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立法目的的历史性变革——从“立法治民”传统到“立法为民”原则的确立 被引量:6
作者 吕怡维 《法学杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期124-130,共7页
中华大地早期国家"立法设刑"的目的是"治民",统治者是治国理政的主体,民众是被治理的对象,法律则是治民的工具。在儒、法两家为主的先秦时期统治指导理论中,上述理念都是一致的。虽然自先秦以来,"以民为本&qu... 中华大地早期国家"立法设刑"的目的是"治民",统治者是治国理政的主体,民众是被治理的对象,法律则是治民的工具。在儒、法两家为主的先秦时期统治指导理论中,上述理念都是一致的。虽然自先秦以来,"以民为本"的民本主义思想一直在中华传统文化中据有一席之地,但即便是一直主张"以民为本""民贵君轻"的儒家,也从未认为民众不是居于受"治"的非主体地位,因而传统文化中的"以民为本"在历代统治者心目中仅仅是一种治国理政时的策略和手段,这种形成定势的传统思维作为历史积淀对新中国的法治进程一直发挥着负面影响。党的十八大以来,不断强调坚持人民在依法治国中的主体地位,提出了与中华传统文化具有本质上不同的"以民为本"的理念。将"立法为民"确立为全面依法治国的根本性原则,写入了党中央"全面推进依法治国"的决定。党的十九大报告又将"坚持以人民为中心""坚持人民的主体地位"确定为坚持和发展中国特色社会主义的基本方略,进一步确立了以"立法为民"作为立法目的这一新时代的新思维,完成了立法目的历史性大变革,在中国法治思想的发展史上具有极为重大的历史意义,在全面推进依法治国中必将发挥重大的现实作用。 展开更多
关键词 “以民为本” 立法“治民” 立法为民 人民主体地位
Rights and Disagreement
作者 Alexander Kaufman 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第3期228-245,共18页
Constitutionally protected rights remove political issues from the control of the democratically elected legislature. Since such rights therefore limit the power of the majority, recent work in rights theory argues th... Constitutionally protected rights remove political issues from the control of the democratically elected legislature. Since such rights therefore limit the power of the majority, recent work in rights theory argues that the constitutional protection of rights is inconsistent with the fundamental democratic idea of government by the people. According to this view, democracies should assign the power to resolve questions regarding the nature and extent of individual rights to the majority. Constitutional attempts to remove such questions from the public agenda, it is argued, are disrespectful to citizens who disagree with the views embodied in the constitutionalized rights. I argue that this critique: (1) is insufficiently attentive to the question of when legislation by the majority constitutes a legitimate exercise of political power; and (2) underestimates the importance of securing the constitutive conditions of democratic self-government. 展开更多
关键词 RIGHTS DEMOCRACY CONSTITUTIONALISM judicial review representative government LEGITIMACY
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