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作者 郑家齐 《城市建筑》 2023年第19期82-87,112,共7页
随着城市发展和产业转型提升,产城融合成为评价城市发展水平和产业发展前景的重要因素。文章以厦门同翔高新城城市设计为例,通过对厦门产城融合发展历程进行剖析,提出“以产城融合为驱动核心、以城市设计为空间抓手,打造‘产—城—人—... 随着城市发展和产业转型提升,产城融合成为评价城市发展水平和产业发展前景的重要因素。文章以厦门同翔高新城城市设计为例,通过对厦门产城融合发展历程进行剖析,提出“以产城融合为驱动核心、以城市设计为空间抓手,打造‘产—城—人—地’深度融合、持续共生的活力新城”的策略,同时结合城市设计规划实践,聚焦产城居比、职住平衡指数、生活圈活动覆盖率三大融合因子的评价内容与评价标准,探索构建一套可行有效的产城融合空间评价体系,为促进厦门“两高两化”建设献言献策。 展开更多
关键词 产城融合 空间评价体系 产城居比 职住平衡指数 生活圈活动覆盖率
城市生态社区的多空间评价体系与应用初探——以广州为例 被引量:5
作者 袁媛 林太志 骆逸玲 《国际城市规划》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第2期41-46,66,共7页
中国城市生态社区评价研究定性多、定量少,主要原因是评价体系单一,指标可获得性低。本研究提出一个多层次、多目标、多侧重点的多空间评价体系,增强其可操作性。多空间评价体系包括:宏观层面,通过关键的、可获得性高的指标整体评价城... 中国城市生态社区评价研究定性多、定量少,主要原因是评价体系单一,指标可获得性低。本研究提出一个多层次、多目标、多侧重点的多空间评价体系,增强其可操作性。多空间评价体系包括:宏观层面,通过关键的、可获得性高的指标整体评价城市社区的生态性,找到生态得分低的问题地区;微观层面,构建更深入全面、技术性强的指标体系来综合评价重点社区,制定社区生态性改造策略。最后以广州为例,初步探讨多空间评价体系的应用,重点在宏观层面社区的生态性评价,发现得分低于平均水平的社区集中在城市外圈层,并对未来微观层面社区评价和规划提出建议。研究对完善生态社区评价体系具有理论意义,对推进生态社区评价的实践具有现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 生态社区 空间评价体系 生态指标 广州
面向城市新区水网构建的蓝绿灰空间布局评价体系初探 被引量:3
作者 陈广宇 柳杨 +3 位作者 冯中华 粟一帆 谢忱 范子武 《水利规划与设计》 2022年第11期12-18,45,共8页
城市水系是缓解城市热岛效应、提升城市碳“汇”能力、彰显城市景观文化的重要载物,合理的城市蓝绿灰空间布局对促进城市水系构建意义重大。为能够定量评价城市新区水系构建前后蓝绿灰空间布局合理性,文章采用非度量多维标度排序、模糊... 城市水系是缓解城市热岛效应、提升城市碳“汇”能力、彰显城市景观文化的重要载物,合理的城市蓝绿灰空间布局对促进城市水系构建意义重大。为能够定量评价城市新区水系构建前后蓝绿灰空间布局合理性,文章采用非度量多维标度排序、模糊逻辑法、四分法等方法筛选了城市蓝色空间、绿色空间、灰色空间3个准则层的评价指标,构建了城市蓝绿灰空间布局评价指标体系,并应用于上海市临港新城核心区。评价结果显示,临港核心区蓝绿灰空间布局合理性空间异质性明显,西部及中部区域明显优于东部,合理的水系构建与区域蓝绿灰空间布局合理性密切相关。 展开更多
关键词 蓝绿灰空间布局评价体系 非度量多维标度排序 模糊逻辑法 统计分析 上海临港新城核心区
面向乡村地区国土空间治理的乡村脆弱性评价——理论思考、实证研究与应用展望 被引量:7
作者 于婷婷 蒋存妍 +1 位作者 冷红 袁青 《城市规划》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期45-53,73,共10页
面对长期农业生产及快速城镇化过程中积累的乡村人地矛盾,乡村脆弱性评价能够直观反映国土空间潜在风险,客观描述国土空间基底和功能的受损状态,为指导乡村地区国土空间治理、完善乡村空间规划管控途径提供依据。依托现有人地耦合脆弱... 面对长期农业生产及快速城镇化过程中积累的乡村人地矛盾,乡村脆弱性评价能够直观反映国土空间潜在风险,客观描述国土空间基底和功能的受损状态,为指导乡村地区国土空间治理、完善乡村空间规划管控途径提供依据。依托现有人地耦合脆弱性评价方法,从暴露性、敏感性和适应性维度建立评价模型,构建乡村脆弱性评价在国土空间规划中应用的方法及步骤,以黑龙江省117个县域单元为例进行评价实践,形成乡村脆弱性等级、类型、主因子、风险来源等成果,依托GIS平台直观呈现其空间分异格局,为黑龙江省乡村地区空间治理任务及建设发展目标制定提供依据,并将其融入县、乡镇级国土空间规划评价体系,以期共同指导乡村地区国土空间规划编制。 展开更多
关键词 脆弱性评价 国土空间治理 乡村地区 国土空间规划评价体系 人地耦合
城市空间特色资源评价方法与途径研究——以南通为例 被引量:3
作者 史宜 胡昕宇 +1 位作者 杨俊宴 王智慧 《江苏建筑》 2014年第1期1-6,60,共7页
在快速城镇化的背景下,为了避免城市形象出现"千城一面"的问题,每个城市在规划建设中均应形成有别于其他城市的特色所在。因此如何城市空间特色资源评价体系,成为当下城市规划领域的重要课题。文章以南通为例,从城市空间特色... 在快速城镇化的背景下,为了避免城市形象出现"千城一面"的问题,每个城市在规划建设中均应形成有别于其他城市的特色所在。因此如何城市空间特色资源评价体系,成为当下城市规划领域的重要课题。文章以南通为例,从城市空间特色的概念内涵入手,分析城市空间特色的物质载体,选取城市空间特色资源评价因子,如独特性,根植性,认知度,影响度,支撑性,成长性等,采用单项分级,模糊评价等方式,建构完整的城市空间特色资源评价体系。基于评价结果不仅可以对城市空间特色的发展方向进行预判,并且可以在规划实践中有目标地培育、强化、彰显该城市的空间特色,为建设富有魅力、各具特色的城市空间提供有力的支持。 展开更多
关键词 城市空间特色资源 评价体系空间特色 南通
日常生活视角下基于SD-IPA法的滨水公共空间评价研究——以上海苏州河居住生活段为例 被引量:2
作者 刘若昕 《城市建筑》 2022年第17期29-33,共5页
