总压和静压感受值随马赫数变化的规律.在此... 弹射座椅采用椅背静压采集,由于椅载空速感受系统受到人-椅系统尾流场的影响,弹射过程中气动参数的测量存在误差.通过对某型弹射座椅进行高速和低速风洞试验,基于对试验数据的分析得到了程控器总压和静压感受值随马赫数变化的规律.在此基础上,提出了基于迭代搜寻法的静压修正方法.通过与弹射座椅测压火箭撬滑跑试验测得的结果对比分析,验证了提出的气动修正方法的正确性.该修正方法提高了椅载空速感受系统的测量精度,为该型座椅空速感受系统最终气动修正方案的科学制订提供了理论依据. 展开更多
关键词 弹射座椅 感受系统 椅背尾流 风洞试验 气动修正
作者 李莹 侯伶 梁凤霞 《军民两用技术与产品》 2018年第12期14-14,共1页
随着科学技术的快速发展,近年来我国航空航天事业实现了较为长足的进步,各类测量系统性能参数的要求也随着这种进步而不断提升,基于此,本文就应用现场可编程(逻辑)门阵列(FPGA)的指示空速测量系统硬件设计、软件设计、仿真结果分析进行... 随着科学技术的快速发展,近年来我国航空航天事业实现了较为长足的进步,各类测量系统性能参数的要求也随着这种进步而不断提升,基于此,本文就应用现场可编程(逻辑)门阵列(FPGA)的指示空速测量系统硬件设计、软件设计、仿真结果分析进行了详细论述,希望论述内容能够为相关业内人士带来一定启发. 展开更多
关键词 FPGA 指示测量系统 插值法
基于DGPS的非稳态条件下空速校准方法 被引量:1
作者 屈飞舟 《全球定位系统》 CSCD 2017年第5期59-62,共4页
准确的空速和高度是进行飞行试验和确保飞行安全的基础,最新的民用运输类飞机适航标准要求在飞机全包线范围内都要进行空速系统校准。飞机在地面滑跑阶段和失速过程中速度是急剧变化的,而传统的空速校准方法只适用于飞机稳定平飞的状态... 准确的空速和高度是进行飞行试验和确保飞行安全的基础,最新的民用运输类飞机适航标准要求在飞机全包线范围内都要进行空速系统校准。飞机在地面滑跑阶段和失速过程中速度是急剧变化的,而传统的空速校准方法只适用于飞机稳定平飞的状态。介绍了DGPS综合法的原理,利用DGPS高度差与飞机压力高度差之间的关系,获得了非稳态条件下空速系统的位置误差结果,并成功应用于国产支线飞机的合格审定试验。 展开更多
关键词 DGPS 指示系统校准 几何高度 非稳态 位置误差
歼击机高度分层试飞验证 被引量:1
作者 陈怦 吴密翠 张德元 《飞行力学》 CSCD 2001年第2期49-51,56,共4页
针对采用气动补偿空速系统以改善测高系统精度的现代飞机 ,简要介绍了高度分层的要求 ;阐述了引起飞机空速系统位置误差的主要误差源并进行了分析 ;给出了通过 GPS速度法对歼击机高度分层试飞验证结果 ,并对试飞结果进行了分析和讨论 ;... 针对采用气动补偿空速系统以改善测高系统精度的现代飞机 ,简要介绍了高度分层的要求 ;阐述了引起飞机空速系统位置误差的主要误差源并进行了分析 ;给出了通过 GPS速度法对歼击机高度分层试飞验证结果 ,并对试飞结果进行了分析和讨论 ;结果表明 ,所得到的试飞数据可为飞机气动补偿空速系统设计和高度分层试飞方法研究提供重要依据。 展开更多
关键词 高度分层 GPS度法 位置误差 试飞验证 歼击机 气动补偿空速系统 误差源
Symmetries and Group-Invariant Solutions for Transonic Pressure-Gradient Equations 被引量:2
作者 王丽真 黄晴 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第8期199-206,共8页
Lie symmetry group method is applied to study the transonic pressure-gradient equations in two-dimensionalspace.Its symmetry groups and corresponding optimal systems are determined,and several classes of irrotational ... Lie symmetry group method is applied to study the transonic pressure-gradient equations in two-dimensionalspace.Its symmetry groups and corresponding optimal systems are determined,and several classes of irrotational groupinvariantsolutions associated to the symmetries are obtained and special case of one-dimensional rarefaction wave isfound. 展开更多
关键词 transonic pressure-gradient equations Lie symmetry optimal system group-invariant solution
Wide speed range for traction motor in braking force of electric braking control system 被引量:2
作者 Young-Choon Kim Moon-Taek Cho 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第10期3837-3843,共7页
A vehicle stopping method using an electric brake until a traction motor is stopped is studied. At the moment of vehicle stop, electric brake is changed to control mode where torque is reduced at a low speed. Gradient... A vehicle stopping method using an electric brake until a traction motor is stopped is studied. At the moment of vehicle stop, electric brake is changed to control mode where torque is reduced at a low speed. Gradient is controlled by estimating the load torque of motor, thereby