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一种新的三维地学空间构模方法——类三棱柱法 被引量:77
作者 齐安文 吴立新 +2 位作者 李冰 李建民 杨中东 《煤炭学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第2期158-163,共6页
综合评述了目前 3DGIS和 3DGM领域的三维空间构模及三维拓扑关系的研究现状 ;进而提出了一种新的三维地学空间构模方法———类三棱柱 (ATP)法 .该法采用 6类基本元素和 8组拓扑关系来描述和表达三维地质现象 .讨论了如何利用这 8组拓... 综合评述了目前 3DGIS和 3DGM领域的三维空间构模及三维拓扑关系的研究现状 ;进而提出了一种新的三维地学空间构模方法———类三棱柱 (ATP)法 .该法采用 6类基本元素和 8组拓扑关系来描述和表达三维地质现象 .讨论了如何利用这 8组拓扑关系进行地质体查询与分析的基本思路 ;给出了程序实现后的 展开更多
关键词 三维地学空间构模方法 类三棱柱法 3DGIS 3D地学模拟 ATP 三维拓扑
论三维地学空间构模 被引量:82
作者 吴立新 史文中 《地理与地理信息科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期1-4,共4页
基于广义地理系统(地学系统)观点,结合3DGIS与3DGMS的应用需求,该文提出三维地学空间构模的4个目标层次,并对相应层次的系统功能要求进行比较分析。围绕三维地学空间构模领域中的地学空间目标认知、空间模型维数、空间模型适应性、二维... 基于广义地理系统(地学系统)观点,结合3DGIS与3DGMS的应用需求,该文提出三维地学空间构模的4个目标层次,并对相应层次的系统功能要求进行比较分析。围绕三维地学空间构模领域中的地学空间目标认知、空间模型维数、空间模型适应性、二维屏幕上三维操纵、三维空间拓扑关系描述和三维空间模型更新6方面进行讨论,提出11个亟需回答的前沿问题。此外,还指出了8项亟需协作攻关的关键理论与技术问题。 展开更多
关键词 地学 空间构模 三维 拓扑关系 GIS 地理系统 空间模型 应用需求 目标层次 比较分析
3D GIS与3D GMS中的空间构模技术 被引量:173
作者 吴立新 史文中 Christopher Gold 《地理与地理信息科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2003年第1期5-11,共7页
3DGIS和3DGMS是近10a来地学领域并行发展的两大领域。该文从研究对象、数据来源、空间参照、空间构模、拓扑描述、空间量算、空间分析及应用领域等方面分析了3DGIS和3DGMS异同,并从数学模型、高程特征、属性特征和构模方式等方面讨论并... 3DGIS和3DGMS是近10a来地学领域并行发展的两大领域。该文从研究对象、数据来源、空间参照、空间构模、拓扑描述、空间量算、空间分析及应用领域等方面分析了3DGIS和3DGMS异同,并从数学模型、高程特征、属性特征和构模方式等方面讨论并重新界定了空间维数问题。重点分析了空间构模技术,将3DGIS和3DGMS中的空间构模分为基于面模型、基于体模型和混合构模3大类,并进行了分析比较和讨论。指出3DGIS和3DGMS将殊途同归,并最终建立全要素的真3D地球信息系统。 展开更多
关键词 三维GIS 三维地学模拟系统 地球信息系统 空间维数 空间构模 地理信息系统
基于SVA一体化的非层状矿体空间构模研究 被引量:2
作者 刘亚静 毛善君 姚纪明 《煤炭学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期522-526,共5页
分析了已有三维数据模型的特点及其优缺点,论证了采用混合数据模型对建立真三维非层状矿体模型的合理性;基于矢量栅格一体化的建模思想,提出了重构非层状矿体的表面-体元一体化的Solid-Volume-ARTP(SVA)数据模型,并设计了相应的概念模... 分析了已有三维数据模型的特点及其优缺点,论证了采用混合数据模型对建立真三维非层状矿体模型的合理性;基于矢量栅格一体化的建模思想,提出了重构非层状矿体的表面-体元一体化的Solid-Volume-ARTP(SVA)数据模型,并设计了相应的概念模型和逻辑模型;以SVA数据模型为基础,抽象出8种几何元素,设计了相应的数据结构.利用VC++和OpenGL语言开发了具有SVA一体化建模等功能的矿体三维可视化系统.以某铁矿为实例,建立了SVA三维数据模型,并对系统进行了验证. 展开更多
关键词 SVA数据模型 非层状矿体 空间构模
周福生教授“三脏一体”辨证的五行空间构模研究 被引量:3
作者 许仕杰 黄纯美 周福生 《中医药学刊》 2004年第9期1738-1740,共3页
周师十分推崇任继学教授“人体三维生理系统”的学术思想 ,任老认为 :人体内外、表里、上下皆有三维生理功能参与 ,而人的生命起源也是如此。系统介绍周福生教授通过几十年临床经验总结 ,提出“三脏一体”辨证的五行空间构模 ,运用五行... 周师十分推崇任继学教授“人体三维生理系统”的学术思想 ,任老认为 :人体内外、表里、上下皆有三维生理功能参与 ,而人的生命起源也是如此。系统介绍周福生教授通过几十年临床经验总结 ,提出“三脏一体”辨证的五行空间构模 ,运用五行空间构模来论证“三脏一体”辨证 ,从而使五行学说这一思维方法贯穿整个“三脏一体”辨证理论体系。而“三脏一体”辨证对研究木火土金水五行的概念、特性、生克制化乘侮规律也有着重大意义 ,两者的结合相得益彰。重点介绍了运用五行空间构模解释“三脏一体”的生理、病理 ,并阐述了“三脏一体” 展开更多
关键词 周福生 三脏一体 五行 空间构模
GIS的矿山巷道三维空间构模算法研究 被引量:7
作者 赵晓东 谷晓松 王海龙 《测绘科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期20-22,共3页
巷道是井下矿山系统中各种人工要素的主要空间载体,其三维空间构模问题是目前三维地学空间构模研究的重要方向之一。针对该问题的解决,给出了巷道中心线的生成方法,提出了根据巷道中心线和断面进行巷道三维空间构模算法。该算法针对圆... 巷道是井下矿山系统中各种人工要素的主要空间载体,其三维空间构模问题是目前三维地学空间构模研究的重要方向之一。针对该问题的解决,给出了巷道中心线的生成方法,提出了根据巷道中心线和断面进行巷道三维空间构模算法。该算法针对圆形巷道断面和巷道交叉处椭圆断面给出了公式的推导,并利用向量算法实现了该问题的三维空间构模。算法在GIS平台下得到验证和实现,表明该方法稳定、可靠,对今后模型走向工程应用具有重要的理论和实用价值。 展开更多
关键词 GIS 数字矿山 巷道 三维空间构模
GIS和FLAC^(3D)耦合下的采场上覆岩层破坏空间分布 被引量:7
作者 赵晓东 谷晓松 王海龙 《煤炭学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第9期1435-1439,共5页
在分析GIS空间数据模型和FLAC3D初始单元模型的基础上,通过GIS栅格数据模型与FLAC3D的六面体单元(Brick)模型的数据耦合,提出了两者耦合下的煤矿采场三维空间构模方法。利用该方法在数值模拟计算结果的基础上建立了GIS时空数据库,以&qu... 在分析GIS空间数据模型和FLAC3D初始单元模型的基础上,通过GIS栅格数据模型与FLAC3D的六面体单元(Brick)模型的数据耦合,提出了两者耦合下的煤矿采场三维空间构模方法。利用该方法在数值模拟计算结果的基础上建立了GIS时空数据库,以"三带"的断裂带上限值定义了上覆岩层破坏高度函数。结合汝箕沟煤矿32211工作面的开采实际,计算了工作面上覆岩层破坏空间分布,给出了终采线附近上覆岩层破坏高度。 展开更多
