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作者 刘帆 《法学(汉斯)》 2023年第2期539-547,共9页
本文致力于证成法外空间肯定说的存在性。先以法外空间肯定说与否定说作为引入,列举法外空间学说的肯定说与否定说,并以法外空间肯定说中的法律无评价说为主体对其存在性进行论证。后以驳斥法外空间否定说的中逻辑缺陷说与概念模糊说的... 本文致力于证成法外空间肯定说的存在性。先以法外空间肯定说与否定说作为引入,列举法外空间学说的肯定说与否定说,并以法外空间肯定说中的法律无评价说为主体对其存在性进行论证。后以驳斥法外空间否定说的中逻辑缺陷说与概念模糊说的观点进行反证以及对法外空间肯定说的内在逻辑进行正面的分析论证,并以空白罪状和兜底条款为例,进而证立其存在合理性。 展开更多
关键词 法外空间肯定 法外空间否定 存在性证成 兜底条款 空白罪状
教唆、帮助自杀行为的定性 “法外空间说”的展开 被引量:51
作者 周光权 《中外法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期1164-1179,共16页
对于教唆、帮助自杀行为如何定性,有基于自杀违法的故意杀人罪说和立足于自杀合法的无罪说的对立。故意杀人罪说认为自杀者具有违法性,只是违法性较低,需要从政策的角度例外地考虑不处罚的判断,与法理及事实均明显不符;认为个人有绝对... 对于教唆、帮助自杀行为如何定性,有基于自杀违法的故意杀人罪说和立足于自杀合法的无罪说的对立。故意杀人罪说认为自杀者具有违法性,只是违法性较低,需要从政策的角度例外地考虑不处罚的判断,与法理及事实均明显不符;认为个人有绝对的自我处分生命的自由,也缺乏充足的根据,且很多国家通过规定自杀关联犯罪来处罚极其边缘的行为,其立法合理性从根基上就可能被动摇。其实,对于自杀,国家只是默认和"只能如此"地接受,自杀并不是畅通无阻的权利,而仅仅是法律不想作违法或合法评价的法外空间。在中国,《刑法》并未规定专门的自杀关联犯罪,因此,从自杀不违法出发,同时考虑客观归责的法理,不能对教唆、帮助他人自杀者论以故意杀人罪。处理类似案件的关键是严格掌握自杀的认定标准,防止将故意杀人的间接正犯错误认定为自杀,人为造成处罚漏洞。 展开更多
关键词 自杀参与 法外空间说 共犯从属性 客观归责
作者 洪拓夷 《湖州师范学院学报》 2020年第1期108-112,共5页
说读学习最有代表性的是师生的说课训练与朗读学习,它是学习的重要手段之一,而师范院校图书馆创建说课与朗读空间既是师范教学与教育的需要,又是图书馆空间服务发展的趋势。根据师范院校读者说课与朗读现状及需求,以及相关理论的指导,... 说读学习最有代表性的是师生的说课训练与朗读学习,它是学习的重要手段之一,而师范院校图书馆创建说课与朗读空间既是师范教学与教育的需要,又是图书馆空间服务发展的趋势。根据师范院校读者说课与朗读现状及需求,以及相关理论的指导,提出创建说读空间的规划设计、使用功能、组织管理等策略。在图书馆创建说读空间,是为学校教学教育及教研活动等提供辅助和延伸服务,是图书馆服务功能的必要拓展。 展开更多
关键词 空间 空间服务 多功能空间 课训练空间 朗读空间 空间功能
虚拟空间秩序构建之探索 被引量:1
作者 朱萍 《研究生法学》 2001年第2期1-11,共11页
电子前沿基地(the Electronic Frontier Foundation,简称 EFF)的合作人之一约翰贝里巴罗(John PerryBarlow)在《互联网的独立宣言》中指出:工业世界的政府们,你们这些用肉和钢组成的令人厌倦的巨人们,我来自于虚拟空间,—个精神的新家园... 电子前沿基地(the Electronic Frontier Foundation,简称 EFF)的合作人之一约翰贝里巴罗(John PerryBarlow)在《互联网的独立宣言》中指出:工业世界的政府们,你们这些用肉和钢组成的令人厌倦的巨人们,我来自于虚拟空间,—个精神的新家园,代表着未来。我请求代表过去的你们让我们顺其自然,你们在我们中间不受欢迎,你们在我们聚集的地方不拥有主权!这一由互联网带来的技术革命使我们的生存领域由物理空间延伸到了无形的虚拟空间。它是通过以互联网为媒介,由有形的基础设施、软件、所表现的内容和人类活动而组成的—个互动的世界。互联网凭借着其非中心化的本质和自下而上的管理模式获得了网民的青睬。然而完美的事物似乎只能成为人类精神家园的梦想。当人们在为互联网的言论自由喝彩时,也会为伴随而来的不良言论的泛溢负累;当人们在因互联网的快捷的信息传播方式感到轻松时,也会因垃圾邮件的欺骗开始烦恼; 展开更多
关键词 网络 虚拟空间自治 物理空间国家干预 社会自治 个人信用
探析非言语交际的文化意义及在跨文化传播中的差异 被引量:3
作者 张丽娜 《现代传播(中国传媒大学学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第10期69-74,共6页
非言语交际是一种传播行为。非言语交际通常发生在当事者的无意识中,但时刻影响着人们的生活。非言语交际行为可以强化、替代或否定言语行为,可以传播相关的意义、情形及欺骗性。尽管许多民族文化都共有一些非言语交际行为,但是非言语... 非言语交际是一种传播行为。非言语交际通常发生在当事者的无意识中,但时刻影响着人们的生活。非言语交际行为可以强化、替代或否定言语行为,可以传播相关的意义、情形及欺骗性。尽管许多民族文化都共有一些非言语交际行为,但是非言语行为代码往往都是由特定的文化环境决定的。有时,非言语交际行为中的文化差异可以形成一种文化的定势。本文试就非言语交际的文化意义及在跨文化传播中的差异问题进行初步探析。 展开更多
关键词 非言语交际 文化差异 空间说 时间 符号 文化定势
进化论与国际政治——评达尔文主义对19世纪末国际政治思潮的影响 被引量:2
作者 高飞 《国际论坛》 2001年第4期22-28,共7页
19世纪中期 ,国际关系进入了一个新的动荡时期。这种变动主要是欧洲资本主义各国政治经济发展不平衡的必然结果 ,但是变动如何发生、向着何种方向发展却有很大的偶然性。 1 859年达尔文出版的《物种起源》一书 ,在欧洲的学术界和思想界... 19世纪中期 ,国际关系进入了一个新的动荡时期。这种变动主要是欧洲资本主义各国政治经济发展不平衡的必然结果 ,但是变动如何发生、向着何种方向发展却有很大的偶然性。 1 859年达尔文出版的《物种起源》一书 ,在欧洲的学术界和思想界产生了广泛的影响 ,也在一定程度上影响了国际关系的发展。本文认为 ,达尔文主主义通过对 1 9世纪后半期一些国际政治思潮的影响 ,强化了欧洲政治的现实特点 ,并因此对以后德国的崛起与扩张。 展开更多
关键词 达尔文主义 国际政治 现实主义 种族优越论 社会达尔文主义 生存空间说
空域的概念刍议 被引量:1
作者 张卫彬 江昊 《北京航空航天大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2021年第3期127-133,共7页
低空无人机公共航路构建及外层空间航天活动的发展,对当前航空航天法的建设提出了诸多挑战。但现行法律未能明确空域概念的具体内涵,并且当前学界研究中存在混淆空域、领空及空气空间等概念的现象,这些因素在客观上迟滞了航空航天法学... 低空无人机公共航路构建及外层空间航天活动的发展,对当前航空航天法的建设提出了诸多挑战。但现行法律未能明确空域概念的具体内涵,并且当前学界研究中存在混淆空域、领空及空气空间等概念的现象,这些因素在客观上迟滞了航空航天法学的发展。因此,首先,应由空域权利的相关主体出发,以空域权利主体的利益诉求为界定视角;其次,应分别辨析空气空间说缺陷、空域与领空的关系等学界研究中存在的概念混淆问题,进而对空域概念的具体内涵加以明确。 展开更多