traction motor is not rotated after stop. In addition, coasting operation and brake test are performed from normal-opposite operation and start using a small-scale model comprising the inertial load equipment and the power converter. Further, traction motor is made to be equipped with a suspension torque. Pure electric braking that makes traction motor stop by an air brake at the time of stop is also implemented. Constant torque range and constant power range are expanded during braking so that braking force is secured with the electric brakes even in high speed region. Therefore, vehicle reduction effect can be expected by reducing parts related with an air brake which is not used frequently by using a pure electric brake in the M car in wide speed region. Further, maintenance of brake system can be reduced. Besides, ride comfort of passenger in the electric rail car, energy efficiency improvement, and noise reduction effect can be additionally expected. Further, an improved brake method that uses only an electric brake till motor stop is proposed by comparing those in the blending brake that uses an air brake while reducing brake torque at vehicle stop. 展开更多
关键词 wide speed range electric braking control traction motor
Effects of Electrolyte Concentration, Temperature, Flow Velocity and Current Density on Zn Deposit Morphology
作者 Aleksandra Gavrilovic-Wohlmuther Andreas Laskos +2 位作者 Christian Zelger Bernhard Gollas AdamHarding Whitehead 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2015年第11期1019-1028,共10页
The most critical disadvantages of the Zn-air flow battery system are corrosion of the zinc, which appears as a high self-discharge current density and a short cycle life due to the non-uniform, dendritic, zinc electr... The most critical disadvantages of the Zn-air flow battery system are corrosion of the zinc, which appears as a high self-discharge current density and a short cycle life due to the non-uniform, dendritic, zinc electrodeposition that can lead to internal short-circuit. In our efforts to find a dendrite-free Zn electrodeposition which can be utilized in the Zn-air flow battery, the surface morphology of the electrolytic Zn deposits on a polished polymer carbon composite anode in alkaline, additive-free solutions was studied. Experiments were carried out with 0.1 M, 0.2 M and 0.5 M zincate concentrations in 8 M KOH. The effects of different working conditions such as: elevated temperatures, different current densities and different flow velocities, on current efficiency and dendrite formation were investigated. Specially designed test flow-cell with a central transparent window was employed. The highest Coulombic efficiencies of 80%-93% were found for 0.5 M ZnO in 8 M KOH, at increased temperatures (50-70 ℃), current densities of up to 100 mA.cm2 and linear electrolyte flow velocities higher than 6.7 cm.s1. 展开更多
关键词 DENDRITE ELECTROCHEMISTRY flow battery ZINC zinc morphology.