关键词 GIS 耦合 上覆岩层 空间构模
基于Tin和STP的3D地学混合构模 被引量:1
作者 洪雄 张建勋 《工程图学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期66-71,共6页
实现GIS与GMS的集成,可将地表信息和地下信息结合起来更加完整地表达地质现象,给地质专家提供更多的可视化信息和分析工具。根据实际工程钻孔数据的特性,提出了基于Tin和STP的混合空间构模技术构建三维地学模型。该技术在三维地学模拟... 实现GIS与GMS的集成,可将地表信息和地下信息结合起来更加完整地表达地质现象,给地质专家提供更多的可视化信息和分析工具。根据实际工程钻孔数据的特性,提出了基于Tin和STP的混合空间构模技术构建三维地学模型。该技术在三维地学模拟系统的开发中得到了应用,实验结果表明GIS与GMS的一体化集成是可行的,也是RS、GIS、GMS的三位一体化集成的基础。 展开更多
关键词 计算机应用 三维地学模拟 混合空间构模 DELAUNAY三角剖分 似三棱柱
基于空间信息的三维地学模拟理论及研究 被引量:3
作者 王瑞芳 《山西建筑》 2007年第22期354-355,共2页
关键词 三维地学模拟 空间构模 三维GIS
含断层的煤层底板TIN构模中数据组织 被引量:2
作者 郝海森 《河北工程技术高等专科学校学报》 2003年第3期15-19,26,共6页
关键词 煤层底板 TIN 断层 数据模型 空间构模
基于面向对象思想的矿体三维数据模型 被引量:3
作者 刘亚静 李梅 +1 位作者 宋利杰 王政 《辽宁工程技术大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第4期437-440,共4页
为了解决地下矿体解译和圈定问题,采用面向对象的方法,分析了矿体三维模型,论述了矿体构模过程,矿体三维数据模型元素的表达,抽象成矿体模型类库,最终建立矿体的三维数据模型的过程,并成功地建立了国内某大型铁矿三维矿体模型.研究结果... 为了解决地下矿体解译和圈定问题,采用面向对象的方法,分析了矿体三维模型,论述了矿体构模过程,矿体三维数据模型元素的表达,抽象成矿体模型类库,最终建立矿体的三维数据模型的过程,并成功地建立了国内某大型铁矿三维矿体模型.研究结果表明:面向对象思想建立矿体三维数据模型有效且实用.该成果对矿床采矿设计、开拓生产提供更直观、更可靠的研究手段. 展开更多
关键词 面向对象 矿体建模 三维可视化 数据模型 实体模型 空间构模 一体化模型 类模型
三维地学模拟研究现状及发展趋势 被引量:8
作者 陈学习 吴立新 《华北科技学院学报》 2003年第2期28-32,共5页
关键词 三维地学模拟 三维空间构模 拓扑关系 发展趋势
作者 姜顺明 陈南 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2009年第2期101-106,共6页
The problem of active structural acoustic control in an enclosure using radiation mode is investigated. The response of the coupled enclosure is derived in terms of radiation modes. The potential energy in the enclosu... The problem of active structural acoustic control in an enclosure using radiation mode is investigated. The response of the coupled enclosure is derived in terms of radiation modes. The potential energy in the enclosure can be decomposed into independent parts and the radiation modes contribute to potential energy independently. The control strategy for minimizing first G radiation modes with large radiation efficiency is proposed, and the optimal model of control forces is presented. Finally, a numerical simulation for minimizing sound transmission into a rectangular enclosure using the proposed method is conducted. Simulation results indicate that one control force can control one radiation mode and controlling the first four-order radiation modes with four control forces can achieve significant potential energy reduction at the low frequency range. 展开更多
关键词 ENCLOSURES radiation modes structural acoustic active control
七、P25 专业测绘与工程测量
《导航定位学报》 2011年第3期78-82,共5页
CH20111734圆形隧道断面检测数据拟合新方法=ANew Method for Fitting Detection Data of Circular TunnelSection/谷川,秦世伟(上海市政工程设计研究总院)
关键词 测绘科学 地球动力学 三维空间构模 大地测量 新方法 隧道断面 工程学院 土地利用变更 粒子群优化算法 工程应用
Spatial Structural Pattern and Vulnerability of China-Japan-Korea Shipping Network 被引量:18
作者 GUO Jianke WANG Shaobo +1 位作者 WANG Dandan LIU Tianbao 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第5期697-708,共12页
