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华北型煤田下组煤突(涌)水模式及特征 被引量:13
作者 方向清 王红燕 +1 位作者 万雪林 吴铁卫 《中国煤炭地质》 2015年第8期38-42,共5页
目前,有关突水模式划分主要着眼于突水通道和突水方式方面,而没有从地下水系统角度来考虑突水机理,对于认识突水机理缺乏系统性,不能很好地回答为什么突水的问题。在分析大量煤矿突水资料基础上,从煤矿区所处的岩溶水系统的特征入手,提... 目前,有关突水模式划分主要着眼于突水通道和突水方式方面,而没有从地下水系统角度来考虑突水机理,对于认识突水机理缺乏系统性,不能很好地回答为什么突水的问题。在分析大量煤矿突水资料基础上,从煤矿区所处的岩溶水系统的特征入手,提出了以其所处的系统位置、突水通道等为依据将华北型煤田下组煤突(涌)水模式划分为活化断层型、活化陷落柱型、底板型、断层型、陷落柱型5种模式,并对其突水特征进行了概述。 展开更多
关键词 径流带 滞流区 通道 ()模式
煤矿区突(涌)水系统分析模拟及应用 被引量:4
作者 尹尚先 《岩石力学与工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第5期866-866,共1页
按照系统论、控制论、信息论的思想方法,将开滦范各庄煤矿防治水实践活动所获得的各种信息,采用多源信息采集及关联信息提取处理的二次开发技术,总结出突水系统原岩应力、应变特征及含水介质富水性规律;在此基础上,一方面,围绕揭示突水... 按照系统论、控制论、信息论的思想方法,将开滦范各庄煤矿防治水实践活动所获得的各种信息,采用多源信息采集及关联信息提取处理的二次开发技术,总结出突水系统原岩应力、应变特征及含水介质富水性规律;在此基础上,一方面,围绕揭示突水系统白组织演化过程规律,运用力学分析和数值模拟方法,提取、突出和升华揭示突水机理、概化突水模式的有用信息,提出了柱式通道剪、拉、压复合以剪为主的岩层破坏力学机制,并建立了厚壁筒模型及突水理论判据,可以有效预测突水部位及突水与否,指导防治工作;另一方面,为准确模拟预测矿井涌水量,采用广义三重介质渗流模型对范各庄矿井地下水系统进行了模拟预测。总体实现了岩体结构、地下水、地下工程在突(涌)水系统中的交叉和统一。 采动影响下巷道及采面的FLAC^(3D)数值模拟显示,柱式构造的存在使底板的应力、应变分布极不均匀,在采空区煤壁边缘线内外,底板岩层受升、降错动产生的剪应力、上凸弯曲产生的拉应力和压应力的三重作用,当三重复合力学作用超过岩体强度极限时岩体失稳破坏。 通过北方煤矿区岩溶陷落柱这种特殊构造形式的深入研究,认为适当的岩溶及地质构造是岩溶陷落柱形成的基本要素。 按岩体结构控制论的观点,将煤矿突水划分为陷落柱、断层(或破碎带)。 展开更多
关键词 煤矿区 ()系统 数值模拟 陷落柱 广义三重介质 应力场 渗流场
矿井突(涌)水预测及预警研究 被引量:3
作者 尹尚先 《华北科技学院学报》 2009年第4期1-6,共6页
为了阐明不同地质条件下煤层底板突水机理,划分了三种突水模式:正常岩层底板突水模式、断层裂隙带突水模式、陷落柱突水模式,尽管模式不同,但都能统一归结为厚板微观压裂导升、薄板宏观整体破断导水两种最基本的突水机理。在宏观预测的... 为了阐明不同地质条件下煤层底板突水机理,划分了三种突水模式:正常岩层底板突水模式、断层裂隙带突水模式、陷落柱突水模式,尽管模式不同,但都能统一归结为厚板微观压裂导升、薄板宏观整体破断导水两种最基本的突水机理。在宏观预测的基础上,形成了构造及其导水性的预测探查规范程序。在流—固耦合实验研究的基础上,建立了广义三重介质流—固耦合模型,为突(涌)水量预测奠定了基础。把煤矿突水的主控要素转化为灾害发生的监测预警指标体系,应用突水预兆信息原位拾取、适时检测、远程监控和智能判别技术,建立矿井水灾预警的硬件系统和识别系统。 展开更多
关键词 ()系统 预测 探查 预警
含水层与多烧变岩含水体互层下煤层顶板突(涌)水风险性预测 被引量:7
作者 庞凯 武强 曾一凡 《煤炭工程》 北大核心 2022年第12期135-141,共7页
陕北矿区煤层顶板存在多层富水性极不均一的烧变岩含水体,与裂隙发育的风化基岩含水层上下互层叠置,为了准确评价两者的富水性和科学预测煤层顶板突(涌)水风险性,以张家峁井田5^(-2)煤为例,结合风化基岩和2^(-2)煤、3^(-1)煤、4^(-2)煤... 陕北矿区煤层顶板存在多层富水性极不均一的烧变岩含水体,与裂隙发育的风化基岩含水层上下互层叠置,为了准确评价两者的富水性和科学预测煤层顶板突(涌)水风险性,以张家峁井田5^(-2)煤为例,结合风化基岩和2^(-2)煤、3^(-1)煤、4^(-2)煤烧变岩的水力特征、含水层厚度和岩性差异选取富水性评价指标,采用AHP-熵权组合赋权法改进指标确权方法,准确刻画目标含水层的空间富水特征;提出基于修正系数的导高计算方法,以导水裂隙进入含水层程度为依据插值生成顶板冒裂稳定性分区图;两种地学信息叠加,对5^(-2)煤顶板突(涌)水风险性分级、分区预测。研究成果为煤层顶板多含水层非连续互层复杂地质条件下突(涌)水风险性预测提供了一种新方法。 展开更多
关键词 陕北矿区 烧变岩含 风化基岩含 顶板() 性评价指标
试论矿井突(涌)水系统及其研究方法 被引量:2
作者 李文昌 《华北科技学院学报》 2008年第2期1-4,共4页
为有效预测预报突(涌)水事故、有针对性实施防治水方案,必须建立其理论体系并探索理论与买践统一的研究方法。按照系统论的观点,采矿过程中的突(涌)水,其要素具有特定功能,且相互联系的有机整体具有系统的五个基本特征,因此可... 为有效预测预报突(涌)水事故、有针对性实施防治水方案,必须建立其理论体系并探索理论与买践统一的研究方法。按照系统论的观点,采矿过程中的突(涌)水,其要素具有特定功能,且相互联系的有机整体具有系统的五个基本特征,因此可以构成完整突(涌)水系统,且属于具有自组织机能的岩体结构系统与地下工程、地下水干扰系统相互作用下的运动系统。应用唯物辩证法的认识论和方法论,从自组织思想和本质安全化认识观点出发,以岩体结构控制论为基础,采用现代岩体力学、岩体水力学的理论为指导,将岩体结构、地下水、地质32程纳入到突水系统的范畴进行统一研究,是研究突(涌)水系统的思想方法;要实现上述思想,应采用如下具体技术路线:用岩体力学分析原理及方法建立地质体的本构模型,采取力学分析和数值模拟方法探讨系统的整体功能,揭示突水机理,概化突水模式,判别突水可能性;用岩体水力学的分析原理与方法建立地下水运动系统模型,应用耦合技术,建立流(地下水)-固(岩体结构)耦合突水系统模型,预测突(涌)水量。 展开更多
关键词 ()系统 子系统 认识论 方法论 岩体结构 控制论
作者 武强 张小燕 +3 位作者 赵颖旺 李会平 徐华 王潇 《中国矿业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期421-434,共14页