关键词 航空航天法 空域的概念 空气空间说 领空
作者 严敏芬 李健雪 《淮阴师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2008年第5期642-646,共5页
指称晦暗性现象是传统的、尚未有明确定论的语言现象。语义学及其分支学科对其有过相关的论述。主要观点可以概括为内涵说和心理空间说。在语用—认知框架内,指称晦暗性现象可以理解为"一个形式的基础语义功能,通过语用得到引申并... 指称晦暗性现象是传统的、尚未有明确定论的语言现象。语义学及其分支学科对其有过相关的论述。主要观点可以概括为内涵说和心理空间说。在语用—认知框架内,指称晦暗性现象可以理解为"一个形式的基础语义功能,通过语用得到引申并用以指称其他对象、表达其他意义"的语用歧义现象。指称晦暗性现象语用歧义说的提出,不仅体现了语用综观论的思想,而且还能充分验证语言认知结构隐喻性的特点,为全面透析指称晦暗性现象的本质提供理论和方法上的指导。 展开更多
关键词 指称晦暗性 内涵 心理空间说 语用歧义 语用意义
论三焦形质 被引量:4
作者 聂坚 楚更五 +1 位作者 张建英 梁玲 《河南中医》 2013年第5期803-805,共3页
由于自古以来,古代医家们对"三焦"形质的阐释就多有不足,尽管历年来医学工作者们也从未放弃过对其形质的研究探索,且对三焦的研究不仅只在三焦形质的探讨上,对其功能、部位及辨证各个医家们也多有关注。但至今对三焦形质尚难... 由于自古以来,古代医家们对"三焦"形质的阐释就多有不足,尽管历年来医学工作者们也从未放弃过对其形质的研究探索,且对三焦的研究不仅只在三焦形质的探讨上,对其功能、部位及辨证各个医家们也多有关注。但至今对三焦形质尚难以达到统一认识,而如何能取得一个确切科学的统一认识,是将来进一步研究探索三焦功能及三焦辨证在临床上的应用的基础和关键点。 展开更多
关键词 三焦 文字考证 空间通道 胰腺 膜腠 离子通道
法律解释视阈下的港口岸线界定研究 被引量:1
作者 查苏生 《中国海事》 2018年第5期22-26,共5页
"港口岸线"法律概念含义的明确界定在较高层次的法律规范中一直是缺失的,而地方规范性文件对其界定的极少,而且这些规范本身存在效力较低、适用范围窄的局限性。文章以本体论法解释学原理为语境前提,尝试通过方法论法解释学... "港口岸线"法律概念含义的明确界定在较高层次的法律规范中一直是缺失的,而地方规范性文件对其界定的极少,而且这些规范本身存在效力较低、适用范围窄的局限性。文章以本体论法解释学原理为语境前提,尝试通过方法论法解释学提供的解释方法及其规则来解决含义的界定,再结合实务操作而相对区分水域与陆域的范围。 展开更多
关键词 港口岸线 法解释学 空间说 体系解释
Deformation of wrinkled membrane inflatable structures under concentrated loads 被引量:1
作者 王长国 杜星文 +1 位作者 万志敏 赫晓东 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2008年第5期593-597,共5页
The axisymmetric deformation of a paraboloidal membrane inflatable structure subjected to a concentrated load at its apex and a uniform internal pressure was analyzed. The wrinkle angle was obtained according to the m... The axisymmetric deformation of a paraboloidal membrane inflatable structure subjected to a concentrated load at its apex and a uniform internal pressure was analyzed. The wrinkle angle was obtained according to the membrane theory when wrinkles appeared and determined the wrinkle region. The wrinkled deformation was obtained based on the relaxed energy function. The effects of inflation pressure and concentrated loads on the wrinkle angle were analyzed and the deformation was obtained at the apex of structure. According to the numerical analysis, the shape of deformed meridians with wrinkles was obtained. 展开更多
关键词 MEMBRANE membrane theory WRINKLE space inflatable structure
China’s Western Development Strategy for Modernization Drive 被引量:5
作者 Yang Kaizhong 《China Economist》 2021年第3期62-83,共22页
The Western Development Strategy(WDS)is a key aspect of China’s coordinated regional development strategy and effort to build a modern country.The world is undergoing profound changes that have not been witnessed in ... The Western Development Strategy(WDS)is a key aspect of China’s coordinated regional development strategy and effort to build a modern country.The world is undergoing profound changes that have not been witnessed in a century.This paper discusses the WDS’s importance in regards to China’s modernization drive and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.First,this paper identifies the WDS’s mission to improve people’s livelihood in China’s western regions,promote