The economies of China-Japan-Korea (CJK) are complementary, with their proximity resulting in the three countries having a high degree of interdependence with respect to trade. Currently, trade among these countries... The economies of China-Japan-Korea (CJK) are complementary, with their proximity resulting in the three countries having a high degree of interdependence with respect to trade. Currently, trade among these countries relies mainly on port-centered shipping. The development of the shipping network is integral for in-depth integration of CJK trade. This paper analyzes the overall characteristics, centrality, spatial structure, and vulnerability of the CJK shipping network using the methods of complex network analysis, blocking flow theory, and interruption and deletion of hub ports. The main findings are as follows: 1) The CJK shipping network has a small average path length and clustering coefficient, and its degree distribution follows a power-law distribution, which make the network present obvious characteristics of a Barabasi-Albert scale-free. 2) The characteristics of the multi-center point of the CJK shipping network can alleviate traffic pressure. At the same time, the network shows a clear hierarchy in the port transportation system, with cargo transport relying mainly on the ‘hub port-hub port' connection. 3) The CJK shipping network is relatively stable. Compared with ports in Japan and Korea, the main hub ports in China have a greater impact on the stability of the shipping network, in particular those ports of the central coastal region, including Shanghai, Ningbo, and Lianyungang. 展开更多
关键词 complex network blocking flow theory Barabhsi-Albert scale-free network regional differences China-Japan-Korea
Changing Spatial and Structural Patterns of Non-agricultural Activities in Outward-moving Beijing Urban Fringe 被引量:3
作者 CAO Guangzhong LIU Tao +1 位作者 LIU Hui MIAO Yangbing 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第6期718-729,共12页
As responses to metropolitan suburbanization and rural urbanization,the formation and evolution of urban fringes should be understood against the background of overall economic development and spatial reconstruction o... As responses to metropolitan suburbanization and rural urbanization,the formation and evolution of urban fringes should be understood against the background of overall economic development and spatial reconstruction of entire metropolises.At the same time,however,endogenous interactions between industrial structure and spatial patterns of non-agricultural activities are also worthy of scholarly attention.Since the 1980s,studies on urban fringes in China have been restricted by the lack of micro-level data.This paper investigates the spatial expansion and structural evolution of the urban fringe by taking the case of Beijing and uses systematic firm-level data in 1996 and 2001 from the National Census of Basic Units.The diversity of distribution patterns across industrial sectors brings about two interrelated results.On the one hand,structural adjustment of non-agricultural industries promotes the expansion and spatial evolution of the urban fringe.On the other hand,the stability and dynamics of industrial structure coexist in the moving urban fringe.This study also reveals that the outward-moving urban fringe is the optimal location for manufacturing,especially heavy manufacturing,as well as traditional producer and consumer services.However,industries with spatial stickiness such as tourism and sports have not moved with the fringe.Most advanced services remain concentrated in the city center.The authors argue that it is essential for understanding and managing urban fringes to take into account spatial evolution and industrial structural adjustment together with their interaction with each other. 展开更多
