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论马克思“新陈代谢”的空间断裂及修复 被引量:3
作者 孙平 《青岛农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第4期59-64,共6页
美国生态学马克思主义者福斯特通过重构马克思的新陈代谢断裂理论,揭示资本对自然及社会的剥削方式。新陈代谢作为存在于具体"实在"空间和依托于一定地域空间的物质变换,其空间属性不容忽视。在资本逻辑作用下,新陈代谢断裂... 美国生态学马克思主义者福斯特通过重构马克思的新陈代谢断裂理论,揭示资本对自然及社会的剥削方式。新陈代谢作为存在于具体"实在"空间和依托于一定地域空间的物质变换,其空间属性不容忽视。在资本逻辑作用下,新陈代谢断裂必然具有广泛的空间表现,即新陈代谢的空间断裂。以城乡对立、全球空间二元化结构为主要表现形态,新陈代谢的空间断裂几乎宰制了整个自然界和全部社会生活。破解社会发展的生态困境,离不开新陈代谢的空间修复,其根本途径有赖于资本逻辑的扬弃。中国具备社会主义制度优势,能够在推进城乡协调发展,促进建立国际政治经济新秩序,发展生态生产力和绿色经济等方面,为修复新陈代谢的空间断裂做出贡献。 展开更多
关键词 马克思 福斯特 新陈代谢断裂 空间断裂 修复
资本循环的二元结构及其空间断裂 被引量:1
作者 熊小果 《太原师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2019年第6期58-64,共7页
资本虚拟化是资本循环的总体趋势。资本循环二重性的逻辑限制是断裂与连续之正题、反题、合题的三段式结构。通过反馈环机制,利润率下降趋势成为资本循环的“向心力”,使理想状态下资本循环的“坏无限”变为有限性的无限逻辑和波动式的... 资本虚拟化是资本循环的总体趋势。资本循环二重性的逻辑限制是断裂与连续之正题、反题、合题的三段式结构。通过反馈环机制,利润率下降趋势成为资本循环的“向心力”,使理想状态下资本循环的“坏无限”变为有限性的无限逻辑和波动式的螺旋运动,并在宏观时空中,将其外化为工业资本循环和金融资本循环的二元结构。金融资本循环既不可能脱离工业资本循环,也不可能不脱离工业资本循环。这种不断分裂而又不能彻底分裂的状态是资本循环二重性逻辑限制下的空间断裂。资本循环的二元结构及其空间断裂对认识我国实体经济发展和产业结构升级有理论借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 资本循环 二元结构 工业资本 金融资本 空间断裂
湘中断裂分布空间结构的信息维特征初探 被引量:3
作者 卢新卫 马东升 孔兴功 《大地构造与成矿学》 EI CAS CSCD 1999年第1期72-77,共6页
断裂分布空间结构的信息维D1避免了容量维D0的缺陷,考虑了每条断裂对信息维所作的贡献,从新的角度反映了断裂分布的空间结构特征。计算结果表明湘中盆地北部信息维为1.792,南部信息维为1.685。南北两部分分属于信息维... 断裂分布空间结构的信息维D1避免了容量维D0的缺陷,考虑了每条断裂对信息维所作的贡献,从新的角度反映了断裂分布的空间结构特征。计算结果表明湘中盆地北部信息维为1.792,南部信息维为1.685。南北两部分分属于信息维不同的两个自相似系统。结合区内锑矿床的分布特征,可发现信息维的大小对成矿流体的运移和矿床定位有一定的指示作用,锑矿(点)产出较多、矿床储量较大的地区,其信息维值较大。 展开更多
关键词 断裂空间结构 信息维 锑矿床 湘中断裂 储量
作者 周孝鑫 《地震工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期1274-1282,1293,共10页
拟建沪渝蓉高铁合肥至武汉段线路和麻城—团风断裂带于鄂东北内麻城市黄土咀附近相交。在综合分析既往研究材料的基础上,通过开展野外地质调查、浅层地震勘探和地质钻探等工作,查明了麻城—团风断裂与拟建线路相交处准确的空间展布和断... 拟建沪渝蓉高铁合肥至武汉段线路和麻城—团风断裂带于鄂东北内麻城市黄土咀附近相交。在综合分析既往研究材料的基础上,通过开展野外地质调查、浅层地震勘探和地质钻探等工作,查明了麻城—团风断裂与拟建线路相交处准确的空间展布和断裂性质,综合分析判断断裂的活动性及其可能对拟建线路工程造成的影响。研究表明:麻城—团风断裂与拟建线路相交位置仍属于该断裂北段,具东、西2条分支,由3条隐伏断裂组成;其中,阎家河两岸2条NNE向逆冲断裂为麻团断裂北段西支,是断裂的主体部分,而东侧1条NE向断裂为麻团断裂带北段东支且年代较老的断裂;研究区麻团断裂为中更新世中晚期断裂,活动性较弱,但该断裂具备发生6级左右地震的构造背景和地震构造条件,拟建线路穿过该断裂时,需要采取相应的抗震和预警措施。该研究为后续线路工程设计及施工提供了相应的工程措施建议。 展开更多
关键词 麻城—团风断裂 高速铁路 浅层地震勘探 地质钻探 断裂空间展布 工程措施
社会空间视角下易地扶贫搬迁实践思考——基于贵州省J村的调研 被引量:7
作者 张猛 《湖北农业科学》 2019年第15期185-189,共5页
基于社会空间理论,分析了贵州省J村易地扶贫搬迁实践中,村民因地理空间的转变而导致的社会空间层面不同程度的断裂和适应情况,从物质生活空间、社会网络空间、文化空间、制度空间4个方面解读易地扶贫搬迁实践过程的社会空间形态和变化,... 基于社会空间理论,分析了贵州省J村易地扶贫搬迁实践中,村民因地理空间的转变而导致的社会空间层面不同程度的断裂和适应情况,从物质生活空间、社会网络空间、文化空间、制度空间4个方面解读易地扶贫搬迁实践过程的社会空间形态和变化,提出了致力社区建设和重构移民区社会空间的思考。 展开更多
关键词 易地扶贫搬迁 社会空间 空间断裂
作者 黄阳阳 《福建建筑》 2021年第8期49-52,共4页
以中国快速城镇化发展带来的城乡空间主要矛盾——“空间断裂”为切入点,通过校园“融”建筑设计,探索空间织补理念的实践过程。以闽侯第二实验小学为例,探讨如何确定场所精神核心,从校园建筑设计低姿态融合理念和原则出发,实现有序退... 以中国快速城镇化发展带来的城乡空间主要矛盾——“空间断裂”为切入点,通过校园“融”建筑设计,探索空间织补理念的实践过程。以闽侯第二实验小学为例,探讨如何确定场所精神核心,从校园建筑设计低姿态融合理念和原则出发,实现有序退让百米高层住宅区、衔接乡村聚落,达到空间织补的设计思考。总结并提出对城乡结合区域设计阶段的普适性建议。 展开更多
关键词 城乡空间断裂 场所精神 低姿态融合 空间织补 校园
作者 沈思正 庄金平 +3 位作者 王浩 鲁聪 杨宇 朱小杰 《哈尔滨工程大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期633-641,共9页
为改善工程水泥基复合材料在高温环境下的服役性能,本文制备了玄武岩-聚乙烯醇混杂纤维工程水泥基复合材料。利用圆柱体抗压和狗骨型抗拉试件探讨玄武岩纤维对高温后力学性能的影响,并使用扫描电子显微镜和纤维断裂空间方法进行机理分... 为改善工程水泥基复合材料在高温环境下的服役性能,本文制备了玄武岩-聚乙烯醇混杂纤维工程水泥基复合材料。利用圆柱体抗压和狗骨型抗拉试件探讨玄武岩纤维对高温后力学性能的影响,并使用扫描电子显微镜和纤维断裂空间方法进行机理分析。试验结果表明:玄武岩纤维在高温后依旧填充在基体内部并传递微裂缝间的应力,其最佳的替换掺量为0.9%,此时抗压强度、弹性模量和抗拉初裂强度在600℃后分别较基准组提高了80.08%,101.83%和114.38%。同时机理分析表明:玄武岩纤维在受拉时往往在脱粘阶段发生断裂,过早失去对桥连裂缝的贡献,使其无法改善聚乙烯醇纤维融化引起的受拉脆性。 展开更多
关键词 混杂纤维 高温 力学性能 玄武岩纤维 纤维断裂空间 替换掺量 微观机理 水泥基材料
AutoCAD三维模型在大型洞室块体稳定性评价中的应用 被引量:2
作者 崔银祥 岳良彬 聂德新 《水文地质工程地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期19-22,共4页
