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作者 许有长 《阜阳师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 1999年第3期90-92,共3页
关键词 空间想能力 直观教具 识图画图 语言转化
基于要素参量化的作战仿真想定空间生成方法 被引量:4
作者 袁华 许腾 +1 位作者 王恭瑾 游浩生 《火力与指挥控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第11期43-46,共4页
作战仿真想定空间主要为仿真系统的运行提供初始数据,仿真想定空间对军事问题的描述是否客观、可信和全面,将影响最终的仿真结果。主要探讨了通过作战环境、作战任务、兵力编组、引导方式及武器装备性能的参量化,以快速生成应用于解析... 作战仿真想定空间主要为仿真系统的运行提供初始数据,仿真想定空间对军事问题的描述是否客观、可信和全面,将影响最终的仿真结果。主要探讨了通过作战环境、作战任务、兵力编组、引导方式及武器装备性能的参量化,以快速生成应用于解析性仿真系统的想定空间。 展开更多
关键词 作战仿真 解析仿真 空间 仿真
探索性仿真实验仿真想定空间筛选 被引量:4
作者 李斌 刘苏洋 +1 位作者 李春洪 谢涌纹 《火力与指挥控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期152-156,共5页
探索性仿真实验是一种分析、研究军事复杂系统的有效手段。仿真想定空间作为探索性仿真实验的输入,研究如何对其进行筛选对于缩短实验运行时间、提高实验运行效率具有极为重要的意义。通过分析仿真想定空间的内涵及其生成过程,将探索性... 探索性仿真实验是一种分析、研究军事复杂系统的有效手段。仿真想定空间作为探索性仿真实验的输入,研究如何对其进行筛选对于缩短实验运行时间、提高实验运行效率具有极为重要的意义。通过分析仿真想定空间的内涵及其生成过程,将探索性仿真实验中的仿真想定空间筛选划分为两个阶段,并综合运用定性分析、基于加权欧氏距离计算的探索性仿真实验设计、以及基于军事规则模型的筛选等多种方法,从军事和技术两个方面合理地减少仿真想定数量,缩小仿真想定空间规模。 展开更多
关键词 探索性仿真实验 仿真空间 筛选
探索性仿真实验仿真想定空间筛选 被引量:4
作者 李斌 刘苏洋 +1 位作者 李春洪 谢涌纹 《火力与指挥控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第S1期142-145,148,共5页
探索性仿真实验是一种分析、研究军事复杂系统的有效手段。仿真想定空间作为探索性仿真实验的输入,研究如何对其进行筛选对于缩短实验运行时间、提高实验运行效率具有极为重要的意义。通过分析仿真想定空间的内涵及其生成过程,将探索性... 探索性仿真实验是一种分析、研究军事复杂系统的有效手段。仿真想定空间作为探索性仿真实验的输入,研究如何对其进行筛选对于缩短实验运行时间、提高实验运行效率具有极为重要的意义。通过分析仿真想定空间的内涵及其生成过程,将探索性仿真实验中的仿真想定空间筛选划分为两个阶段,并综合运用定性分析、基于加权欧氏距离计算的探索性仿真实验设计、以及基于军事规则模型的筛选等多种方法,从军事和技术两个方面合理地减少仿真想定数量,缩小仿真想定空间规模。 展开更多
关键词 探索性仿真实验 仿真空间 筛选
一种基于要素参量化的实验想定空间生成系统 被引量:1
作者 李春洪 李斌 刘伟涛 《指挥控制与仿真》 2012年第5期81-85,共5页
针对探索性仿真想定空间的智能化生成问题,提出了一种基于实验要素参量化方法的仿真想定空间生成系统。在分析了基于要素参量化的想定空间生成原理的基础上,构建了系统结构,阐述了各模块的实现方法。基于VR-Forces仿真平台的开放接口服... 针对探索性仿真想定空间的智能化生成问题,提出了一种基于实验要素参量化方法的仿真想定空间生成系统。在分析了基于要素参量化的想定空间生成原理的基础上,构建了系统结构,阐述了各模块的实现方法。基于VR-Forces仿真平台的开放接口服务,将想定的参量化和实例化问题分解为元语句的参量化和实例化,较好地解决了仿真想定参量化处理这一关键技术。为探索性仿真实验空间设计和自动生成提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 探索性仿真 空间 参量化 实例化
作者 麻爱彦 《黑河教育》 2021年第9期48-49,共2页
STEAM教育是融合科学、技术、工程、艺术与数学五大学科的教育,旨在引导学生在动手实践的过程中探索解决具体问题的思路与方法,从而培养学生的创新思维和实践能力。基于STEAM理念的创想空间建设与实践,是将校本课程的开发与实施建立在ST... STEAM教育是融合科学、技术、工程、艺术与数学五大学科的教育,旨在引导学生在动手实践的过程中探索解决具体问题的思路与方法,从而培养学生的创新思维和实践能力。基于STEAM理念的创想空间建设与实践,是将校本课程的开发与实施建立在STEAM教育理念的指导下,使空间建设逐步推进,课程体系逐渐优化,学校STEAM教育生态环境逐渐形成。 展开更多
关键词 STEAM教育理念 空间 建设 实践
作战仿真实验中的实验参量空间分析 被引量:3
作者 何明 李志荣 +1 位作者 姚洪 贺红心 《指挥控制与仿真》 2011年第5期68-71,共4页
针对作战仿真实验中想定空间变量的复杂性,以探索性分析为视角,分析了作战仿真实验中的三类实验参量空间,详细介绍了决策参量空间、能力参量空间、环境参量空间的各种关键性参量,并结合仿真工程实践给出了相应的BNF形式化示例。对于战... 针对作战仿真实验中想定空间变量的复杂性,以探索性分析为视角,分析了作战仿真实验中的三类实验参量空间,详细介绍了决策参量空间、能力参量空间、环境参量空间的各种关键性参量,并结合仿真工程实践给出了相应的BNF形式化示例。对于战争复杂系统的仿真分析和实验,按照这三类参量空间对想定变量进行仿真实验设计,可以较好地确定探索性要素,优化其取值组合,并有助于得出实验结果和研究结论,认识和把握其中交织的复杂因果关系。 展开更多