关键词 urban fringe industrial structure spatial evolution SUBURBANIZATION BEIJING China
Short-term traffic flow prediction with PSR-XGBoostconsidering chaotic characteristics 被引量:3
作者 Li Shubin Kong Xiangke +2 位作者 Li Qingtong Lin Zhaofeng Zhao Zihao 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2022年第1期92-96,共5页
To improve the level of active traffic management,a short-term traffic flow prediction model is proposed by combining phase space reconstruction(PSR)and extreme gradient boosting(XGBoost)algorithms.Firstly,the traditi... To improve the level of active traffic management,a short-term traffic flow prediction model is proposed by combining phase space reconstruction(PSR)and extreme gradient boosting(XGBoost)algorithms.Firstly,the traditional data preprocessing method is improved.The new method uses hierarchical clustering to determine the traffic flow state and fills in missing and abnormal data according to different traffic flow states.Secondly,one-dimensional data are mapped into a multidimensional data matrix through PSR,and the time series complex network is used to verify the data reconstruction effect.Finally,the multidimensional data matrix is inputted into the XGBoost model to predict future traffic flow parameters.The experimental results show that the mean square error,average absolute error,and average absolute percentage error of the prediction results of the PSR-XGBoost model are 5.399%,1.632%,and 6.278%,respectively,and the required running time is 17.35 s.Compared with mathematical-statistical models and other machine learning models,the PSR-XGBoost model has clear advantages in multiple predictive indicators,proving its feasibility and superiority in short-term traffic flow prediction. 展开更多
关键词 traffic prediction phase space reconstruct complex networks model optimization
Quotient space model based on algebraic structure 被引量:3
作者 陈林书 WangJiayang +1 位作者 LiLi YangZhenghua 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2016年第2期160-169,共10页
In the quotient space theory of granular computing,the universe structure is assumed to be a topology,therefore,its application is still limited.In this study,based on the quotient space model,the universe structure i... In the quotient space theory of granular computing,the universe structure is assumed to be a topology,therefore,its application is still limited.In this study,based on the quotient space model,the universe structure is assumed as an algebra instead of a topology.As to obtain the algebraic quotient operator,the granulation must be uniquely determined by a congruence relation,and all the congruence relations form a complete semi-order lattice,which is the theoretical basis of granularities ' completeness.When the given equivalence relation is not a congruence relation,it defines the concepts of upper quotient and lower quotient,and discusses some of their properties which demonstrate that falsity preserving principle and truth preserving principle are still valid.Finally,it presents the algorithms and example of upper quotient and lower quotient.The work extends the quotient space theory from structure,and provides theoretical basis for the combination of the quotient space theory and the algebra theory. 展开更多