common prosperity for the Eurasian continent,and support the green transition of China’s and Eurasian energy economic and environmental systems,and safeguard ecological security in Asia at large.Second,this paper suggests that the key to the WDS is to reshape the geographical layout of economic activity in the western regions to avoid inefficiency.Specifically,China should develop a compact geographical layout of economic activity in the western regions,introduce a unique competition strategy,as well as find solutions for coordinated regional development based on key river basins.Finally,develop smart internet and inland free ports within the western regions. 展开更多
关键词 China modernized country coordinated regional development Western Development Strategy(WDS) spatial diseconomies
A Study of Space in the Novel Ragtime
作者 JING Xian-yu 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2017年第4期206-214,共9页
The novel Ragtime, written by the contemporary American writer Edgar Lawrence Doctorow, imaginatively reconstructs the urban space in the Progressive Era. In the period of social transformation and change, all kinds o... The novel Ragtime, written by the contemporary American writer Edgar Lawrence Doctorow, imaginatively reconstructs the urban space in the Progressive Era. In the period of social transformation and change, all kinds of contradictions in New York City are becoming increasingly acute. The division of space reflects the power discourse of different classes, races, and genders. The connection, extension and expansion of space promote the features of urban modernity and open up new patterns of social behavior and opportunities for survival, but cannot fundamentally alleviate the capitalist crisis. Spatial layout and distribution of the city are not only the reflection of social relations, but also the "time capsule", bearing the history of the city, and the writing of space offers a mirror for the author's emotion and value judgment. 展开更多
关键词 Progressive Era CITY SPACE RECONSTRUCTION modemity
A Comparative Approach to Madame Bovary and Kiralik Konak in Terms of Alienation
作者 Ayten ER 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第8期986-992,共7页
One's alienation from herself/himself and the Though alienation begins with the disharmony, society in which she/he lives is a common theme in literature. or anomaly, between the society and individual, it usually en... One's alienation from herself/himself and the Though alienation begins with the disharmony, society in which she/he lives is a common theme in literature. or anomaly, between the society and individual, it usually ends up with the individual's distanciation from the society and retreat into her/his private and inner space. Yet s/he cannot get rid of the problems surrounding her/him and experiences a disastrous end. In this sense, the novel Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert, a nineteenth-century French novelist, and Kirahk Konak (The Mansion for Sale) by Yakup Kadri Karaosmanoglu, a twentieth-century Turkish writer, are two ideal examples for this theme in that the protagonists of these two novels are alienated from themselves and their society. This study is intended to make a comparative analysis of these two novels on the basis of the term "alienation" in the light of Emile Durkheim's views of the issue. 展开更多