为弥补矿井突(涌)水蔓延过程试验研究空白,科学揭示矿井巷道系统中水流蔓延规律,提出了矿井巷道系统突(涌)水蔓延过程物理仿真试验方法,并深入探讨了突(涌)水蔓延范围演变规律、巷道水深分布规律、水速影响特征以及巷道局部水流流动效应... 为弥补矿井突(涌)水蔓延过程试验研究空白,科学揭示矿井巷道系统中水流蔓延规律,提出了矿井巷道系统突(涌)水蔓延过程物理仿真试验方法,并深入探讨了突(涌)水蔓延范围演变规律、巷道水深分布规律、水速影响特征以及巷道局部水流流动效应.基于巷道类型、布置方式、几何和结构特征,设计了矿井巷道系统试验原型,并依据重力相似准则按1∶10的比尺建立了矿井巷道系统突(涌)水蔓延过程正态试验模型.根据突(涌)水位置分布及其流量曲线演变特征分析,建立了多组试验工况,采用重力式循环供排水系统实现了不同工况下突(涌)水蔓延过程.研究结果表明:巷道水流蔓延具有以突(涌)水点为中心按高程分布的分区分级演变特性;巷道水深时变关系与突(涌)水流量呈正相关,正相关性下蔓型水深比上涨型水深显著;巷道整体水速与突(涌)水流量曲线增长幅度有关,增幅越大蔓延水速越快,累积突(涌)水量越多.单流程水速与突(涌)水量、水深和巷道坡度呈正相关,与巷道断面宽度呈负相关,其中水速对水深和巷道坡度变化最敏感;巷道局部结构突变位置下蔓水流会发生偏转效应,沿程或沿断面呈现水深和流速双值分布特性.试验结果与实际井下涌水数据相吻合,在水害智能防控与应急救援工程实践中具有广泛的应用价值. 展开更多
关键词 矿井 物理仿真试验 ()蔓延过程 巷道 巷道
内蒙古鲁新煤矿6煤层开采顶板突水性预测 被引量:3
作者 刘地福 周胜 《江西煤炭科技》 2021年第2期150-152,共3页
关键词 厚煤层 顶板() 冒裂带高度 安全开采
作者 谢常茂 《探矿工程(岩土钻掘工程)》 2009年第9期42-46,共5页
富水岩溶矿床开采过程中,矿井的突水、涌水事故严重威胁着矿区的安全生产,制约着矿区的经济发展,实施防治水工程是不可避免的。通过对矿床充水条件、岩溶导水带特点和岩溶矿床水害特点的分析,着重论述了实施防治水工程应采取的勘察与施... 富水岩溶矿床开采过程中,矿井的突水、涌水事故严重威胁着矿区的安全生产,制约着矿区的经济发展,实施防治水工程是不可避免的。通过对矿床充水条件、岩溶导水带特点和岩溶矿床水害特点的分析,着重论述了实施防治水工程应采取的勘察与施工的技术手段和工艺措施,对类似地下水防治工程的实施具有指导作用。 展开更多
关键词 合山煤田 岩溶导 岩溶 () 防治工程 回填封堵 注浆
Risk assessment model of tunnel water inrush based on improved attribute mathematical theory 被引量:9
作者 YANG Xiao-li ZHANG Sheng 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第2期379-391,共13页
Tunnel water inrush is one of the common geological disasters in the underground engineering construction.In order to effectively evaluate and control the occurrence of water inrush,the risk assessment model of tunnel... Tunnel water inrush is one of the common geological disasters in the underground engineering construction.In order to effectively evaluate and control the occurrence of water inrush,the risk assessment model of tunnel water inrush was proposed based on improved attribute mathematical theory.The trigonometric functions were adopted to optimize the attribute mathematical theory,avoiding the influence of mutation points and linear variation zones in traditional linear measurement functions on the accuracy of the model.Based on comprehensive analysis of various factors,five parameters were selected as the evaluation indicators for the model,including tunnel head pressure,permeability coefficient of surrounding rock,crushing degree of surrounding rock,relative angle of joint plane and tunnel section size,under the principle of dimension rationality,independence,directness and quantification.The indicator classifications were determined.The links among measured data were analyzed in detail,and the objective weight of each indicator was determined by using similar weight method.Thereby the tunnel water inrush risk assessment model is established and applied in four target segments of two different tunnels in engineering.The evaluation results and the actual excavation data agree well,which indicates that the model is of high credibility and feasibility. 展开更多
关键词 tunnel water inrush risk assessment model attribute mathematical theory nonlinear measurement function similar weight method
Failure of circular shaft subjected to hydraulic uplift: Field and numerical investigation 被引量:3
作者 ZHAO Guo-qing YANG Yu-you MENG Su-yun 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第1期256-266,共11页