Study on fault source diagnosis technology and air velocity trans- ducers placement for underground
《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2012年第1期67-72,共6页
The current mine safety monitoring system used can only get the air volume change of roadway placed air velocity transducers, as this change is caused by this roadway, or for other roadway, and fault source has one po... The current mine safety monitoring system used can only get the air volume change of roadway placed air velocity transducers, as this change is caused by this roadway, or for other roadway, and fault source has one point or more, which be- longs to the problem of fault source diagnosis for ventilation system. Ventilation system fault can be attributed to the variation of air resistance of branch in the entire network. If the changes of air resistance for each branch in ventilation system are ana- lyzed, then it is impossible to place air velocity transducers in every branch. Therefore, the problem of the minimum quantities and location for placing air velocity transducers should be mainly studied. The relationship of air resistance and air volume variation of matrix method has been proposed, which can reflect the variation relationship between the air volume of the branch and air resistance of the relevant branches. Fault roadway range library of ventilation network built to determine fault roadway range will cause air velocity to exceed the limit. Minimum and full coverage of distribution method has been proposed, and the concept of branch coverage degree and impact roadway range library has also been brought forword to get the macro-distribution of air velocity transducers. 展开更多
关键词 fault source air velocity transducers mine ventilation branch
作者 毛文懿 李涛 贾洪 《国际航空》 2013年第1期75-76,共2页
关键词 运输类飞机 水试验 适航验证 动力装置系统 民用航 空速系统 试验过程 U系统
On the limit behavior of the magnetic Zakharov system 被引量:1
作者 HAN LiJia ZHANG JingJun +1 位作者 GAN ZaiHui GUO BoLing 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE 2012年第3期509-540,共32页
In this paper,we prove that the solutions of magnetic Zakharov system converge to those of generalized Zakharov system in Sobolev space H s,s > 3/2,when parameter β→∞.Further,when parameter (α,β) →∞ together... In this paper,we prove that the solutions of magnetic Zakharov system converge to those of generalized Zakharov system in Sobolev space H s,s > 3/2,when parameter β→∞.Further,when parameter (α,β) →∞ together,we prove that the solutions of magnetic Zakharov system converge to those of Schro¨dinger equation with magnetic effect in Sobolev space H s,s > 3/2.Moreover,the convergence rate is also obtained. 展开更多
关键词 magnetic Zakharov system Zakharov system Schrodinger equation with magnetic effect Cauchyproblem limit behavior
New mixed finite elements for plane elasticity and Stokes equations 被引量:4
作者 XIE XiaoPing XU JinChao 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE 2011年第7期1499-1519,共21页
We consider mixed finite elements for the plane elasticity system and the Stokes equation. For the unmodified Hellinger-Reissner formulation of elasticity in which the stress and displacement fields are the primary un... We consider mixed finite elements for the plane elasticity system and the Stokes equation. For the unmodified Hellinger-Reissner formulation of elasticity in which the stress and displacement fields are the primary unknowns, we derive two new nonconforming mixed finite elements of triangle type. Both elements use piecewise rigid motions to approximate the displacement and piecewise polynomial functions to approximate the stress, where no vertex degrees of freedom are involved. The two stress finite element spaces consist respectively of piecewise quadratic polynomials and piecewise cubic polynomials such that the divergence of each space restricted to a single simplex is contained in the corresponding displacement approximation space. We derive stability and optimal order approximation for the elements. We also give some numerical results to verify the theoretical results. For the Stokes equation, introducing the symmetric part of the gradient tensor of the velocity as a stress variable, we present a stress-velocity-pressure field Stokes system. We use some plane elasticity mixed finite elements, including the two elements we proposed, to approximate the stress and velocity fields, and use continuous piecewise polynomial functions to approximate the pressure with the gradient of the pressure approximation being in the corresponding velocity finite element spaces. We derive stability and convergence for these methods. 展开更多
关键词 mixed finite element NONCONFORMING ELASTICITY Stokes equation
Planet host stars in open clusters
作者 YANG XiaoLing CHEN YuQin ZHAO Gang 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第3期96-101,共6页
We have compiled a list of all planet host star candidates reported in the literature,which are likely to be cluster members,and we checked their memberships by the spatial location,radial velocity,proper motion and p... We have compiled a list of all planet host star candidates reported in the literature,which are likely to be cluster members,and we checked their memberships by the spatial location,radial velocity,proper motion and photometric criteria.We found that only six stars,BD-13 2130,HD 28305,Kepler-66,Kepler-67,Pr0201 and Pr0211,are planet orbiting stars in open clusters to date.Two stars,HD 70573 and HD 89744,belong to moving groups and one star,TYC 8975-2606-1,may not be a planet host star,while three stars,HD 16175,HD 46375 and HD 108874 are not members of open clusters.We note that all these six planetary systems in the stellar cluster environment are younger than^1 Gyr,which might indicate that the planetary system in open cluster can not survive for a long time,and we speculate that close stellar encounters between member stars in open cluster can potentially destroy,or at least strongly affect,the presence of planetary systems. 展开更多
关键词 extrasolar planets planetary survival open cluster
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