The Bamboos of Blekinge: The Writing of Cultures in Swedish Proletarian Fiction
作者 Paul Tenngart 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第7期495-504,共10页
The national identity of the source culture often constitutes an important hermeneutic flame fi'om which a translated text is understood. At the same time, literary texts themselves sometimes have a tendency to resis... The national identity of the source culture often constitutes an important hermeneutic flame fi'om which a translated text is understood. At the same time, literary texts themselves sometimes have a tendency to resist cultural narratives and stereotypical ideas of a certain nation. This article explores how such a resistance is made in the English translations of four Swedish novels from the 1930s. These novels are all central texts in the history of Swedish literature, as they form the very basis of a literary current that had a huge impact on the development of the Swedish welfare state--proletarian fiction. In the translations of Harry Martinson's, Moa Martinson's, Eyvind Johnson's, and Ivar Lo-Johansson's breakthrough novels, the Anglophone target reader is faced with different kinds of disruptions of the Swedish national identity. Some of these disturb the conception of Sweden as a unified cultural space; others resist the idea of Sweden as a distinct cultural space. There is, however, no general rule to these disruptions: All four novels have their own, specific way of creating narrative resistance. 展开更多
关键词 Harry Martinson Moa Martinson Eyvind Johnson Ivar Lo-Johansson Swedish literature proletarian literature translation national identity cultural mobility HYBRIDITY
Communicating with Maternal Spaces-Reading Gloria Naylor’s Mama Day with Reference to Luce Irigaray
作者 QI Jia-min 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2018年第6期830-838,共9页
Focusing on African American novelist Gloria Naylor’s fiction Mama Day, this article intends to analyze Mama Day and George’s distinctive relationships with maternal spaces, particularly based on French philosopher ... Focusing on African American novelist Gloria Naylor’s fiction Mama Day, this article intends to analyze Mama Day and George’s distinctive relationships with maternal spaces, particularly based on French philosopher Luce Irigaray’s philosophy concerning maternal spaces and a feminine way of communication. It is to argue that the two characters’ different ways of communicating with the maternal spaces result in their different endings in the narrative, as well as their different degrees of healing, either healing their own wounded relationships with their mothers or healing the disconnection between men and women. This finding unravels Naylor’s implicit ethical and philosophical messages in writing George’s mystic and tragic death. In addition, by engaging Mama Day in active and feminine communication with maternal spaces, Naylor successfully re-establishes “the missing pillar” of the female ancestry that Irigaray observes on Western civilization, thus offering a possibility for a woman to construct her female subjectivity with reference to her maternal origin. 展开更多