本研究基于日常生活视角构建滨水公共空间评价体系,运用结合模糊数学的语义分析(SD)评价方法,从基础保障型、生活提升型和品质内涵型三大需求层出发,设置了6个一级指标和18个二级指标,测定市民对滨水公共空间在各个评价指标方面的满意度... 本研究基于日常生活视角构建滨水公共空间评价体系,运用结合模糊数学的语义分析(SD)评价方法,从基础保障型、生活提升型和品质内涵型三大需求层出发,设置了6个一级指标和18个二级指标,测定市民对滨水公共空间在各个评价指标方面的满意度;通过重要性-绩效分析模型(IPA),构建无须优先区、继续保持区、缓慢建设区和亟须改进区4个建设顺序层级,并结合差值可视化分析得出滨水指标的绩效表现情况。本研究以上海苏州河两岸居民区最多的段落为例,针对滨水公共空间,优化测量市民日常生活需求与空间供给匹配度的方法,提高测量的准确性,为后期优化滨水公共空间提供建议指导。 展开更多
关键词 日常生活视角 滨水空间评价体系 Fuzzy-SD IPA模型
需求导向下养老特色村空间选址评价——以浙北地区为例 被引量:5
作者 方园 刘声 祝立雄 《经济地理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第11期203-210,共8页
养老特色村一般为市场选择、自发形成,是对接城市老人养老需求的产物,因此养老特色村的布点规划应根据使用者的需求意愿进行空间选址。在文献分析、实地调研、专家意见咨询的基础上,以使用主体需求为导向,以供给主体原生性为标准,构建... 养老特色村一般为市场选择、自发形成,是对接城市老人养老需求的产物,因此养老特色村的布点规划应根据使用者的需求意愿进行空间选址。在文献分析、实地调研、专家意见咨询的基础上,以使用主体需求为导向,以供给主体原生性为标准,构建以四大准则、八大要素、15个指标为重点的特色村空间选址要素评价体系,并根据需求调查确定指标权重与评估标准。以浙江省北部地区为例进行实证研究,发现:(1)结果与现实状态相符,本选址评价体系准确性较高;(2)适建区(≥7)占研究范围的33.67%,空间自相关性较高,呈大量集聚、少量分散状态;(3)适宜度评价均值第一梯队的县市山林资源丰富,第二、第三梯队则水系资源丰富,可见城市老人对山林资源的需求度更高;(4)多数县市适建区重心与地理重心不重合,标准差椭圆的扁率、角度差均较大,县市内适建区集聚性显著。 展开更多
关键词 乡村健康养老 养老特色村 需求导向 移居养老 空间选址评价体系 适宜建设区 浙北地区
Suitability Evaluation of Rural Settlements Based on Accessibility of Production and Living: A Case Study of Tingzu Town in Hubei Prov- ince of China 被引量:8
作者 LIU Yaolin YE Qingqing +2 位作者 LI Jiwei KONG Xuesong JIAO Limin 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第4期550-565,共16页
Rural settlements are the main carriers of agriculture, rural areas and farmers; thus, optimizing the production and living space of rural settlements is highly significant to rural development. Taking the effective a... Rural settlements are the main carriers of agriculture, rural areas and farmers; thus, optimizing the production and living space of rural settlements is highly significant to rural development. Taking the effective allocation of resources as the starting point, a suitability evaluation system of rural settlements, based on accessibility of production and living, was proposed in this study to provide scientific basis for the optimization of production and living space. The accessibility of production and living was measured by an im- proved two-step floating catchment area method, which considered proximity and availability based on the inclination of rural residents. The suitability evaluation system consisted of traditional suitability evaluation and newly proposed limiting factor identification based on the loss score proportion of suitability. Tingzu Town of Hubei Province, China, was chosen as the case study area. Based on the re- suits of the suitability evaluation system, corresponding suggestions on rural land consolidation, industry division, as well as the layout of health care and education facilities were proposed to optimize the production and living space of rural settlements in Tingzu Town. It is found that the suitability evaluation based on accessibility of production and living is more scientific and accurate than the traditional ones which significantly overestimate production and living convenience. Moreover, the limiting factor identification can help us put forward suggestions according to local conditions and bring about the highly targeted optimization of production and living space of rural settlements. 展开更多