以某大型水电站为例,阐明了AutoCAD三维实体模型在地下洞室块体稳定性分析中的应用。首先采用AutoCAD软件建立地下洞室群与周边断裂的三维实体模型,通过沿洞室拱顶和边墙的剖切,即可获得各断裂在洞室拱顶及边墙的确定位置信息,在此基础... 以某大型水电站为例,阐明了AutoCAD三维实体模型在地下洞室块体稳定性分析中的应用。首先采用AutoCAD软件建立地下洞室群与周边断裂的三维实体模型,通过沿洞室拱顶和边墙的剖切,即可获得各断裂在洞室拱顶及边墙的确定位置信息,在此基础上进行可能滑动块体的检索,进行了确定性块体稳定性评价,为设计、施工提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 AutoCAD三维模型 断裂空间展布 确定性块体 稳定性评价
关于1937年菏泽7级地震成因的探讨 被引量:6
作者 王华林 耿杰 《高原地震》 1995年第3期1-8,共8页
本文以三维空间角度,从菏泽地震的地震构造环境、构造应力场、震源闭锁形式和地震玻裂机制等方面探讨了菏泽地震的成因。提出了断裂空间交汇闭锁模式和共轭破裂发震机制,分析了菏泽地震发生在聊考断裂的东侧、濮阳——开封上地幔隆起... 本文以三维空间角度,从菏泽地震的地震构造环境、构造应力场、震源闭锁形式和地震玻裂机制等方面探讨了菏泽地震的成因。提出了断裂空间交汇闭锁模式和共轭破裂发震机制,分析了菏泽地震发生在聊考断裂的东侧、濮阳——开封上地幔隆起东翼的原因。 展开更多
关键词 菏泽地震 上地幔隆起 断裂空间闭锁 共轭破裂
Stress spatial evolution law and rockburst danger induced by coal mining in fault zone 被引量:7
作者 Li Teng Mu Zonglong +2 位作者 Liu Guangjian Du Junliu Lu Hao 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第3期409-415,共7页
In order to explore the influence of coal mining disturbance on the rockburst occurring in fault zone, this research constructed a mechanical model for the evolution of fault stress, and analyzed the influence of the ... In order to explore the influence of coal mining disturbance on the rockburst occurring in fault zone, this research constructed a mechanical model for the evolution of fault stress, and analyzed the influence of the ratio of horizontal stress to vertical stress on the stability of fault, and the spatial distribution of the stress in fault zone as well as its evolution rule. Furthermore, the rockburst danger at different spatial areas of fault zone was predicated. Results show that: when both sides of the working face are mined out, the fault zone in the working face presents greater horizontal and vertical stresses at its boundaries but exhibits smaller stresses in its middle section; however, the ratio of horizontal stress to vertical stress is found to be greater at middle section and smaller at boundaries. As the working face advances towards the fault, the horizontal and vertical stresses of the fault firstly increases and then decreases; conversely,the ratio of horizontal stress to vertical stress keeps decreasing all the time. Therefore, if the fault zones are closer to the goaf and the coal wall, the stress ratio will be smaller, and the fault slip will be more prone to occur, therefore rockburst danger will be greater. This research results provide guidance for the rockburst prevention and hazard control of the coal mining in fault zone. 展开更多
关键词 Rockburst Fault Spatial distribution of stress Mining-induced seismicity
Spatio-temporal Fragmentation of Leisure Activities in Information Era: Empirical Evidence from Nanjing, China 被引量:10
作者 XI Guangliang ZHEN Feng +1 位作者 Puel GILLES Fernandez VALERIE 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第1期137-150,共14页
Activity fragmentation provides a new approach for understanding the transformation of urban space and function in the information era. Numerous theoretical and empirical studies have been conducted on activity fragme... Activity fragmentation provides a new approach for understanding the transformation of urban space and function in the information era. Numerous theoretical and empirical studies have been conducted on activity fragmentation, but few studies have focused on the fragmentation of leisure activities. This study was intended to extend the extant literature by: 1) analysing the spatio-temporal fragmentation of physical and virtual leisure activities by using a dataset collected in Nanjing, China, and 2) evaluating the reasons of leisure activity fragmentation, as well as the potential spatial effect