关键词 Gloria Naylor Mama Day Luce Irigaray maternal space communication
Alienation in Carol Plum-Ucci's The Body of Christopher Creed
作者 YANG Chun 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第11期881-885,共5页
In Carol Plum-Ucci's young adult novel The Body of Christopher Creed (2000), the indeterminacy and mystery of the theme of missing people renders Carol Plum-Ucci a huge space of imagination to depict people's diff... In Carol Plum-Ucci's young adult novel The Body of Christopher Creed (2000), the indeterminacy and mystery of the theme of missing people renders Carol Plum-Ucci a huge space of imagination to depict people's different reactions to the sudden disappearance of Christopher Creed and the consequences brought by their reactions. Through the twists, turns, and suspense provided by Carol Plum-Ucci in the story, readers can get a better look at teenagers' alienation permeated in the novel. Based on theories of alienation and close reading of the text, the present paper aims at exploring the complex implications of the alienation demonstrated in the novel. 展开更多
关键词 The Body of Christopher Creed Carol Plum-Ucci THEME ALIENATION
Origami Fiction: Psychological Horror in Interactive Narrative
作者 Blanca Estela Lopez Perez 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2014年第3期210-215,共6页
One of the most relevant elements in contemporary narrative systems is the atmosphere creation. Even when talking about new digital media, interactive narratives can still be supported by strategies used by former med... One of the most relevant elements in contemporary narrative systems is the atmosphere creation. Even when talking about new digital media, interactive narratives can still be supported by strategies used by former media like cinema and television; namely, character design as well as the setting bonded to architectural space design. These elements are offered to the players through graphic representations that are intended to convey not only an uncanny atmosphere but also an aesthetic experience for psychological horror narratives in videogames. With narrative proposals close to interactive movies, titles like Heavy Rain manage to create a gloomy mood by using basic elements of style such as form, composition, and light, and also open the opportunity to get emotionally involved with the characters through everyday life choices. Even though Heavy Rain is not considered as an action videogame, its narrative audiovisual system is fully able to create enough tension and suspense in order to offer a quite intense aesthetic experience. However, most of its narrative resources are taken from cinema and television audiovisual strategies to tell stories and to hook the audience. Therefore, the study of former narrative systems both as language and human thought and psyche, could allow designers to create more effective interactive narratives for contemporary audiences. 展开更多
关键词 NARRATIVE VIDEOGAMES space graphic representation
A Novel Extension of Kernel Partial Least Squares Regression
作者 贾金明 仲伟俊 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第4期438-442,共5页