关键词 rural settlements suitability evaluation accessibility of production and living two-step floating catchment area (2SFCA)method limiting factor identification Tingzu Town
A Method for Spatial Heterogeneity Evaluation on Landscape Pattern of Farmland Shelterbelt Networks:A Case Study in Midwest of Jilin Province,China 被引量:11
作者 SHI Xiaoliang LI Ying DENG Rongxin 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第1期48-56,共9页
On the basis of landscape ecology, combining the Spot 5 high resolution satellite imagery with GIS, a method evaluating the spatial heterogeneity of shelterbelts distribution at landscape scale is put forward in this ... On the basis of landscape ecology, combining the Spot 5 high resolution satellite imagery with GIS, a method evaluating the spatial heterogeneity of shelterbelts distribution at landscape scale is put forward in this paper. The distance coefficients of reasonable and existing landscape indexes of farmland shelterbelt networks were com-puted, and then through the classification of the distance coefficients, and the establishment of evaluation rules, the spatial heterogeneity of farmland shelterbelts was evaluated. The method can improve the evaluating system of previ-ous studies on shelterbelts distribution, resolve the disadvantages of lacking spatiality of overall evaluation, and make the evaluation results have more directive significance for shelterbelt management. Based on this method, spatial het-erogeneity of shelterbelt networks was evaluated in the midwest of Jilin Province, China. The results show that the re-gions with fewer shelterbelts and no closed network account for 34.7% of the total area, but only 4.9% of the area has relative reasonable pattern of shelterbelt networks. Many problems exist in the distribution pattern of shelterbelts, therefore, much attention should be paid to construct farmland shelterbelts in the study area. 展开更多
关键词 farmland shelterbelt spatial heterogeneity Spot 5 distance coefficient
Delimiting the consolidation area for supplementing prime farmland with GIS technology 被引量:2
作者 涂建军 Yang Le 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2012年第2期219-222,共4页
In view of the fact that consolidation area for supplementing prime farmland (CASPF) is a new concept proposed in the latest round of general land use planning in China, this paper proposes a new and integrated GIS-... In view of the fact that consolidation area for supplementing prime farmland (CASPF) is a new concept proposed in the latest round of general land use planning in China, this paper proposes a new and integrated GIS- based technology for delimiting CASPF. Taking the advantage of the features of CASPF, a comprehensive evaluation indicator system for defining ordinary farmland as CASPF is established in this study, which covers 11 indicators, including slope, land plots connectivity, altitude, surface soil texture, and so on. With the help of the ideal-point method, ordinary farmland plots are sorted according to their evaluation scores in descending order. Based on the space analysis technique of GIS, high-ranking land plots are defined as CASPF reasonably. 展开更多