A working shaft for pipe-jacking is going to be excavated into a sand stratum with high hydraulic pressure in Guangzhou, China. A newly assembled pre-stressed retaining system has been proposed to support the shaft fo... A working shaft for pipe-jacking is going to be excavated into a sand stratum with high hydraulic pressure in Guangzhou, China. A newly assembled pre-stressed retaining system has been proposed to support the shaft for its efficiency, safety and sustainability. Full-scale field tests and numerical analysis were conducted to analyze the base failure of the circular shaft with confined water. The failure process of the shaft was observed on site. The construction process of step-by-step excavation of shaft and layer-by-layer assembly of pre-stressed structure was simulated in detail. Simulation results agree well with the phenomenon on site. The base failure modes present that tensile damage generates at the center of the base due to non-uniform uplift and shear failure occurs along the soil-structure interface. The effects of shaft size and confined water head were also discussed. As a result, a critical ratio of diameter to shaft depth is put forward to assess the size effect of circular shaft. A conclusion that the soil strength should be partially considered in anti-inrushing safety factor calculation is drawn by analysis and comparison of various calculation methods. This research provides a reference for the base stability evaluation of similar shaft subjected to hydraulic uplift. 展开更多
关键词 circular shaft field test finite element analysis base stability water inrush
Risk assessment of water inrush in tunnels based on attribute interval recognition theory 被引量:3
作者 WANG Sheng LI Li-ping +3 位作者 CHENG Shuai HU Hui-jiang ZHANG Ming-guang WEN Tao 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第2期517-530,共14页
Water inrush is one of the most serious geological hazards in underground engineering construction.In order to effectively prevent and control the occurrence of water inrush,a new attribute interval recognition theory... Water inrush is one of the most serious geological hazards in underground engineering construction.In order to effectively prevent and control the occurrence of water inrush,a new attribute interval recognition theory and method is proposed to systematically evaluate the risk of water inrush in karst tunnels.Its innovation mainly includes that the value of evaluation index is an interval rather than a certain value;the single-index attribute evaluation model is improved non-linearly based on the idea of normal distribution;the synthetic attribute interval analysis method based on improved intuitionistic fuzzy theory is proposed.The TFN-AHP method is proposed to analyze the weight of evaluation index.By analyzing geological factors and engineering factors in tunnel zone,a multi-grade hierarchical index system for tunnel water inrush risk assessment is established.The proposed method is applied to ventilation incline of Xiakou tunnel,and its rationality and practicability is verified by comparison with field situation and evaluation results of other methods.In addition,the results evaluated by this method,which considers that water inrush is a complex non-linear system and the geological conditions have spatial variability,are more accurate and reliable.And it has good applicability in solving the problem of certain and uncertain problem. 展开更多
关键词 water inrush risk assessment attribute interval recognition model TFN-AHP
Application of SVM in Analyzing the Headstream of Gushing Water in Coal Mine 被引量:5