关键词 作战仿真实验 探索性分析 空间 实验参量
联合作战仿真实验的设计与开发 被引量:19
作者 杨雪生 刘云杰 李梦汶 《系统仿真学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第7期1522-1526,共5页
定义了联合作战仿真实验的基本概念,以联合作战论证与评估领域的仿真实验为研究对象,详细阐述了联合作战仿真实验需求获取、联合作战仿真实验框架构建、联合作战仿真实验指标体系设计、联合作战仿真实验想定设计、联合作战仿真实验方案... 定义了联合作战仿真实验的基本概念,以联合作战论证与评估领域的仿真实验为研究对象,详细阐述了联合作战仿真实验需求获取、联合作战仿真实验框架构建、联合作战仿真实验指标体系设计、联合作战仿真实验想定设计、联合作战仿真实验方案设计和联合作战仿真实验开发的相关内容,为联合作战仿真实验的设计与开发奠定了理论与方法基础,对组织实施联合作战仿真实验具有重要的指导意义和参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 联合作战 仿真实验 指标体系 空间 仿真模型
支持鲁棒决策的探索性试验设计研究 被引量:1
作者 张伟 吴红 +2 位作者 刘娟 朱一凡 李群 《系统仿真学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第14期4461-4466,共6页
针对鲁棒决策中面临的想定空间探索困难的问题,结合探索性分析,提出了支持鲁棒决策的探索性试验设计;给出了想定空间生成框架,并依据该框架的构成,将想定生成和想定分析综合为想定探索框架,给出了一种想定生成和分析的形式化分析方法;同... 针对鲁棒决策中面临的想定空间探索困难的问题,结合探索性分析,提出了支持鲁棒决策的探索性试验设计;给出了想定空间生成框架,并依据该框架的构成,将想定生成和想定分析综合为想定探索框架,给出了一种想定生成和分析的形式化分析方法;同时,依据探索性分析的实验面临的问题,提出了层次化试验设计方法,给出了该方法的逻辑步骤,可以充分结合人的分析能力和计算机的计算能力进行交互式实验,以获取对问题的鲁棒解。 展开更多
关键词 鲁棒策略 探索性分析 不确定性 空间 试验设计
作者 翁武松 《中学理科园地》 2006年第6期5-7,共3页
关键词 思维障碍 思维定势 错误经验 空间想 隐蔽条件 能力培养
基于仿真实验的联合作战能力评估方法初探 被引量:6
作者 刘云杰 江敬灼 付东 《系统仿真学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期1010-1014,共5页
分析了现有作战能力评估方法的不足与局限性,以仿真实验评估方法作为联合作战能力的评估方法,阐述了该方法中评估指标体系的构建、联合作战想定空间的选取、联合作战仿真模型体系的构建与选取、仿真实验结果的统计分析以及联合作战能力... 分析了现有作战能力评估方法的不足与局限性,以仿真实验评估方法作为联合作战能力的评估方法,阐述了该方法中评估指标体系的构建、联合作战想定空间的选取、联合作战仿真模型体系的构建与选取、仿真实验结果的统计分析以及联合作战能力影响因素分析等关键内容。基于仿真实验的联合作战能力评估方法实用性和可操作性强,对分析、评估联合作战能力具有重要参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 仿真实验 评估方法 联合作战 作战能力 指标体系 空间
LI-ideal Spaces of Lattice Implication Algebra 被引量:3
作者 CHEN Shu-wei JIANG Bao-qing YANG Xiao-wei 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期504-511,共8页
In this paper, a topological space based on LI-ideals of a lattice implication algebra is constructed, and its topological properties, such as separability, compactness and connectedness are discussed.
关键词 lattice implication algebra LI-ideal topological space topological properties
Weak Gravity Conjecture and Holographic Dark Energy Model with Interaction and Spatial Curvature
作者 孙成一 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第7期193-198,共6页
In the paper, we apply the weak gravity conjecture to the holographic quintessence model of dark energy. Three different holographic dark energy models are considered: without the interaction in the non-fiat universe... In the paper, we apply the weak gravity conjecture to the holographic quintessence model of dark energy. Three different holographic dark energy models are considered: without the interaction in the non-fiat universe; with interaction in the fiat universe; with interaction in the non-fiat universe. We tlnd that only in the models with the spatial curvature and interaction term proportional to the energy density of matter, it is possible for the weak gravity conjecture to be satisfied. And it seems that the weak gravity conjecture favors an open universe and the decaying of matter into dark energy. 展开更多