关键词 consolidation area for supplementing prime farmland (CASPF) GIS technology spatial localization ideal-point method
Evaluation and Hotspots Identification of Shallow Groundwater Contamination Risk in the Lower Reaches of the Liaohe River Plain
作者 孙才志 陈相涛 陈雪姣 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2016年第1期51-60,共10页
As a prerequisite for groundwater protection and contamination control, evaluation of groundwater con- tamination risk was the extension of groundwater vulnerability assessment. Based on disaster theory and using shal... As a prerequisite for groundwater protection and contamination control, evaluation of groundwater con- tamination risk was the extension of groundwater vulnerability assessment. Based on disaster theory and using shallow groundwater of the lower reaches of Liaohe River Plain as the study area, we built an evaluation index system and a contamination index model for groundwater contamination risks from the perspectives of intrinsic vulnerability, external stresses, and functional value. We used data acquisition technology (remote sensing) and spatial analysis technology (GIS) to calculate the value of groundwater contamination risks. The spatial distribution of hotspots was obtained by calculating G index. Results show that groundwater contamination is above a mid-level risk in most of the study area. Areas with extreme high risk account for 37.86%, areas with high risk 32.47%, areas with moderate risk 12.07%, areas with light risk 3.17%, and areas with slight risk 14.43%. Hotspots areas are mainly located in central Shenyang City, northwest of Xinmin City, Beizhen City and Liaozhong County. Coldspots are mainly in Panjin City, Yingkou City, Dashiqiao City, Dawa County and Panshan County. The results reflect the spatial distribution and mechanism of groundwater contamination risk in the study area and provide relative references for land use planning and groundwater resource protection in the lower reaches of the Liaohe River Plain. 展开更多
关键词 lower reaches of the Liaohe River Plain groundwater contamination risk evaluation index system spatial hotspot analysis
作者 姜睿 《新纪实》 2020年第11期16-16,共1页
近来来,素质教育改革在中职教育中逐渐落实,中职音乐作为素质教育的重要课程和专业,其地位逐渐得以凸显,并受到学校的高度重视。教师在开展中职音乐课教学的过程中,需要在教育观念上做出系统更新,以美育为目标对课程体系以及具体的教学... 近来来,素质教育改革在中职教育中逐渐落实,中职音乐作为素质教育的重要课程和专业,其地位逐渐得以凸显,并受到学校的高度重视。教师在开展中职音乐课教学的过程中,需要在教育观念上做出系统更新,以美育为目标对课程体系以及具体的教学形态进行创新,让学生拥有良好的学习环境,提高学生的整体艺术素养。鉴于此,本文从中职音乐教学内容出发,分析了当前在中职音乐教学中缺乏新的现状,然后就中职音乐教学的创新举措展开合理分析。 展开更多
关键词 中职音乐 创新教学 生本理念 探究教学 教学空间:评价体系
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