作者 YAN Zhi-gang ZHANG Hai-rong DU Pei-jun 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2006年第4期433-438,共6页
To recognize the presence of the headstream of gushing water in coal mines, the SVM (Support Vector Ma- chine) was proposed to analyze the gushing water based on hydrogeochemical methods. First, the SVM model for head... To recognize the presence of the headstream of gushing water in coal mines, the SVM (Support Vector Ma- chine) was proposed to analyze the gushing water based on hydrogeochemical methods. First, the SVM model for head- stream analysis was trained on the water sample of available headstreams, and then we used this to predict the unknown samples, which were validated in practice by comparing the predicted results with the actual results. The experimental results show that the SVM is a feasible method to differentiate between two headstreams and the H-SVMs (Hierachical SVMs) is a preferable way to deal with the problem of multi-headstreams. Compared with other methods, the SVM is based on a strict mathematical theory with a simple structure and good generalization properties. As well, the support vector W in the decision function can describe the weights of the recognition factors of water samples, which is very important for the analysis of headstreams of gushing water in coal mines. 展开更多
关键词 support vector machine gushing water headstream recogmtlon H-SVMs
Application of isotopic and hydro-geochemical methods in identifying sources of mine inrushing water 被引量:3
作者 Dou Huiping Ma Zhiyuan +3 位作者 Cao Haidong Liu Feng Hu Weiwei Li Ting 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2011年第3期319-323,共5页
Isotopic and hydro-geochemical surveys were carried out to identify the source of mine inrushing water at the #73003 face in the Laohutai Mine. Based on the analysis of isotopes and hydro-chemical features of surface ... Isotopic and hydro-geochemical surveys were carried out to identify the source of mine inrushing water at the #73003 face in the Laohutai Mine. Based on the analysis of isotopes and hydro-chemical features of surface water, groundwater from different levels and the inrushing water, a special relationship between water at the #73003 face and cretaceous water has been found. The results show that the isotopic and hydro-chemical features of the inrushing water are completely different from those of other groundwater bodies, except for the cretaceous water. The isotopic and hydrochemical characteristics of cretaceous water are similar to the inrushing water of the #73003 face, which aided with obtaining the evidence for the possible source of the inrushing water at the #73003 face. The isotope calculations show that the inrushing water at the #73003 face is a mixture of cretaceous water and Quaternary water. Water from the cretaceous conglomerate is the main source, accounting for 67% of the inrushing water, while the Quaternary water accounts for 33%. The conclusion is also supported by a study of inrushing-water channels and an active fault near the inrushin^-water plot on the #73003 face. 展开更多
关键词 Laohueai MineIsotope and hydrochemical featureslnrushing water sourceCretaceous water
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