关键词 granular computing quotient space congruence closure quotient operation up-per lower quotient
Spatial Structure Characteristics Detecting of Landform based on Improved 3D Lacunarity Model 被引量:4
作者 TAO Yang TANG Guo'an Josef STROBL 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第1期88-96,共9页
The spatial structure characteristics of landform are the foundation of geomorphologic classification and recognition.This paper proposed a new method on quantifying spatial structure characteristics of terrain surfac... The spatial structure characteristics of landform are the foundation of geomorphologic classification and recognition.This paper proposed a new method on quantifying spatial structure characteristics of terrain surface based on improved 3D Lacunarity model.Lacunarity curve and its numerical integration are used in this model to improve traditional classification result that different morphological types may share the close value of indexes based on global statistical analysis.Experiments at four test areas with different landform types show that improved 3D Lacunarity model can effectively distinguish different morphological types per texture analysis.Higher sensitivity in distinguishing the tiny differences of texture characteristics of terrain surface shows that the quantification method by 3D Lacu-narity model and its numerical integration presented in this paper could contribute to improving the accuracy of land-form classifications and relative studies. 展开更多
关键词 digital elevation model (DEM) 3D Lacunarity model spatial pattern terrain texture LANDFORM
EVOLUTIONARY MODEL OF FREE ECONOMIC ZONES——Different Generations and Structural Features 被引量:10
作者 MENGGuang-wen 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2005年第2期103-112,共10页
Free economic zone (FEZ) has a long history and plays a more and more important role in the world economy. Most studies, however, focused on the theoretical analysis of benefit and cost as well as the economic role of... Free economic zone (FEZ) has a long history and plays a more and more important role in the world economy. Most studies, however, focused on the theoretical analysis of benefit and cost as well as the economic role of FEZ in the less developed countries and little attention has been paid to the evolution of FEZ. This paper will improve the above-mentioned studies and put forward the structural and spatial evolutionary model of FEZ by analyzing the development of objectives, preferential policy, governance structure, industrial sectors and location of FEZs based on the international economic and political development. FEZs develop towards: 1) more comprehensive and macro objectives, 2) more industry-oriented and multi-preferential policies, 3) more cross-national and combination zones with administrative areas, 4) more technology-intensive and multi-industries, 5) more flexible location and larger spatial dimensions, 6) more rapid evolution and typologies, and 7) more economic integration to the host economy. 展开更多
关键词 free economic zone structural evolutionary model spatial evolution
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