关键词 weak gravity conjecture HOLOGRAPHIC QUINTESSENCE
How Cyberspace Age Shaped the Political Party's Identity
作者 Gatut Priyowidodo 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2011年第2期98-105,共8页
The objectives of this study arc: first, to obtain a description that a political party website is an effective means of communication to carry out socialization programs to members ofthc party or the party's virtua... The objectives of this study arc: first, to obtain a description that a political party website is an effective means of communication to carry out socialization programs to members ofthc party or the party's virtual public; second, to obtain a description that websitc is a useful means to give political education about people's political rights; third, to explore the implication of web's content for strengthening the political party's identity. The research approach used was interpretive approach to qualitative-descriptive methods. Interpretive method emphasizes culture from the perspective of social construction theory (Papa, Danicls, & Spiker, 2008). Data collection (Mann & Stewart, 2000) conducted through site analysis of the People Justice's Party (Parti Kcadilan Rakyat) Malaysia website from January 16 to March 31 2010. The findings of this study arc the website is an effective means to disseminate political party's program. Although, the virtual public or party members were preferring a direct face-to-face interpersonal communication. The People Justice's Party, Malaysia has 14 MPN (Majclis Pimpinan Negeri/Rcgional Board) in the state-level. Regarding the political atmosphere in Malaysia, the wcbsite was an efficient tool. The costs required were very cheap. Second, the presence of party website opened a space for providing political education to more people. Third, the public responses stimulated improvement and strengthening the political party's identity. 展开更多
Remarks on (1, 2)^*-Generalized Closed Sets with Respect to an Ideal Bitopological Space
作者 H. S. Al-Saadi Takashi Noiri 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2012年第6期348-351,共4页
In this paper, the authors introduce and study the concept of (1, 2)^*-generalized closed sets with respect to an ideal in a bitopological space. Also, some characterizations and applications of(1, 2)^*-generali... In this paper, the authors introduce and study the concept of (1, 2)^*-generalized closed sets with respect to an ideal in a bitopological space. Also, some characterizations and applications of(1, 2)^*-generalized closed sets are given. 展开更多