of activity fragmentation. The results indicated that virtual leisure activities are more fragmented than physical leisure activities, but the fragmentation of physical and virtual leisure activities varies on weekday and weekend, as well as in various locations and urban districts. In addition, the results suggested that sociodemographic factors and information and communication technology(ICT) variables distinctly affect the fragmentation of leisure activities. Meanwhile, the fragmentation of virtual leisure activities may enhance the transformation of traditional urban space by reallocating leisure activity times and locations. 展开更多
关键词 activity fragmentation information and communication technology(ICT) influencing mechanism China
裂隙岩体地下水渗流研究 被引量:1
作者 彭进夫 《西北水电》 1993年第3期1-6,共6页
笔者集刘家峡坝址、安康坝址裂隙岩体地下水渗流研究三十年之实践和认识,明确提出“构造水文地质学”的新概念。它是水文地质学和构造学结合点部位的一门学科,拟作为裂隙岩体地下水渗流研究的方向。对裂隙岩体地下水渗流计算或电网络法... 笔者集刘家峡坝址、安康坝址裂隙岩体地下水渗流研究三十年之实践和认识,明确提出“构造水文地质学”的新概念。它是水文地质学和构造学结合点部位的一门学科,拟作为裂隙岩体地下水渗流研究的方向。对裂隙岩体地下水渗流计算或电网络法模拟试验给出了水文地质模型——构造水文地质图。 展开更多
关键词 构造断裂空间网络 地下水渗流 渗控设计检验
Study on Potential Strong Earthquake Risks Around the Mabian Area,Southern Sichuan
作者 Yi Guixi Wen Xueze +3 位作者 Zhang Zhiwei Long Feng Ruan Xiang Du Fang 《Earthquake Research in China》 2010年第4期478-490,共13页
Based on seismic data from the regional network for the last 34 years, we analyzed the present fault behavior of major fault zones around the Mabian area, southern Sichuan, and identified the risky fault-segments for ... Based on seismic data from the regional network for the last 34 years, we analyzed the present fault behavior of major fault zones around the Mabian area, southern Sichuan, and identified the risky fault-segments for potential future. The method of analysis is a combination of activity background of historical strong earthquakes mainly show ~ ( 1 ) The spatial distribution of b-values strong and large earthquakes in the spatial distribution of b-values with and current seismicity. Our results indicates significant heterogeneity in the studied area, which reflects the spatial difference of cumulative stress levels along various fault zones and segments. (2) Three anomalously low b-value areas with different dimensions were identified along the Mabian-Yanjin fault zone. These anomalies can be asperities under relatively high cumulated stress levels. Two asperities are located in the north of Mabian county, in Lidian town in western Muchuan county, and near Yanjin at the south end of the fault zone. These two areas represent potential large earthquake seismogenic sites around the Mabian area in the near future. Besides them, the third relatively smaller asperity is identified at southern Suijiang, as another potential strong- earthquake source. (3) An asperity along the southwestern segment of the Longquanshan fault zone indicates the site of potential moderate-to-strong earthquakes. (4) The asperity along the segment between Huangmu town in Hanyuan county and Longchi town in Emeishan city on Jinkouhe-Meigu fault has potential for a moderate-strong earthquake. 展开更多
关键词 Spatial distribution of b-values ASPERITIES Mabian area Strong earthquake risk
Analysis of Dynamic Variations of Crustal Density in the Longmenshan Area before the Wenchuan M_S8.0 Earthquake
作者 Li Yuan Niu Anfu +1 位作者 Liu Xikang Zhao Jing 《Earthquake Research in China》 CSCD 2015年第3期303-318,共16页