Based on continuum power regression(CPR) method, a novel derivation of kernel partial least squares(named CPR-KPLS) regression is proposed for approximating arbitrary nonlinear functions.Kernel function is used to map... Based on continuum power regression(CPR) method, a novel derivation of kernel partial least squares(named CPR-KPLS) regression is proposed for approximating arbitrary nonlinear functions.Kernel function is used to map the input variables(input space) into a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space(so called feature space),where a linear CPR-PLS is constructed based on the projection of explanatory variables to latent variables(components). The linear CPR-PLS in the high-dimensional feature space corresponds to a nonlinear CPR-KPLS in the original input space. This method offers a novel extension for kernel partial least squares regression(KPLS),and some numerical simulation results are presented to illustrate the feasibility of the proposed method. 展开更多
关键词 continuum regression partial least squares kernel function
Vegetation Pattern in Northern Tibet in Relation to Environmental and Geo-spatial Factors 被引量:7
作者 TIAN Li ZHANG Yangjian +4 位作者 Claus HOLZAPFEL HUANG Ke CHEN Ning TAO Jian ZHU Juntao 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2018年第5期526-537,共12页
Environmental and Geo-spatial factors have long been considered as crucial determinants of species composition and distributions. However,quantifying the relative contributions of these factors for the alpine ecosyste... Environmental and Geo-spatial factors have long been considered as crucial determinants of species composition and distributions. However,quantifying the relative contributions of these factors for the alpine ecosystems is lacking. The Tibetan Plateau has a unique ecological environment and vegetation types. Our objectives are to quantify the spatial distributions of plant communities on the Northern Tibetan Alpine grasslands and to explore the relationships between vegetation composition,Geo-spatial factors and environmental factors. We established 63 field plots along a 1200-km gradient on the Northern Tibetan Plateau Alpine Grassland and employed the two-way indicator species analysis(TWINSPAN) and the detrended canonical correspondence analysis(DCCA). Fourteen communities of alpine grassland were identifiable along the transect and consisted of three vegetation types: Alpine meadow,Alpine steppe,and desert steppe. Vegetation composition and spatial distribution appeared to be largely determined by mean annual precipitation and less influenced by temperature. A large fraction(73.5%) of the variation in vegetation distribution was explained by environmental variables along this transect,somewhat less by Geo-spatial factors(56.3%). The environmental and Geo-spatial factors explained 29.6% and 12.3% of the total variation,respectively,while their interaction explained 43.9%. Our findings provide strong empirical evidence for explaining biological and environmental synergetic relationships in Northern Tibet. 展开更多
关键词 alpine grasslands environmental interpretation spatial pattern Tibetan Plateau vegetation composition
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