关键词 Bitopological space (1 2)^*-generalized closed set topological ideal.
Light and Shadow Postgender Intersubjectivity in The Left Hand of Darkness
作者 ZHANG Na 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第4期393-399,共7页
The Left Hand of Darkness (abbr. LHD) is composed by Ursula Le Guin as a "thought experiment" to explore the postgender world on the planet of Gethen. By eradication of sexual difference and embracing the biologic... The Left Hand of Darkness (abbr. LHD) is composed by Ursula Le Guin as a "thought experiment" to explore the postgender world on the planet of Gethen. By eradication of sexual difference and embracing the biological fluidity and psychological androgeny, dualism is deconstructed, and a postgender intersubjective space is reconstructed between Genly Ai and Estraven, interluded by cyborg myth and postgenderism culture narratives. Moreover, Le Guin suggests a possible transformation mode ofyin-yang cycle from psychoanalytic light and shadow. 展开更多
关键词 postgenderism INTERSUBJECTIVITY CYBORG science fiction NARRATOLOGY
Analysis and Prototyping of Multicellular DC-DC Transformer for Environmentally Friendly Data Centers
作者 Yusuke Hayashi Tamotsu Ninomiya 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2016年第5期313-323,共11页
A multicellular DCX (dc-dc transformer) using unregulated cell converters has been proposed for the environmentally friendly data centers. The high speed cell converter with the switching frequency over MHz behaves ... A multicellular DCX (dc-dc transformer) using unregulated cell converters has been proposed for the environmentally friendly data centers. The high speed cell converter with the switching frequency over MHz behaves as an ideal transformer, and this behavior solves the voltage imbalance issue in the multicellular converter topology. The analysis of the unregulated cell converter is conducted by using the state space averaging method, and the operation condition for the ideal transformer is specified. The behavior of the multicellular DCX using the high speed cell converters has been also analyzed, and the voltage imbalance issue among cell converters is discussed quantitatively. A prototype of a 19.2 kW 384 V-384 V multicellular DCX using sixty-four unregulated cell converters is fabricated and the validity of the analyses is verified. 展开更多
关键词 DCX (dc-dc transformer) high frequency dc-dc converter ISOP (input series output parallel) IPOS (input parallel output series) state space averaging method.