Based on the repeated gravity observation data from 1996 to 2007 from the Longmenshan gravity network, which has been dealt with by adjustment processing, the benchmark interference removal and impact of elevation cha... Based on the repeated gravity observation data from 1996 to 2007 from the Longmenshan gravity network, which has been dealt with by adjustment processing, the benchmark interference removal and impact of elevation changes removal, and by using the 3-D inversion method to reflect underground density, we analyze the characteristics of Longmenshan regional dynamic crustal density at depths of 25km, 20km and 15kin. The results show that in the Wenchuan earthquake preparation process, the regional density field showed marked characteristics both in time and space distribution. From the point of time process, the density change trend in the ten years before the earthquake presents a periodic change pattern: steady phase, dramatic stage, slow reducing phase and slow increase phase. The degree of density changes is from large to small, which means that earthquake gestation has reached the final stage. From the point of space distribution, density change distribution has a tendency of "dispersion--relative concentration", this shows that before the earthquake, the entropy of the underground density field was decreased. In addition, dramatic density changes often occur in the Longmenshan fault zone and western Sichuan plateau. Also, with the increase of depth, the trend of density change is more and more obvious. Through comparative analysis, the influence of density change on gravity is much bigger than that from height change. 展开更多
关键词 3-D inversion Dynamic change of density Wenchuan earthquakeLongmenshan fault zone The influence factors of gravity
Characterization of the Crustal Thickness and Poisson's Ratio of the Binchuan Region
作者 Deng Jiamei Jin Mingpei +4 位作者 Chen Jia Gao Qiong Zhang Huaying Wang Jun Ye Beng 《Earthquake Research in China》 CSCD 2017年第1期79-89,共11页
This paper presents the changes of crust thickness and Poisson's ratios distribution in the Binchuan region, where the first air-gun transmitting station and it's a small dense array were deployed. From September 20... This paper presents the changes of crust thickness and Poisson's ratios distribution in the Binchuan region, where the first air-gun transmitting station and it's a small dense array were deployed. From September 2011 to January 2014, more than 239 teleseismic events of M≥ 6.0 were recorded in 16 stations in the Binchuan region. Their P-wave receiver functions were analyzed respectively. The high spatial resolution result shows that the average crust thickness of Binchuan region is 45.3km, it follows the rule of "deeper in the north and east part, shallower in the south and west part. " The deepest region is in Xiaoyindian Station; the crust thickness is 47.9km; the shallowest region is in Paiying Station, it has the thickness of 42. lkm. It shows that the deeper Moho surface nearby the Chenghai fault and shallower nearby the Honghe fault; the isoline distribution of thickness changes greatly nearby the Chenghai fault and slowly nearby the Honghe fault. From the distribution of Poisson's ratios, it is unevenly in the study area with a great difference from the north part to the south part, which shows a characteristic of "lower in the north, higher in the south". The Poisson's ratio nearby the Honghe fault is medium too high ( 0. 26 ≤ σ≤0. 29 ) ; lower nearby the Chenghai fault ( ≤0. 26). This paper concludes the possible reason of different characteristic between Poisson's ratio and crust thickness is thicker in the upper crust in the Binchuan region. 展开更多
关键词 Crustal thickness Poisson's ratio Receiver function The Binchuan region
Numerical simulation of the segmentation of the stress state of the Anninghe-Zemuhe-Xiaojiang faults 被引量:8
作者 ZHU AiYu ZHANG DongNing JIANG ChangSheng 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第2期384-396,共13页
We established a three-dimensional finite element model of the Anninghe-Zemuhe-Xiaojiang faults region using contact surfaces of different sizes to describe the spatial segmentation characteristics of the faults. Our ... We established a three-dimensional finite element model of the Anninghe-Zemuhe-Xiaojiang faults region using contact surfaces of different sizes to describe the spatial segmentation characteristics of the faults. Our model is based on constraints from GPS observations, models of the crust and upper mantle, precise earthquake locations, the tectonic stress field, the slip rate of the faults, and the rheology of the lithosphere in the Sichuan-Yunnan area. Considering the influence of strong earthquakes since A.D. 1327, we analyzed the main controlling factors of the characteristics of the strong earthquakes and also studied by numerical simulation the possible areas of future earthquake risk and their relationship with tectonic stress. The numerical results showed that the gravitational potential energy of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the interaction of adjacent blocks are the main kinetic factors affecting the characteristics of the tectonic stress distribution. There appears to be some correspondence between the distribution of tectonic stress and the b value; however, we also found that some low b value locations correspond to regions of lower stress. This contradiction may be the result of some comprehensive factors, such as the release of strain energy caused by strong earthquakes. 展开更多
关键词 Anninghe-Zemuhe-Xiaojiang faults Stress state Gravitational potential energy b value Numerical simulation
Focal mechanisms of the Lushan earthquake sequence and spatial variation of the stress field 被引量:28
作者 LUO Yan ZHAO Li +1 位作者 ZENG XiangFang GAO Yuan 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第7期1148-1158,共11页
Using broadband seismic records from regional networks, we determined the focal mechanisms and depths of 37 earthquakes in the 2013 M7.0 Lushan earthquake sequence(3.4≤Mw≤5.1) by fitting the three-component waveform... Using broadband seismic records from regional networks, we determined the focal mechanisms and depths of 37 earthquakes in the 2013 M7.0 Lushan earthquake sequence(3.4≤Mw≤5.1) by fitting the three-component waveform data. The results show that the earthquakes are predominantly thrust events, with occasional strike-slip mechanisms. Most earthquakes occurred at depths of 10–20 km. We derived the regional distribution of the average stress field in this area using the damped linear inversion method and the focal mechanisms obtained in this study. The inversion results suggest that the Lushan region and the adjacent area are mostly under compression. The orientations of the maximum principal axes trend NW-SE, with some local differences in the stress distribution at different depths. Compared with the distribution of the stress field in the Wenchuan earthquake area, the stress field in the southwest section of the Longmenshan Fault zone(LFZ) share similar characteristics, predominantly thrust faulting with a few strike-slip events and the maximum compression axes being perpendicular to the LFZ. 展开更多
关键词 Lushan earthquake focal mechanisms stress field aftershock sequence
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