Effect of Spatial Dimension and External Potential on Joule-Thomson Coefficients of Ideal Bose Gases
作者 袁都奇 王参军 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第4期669-672,共4页
Based on the form of the n-dimensional generic power-law potential, the state equation and the heat capacity, the analytical expressions of the Joule-Thomson coefficient (3TC) for an ideal Bose gas are derived in n-... Based on the form of the n-dimensional generic power-law potential, the state equation and the heat capacity, the analytical expressions of the Joule-Thomson coefficient (3TC) for an ideal Bose gas are derived in n-dimensional potential. The effect of the spatial dimension and the external potential on the JTC are discussed, respectively. These results show that: (i) For the free ideal Bose gas, when n/s ≤ 2 (n is the spatial dimension, s is the momentum index in the relation between the energy and the momentum), and T → Tc (Tc is the critical temperature), the JTC can obviously improve by means of changing the throttle valve's shape and decreasing the spatial dimension of gases. (ii) For the inhomogeneous external potential, the discriminant △= [1 - y∏^ni=1(kT/εi)^1/tiГ(1/ti+1)] (k is the Boltzmann Constant, T is the thermodynamic temperature, ε is the external field's energy), is obtained. The potential makes the JTC increase when △ 〉 0, on the contrary, it makes the JTC decrease when A 〈△. (iii) In the homogenous strong external potential, the JTC gets the maximum on the condition of kTεi〈〈1. 展开更多
关键词 ideal Bose gases Joule-Thomson coefficient spatial dimension external potential field
徘徊在现代与古典之间——论林庚的诗 被引量:2
作者 王晓生 《诗探索》 2000年第1期80-87,共8页
最近,90岁老诗人林庚为世纪诗坛又奉上了一本《空间的驰想》,林庚的新诗生涯蕴涵了如此丰富的诗学意义,他为21世纪初的诗坛提供了谈不完的话题。新诗的现代性是新诗史上人们喋喋不休的话题,与此相关,传统与西方,继承与创新的关系... 最近,90岁老诗人林庚为世纪诗坛又奉上了一本《空间的驰想》,林庚的新诗生涯蕴涵了如此丰富的诗学意义,他为21世纪初的诗坛提供了谈不完的话题。新诗的现代性是新诗史上人们喋喋不休的话题,与此相关,传统与西方,继承与创新的关系也是必须面对的命题。解读林庚也许能为此提供一个角度,因为林庚的诗充满了现代性与古典性的丰富张力。自由体新诗诞生14年后,也就是1931年林庚开始了新诗创作生涯。此后三四年间诗人写下了一百多首自由诗,分别收入了1933年出版的《夜》、1934年出版的《春野与窗》。这里我试图以诗人的三本自由诗集《夜》、《春野与窗》和《空间的驰想》为例,谈谈其穿行在现代与古典之间的特征与意义。 展开更多
关键词 林庚 现代 古典 空间的驰
The Sacred Imagination of Mountains and Its Spatial Influence in Early Medieval China: The Case of Mount Tiantai
作者 Wei Bin 《Social Sciences in China》 2018年第1期132-164,共33页
Mountains were among the most important sacred geographical spaces in early medieval China thanks to the widespread building of Buddhist temples and Taoist abbeys in the mountains. They were sanctified both in imagina... Mountains were among the most important sacred geographical spaces in early medieval China thanks to the widespread building of Buddhist temples and Taoist abbeys in the mountains. They were sanctified both in imagination and in reality in the early medieval era. Accordingly, spatial studies have been conducted along these two dimensions. The former dimension deals with the numerous abodes of sages and immortals, while the latter examines Buddhist and Taoist monks and the stone chambers and temples or abbeys in which they practiced self-cultivation. In the case of Mount Tiantai, an imagined system of immortals' mountain abodes had emerged as early as in the middle of the Eastern Jin dynasty. A specific immortal was Wang Ziqiao, the Perfected of Mount Tongbai, who had authority over the Jinting palace and administration. The imagining of immortals' abodes not only helped the Taoists determine the locations of Taoist abbeys, but also inspired monks who hoped to practice self-cultivation with the help of the powers of mountain gods and immortals. In a sense, this was a process in which knowledge of the immortals shaped the landscape of Buddhist temples and Taoist abbeys. 展开更多
关键词 sacred space sacred imagination Mount Tiantai Buddhist temples Taoistabbeys
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